10 Ma June 15, 2015

Monday, June 8 2015
Please Print All Information
____Individual Golfer _____@$250 per golfer
Total $________
_____@$1000 per foursome
Total $________
____Dinner Only
_____@$75 per person
Total $________
Total $________
Contact Name___________________________________________________
To ensure participation please send your registration form today.
All player registrations will be on a first come, first served basis.
Make Your Checks Payable To:
Neighbours Inc.
(A 501 C-3 non profit organization / EO-223-389-594/000)
Mail form with payment by June 8, 2015 to:
Neighbours Inc.
49 Woodbridge Avenue
Highland Park, NJ 08904
For more information, please contact:
Renee Fiorilla
Neighbours Fundraising Chair
(908) 227-6897
By supporting Neighbours 8th Annual Fundraising Golf Event,
you will be enabling Neighbours to help more individuals with
disabilities to change the course of their lives. All proceeds from
this event will be applied towards the Neighbours Jimmy Scott
Fund and helping provide accessible transportation, assistive
devices, home improvements, and career training to individuals
associated with Neighbours that otherwise find these
items/services difficult or monetarily infeasible to come by.
8th Annual Fundraising
What Guides Our Work
Name of participant Golfer/Foursome:
You Can Help
Citizenship - We respect the citizenship of each person for
whom we work. We seek to support them as fully participating
members of the communities in which they choose to live.
Relationships -We believe that relationships form the foundations of our lives. We support people to stay connected to those
who are important to them, and we facilitate new connections
as desired.
Control of Resources - We believe in the ideals of selfdetermination-the right all of us have, as adults, to be in
charge of our own lives. We believe that people must have the
opportunity to be in control of their budgets, staff and homes.
Choice and Responsibility - We support people in making their
own choices, stemming from their dreams, for their future. We
support people in fulfilling the personal responsibilities that
come with the power of choice.
Contributions to Community - We believe that each person has
something to offer to those people who are close to them as
well as to the broader communities in which they live. We
celebrate the gifts that each person has to offer and work
towards turning those into valuable contributions to the lives of
Mike Blackwell - The First Tee Middlesex/Somerset Counties
Saul Fink - Bristol-Myers Squibb
Renee Fiorilla (Chair) - IDT Corporation
Roger Keil - Brunswick Automotive & Mobility Professionals
Anne Romano - Neighbours Inc.
Ronald Struminger - JLS Professional LLC
Mark Zandanel - Neighbours Inc.
Maureen Zandanel (Co-Chair) - Neighbours Inc.
FOX HOLLOW GOLF CLUB (908) 526-0010
59 Fox Chase Run, Branchburg, NJ 08876
James “Jimmy” Scott
59 Fox Chase Run, Branchburg, NJ 08876
(908) 526-0010
June 15, 2015
Event Date: Monday, June 15 2015
Place: Fox Hollow Golf Club
Branchburg, New Jersey 08876
(908) 526-0010
Schedule for the day:
11:00 am–12:00 pm
11:00 am–12:30 pm
10:30 am–11:30 am
12:30 pm
Cocktail Party & Reception
5:00 pm
Putting Contest Finals
5:30 pm
Dinner and Awards
6:00 pm
Golf Format:
Longest Drive
Straightest Drive
Our Vision People with disabilities living, loving,
learning, working and playing as valued citizens
who contribute to, and receive the benefits of,
belonging to the communities where they choose
to live.
• Title Sponsor *
Name & logo on event materials/advertisements; signage
throughout the event; booth/tent at event for promotions;
special naming at dinner/awards ceremony
• Lunch Sponsor *
Name & logo displayed at lunch and on day of event sheet;
special naming at dinner/awards ceremony
• Cocktail Hour Sponsor *
10:00 am
Free Driving Range
& Putting Lessons
Putting Contest
Shotgun Start
Providing a Circle of Services & Support
For People with Disabilities
Great Door Prizes,
Silent/Live Auctions,
and 50/50 Raffle!!
Closest to Pin
PLUS - Exciting Hole-in-One Prizes!!
Neighbours is a non-profit organization founded
in 1995 in New Jersey by Patti Scott. It is based on a
vision of supporting people with disabilities and
their families to choose and design a life for
themselves within their local towns and
neighborhoods -- outside of institutions or group
home programs. We do this by providing a range of
support and technical services that make it possible
for people to live independent, full lives, with
dignity, as contributing citizens of their local
communities. Neighbours believes in the values of
self-determination, is committed to the people we
work for, and focuses on supporting people to live
self-directed lives.
Neighbours works for over 2000 people with
disabilities in NJ and Pennsylvania, providing
individualized, self-directed supports. Over
the past decade, we have helped over 100 people
across both states fulfill their dream of leading life on
their own terms. We provide a variety of direct
services including supported living, support
brokering, support coordination and fiscal
intermediary services. Additionally, Neighbours
provides training, consulting and education services
throughout the US and abroad.
Interested in learning more about Neighbours Inc?
Visit www.neighbours-inc.com
Name & logo displayed at cocktail hour and on day of
event sheet; special naming at dinner/awards ceremony
• Putting Contest Sponsor *
Name & logo displayed at contest and on day of event sheet;
special naming at dinner/awards ceremony
• Beverage Cart Sponsor *
Name & logo displayed on (2) on course beverage carts
• Driving Range Sponsor *
• Skills Contest Sponsor *
• Par Sponsor *
Name & logo displayed at range
Name & logo at longest/straightest drive & closest to pin
Sign with name & logo at tee or green
• Prize Sponsor *
Sign with logo on prize and Naming
Includes barbeque lunch, cocktail hour, dinner buffet/awards,
on course beverages, green fees, cart, free use of driving range
* All sponsor levels will receive a sign at their
sponsorship location and will be listed in the
event program provided to each attendee.