The Neighbor Ride eighbor Ride Volunteers Drive - Seniors Thrive April 2015 Welcome to our New Executive Director We are pleased to announce Bruce Fulton as our new Executive Director. He started on March 30 and will transition to this position by April 30. Bruce joined the Neighbor Ride volunteer team in 2010, first as a driver then volunteering in the office registering and welcoming new passengers. He has a background in business and financial services and is a Howard County native. He lives with his wife, Tina, and two sons in Woodbine and can be found coaching sports in the county. Bruce is excited to be moving into nonprofit service and we are excited to welcome him. ® Volume 10, No. 4 Passengers’ Comments “Your help means a lot to me.” EP Bruce Fulton Get your calendars ready, there is something for everyone……. Saturday, April 18th – VOLUNTEER UPDATE – 10:45am-12:45pm—Miller Library For those volunteers unable to join us at the March program we would love to have you join us. Please send an email to to RSVP. Saturday, April 25th – WOMENFEST – Health and Wellness Event for Women- Gary Arthur Community Center-Glenwood., 10am-3pm. Need some NR volunteers to help “talk Neighbor Ride” at the NR table. If you can help out, please email volunteer@ Saturday, May 2nd – BASKET BINGO FUNDRAISER – 6pm- FOP Lodge (near Old Ellicott City).See attached flyer for exciting details. Volunteers are also needed for this event. “The office volunteers are always efficient and courteous.” MB “Wonderful service. Couldn’t do without you. Volunteers to be highly commended.” KA “I would have been far more unlikely to have had such a successful post op recovery without the aid of NR…” VG “I cannot get along without NR, someone to takes me everywhere I want to go!” ID ‘I’m very happy with the service and the people I ride with.” GS Wednesday, May 6th – CARFIT – In partnership with the Howard County Police and the Office on Aging, CarFit will be held 10:30-3:30pm in the Neighbor Ride parking lot at 7750 Sterrett Place. CarFit is an evaluation of how well cars “fit” drivers. If you are interested in scheduling a 20-min. evaluation send an email Wednesday, May 13th – HELLO, GOODBYE EVENT – 4pm-6pm- Slayton House. Join NR in welcoming new Executive Director, Bruce Fulton, and bidding a fond farewell to our retiring Director, Brad Closs. RSVP: Tuesday, June 2nd – DINE-OUT FUNDRAISER – Tino’s Italian Bistro. 11am-10pm. Flyer attached. Statistics March 2015 1279 194 30 17 = = = = Trips completed Ride Coordinator hrs. No driver rides New passengers Welcome New Volunteers Join Neighbor Ride in welcoming new Executive Director, Bruce Fulton and bidding a fond farewell to our retiring Director, Brad Closs Wednesday, May 13th NEW TIME 4pm - 6pm Slayton House 10400 Cross Fox Lane - Columbia RSVP: 5570 Sterrett Place, Suite 102 Columbia, MD 21044 Ken Barnes Lorrie Smith Larry Smith Marty Krauss Gayatri Suresh Jerri Nolet Nina Dixon Bernadette Tan 410-884-7433
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