Page 1 Complex Event Processing...................................................................................................................9 Table of Contents Basics of ODM Decision Server Insights...........................................................................................10 Solution..........................................................................................................................................10 Concepts.........................................................................................................................................11 Entity..............................................................................................................................................11 Event..............................................................................................................................................11 Solution Gateway...........................................................................................................................12 Inbound and outbound connectivity..............................................................................................13 Agents............................................................................................................................................13 Business Object Model – BOM.....................................................................................................14 Time...............................................................................................................................................14 When does an event arrive?......................................................................................................15 Aggregating event and entity data.................................................................................................16 Architecture...................................................................................................................................17 Designing a DSI solution...............................................................................................................17 Sources of Knowledge on ODM DSI............................................................................................18 The IBM Knowledge Center.....................................................................................................18 Books on Event Processing.......................................................................................................18 DeveloperWorks........................................................................................................................19 Important IBM Technical Notes................................................................................................19 Installation..........................................................................................................................................19 FixPacks.........................................................................................................................................28 Environment preparation...............................................................................................................28 Developing a solution.........................................................................................................................32 Eclipse – Insight Designer.............................................................................................................33 Naming conventions for projects and artifacts..............................................................................34 Creating a new solution.................................................................................................................35 The SOLUTION.MF file..........................................................................................................38 The solution map view...................................................................................................................38 Modeling the Business Object Model (BOM)...............................................................................38 Defining Entity Types...............................................................................................................39 Defining Event Types................................................................................................................39 Business Model Definitions......................................................................................................39 Defining Entity initializations...................................................................................................47 Defining attribute enrichments..................................................................................................47 Generated Business Object Model............................................................................................48 The structure of BOM projects.................................................................................................50 Modeling the connectivity of a solution........................................................................................50 Inbound bindings.......................................................................................................................51 Inbound endpoints.....................................................................................................................52 Outbound bindings....................................................................................................................52 Outbound endpoints..................................................................................................................52 HTTP Bindings.........................................................................................................................53 JMS Bindings............................................................................................................................53 XML event message format......................................................................................................53 Transformations........................................................................................................................54 Notes about connections...........................................................................................................55 Sample Connectivity Definitions..............................................................................................55 Implementing Agents.....................................................................................................................56 Rule Agents...............................................................................................................................59 Page 2 Java Agents...............................................................................................................................69 Deleting Agent projects...........................................................................................................101 Defining global aggregates..........................................................................................................102 Global event aggregates..........................................................................................................104 Global entity aggregates..........................................................................................................105 Programming with aggregates................................................................................................109 Managing projects with Eclipse...................................................................................................109 Hiding closed projects.............................................................................................................109 Developing a solution extension..................................................................................................112 Developing an Entity Initialization Extension........................................................................114 Developing a Data Provider Extension...................................................................................115 Deploying a solution.........................................................................................................................118 Exporting a solution.....................................................................................................................118 Deploying a solution to a DSI Server..........................................................................................120 Determining which solutions are deployed.................................................................................123 Selecting what is deployed with a solution..................................................................................123 Redeploying a solution................................................................................................................124 Stopping a solution......................................................................................................................124 Undeploying a solution................................................................................................................125 Deleting a solution.......................................................................................................................125 Deploying agents.........................................................................................................................127 Exporting an agent project......................................................................................................127 Deploying an agent to a DSI Server........................................................................................129 Repairing / Cleaning your DSI deployments...............................................................................129 Event history.....................................................................................................................................130 Deploying Connectivity Configurations...........................................................................................132 Server properties for HTTP connections.....................................................................................134 Enabling ODM DSI to receive incoming JMS messages............................................................135 Enabling ODM DSI to send outgoing JMS messages.................................................................135 Enabling ODM DSI to receive incoming MQ messages.............................................................136 Testing a solution..............................................................................................................................137 Building a Java client for test......................................................................................................137 Using the TestDriver...............................................................................................................140 Using the ConceptFactory.......................................................................................................140 Creating an instance of an entity.............................................................................................141 Creating an instance of an event.............................................................................................141 Retrieving an entity.................................................................................................................141 TestDriver Methods.................................................................................................................142 Scripting tests with JavaScript................................................................................................147 Using Insight Inspector................................................................................................................149 Submitting events though HTTP and REST................................................................................151 Making a REST call from Java...............................................................................................156 Submitting events through JMS...................................................................................................157 Configuring ODM DSI for JMS.............................................................................................157 Writing an external JMS client to send events........................................................................157 Using Mockey for stubing REST service providers....................................................................158 Using soapUI for functional testing.............................................................................................159 Operations.........................................................................................................................................161 Creating a new server..................................................................................................................161 Starting and stopping the server...................................................................................................164 Page 3 Changing port numbers................................................................................................................164 Server administration properties..................................................................................................164 DSI Security.................................................................................................................................165 DSI JMX Access..........................................................................................................................165 JMX – AgentStats...................................................................................................................166 JMX – ConnectivityManager..................................................................................................166 JMX – DataLoadManager.......................................................................................................166 JMX – GlobalProperties..........................................................................................................167 JMX – JobManager.................................................................................................................167 JMX – OutboundBufferManager............................................................................................169 JMX – ServerAdmin...............................................................................................................169 JMX – Solutions......................................................................................................................169 Configuring the data as persistent................................................................................................170 Using SmartCloud Analytics Embedded..........................................................................................171 Design Considerations......................................................................................................................172 The processing of events..............................................................................................................172 The Business Rule Language...........................................................................................................173 Terms in scope.............................................................................................................................174 The "when" part...........................................................................................................................174 The "definitions" part...................................................................................................................175 The "if" part.................................................................................................................................175 The "then" and "else" parts..........................................................................................................175 The action parts............................................................................................................................176 The "set" action.......................................................................................................................176 The "make it" action................................................................................................................176 The "emit" action....................................................................................................................177 The "define" action.................................................................................................................177 The "print" action....................................................................................................................177 The "clear" action....................................................................................................................178 The "add" action......................................................................................................................178 The "remove" action...............................................................................................................178 The "for each" action..............................................................................................................178 Variable values.............................................................................................................................178 Time operators.............................................................................................................................179 Expression construction...............................................................................................................181 Logical expressions.................................................................................................................181 Numeric expressions...............................................................................................................182 String expressions...................................................................................................................182 Time Expressions....................................................................................................................183 Aggregation expressions.........................................................................................................183 Counting expressions..............................................................................................................184 Geospatial expressions............................................................................................................184 Scheduled rule execution.............................................................................................................185 Reasoning over previous events..................................................................................................186 The "then" construct and multiple possibilities......................................................................186 Is the current event included in the count of events?..............................................................187 Accessing data from the current event....................................................................................187 Debugging a solution........................................................................................................................187 Logging Events............................................................................................................................188 Examining a problem...................................................................................................................188 Page 4 Understanding a trace file............................................................................................................188 Understanding messages..............................................................................................................189 Geometry..........................................................................................................................................190 Custom Business Object Models......................................................................................................191 REST Requests.................................................................................................................................193 REST – List solutions..................................................................................................................193 REST – List Entity Types............................................................................................................193 REST – List Entity Instances.......................................................................................................194 REST – Get an Entity Instance....................................................................................................194 REST – Update an Entity Instance..............................................................................................195 REST – Create an Entity Instance...............................................................................................195 REST – Delete all Entity Instances..............................................................................................195 REST – Delete an Entity Instance...............................................................................................195 REST – List aggregates...............................................................................................................195 REST – Get aggregate.................................................................................................................196 REST Programming.....................................................................................................................196 REST Programming in Java....................................................................................................196 Charting entities................................................................................................................................196 Patterns.............................................................................................................................................197 Perform an action when an X Event happens..............................................................................197 Create a Bound Entity when an X Event happens.......................................................................198 Delete a Bound Entity when a Y Event happens.........................................................................198 Perform an action if a previous event happened within a time period........................................198 Perform an action when a second X Event happens within a minute..........................................198 Update a bound entity based on an event....................................................................................199 Filter the handling of an event based on event content................................................................199 Process an incoming event after a period of time........................................................................199 Sources of Events.............................................................................................................................199 Database table row updates..........................................................................................................199 IBM BPM as a source of events..................................................................................................202 Performance Data Warehouse.................................................................................................202 Explicit emission of DSI events from BPM............................................................................202 Explicit Java Integration Service.................................................................................................205 Destinations of Events......................................................................................................................205 Integration with Apache Camel...................................................................................................205 EJB Deployment.....................................................................................................................206 OSGI deployment...................................................................................................................207 IBM BPM as a destination for events..........................................................................................207 Starting a BPM Process from an emitted event - REST.........................................................207 Starting a BPM Process from an emitted event – SCA Module.............................................208 OSGi.................................................................................................................................................209 The OSGi Bundle.........................................................................................................................210 The OSGi framework...................................................................................................................212 Bundle Activators........................................................................................................................212 The Bundle Context.....................................................................................................................212 The Bundle object........................................................................................................................212 Bundle Listeners..........................................................................................................................212 Working with services..................................................................................................................212 The OSGi Blueprint component model.......................................................................................213 Blueprint Bean manager..........................................................................................................214 Page 5 Blueprint Service manager......................................................................................................215 Reference manager..................................................................................................................215 Using JPA in Blueprint............................................................................................................215 Other notes .............................................................................................................................216 Examples of Blueprint............................................................................................................216 Web Application Bundles............................................................................................................216 The OSGi Application.................................................................................................................218 Using the OSGi console...............................................................................................................218 Creating a bundle from a JAR.....................................................................................................219 Adding bundles to Liberty...........................................................................................................219 Debugging Camel apps................................................................................................................220 Debugging OSGi..........................................................................................................................220 OSGi tools....................................................................................................................................221 WebSphere Liberty...........................................................................................................................221 Configuration...............................................................................................................................222 Development................................................................................................................................223 Features........................................................................................................................................224 Deploying Applications...............................................................................................................224 Security........................................................................................................................................225 SSL Security............................................................................................................................225 DB data access.............................................................................................................................228 Adding a data source...............................................................................................................228 Accessing a DB from a Java Agent.........................................................................................232 Servlets.........................................................................................................................................233 JTA...............................................................................................................................................237 Java Persistence...........................................................................................................................237 Persistence Unit.......................................................................................................................239 Physical Annotations...............................................................................................................239 Logical Annotations................................................................................................................239 Mapping Types........................................................................................................................240 Configuration in Liberty.........................................................................................................240 Examples of JPA.....................................................................................................................241 JNDI Access.................................................................................................................................244 EJB...............................................................................................................................................244 Singleton EJBs........................................................................................................................245 JAXP............................................................................................................................................245 JAXB...........................................................................................................................................245 JMS..............................................................................................................................................245 Writing a JMS Sender.............................................................................................................250 Writing an MDB......................................................................................................................250 WebSphere MQ Access................................................................................................................256 JMX and Mbeans.........................................................................................................................257 JMX and MBean programming..............................................................................................260 Logging and tracing.....................................................................................................................262 Using the Admin Center..............................................................................................................263 Special consideration when using with ODM DSI......................................................................266 WebSphere eXtreme Scale...............................................................................................................266 Client APIs...................................................................................................................................267 ObjectMap API.......................................................................................................................268 Entity Manager API.....................................................................................................................268 Page 6 REST Data Service API...............................................................................................................268 IBM DB2..........................................................................................................................................268 Writing DB2 Java Procedures and Functions..............................................................................268 Deploying a JAR into DB2.....................................................................................................269 DB2 Triggers................................................................................................................................269 DB2 and XML.............................................................................................................................269 IBM Data Studio...............................................................................................................................270 IBM MQ...........................................................................................................................................270 Installation of MQ........................................................................................................................271 Administering WebSphere MQ....................................................................................................276 Creating a Queue Manager.....................................................................................................276 Creating Queues on a Queue Manager...................................................................................277 Disabling MQ Security...........................................................................................................278 Putting messages to MQ Queues............................................................................................279 BOM – The Business Object Model.................................................................................................280 BOM Java Programming.............................................................................................................280 IlrObjectModel........................................................................................................................280 IlrModelElement.....................................................................................................................281 IlrNamespace..........................................................................................................................281 IlrType.....................................................................................................................................282 IlrClass....................................................................................................................................282 IlrAttribute..............................................................................................................................283 IlrDynamicActualValue..........................................................................................................283 Creating an IlrObjectModel from a .bom................................................................................284 Java...................................................................................................................................................285 Writing to a file in Java................................................................................................................285 Introspecting a Java BOM...........................................................................................................285 JavaScript fragments in Nashorn.................................................................................................286 Dumping the methods of a class.............................................................................................286 Java Dates and Times...................................................................................................................286 Creating instances of ZonedDateTime....................................................................................286 Camel................................................................................................................................................286 Processor......................................................................................................................................287 Transform.....................................................................................................................................287 Bean.............................................................................................................................................287 Enricher........................................................................................................................................287 Data Formats................................................................................................................................287 XMLJSON..............................................................................................................................287 Camel components.......................................................................................................................288 Direct Component...................................................................................................................288 File Component.......................................................................................................................288 JMS Component......................................................................................................................288 Stream Component..................................................................................................................289 XSLT Component...................................................................................................................289 Camel as a Liberty EJB...............................................................................................................289 Camel DSL in OSGi Blueprint....................................................................................................289 Camel as a Liberty OSGi environment........................................................................................289 Eclipse..............................................................................................................................................289 Importing exported projects.........................................................................................................289 Installing Eclipse Marketplace.....................................................................................................290 Page 7 Installing the Liberty Developer Tools........................................................................................291 Associating an Eclipse Server View with DSI.............................................................................292 Viewing server logs.....................................................................................................................296 Using GIT with Eclipse and DSI Solutions.................................................................................296 Other related tools............................................................................................................................297 TechPuzzles......................................................................................................................................297 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-01-30........................................................................................................298 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-02-06........................................................................................................299 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-02-13........................................................................................................301 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-02-20........................................................................................................305 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-02-27........................................................................................................307 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-03-06........................................................................................................310 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-03-13........................................................................................................314 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-03-20........................................................................................................320 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-04-03........................................................................................................321 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-04-10........................................................................................................322 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-04-17........................................................................................................324 Worked Examples.............................................................................................................................326 Simple Human Resources............................................................................................................326 Experiment Scenarios.......................................................................................................................328 The Education Session …............................................................................................................328 Sales orders .................................................................................................................................328 Language puzzles …........................................................................................................................329 Collections...................................................................................................................................329 Language general.........................................................................................................................329 Things to do .....................................................................................................................................329 Page 8 Complex Event Processing In the real world, events happen all the time. • A passenger boards a plane • A movie is watched on Netflix • A credit card transaction happens in Kuala Lumpur • An item is added to an on-line shopping basket But what is the nature of an event? What are its attributes and what is its meaning? Let us take a few moments and examine this idea which will serve us well in the rest of the material. Events have two consistent attributes associated with them. First, every event happens at some discrete moment in time. Looking back at our sample list of events, hopefully you can see that there will be a real-world time at which such an event occurs. By realizing that an event happens at a specific time, we can start to apply reasoning upon the order or sequence of events. If we say that one event happens before an another, what we are saying is that the time when the first event happened is before the time the second event happened. This sounds simple enough but given enough events of different types, we can start to look for patterns and take actions on those patterns. Given that a real world event happens at a specific time we can also start to apply reasoning on an event not happening. This is a powerful notion. Using this idea we can further enrich our understanding and processing of events. The second attribute of an event we wish to consider is the notion of what did the event apply to? Looking back at our list we can map our events to questions related to that event. A passenger boards a plane Who was the passenger? Which flight did he board? A movie is watched on Netflix What was the name of the movie? A credit card transaction happens in Kuala Lumpur Which credit card was involved? An item is added to an on-line shopping basket What was the item? Which shopping basket was the item added to? This is the time we can introduce a term that will be used throughout our study. The term is an "entity". This term is used to describe the "what" with which an event is associated. By realizing that every event has a corresponding entity, we now have another powerful reasoning ability. We can now reason over the set of events that apply to an individual entity. Recapping, when an event occurs that event happened at a specific time and is associated with a specific entity. Given these ideas, a notion of data processing against these areas was considered and given the general name "complex event processing". Complex event processing is the examination of events arriving from potentially multiple sources and performing reasoning over those events to detect and respond to patterns, expectations or omissions found in those events. This was a pretty dry description … to make it more real to us, the IBM ODM DSI product is an instance of a complex event processing solution. Once we understand that a complex event processing system can be supplied sets of events and can Page 9 then reason over these events, what next? This introduces another idea, that of performing an action. It is all well and good to detect events but if we do nothing with the new knowledge, there is little value. What we need to do is detect the events, reason over them and as a result perform some action. What might that action be? A complex event processing system has to be flexible in that respect. In the ODM DSI world, the action could be the sending of a request to another IT system to perform a task such as sending an email, updating a database or initiating a process instance… but these are merely examples. The nature of the action is likely to be extremely varied and as such a good complex event processing environment must be flexible in how actions can be performed. See also: • Wikipedia – Complex event processing • The Power of Events: An Introduction to Complex Event Processing in Distributed Enterprise Systems Basics of ODM Decision Server Insights To start our examination of the IBM ODM DSI product we have to define some terms and concepts which will crop up frequently in our travels. Some of these concepts are quite abstract and will only be fully appreciated over time. Don't worry if you don't fully grasp their power or significance on first reading. Simply knowing that they exist will be a good starting point. Solution A "Solution" is a complete deployable unit that represents what we are building. If it helps, think of a "Solution" as a project or application. The end goal of working with ODM DSI is to build a solution and deploy it into production. The solution is developed within an Eclipse environment supplied by IBM called Insight Designer. Once a solution has been built, it is exported from Eclipse into a file known as a "solution archive". This can then be deployed (installed) into a server component known as a Decision Server. This can be thought of as classical application development. We build something in an IDE, we export our work and finally we deploy our work for execution. It is common programming practice today to make a change and hit a "play" button to see the effect of that change. Unfortunately, DSI Page 10 doesn't lend itself to that notion. When we change something in the source of our solution, we must go through the export/deploy cycle each time we want to test what we have changed. We simply must acknowledge that this is the way things are (as of today) and integrate this testing cycle into our work patterns. Concepts In Object Oriented programming, we have the idea of inherited types. For example, I could define a "Vehicle" type as an object that has properties such as: • Number of wheels • Maximum passengers • Fuel type However if I wanted to create new types such as "Cars" or "Boats" those could be considered "inherited" or "derived" from the base "Vehicle" type. In some programming languages (eg. Java) we can define that the base type is not "instantiable" in its own right but instead must be extended by some other type in order to be of use. This is known as an "abstract" type. In DSI, a "Concept" is a generic object that has properties defined against it. It is not instantiable by itself but rather forms the base for other types. When we further talk about things called entities and events, we will find that they can both be derived from a concept definition. Entity We have seen that a "Concept" is a model of an abstract thing. An instantiated "Entity" is a unique instance of a named "Concept" and may have relationships to other Entities. Think of an entity as a model of a "specific thing". For example, we have the "concept" of a car but we have an instance of a real car … that real car instance would be an example of an "Entity". Every unique entity has a unique identifier associated with it to allow us to distinguish one entity instance from another. In our example of cars, the car's unique identity may be modeled as its number plate or VIN. The structure of an instance of an entity must be modeled before it can be used and is modeled using the notion of a "Business Model". An Entity may have many attributes associated with it and each attribute is also modeled. For example, an instance of a car has attributes such as paint color, manufacturer, year built, mileage and more. We don't want to model every conceivable attribute in our Entity description, instead we want to only model the attributes that will be used to reason against that Entity. One of the primary purposes of ODM DSI is to maintain models of Entities at run-time. See also: • Defining Entity Types Event Think about something happening at some point in time. This is the core notion of an event. An event carries with it a payload of data. This payload is considered to be the "attributes" of the event. Each event must have a mandatory attribute that carries the date and time at which the event is considered to have happened. The default name for this attribute is timestamp. Events are defined Page 11 within the "Business Model". A component called the "Solution gateway" is used to receive incoming events and route them correctly for processing. Each different event type that is modeled is considered to have a corresponding "Event type" that allows ODM DSI to know what kind of event it is. This allows ODM DSI to perform initial coarse grained analysis of it. For example, a purchase event may be something we are interested in but a shopping cart abandoned event may not be useful to us at this time. Events are delivered to Rule agents and Java agents for handling. An agent can itself emit a new event that could be further processed by other agents. When an Event is processed, the goal is to relate that Event to an Entity. For example, if an event arrives saying "Lord of the rings was checked out of the library by Neil" then there are two entities involved here. The first is the physical instance of the copy of the book and the second is the borrower who borrowed that book. The arrival of that event should update the "Entities" being modeled for both of these items. Events don't simply "appear" out of nowhere. We call the source of an event the "event producer". Conversely, events do not just disappear into the ether. They are usually destined to be given to something else for processing. We call the destination of an event the "event consumer". ODM DSI allows for event producers to be external systems to DSI which can then submit events to DSI for processing. Event consumers can also be external systems to DSI which can be the target of events emitted by DSI. There is an additional concept that is of extreme value to us … and that is the notion of an event being created by DSI for consumption also be DSI. These types of events we call derived events. Other names for what we call derived events have been "internal events" and "synthetic events". See also: • Defining Event Types Solution Gateway The concept of the Solution Gateway is the entry point for events arriving from external systems. When sending events to external systems, the Solution Gateway is not utilized. Page 12 Inbound and outbound connectivity ODM DSI must be able to receive events from all the external systems which may be the sources of events arriving. These events are termed inbound events. An inbound event is one which is sent from outside of ODM DSI and is "inbound" into ODM DSI. To receive inbound events we define "endpoints" to represent these systems. An ODM DSI solution is then "bound" to an endpoint to actually receive those events. Physically, the data format of an event is encoded as an XML document. The physical content of an event need not be in the XML format that is expected by ODM DSI. In these cases, ODM DSI can perform a transformation of the incoming data into a form it can use. It achieves this by applying an XSL Stylesheet (if instructed). Similar to events arriving at ODM DSI, we may also want to transmit outbound events to an external system. All systems, whether they be used for inbound or outbound processing will be modeled as "endpoints" and the target destination for an outbound event will be bound to such an endpoint. For the ODM DSI product, the reality is that events sent or received will arrive or be transmitted over either JMS or HTTP. When working with Systems of Record data that is owned outside of the DSI environment, it is suggested that DSI not make those updates directly. Instead, DSI should emit an outbound event and have some external system be responsible for updating the SoR using the event and its content as the instructions on what to change. There are a number of good reasons for this but probably the most important is the transactional nature of DSI. When an incoming event is being processed, it is possible that an agent may raise an exception and the work done by the processing of the event be rolled back. Since the work done in an agent is not under JTA (or XA) transactional control, anything that is not under the control of DSI won't be rolled back. The emission of a new event using the connections technologies is managed as part of the transaction and as such, the outbound event will either happen or not happen as a result of the transactional processing of the original event. See also: • Modeling the connectivity of a solution Agents The phrase "Agent" is rather vague but once understood, no better phrase is likely to be found. The idea here is that when an event arrives, some logic processing is performed by ODM DSI to reflect what that event means. The "thing" in ODM DSI that performs this processing work is called an "Agent". During the development of an ODM DSI solution, you will build out one or more Agents to perform these tasks. It is the Agent that hosts the business logic that determines what should happen when events arrive. When an event arrives at an agent, it can perform a number of distinct actions: • A new event can be emitted based on the arrival of the original event • Create a new instance of a unique entity • Update an existing entity from data contained or calculated from the event • Delete a previously created instance of an entity • Schedule a subsequent invocation of the agent at some time in the future Page 13 From an IBM ODM DSI perspective, an agent is built within the Eclipse tooling through either Java coding, rules or scoring. When an agent is built, it subscribes to one or more types of events thus registering its desire and ability to handle those. Only those agents which subscribe to particular type of event will receive a copy of an instance of that event for processing. Agents that have not subscribed to a particular type of event are simply unaware of it should such an event arrive at DSI. We can think of an agent as having an "interface" and events that don't have the corresponding matching type don't pass through that interface. When an event is published, an instance of the event will be received by all agents that have a matching interface. Each agent has a priority property that governs its relative priority amongst other agents. Agents with a higher priority will receive the event prior to agents with a lower priority. Agents with equal priority will be executed in alphabetical order by their names. An agent is associated with an entity. The entity to which the agent is associated is called the "Bound Entity". The agent can perform all kinds of activity against the bound entity including updating its information. Entities can have relationships with other entities. An agent can access any other entity that has a relationship with its bound entity but in a read-only manner. A single agent is bound to only one entity but an entity can have multiple different agents bound to it. See also: • Implementing Agents Business Object Model – BOM The Business Object Model or BOM as it will be commonly called, is the model of data made by the solution designer. It is used to describe both entities and events. The BOM is built from BMD files but under the covers is its own technology. See also: • BOM – The Business Object Model Time The very nature of ODM DSI means that we have to give a lot of thought to the concept of time. Although it may seem redundant, we are also going to refresh out own minds on some basics of time. Let us start with how we measure time. When we measure things, we ascribe units to them. For distance it is miles, for weight it is pounds, for volume we may use liters. So what then are our units of time? Our base unit is the second. Beyond that we have hours, days, weeks, months and years. With this in mind, I can start to refer to durations of time. I might say "15 seconds" or "46 years" and these refer to durations or spans of time. However, time is an odd thing ... it flows in one direction (from the past to the future) and on that "timeline" there are individual marks. We call those "points in time". For example, 4:27pm on July 29th, 1968 was a specific point in time. Another point in time will be 3:14:07 on January 19th, 2038 where this one is in the future. Although we can refer to specific points in time such as 9:20pm we run into another consideration Page 14 when contemplating geographic timezones. 9:20pm in Texas is 3:20am in London on the next day. So simply saying 9:20pm is not sufficient to fix a point on the timeline, we need to consider which timezone that time refers to. However, a time point is just that ... a mark on the timeline that we can always say is "some number of seconds ago or until". It is a relative value. If the timepoint is exactly 8 hours from now and I start a stopwatch ticking down, then no matter where I travel in the world with that stopwatch, the timepoint will happen irrespective of my local wall clock time when the stopwatch reaches zero. Now let us bring in the notion of duration. Duration is the measurement of time between two time points. It is an absolute value meaning it is not relative to an observer. It may be measured in any appropriate time units with "seconds" being the most fine grained. With the notions of a fixed point in time and a duration being a measurement of time between two time points, we introduce one more concept ... the idea of the "time period". A time period can be considered as the set of all time points between a start time and an end time. For example: However, given what we know, we can also define a Time Period as a start time plus a duration or an end time minus a duration (both of these will give us fixed points in time). If all of this is making your head hurt we are about done but before that, consider all the following as examples of durations and maybe a light bulb will go on: • today – The duration starting at the previous midnight and lasting for 24 hours • this month – The duration starting on the 1st of the month and lasting for however many days this month contains • one hour before closing – The duration defined as the preceding hour before the pub shuts until we can drink no more • new years day – The duration from midnight on January 1st to midnight on January 2nd. Make sure to distinguish the subtle distinction between a time duration and a time period. In summary, a time duration is a length of time encompassing no fixed time points while a time period is also a length of time that maps out all time points within that period. See also: • Time operators When does an event arrive? This sounds like an odd question. From what we have said so far we should imagine that the event arrives at ODM DSI when it is received by the ODM DSI server after it was sent by the event generating system. And that is true. However, there is a subtlety. From a processing standpoint, when should the rule believe the event as having arrived? Page 15 Let us use an example to try and convey the puzzle. Imagine that I buy a "blue widget". The marketing department at "Widgets R Us" says that when a customer buys a widget, they can buy a second widget for a 10% discount but only if they order the second widget within 24 hours of buying the first widget. After that they are charged full price (remember ... this is a contrived example). Diagrammatically, the following illustrates this notion. • T1 is the time when the first widget was bought • T2 is the time when the second widget was bought • We see that T2 is within the time period of T1 plus 24 hours and hence is eligible for the discount However, imagine that we have a technology outage or our network is simply slow. This means that there will be a latency between when T2 happens and when the event may actually arrive at ODM DSI. To visualize this, see the following: The second buy event did indeed happen at time T2 which is within our time period for the discount but because our technology was down or very slow, the event didn't arrive until after the expiry of the discount interval. If I receive my credit card bill and don't get my expected 10% discount I will be upset. I bought a blue widget and then within 24 hours I really did buy a second widget, then I am not at fault here. And this is where ODM DSI introduces a new time notion. This is the notion that every event carries with it a time stamp which is when the event actually occurred. When the event arrives at ODM DSI, the wall clock time at which it physically arrives is un-important. What ODM DSI cares about is when the event actually happened and its relationship to the rules at that point in time and not when the event mechanically arrived at the product. The time point when an event is believed to have happened is available in a rule construct called "now". Aggregating event and entity data When an event arrives or an entity is updated, we may wish to calculate information over the set of entities or the history of the events. An example might be the total number of web site visits or the Page 16 average time a person is on hold waiting for a clerk. ODM DSI can automatically perform such aggregation. An aggregate value is always a scalar value (in English, a number). The types of aggregation available to us includes functions such as: • number – how many instances • total – the sum of values • maximum – the maximum of values • minimum – the minimum of values • average – the average of values When we think about aggregating data, we must consider the notion of "when" the calculations are performed. These stories differ depending on whether the aggregate in question is built from event data or entity data. Aggregates built from events are recalculated as soon as possible after the event is processed. The aggregate values are built from either the count of such events or data contained within the event. Specifically, an event aggregate may not utilize data from other events or any data contained within entities. Aggregates built from entities are recalculated only on a configurable periodic basis. An aggregate is also scoped by a solution. See also: • Defining global aggregates Architecture Let us start with the notion of an event arriving at ODM DSI. One of the first things that happens is that ODM DSI searches for the set of agents that can process this "type" of event. We should take a few minutes to consider this notion. Within an ODM DSI environment, there will be multiple types of events that can be received. There will also be multiple types of business Entities that are managed. As such, there needs to be this degree of traffic cop processing that looks at the incoming event and chooses which (if any) agent types should receive the event. It is the "agent descriptor file" artifact that maps types of events to types of agents. See also: • The Agent Description File – .adsc Designing a DSI solution See also: • Situation Driven Design with ODM Advanced – Decision Server Insights - 2015-03-25 Page 17 Sources of Knowledge on ODM DSI There are many places where one can go and read more on IBM ODM DSI. Here we will describe some of the more important. The IBM Knowledge Center Without question, the single most important place to learn about ODM DSI is the IBM published documentation (manuals) on the product. Like all other IBM product documentation, this information can be found freely on-line at the IBM Knowledge Center. The direct link to the root of the documentation on ODM DSI v8.7 is: • Books on Event Processing There are some great books on abstract event processing in an IT environment. The following are a couple that I have read: • Event Processing in Action – Etzion and Niblett A readable book but I get the distinct impression that it feels like a specification of some theoretical event processing system. I could imagine this book being used as the basis for an industry specification of some event processing language. However, it does a good job of providing the core concepts of event processing without complicating them with any particular vendor implementation. • The Power of Events – David Luckham Considered by many to be the original source material on much of event processing I found it to be rather academic and hard-going. Undoubtedly very important for those who may be implementing event processing middle-ware but I am not convinced that it will be that applicable to all but the most studious DSI consumers. Page 18 DeveloperWorks DeveloperWorks is IBM's technical library of knowledge on its products. It regularly publishes new articles on using DSI in interesting new ways that often clarify or provide examples of complex areas of the product: • developerWorks - Simplify complex code with OSGi services in Decision Server Insights rules - 2015-03-25 Important IBM Technical Notes • Known Limitations in 8.7 - 2014-12-05 Installation The part numbers for the components of the product are: Description Part Number IBM Decision Server Insights for Windows 64 bits (IM Repository) V8.7 multilingual CN38ZML IBM Operational Decision Manager Advanced V8.7 for Windows Multilingual eAssembly CRUB3ML The per-requisites and supported packages can be found at the following IBM web page: However note that the above is for IBM ODM Advanced as a whole and not just the DSI sub components. The product can be installed through the IBM Installation Manager product manager. Installation Manager is a tool that can be used to perform installation and update tasks. It has knowledge of a variety of products and the file systems and directory structures in which they live. Installation Manager can be found on the Internet here. The supported environment for installation is: • IBM Installation Manager v1.7.1 or better • JDK 1.7.0 Page 19 • Eclipse or better • 64 bit environment only If the product was downloaded from IBM, it will be contained in a "tar" file that is called: DSI_WIN_64_BITS_IMR_V8.7_ML This should be extracted into its own folder. Make sure you have sufficient disk space as it is gigabytes in size. Windows does not appear to have a native "tar" file extractor but one can download 7Zip ( to perform the extraction. In fact I'd be even stronger here and ask that you use 7Zip as opposed to any potential other windows based tar file extractor. I have used a popular other extractor and found that (by default) the resulting data was not what was expected. From with the extracted content we will find a folder called "disk5" and within there, a "repository" file which is the input data to Installation Manager. We are now ready to prepare for the installation. Launch Installation Manager and select File > Preferences. We now add a new Repository: and pick the "repository.config" file from the ODM DSI extraction folder: Page 20 When we launch Installation Manager Install screens to install ODM DSI, we are first presented with the following screen: After selecting that we do indeed wish to install the product, we are prompted to accept the licensing terms. Page 21 Next we are asked which directory we wish to use to host the files necessary for the product's operation. In this example we chose C:\IBM\ODMDSI87 (the 87 is the version number). Page 22 Next we can select which options of the product to install. This is specifically the choice of which languages will be used for messages and screens. Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 With the details selected, we can now confirm the final installation. Page 26 The installation will progress for a while and at the conclusion we will be presented with an outcome. Page 27 FixPacks It is always a valuable idea to see if there are any fix packs supplied by IBM for your product. • – FixPack 1 – 2015-04-01 Environment preparation The development environment for ODM DSI solutions is an Eclipse environment called "Insight Designer". Once Eclipse is launched, open the "Decision Insight" perspective: Page 28 Note: The following issue was resolved in 8.7.0 fix pack 1 so if you are running at that level or beyond, you can skip setting the target platform. Before building a solution, a very specific and quite opaque series of steps must be performed which, generically, we call "setting the target platform". Quite why this needs to be performed manually following an installation is not clear. It is the sort of thing that would seem to be able to be done automatically (and transparently) for us. However, it need only be performed once per Eclipse workspace being used and then promptly forgotten about until we create our next workspace. The steps can be achieved by opening the Eclipse preferences and going to Plug-in Development -> Target Platform. Page 29 Click the Add button and from "Template" select "Insight Server". Page 30 Click Next and Finish. Once this platform has been added, make sure that it is flagged as active: If these steps are not followed, an error similar to the following will be presented in the Eclipse errors view: Page 31 Developing a solution ODM DSI solutions are built through a combination of design (thought) and practical actions (interaction with the tools). What we will consider here are the practical steps of building such a solution. Not all ODM DSI solutions will utilize all aspects of the technology. For example, some solutions may need Java Agents while others simply won't. There are however certain parts of a solution project that are common to each and every such project. The common parts include: • Creation of a solution project • Creation of a business model • Creation of a connectivity definition • Exporting a solution • Generation of a connectivity file • Deployment of the solution Some of the solution specific parts will include: • Creation of Rules Agent projects • Creation of Java Agent projects • Definition of Global Aggregates ODM DSI solutions are built using an instance of the Eclipse development tool. The Eclipse version supplied is at release level 4.2.2 which is also known by Eclipse folks as "Juno". The overall pattern for building a new solution from scratch is: 1. Create a new Solution project (and a BOM project) 2. Create a new Business Model Definition 1. Define Entity Types 2. Define Event Types 3. Create a new Connectivity Definition 1. Complete the .cdef file 4. Create a new Rule Agent Project 1. Complete the agent.adsc file 5. Create a new Action Rule 6. Export the solution (Exporting a solution 7. Deploy the solution (Deploying a solution to a DSI Server 8. Generate connectivity file (Deploying Connectivity Configurations 1. Edit the file 9. Deploy connectivity file (Deploying Connectivity Configurations Page 32 Eclipse – Insight Designer The development tooling for ODM DSI is called "Insight Designer". Although this is the name given to it by IBM, it can simply be thought of as Eclipse with IBM ODM DSI plugins added to it. The version of Eclipse is known as 4.2 (aka Juno). This a back-level version of Eclipse so beware. This may cause you issues if you want to use Insight Designer for more than building ODM DSI solutions. As such, I don't recommend that. Use Insight Designer only for building DSI and use a second Eclipse (and latest) for non DSI projects. Version Name Platform Version Juno 4.2 Kepler 4.3 Luna 4.4 After opening Eclipse for the first time, one should switch to the ODM DSI perspective. An Eclipse perspective is the set of editors and views that are logically grouped together. The DSI perspective provides everything needed to build DSI solutions. To change perspective, use the Window > Open Perspective > Other menu item: And selected "Decision Insight": Page 33 You will know which perspective you are in as it will be highlighted in the bar at the top of Eclipse: Each of the various artifacts with which we work have icons associated with them: Aggregate definition Connectivity definition BOM Model Agent Descriptor Java source Manifest file Business Modeling definition Naming conventions for projects and artifacts It seems strange to talk about naming conventions for projects and artifacts before we have delved into more details about what you are going to be working with however I feel it is important. As you work with DSI you will find a bewildering number of projects and artifacts and navigating between them and keeping them straight in your mind without a plan will most definitely bite you. Without yet having described in detail what the artifacts are, I present to you a suggested naming convention. The core of the story is a "solution". Give that the name you desire and from there other items will follow: Page 34 Artifact type Suggested naming Solution Project <solution> BOM Project <solution> – BOM Business Model Definition • • Package – <solution> Name – BusinessModel Java Agent Project • • Project name – <solution> – Java Agent – <Entity processed by agent> Agent Name – <Java Agent name> Rule Agent Project Rule Extension Project Data Provider Extension <solution> – Rule Agent – <Entity processed by agent> • • Package - <solution> Name – <Event> <solution> – Extension – <Extension Name> • • Package – <solution>.ext Class name – <Data Provider Name> Here is an example Solution Explorer view having followed these conventions: Creating a new solution A new Solution is created from within Eclipse through the File > New > Solution Project. This presents a dialog into which the name of the new solution may be entered: Page 35 Clicking next prompts us for the name of the "BOM" project to create or use. The recommendation is to use the same name as your solution project with a suffix of "BOM". For example, if your project were called "Payroll" then a suggested name for the corresponding BOM project would be "Payroll BOM". Page 36 The creation of the Solution results in three new Eclipse projects being built. They are: • <Solution> - This is also called the Solution project. • <Solution> - Java Interfaces – A project that contains Java Interfaces used for programming access to the solution. • <BOM> - The Business Object Model project. For example: We will be working with all of these and it may take you some time to be able to differentiate between them so work slowly and carefully at first. In addition to these projects, we will also be working with others including: • Rule agent project Page 37 • Java agent project • Predictive scoring agent project • OSGi project The SOLUTION.MF file When a solution project is created, a manifest file called SOLUTION.MF is created within the project. This is a text file that may be edited. Contained within the file are some solution wide properties: • IBM-IA-SolutionName – The name of the solution • IBM-IA-SolutionVersion – The current version of the solution • IBM-IA-ZoneId – An optional property that defines the time zone in which the solution operates. The solution map view Once the Solution project has been created, we can open the Eclipse view called the "Solution Map". The solution map presents a visual indication of what steps need to be performed in order to complete the solution. The diagram is split into a number of distinct sections corresponding to the flow of building the solution. Specifically, first we model the solution, then we author the details and finally we deploy the solution for operation. There are boxes corresponding to each of these major flow steps. Within each box are summary reminders of what we can do plus links to launch activities to perform those tasks. Help buttons are also shown beside each activity that will launch the corresponding help pages for that activity. Steps within the flow may be grayed-out to indicate the preceding steps must first be achieved before we can make further progress. Modeling the Business Object Model (BOM) One of the first things we will do when creating a new solution is to model the business data. We Page 38 can do this either by importing an XML schema definition or by manual entry. The modeling of the data must happen before the creation of the agents that will be used to process that data. When building a BOM, we will create items that represent: • Entity types • Event types • Concepts • Enumerations • Properties • Relationships Defining Entity Types An entity is an instance of a specific type of object. For example, "Neil" is an entity instance of an entity type called "IBM Employee". In order to create instances of entities, we must first declare the structure of the entity type that an entity will be instantiated from. An entity type is a hierarchical data definition composed of properties and relationships. Each entity type definition has a property that will serve to hold the unique identity of an instance of that type. No two entities of the same entity type may have the same identity value. The actual data type of the identity must be a String. Relationships are directional between two entities. Entity Types are defined within Business Model Definition files. See also: • EntityModeling Entity TypesBusiness Model Definitions • Modeling Entity TypesBusiness Model Definitions • Business Model Definitions Defining Event Types Similar to Entity Types, we also have to define Event Types. When an event arrives, it will represent an instance of a particular event type. Event types are also hierarchical data structures. Every event contains at least one property that represents when (date/time) the event was originated. This is also modeled in the corresponding event type definition. Event Types are defined within Business Model Definition files. See also: • EntityModeling Event TypesBusiness Model Definitions • Modeling Event TypesBusiness Model Definitions • Business Model Definitions Business Model Definitions The Business Model Definitions file is used to hold definitions for both Entity Types and Event Types. These files have a file suffix of ".bmd" (Business Model Definition). Such a file is created from the File > New menu of Eclipse. Page 39 The content of the generated ".bmd" file should be edited through the Business Model Definition Editor in Eclipse. When initially opened, it is empty and waiting for you to enter your definitions. Each line in the file is called a statement and must end with a period character. When the ".bmd" file is saved, this automatically causes Eclipse to rebuild the BOM model from the ".bmd" definition file. An example of a statement might be: an employee is a business entity identified by a serial number. Page 40 The creation of a new ".bmd" step is also found in the Solution Map and may be launched from there: See also: • Generated Business Object Model Modeling Concepts The idea of a concept is that of an abstract data type which is a named container of properties (attributes, fields). The properties can be simple types or relationships to other Concepts. The syntax for modeling a concept is: a <concept> is a concept. for example: an 'Address' is a concept. To add properties to the concept definition, we can use the "has a" phrase: a <concept> has a <property>. for example: an 'Address' has a 'street'. An alternative way to define properties is to include them in the initial concept definition using the "with" phrase: an 'Address' is a concept with a 'street', a 'city' and a 'zip'. This is semantically identical to the following equivalent definition: an an an an 'Address' 'Address' 'Address' 'Address' is a concept. has a 'street'. has a 'city'. has a 'zip'. We can create a new concept by extending an existing concept. The syntax for this is: <a concept> is a <a concept>. We might want to do this to create a "base definition" of a data type and then create specializations for it. For example: a 'US Address' is an 'Address'. a 'US Address' has a 'state'. There is also the idea of an "enumeration" where we can define the possible values of a concept: Page 41 a <concept> can be one of: <value>, <value>, ... ,<value>. For example: a 'Security Classification' can be one of: 'Unclassified', 'Internal Use Only', 'Confidential'. See also: • Concepts Modeling Entity Types When we model an Entity Type what we are really doing is building a data model that will be used by ODM DSI to represent an instance of such an entity. This data model is hierarchical in nature and is composed of properties and relationships. Each entity type must have a property that is considered its identity (or key). No two distinct entities may have the same value for this identity property. The data type for the identity property must be String. For example, if we are modeling an Entity that represents an Employee, we might choose a property called "employeeNumber" as the identity. When an event is processed, we can use a property in the event to locate the corresponding Entity (if one exists). The phrase "identified by" defines the property to be used as the "key". The syntax for modeling an entity type is: an <entity> is a business entity identified by a <property>. For example: an 'Employee' is a business entity identified by a 'serial number'. Similar to the "concept" definition, we can model properties of an entity using either the "has" or "with" phrases: an 'Employee' is a business entity identified by a 'serial number'. an 'Employee' has a 'name'. an 'Employee' has a 'department'. or an 'Employee' is a business entity identified by a 'serial number' with a 'name' and a 'department'. which style you choose is merely a matter of preference as they are functionally identical. See also: • EntityDefining Entity Types • Defining Entity Types Modeling Event Types When our solutions are deployed, we will be sending in events for the run-time to process. Before the run-time can receive such events, we have to model them in a similar fashion to our modeling of concepts and entities. An event is also a data type definition that has a name and a set of properties. However, one of the properties of an event must be of the data type "date & time" and will be used to identify the timestamp at which the event was created. This is used by the run-time for time based reasoning. If we don't explicitly model this timestamp, one will be provided for us. Other properties can be modeled on the event using the "has a" and "with" syntaxes. The syntax for modeling an event type is: an <event> is a business event. For example: Page 42 a 'Promotion' is a business event. If we choose not to supply an explicit property to be used to hold the timestamp of the event, a default is provided called "timestamp". If we desire to explicitly name the property to be used to contain the timestamp, we can use the following syntax: an <event> is a business event time-stamped by a <property>. For example: a 'Promotion' is a business event time-stamped by an 'approval date'. An additional option available to us when defining events it to extend an existing event definition. The general syntax for this is: an <event> is an <event>. For example: an 'Executive Promotion' is a 'Promotion' with a 'business justification'. See also: • EventDefining Event Types • Defining Event Types Modeling Attributes A Concept, an Entity Type and an Event Type can all have attributes. We will generically call concept types, entity types and event types "objects". An attribute of an object is a named item contained within its type definition. Note: I am going to use the words attributes, properties and occassionally fields interchangably. I am sure that some purist will be able to educate me on semantic differences between those notions and I would welcome that ... however as of the time of writing, the word I use seems to based on whim. If you are familiar with Java, you won't be far wrong in thinking of an attribute of an object just like a field in a Java class definition. The attribute is defined with both name and type. If no type is supplied, text is assumed. There are a couple of ways to model such attributes all of which are semantically identical. One way is to use "with": ... with a <property>, a <property>, ..., a <property>. ... with a <property>, a <property>, ... and a <property>. Another way is to use "has": a <[concept|entity|event]> has a <property>. Both of the above will define named properties on the target object. There is an additional phrase that can be used to define a boolean (true/false) property which is "can be". Using "can be" a <[concept|entity|event]> can be a <property>. // This property will be a boolean. For example: an 'Employee' can be 'retired'. The data type for a property, if not explicitly specified is of type "text". To specify alternative data types, the type can follow the name of the property within parenthesis. The following types are Page 43 allowed: Type Java type numeric double integer int text java.lang.String a boolean boolean date ilog.rules.brl.SimpleDate time java.time.LocalTime date & time java.time.ZonedDateTime duration a Point In the following example, notice the data type definition for "date of birth" and "salary": a 'Person' is a concept. a 'Person' has a 'name'. a 'Person' has a 'date of birth' (date). an 'Employee' is a 'Person' identified by a 'serial number'. an 'Employee' has a 'department'. an 'Employee' has a 'salary' (numeric). When an instance of an entity or an event is created, the properties are not initially set with values. We can set default values of a property in its definition using the syntax (<type>, <value> by default) For example: an 'Employee' has a 'salary' (numeric, 0 by default). If the property of an entity or event must have a value to make the object meaningful, we can flag the property as being required with the syntax: [mandatory] for example: an 'Employee' has a 'department' [mandatory]. Each of the properties described so far has a single value, however we can imagine an object as being able to have a property which is a list of values. For example, in the simple case of an Employee having a property called a "telephone number", we might declare: an 'Employee' has a 'telephone number'. however it is possible that he may have multiple telephone numbers. We can express this using the syntax "has some": a <object> has some <properties>. For example: an 'Employee' has some 'telephone numbers'. The resulting property is now a list of values instead of a singular value. Page 44 Modeling Relationships So far we have considered only the definition of properties of simple types within a model but we can also have those properties be richer definitions such as concepts. A relationship to a concept uses the "has" keyword: a <[entity|event|concept]> has a <concept>. In this case we would define an entity or event as having a named property that is an instance of the concept. The property would have the same name as the concept. For example: a 'Person' has an 'Address'. This would create a property called "address" of data type "Address". We can specify a different name using: a <[entity|event|concept] has a <concept>, named the <name>. For example: a 'Person' has an 'Address', named the 'address'. A third possibility is to provide the name and type of the concept using: a <[entity|event|concept]> has a <property> (a <concept>). a 'Person' has an 'address' (an 'Address'). Yet another option is to use the "that is" phrase: a <[entity|event|concept] has a <property> that is a <concept>. For example: a 'Person' has an 'address' that is an 'Address'. Each of these are semantically equivalent and simply offer alternative styles of description. Which one to use merely becomes a matter of choice. As if this wasn't enough … IBM has gone out of its way to provide even more options. Instead of using the phrase "has", you can also specify "is related to". The following are all equivalent: a a a a 'Person' 'Person' 'Person' 'Person' is is is is related related related related to to to to an an an an 'Address'. 'Address', named the 'address'. 'Address' (an 'Address'). 'Address' that is an 'Address'. We are truly spoiled for choice. If we need to dynamically create a relationship to an Entity, we need to use the "new" construct. Vocabulary Comments can be inserted into a ".bmd" by starting a line with two dash symbols -- This is a comment Importing Event and Entity types from XML Schema An XML Schema can be imported into Eclipse to define the Events and Entities. In order to allow Eclipse to parse the content correctly, annotations must be added. These provide instructions on how the Schema should be interpreted. To flag a schema complex type as an event, we would add: <annotation> <appinfo source=""> Page 45 <event /> </appinfo> </annotation> The element within a complex type that represents an event that is to be used as the timestamp of the event must also be flagged: <annotation> <appinfo source=""> <timestamp /> </appinfo> </annotation> Sharing a BOM project When we create a solution project, one of the wizard screens allows us to create a new BOM project. On that screen we also have the option of linking to an existing BOM project. The newly created Solution project will have the same concept, entity and event definitions available to as those found in the original solution project. Changes to the .bmd will be visible in all projects that utilize the BOM project. Suggested initial language for initial business model definitions When defining data models there are multiple ways to achieve the same definition. This is partly due to the flexibility of the English language and the syntax and grammar associated with it. It is suggested that while one learns DSI that you keep your descriptions simple. In English, one can express an idea in a perfect, unambiguous fashion using as few words as possible. For example, I am likely to say: My car outside my house is a red Toyota Corrola. as opposed to: I have a car. It is outside my house. It's color is red. It is made by Toyota. It is a Corrola. However, the second example contains exactly the same information as the first. One may argue that the first example is far superior to the second but I claim that this is simply because you can see the solution in front of you. Whenever you have the answer before you, it can immediately be recognized as correct however when you don't yet have the answer, building "an" answer that is correct is more important than building a perfect answer first time around. When building an entity, I suggest the following pattern: an an an … an ENTITY is a business entity identified by a 'f1'. ENTITY has a 'f2'. ENTITY has a 'f3'. ENTITY has a 'fN'. This pattern says that we define an entity with only its single key property and then add the additional properties to the definition one per line. Similarly, I advocate the construction of an event as: an an an … an EVENT is a business event. EVENT has a 'f1'. EVENT has a 'f2'. EVENT has a 'fN'. Page 46 Defining Entity initializations When an event arrives for processing and there is not yet a corresponding entity associated with the event, we can either explicitly create a new entity or else we can model how such an entity should be implicitly created from the data in the event. There are two techniques available for us. In the statements page of the BMD editor, we can define an initialization which generically reads as: an <entity> is initialized from an <event>, where <this entity> comes from <property of this event>. In addition, we can also define actions to be performed such as setting additional properties of the entity. For example: As an alternative, we can define a Java class that will be automatically used to build new Entity instances. See also: • Developing a solution extensionDeveloping an Entity Initialization Extension • Developing an Entity Initialization Extension Defining attribute enrichments When an entity is defined, we can specify that some of its fields are populated from the result of Java Code. This concept is called "enrichment". To take advantage of this notion, there are a few parts that have to be built. First, in the BMD, we describe a named data provider. This has the form: a <Data Provider Name> is a data provider, accepts <a parameter> (<type>), <a parameter> (<type>), returns <a property>, <a property> In the statement section of a BMD we can define enrichments which take the general form of: an <Entity> is enriched by <A data provider>, given <parameter name> from <field value>, <parameter name> from <field value>, setting <Entity attribute> to the <response property> of <A data provider>, <Entity attribute> to the <response property> of <A data provider>. Here is an example pair: and Page 47 Having made these definitions, what remains is to implement the data provider as a Java Class. This is described in a separate section. There is a vitally important consideration that needs to be understood when thinking about enriched attributes. If we define an attribute as enriched, its value is only calculated when an explicit request for the properties value is made within a DSI server agent. Once calculated, the value will not be recalculated for a cache time period … but once the period expires, the value will be re-calculated. What this means is that for a given entity, a property could appear to change over time without any explicit changes being made to its value … assuming the enrichment function returns different values over time. Another important consideration is that if one uses the REST APIs to retrieve an entity that has an attribute that is enriched, the attribute is not returned to the client. It will not be found in the HTTP response data. This is also true for serialized XML. It is safe to consider that the attribute as found in the entity is not so much a value as a reference to a "function" that, when called, will return a value. The caching mechanisms employed can be based on the selection of an eviction algorithm. Eviction is the action DSI will take to reclaim cache space. The two algorithms available are "time to live" and "least recently used". The time to live is a period measured in seconds after which the cached data record will be purged. Think of this as timer based with the timer starting when the record is written. To enable this feature, edit the file located at: <DSIRoot>/runtime/wlp/templates.servers/cisContainer/grids/objectgrid.xml and find the entry related to <backingMap name="DataProviderCache.*" … Add an XML attribute of the form: timeToLive="<value in seconds>" The least recently used algorithm tracks access patterns to cached data and when there is a shortage of cache storage size, DSI will select which old cache items to remove to make room for new items. The setup of this requires editing the file: <DSIRoot>/runtime/wlp/templates.servers/cisContainer/grids/objectgrid.xml and making changes as defined in Knowledge Center. I don't repeat them here as I want you to study the notes in detail for this specific recipe. See also: • Developing a Data Provider Extension Generated Business Object Model The goal of working with .bmd files is to create a Business Object Model. The items defined in the .bmd are used to generate the BOM. It is the creation of the BOM which is the core notion. When we build a .bmd, the act of saving it causes Eclipse to create the corresponding BOM definition. Looking in the Solution Explorer view of Eclipse we find the following: Page 48 The folder called "model" is the BOM of interest to us. In the above, its content was generated from the .bmd file. If the .bmd contained: an employee is a business entity identified by a serial number. an employee has a job title. an employee has a salary (numeric). then the corresponding model would look like: Take a few moments to see the relationship between the BOM model and the .bmd declaration of that model. By default, when a change is made to the .bmd, the model will be rebuilt. If after building a model, you decide to make manual changes to the BOM, you can disable the relationship between the BOM model and the .bmd. Double clicking on the "model" opens the model editor. See also: • Custom Business Object Models Page 49 The structure of BOM projects When a BOM project is created, we will find that there are a number of generated files that are of interest to us. • *.voc – A file which describes the vocabulary of the BOM • *.b2xa – A file which describes the mapping between the BOM and the XOM • *.bom – A file which describes the structure of the BOM Modeling the connectivity of a solution The connectivity of a solution describes the components and systems with which it interacts. These definitions are stored in a connectivity definition file which has a file suffix of ".cdef". When working with connectivity, we have four notions that we must get our minds around: • Inbound Bindings • Inbound Endpoints • Outbound Bindings • Outbound Endpoints Let us first develop the notion of "bindings" vs "endpoints". Consider your telephone. I know I can call you and tell you something important because I know you have a phone. You are "bound" to your phone. I am also assuming you have an email address. If I want to tell you something, I could also send you an email. You are "bound" to your email address. If some major event happens (you win the lottery), I can inform you of that event by calling your phone or sending you an email. Even if I don't know you, I know how to leverage those communication technologies to deliver information to you. Both you and I can leverage the notion of the binding. However, if I grab my phone to call you or open my mail client to email you, there is still something missing. That is the actual phone number I use to call you or your actual email address used to reach you. The fact that you are bound to a telephone and an email account are logical concepts, we still need additional information to reach you. And that is where the second concept comes into play. That is the notion of the "endpoint". An endpoint is the concrete information associated with a binding type that allows me to reach you as opposed to reaching someone else. The endpoint information is contextual to the type of binding. A phone number is related to a telephone binding while an email address is related to an email binding. Returning to ODM DSI, when we build a solution we describe one or more bindings that tell ODM DSI which sources of information to listen upon for which events. Once we have described a binding, we have told the solution "You are able to receive events via HTTP" or "You are able receive events via JMS", however we have not yet told ODM DSI what is the URL path for an HTTP event or what is the queue name for a JMS message. That is where we add the "endpoint" information. For each binding we created, we must also create a corresponding endpoint definition. The definition of these bindings and endpoints is entered in a file called a "Connectivity Definition" which has a file suffix of ".cdef". This file can be created within Eclipse by creating a new Connectivity Definition which is associated with an existing solution project: Page 50 Once created, it will be located as a .cdef file within the Connectivity Definitions folder of Eclipse the solution project. Within the .cdef file we define inbound and outbound endpoints and bindings. The definitions themselves are created in a "sort of" business like language which is odd because we would expect this detailed technical file to be made by IT staff. The .cdef file contains both inbound and outbound bindings and endpoints. The creation of a new .cdef file can also be found in the Solution Map: See also: • Deploying Connectivity Configurations Inbound bindings An inbound binding describes how messages representing events arriving over either an HTTP or JMS queue will be processed. An inbound binding describes the protocol to listen upon and also the description of which events can be delivered to this binding. It is the endpoint that will name the actual HTTP path or the actual JMS queue. The syntax for an inbound definition is: define inbound binding '<name>' Page 51 [with description "<description>",] using message format {application/xml|text/xml}, protocol {HTTP|JMS}, [ classifying messages: if matches "<Xpath expression>" … ] {accepting any event. | aceepting events: - <event>*. | accepting no events.} The classifying messages section allows us to supply an expression and have transformation rules applied if the expression is true. Inbound endpoints An inbound endpoint is used to represent a source of an event. The syntax for an inbound HTTP endpoint definition is: define inbound HTTP endpoint '<endpoint name>' [with description "<description>",] using binding '<inbound binding>', url path "<url path>" [, advanced properties: - 'name': "value" * ]. The url path must consist of at least two parts. For example "/x/y". The syntax for an inbound JMS endpoint is: define inbound HTTP endpoint '<endpoint name>' [with description "<description>",] using binding '<inbound binding>' [, advanced properties: - 'name': "value" * ]. See also: • JMSDeploying Connectivity Configurations • Deploying Connectivity Configurations Outbound bindings The syntax for an outbound binding is: define outbound binding '<binding name>' with description "<description>", using message format <message format>, protocol <JMS|HTTP>, delivering events : - event - event. Outbound endpoints An outbound endpoint is related to an outbound binding. It describes how to transmit the outgoing message. The syntax for an outbound endpoint HTTP is: define outbound HTTP endpoint '<endpoint name>' with description "<endpoint description>", Page 52 using binding '<referenced binding>', url "<endpoint url>". For an outbound JMS endpoint, the syntax is: define outbound JMS endpoint '<endpoint name>' with description "<endpoint description>" using binding '<referenced binding>', connection factory "<connection factory>", destination "<destination>". The <connection factory> is a JNDI reference to a JMS connection factory. Similarly, the <destination> is a JNDI reference to a JMS destination (a queue or a topic). See also: • JMS HTTP Bindings For inbound, this is the URL path on the ODM DSI server to which HTTP POST requests can be made passing in event data as the body of the message in XML format. See also: • A sample inbound HTTP definitionSubmitting events though HTTP and REST • Submitting events though HTTP and REST JMS Bindings For inbound bindings, this will be the JMS queue. XML event message format When an event is received by DSI or emitted by DSI, it is in XML. The schema for the events can be exported from DSI as an XML Schema Definition (XSD) description. For the timestamp field, the format is an xs:dateTime which has the structure: • YYYY indicates the year • MM indicates the month • DD indicates the day • T indicates the start of the required time section • hh indicates the hour • mm indicates the minute • ss indicates the second For example, 3:45:19pm on next Christmas will be 20151225T154519 Take care to note the separator character ('T') which separates the date from the time. From withing JavaScript, the language supplied object called Date has a function called toISOString() that will return a properly formatted string representation. Page 53 Transformations For inbound bindings, we can define an XSLT style-sheet that can be used to process an incoming XML message and transform it into a new message that is of the appropriate format for an incoming DSI Event. From the context menu, we can select New > Transformation File: This will show a wizard page into which the key properties can be entered: These include: • Solution project – The DSI solution project against which the transformation file is to be built. • Container – The folder location within the Eclipse workspace where the XSLT file will be generated. Page 54 • File name – The name of the XSLT file to be generated. • Template – Whether this the generated file is from XML to an event (inbound) or from an event to XML (outbound). • Event type – A list of the events defined for the solution project one of which can be selected as the template for transformation. The resulting XSLT file can then be edited by someone who understands the XSLT language to perform the transformations. Notes about connections • If we send an event to an inbound connection which is not configured to accept that kind of event then it is discarded with a log message written to the console. Sample Connectivity Definitions The following are sample connectivity definitions. A sample inbound HTTP definition In this sample, we define a binding called "Binding1" which is going to receive XML events over HTTP. The type of event being listened for is a "sale" event. We will listen for this on an endpoint called "Endpoint1" which is an HTTP endpoint found at "/Sales/EP1". define inbound binding 'Binding1' using message format application/xml , protocol HTTP , accepting events : - sale . define inbound HTTP endpoint 'Endpoint1' using binding 'Binding1' , url path "/Sales/EP1". See also: • HTTP BindingsSubmitting events though HTTP and REST • Submitting events though HTTP and REST A sample inbound JMS definition define inbound binding 'in2' using message format application/xml , protocol JMS , accepting any event . define inbound JMS endpoint 'in2ep' using binding 'in2'. A sample outbound JMS definition Here is a sample outbound JMS definition: define outbound binding 'out1' using message format application/xml , protocol JMS , delivering events : - PQR Event . Page 55 define outbound JMS endpoint 'out1ep' using binding 'out1' , connection factory "jms/qcf1", destination "jms/q1". The way to interpret this entry is: When an event of type 'PQR Event' is emitted by a solution, then send a new message via JMS who's content will be formatted as XML. The destination queue will be the queue found by looking up the JNDI definition called 'jms/q1' to which a message can be delivered through the JMS connection factory found by looking up the JNDI definition called 'jms/qcf1'. See also: • JMS Implementing Agents Agents are built within Insight Designer (Eclipse) through the creation of an agent project. The key actions that will be undertaken to build an agent will be: • Describing which events an agent is interested in processing. • Describing the entity instance that the agent will manipulate. • Describing the rules and logic that the agent will perform when an event arrives. • Describing what (if any) additional events will be emitted. When implementing an agent, you basically have two primary choices available to you. You can create either a Rule Agent or a Java Agent. In both cases, you are describing what happens when an event arrives and how it relates to the entity instance associated (bound) to that agent. The choice of whether or not you implement your agent as a Rule Agent or a Java Agent has a number of considerations. You might implement your agent as a Rule Agent if … • You want your rules to read close to English • You need to work with the history of preceding events You might implement your agent as a Java Agent if … • You need to interact with external systems accessible through Java APIs or libraries • You are more comfortable coding to Java than the Rule Agent language See also: • Agents The Agent Description File – .adsc One of the first files that we need to consider is called "agent.adsc" which is the agent description file. The purpose of this file is to provide the following information: • What is the "name" of this agent? • What is the type of business "entity" that this agent uses as the bound entity (if any)? Note that rule agents must have a bound entity. Page 56 • What are the types of events that this agent is prepared to receive? • How do I access a specific entity instance to be associated with this agent from a specific event type? These definitions are made in a business level like language. When an agent project is created, a template file called "agent.adsc" is built containing the following: '<agent name>' is an agent related to <entity>, [whose priority is <priority value>,] processing events: - <event name> [when <condition>], where <mapping> comes from <target> * The place holders must be completed in the editor and until we do so, the agent will be flagged as being in error. The first place holder is <entity> which describes the entity type that this agent uses as its bound entity. Next comes the name of the <event name> which is used to trigger the processing. Next comes the variable name that is used as the reference for the bound entity. This is the <mapping> property. Finally, provide the means to access the bound entity instance from the event. This is the <target> property. Here is an example of a fleshed out definition: 'My_Rule_Agent' is an agent related to an employee , processing events : - promotion, where this employee comes from the serial number of this promotion The way to read this is as follows: "We are defining a rule agent called 'My_Rule_Agent' that is going to own the binding to an instance of an employee entity. When a promotion event is detected, find the entity instance that matches the serial number property contained in the received promotion event. Save that entity instance as the employee instance associated with this rule agent." When defining an agent descriptor, we can also specify a priority of execution. For example: 'Solution2_RA' is an agent related to an ABC, whose priority is High, The values for the priority can be Low, Medium and High or a numeric value. When an event arrives, agents with a higher priority will process an event before agents with a lower priority. Let us now look at the following diagram. It illustrates an event arriving and three different types of Agents in the system. The Event (like all events) has a type associated with it. In our diagram, we say it has an event type of "X". Of the three agents, Agent A and Agent C have declared that they are interested in being made aware of instance of event type "X". Since Agent B has not declared such an interest, an event of type X arriving at DSI will be ignored by that agent type. Page 57 If we now further consider that DSI is managing the state of a vast number of entities, we can "believe" that there is an agent instance associated with each entity. Again, for each entity, assume that it has a corresponding agent instance that is responsible for updating it. In the following diagram, think of the triangles as representing entities with their associated identifiers and the squares representing the associated agents that are responsible for those entities. When an event arrives at DSI and we have determined the types of agents to which those events are to be delivered, we must now find the specific (actual) corresponding agent that is to actually process the event. It is the agent descriptor file that describes how to locate a specific entity given the payload that arrives with that event. Since each entity has a unique id if we can determine the entity that we wish to work against, we can thus find the corresponding agent … and we are close to completion of this part of the story. When the agent is found, it can be delivered the event. We thus see there is a dance at play here involving a number of players including events, agent descriptor files, agents and entities. The agent descriptor file maps events to agents and event content to entities. The entity is bound to the agent and hence when a specific event arrives, we can Page 58 determine which agent it should go to for processing. The special case is when an event arrives and there is no entity yet in existence corresponding to the incoming event data. Since there is no entity, there is no corresponding agent and since we have no agent, how should the event be processed? The answer is that a brand new agent instance is created that does not have an associated entity. This agent gets the event and can decide whether or not to create the corresponding entity. Rule Agents A Rule Agent uses a high level (as compared to code) business rules language to describe the processing and handling of incoming events. This language is edited within a specialized editor within Eclipse. To create a Rule Agent, we create a new project type instance called a Rule Agent project. We can do this from the File > New menu: When started, the next page of the wizard looks as follows: Page 59 We are then asked to enter the name of the Eclipse project to be created and select the Solution Project which will include this Rule Agent for deployment. Within the Eclipse workspace folder structure, the project that is created by this wizard looks as follows: Notes that the project, when created is flagged as containing errors. The errors will be found in a file called "agent.adsc" which is the agent descriptor file. This file must be modified to reflect what your agent will do and is described elsewhere. The creation of a new Rule Agent can also be found in the Solution Map: Page 60 See also: • The Agent Description File – .adsc Building an action rule After completing the agent description, we can start to build out action rules. Action rules are the individual rules that are used to describe processing upon the arrival of a corresponding event for a Rule Agent. An Action Rule is created from the context menu: Rules are created under the rules folder of the Rule Agent project: When a rule is created, it can be opened in the Rule Editor within Eclipse: Page 61 A rule is composed of a variety of parts describe in the specification of the rule language. First we will look at the optional "definition part". A definition part is the declaration of variables that exist only for the duration of the rule being processed. You can think of these loosely as local variables. The syntax of the definition part is: definitions set '<variable>' to <value>; … The value of an expression can be a variety of types including constants, expressions and business terms. Here are some variable definitions of constants: definitions set 'maxAmount' to 100000; set 'open' to true; set 'country' to "USA"; The next part of a rule we will look at is called the rule condition. It is composed of an "if … then … else …" construct. Following the "if" statement is a condition. If then condition evaluates to true then the following action is performed otherwise the action following the "else" is performed. The general syntax of this part is: if <expression> then <action> here are some examples: if the salary of 'the employee' is more than 50000 then print "He earns enough"; Page 62 Describing how expressions can be constructed will be its own section as there are many varied considerations. The final part of a rule is the action section. Here we define what we wish to happen based on the outcome of expression evaluation. Think of the action as the "now do this" part of a rule. The "if … then … else …" nature of a rule describes what the logic will be but not when it will be applied. To capture that information we specify which events we wish to cause the processing of the rule. We do this with the syntax: when <event> occurs For example: when a promotion occurs if the salary of 'the employee' is more than 50000 then print "He earns enough"; When a corresponding event arrives, it is processed as soon as possible. There is no delay in its processing. Bound entities When an event arrives at a rule agent, we have already instructed the agent on how to find the corresponding bound entity. However, if this is the first event associated with that entity and no "is initialized by …" statement is present in the BMD, there may not yet be a bound entity and we may choose to create one. At a high level, our logic would be when <event> occurs if the <boundEntity> is null then set <boundEntity> to a new <Entity> Creating a rule such as this and giving it a higher priority than other rules is a good idea. This will ensure that a bound entity always exists. When we create the new entity instance, it is likely that we will want to initialize its properties. We can do that with the following syntax: set <boundEntity> to a new <Entity> where the <propertyName> is <value>, the <propertyName> is <value>, … ; However, take care with the following: when <event> occurs if the <boundEntity> is null then set <boundEntity> to a new <Entity> else do something else Both the "then" part and the "else" part will be executed. There is a special semantic which says that if a rule is executed and it has no bound entity and ends with a bound entity then re-evaluate that rule with the new bound entity when it first ends. Page 63 The order of rules evaluation When we have multiple rules in our solution, we may wish to control the order of rules evaluation. We can do this through a property of a rule called its "priority". Each rule has a priority attribute and if multiple rules can be evaluated when an event arrives, the rules with the higher numeric priority value are evaluated first. Within Eclipse, if we select a rule we can examine the "Properties View" and see and change the property value associated with that rule: Life cycle of the bound entity When an event arrives and we don't already have a corresponding bound entity, then we can create one. The general form of this is: set 'the variable' to a new <entity> where the <property of the entity> is the <property of the event>; We also have the capability to delete the bound entity from an agent. We do this by setting the agent's bound entity variable to null; set 'the variable' to null; Emitting an event An action in a rule can emit a new event using the "emit" action. This event is then made available to all other rules as though it had arrived externally. The emitted event will not be re-consumed by the same agent that emitted it. By using emitted events, we can perform a number of interesting functions. See also: • The "emit" action Augmenting the rules with new logic When we are authoring rules, we can use the vocabulary and logic provided by IBM with DSI. However there are times when we may wish to augment the vocabulary and logic. Fortunately, the product allows us to do this very easily. Within every Rule Agent project we find a folder called "bom". This of course refers to a "Business Object Model". Within this folder we can create additional Business Object Models which merge with the BOM provided at the solution level. What we define in this Rule Agent specific BOM becomes available within the rules of the Rule Agent. We will illustrate this with an example. Page 64 One of the actions available to us is called "print". What this action does is write string data to the console. The "print" action expects a string as a parameter. But what if we want to send other data types to the console such as events or entities? The simple answer is that we can't, because they are not strings and print can only accept a string. In a programming environment, we could "cast" the data type to a string or ask the object to return a string representation as might be found in calling the object's "toString()" method. So ... to illustrate, the following does not work: when a XYZ Event occurs then print 'the ABC'; A syntax error is shown against the "print" action since the entity called "ABC" is not a string. Wouldn't it be nice if we could describe our rule as follows: when a XYZ Event occurs then print 'the ABC' as text ; We can in fact do this, but we have to augment the BOM to add new constructs, in this case the addition of "<Object> as text". Here is how we do it. 1. From eclipse, go to File > New > Other and create a new "BOM Entry" 2. Give the new BOM entry a name and declare it as an "empty" BOM. Make sure that you do not use the name "model" as that is already taken. All BOMs in your project must have distinct names. Page 65 3. Open the BOM model from within the BOM folder into the BOM editor: 4. Create a "New Class" Page 66 5. Supply a package name and a name for the new Class: 6. Select the new Class and click edit to edit the settings for the class: Page 67 7. Create a default verbalization. 8. Expand the BOM to XOM Mapping and in the "Execution name" area enter java.lang.Object. 9. Create a new "Member" in the Members area by clicking the New... button. 10. Define the member as a method that returns a string and takes a Java Object as a parameter: 11. Select the new method and click "Edit" to edit the properties of the method: 12. Click the "Static" checkbox to flag the method as being static: Page 68 13. Define a verbalization for the member: 14. Edit the BOM to XOM mapping to return the string representation of the object. 15. Save the model. You will now find that your vocabulary has been extended to include "<Object> as text" as an extension. Java Agents We have seen that the logical idea of an agent is to be associated with an entity and to process arriving events. When an agent is declared, we state which types of events should be able to be delivered to it. We have spoken about an agent type called the Rule Agent but there are others. One of the other types available to us is called the Java Agent. A Java Agent is an implementation of a Java Class that will be instantiated and called when an event arrives that is defined of interest to it. Similar to the Rule Agent, the Java Agent also has an agent descriptor file which describes which events it will listen upon. When an instance of such an event arrives, a new instance of the Java Agent class is created and the event is passed to the process(Event) method of that agent. What the agent then does is defined in the Java application logic of the class as created by a Java programmer. Unlike a Rule Agent which has to be associated with an entity, a Java agent does not have to be. This means that a Java Agent is effectively stateless. Page 69 Within the Java Agent logic, calls can be made to update external systems of record however this is not a recommended practice. The reason for this is that events are processed as a transaction and a single arriving event could be presented to multiple agent instances. If any one of those agents fails then the transaction as a whole is considered failed and all updates performed by all the agents touched by the event are rolled back. However, if the call to the external system has already committed, then it is possible that the call will be made multiple times with potentially undesired results. It is recommended that if an update is requested to an external system then an event be published to ask for that updated to be performed. See also: • The Agent Description File – .adsc Building a Java Agent Project To build a Java Agent, we start by creating an Eclipse Java Agent project to house the artifacts. From the Decision Insight perspective, we can select the File > New > Java Agent Project menu entry: This will launch the wizard to create a new Java Agent project instance. Page 70 Once completed, a Java Agent project will have been built for us. Within the "src" folder within the project we will find the generated Java Agent source file. This is the file we need to edit to add our logic. The creation of a new Java Agent can also be found within the Solution Map: The Java Agent Description File - .adsc A configuration file called the agent description file must next be edited. If the Java Agent is not related to a bound entity, we can declare such with: <Agent> is an agent, processing events : - <An event> Page 71 A sample of this might be: 'sales_ja_1.MyAgent' is an agent, processing events : - sale See also: • The Agent Description File – .adsc Implement the Java class A skeleton Java file is built for us by the Eclipse wizard when we create a new Java Agent project instance: package javaagent1; import; import; import; public class MyAgent extends EntityAgent { @Override public void process(Event event) throws AgentException { // TODO Add logic to handle the event } } We will code the body of the process(Event) method to implement the custom logic for this agent. The Java class we are building extends an IBM supplied class called EntityAgent. This provides the environment in which we are working. The architectural model of an agent is that it can be associated with an entity. When the process(Event) method is called to process the arriving event, the parameter passed in is an instance of Event. For each of the Event types defined as supported by this agent, it is an instance of one of those that is actually provided. We can use the Java instanceof operator against the supplied event to determine which specific type of event has actually been supplied. Once we know the actual type, we can cast the incoming parameter to an instance of the actual Event type received. Here is a sample: public void process(Event event) throws AgentException { JEvent jEvent; if (event instanceof JEvent) { jEvent = (JEvent) event; } else { printToLog("Not an J Event"); return; } ABC thisABC = getBoundEntity(); if (thisABC == null) { thisABC = createBoundEntity(); } thisABC.setKey(jEvent.getEventKey()); thisABC.setFieldABC1(jEvent.getFieldJ2()); updateBoundEntity(thisABC); printToLog("MyAgent Java finished"); Page 72 } // End of process() The Agent and EntityAgent classes A Java Agent extends either an Agent or an EntityAgent class. EntityAgent is itself an extension of Agent. Included in these classes are: • String agentName – The name of the agent. See also: • KnowledgeCenter – EntityAgent – 8.7 • KnowledgeCenter – Agent – 8.7 Creating model objects – events, concepts and entities Within a Java Agent, we commonly wish to create new instance of events, concepts and entities. We can achieve this through the notion of the ConceptFactory. A ConceptFactory is a Java object which has construction methods for each of the events, concepts and entities defined within a single BDM. For example, if we have a BDM that defines a Concept called "MyConcept", an event called "MyEvent" and an entity called "MyEntity", then we will find that a new class called "ConceptFactory" is created within the package for the BDM. This ConceptFactory will have methods called: • createMyConcept() • createMyEvent() • createMyEntity() There will be a variety of signatures for these methods. Upon calling these methods, an instance of an object representing the corresponding item will be returned. Within a Java Agent, one gets the ConceptFactory itself by using the Agent defined method called "getConceptFactory()" which takes the Class representing the ConceptFactory contained in the BDM. Things get a little interesting with the objects returned by a ConceptFactory based on their definitions. If a property in an object is a List then we have extra functions. Specifically, a list property will have: • setXXX(List) • List getXXX() • addTo_XXX(item) • removeFrom_XXX(item) • clear_XXX() Emitting new events To emit a new event we can call the emit(Event) method. This of course takes as a parameter Page 73 the event that we wish to publish. We can create a new instance of such an event using a ConceptFactory. For example: ConceptFactory cf = getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class); EVENT2 event2 = cf.createEVENT2(; event2.setF1("f1 value"); event2.setF2("F2 Value"); emit(event2); Accessing the bound entity We can retrieve the entity using the getBoundEntity() method. If the agent does not yet have a bound entity, the resulting reference returned will be null. We can use this to inform our code that it should create a new instance of an entity using the createBoundEntity() method (make sure you remember to call updateBoundEntity() to complete the creation). It is also permissible for an agent to simply not have an associated entity. This is considered an unbound agent. In this case, we define the Java class as extending "Agent" as opposed to "EntityAgent". A specific Entity instance object has setter and getter methods for each of the properties defined to it. These are get<Property>() and set<Property>(value). If a bound entity instance is modified or created, we must use the updateBoundEntity(Entity) method to commit the changes. If we wish to disassociate a bound entity from the agent, we can use the deleteBoundEntity() method. Here is an example of accessing an entity which, if it doesn't exist, is created: public void process(Event event) throws AgentException { System.out.println(this.agentName + ": Serialized event: " + getModelSerializer().serializeEvent(DataFormat.GENERIC_XML, event)); NewClass newClass = (NewClass)event; Session session = (Session) getBoundEntity(); // Test to see if we have an existing entity if (session == null) { System.out.println("No session entity!"); session = (Session)createBoundEntity(); session.setSessionName(newClass.getSessionName()); updateBoundEntity(session); System.out.println("Created a new Session: " + getModelSerializer().serializeEntity(DataFormat.GENERIC_XML, session)); } else { System.out.println(this.agentName + ": Existing Serialized entity: " + getModelSerializer().serializeEntity(DataFormat.GENERIC_XML, session)); } } // End of process JavaAgent lifecycle A one time call is made to a function called init(). When an instance of a JavaAgent is brought into existence to service an event, its activated() method is called. Before the JavaAgent is destroyed, its deactivated() method is called. This gives us the opportunity to perform initialization and subsequent cleanup prior to handling the event. JavaAgent Metadata From within an instance of a JavaAgent, we can determine meta data about it through a variety of Page 74 ways. • this.agentName – The name of the agent • getAgentDescriptor() - Retrieves an AgentDescriptor object which has getters for: ◦ AgentName ◦ Entityid ◦ EntityType ◦ Priority ◦ Version • getAgentVersion() - Retrieves the version of the agent. • getSolutionDescriptor() - Retrieves information about the solution which this JavaAgent is associated with. The returned object is a SolutionDescriptor which has properties for: ◦ SolutionName ◦ SolutionVersion ◦ Version Adding additional classes A Java Agent is implemented as an OSGi bundle and follows the technical rules associated with OSGi. Ideally, we don't have to know the programming details of OSGi but we do need to understand a few points. Unlike a "normal" Java application which can reference anything on a classpath, OSGi bundles can only reference packages that are explicitly declared as being necessary for the operation of the bundle. This may initially sound like added complexity but the reality is that it is a good thing. By explicitly stating that a bundle has a dependency on package XYZ then, when the bundle is loaded, the runtime can validate that XYZ is available to it. The alternative is that at runtime, only when the code attempts to reference XYZ, will a potential omission of the implementation of an XYZ be detected. To build an OSGi bundle, we need to create an eclipse OSGi Bundle Project: Page 75 In the next page of the wizard, we provide a name for the Eclipse project. In our case we are calling it "MyBundle". We want to make some changes from the default. Specifically we do not want to associate the bundle with an application so we un-check the "Add bundle to application". In addition, we want to add support for OSGI Blueprint so we check the box for "Generate blueprint file". Page 76 The next page of the wizard talks about the project structure and we wish to leave that alone. Page 77 The final page of the wizard allows us to provide some core details of the OSGi bundle configuration. An important change here is to remove the "Bundle root" definition. This changes the location of the OSGi configuration data in the generated project. The project generated at the conclusion of the wizard should look as follows: Page 78 We can now implement the Java code within our project. Here we will build a simple example. Create a package called "com.kolban" and create a Java interface within called "Greeting". package com.kolban; public interface Greeting { public String greet(String name); } This defines the interface we wish to expose. Next, we create a new package called "com.kolban.impl" which contains a class called "GreetingImpl" that is the implementation of the Greeting interface: package com.kolban.impl; import com.kolban.Greeting; public class GreetingImpl implements Greeting { @Override public String greet(String name) { System.out.println("GreetingImpl says hello to: " + name); return "Hello " + name + " from GreetingImpl"; } } The resulting project will look as follows: We have now completed the code level implementation of our Java function. We could easily extend this by adding additional interfaces and implementation classes to this project. We will stop here simply because we are merely illustrating a technique. What remains in this project is to define what is exposed by the OSGi bundle that this module implements. The nature of OSGi is to hide implementations. What then does this service wish to expose? The answer is the the interface only. We want to open the MANIFEST.MF file contained in the META-INF folder using the Eclipse Page 79 manifest editor. Next we switch to the Runtime tab and define which of the Java packages we are exposing from this bundle. In our case it will be "com.kolban". We must also define that the "bin" folder of the build will be included in the Classpath of the bundle. In the Classpath area, click Add.. and select "bin/": Page 80 The resulting Manifest editor area will look as follows: Our next task is to modify the This instructs Eclipse how to build our solution. The easiest way to achieve this is to switch to and edit the content to look as follows: Page 81 At this point, were we to install this OSGi bundle into an OSGi framework, users would be able to retrieve the interface called com.kolban.Greeting however a very skilled reader might at this point say "What use is getting an interface because I need access to an implementation?". We could have also exposed the "com.kolban.impl" package but this defeats the value of OSGi which is to ensure that only logical function is exposed and not dirty implementation. From an OSGi standpoint, what we now want is an OSGi service that will return us an implementation when needed. This is where the OSGi Blueprint story now comes into play. Open the OSG-INF/blueprint/blueprint.xml file in the Eclipse OSGi Blueprint editor: Our first step will be to define a bean that refers to our implementation of the service we wish to expose: Page 82 Page 83 Next we create a service from this bean: In the new blueprint folder, create a file called "blueprint.xml". The content of this file should be: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <blueprint xmlns=""> <bean id="GreetingImplBean" class="com.kolban.impl.GreetingImpl" /> <service ref="GreetingImplBean" id="GreetingImplBeanService" interface="com.kolban.Greeting"></service> </blueprint> Note: Here is a cheat example of a that I have found to work: Page 84 and a corresponding MANIFEST.MF: Inside the generated JAR I found: This instructs the OSGI runtime to create a service called "MyGreeting" that exposes an interface of type "com.kolban.Greeting" that when requested, will construct and return an instance of "com.kolban.impl.GreetingImpl". This declarative "magic" is the goodness provided by OSGi. And that concludes the construction of our OSGi bundle for usage in other projects. If you are a skilled Java programmer and also knowledgeable in OSGi, these steps make sense. I anticipate that many folks will be new to OSGi development when approaching building DSI solutions. If this recipe is followed, then chances are good that you will be able to carry on without much more OSGi knowledge. However, I do recommend studying some more OSGi as your time permits. The likelihood is that you won't actually use any more than what has been described here but I feel that if you understand more about what you are building, you will just "feel" better about it all. So now that we have built our OSGi module, how do we deploy it to the DSI runtime. There are a few ways to achieve that and the one that we will illustrate first is the simplest. All we need do is pick our solution that will use it and include our module in the Project References: Page 85 When the solution is deployed, this will now bring our bundle in with it. Finally, we come to the payoff. We can now create a Java Agent and in that Java Agent actually leverage our new bundle. Because a Java Agent is itself an OSGi Bundle, we must edit the MANIFEST.MF of the Java Agent and declare that we are importing the "com.kolban" package: Page 86 We can now code a call to our service from the Java code contained within our Java Agent. Here is an example of using such: import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import import import import import;;;; com.kolban.Greeting; public class JA1 extends EntityAgent<Entity> { @Override public void process(Event event) throws AgentException { BundleContext bundleContext = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(this.getClass()).getBundleContext(); ServiceReference<Greeting> greetingServiceReference = null; Greeting greetingService = null; if (bundleContext != null) { greetingServiceReference = bundleContext.getServiceReference(Greeting.class); if (greetingServiceReference != null) { greetingService = bundleContext.getService(greetingServiceReference); greetingService.greet("My Java Agent"); bundleContext.ungetService(greetingServiceReference); } } } } See also: • OSGi Adding 3rd party libraries When building a Java Agent, there are likely going to be times when your custom Java code wishes to leverage code contained in JARs that are not part of the Liberty environment. For example, you may wish to use the many Apache Commons libraries. Unfortunately, based on the OSGi Page 87 environment one can't simply "place the JAR" somewhere and hope that it will be found. The following recipe illustrates how to use 3rd party Jars with your Java Agent. First, add the JAR into into your Java Agent project. By this I mean literally add the Jar into the folder structure of your project. Next, you want to add the JAR to your project's build path. Finally, we need to update the MANIFEST.MF to add the JAR to the Classpath: Using OSGi services in rules Having just looked at building reusable OSGi services and seeing how we can invoke those from a Java Agent, we can now look at another interesting way in which they can be used. ODM DSI is related to the other ODM family of products including the rules engines. They share some common concepts such as the Business Object Model (BOM). In ODM, one can define a BOM and relate that to a XOM that implements code. If we squint a little, we can just about see that OSGi services are interfaces to function in a similar manner to that as may be found in a Java class. Thinking along those lines, it is possible to create a new BOM project that references the OSGi services we may have defined and then leverage the BOM language/rules in a DSI Rule Agent set of rules. For example, imagine we have a piece of Java code that has the following signature: int randomNumber(int lower, int upper) When called, it returns a random number between lower and upper inclusive. Wouldn't it be great if we could formulate a DSI Rule Agent rule that might say something like: set the assigned space of the car to a random number between 1 and 10; Page 88 Let us look in more detail and see how we can achieve that. At a high level, the steps involved will be: • The creation of an ODM Rule project (this is not the same as a Rule Agent project). • Association with an OSGi project • Creation of a BOM entry Let us start with the creation of a new Rule Project. We will find this in the Decision Server Insights set of projects. Note that there is no way to quick create a new project of this type. It does not show up in the new projects of a Solution Explorer context menu. Creating a new Rule Project begins a quite extensive set of wizard pages which we will show in the following pages. The first page asks for a template for the new rule project. We only have one choice here which is a "Standard Rule Project". Page 89 We are now asked to give a name to our new rule project. Choose what is appropriate to yourself. Next we are asked what project references this new rule project should have. At this point we do not select anything. Page 90 A BOM can be related to a XOM and here we specify the project that contains our OSGi service. Next we are asked about something called the dynamic execution object model. To be honest, I have no idea what this means but for our purposes, we can simply skip over it. Page 91 We have the opportunity to name folders in our new project that will be used for distinct purposes. We are happy with the defaults. At the conclusion of this page, we will have created our new project. We must now open the Page 92 properties of this project and change the "Rule Engine" property. There are two choices and the default appears to be "Classic rule engine". We must change this to "Decision engine". Now that we have a BOM project that can act as a container for our BOM artifacts, it is time to create a BOM entry. Again this has to be performed through the File > New menu as there is no quick create in any of the context menus for this option. Page 93 We can keep the defaults which specify that we are going to create a BOM from a XOM. Since we wish to create the BOM from a XOM, we need to tell the project about that XOM. Click on the Browse XOM... button to bring up our choices: Page 94 From the choices we will see the OSGi project that we referenced during the construction of the Rule Project. Now that we have asked the tooling to introspect the OSGi project, we are presented with the Java classes contained within to determine which ones we wish to expose to the business user. We should select any Interface classes that are exposed as OSGi service and that we wish to expose. Page 95 Having picked our interfaces, we now pick the methods within those interfaces to expose: Page 96 The result of all of this will be the final rule project that will look as follows: We now need to open the BOM model and in the classes that are exposed, map them to their service names by adding a new custom property with name of "OSGi.service" and value of the OSGi service name. For the methods that we exposed, we need to flag them as static and change the verbalization as appropriate. Page 97 We have now completed the steps necessary to allow us to use the new BOM language and what remains is to actually use it. If we pick a Rule Agent project and add our Rule Project as a reference: We will find that the verbalizations described in our new BOM are usable within our Rule Agent language: Page 98 See also: • developerWorks - Simplify complex code with OSGi services in Decision Server Insights rules - 2015-03-25 Debugging the Java Agent At runtime, if the Java Agent is not behaving itself, we have some options for debugging. We can insert logging statements. The EntityAgent class provides printToLog(String) which will log the content to the WAS logs. During development, we can log/dump the value of an entity using the model serializer. For example: System.out.println("Serialized entity: " + getModelSerializer().serializeEntity(DataFormat.GENERIC_XML, entity)); System.out.println("Serialized event: " + getModelSerializer().serializeEvent(DataFormat.GENERIC_XML, event)); Here is an example of the output: <object xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" type="education.NewClass"> <attribute name="$Id"> <string>5ADE05637E31A08E5011E418860E8551</string> </attribute> <attribute name="classroom"> <string>class1</string> </attribute> <attribute name="sessionName"> <string>sess1</string> </attribute> <attribute name="timestamp"> <object type="java.time.ZonedDateTime">2014-12-27T23:14:24.57006:00[America/Chicago]</object> </attribute> </object> Page 99 If we have a belief that the agent may be throwing exceptions, wrap your logic in a try/catch and catch the exception yourself. You can then log it and re-throw the exception. This will give you a stack trace showing an exact location of the problem. If the Java Agent uses Java packages outside the default, these packages must be registered in the Java Agent's MANIFEST.MF. If not correctly, added, an error similar to the following will result: [4/1/14 10:55:09:735 CDT] 00000116 I FFDC1015I: An FFDC Incident has been created: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax.sql.DataSource 3" at ffdc_14.04.01_10.55.09.0.log By clicking the Add button, we are prompted for packages (not JARs and not Classes … but packages) to be available from our Java Agent. Java functions mapped to rule language With the ability to expose Java functions as rule language, we can now explore how things map. If the parameters to a Java class are either a java.util.List, array or a java.util.Collection, then we can pass in a DSI collection. Attaching a source level Debugger Eclipse has the capability to perform source level debugging. This means that we can set breakpoints within the Java source code of a Java Agent and when it is reached, the debugger gets control and shows us that we have reached that point. We can also examine (and change) the values of variables in effect. To perform this task, we must start the WLP server in debug mode. We can do this from the Servers Page 100 view from the start menu or from the debug symbol: Once the server has been started (from Eclipse) there is continued communication between Eclipse and the server. Anytime we add a break point in a Java Agent source statement, the execution will pause when the break point is reached. Renaming a Java Agent class or package When your create a Java Agent you are prompted for the package and class name of that agent. Should you decide that you want to rename it later, take care. Refactoring it in Eclipse seems to show no errors and all compiles cleanly but errors will be found. The name of the package and of the class are also contained in the agent descriptor file and in the blueprint.xml file associated with the agent. Currently, these need to be manually edited and references to the old package/class be changed to reflect the newly chosen package/class. Deleting Agent projects If after creating an agent project and associating it with a solution if we then choose to delete the agent project, we must also remove the association between the solution and the agent. This is done by opening the properties for the solution project and selecting the "Project References". In there we will find that there may still exist a reference to an agent project which now no longer exists. If we un-check the reference we will have restored consistency. Page 101 Defining global aggregates We can model values that are known as global aggregates that are calculated or computed over time based on events (known as event aggregates) or based on entities (known as entity aggregates). A global aggregate can be created within Eclipse. When created, one specifies a name for the aggregate and which BOM project (within a solution) it will live within. Page 102 The definition of a new Global Aggregate can also be found within the Solution Map: An aggregate definition is mechanically created in files with file type ".agg" found within the aggregates folder of a BOM project. When we open an aggregate definition file, the Eclipse editor for editing aggregates allows us to define the logic that will be used to define the aggregate. Now we can start creating the aggregate definition itself. There is one aggregate definition per file. The general syntax for an aggregate definition for an event aggregate is: define '<aggregate name>' as <expression> [, where <event filter>] while the general syntax for an aggregate definition for an entity aggregate is: define '<aggregate name>' as <expression> [, where <event filter>,] evaluated <evaluation schedule>. The aggregation is primarily defined by the expression which is used to describe how the multiple values are to be combined. The aggregation expression functions are pre-defined and are: • the number of <object collection> - The count of objects Page 103 • the average <object collection> - The average of a numeric field across objects • the maximum <object collection> - The maximum of a numeric field across objects • the minimum <object collection> - The minimum of a numeric field across objects • the total <object collection> - The sum total of a numeric field across objects The evaluation schedule for entity aggregates defines when the entity aggregate value will be recalculated. It has a fearsome syntax diagram which accommodates many permutations. Remember that a schedule is not needed for aggregations of events as those aggregations are recalculated every time an event arrives. However, in general we can specify either a date/time governed by month, day of the month, day of the week or hour of the day or combinations thereof. In addition, we can specify simple repeating intervals such as every minute, hour, day or week or multiples thereof. Here are some examples: • evaluated at intervals of 5 minutes • evaluated at intervals of 12 hours • evaluated at intervals of 1 day • evaluated every Saturday at 2:00 AM • evaluated every minute An aggregate value must always be a numeric. It appears that there are also restrictions on what may be used to calculate aggregate values. At this time, it appears that the aggregate can only be built from the values of entity properties or event properties and not upon any computation associated with them. To make this clear, we can sum, average and calculate the min and max of properties but not computed properties. The implication of this is that some items that we think we should be able to aggregate can't be. For example, if a property field is of type duration, that can't be converted into a number and then aggregated. See also: • Aggregating event and entity data Global event aggregates Let us look specifically at global event aggregates. The formal syntax is: define '<aggregate variable name>' as <aggregate expression> [, where <event filter> ] [, defaulting to <value> if there is less than <time> of event history] The aggregate expression is defined as one of: • the average <expr> • the maximum <expr> Page 104 • the minimum <expr> • the number of <expr> • the total <expr> The "where" clause allows us to filter in or out events for inclusion in the aggregate calculation. For example, a sales event at a coffee shop may be for coffee or cakes. If we wanted to aggregate the total of coffee sales, we may wish to define: define 'coffee_total' as ... where the type of sales event is 'Coffee' An interesting question arises if we consider asking for an aggregate value before we have accumulated enough information. For example, if we have newly started a solution and we wish to determine if the current sale is close to the average, what does it mean if we have no data about the previous sales yet calculated? To answer this question, event aggregates have the notion of a default value which will be used when ever an aggregate value is needed and we don't (yet) have enough data. define 'average wait time' as … , defaulting to 3 if there is then than 30 minutes of event history Once there is sufficient data, the default value will no longer be used and the actual calculated value will take effect. Global entity aggregates Let us look specifically at global entity aggregates. The formal syntax is: define '<aggregate variable name>' as <aggregate expression>, [where <entity filter> ,] [defaulting to <value> if there as less than <number> entities, ] evaluated <evaluation schedule> . The aggregate expression is defined as one of: • the average <expr> • the maximum <expr> • the minimum <expr> • the number of <expr> • the total <expr> The evaluation expression can be built in a very wide variety of ways. The following syntax diagram can be navigated to show different permutations. The "where" clause allows us to filter in or out entities for inclusion in the aggregate calculation. For example, if we want to know the average balance of gold customers define 'average gold balance' as ... where the `customer score' is 'Gold' Page 105 Since a global entity aggregate is calculated periodically, we can now introduce the concept of an aggregate calculation "Job". The execution of a "job" is what we call the act of recalculating the aggregate value. If we were to examine the DSI server messages, we might see the following produced each time a job executes: CWMBG0466I: CWMBG0828I: CWMBG0807I: CWMBG0815I: CWMBG0209I: CWMBG0222I: CWMBG1003I: CWMBG0228I: CWMBG0229I: CWMBG1004I: CWMBG0223I: CWMBG0210I: CWMBG0813I: GlobalRuntime submitting new job run ... Dequeued job run ... Preparing to run job ... Got job service ... Begin job run for … Begin running entity query … Begin running batch job … Begin running BatchJobRunnerDelegate ... End running BatchJobRunnerDelegate ... Finished running batch job ... Finished running entity query delegates for job … End job run for … Job run completed: … Note: For my taste, these messages being written into the messages files each time a job runs is way too much and should ideally be able to be switched off. Personally, I don't want to see that something I expected to happen has indeed happened without any problems. I would expect to see messages logged if something bad happened such as an exception or other failure but I don't particularly want to see my log cluttered when all works as desired. I like my logs to be records of one time notifications or errors. If one doesn't want an entity aggregate computed on a periodic basis, one can ask that the calculate job be run explicitly. One way to achieve that is through a custom Java Agent. The Java Agent API provides a method called getJobService() which returns an instance of a This object has a method on it called Page 106 "submitJob(name)" which will queue that job for asynchronous execution. Note that this is a Java Agent API and is not available to an external Java app. If you need to invoke job control under API management from an external app, you must use JMX APIs. DSI also provides a rich command called "jobManager" which can be found in the <DSI>/runtime/ia/bin folder. This command has a variety of options including: • getschedule – Determine how often a specific job should run. • info – Retrieve info about a specific job. • list – List the jobs known to the system. • run – Run a specific job now. • update • stop Let us take a moment to look specifically at the "jobManager run" command. Like many of the jobManager functions, its first two mandatory parameters are: • The aggregate job name • The solution in which the aggregate job is contained The aggregate job names can be found in the "globalQueries.var" file inside the aggregates folder of the BOM project: An example of such a file might contain: Page 107 What is important here is the mapping between the Name property and the Verbalization. For the purposes of DSI, the Verbalization is the name of the aggregate you modeled in Eclipse. This is the name known to the developers and designers of a solution. The Name property is what we are going to call the "Job Name" when we think of jobs. There is an encoding or mapping that will take us from a verbalization to a job name but that is not important here. Instead, think of it like this: "I have created an aggregate definition in a '.agg' file and that aggregate definition has a name. If I now open the globalQueries definition file, I can find that name in the 'Verbalization' column and from there read back to the 'Name' column to now find the corresponding 'Job Name'" As to why we have this level of indirection, I have no idea. If I were to guess it is because a verbalization name is meant to be high level yet for some internal technical reasons, we can't use the same allowable characters (eg. spaces or underscores) that we can use in the verbalization as we use in the Job Name. It may be awkward to have to have a level of indirection but it isn't a show stopper and over time we may learn more about why we have this state of affairs. Since an aggregate definition is modeled in a BOM project and a BOM project is contained within a Page 108 solution, we now have knowledge of both parts of the job's identity. We can now use the 'jobManger run' command to cause the job to run and hence the corresponding entity aggregate to be recalculated. The command takes an additional mandatory parameter which is a descriptive piece of text. The value is un-important to operation but will be kept with the history or logging of the job so that we may identify it later should we need. An example run might be: jobManager run defvartotalx95widgets Aggregate_Tests "hello world!" This might respond with: Job successfully submitted, job id = 749957f5-eee7-4092-1d11-e4047e5a0132 Note that the command returns immediately as the job is scheduled to run. The command doesn't wait for the job to complete. To determine the outcome or status of the job, we can run "jobManager info <jobName> <solution>". By default it will return the details for the last instance of that type of job submitted but we can also supply a jobId that is returned when a job is started to examine a specific job instance. The "jobManager list" command lists previously submitted jobs including their jobIds and their status. Programming with aggregates When programming with aggregates, we will find that the names of the aggregate variables are "encoded". Specifically: • The variable name starts with 'defvar' • Special characters (eg. '_') are encoded as '$xNN$` where NN is the codepoint in decimal. A Java function to decode such vars would be: public static String decodeAggregateVar(String aggregateVar) { String patternString = "\\$x(\\w{1,3})\\$"; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(patternString).matcher(aggregateVar); String[] parts = aggregateVar.replaceFirst("^defvar", "").split(patternString); String output = ""; int i = 0; while (matcher.find()) { output += parts[i++] + Character.toChars(Integer.parseInt([0]; } if (i < parts.length) { output += parts[i]; } return output; } Managing projects with Eclipse It is very easy to get started with Eclipse and if one is only using it infrequently, it is likely you don't need to change anything or work with it in any additional way that you don't already understand. However, if you are going to work with it extensively, there are capabilities in it which can improve your workflow dramatically. Hiding closed projects We are likely going to spend some time within the Solution Explorer view. This shows us all the Page 109 projects that relate to ODM DSI. If we have a workspace which contains many projects, things can become cluttered very quickly. One of the options in this view is to choose what to hide. Within that dialog, we can check the box next to "Closed projects". What this says is that any projects which are closed will not be shown in the view. We can then close any projects that we aren't working on at the moment. These projects remain in the workspace but they are "hidden" from the current view. Page 110 To close projects, we can select one or more of them and from the context menu, select "Close Project". Page 111 The projects will be closed and resources related to them unloaded from Eclipse. The Solution Explorer view will then update to no longer shown them. If we want to reveal them again, we can un-check the filter that says to hide closed projects and re-open them. When opening a Solution project, we will also be asked if we wish to open related projects. This will restore all the projects related to a solution. Developing a solution extension A solution extension is the general name given to function supplied by DSI that doesn't specifically fit elsewhere. It isn't rules or BOM definitions. ODM DSI currently provides two types of extensions. These are: • Initialization Extensions • Data Provider Extensions In both these cases, they are implemented as Java code. This Java Code lives inside yet another ODM DSI Eclipse project type called an "Extension Project". This type of project can be Page 112 created from the File > New menu: This starts a new wizard that looks as follows: After creating a project of this type, it is populated as follows: Page 113 Developing an Entity Initialization Extension We can create a Java class that is responsible for entity creation. This works in conjunction with the Business Model statements for initialization. If there are no BMD statements for the entity then the Java extensions are not called. Making this clear, it is vital that if you want the Java class to be called, that you also make an "...initialized from …" definition in the BMD statements section of the BMD editor. The skeleton for the Java class that implements the initialization extension is generated for us when we ask for the creation of a new Entity Initialization Extension: The following is an example of a generated Java class: package com.kolban.ext; import; Page 114 import; import; import; import com.kolban.ENTITY1; @EntityInitializerDescriptor(entityType = ENTITY1.class) public class EXT1 extends EntityInitializer<ENTITY1> { @Override public ENTITY1 createEntityFromEvent(Event event) throws ComponentException { ENTITY1 entity = super.createEntityFromEvent(event); // TODO Initialize the attributes of the entity that depend on the event return entity; } } @Override public void initializeEntity(ENTITY1 entity) throws ComponentException { super.initializeEntity(entity); // TODO Initialize the attributes of the entity } The class contains two methods that can be fleshed out. These methods are called: • createEntityFromEvent • initializeEntity The first method is createEntityFromEvent(). This is passed in a copy of the event that is causing the entity to be created and can be used to construct an entity from the content of the event. The method is responsible for building and populating the new entity which is returned. The second method is called initializeEntity() and is passed a reference to the entity built in createEntityFromEvent. The entity can be further updated. During development, we can log/dump the value of an entity using the model serializer. For example: System.out.println("Serialized entity: " + getModelSerializer().serializeEntity(DataFormat.GENERIC_XML, entity)); See also: • Developing a solution extensionDefining Entity initializations • Defining Entity initializations Developing a Data Provider Extension We build a Data Provider Extension through Java coding within Eclipse. We start by creating a DSI Extension project and then adding a Data Provider Extension: Page 115 This brings up a dialog as shown: The result is a Java skeleton that looks as follows: package dptest.ext; import; import; import; Page 116 import import import import dptest.DPTEST; dptest.DPTESTRequest; dptest.DPTESTResponse; dptest.ConceptFactory; @DataProviderDescriptor(dataProvider = DPTEST.class, responseCacheTimeout = 30) public class DPTest1 extends DataProvider<DPTESTRequest, DPTESTResponse> implements DPTEST { @Override public DPTESTResponse processRequest(DPTESTRequest request) throws ComponentException { ConceptFactory factory = getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class); DPTESTResponse response = factory.createDPTESTResponse(); // TODO Complete the data provider response return response; } } The way to read this is that there is a method called processRequest() that takes as input a Java Object called request. The method is responsible for returning a response object. The request object contains the input values defined in the Data Provider definition in the BMD. while the response object contains the return values defined in the Data Provider definition in the BMD. It is up to us how we choose to implement this Java code. See also: • Developing a solution extensionDefining attribute enrichments • Defining attribute enrichments Page 117 Deploying a solution After we have built a solution, we will want to deploy it to a DSI server for execution and testing. The overview of this procedure is that we export the solution from Eclipse into files called archive files. These archive files contain a technology called an "OSGi bundle" that is a deployable unit to the DSI server. We can export either a complete solution or just a single agent. The file type for an exported archive is ".esa". Exporting a solution To export a solution, have a file system directory at hand into which the archive file will be stored. From the Eclipse environment, select Export and then choose Insight Designer > Solution Archive. Supply the name of the solution you wish to export and the directory and file into which the solution archive will be written. I recommend that the name of the file be the same as the name of the solution: Page 118 The result of the export will be the archive file which has the file suffix of ".esa" which is an acronym of "enterprise subsystem archive". The export of a solution can also be found within the Solution Map view illustrated next: We can also export a solution using a command line statement. The format of this is: eclipse -data <workspace> -application -exportSolution <Solution Name> -esa <archiveFileName>.esa This command is useful for un-attended or automated deployments but is not one I recommend for normal development as the execution takes much longer than the other techniques. When we work within Eclipse to build solutions, we will find that we have a number of Eclipse projects. We will have projects for: • Rule Agents • Java Agents • Solutions • Solution Java Models • BOMs The solution project is indicated that it is a solution project through an icon decoration: Page 119 However a question that should be on our minds is "Which Eclipse projects comprise our solution?". If we have an Eclipse workspace in front of us, we will see many projects but it won't be clear which ones are related to any given solution. To determine which Eclipse projects are associated with a solution, we can open the "Project References" on the properties of the solution. This will show all the Eclipse projects available to us and show, by check-box marks, which ones are included in the solution: Deploying a solution to a DSI Server Once the solution archive file has been exported which contains the solution, it can be deployed to the server. We achieve this by running a script supplied with the product. The script is called "solutionManager". This script is found in the directory: <DSI Root>/runtime/ia/bin The following will deploy a solution archive: solutionManager deploy local <fileName.esa> Executing this command should return a confirmation message such as: Server configuration file successfully updated for server: cisDev You should not assume the solution is immediately ready after deployment until the message: CWMBD0060I: Solution <Solution Name> ready. is written to the log. Page 120 Since deploying a solution is such a common activity, it is useful to create an Eclipse "tool definition" to make this easier. From the menu bar, select the External Tools Configurations... Add a new configuration ... For the location, enter <ROOT>/runtime/ia/bin/solutionManager.bat For the working directory, enter <ROOT>/runtime/ia/bin For the Arguments, enter deploy local "${file_prompt}" Page 121 I strongly recommend setting up the following commands: Name Arguments Description Deploy solution with prompt deploy local "${file_prompt}" Deloy an ESA file Redeploy solution with prompt redeploy local "${file_prompt}" Redeploy an ESA file Delete with prompt delete "${string_prompt}" Delete a solution List solutions list local List solutions Stop with prompt stop "${string_prompt}" Stop a solution Undeploy with prompt undeploy local "${string_prompt}" Undeploy a solution For advanced users, the question of "What happens when we deploy a solution" is a valid one. Knowledge here can aid in debugging of all sorts and is likely going to be needed eventually. To fully understand what happens one needs to understand WebSphere Liberty to some degree. First, the files that comprise the solution are extracted from the ".esa" file. These are stored in the directory called: <DSI>/runtime/solutions/lib These are JAR files. So far, the files seen include: • <Solution>.<Agent Name>_numbers • <Solution>.modelExecutable_numbers • <Solution>.solutionbundle_numbers There is nothing in these files that you should consider modifying yourself. They are described only so that you know that they exist and can validate an install or cleanup. The next file of interest to us is: <DSI>/runtime/solutions/features/<Solution>-<Version>.mf Page 122 This is a Java manifest file. Again, it should never be hand modified. However, reading it we will find an entry called "Subsystem-Content" which seems to map to the JAR files and seems to show what files actually constitute the solution. This could be useful if you knew a solution name and wanted to validate that all the expected implementation files were present. Finally there are changes made to the Liberty master server.xml file located at: <DSI>/runtime/wlp/user/servers/<serverName>/server.xml Two changes are made. First, in the <featureManager> stanza, a new entry is added for the newly installed solution. It will have the format: <feature>solutions:Solution:Version</feature> The second change to the file is an entry that reads: <ia_runtimeSolutionVersion currentVersion="Solution:Version" solutionName="Solution"/> The act of undeploying a solution does not delete the files but merely removes the entries from server.xml. If we have previously undeployed a solution and want that solution restored without changing the files, we can run: solutionManager deploy local <fileName.esa> --activateOnly=true The addition of the --activateOnly=true flag causes the solution to be deployed without changing the solution implementation files. To delete the solution implementation files, see the solutionManager delete command. See also: • Undeploying a solutionDeleting a solution • Deleting a solution Determining which solutions are deployed We can ask DSI which solutions are deployed using the command: solutionManager list local If no solutions are present, the response will be: No solutions were found for server: cisDev Selecting what is deployed with a solution We can think of a solution as an aggregate of a number of related Eclipse projects including Rule Agents and Java Agents. When we export a solution archive and deploy it to a DSI server, that will bring with it those related projects. However, which projects are the set of projects associated with a solution? What if we wish to add or remove an agent project? The answer to these questions can be found in the Eclipse properties of the Solution Project. If we open the properties for a Solution project and view the "Project References", we will find check marks beside the related projects that are included with the solution archive. Un-checking or checking entries, changes their exclusion or inclusion. Page 123 Redeploying a solution During development, we may wish to make changes to a solution and redeploy them for retesting. If we export a new solution archive, we can redeploy the solution with the command: solutionManager redeploy <solution name> Running this command logs some console messages. Be sure and wait for the command to complete before attempting additional work. An example of messages might be: Solution successfully stopped: MySolution Solution successfully undeployed for server: cisDev Deleted Solution successfully deleted: MySolution-0.0 You must use the "--clean" option when restarting servers Server configuration file successfully updated for server: cisDev You should not assume the solution is ready after redeployment until the message: CWMBD0060I: Solution <Solution Name> ready. is written to the log. Stopping a solution A solution can be stopped using the following solutionManager command: solutionManager stop <solution name> The name of the solution is without any version details. Upon a successful stop, the message: Solution successfully stopped: <Solution Name> Page 124 is displayed. This script also has properties: • --host=name • --port=value • --username=value • --password=value • --trustStoreLocation=value • --trustStorePassword=value Undeploying a solution A solution can be un-deployed using the solutionManager script. solutionManager undeploy local <solution name>-<version> The name of the solution must include the version number. Before a solution can be undeployed, it must first be stopped. Upon a successful un-deploy, the following message is displayed: Solution successfully undeployed for server: <server name> Following an un-deploy, the Liberty server.xml has the entry in <featureManager> and the <ia_runtimeSolutionVersion> removed. The physical deployed files found in: <DSI>/runtime/solutions/lib remain in place. This script also has properties: • --host=name • --port=value • --username=value • --password=value • --trustStoreLocation=value • --trustStorePassword=value See also: • Deploying a solution to a DSI ServerStopping a solution • Stopping a solution Deleting a solution When one deploys a solution, a set of files are placed into WLP directories so that it may read and use them. The following command will delete the files corresponding to the named solution. solutionManager delete <Solution>-<Version> The server must be stopped in order to run the command. The location on the file system where these can be found are: Page 125 • <DSI>/runtime/solutions/lib • <DSI>/runtime/solutions/features Running this command lists the files that were deleted. For example a typical output may be: Deleted Basic.solutionbundle_0.0.0.20150106134921.jar Deleted Basic.modelExecutable_0.0.0.20150106134921.jar Deleted Basic.Basic_Rule_Agent_0.0.0.20150106134921.jar Deleted Solution successfully deleted: Basic-0.0 You must use the "--clean" option when restarting servers Notice the indication to start the server in clean mode. If you are starting the server through Eclipse, there is an option that will cause the appropriate start mode on next start: If you find yourself opening lots of Windows Explorer windows and navigating to these folders to delete files, consider installing the Eclipse plugin called "Remote System Explorer EndUser Runtime". Once installed, you can then open an Eclipse view called "Remote System Details". This allows one to view a file system folder (local or remote) and perform actions on files such as delete and rename. The benefit of this is that you can perform a variety of file manipulation tasks without ever leaving Eclipse. The following is a screen shot of the Remote System Details view in action: Page 126 Deploying agents When we deploy a solution, all the agents associated with that solution are also deployed. However, there are times when we wish to simply update the solution with new or modified agents. We don't want to replace the whole solution. We can achieve this finer grained modification by exporting a file that contains just a single agent project and then deploy just that agent project. Exporting an agent project Before we can deploy an agent project, we must export the ".esa" project. From the Eclipse Export panel we can select: Page 127 The export of an agent archive can also be found within the Solution Map: Page 128 See also: • Deploying a solution Deploying an agent to a DSI Server Once an agent export has been built as a file on the file system, it can be deployed to an ODM DSI server using the "solutionManager" script supplied with the product: solutionManager deploy local <AgentExportFile.esa> See also: • Deploying a solution to a DSI Server Repairing / Cleaning your DSI deployments As you learn DSI, the chances are very high that you will be playing with the product by creating solutions, deploying them, testing them and then making more changes to the solution and repeating this "code, compile, deploy, test ..." cycle. Depending on what you are doing, you can get yourself into a pickle and start questioning the state of your sandbox environment. You may simply want to clean out what you have and be more convinced that your tests are starting from as clean a slate as possible. Although you should never do this in a production environment, here are some recipes for cleaning up your DSI environment that can be used for your own sandbox. 1. Stop the server Don't even think about trying these techniques against a running server. There is no telling what state it will be in if you do this. If you accidently do start deleting things while the server is running, don't panic. Simply stop the server and continue with the cleanup. 2. Edit the server.xml file The server.xml file is the master configuration file for DSI. You should learn the location and existence of this file sooner than later. It can usually be found at: <DSIROOT>/runtime/wlp/usr/servers/<server>/server.xml I use Eclipse to edit this XML file and can access it immediately from the Servers view after having pointed/defined a WLP server instance. Once you have the file open for editing, there are two areas that you want to look at. The first is the <featureManager> container. If you have solutions deployed that you want to get rid of, delete the lines that reference them. They will be of the form: Page 129 <feature>solutions:Solution Name-Version</feature> The second set of entries in the file are those that have the following format: <ia_runtimeSolutionVersion currentVersion="Solution Name-Version" solutionName="Solution Name" /> again, these should simply be deleted and the server.xml file saved. 3. Clean the solutions directory. When solutions are deployed, artifact files (primarily JAR files and ".mf" files) are copied into the solutions folder found at: <DSIRoot>/runtime/solutions/lib and <DSIRoot>/runtime/solutions/lib/features You should delete the files as needed. Don't delete the features folder but feel free to delete its content. 4. Restart the server in clean mode. You can now restart the server in clean mode. From the command line this means adding the "--clean" flag to the start command. I use Eclipse to start my DSI server and before starting, I flag "Clean Server on Next Start": Once started, you should find that your DSI server is clean again and has nothing left over from previous tests and runs. Event history When an event arrives at DSI for processing, we understand that the event is delivered to an agent Page 130 and the agent determines what to do. What then happens to the event after processing? The answer is that the events are stored in memory (RAM) for a period of time. These historic events are available for logic within Rule Agents. Note that these historic events are not available to Java Agents. The default period of time is one year but this can be altered through the solution_properties.xml file on a solution by solution basis. The property is called "maxHorizon" for the solution as a whole and "maxHorizon_<AgentName>" for configuration based upon a specific agent. An example of modification might be the addition of: <property name="maxHorizon">P10D</property> The coding of the duration that specifies how long to keep the events is in a time unit defined in the ISO 8601 specification (Durations). The form of this is: P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S Where: • P is the duration designator • Y is number of years • M is number of months • D is number of days • T is a time designator • H is the number of hours • M is the number of minutes • S is the number of seconds Zero valued items may be omitted. Page 131 Deploying Connectivity Configurations When we have built our solution, exported it and deployed it, we have not yet finished with our work. Although the solution has been deployed, the connectivity attributes have not been deployed. Additional and separate administration steps are required. What we are required to do is to create an XML configuration file that can be used with Liberty. There are two ways to create this file. One is Eclipse environment driven and the other is command line driven. From the Eclipse environment, we can select "Export connectivity configuration" from the "Solution Map" view: This produces a dialog from which we can select the solution that contains our connectivity definitions and the name of the XML file to contain our results: The next page of the wizard allows us to select which definitions we wish to generate: Page 132 The second mechanism for creating the configuration XML file is through a command line approach. We must run a command called "connectivityManager". The format of the command is: connectivityManager generate config <esa file> <config xml file> For example, we might run: connectivityManager generate config MySolution.esa MySolution-config.xml which would log: CWMBE1146I: Reading the input file: MySolution.esa CWMBE1494I: Successfully generated a template solution connectivity configuration file "MySolutionconfig.xml" for the solution "MySolution". What these step do is generate an XML file. But what "is" in this file? What it contains are a series of IBM Liberty Profile configuration definitions that will be applied to our ODM DSI servers. When applied, they will make appropriate definitions that will cause the server to start listening on the connection channels we have defined. For example, if we have defined an inbound HTTP entry, the XML file will contain: <server> <!--Application definition for inbound connectivity application for solution: Connectivity_Tests--> <application location="Solution2-inbound.ear"> <application-bnd> <security-role name="iaEventSubmitter"/> </application-bnd> </application> <ia_inboundHttpEndpoint endpoint="Solution2/MyHTTPEndpoint"/> </server> What this tells WLP is that there is a new application that is found in "Solution2inbound.ear" and that the application should run. This application is generated by ODM DSI and starts listening for incoming HTTP requests and, when they arrive, cause them to be processed as events. !!Important!! Page 133 The XML file generated from the command line connectivityManager needs to be manually edited to uncomment the definitions. Why this is not performed for us by the command line tool is unknown. Finally, the configuration needs to be deployed with the command: connectivityManager deploy local <esa file> <config xml file> An example execution might be: connectivityManager deploy local MySolution.esa MySolution-config.xml --overwrite=true which would log: CWMBE1146I: Reading the input file: MySolution.esa CWMBE1475I: The connectivity server configuration file for the solution "MySolution" contains the configuration required for the specified endpoints. CWMBE1148I: Writing to the output file: C:\Users\kolban\AppData\Local\Temp\MySolutioninbound.ear918150901037688396.tmp CWMBE1144I: Successfully copied the file from "C:\Users\kolban\AppData\Local\Temp\MySolutioninbound.ear918150901037688396.tmp" to "C:\IBM\ODMCI86\runtime\wlp\usr\servers\cisDev\apps\MySolution-inbound.ear". CWMBE1144I: Successfully copied the file from "MySolution-config.xml" to "C:\IBM\ODMCI86\runtime\wlp\usr\servers\cisDev\MySolution-config.xml". CWMBE1452I: Successfully deployed connectivity for the solution "MySolution". CWMBE1454I: Successfully activated connectivity for the solution "MySolution". In addition, messages will also be logged to the Liberty console. For example: CWWKG0016I: Starting server configuration update. CWWKG0028A: Processing included configuration resource: C:\IBM\ODMDSI87\runtime\wlp\usr\servers\cisDev\JSTDTests-config.xml CWWKG0017I: The server configuration was successfully updated in 0.041 seconds. CWWKZ0018I: Starting application JSTDTests-inbound. SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: web-JSTDTests (JSTDTests JSTDTests-0.0). SRVE0250I: Web Module web-JSTDTests (JSTDTests JSTDTests-0.0) has been bound to default_host. CWWKT0016I: Web application available (default_host): http://win7-x64:9086/JSTDTests/ CWWKZ0001I: Application JSTDTests-inbound started in 0.117 seconds. See also: • Exporting a solution Server properties for HTTP connections Within the server.xml for a DSI server, we can define an entry that controls how the outbound HTTP request will be processed. When we think about outbound HTTP, we will find that some additional attributes above and beyond what are defined in the connectivity definition may also apply. For example: • Authentication credentials • Endpoint URL We can control those through the addition of a new XML element of the form: <ia_outboundHttpEndpoint endpoint="<endpoint name>" url="<URL value"> user="<User name"> password=<"user password"> /> The url, user and password properties are all optional. The endpoint name value is of the format "solution_name/endpoint_name". The user and password attributes can be used to send HTTP Basic authentication information with the HTTP request to the target HTTP endpoint. If one does not wish to code the clear text Page 134 password, a tool called "securityUtil" can be used to encrypt the password. For the url attribute, this is optional and overrides the location specified in the connection definition. Enabling ODM DSI to receive incoming JMS messages To allow ODM DSI to receive incoming messages, we need to add a new feature to the WLP. The feature called "ia:iaConnectivityInboundJMS-8.7". If this feature has not been enabled, attempting to deploy a connection configuration will result in: connectivityManager deploy local Solution2.esa Solution2-config.xml CWMBE1146I: Reading the input file: Solution2.esa CWMBE1493W: The server is missing the connectivity feature "ia:iaConnectivityInboundJMS-1.0" required to support the solution "Solution2". CWMBE1476W: The connectivity server configuration file for the solution "Solution2" does not contain the configuration required for the specified endpoints. CWMBE1484E: The connectivity deployment was cancelled due to configuration warnings. Correct the problems or specify the option "--ignoreValidationWarnings=true". If we define an inbound JMS entry, two sets of WLP definitions are found in the generated XML configuration file. One for binding to WLP JMS and one for binding to MQ JMS. For example, for WLP JMS, the XML file will contains: <!--WebSphere Application Server default messaging provider activation specification--> <jmsActivationSpec id="Solution2-inbound/in2ep/in2ep" authDataRef="Solution2-inbound/in2ep/in2epauthData"> <properties.wasJms destinationRef="Solution2-inbound/in2ep/in2ep" /> </jmsActivationSpec> <!--Authentication alias for activation specification Solution2-inbound/in2ep/in2ep --> <authData id="Solution2-inbound/in2ep/in2ep-authData" user="" password="" /> <!--WebSphere Application Server default messaging provider queue--> <jmsQueue id="Solution2-inbound/in2ep/in2ep" jndiName="Solution2-inbound/in2ep/in2ep"> <properties.wasJms queueName="inputQ"/> </jmsQueue> Take note of the "queueName" property in the "jmsQueue" definition. This is the name of the messaging engine queue that will be watched for messages. See also: • JMSEnabling ODM DSI to send outgoing JMS messages Enabling ODM DSI to send outgoing JMS messages To enable ODM DSI to send outgoing JMS messages as the result of an "emit" action, we need to add a new feature to the WLP server.xml. This feature is called "ia:iaConnectivityOutboundJMS-8.7". Failure to add this feature will result in no messages appearing on the queues. If we are using the internal JMS provider supplied with WLP, then we will need to configure that server and define the queues that are found upon it. These queues will then be mapped to the JMS concept of the queues. Within the generated configuration XML file associated with the connectivity definition, we will need to un-comment or add entries similar to the following: <!--WebSphere Application Server default messaging provider connection factory--> <jmsConnectionFactory jndiName="jms/qcf1"> <properties.wasJms remoteServerAddress="localhost:7276:BootstrapBasicMessaging" /> </jmsConnectionFactory> Page 135 <!--WebSphere Application Server default messaging provider queue--> <jmsQueue id="jms/q1" jndiName="jms/q1"> <properties.wasJms queueName="queue1" /> </jmsQueue> <ia_outboundJmsEndpoint endpoint="Solution2/out1ep" /> See also: • JMS Enabling ODM DSI to receive incoming MQ messages The connectivity definition for receiving incoming messages through MQ is identical to that for receiving messages from JMS. When the XML is generated for the Liberty profile, that is where different configurations come into play. After running the command to generate the XML: connectivityManager generate config <esa file> <config xml file> An example edited configuration file might be: <!--WebSphere MQ messaging provider activation specification--> <jmsActivationSpec authDataRef="MQ_Test-inbound/mq1Endpoint/mq1Endpoint-authData" id="MQ_Test-inbound/mq1Endpoint/mq1Endpoint"> <properties.wmqJms destinationRef="MQ_Test-inbound/mq1Endpoint/mq1Endpoint" transportType="CLIENT" hostName="localhost" port="1414" channel="SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN" queueManager="QM1" /> </jmsActivationSpec> <!--Authentication alias for activation specification MQ_Test-inbound/mq1Endpoint/mq1Endpoint --> <authData id="MQ_Test-inbound/mq1Endpoint/mq1Endpoint-authData" user="kolban" password="password" /> <!--WebSphere MQ messaging provider queue--> <jmsQueue id="MQ_Test-inbound/mq1Endpoint/mq1Endpoint" jndiName="MQ_Test-inbound/mq1Endpoint/mq1Endpoint"> <properties.wmqJms baseQueueName="ToODMCI" baseQueueManagerName="QM1"/> </jmsQueue> One the deployment of this configuration has been performed and there are not errors in the log, we should see that the source queue is open for incoming messages: Page 136 See also: • IBM MQWebSphere MQ AccessTesting a solution • WebSphere MQ AccessTesting a solution Testing a solution Once a solution is built and deployed, the next logical thing we will want to do is test that solution. We have a number of ways to achieve this. Building a Java client for test One way to test a solution is to build a test client in the Java programming language. To perform this task you will need to be comfortable writing Java code and working in a Java programming environment. When we built our DSI solution, a set of Java interfaces were constructed from our BOM models. These are contained in an ODM DSI project called "<Solution> - Java Interfaces". If we are building our client on the same Eclipse as we built our solution then we already have access to what we need. However, if we want to build and run our client in a different environment, we will need to export our Java interfaces. In order for the test client application to build, we need to add a number of JAR files to our project. These JARs provide the necessary resolution for DSI provided functions including the core TestDriver class itself. These JARs can be found in the <ROOT>/runtime/ia/gateway folder. Add all the the JARs in this folder. to your client application's classpath. The JARs that are added include: • • • • • commons-codec.jar • engine-api.jar Page 137 • engine-runtime.jar • objectgrid.jar In addition an additional JAR found in the folder <ROOT>/runtime/wlp/clients must be added: • restConnector.jar There is one final JAR that needs to be added and that is the Solution Java Model project. From the Java Build Path setting, the entries will look similar to the following: At the conclusion, the Java project will have a set of References Libraries: With the project environment ready, we can now construct our test client. Create a Java class to host the test driver. When the test driver runs, it needs information in order for it to operate. This information is Page 138 supplied in the form of a set of name/value properties. These can be supplied either through a file or as a Java Properties object. To run the test driver, we can build a properties file that describes how to connect to DSI. The name of the properties file must be "". The directory in which it is contained must be supplied in the Java runtime property called "testdriver_home". This can be added to the Java command line with: -Dtestdriver_home=<directory path> An example properties file looks as follows: solutionname=MySolution catalogServerEndpoints=localhost:2815 host=localhost port=9449 username=tester password=tester trustStoreLocation=C:\\IBM\\ODMDSI87\\runtime\\wlp\\usr\\servers\\cisDev\\resources\\security\\key.j ks trustStorePassword=tester disableSSLHostnameVerification=true The port numbers for your environment can be found in the configuration file described here: • Changing port numbers If you fail to point to the, an error similar to the following will be presented: The complete list of properties is: Property Name Description solutionName The name of the solution catalogServerEndpoints host The hostname or IP address of the server running DSI. port The HTTPs port number on which DSI is listening. connectTimeout The amount of time to wait before retries if the connect to the server fails. username The userid used to connect TestDriver to the DSI server. password The password for the userid used to connect TestDriver to the DSI server. trustStorePassword The password for the Java Key Store security keys file. The default for this is "tester". trustStoreLocation The location of the Java Key Store file that contains the security keys needed to contact DSI. The default for this is <DSIRoot>/runtime/wlp/usr/servers/<Server Name>/resources/security/key.jks. disableSSLHostnameVerification logLevel Page 139 One of: • • • • • OFF SEVERE WARNING INFO FINE • • FINER FINEST As an alternative to supplying a properties file and a pointer to that file, one can supply a Java Properties object instantiated and populated with the correct values. This can be passed as a parameter to the constructor of the TestDriver. For example: Properties connectionProperties = new Properties(); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.RUNTIME_HOST_NAME, "localhost"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.HTTP_PORT, "9449"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.CATALOG_SERVER_ENDPOINTS, "localhost:2815"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.DISABLE_SSL_HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION, "true"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.TRUSTSTORE_PATH, "C:\\IBM\\ODMDSI87\\runtime\\wlp\\usr\\servers\\cisDev\\resources\\security\\key.jks"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD, "tester"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.ADMIN_USERNAME, "tester"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.ADMIN_PASSWORD, "tester"); TestDriver testDriver = new TestDriver(connectionProperties); Personally, I prefer this methods when building personal tests as it is one less set of artifacts (properties files and directory pointers) that I have to worry about. However, it does necessarily mean that the code has to be changed if you change environments or pass it to someone else. Use your judgment on which style is better for yourself. Using the TestDriver Let us now look at how to use this class to write a driver client. We create an instance of the TestDriver through TestDriver testDriver = new TestDriver(); testDriver.connect(); When we run the client, we will find that it is extremely chatty as it logs a lot of information to the console. Using the ConceptFactory One of the TestDriver methods is called "getConceptFactory". Calling this method we get back a Java factory object that is capable of creating instances of Concepts, Events and Entities. For example, if we have created a BOM in the package called "com.kolban" then the JAR for the Java model of the BOM will contain a class called "com.kolban.ConceptFactory". We do not attempt to create an instance of this directly. Instead, we use the TestDriver function called getConceptFactory(<conceptFactory>.class) to return our instance. The object returned has the following methods on it: • create<EventType>(ZonedDateTime) • create<EventType>(p1, p2, ..., pN, ZonedDateTime) • create<EntityType>(idP1) • create<EntityType>(idP1, p2, ..., pN) These return objects corresponding to the events and entities. Page 140 Each event and entity object has property getters and setters. For example: • get<PropertyName>() • set<PropertyName>(value) The properties can be seen in the solution BOM model: The property names are Pascal Cased just like Java Beans. For example: • getF1() • setF2(value) • getTimestamp() Creating an instance of an entity To create an instance of an entity, we get the factory object that creates entities and then we ask the factory to create an entity ConceptFactory conceptFactory = testDriver.getConceptFactory(Conceptfactory.class); BO1 bo1 = conceptFactory.createBO1("xyz"); bo1.setF2("f2Val"); testDriver.loadEntity(bo1); Creating an instance of an event If we wish to create an event and submit it, we can do so similarly with: EventFactory eventFactory = testDriver.getEventFactory(); SalesEvent salesEvent = eventFactory.createEvent(SalesEvent.class); salesEvent.setName("Cart1"); salesEvent.setEventDateTime(ZonedDateTime.parse("2014-04-06T16:45:00")); testDriver.submitEvent(salesEvent); Retrieving an entity We can use the fetchEntity() method to retrieve a specific entity. See also: • fetchEntity(entityTypeClass, entitiyId) Page 141 TestDriver Methods The core of the Java test client is an IBM supplied class called This class provides all the functions one needs to write such a program. Full documentation on these methods can be found in the product documentation references. The class has the following methods: addDebugReceiver(DebugReceiver) Register a receiver for server transmitted debug information. A DebugReceiver object is passed as a parameter. This is an instance of a class that implements This interface has one method defined as: void addDebugInfo(DebugInfo instance, String sourceAgent) This is method is invoked by the framework when the DSI runtime tells the TestDriver that something happened. IBM provides a sample implementation of this interface that queues the debug items for subsequent examination. This sample class is called: An example of usage would be: IADebugReceiver receiver = new IADebugReceiver(); testDriver.addDebugReceiver(receiver); Now we can look at what an instance of DebugInfo contains. It has the following methods: • getAgentName() - The name of the agent that published the event. • getDebugNote() - The note associated with the event. • getEventId() - The id of the event. The full event details can be retrieve using the TestDriver.getAgentEvent() method. • getSolutionName() - The name of the solution. • toString() - Convert the DebugInfo to a string. An example would be: DebugInfo : Solution [Solution1] Agent [solution1.solution1_java_agent_1.JavaAgent1] debugNote [*] eventID [A7FB4AAD7D2D408A5611E4C4C8FA7867] agentEvent [com.kolban.EVENT2] Some setup is also required in the DSI server before debug information is returned. Specifically, we must set up the debugPort property on which the server is listening. For example: propertyManager set debugPort=6543 Running this command adds an entry into the server.xml into the <ia_runtime> element. The attribute entry is "debugPort=value". The property called DriverProperties.DEBUG_SERVERS should be set to the DSI server against which we will listen for debug messages. It has the format "host:port" where port is the debug port. In addition, the DriverProperties.DEBUG_AGENT_LIST property should name the agents for which publish events should be caught. This can also be "*" to indicate that we will examine events from all agents. See also: • getAgentEvent(DebugInfo) • removeDebugReceiver(r) Page 142 • DSI TechPuzzle 2015-02-20 - A puzzle on DebugInfo connect() Connect the TestDriver to the DSI server. The properties used for connections are the current properties associated with the instance of the TestDriver. The solution identified in the current properties is used as the solution to work against. See also: • disconnect() connect(timeout) Connect the TestDriver to the DSI server supplying a timeout. A value of 0 means use no timeout value. connect(solutionName) Connect the TestDriver to the DSI server supplying the solution name. The supplied solution name takes precedence over any solution currently associated with the TestDriver through its properties. See also: • disconnect() connect(solutionName, timeout) Connect the TestDriver to the DSI server supplying the solution name and timeout. See also: • disconnect() createRelationship(entity, key) Create a relationship object populated with the entity type and key. Note that this does NOT create any new entities but rather simply creates a new Relationship object. createRelationship(t) Create a relationship object populated with the entity type and key derived from the entity object instance. Note that this does NOT create any new entities but rather simply creates a new Relationship object. deleteAllEntities() Delete all the entities for the given solution. This effectively resets the solution to an empty state discarding all the entities. See also: • loadEntities(entities)loadEntity(entity) • loadEntity(entity) Page 143 deleteAllEntities(entityType) Delete all entities for a given entity type. Note that the entity type is a String which includes both the package and the class name of the entity type. It is not a Java Class object. See also: • loadEntities(entities)loadEntity(entity)deleteEntity(entityType, entityId) • loadEntity(entity)deleteEntity(entityType, entityId) deleteEntity(entityType, entityId) Delete a specific entity given its type and id. See also: • loadEntities(entities)loadEntity(entity) • loadEntity(entity) endTest() disconnect() Disconnect the TestDriver from the DSI server. See also: • connect() fetchEntity(entityTypeClass, entitiyId) This method retrieves an entity from the DSI server. If changes are made to the entity they are not written back to the DSI server until a call is made to updateEntity(). The input parameters to this method are: • entityTypeClass – The Java Class type of the entity type to be retrieved. • entityId – The identifier for this instance of the entity. See also: • updateEntity(entity) getAgentEvent(DebugInfo) Retrieve the event associated with the DebugInfo record. For example: DebugInfo db = …; Event e = testDriver.getAgentEvent(db); See also: • addDebugReceiver(DebugReceiver) getConceptFactory(conceptFactoryClass) Retrieve the concept factory object that is used to create instances of concepts, entities and events. The input parameter is the name of the ConceptFactory class. For example, if our BOM exists in Page 144 the package "com.kolban" then the parameter to be passed to this method would be "com.kolban.ConceptFactory.class". getEventFactory() Retrieve an instance of EventFactory that can be used to create instances of events. It isn't clear when one would create events from an event factory vs creating events from a concept factory. getModelSerializer() Retrieve an instance of the Model Serializer that can be used to serialize entities and events to XML documents. See also: • KnowledgeCenter – ModelSerializer – v8.7 getProductId() Return a string representation of the name and version of the DSI product. getProperties() Get the set of properties used to connect TestDriver to a DSI server. getProperty(property, def) Get an individual property used to connect TestDriver to a DSI server. getRuntimeServers() Retrieve a list of servers that comprise the DSI environment. getSolutionGateway() Retrieve the instance of the SolutionGateway object that is used by the TestDriver. getSolutionProperty() isRuntimeReady() isSolutionReady() Testing seems to show that this is true when the TestDriver is connected and false when not connected. This can be used by tooling to determine if a connection is needed. loadEntities(entities) Load a list of entities into the ODM DSI runtime. See also: • loadEntity(entity)deleteAllEntities()deleteAllEntities(entityType)deleteEntity(entityType, entityId) • deleteAllEntities()deleteAllEntities(entityType)deleteEntity(entityType, entityId)l Page 145 • deleteAllEntities(entityType)deleteEntity(entityType, entityId) • deleteEntity(entityType, entityId) loadEntity(entity) Load a single entity into the ODM DSI runtime. The entity to be loaded can be created through the ConceptFactory. See also: • loadEntities(entities)deleteAllEntities()deleteAllEntities(entityType)deleteEntity(entityType, entityId) • deleteAllEntities()deleteAllEntities(entityType)deleteEntity(entityType, entityId) • deleteAllEntities(entityType)deleteEntity(entityType, entityId) • deleteEntity(entityType, entityId) removeDebugReceiver(r) This method removes a debug receiver from the TestDriver. It is assumed that a previous call to addDebugReceiver() using the same receiver object was made. See the documentation for addDebugReceiver for more notes on using this capability. See also: • addDebugReceiver(DebugReceiver) • getAgentEvent(DebugInfo) resetSolutionState() Resets the solution discarding any event history that may have previously been recorded. setGatewayMaxSubmitDelay() setProperties() Set the properties used to connect to the DSI server. setProperty() Set an individual property used to connect to the DSI server. startRecording() Start recording processing information for display within Insight Inspector. Once called, the runtime will start recording information until requested to stop by a call to stopRecording(). A REST command can also be used to request a start. See also: • Using Insight Inspector stopRecording() Stop recording data that was previously requested by a call to startRecording(). Following a stop, the data can be examined from the browser based Insight Inspector. A REST command can also be used to request a stop. Page 146 See also: • Using Insight Inspector submitEvent(event) This method submits an event to the DSI server for processing. The parameter that is passed is an instance of an event. toXMLBytes() Serialize an Entity object to a Java OutputStream as an XML document. toXMLString() Serialize an entity to a String representing an XML document. updateEntity(entity) Having previously retrieved an entity, this methods will update it back in the DSI server. See also: • fetchEntity(entityTypeClass, entitiyId) validateProperties() Validate the properties. Not quite sure what that would mean. Scripting tests with JavaScript The Java programming language has had the ability to embed scripts within it for some time. However, with the arrival of Java 8, true first class support for JavaScript in the form of the "Nashorn" engine is bundled. Through this technology, one can execute JavaScript from within the context of a Java application. From a DSI perspective, this becomes interesting because we can now script TestDriver APIs from JavaScript. Here is a complete example of a Java 8 hosted JavaScript client: var var var var TestDriver = Java.type(""); Properties = Java.type("java.util.Properties"); ConceptFactory = Java.type("com.kolban.ConceptFactory"); Ev1 = Java.type("com.kolban.Ev1"); var connectionProperties = new Properties(); connectionProperties.setProperty("host", "localhost"); connectionProperties.setProperty("port", "9449"); connectionProperties.setProperty("solutionName", "MySolution"); connectionProperties.setProperty("catalogServerEndpoints", "localhost:2815"); connectionProperties.setProperty("disableSSLHostnameVerification", "true"); connectionProperties.setProperty("trustStoreLocation", "C:\\IBM\\ODMDSI87\\runtime\\wlp\\usr\\servers\\cisDev\\resources\\security\\key.jks"); connectionProperties.setProperty("trustStorePassword", "tester"); connectionProperties.setProperty("username", "tester"); connectionProperties.setProperty("password", "tester"); var testDriver = new TestDriver(connectionProperties); testDriver.connect(); testDriver.startRecording(); testDriver.deleteAllEntities(); var bo1 = testDriver.getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class).createBO1("XYZ"); bo1.setF2("Hi!"); Page 147 testDriver.loadEntity(bo1); var eventFactory = testDriver.getEventFactory(); var ev1 = eventFactory.createEvent(Ev1.class); ev1.setX1("AA"); testDriver.submitEvent(ev1); testDriver.stopRecording(); Example of creating an entity var ConceptFactory = Java.type("<Package Name>.ConceptFactory"); // Variable "testDriver" is initialized to your TestDriver instance. var conceptFactory = testDriver.getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class); var entity1 = conceptFactory.createENTITY1("xyz"); entity1.setF2("f2Val"); testDriver.loadEntity(entity1); print("Done!"); Example of creating an event We may wish to create instance of entities through JavaScript. Here is an example of creating a single entity. var ConceptFactory = Java.type("com.kolban.ConceptFactory"); var ZonedDateTime = Java.type("org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime"); var conceptFactory = testDriver.getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class); var event1 = conceptFactory.createEVENT1(; event1.setF1("XYZ"); event1.setF2("ABC"); testDriver.submitEvent(event1); print("Done!"); If we have many entities to create, another notion is that we can define the entities in Json and use a small piece of JavaScript to build the entities from the data. For example: var ConceptFactory = Java.type("aggregate_tests.ConceptFactory"); // Variable "testDriver" is initialized to your TestDriver instance. var conceptFactory = testDriver.getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class); testDriver.deleteAllEntities(); var data = [{ id: "Blue Widget", quantity: 5, description: "Blue Widgets" },{ id: "Red Widget", quantity: 6, description: "Red Widgets" },{ id: "Green Widget", quantity: 17, description: "Green Widgets" }]; for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) { var stockItem = conceptFactory.createStockItem(data[i].id); stockItem.setQuantity(data[i].quantity); stockItem.setDescription(data[i].description); testDriver.loadEntity(stockItem); } print("Done!"); See also: • loadEntity(entity) Page 148 Using Insight Inspector Insight Inspector is a web based application that allows a developer or tester to view the execution history of a series of tests submitted to DSI through the TestDriver Java class. The high level overview of using this feature is as follows: • Start recording • Run the TestDriver based tests • Stop recording • Run the web based Insight Inspector to view the results To start a recording, we use the startRecording() method of TestDriver. Similarly, to stop a recording, we use the stopRecording() method. After switching on recording, processing of events and their corresponding actions will be recorded by DSI. This will continue until either an explicit request to stop recording is received or the maximum recording size is reached. The default of this is 3500 records but can be changed through the server.xml property: <ia_runtime maxRecordingSize="5000" /> An an alternative to using the TestDriver startRecording and stopRecording methods, we can also submit REST requests to the server. The format of those are GET /ibm/insights/rest/recording/start/<Solution> GET /ibm/insights/rest/recording/stop/<Solution> If we try and start recording while recording is already active, we get a 503 status returned. Of we try and stop recording and there is no recording in progress, we also get a 503 status returned. After having recorded some solution execution, we can open the IBM DSI Insight Inspector tool by opening a browser to: https://<hostname>:<port>/ibm/insights If no recording has been made, the following will be shown: If recordings are available, we see a list of those recordings grouped by solution: Page 149 Upon clicking a solution, we are shown a chart and tables of the recorded data that is available for examination: At the top we have a time-line which we can scroll across. Markers show events being processed or Page 150 emitted and by which rule agent. Selecting a marker shows us the event and entity data at that point in time. Buttons are available to allow us to zoom in and zoom out within the timeline. If we take a new recording, we can refresh the browser to see the new data. See also: • startRecording()stopRecording() • stopRecording() • Video - How do I use Insight Inspector in IBM ODM V8.7 Decision Server Insights to debug problems? - 2015-04-17 Submitting events though HTTP and REST When we create a connectivity definition for a solution, we can bind that to an HTTP endpoint at the DSI server. The server will then listen for incoming events at that location. The format of an event that is to be sent to DSI is an XML document. To build an appropriate XML document, we can use the XML Schema that can be exported for our solution. One of the easier ways to do this is to use Eclipse as the environment to build the XML. First we create a new general project to hold our artifacts: File > New > Project Select General > Project Give the new project a name: Page 151 We now have an empty container project within our Eclipse environment. Now we can ask for the XML Schema file for our model to be generated and placed in this project: We can export the schema file to a local temporary file and then copy it into our XML project or we can export directly into the workspace folder for the XML project and refresh the project. Either way we end up with a new XML schema file in our XML project: Page 152 With the schema file available to us, we now wish to create an instance of an XML document that conforms to the schema. Page 153 Page 154 The result will be an instance of an XML document that confirms to the model desired. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <m:HireEvent xmlns:m="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" model.xsd "> <m:employee>m:employee</m:employee> <m:serialNumber>m:serialNumber</m:serialNumber> <m:timestamp>2001-12-31T12:00:00</m:timestamp> </m:HireEvent> It is an instance of this XML that needs to be sent to ODM DSI for processing. The way we sent the event is determined by how the solution is listening for incoming events. The choices available are HTTP or JMS. For HTTP, we can send a REST request to the inbound path of the ODM DSI server: POST <hostname>:port/<path> with the body of the post set to be the XML document. A tool such as postman can be used: Page 155 See also: • Using soapUI for functional testing Making a REST call from Java The Java programming language has built in functions for forming an HTTP request and sending and receiving data. These functions can be used to build and send REST requests which can be received by a ODM DSI for processing as an incoming event. The core function supplied by Java for making the REST request is the class "". The following is an example method that takes the URL target for the HTTP request and the event payload and transmits it to ODM DSI for processing: public static void publishEvent(String urlStr, String event) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(urlStr); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setUseCaches(false); conn.setAllowUserInteraction(false); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/xml"); OutputStream out = conn.getOutputStream(); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8"); writer.write(event); writer.close(); out.close(); if (conn.getResponseCode() != 200) { throw new IOException(conn.getResponseMessage()); } conn.disconnect(); } // End of publishEvent An example of calling this method might be: Page 156 public static void main(String args[]) { String event = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" + "<m:XYZEvent xmlns:m=''" + " xmlns:xsi=''" + " xsi:schemaLocation=' model.xsd'>" + " <m:ABC>m:ABC</m:ABC>" + " <m:f1>m:f1</m:f1>" + " <m:f2>m:f2</m:f2>" + " <m:timestamp>2001-12-31T12:00:00</m:timestamp>" + "</m:XYZEvent>"; try { publishEvent("http://localhost:9086/Solution2/ep1", event); System.out.println("Event published"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Submitting events through JMS The Java Message Service (JMS) is the Java API and specification for reading and writing messages to queue or topic based messaging environments. ODM DSI has the ability to "listen" for incoming messages and on receipt of the message, treat its content as an event. The content of the message should be an XML document formatted for an event structure. By using JMS, we can asynchronously deliver messages to ODM DSI without having to wait for ODM DSI to process them. This is a very loose coupling between an event producer and the consumer. ODM DSI can receive events from a couple of JMS providers, namely the WAS JMS provider and the MQ JMS provider. Here we will start to describe what is required to send messages through JMS. Configuring ODM DSI for JMS First, we have to enable the WLP feature called "wasJmsServer-1.1". It is this feature which allows ODM DSI to be a JMS provider. See also: • JMS Writing an external JMS client to send events Now let us assume that we have event data that, in our example, will be contained in a file. We now wish to submit that JMS message to the ODM DSI server for processing. Here we will assume that the client we will use a stand-alone Java SE client. To make this work, we need to use JAR files supplied by IBM to perform the JMS work. Unfortunately, WLP does not provide those. Instead, the only place (we know off) to get these JARs is from a full implementation of WAS. Within a WAS install, we will find a directory called <WASROOT>/runtimes. Within that folder we will find a number of JARs but the two of interest to us are: • • Next we built a Java project in Eclipse referencing these JARs. The JVM for this project must be the JVM supplied by WAS. Page 157 Here now is the complete logic for sending a JMS message from a file: package com.kolban; import; import javax.jms.Connection; import javax.jms.MessageProducer; import javax.jms.Session; import javax.jms.TextMessage; import; import; import; public class Test1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Test1 test1 = new Test1();; } public void run() { try { JmsFactoryFactory jff = JmsFactoryFactory.getInstance(); JmsConnectionFactory jcf = jff.createConnectionFactory(); jcf.setProviderEndpoints("localhost:7276"); jcf.setBusName("any"); JmsQueue queue = jff.createQueue("Default.Queue"); Connection conn = jcf.createConnection(); conn.start(); // Read the file RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile("C:\\Projects\\ODMCI\\ODMCI_WorkSpace\\XML Data\\Solution2\\XYZEvent.xml", "r"); byte data[] = new byte[(int)f.length()];; f.close(); Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); TextMessage tm = session.createTextMessage(new String(data)); MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(queue); producer.send(tm); conn.close(); System.out.println("Done!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } As you can see, there aren't many lines to it but it involves a whole lot of function. Some areas to note when reading it are: • The setProviderEndpoints() method supplied the host and port on which ODM CI is running and listening for incoming external messages. • We are creating the JMS connection and JMS queue not using JNDI as is commonly found with JMS applications as WLP doesn't support external JNDI access. • The name of the JMS queue to which we are writing is called "Default.Queue". This is the default queue. The name of an alternate queue may be used but must match the definitions in the .cdef file. Using Mockey for stubing REST service providers A particular useful open source project is called Mockey. What this utility does is start listening for incoming REST requests and, upon receipt, sends back a response of your configuration. The value of this is that you can test a solution that you may write which emits REST requests without having to have a real REST service provide present. The tool logs all the incoming REST requests allowing you to view and analyze their content. This can be exceptionally useful if you are working with emitting events over HTTP and want to validate that the data payload of the request is what Page 158 you expect it to be. The tool is supplied in both source and as a runnable Java jar. From the command line, we can start the tool with: java -jar Mockey.jar This will launch a web page served up by Mockey into which you can define your settings including: • The endpoint on which you are listening. • A response message sent back when an incoming REST request is received. When the requests arrive at Mockey, its history page shows the list of seen requests and allows you to drill down into their content. For example: See also: • Mockey home page • DSI TechPuzzle 2015-03-06 Using soapUI for functional testing A popular test tool is called "soapUI" which is has a free version available. The home page for soapUI is "". Installation images for the open source version can be found here "". At the time of writing, soapUI 5.0.0 is the latest version. The edition of the tool that I downloaded was "SoapUI-x64-5.0.0.exe" which is a Page 159 full installer. When sending requests, ensure to add "Content-Type: application/json" or "application/xml" to each request. Failure to do this seems to result in 200 OK response but with no content. See also: • REST Requests Page 160 Operations ODM DSI runs on top of the IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile (WLP) runtime platform. In order to operate ODM DSI a knowledge of WLP will help. ODM DSI expects some level of configuration to be performed against WLP to achieve certain tasks. These include: • JMS configuration Some of the scripts supplied by ODM DSI expect connections parameters. These can be supplied on the command line or placed in a properties file. The default properties file can be found at: <ROOT>/runtime/ia/etc/ See also: • WebSphere Liberty Creating a new server DSI is configured upon instances of Liberty servers. If we wish to create a new server instance, we can run the command: server.bat create <serverName> --template=<templateName> The list of templates can be found in the folder called: <DSI>/runtime/wlp/templates/servers What you will find there will be templates for servers of type: • cisDev – Development server • cisCatalog • cisContainer • cisInbound • cisOutbound • defaultServer These templates contain the bootstrap, jvm.options and server.xml (amongst other things) for the new Liberty server that will be created. An alternative to using the command line tooling is to use the Liberty developer tools found inside Eclipse. It is my preference to learn and use these tools when I can. Some comment that learning the command line tools means that you can execute these commands under any circumstances and that is undeniably true. However, for me, life is too short to try and memorize such things and merely to know that they exist when needed is enough. To use the developer tools to create a new server instance, open up the Servers view and select New > Server from the context menu: Page 161 You will now be offered a list of the types of servers you can create. Choose the Liberty profile server type: Next you can create a new server definition and supply a name for your new server as well as selecting the template type from the pull-down list of available templates: Page 162 With the name and template defined, you are now presented with an overview of what is going to be defined in your new server instance. Clicking Finish will create its definitions: The directory for the server will be found at: <DSI Root>/runtime/wlp/usr/servers Page 163 You may wish to modify the file to change any relevant port numbers. And that is it. Nothing complex here and creating and deleting new server entries is really that easy. See also: • KC – Server command Starting and stopping the server We can determine which servers are running with the serverManager isOnline command. From within <ROOT>/runtime/wlp/bin we can execute: to start the server server start cisDev to stop the server serverManager shutdown Changing port numbers Within the <Root>/runtime/wlp/usr/servers/cisDev directory is a file called "". Within this file we will find the port numbers for the server. The defaults are: HTTP: 9080 HTTPS: 9443 listenerPort: 2809 In my sandbox, I changed these to: HTTP: 9086 HTTPS: 9449 listenerPort: 2815 Server administration properties There are certain properties which are managed specially by the server and are changeable via the "propertyManager" command that can be found in the <DSI>/runtime/ia/bin folder. These properties include: • solutionAutoStart • maxEventProcessingThreads • magAgentTransactionRetries • engineCacheSize • agentDisableSaveState • debugPort • logSuppressionThreshold • logSuppressionThresholdPeriod • logInitialSuppressionPeriod Page 164 • logMaxSuppressionPeriod • logMaxTrackedMessages The propertyManager command has options for get, set and list to work with the properties. The "list" command lists the names of all the properties that can be changed. Executing a "get" before a set may return a message that the property does not exist. DSI Security See also: • Technote - Enabling Decision Server Insights Grid Security - 2015-02-10 DSI JMX Access IBM DSI provides a rich Managed Bean (Mbean) access to its operations via the Java JMX technologies. JMX provides a Java flavored mechanism for interacting with application components either locally (within the DSI server) or remotely over the network. It is WebSphere Liberty that provides the underlying JMX framework however DSI has plugged itself into that area nicely. The JMX domain to which the DSI components belong is called "". The primary beans of interest to us are: Name Object Name AgentStats, partition=X,type=AgentStats ConnectivityManager DataLoadManager GlobalProperties JobManager JobManagerDebug OutboundBufferManager ServerAdmin Solutions DSI is documented as supporting the MXBeans technology which provides very easy access to the attributes and operations of Mbeans. For example: ObhectName objectName = new ObjectName("; JobManagerMXBean bean = JMX.newMXBeanProxy(connection, objectName, JobManagerMXBean.class); Page 165 JMX – AgentStats Attributes • EventCount – int – The number of times events have fired. • AgentCount – int – The number of times agents have processed an event. • EventTime – long – The amount of time taken to process all events. • AgentTime – long – The amount of time take to process all agent calls. • EngineCacheHits - long • EngineCacheMisses - long • EventStats - List<InvocationStats> • AgentStats – Map<String, List<InvocationStats>> Operations • getEventStats InvocationStats getEventStats(String type) • getAgentStats List<InvocationStats> getAgentStats(String type) Data Structures • InvocationStats ◦ String type – The class name of the agent or event. ◦ int count – The number of times an agent or event type processed an event. ◦ long time – How long the agent or event type has processed events. JMX – ConnectivityManager Attributes Operations Data Structures JMX – DataLoadManager Attributes • GridOnline - boolean • LoadComplete - boolean Operations • loadData Page 166 int loadData() • checkLoadProgress boolean checkLoadProgress() • setGridOnline boolean setGridOnline() JMX – GlobalProperties Attributes Operations Data Structures JMX – JobManager The JobManager provides access to entity aggregate Job Management. This includes the ability to query jobs and schedules as well as finding their outcomes. Attributes • ActiveJobCount - int • ActiveJobs - JobRunId[] • JobRunIds - JobRunIs[] • JobRunInfos - JobRunInfo[] • QueuedJobs - JobRunInfo[] Operations • getActiveJobs JobRunId[] void getActiveJobs(String solutionName) • getJobRunInfos JobRunInfo[] getJobRunInfos(JobRunId[] jobRunIds) • submitJob JobRunId submitJob(String jobName, String solutionName, String description, List<JobParameter> params) • updateJobSchedule boolean updateJobSchedule(String jobName, String solutionName, String intervalString, String crontabString) • getJobSchedule String getJobSchedule(String jobName, String solutionName) • removeJobSchedule boolean removeJobSchedule(String jobName, String solutionName) • abortJobByName void abortJobByName(String jobName, String solutionName) Page 167 • abortJob void abortJob(String runJobId, String jobName, String solutionName) • getJobRunInfo JobRunInfo getJobRunInfo(String jobName, String solutionName) JobRunInfo getJobRunInfo(String jobRunId, String jobName, String solutionName) Data Structures • JobRunId ◦ String id ◦ String jobName ◦ String solutionName ◦ String systemId • JobRunInfo ◦ Date abortStartTime ◦ Date creationTime ◦ String description ◦ Date endTime ◦ JobRunId id ◦ JobOrigin jobOrigin ◦ JobResultInfo jobResultInfo ◦ long runDuration ◦ Date startTime ◦ JobStatus status ◦ boolean abandoned ◦ boolean restart • JobOrigin ◦ String name • JobStatus ◦ Enum ▪ ABORTED ▪ ABORTING ▪ CANCELLED ▪ COMPLETED ▪ CREATED ▪ FAILED Page 168 ▪ FAILED_SUBMISSION ▪ QUEUED ▪ RUNNING ▪ SKIPPED_AS_DUPE ▪ STARTING ▪ TIMED_OUT • JobResultInfo ◦ JobRunId id ◦ String message ◦ String resultCode JMX – OutboundBufferManager Attributes Operations Data Structures JMX – ServerAdmin Attributes Operations Data Structures JMX – Solutions The MBean Object Name is: Attributes • Solutions - List<Solution> Operations • deploySolution SolutionStatus deploySolution(String fileName, boolean exportOnly, boolean activateOnly, boolean forceActivate, boolean redeploy) • undeploySolution SolutionStatus undeploySolution(String solutionName) • revertSolution SolutionStatus revertSolution(String solutionName) Page 169 • activateSolution SolutionStatus activateSolution(String solutionName) • stopSolution SolutionStatus stopSolution(String solutionName) • getProperty String getProperty(String solutionName, String propertyName) • setProperty boolean setProperty(String solutionName, String propertyName, String propertyValue) • getProperties List<String> getProperties(String solutionName) • setProperties boolean setProperties(String solutionName, Map<String, String> properties • getSolutionVersion String getSolutionVersion(String solutionName) • isDeployed boolean isDeployed(String solutionName) • isReady boolean isReady(String solutionName) Data Structures • Solution ◦ String currentVersion ◦ String name • SolutionStatus ◦ String message ◦ boolean success Configuring the data as persistent By default, when events arrive and entities are created, when the environment is stopped and restarted, it is restarted in a virgin state. This means that any previous knowledge that was known or learned is lost. There may be times when we wish maintain persistence of data between server starts and we can enable this capability but it comes at a cost. When there is no persistence enabled the operation of the server is as fast as possible. When we enable persistence, we are asking the system to perform an additional amount of work on our behalf. This can reduce throughput and increase resource utilization. As such, the decision to switch on persistence should be carefully thought through. If persistence is enabled, then the data and state of ODM DSI is written to a database. The database must be configured as a Java EE datasource. A script is provide found at: <ROOT>/runtime/ia/persistence/sql/DB2/DB2Distrib.sql which can be applied to a DB2 database to create the appropriate definitions in a target database. Page 170 Although the file is oriented towards DB2, it appears to be pretty generic SQL and can thus be applied to most database systems. Although the data stored in the tables is black-box, we can list the different tables it creates. These are: • ENTITIES • OUTBOUNDEVENTS • INBOUNDEVENTS • JOBRESULTS • EVENTQUERY • JOBHISTORY • RULESETS • DELAYEDEVENTS To enable persistence, we must edit a configuration file that belongs to objectgrid. This file can be found at: <ROOT>/runtime/wlp/usr/servers/<server name>/grids/objectgrid.xml Within the file, find the line which reads: <objectGrid name="" initialStatus="ONLINE"> and change it to read: <objectGrid name="" initialStatus="PRELOAD"> In addition, we can now uncomment the lines which read: <bean id="Loader" osgiService="CISSQLManager" /> for each of the maps that we wish to persist. These maps include: • DelayTimerPlugins • EventQueuePlugins • EntityPlugins • RulesetsPlugins • OutboundQueuePlugins • JobResultsPlugins • JobHistoryPlugins • EventQueryPlugins Using SmartCloud Analytics Embedded SmartCloud Analytics is only available on Linux environments. To use SmartCloud Analytics Embedded, you must install it as part of the DSI install. By default, it is not selected for installation. If you installed DSI without SmartCloud Analytics, you can subsequently install it through the Installation Manager: Page 171 Design Considerations When building solutions, from time to time there will be considerations that may not be immediately obvious. This section captures some of them. The processing of events By now we should be comfortable with the notion that when an event arrives, it is at that point that agents are executed to process the event. Let us consider the notion that we may have multiple rules that are fired when a single event happens. Here is an example. In our story, our entity represents "Stock" and our event represents a "Sale". When a sale happens, we want to reduce the stock quantity by the amount requested in the sale. Obviously, we can't have negative quantity so we only want to decrease the stock if we have enough stock to satisfy the sale. If we don't have enough stock, we want to emit a new event. A first pass at this may have been: when a sale occurs if the quantity of the sale details is at most the quantity of 'the stock item' then set the quantity of 'the stock item' to the quantity of 'the stock item' - the quantity of the sale details of this sale ; This rule would reduce the quantity of the stock if we have enough stock on hand. A second rule may read: Page 172 when a sale occurs if 'the stock item' is not null and the quantity of the sale details is more than the quantity of 'the stock item' then print "Not enough stock - transaction id is " + the transaction id ; emit a new no stock where the sale details is the sale details of 'this sale' , the transaction id is the transaction id of 'this sale' , the arrival date is the timestamp of 'this sale' ; Sounds fine … however there is a fatal flaw in this design and that is that the rules are all fired for a matching event. Here is an example of when things go wrong. Imagine the initial quantity of stock is "6" items. Now imagine that an order for "5" items arrive. When the first rule fires, the condition is true and the quantity is reduced to "1" (6-5). Now, the second rule fires but … the new current quantity in stock is now "1" and hence its condition is also true as it appears that we need "5" items but only have "1" on hand. Our core mistake here was that rules can modify the state of an entity and when a rule is evaluated, it is the immediate and current value of the entity that is presented to the rule. If preceding rules have modified the entity's attributes then these new values will be seen by subsequent rules. Is this an error? I think not … but it does mean that we have to be extremely cautious when thinking about rule conditions if rules can modify the values that those conditions depend upon. For the rules outlined, we can solve the puzzle with an "else" construct giving us a working rule of: when a sale occurs if the quantity of the sale details is at most the quantity of 'the stock item' then set the quantity of 'the stock item' to the quantity of 'the stock item' - the quantity of the sale details of this sale ; else print "Not enough stock - transaction id is " + the transaction id ; emit a new no stock where the sale details is the sale details of 'this sale' , the transaction id is the transaction id of 'this sale' , the arrival date is the timestamp of 'this sale' ; The Business Rule Language When we create a Rule Agent, we are implementing rules using the Business Rule Language. We implement this language within the Eclipse editor. The syntax and rules of the language are rich and powerful. Here we will start to cover them in more detail. The overall structure of a Rule is as follows: when [definitions] [if] then [else] Obviously the "when" part is required. There isn't much point in having an event driven rule if we don't associate it with an event to start it. Similarly, the "then" part is required. There isn't much point in having a Rule detect an event if that rule doesn't do anything with the notification. See also: • Rule Agents Page 173 Terms in scope When writing rules, we have various terms in scope. These include: • The fields in the incoming event. These can be referenced simply by the field names and the context of the event is assumed. • The fields in the associated bound entity. These can be referenced simply by the field names and the context of the entity is assumed. • The event itself (this <Event>) • The bound entity. When using implicit context, we may end up with ambiguous phrasing For example, consider an Event with a property called "key" and an Entity with a property also called "key". In a phrase we can now no longer use "the key" because we now no longer have a uniqueness of that phrase. Instead what we must do is further quality the reference. For example we could write "the key of myEvent" or "the key of myEntity". The "when" part Events can arrive at ODM DSI at any time. The "when" part of a rule declares that we wish to handle a specific event as part of this rule. In English, we can speak of responding to an externally originated event. We might say: • when the phone rings then answer the call and have a conversation. • when the doorbell rings then get up off the couch and answer the door. • when the wife yells then immediately stop what you were doing and see what she wants. In each of these cases, we are declaring a rule of logic to follow on the occasion of such an event happening. This is the nature of the "when" part of a rule. The general syntax is: when <event> occurs [, called <varname>] [where <condition>] In its simplest form, we need only supply the name of the event to respond to: when the doorbell rings occurs Within the remainder of the rule, we can refer to an implicitly created variable that holds the event that caused the processing to begin. For example: when XXX occurs ... then can refer to "this XXX" in our rule as the event that kicked us off. We can optionally define a new local variable to also hold this reference. when XXX occurs, called YYY ... the "this XXX" and "YYY" refer to the same event and we can use both variables interchangeably. Upon arrival of the event, we may immediately decide that we want to ignore it. Maybe we can determine this from the content of the payload. This concept is handled in the rules through the use of the "where" part. If the condition following "where" is false, any further processing is disregarded in this rule for this event instance. Page 174 For example to ignore payment overdue events that are less than five dollars, we could define: when a payment overdue occurs where the amount of this payment overdue is more than 5 then A second format of the "when" construct is the notion that we may wish to delay processing an event for a period of time. At first this sounds and feels odd. Why would we want to do that? Consider the following English language notions: • when my neighbor borrows my lawnmower and two weeks have passed … • when it has been a month since the last time I spoke to my boss … • when it has been three days since I asked the question … Each of these involves an event and a period of time passing. The syntax of modeling this in ODM DSI is: when <event> has occurred <calendar duration> ago [, called <varname>] When the event is finally processed, we must consider what the value of "now" will be? The semantics define it to be at least "the time the event was produced plus the calendar duration specified". The "definitions" part When we execute a rule, we can set up some variable definitions that can be used by the rule. The general syntax of this is: definitions set '<varname>' to <definition> [in <list> / from <object>] [where <test>*] The "if" part The general syntax of this is: if <condition>* The "if" instruction evaluations a condition and performs a set of actions only if the condition is true. The "if" instruction is always used in conjunction with the "then" construct and sometimes with the "else" construct. The use of "if" is optional. If omitted, then the "then" instructions are always performed when a corresponding event occurs. The "then" and "else" parts The general syntax of this is: then <action>* and then <action>* else <action>* The "then" instruction is mandatory but the "else" part is optional and only used when an "if" instruction is present. The "then" instruction is the syntactic introduction of the statements to be executed when an event is recognized. Page 175 The action parts An action is the performing of a set of instructions. Consider the following English language notions: • Charge credit card $1000. • Call the police. • Send a thank you note. • Tell my boss to "stuff this job". These are actions that can be performed as result of a preceding event. Think of it as classic "cause and effect". When we define event based rules, we are actually describing a series of actions to perform when a previous event happens. The detection of the event is important but so is the description of the actions that we are to perform. Within DSI, we can declare a rich set of actions that can be performed. The "set" action Given that DSI is heavily stateful, one of the key actions that we might wish to perform after recognizing the arrival of an event is to modify the state of the system. The general syntax of this is: set <variable> to <value>; A special variant of this is: set <variable> to null; Setting a variable's value to null effectively deletes any previous content that variable had. The previous content can no longer be accessed after this step. When the variable is the bound entity instance associated with an agent then that will terminate the relationship of the agent to the instance. We can use arithmetic in numeric calculations: set <variable> to <variable> + 5; Note that we don't use the set statement to set the values of booleans. Instead we use the "make it" statement. See also: • Variable values The "make it" action The "make it" action is a specialized verbalization for setting the value of a boolean variable in the data. The general format is: make it {true|false} that {entity|event} is {boolean property} For example: make it true that the oven is on or make it false that the oven is on Page 176 The "emit" action After having detected an event, we may wish to cause a new event to occur. Think of the following English language concepts: • When my wife tells me she is pregnant tell my friends that I can't see them anymore. • If my bank account is overdrawn tell my cable company to cancel HBO. • When I heard thunder an hour before I want to go fishing, call my buddy to bring extra beer. These new events can be directed back into DSI for further processing or they can be sent outbound from DSI to an external party to notify them that something has to be done. The general syntax of this is: emit <an event>; Typically, a new instance of an event is constructed here which includes its population. For example: emit a new MyEvent where the key is "myKey", the field1 is "My Value"; See also: • Emitting an event The "define" action This action defines a local variable that exists only during the execution of the subsequent actions in this rule. This can be extremely useful if the value assigned to the variable is complex and will be used more than once. It saves us having to redefine the value and saves the system from having to recompute it more than once. The general syntax is: define <varname> as <value>; See also: • Variable values The "print" action When an action is performed, we may wish to record that it happened. This may be for debugging purposes or because we wish to alert an operator about some exceptional occurrence. We can do this by performing a "print" action that causes a piece of text to be logged in the DSI console log. Typically we would include a "print" action as one of a series of actions performed. We may wish to record a log entry either before or after (or both) some other important action. The writing of data into the log has no affect on the state of an DSI solution. The general syntax of this action is: print "<string>"; When performed, this action causes the specified string value to be written to the DSI console log. Examining the log we will find an entry that looks like: I CWMBD9751I: Rule Agent <Rule Agent Name> print: <string> for each instance of the "print" action that is performed. A special phrase called "the name of this rule" evaluates to a string representation of the Page 177 current rule being evaluated. The "clear" action This action is used to remove all the members of a collection or remove a relationship between two objects. clear <object/list> of <collection of object>; For example, if the property of an object called XYZ is called PQR that is a collection, we could code: clear the PQR of this XYZ; The "add" action This action is used to add an object to a collection of objects. add <object> to <collection of objects>. For example, if the property of an object called XYZ is called PQR that is a collection, we could code: add a new ABC to PQR of XYZ; The "remove" action This action is used to remove an object from a collection of objects. remove <object> from <collection of objects>; For example, if the property of an object called XYZ is called PQR that is a collection, we could code: remove 'myPQR' from PQR of XYZ; The "for each" action This action provides a for loop to iterate over a list. A set of actions can be performed for each member of that list. for each <object> [called <variable>,] in <list>: - <action>*; For example, to print out the timestamps of previous events we might use: when an EVENT1 occurs definitions set 'previous events' to all EVENT1s ; then print "The total number of EVENT1s seen has been: " + the number of EVENT1s; for each EVENT1 called myEvent, in 'previous events' : - print "Previous event was at : " + the timestamp of myEvent ; Variable values The values of variables can be of the type of that variable. This includes the usual items such as strings, numbers and booleans. Strings are provided as text between double quotes as in: "London" Numbers are expressed as either whole or decimal values: Page 178 • 77 • 3.141 • -1 If the variable is a modeled business object, then we can assign the target variable the value of another variable. Alternatively, we can create a new instance of a business object. This is achieved through the use of the "new" construct. The syntax of this is: new <object> where for example set 'this employee' to a new Employee where the 'serial number' is "ABC"; Another special value is a string that contains the name of the current rule that is being evaluated. It is accessed through the syntax: the name of this rule See also: • The "set" actionThe "define" action • The "define" action Time operators We are used to thinking of classic arithmetic operators such as plus ('+') and minus ('-') resulting in new numeric values. ODM DSI, because it is heavily dependent upon time, has a wealth of time operators. In order to understand these properly, make sure that you understand the concepts of a time point, a time duration and a time period before reading further. In summary … • A time point is a fixed location on the time line • A time duration is an abstract length of time that has no relationship to an actual time line • A time period is the set of all time points between two specific time periods ODM CI Concept Description now A time point Now. This very point in time. the current <time unit> A time period The time period encapsulating now. The time unit can be one of: • second • minute • hour • day • week • year today A time period The time period in day units encapsulating now. Page 179 yesterday A time period The time period in day units encapsulating yesterday. tomorrow A time period The timer period in day unit encapsulating tomorrow. the last period of <calendar duration> A time period The time period in units before now. This does not include now. the next period of <calendar duration> A time period The time period in units after now. the duration between <date1> and <date2> A time duration A duration between two given dates. <duration> before <date> A time point. A time point some interval of time before a given date. <duration> after <date> A time point A time point some interval of time after a given date. <duration> in <time units> Numeric Converts a duration to a numeric value representing the number of time units in that duration. Applicable time units include: • weeks • days • hours • minutes • seconds <calendar duration> before <date> A time point <calendar duration> after <date> A time point the period between <date> and <date> A time period the duration of <period> A time duration the start of <period> A time point the end of <period> A time point <calendar duration> before <period> A time point <calendar duration> after <period> A time point <duration> before <period> A time point <duration> after <period> A time point the period of <calendar duration> A time period Page 180 before <date> the period of <calendar duration> after <date> A time period the period of <calendar duration> before <period> A time period the period of <calendar duration> after <period> A time period the period of <duration> before <date> A time period the period of <duration> after <date> A time period the period of <duration> before <period> A time period the period of <duration> after <period> A time period the calendar year <year number> the calendar month <month name> <year number> <time point collection> before <period> A collection Given an initial collection of timepoints, remove all the timepoints that are not before a period. <time point collection> after <period> A collection Given an initial collection of timepoints, remove all the timepoints that are not after a period. <time point collection> during <period> Given an initial collection of timepoints, remove all the timepoints that do not fall within the period. A collection See also: • Time • Time Expressions Expression construction Logical expressions An expression evaluates to either true or false. An expression can itself be composed of other expressions combined together using "and" and "or". • <expression1> and <expression2> – This expression is true only if both expression1 and expression2 evaluate to true. • <expression1> or <expression2> – This expression is true if either expression1 or expression2 evaluate to true. There are some other specialized expressions. The first is true if all the expressions are true which similar to "and" but expressed in a different format: all of the following conditions are true: - <condition>*, The next is true if any one of the expressions are true which is similar to "or" but expressed in a different format: any of the following conditions are true: - <condition>*, Page 181 We can also negate a complete expression. it is not true that <expression> We can also say that an expression is true if all of another set of expressions are false: none of the following conditions are true: - <condition>*, Numeric expressions Numeric expressions describe relationships between numbers. In classic programming, we use symbols such as "=" and ">" but in rules, we express these concepts in words. Since we are so used to the use of symbols, the following table illustrates the symbols first followed by the equivalent expressions as rules: English DSI Expression n1 = n2 <n1> equals <n2> or <n1> is <n2> Both of these are equivalent to each other. n1 != n2 <n1> does not equal <n2> n1 >= n2 <n1> is at least <n2> n1 >= n2 && n1 < n3 <n1> is at least <n2> and less than <n3> n1 <= n2 <n1> is at most <n2> n1 >= n2 && n1 <= n3 <n1> is between <n2> and <n3> n1 < n2 <n1> is less than <n2> n1 > n2 <n1> is more than <n2> n1 > n2 && n1 <= n3 <n1> is more than <n2> and at most <n3> n1 > n2 && n1 < n3 <n1> is strictly between <n2> and <n3> String expressions String expressions are true/false expressions that work against string data types. They can be used where an expression is valid. Phrase Example <text> is empty "" <text> is not empty "ABC" <text1> contains <text2> "ABCDEF" contains "BCD" <text1> does not contain <text2> "ABCDEF" does not contain "XYZ" <text1> starts with <text2> "ABCDEF" starts with "ABC" <text1> does not start with <text2> "ABCDEF" does not start with "XYZ" <text1> ends with <text2> "ABCDEF" ends with "DEF" <text1> does not end with <text2> "ABCDEF" does not end with "XYZ" Page 182 Time Expressions <date> is at the same time as <date> <date> is after <period> <date> is before <period> <date> is during <period> <date> is within same calendar <calendar unit> as <date> <date> is within <calendar duration> before <date> <date> is within <calendar duration> after <date> <date> is within <duration> before <date> <See more> <duration> is longer than <duration> <duration> is longer than or equal to <duration> <duration> is shorter than <duration> <duration> is shorter than or equal to <duration> <period> is during the same time as <period> <period> is after <date> <period> is before <date> <period> includes <date> <period> starts at <date> <period> ends at <date> <period> is after <period> <period> overlaps with <period> <period> is longer than <period> <period> is longer than or equal to <period> <period> is shorter than <period> <period> is shorter than or equal to <period> <period> is longer than <calendar duration> <period> is longer than or equal to <calendar duration> <period> is shorter than <calendar duration> <period> is shorter than or equal to <calendar duration> See also: • Time operators • Time Aggregation expressions • the average <attribute> of <collection> • the minimum <attribute> of <collection> Page 183 • the maximum <attribute> of <collection> • the total <attribute> of <collection> • the number of <collection> - See the section on Counting expressions. Counting expressions Now things start to get tricky. We can start to build expressions that "reason" over collections. • number of <object> - Returns the number of items in this collection. • there are <number> <object> - There are exactly <number> objects in our history. • there are at least <number> <object> - There is <number> or more objects in our history. • there are at most <number> <object> • there are less than <number> <object> • there are more than <number> <object> • there is no <object> • there is one <object> In the following table, let "count" be the number of instances of <object> and X be a number. Notion DSI Construct count == 0 there is no <object> count == 1 there is one <object> count == X there are <number> <object> count >= X there are at least <number> <object> count <= X there are at most <number> <object> count < X there are less than <number> <object> count > X there are more than <number> <object> count number of <object> Geospatial expressions • <a geometry> contains <a geometry> • <all geometries> contained in <a geometry> • <all geometries> containing <a geometry> • the distance between <a geometry> and <a geometry> in <a length unit> Page 184 • all <geometries> within a distance of <a number> <a length unit> to <a geometry> • <a geometry> intersects <a geometry> • the nearest among <geometries> to <a geometry> • the nearest point among <points> to <a geometry> • the nearest polygon among <polygons> to <a geometry> • the nearest line string among <line strings> to <a geometry> • the <a number> nearest among <geometries> to <a geometry> • the <a number> nearest line strings among <lines strings> to <a geometry> • the <a number> nearest polygons among <polygons> to <a geometry> • the <a number> nearest points among <points> to <a geometry> • <a line string> intersects itself • the vertices of <a line string> • the number of elements in the vertices of <a line string> • the coordinates of <a point> • add <a point> to the vertices of <a line string> • the border of <a polygon> • the holes of <a polygon> See also: • Geometry Scheduled rule execution We are familiar with the notion of evaluating a rule when an event arrives but we can also cause a rule to be evaluated at specific time points. This opens up a whole new dimension of solution design. The way to model this is through the use of an "if" clause of the form: if now is <some time period or value> then // Perform some action Examples of this might include: if now is in minute 0 if now is in Sunday From a modeling perspective, think of DSI waking up each second and, for each of these rules, evaluating the condition (hopefully that is not what actually happens as polling would be inefficient … but for our model and clarity, simply assume that is what happens). If the condition becomes true, then the action is performed. The rule will not perform the action again until the rule subsequently becomes false and then becomes true once more. This can be thought of as executing a flip-flop. The rule will continue to be evaluated and executed forever more. Page 185 A curious item to note is that the rule will not start evaluating until the Rule Agent has been woken at least once because of a previous event. See also: • DSI TechPuzzle 2015-04-10 • The "if" part Reasoning over previous events When an event arrives and a rule is processed, we can reason over the history of preceding events. A question that arises is that when an agent is processing an event, just "which" preceding events can it reason about? The answer appears to be events that historically would have been delivered to this instance of the agent because of an entity relationship. For example, in the following sequence of events delivered to the DSI server: E1(id="a"), E1(id="a"), E1(id="b"), E1(id="a") then a rule being processed for entity with id="a" would see three events while a rule for id="b" would see one event even though the DSI system has seen a total of four E1 events. This makes sense but it is always good to validate that this is in fact what happens. Within a Rule Agent we can access all the events (associated with a single entity) using the syntax "all Xs" where "X" is the name of the event. If we iterate over all the events using a for each loop, an interesting question is what order are they in? Will it be most recent event or least recent event first? The answer is probably that we shouldn't assume any ordering. Experimenting seems to show that the loop starts with the most recent event however, it is the current event that is at the end of the loop. so what we see is: En-1, En-2, En-3, .... E2, E1, En Interesting huh? The "then" construct and multiple possibilities Consider the following rule: when an EVENT1 occurs definitions set myEvent to an EVENT1; then print "Event instance: " + the e1 of myEvent + " that was seen at " + the timestamp of myEvent; It might not be immediately clear what this means. Let us parse it apart piece by piece and see what we can find. It begins with an event trigger which basically says that the rule will never do anything until an instance of EVENT1 is seen. We then have a most interesting definition statement. The statement reads: set myEvent to an EVENT1; This feels unusual ... what does it mean? The way to interpret this is that we are setting the local variable called "myEvent" to an instance of a historic and previously processed EVENT1. Ahh ... you might say ... and your next question would sensibly be "but which historic event?" and here the answer gets very strange. The answer becomes "all of them ... one at a time". If from a clean state, I send in an event EVENT1(e1="a", T=T1) then nothing would be logged as we have not yet seen an event. If I send in a second event EVENT1(e1="b", T=T2), we Page 186 would have a single print statement logged reading: Event instance: a that was seen at T1 If I send in a third event EVENT1(e1="c", T=T3), we would see two new print statements reading: Event instance: a that was seen at T1 Event instance: b that was seen at T2 Pause here ... notice that we sent in one new event which caused the rule to be run once but yet we see two print statements. Is the current event included in the count of events? The simple answer is yes ... but let us look into this in more detail. Imagine that DSI has been booted for the first time and we have an entity which receives its first event. If we code: definitions set 'myCount' to the number of <eventName>; The the value of myCount will initially be one. This means that the current event is included in the count of events associated with the entity and not just previous events. Accessing data from the current event Imagine that when a loan approval arrives, you wish to total the value of all the approvals over the last 4 weeks. One might be tempted to code: set 'total' to the total amount of all auto approves during the last period of 4 weeks; However, this will not include the current event that caused the rule to fire. This may be what you want but experience seems to be saying that you will likely want to include the current event as well. If this is correct, the following code will work: set 'total' to the total amount of all auto approves after 4 weeks before now; Debugging a solution Here are some tips and techniques for debugging a solution. Always examine the messages.log file from the server. This can be found in the <ROOT>/runtime/wlp/user/servers/cisDev/logs directory. A good tool for tailing this file on Windows is logexpert or within Eclipse one can use "Log Viewer". Some of the more interesting messages to look for include: • I CWMBD9632I: No agent bindings found for posted event <Event Name> – This says that a published event was not processed by any agent and was discarded. This may point to an agent that has been mis-configured to not listen for the correct event type. We can use "print" statements in the action sections to log information for debugging. A special phrase called "the name of this rule" is the string representation of the current rule. An important feature of the product is the ability to control trace flags. These can be set in the server.xml file using the <logging> entry. Switching on all aspects of trace is probably too much. Here are some suggested entries for different types of problems: Page 187 •*=fine – This will log the XML messages received for processing. See also: • The "print" actionLogging and tracing • Logging and tracing Logging Events When an event is received within DSI, it is delivered to appropriate agents for processing. During debugging, we may wish to see the events being delivered to the system. One possible way to achieve this is the creation of a Java Agent that listens on all kinds of events and merely logs the incoming event for display. We can achieve this by creating a Java Agent with an agent descriptor that looks like: 'solution1.log_all.LogAll' is an agent, processing events : - event This definitions declares an agent with no associated entity that processes all types of events. The Java code implementation of the agent could then be: package solution1.log_all; import import import import import;;;;; public class LogAll extends EntityAgent<Entity> { @Override public void process(Event event) throws AgentException { try { System.out.println("--- Log All Agent ---"); System.out.println("Event:\n" + getModelSerializer().serializeEvent(DataFormat.GENERIC_XML, event)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // End of LogAll // End of file This logs the XML document corresponding to the event to the console. Examining a problem If we examine the logs, we may see messages similar to the following: E Aggregate_Tests:: CWMBD9304E: Fatal error detected during event processing for event [aggregate_tests.Sale:4F0C74EA283B7094EE11E4FFDF752083] by agent [Aggregate_Tests_-_RA1] on partition [4]. Abandoning Event This is daunting. What are we supposed to do to understand this in more detail? The first task is to go and look in the trace file. From there, you need to slowly and carefully unwind the back-cause to get to the root of the issue. Understanding a trace file If things go wrong, there are times when you have to examine the trace files of DSI. These can be scary however with practice and judicially knowing what you need to see and discard, you can Page 188 usually piece together everything you need. Typically, we look for the arrival of a new event: - <Solution>:: GetNextKey ... <XML representation of the incoming event> By itself, finding this is huge. You now know whether or not the event contains what you expect it to contain. In addition, you will find the event Id which you can use for correlation if there are multiple events being processed concurrently. Understanding messages Messages written to the consoles and traces in many cases have IBM message codes associated with them. The format of these messages is: <Product ID><Message Number><Severity> Where: • Product ID is the identifier for a product. Here are some of the codes that you will find in IBM DSI: ◦ CWOBJ – WebSphere Extreme Scale core components ◦ CWPRJ – Extreme scale Entity projector ◦ CWWSM – HTTP Session manager ◦ CWXQY – Query Engine ◦ CWXSA – Extension point ◦ CWXSB – XsByteBuffer ◦ CWXSC – Console ◦ CWXSI – Command Line ◦ CWXSR – Log Analyser ◦ CWMBx – Decision Server Insights ◦ CWWKF – Liberty Kernel ◦ CWWKS – Liberty Security ◦ CWWKO - ? ◦ CWWKE - ? ◦ CWWKZ - ? ◦ SRVE – WebSphere web container ◦ TRAS – WebSphere tracing and logging ◦ SESN – HTTP Session Manager ◦ SSLC – SSL channel security ◦ TCPC – TCP Channerl ◦ WSBB – XsByteBuffer Page 189 • The message number is the unique id of this message within the message area. • The severity is a single character code indicating the nature of the message. The code will be one of: ◦ I – Informational ◦ W – Warning ◦ E – Error Geometry DSI has special support for geometry. What this means is that we can reason about interesting geometrical knowledge such as: • Distances between points • Points enclosed within an area The DSI support for these is based around some concepts that are related to geometry. These are: • A point – a location in "coordinate space". For example, the X/Y coordinates of something on a graph or the latitude/longitude of a place on the Earth. • A line string – An ordered sequence of points describing a line composed of smaller lines between each pair of consecutive points. • A linear ring – A line string where the the first and last pairs of points are considered to form a line segment. • A vertex - ??? • A polygon – A linear ring where we consider it to define not just the boundary but everything inside the boundary as well. In addition, DSI provides knowledge of units of geometrical measurement including length and area units. The geometry support is implemented within the product by a set of Java classes and interfaces under the package Some of the more important are: • Point – A point in space Warning … the data types in the geometry package are not serializable java objects. A core class in our story is the From this class we have factories to create some of the base items: GeometryFactory geometryFactory = GeoSpatialService.getService().getGeometryFactory(); For example: Point point = geometryFactory.getPoint(longitude, latitude); See also: • Geospatial expressions • Wikipedia - Latitude Page 190 Custom Business Object Models When designing rules we make heavy usage of the concept of the "Business Object Model" or BOM. Within ODM DSI, the BOM is built for us through the definitions in the Business Model Definition ".bmd" files. There is actually more to this story and some additional power. The IBM ODM rules engine product allows customers to hand-create their own Business Object Models (BOM) using a BOM editor. If we look carefully at a Rule Agent project, we see the following: What this is telling us is that we can augment our own rules projects with additional BOM entries and concepts. Page 191 See also: • Business Object Model – BOMModeling the Business Object Model (BOM)Generated Business Object Model • Modeling the Business Object Model (BOM)Generated Business Object Model Page 192 • Generated Business Object Model REST Requests ODM DSI responds to external REST requests. When sending requests, set the Content-Type header to "application/xml". When receiving the response, we can ask for either XML or JSON data as a result. This is achieved with the HTTP Accept header being one of: • application/json – The response data will be JSON. • application/xml – The response data will be XML. For each of the GET REST requests, optional additional parameters can be supplied. These include: • group – Causes the returned data to be returned as "pages" where the page size is defined by the max property. • max – Sets the size of a page to be returned. • regex – Supplies a regular expression that filters the returned data. The REST requests should be sent to the server (and port) of the DSI server. The ports can be configured as per: • Changing port numbers It is interesting to note that there is no pre-built REST API for submitting an event for processing. However, a solution developer can easily create an HTTP connection definition which will perform the same task. See also: • JSON Processing – JSR353 Reference implementation • Submitting events though HTTP and REST REST – List solutions In a running ODM DSI environment, there will likely be many solutions deployed. This REST requests returns a list of those solutions along with their versions. Only the active solutions are listed. GET /ibm/ia/rest/solutions The response from such a request contains: { solutions:[ { name:"FastTrackSolution", version:"FastTrackSolution-0.1" }, { name:"MySolution", version:"MySolution-0.3" } ] } REST – List Entity Types When a solution is deployed, there can be entity types defined in the BOM. This REST request lists Page 193 those types. GET /ibm/ia/rest/solutions/<solution name>/entity-types The response from such a request contains: { } "$class" : "", "entityTypes" : [ "com.kolban.Employee" ], "query" : "?solution=MySolution" Note that what is returned is literally a list of entity types. There is no data on their structure returned. REST – List Entity Instances Once events have been submitted to ODM DSI, it is likely that corresponding entity instances will have been created. A list of these entity instances can be retrieved through this REST call. The entities returns are those that are part of a named solution and those of the specific entity type. GET /ibm/ia/rest/solutions/<solution name>/entity-types/<entity type name>/entities The "<entity type name>" property is the full package name of the entity type, for example "com.kolban.Employee". The response from such a request contains: { } "$class" : "Collection[com.kolban.Employee]", "entities" : [ { "$class" : "com.kolban.Employee", "$idAttrib": "serialNumber", "age" : null, "firstName" : null, "jobTitle" : null, "salary" : 0.0, "secondName" : null, "serialNumber" : "123" } ] Be cautious with entity attributes that are defined as enriched. Their values are not calculated and returned in the response. They will simply not appear in the returned data. REST – Get an Entity Instance Each entity contains one or more properties. This API call allows us to retrieve the details of the entity. The identity of the entity is defined by the solution in which is lives, the type of the entity specified as a full package name and the id of the entity which is the value of its key field. GET /ibm/ia/rest/solutions/<solution name>/entity-types/<entity type name>/entities/<entity id> The response from such a request contains: { "$class" : "com.kolban.Employee", "age" : null, "firstName" : null, "jobTitle" : null, "salary" : 0.0, "secondName" : null, "serialNumber" : "123" Page 194 } Of note in this object is a field called "$class" which contains the Java class name that represents this object. REST – Update an Entity Instance When an entity exists and is managed by ODM CI, we may wish to update the properties of that entity. We can do this through the following REST request. The payload body of the request contains the new values of the entity. The identity of the entity is supplied through its key field. PUT /ibm/ia/rest/solutions/<solution name>/entity-types/<entity type name> The body of the PUT request contains an XML object of the form <object xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" type="<entity type name>"> <attribute name="<attribute>"> <null /> </attribute> <attribute name="<attribute>"> <string><Value></string> </attribute> ... </object> REST – Create an Entity Instance An instance of an entity is commonly created by a rule upon the arrival of an event, however we have the opportunity to create an Entity directly using the following REST API call. POST /ibm/ia/rest/solutions/<solution name>/entity-types/<entity type name>/entities/<entity id> REST – Delete all Entity Instances DELETE /ibm/ia/rest/solutions/<solution name>/entity-types/<entity type name>/entities REST – Delete an Entity Instance Since ODM DSI maintains entity instances, we might want to be able to delete them via REST. This REST request deletes a specific instance. The "entity id" property is the value of the key field for the entity. DELETE /ibm/ia/rest/solutions/<solution name>/entity-types/<entity type name>/entities/<entity id> A HTTP response code of 404 means that we could not find the instance to delete. On success (200 OK), the response is the value of the entity before it was deleted. REST – List aggregates GET /ibm/ia/rest/solutions/<solution name>/aggregate This will return a list of aggregates defined for the solution. Each entry in the list will be an object with a property named "defvar<Aggregate Name>" and have the current value of the aggregate. For example: [ { "defvarmy$x95$aggregate": 5.0 Page 195 ] } See also: • Defining global aggregates REST – Get aggregate GET /ibm/ia/rest/solutions/<solution name>/aggregate/<aggregate name> This request will return a single named aggregate. What is returned is an object with the single property named for the aggregate with the aggregate value. For example: { "defvarmy$x95$aggregate": 5.0 } See also: • Defining global aggregates REST Programming REST is a straightforward technique providing web services through simple HTTP requests. The following are some notes on REST programming in different environments. REST Programming in Java From Java, we can use the HttpURLConnection() class to make REST requests. Since DSI seems to only respond to SSL requests, we need to define a trust store that contains the certificates. One way to do this is to grab the Java Key Store found at: <DSI>\runtime\wlp\usr\servers\cisDev\resources\security\key.jks and add the following to the Java runtime properties:<DSI>\runtime\wlp\usr\servers\cisDev\resources\security\key.jks The response data from DSI is best served in JSON. A relatively new specification for JSON processing in Java is available through JSR 353. See: • JSON Processing: JSR 353 reference implementation • JavaDoc on javax.json package • JSR 353: Java API for JSON Processing Charting entities Over time and as events arrive and are processed at DSI, we can imagine that DSI will build up knowledge contained in the form of entities. Each entity will represent or model some distinct thing and will have attributes associated with it. Such an array of data lends itself well to being charted. Here is an example of a potential chart: Page 196 In this example, each column represents an underwriter and the height of a bar represents their probability of approving a loan. As new events arrive indicating whether or not they approved loans, their probability of approval will be recalculated and saved as a property of the entity. When the graph is refreshed, the new data associated with the entity will be visually reflected in the chart. DSI doesn't come with any charting capabilities but does provide a series of REST exposed APIs including one called "List Entity Instances". Using this API, we can pass in the solution in which an entity is defined and also the name of the entity type we wish to query and what will be returned is a list of the entities known to DSI including their values. From this raw data, we can feed it into a JavaScript charting package such as "jqPlot" to visualize the chart. See also: • REST – List Entity Instances • jqPlot Patterns When we build out rules, the chances are high that the "flavor" of the rule has been written before. Let us look at the simplest rules: • When the phone rings, answer it • When I spill milk, clean it up • When it is time for my TV show, sit down and watch it Taking these as a whole, we see that despite their apparent differences, they are all very similar. They have the following in common: When X Event happens, then do Y Action This is what we consider a pattern. In principle, all rules will conform to one or more patterns. The following describe some of the more common (and in some cases trivial) patterns that we come across. They may be used as future references should you need to implement something similar. Alternatively, they may be used as a study aid to ensure that you understand what is happening when you read them. Perform an action when an X Event happens In this pattern, when an "X Event" happens, we want to perform action. when a X Event occurs Page 197 then print "An X Event has been detected"; Create a Bound Entity when an X Event happens In this pattern, when an "X Event" happens, we want to create a bound instance of an ABC entity. We achieve this by using the "new" operator to create an instance of ABC and populate its properties. when a X Event occurs if 'the ABC' is null then print "Pattern 2 - Creating a new entity using key: " + the eventKey of this X Event; set 'the ABC' to a new ABC where the key is the eventKey of this X Event; else print "Pattern 2 - The agent is already bound using key: " + the eventKey of this X Event; Notice that we guard the action with a check to ensure that we are not already bound. Delete a Bound Entity when a Y Event happens In this pattern, when a "Y Event" happens, we want to delete the bound instance of an ABC entity. This is done by setting the bound variable to "null". when a Y Event occurs if 'the ABC' is not null then print "Pattern 3 - Deleting the Entity with key: " + the eventKey; set 'the ABC' to null; Perform an action if a previous event happened within a time period In this pattern, we perform an action as soon as we receive an event but only if a previous instance of the event has been seen within the last 10 seconds: when a XYZ Event occurs if the number of XYZ Events during the last period of 10 seconds is more than 1 then print "We have already seen an XYZ event within the last period!"; Perform an action when a second X Event happens within a minute In this pattern, when an "X Event" arrives and a previous "X Event" has happened less than a minute ago, then perform an action. Remember that the current event will be include in the set of events within a minute period so the number of events will be at least one. when a X Event occurs if the number of X Events then print the name of this or when a X Event occurs if the number of X Events then print the name of this Page 198 after 60 seconds before now is more than 1 rule + " Found more than one" ; during the last period of 60 seconds is more than 1 rule + " Found more than one" ; Update a bound entity based on an event When an event arrives, update the state of the entity based upon the content of the event. The entity contains a field called "fieldABC1" and the event contains a field called "fieldX1". When an "X Event" arrives, we update ABC with the content of "X Event". when a X Event occurs then set the fieldABC1 of 'the ABC' to the fieldX1; Filter the handling of an event based on event content When an event arrives, we don't always care about it. In this example, we filter the incoming events and perform an action only if they match a criteria: when a X Event occurs where the fieldX1 is "Emit1" then print "We found an Emit1"; Process an incoming event after a period of time We can delay processing of an event for a configurable period of time. In this example, we delay processing an event for 10 seconds. This means that 10 seconds after the arrival of the event, it will be processed. when a XYZ Event has occurred 10 seconds ago then print "An XYZ event happened 10 seconds ago"; Sources of Events In our journey so far we have considered only a couple of sources of events and how those can be delivered to ODM DSI. Specifically, we have looked at XML formatted data arriving over REST or JMS. Now we look at some additional sources of events and see how they can used in this arena. Database table row updates Consider a database which has tables contained within it. Each table holds rows of data. Now imagine that applications are inserting or updating these rows. If we could determine when a row is inserted (we will concentrate on inserted as updated will be similar) then that act of insertion could be considered an event. Further, the data content of the new row may be considered the event payload. At a high level, this is what we wish to achieve: Page 199 An application performs a SQL Insert into the database which is recorded in a table which is "magically" published as an event to the event cloud. If we limit our consideration to IBM's DB2 database, we find that it has some elegant technology that makes this story possible. First, we begin by examining the notion of a DB "trigger". A trigger is the database's automatic execution of database side logic whenever it detects a modification to a table. The reference documentation on DB triggers can be studied in detail, for our purposes, we will only consider a subset. Examine the following: CREATE TRIGGER <Trigger Name> AFTER INSERT ON <Table Name> REFERENCING NEW AS N FOR EACH ROW <Statement> This will execute a statement one for each row that is inserted. The variable "N" will contain the new row values. What remains now is to determine what is a good statement to execute that will cause an event to be emitted? IBM's DB2 has native WebSphere MQ support. This means that we can write a message directly into a queue from within SQL. The DB2 function called "MQSEND" can put an arbitrary string message in a queue. For our purposes, the format of the function is: MQSEND('<service name>', <message data>) We don't explicitly name the queue, instead we refer to the queue by its handle of "service name" which is a lookup on a table called "DB2MQ.MQSERVICE" which contains the actual queue target. Unfortunately, this support seems to require DB2 Federation support which is appears to be a separate product ... so for the purpose of this section, we will look and see if there isn't an alternative approach available to us. As an alternative to using messaging to send events, we can use REST requests. Within a DB2 environment, we can write procedures in Java which, when called, will execute a method from within a Java class. If that custom Java code were to emit a REST request, we would have all the parts we need. The DB2 procedure could then be invoked as a result of a trigger that would send the event via REST correctly formatted. What follows is a worked example: First we create a Java class that looks as follows: public static void sendEvent(String url, Clob eventClob) throws SQLException { try { String event = eventClob.getSubString(1L, (int) eventClob.length()); Page 200 publishEvent(url, event); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(log); } } private static void publishEvent(String urlStr, String event) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(urlStr); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setUseCaches(false); conn.setAllowUserInteraction(false); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/xml"); OutputStream out = conn.getOutputStream(); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8"); writer.write(event); writer.close(); out.close(); if (conn.getResponseCode() != 200) { throw new IOException(conn.getResponseMessage()); } conn.disconnect(); } // End of publishEvent This method is contained in the class called "com.kolban.odmci.DB2Procedures". Next we build a JAR file called "DB2Procedures.jar" containing this class. We can now deploy the JAR to DB2 using: db2 "call sqlj.install_jar('file:C:/Projects/ODMCI/JAR Files/DB2Procedures.jar','ODMCIPROCS')" With the JAR made known to DB2, we can now create a procedure that calls the JAR: create procedure sendEvent(IN url varchar(100), IN eventText clob) language java parameter style java no sql fenced threadsafe deterministic external name 'ODMCIPROCS:com.kolban.odmci.DB2Procedures!sendEvent' This procedure takes two parameters. The first is the URL that ODM DSI is listening upon for incoming HTTP events. The second parameter is the event payload itself. We have chosen a "CLOB" data type as this has an unbounded size and we didn't want to limit the size of the XML payload message. At this point we now have a Java procedure that sends data to ODM DSI as an event payload and we are able to call it as a DB2 statement. What finally remains is for us to build a trigger such that an insertion of a new row into a table will cause the event to be sent where the payload of the event is built from the newly inserted row in table. CREATE TRIGGER EVENTTRIGGER AFTER INSERT ON T1 REFERENCING NEW AS "newRow" FOR EACH ROW call db2admin.sendEvent('http://localhost:9086/Solution2/ep1', xmlserialize(content xmlelement(name "m:TableEvent", xmlnamespaces('' as "m"), xmlelement(name "m:col1", "newRow"."col1"), xmlelement(name "m:col2", "newRow"."col2"), xmlelement(name "m:col3", "newRow"."col3"), xmlelement(name "m:timestamp", varchar_format(current timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD') || 'T' || varchar_format(current timestamp, 'HH24:MI:SS')) ) as clob ) ); The above will register a trigger on a table called "T1" which has columns "col1", "col2" and Page 201 "col3". See also: • Writing DB2 Java Procedures and FunctionsDB2 TriggersDB2 and XMLMaking a REST call from Java • DB2 TriggersDB2 and XMLMaking a REST call from Java • DB2 and XMLMaking a REST call from Java • Making a REST call from Java • developerWorks - Using MQSeries from DB2 Applications - 2001-08-06 IBM BPM as a source of events IBM BPM is IBM's Business Process Management product that can be used to build and execute business processes. Within this environment we can describe the sequence of steps that are executed for each instance of the process. As we navigate from step to step, we could imagine the issuance of events from BPM for examination. There are as many different utilization’s of business processes as anyone could possible imagine. We will look at some simple ones. Imagine a shopping process that is started when a consumer places items in a web based shopping cart. Upon submission, the process handles the order including warehousing (to ensure that the items requested are actually in stock), billing and shipping. We seem to have a couple of ways in which IBM BPM can emit events for processing by ODM DSI. The first we will look at is the "Performance Data Warehouse". Performance Data Warehouse The Performance Data Warehouse (PDW) is a database with tables that is written to during the normal operation of IBM BPM. The data written can be thought of as a history of the BPM processes operations. This includes time stamps, the identity of which steps were executed and who performed any particular task. What we would like to do is model an event or series of events after the data found here. When new records are written to the database by the operation of IBM BPM, we could execute a database trigger that would send the events onwards to ODM DSI for consumption. Explicit emission of DSI events from BPM Within a BPM solution we can define BPD processes that can call BPM services. These services can be coded in Java. Within Java we can emit events to a DSI environment through REST and JMS. As such, we have the ability to emit events from BPM destined for DSI. An event arriving at DSI will consist of a an event type as well as an event payload. In BPM data is represented as Business Objects. A Business Object can be converted to an XML representation using its toXMLString() method. For example, a Business Object defined as: will be serialized to XML as a document that looks like: <variable type="BO1"> <a type="String"><![CDATA[A Value]]></a> Page 202 <b type="Integer"><![CDATA[123]]></b> <c type="Date"><![CDATA[2015/02/02 18:55:19.37 CST]]></c> <d type="Boolean"><![CDATA[false]]></d> </variable> Now let us contrast this with how we might model a DSI event. Imagine we created the following definition in a BMD: a a a a a BPMBO BPMBO BPMBO BPMBO BPMBO is a business event. has an 'a' (text). has a 'b' (integer). has a 'c' (date & time). can be 'd'. The corresponding XML for an event would be: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <m:BPMBO xmlns:m="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:p1="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" namespace1/model.xsd "> <m:a>a</m:a> <m:b>0</m:b> <m:c>2001-12-31T12:00:00</m:c> <m:d>true</m:d> <m:timestamp>2001-12-31T12:00:00</m:timestamp> </m:BPMBO> Obviously the XML exposed by BPM is not the same XML expected by DSI so how can we handle this? Fortunately, DSI supports XSLT transformation. If we can build an XSLT stylesheet, we can map from the BPM generated XML to the expected DSI XML. The XSLT stylesheet mechanisms for the connectivity definition can be leverage for this. An example piece of Java code for an implementation of a Java service might be: package kolban; import import import import import import;;;;;; public class DSISendEvent { public static void sendEvent(String urlStr, String message) { try { URL url = new URL(urlStr); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setUseCaches(false); conn.setAllowUserInteraction(false); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/xml"); OutputStream out = conn.getOutputStream(); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8"); writer.write(message); writer.close(); out.close(); if (conn.getResponseCode() != 200) { throw new IOException(conn.getResponseMessage()); } conn.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // End of sendEvent } // End of class // End of file This Java code can then be packaged in a Jar and the Jar added to a BPM Process App as a server managed file. Next we can define a BPM integration service (in this case called BPM Send Event) Page 203 which contains a Java component: The configuration of the Java component can then point to the Java code: The signature if the Integration service can be: Where the url is the URL of the endpoint of the DSI call and the message is an XML document. Now, from within a BPM BPD, we can invoke the Integration Service as a step in the process: where the parameters to the integration service could be: It is important to note that the Java coding and the creation of the Integration Service are a one-time Page 204 deal which can be easily imported as-is from the IBM samples. A designer of a BPM solution can simply "use" the BPM Send Event service without ever having to know how it works. The XSLT mapping still has to be performed by hand to map the fields in the BPM business object to the fields in the expected incoming event but that is not a complex procedure. If demand became high enough, it is likely that task could even be automated with some code that was given both a BPM business object definition and a DSI event definition ... but we aren't going to go any further down that path here. Explicit Java Integration Service Within a Liberty environment, we can write Java EE applications. These can be Servlets, JSPs, EJBs, MDBs and other types of applications. What if we wish to leverage those types of applications as event sources? One way would be to use the publicly exposed event sources including HTTP and JMS. This would mean that our Java EE apps would either make REST requests or JMS message sends to deliver the events. ODM DSI provides an additional option based on the package called "". To get things started, we examine "". This class has a static member called "createGridConnection" that returns us a "GridConnection" object. From a GridConnection, we can perform two important functions: • getSolutions() - Returns a set of solutions deployed to the runtime. • getSolutionGateway(String solutionName) – Returns a SolutionGateway object for the named solution. It is the SolutionGateway object that is the key to the majority of our functions. The SolutionGateway provides a variety of "submit()" methods that can be used to submit an event for ODM DSI processing. The event object passed must be created by an "EventFactory" object which can be obtained from the SolutionGateway's "getEventFactory()" method. The EventFactory contains methods to create instances of events, parse them from XML and serialize them back to XML. Destinations of Events Not only does DSI have the ability to accept events as input, it can also transmit events generated from within DSI outbound to external systems. In this section we consider some examples of how this might be used to interconnect with interesting systems. Integration with Apache Camel The Apache Camel project is a complete embeddable mediation and routing framework for sourcing or sinking data in a Java environment including the ability to perform data transformation, data enrichment, content based routing and physical data transportation. It is supplied as an Apache open source project that is composed of a set of JARs that implement its functions. It has been a project at Apache since 2007 and seems to have a mature and vibrant community with excellent Page 205 web site documentation plus a comprehensive set of books available for purchase at Amazon. For DSI, the core notions for consideration here are "free" and "embeddable". IBM and other vendors produce first class integration and mediation frameworks such as IBM's Integration Bus but they take time to master and have license considerations associated with them. If one needs to perform quick integration from DSI to other systems, if one doesn't already have a mediation framework, Camel becomes a no cost consideration … even if just for prototyping. The notion of Camel also being "embeddable" is also of great importance. Embeddable means that the complete set of mediation and transportation functions can be wrapped up in a Java EE EAR and deployed as a Java EE application to a Liberty server. This means that no extra servers or components need be involved to make the solution work. The learning curve for Camel is also not too high. I would estimate that one or two days study and play with Camel is all one might need to become dangerous with it. It might even be considerably less if one is prepared to simply follow the recipes presented here to integrate just between DSI and some external systems. EJB Deployment One solution for deployment is to build a Singleton Session Bean which encapsulates the Camel logic and rules. This can then be deployed to Liberty as an application which starts once deployed. For example, the following is an EJB which, when deployed to Liberty, will start when Liberty starts and handle the Camel processing … this example omits the Camel logic … but you can see where it goes: @Singleton @Startup public class EJB1 { private CamelContext context; /** * Default constructor. */ public EJB1() { } @PostConstruct public void applicationStartup() { System.out.println("Application Starting"); runCamel(); } @PreDestroy public void applicationShutdown() { try { System.out.println("Application ending"); context.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void runCamel() { } try { context = new DefaultCamelContext(); // Camel code here. context.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Page 206 Now that we have a framework for running Camel inside of DSI, we are open to all the capabilities of Camel itself. Specifically, the ability to read from JMS queues and transform data. For example, let us imagine that DSI is writing to a queue called "Q1" that has an associated JMS Connection Factory registered in JNDI as "jms/CF". We could handle that with: @Resource(name = "jms/CF") private ConnectionFactory cf; // ... context = new DefaultCamelContext(); context.addComponent("jms", JmsComponent.jmsComponentAutoAcknowledge(cf)); context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("jms:Q1"). // to("file:C:/Projects/ODMDSI/junk/camel/outdir"); } }); OSGI deployment Another technique for deploying a Camel solution is to use OSGi bundles. From a Liberty perspective, this is likely to be the best technique even if it requires a tad more setup to get running. Using this story, we will deploy Camel as a set of OSGi bundles and then add an extra bundle to own the Camel route. Thankfully, Camel is already fully OSGi compliant and simply placing the necessary Camel supplied JARs in an appropriate bundle repository is sufficient to register Camel for use. One downside, and it is one that is likely present in other techniques, is that some of the components pre-supplied by Camel rely on Spring and we really want to avoid using Spring inside an OSGi framework. The most immediate implication of that is the JMS component which is heavily built on top of Spring. Thankfully, after a few hours work, we were able to come up with a brand new custom component that provides generic JMS access without any dependency at all on Spring. IBM BPM as a destination for events When DSI publishes events, what does it mean to direct them to IBM BPM? From a BPM perspective, there are two meaningful possibilities: • Start a new instance of a process • Signal an existing process BPM exposes the ability to perform both of these tasks as REST exposed APIs. To start a new process instance we have: • REST – Start a process instance For sending messages to existing processes : • REST – Sending messages BPM requires that REST requests be authenticated when they arrive. As such we must set up outbound HTTP request user/password. Starting a BPM Process from an emitted event - REST If we look carefully at the REST API used to start a process instance, we find that it consists of a few parts that can be quite easily scripted or coded. However, we will also find that it does not lend Page 207 itself to a direct call from the HTTP outbound connectors of DSI. This appears to pose us a problem. How then can we submit a request to BPM to start a new process? One possible solution is to use the MDB pattern. In this pattern, we have DSI publish a message to a JMS queue and have an MDB process the resulting message. The MDB will receive the content we need to send and then make the appropriate REST calls to BPM to get the work done. The design of the MDB is the interesting part. It will receive a JMS TextMessage that will contain the XML representation of the emitted event. BPM can receive either XML or JSON encoded data. My preference would be to pass JSON to BPM which will mean that we will have to convert the XML to a JSON string. Starting a BPM Process from an emitted event – SCA Module IBM BPM Advanced has extremely powerful integration capabilities provided by the Service Component Architecture (SCA). Included in this capability is the ability for BPM to listen for incoming messages on a variety of inbound transports including HTTP, JMS, MQ, files and many others. When a message arrives, the message can be transformed via a rich mediation transformation engine and then emitted onwards. The destination of the message can be a variety of targets including the BPM process runtime. Putting this another way, BPM Advanced can receive messages over a variety of protocols, transform the content of those messages and then use the arrival of the message plus its content to start a BPM process. This sounds very much like what we need in order to start a process instance from a DSI emitted event. Let us now look at a schematic of how this would work. We start be realizing that an SCA module can be deployed as part of a BPM process app. Here is an example: Page 208 What we are illustrating here is an SCA module that listens on an incoming HTTP transport and, when a message arrives, its content is transformed and then used as the input to a new instance of a BPD process. The reason this helps us is that when an event is emitted from DSI, it can be emitted over an HTTP transport. If the endpoint of the DSI HTTP connection is mapped to the input of the SCA module's HTTP SCA Export then when an event is emitted by DSI, an instance of this SCA module will be fired up and given the event XML document as input. Our next puzzle is to consider how the event payload of the emitted event from DSI can be used as input to the BPM process? This is actually extremely simple and elegant. When we model an event in DSI, we can then export the model of that event as an XML Schema Definition (XSD). That schema can then be imported into BPM Advanced and used as the model for data arriving at the SCA module. Since we will already have the modeled data that is expected to be supplied as input into the BPM process, the mediation transformation can be used to map the DSI event data to the BPM process input data. This is achieved using graphical modelers and is extremely easy to do: Because we are doing the transformation at "receiver makes good", there is no need to use XSLT transformation at the DSI side of the house. OSGi Throughout the documentation and usage of ODM DSI we see references to something called "OSGi". It is useful to spend a few moments discussing this. First, we won't be covering OSGi in detail. It is far too big a subject and is covered in other books and materials. What we will be looking to capture here are the core notes on using OSGi with ODM DSI. A simplistic way of thinking of the value of OSGi is that it encapsulates function in modules only exposing what is desired to be exposed and explicitly declaring what it needs. Imagine the alternative. In Java today, I compile a file called Page 209 and I get a new file called com.kolban.MyThing.class. This could then be used to construct instances of Java Objects. Great... that's easy enough. I can put this class file in a JAR with other class files and give you that JAR for usage. Great so far. Now, if you want to use MyThing do you have everything you need? The answer by itself is unknown. You may find that the class expects other classes to be on the classpath. How do you find out? You run it till it fails. With OSGi, we explicitly declare ALL the expectations of the function and hence can't not know what we need in order to run it. Versioning is another issue. What if you write a solution against MyThing at version 1and in version 2, I remove a method that was previously exposed. That is obviously not good practice on my part but it is perfectly legal from a Java language perspective. OSGi allows us to declare versions of dependencies. Try and include two versions of com.kolban.MyThing.class on one classpath and see how far you get. The core benefits of OSGi are: • Declaration of exactly what is exposed by a bundle • Declaration of exactly what is needed by a bundle • Versioning and support of concurrent distinct versions • Dynamic replacement The OSGi Bundle When we build an ordinary JAR file we compose it as a series of compiled Java classes. These are then zipped together and the result is a JAR. In addition we can include resource files such as images. An OSGi bundle is essentially just a JAR file but with additional meta information that describes the packages exposed from the JAR and packages required for the JAR to operate. If you also hear the term "module", this is the same thing as a bundle. What makes a JAR a bundle is primarily extra information in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file. The additions include: • Bundle-ManifestVersion – The syntax level of OSGi (the version of OSGi). This is Page 210 currently the value "2". • Bundle-SymbolicName – The unique identifier of the bundle in Java Package/Class format. • Bundle-Version – The version of the bundle. • Export-Package – The set of packages exposed to other bundles. These packages are "," separated if there are multiple. • Import-Package – The set of packages required by this bundle. • Bundle-Activator – The class that implements the activator for the bundle • Bundle-ClassPath – The bundle internal classpath. This is where classes inside the bundle look for class resolution. This has a default of "." which means the root of the bundle JAR. The pair of attributes Bundle-SymbolicName and Bundle-Version when brought together uniquely identify and distinguish a bundle. Documentation entries which are optional include: • Bundle-Name – The name of the bundle for users • Bundle-Description • Bundle-DocURL • Bundle-Category • Bundle-Vendor • Bundle-ContactAddress • Bundle-Copyright • See also: • OSGi Alliance • OSGi JavaDoc – 4.3 • IBM redbook - Getting Started with the Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and JPA 2.0 – SG24-7911-00 – 2010-12-02 • OSGi in practice • Enterprise OSGi in Action – 2013 (Amazon) • developerWorks - Getting Started with OSGi Applications: Bundle Lifecycle (Part 1) – 2012-07-27 • developerWorks - Getting Started with OSGi Applications: OSGi Services and Servlets (Part 2) – 2012-07-30 • developerWorks - Getting Started with OSGi Applications: Blueprint Container (Part 3) – 2012-07-30 • developerWorks - Getting Started with OSGi Applications: Bundle Repositories (Part 4) - 2012-08-01 • developerWorks - Build lightweight OSGi applications with Eclipse – 2011-10-25 • developerWorks - Developing enterprise OSGi applications for WebSphere Application Server – 2010-07-14 • developerWorks - Best practices for developing and working with OSGi applications - 2010-07-14 Page 211 The OSGi framework Simply making bundles by themselves does not mean that we have an OSGi environment. Instead we need a framework that implements the OSGi environment which will be responsible for the lifecycle of bundles. Fortunately, for our story, Liberty provides exactly that. Liberty is a first class OSGi environment. Bundle Activators A Bundle Activator is a class which implements the BundleActivator interface. It provides a way for a bundle to interact with the lifecycle of the OSGi framework. This has two methods that need to be implemented: • start(BundleContext) – Called when a bundle is installed and started. • stop(BundleContext) – Called when a bundled is stopped. Bundles which include activators must also specify additional information in the MANIFEST.MF including: • Bundle-Activator • Import-Package – Must include org.osgi.framework The Bundle Context The BundleContext object is passed into the BundleActivator via start and stop callbacks. It provides the hooks to allow the bundle (which provides the BundleActivator implementation) to work with the OSGi framework. Think of it as the context in which the bundle lives. The Bundle object Given that we (the programmers) create the bundle and it is the OSGi framework that manages the bundle, it seems strange that we should ask OSGi for information about the bundle that we just wrote. However, what we do want is knowledge about the bundle as known and see by OSGi. We may also want knowledge about bundles that we didn't author. Given a BundleContext, we can ask the context for a Bundle object instance. There are a few variants of "getBundle()" available on the BundleContext each of which return a Bundle object instance. Given a Bundle object, we can ask for a rich set of actions to be performed relating to the lifecycle of that bundle. There is a special Bundle object that represents the OSGi framework itself. It has a bundle id value of "0". Bundle Listeners A Bundle Listener is a class which implements the BundleListener interface. Working with services A bundle can register itself with a service provider. This is typically performed within the bundle activator using: Page 212 • BundleContext -> registerService A consumer can then find the service with: • BundleContext -> getServiceReference • BundleContext -> getService In more detail, the BundleContext provides the following service methods: • void addServiceListener(ServiceListener listener, String filter) • void addServiceListener(ServiceListener listener) • void removeServiceListener(ServiceListener listener) • ServiceRegistration registerService(String class, Object service, Dictionary properties) • ServiceRegistration registerService(String [] classes, Object service, Dictionary properties) • ServiceReference[] getServiceReferences(String class, String filter) • ServiceReference[] getAllServiceReferences(String class, String filter) • ServiceReference getServiceReference(String class) • Object getService(ServiceReference reference) • boolean ungetService(ServiceReference reference) Using registerService(), a bundle can offer itself up to the OSGi service registry for utilization. The object returned is a ServiceRegistration object which can be used to update the properties of a previously registered service. This also includes ServiceRegistration.unregister() which unregisters the service. As a consumer of a service, one would user the getServiceReference() call to retrieve a ServiceReference object. Note that the ServiceReference is not the same as the usable service itself. In order to get a handle to the target service one must make a call to getService() passing in the previously received ServiceReference. When we are finished using a service, we can execute the ungetService() to tell the framework that we are done with our reference. This allows us to be good citizens. The OSGi Blueprint component model Dependency injection allows an application to use services without knowing where those services come from. Imagine, for example, the following Java Interface: public interface Greeting { public void greet(String name); } I can write a Java program that uses this interface pretty easily. For example: public void main() { Greeting greeting; // Create a greeting … // … code to create a greeting here … greeting.greet("Bob Jones"); } As a user of the interface, I don't have to know how it is implemented ... but ... if you look closely, I Page 213 appear to be responsible for creating an instance of the Greeting interface. Typically, this would mean that there is some class that looks as follows: public class Greeting_impl implements Greeting { public void greet(String name) { System.out.println("Hello " + name); } } My primary calling code would now become: public void main() { Greeting greeting; greeting = new Greeting_impl(); greeting.greet("Bob Jones"); } This works and is commonly how it is done, but now something rather ugly has happened. I have now exposed an implementation class to my programmers. Instead of this, I would have liked the implementation of my Greeting to be injected. I would like it not to be tightly coupled to my code. This is where the OSGi Blueprint story comes into play. Blueprint XML files are placed in the folder OSGI-INF/blueprint. The commonly chosen name for the XML file is "blueprint.xml". If one doesn't want to use OSGI-INF/blueprint as the folder, the folder name can be specified in the Bundle-Blueprint entry in MANIFEST.MF. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <blueprint xmlns=""> <service id="MyGreeting" interface="com.kolban.Greeting"> <bean class="com.kolban.Greeting_impl"/> </service> </blueprint> Within a blueprint XML file, we can define several different major concepts. See also: • developerWorks - Building OSGi applications with the Blueprint Container specification – 2009 Blueprint Bean manager The bean manager is represented by a <bean> element and is responsible for instantiating an instance of a Java Bean. Options: id activation argument class The name of the Java class to instantiate. property The name and value to be injected into the instantiated class. factory-method The name of a method to be called to construct an instance if the factory pattern is being used. scope Either singleton or prototype. With singleton, the same object is returned each time an instance is needed. With prototype, a new object instance is created. init-method A method to be called on the bean when the bean is ready. destroy-method A method to be called on the bean before it is destroyed. This is only applicable for beans of scope type singleton. Page 214 Blueprint Service manager id activation ref A reference to a bean. interface The name of the Java interface that this service exposes. auto-export serviceproperties ranking Reference manager id The id of the reference. interface The Java interface for which a service reference is being sought. Using JPA in Blueprint Blueprint has been extended to support JPA. To use this, one must define two new namespaces: • xmlns:bptx="" • xmlns:jpa="" From there, we can define the following in a bean: <jpa:context property="<name>" type="TRANSACTION" unitname="MyPersistenceUnit" /> This will inject an instance of an EntityManager into the bean. We can edit this in the Blueprint XML editor with: Additionally, we also have: <jpa:unit property="<name>" unitname="MyPersistenceUnit" /> This will inject an instance of an EntityManagerFactory into the bean. We can edit this in the Blueprint XML editor with: Page 215 See also: • Java Persistence Other notes ... One can gain access to the BundleContext via the reference called "blueprintBundleContext". Examples of Blueprint Injecting a service reference Imagine that we have a bundle that exposes a service for a Java package called "com.mytest.MyClass". Now imagine that we wish to reference an instance of that service in our current bean. In our current blueprint.xml we could define: <reference id="ref1" interface="com.mytest.MyClass"> </reference> <bean class=""> <property name="myClass" ref="ref1" /> </bean> This will cause the injection of an instance of MyClass into MyBean via: class MyBean { ... public setMyClass(MyClass myClass) { ... } ... } Web Application Bundles A Web application in Java EE is termed a WAR. In OSGi, we call the similar thing a WAB which is an acronym of Web Application Bundle. Building an OSGi web bundle for a Servlet is crazy easy. 1. Switch to the Java EE perspective 2. New > OSGI Bundle Project 3. Fill in the details Page 216 The result will be a project: 4. Build a servlet. 5. Deploy as a WAR. Here is an example of the MANIFEST.MF that might be generated: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Page 217 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: WAB1 Bundle-SymbolicName: WAB1 Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-ClassPath: WEB-INF/classes Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7 Web-ContextPath: /WAB1 Import-Package: javax.el;version="2.0", javax.servlet;version="2.5", javax.servlet.annotation, javax.servlet.http;version="2.5", javax.servlet.jsp;version="2.0", javax.servlet.jsp.el;version="2.0", javax.servlet.jsp.tagext;version="2.0" Notice that the Web-ContextPath supplied the context path for the module. The OSGi Application An OSGi Application is basically a MANIFEST.MF file that describes an application. It can contain: Application-ManifestVersion The version of the application manifest. Currently 1.0. Application-Name Application-SymbolicName The identity of the application (when combined with Application-Version). Application-Version The version of this application. Application-Content The bundles that form this application. Application-ExportService ??? An OSGi application is packaged as a ZIP file with extension of ".eba" (Enterprise Bundle Archive). Using the OSGi console Liberty provides an OSGi console that can be enabled by adding the osgiConsole feature. Once added, the file must also be updated to provide the port number on which the console is listening for example: osgi.console=5471 Once enabled, we can interact with the OSGi console by telneting to it: telnet localhost 5471 On a windows machine, I recommend using putty as the telnet client. Common commands are: help List all the available commands. ss List all bundles and their status. ss name List bundles which include name. start id Start the identified bundle. stop id diag id Page 218 install URL uninstall id bundle id Show the details of a specific bundle. headers id services filter packages filter Lists which bundles use which Java packages. refresh id See also: • developerWorks – Explore Eclipse's OSGi Console - 2007-01-30 Creating a bundle from a JAR We can import a JAR to create a Bundle from it using the Eclipse import capabilities: Adding bundles to Liberty In a liberty configuration, we can supply one or more directories into which OSGi Bundles may be placed. Since a bundle is just a JAR file with MANIFEST.MF annotations, if we place these jars in these directories, Liberty will find them. The Liberty attribute that defines a directory is "OSGu Applications Bundle Repository": Page 219 This entry creates a server.xml definition into which fileset references can be added. The underlying Liberty definition XML looks like: <bundleRepository> <fileset dir="${server.config.dir}/myBundles" includes="*.jar" scanInterval="5s"/> </bundleRepository> Debugging Camel apps From the camel context, we can switch on tracing with: myCamelContext.setTracing(true); Debugging OSGi If a bundle can't be found, we may get a message similar to the following: 00000035 A CWWKZ0404E: An exception was generated when trying to resolve the contents of the application MyBundles. The exception text from the OSGi framework is: Unable to resolve Bundle1_1.0.0.201503012241.jar: missing requirement org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.archive.ImportPackageRequirement: namespace=osgi.wiring.package, attributes={}, directives={ filter=(&(osgi.wiring.package=q2015_03_01)(version>=0.0.0)) }, resource=Bundle1_1.0.0.201503012241.jar Page 220 It will not be formatted as nicely as the above but instead be written as one text line. In the example above, we are basically being told that an attempt to resolve a package called "q2015_03_01" failed while trying to load the Bundle contained in the JAR file called "Bundle1_1.0.0.*.jar". Here is another larger example: 0000003e A CWWKZ0404E: An exception was generated when trying to resolve the contents of the application Camel1. The exception text from the OSGi framework is: Unable to resolve OSGITest1_1.0.0.201503012251.jar: missing requirement org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.archive.ImportPackageRequirement: namespace=osgi.wiring.package, attributes={}, directives={filter=(&(osgi.wiring.package=org.apache.camel.blueprint)(version>=2.14.1))}, resource=OSGITest1_1.0.0.201503012251.jar [caused by: Unable to resolve org.apache.camel.camel-blueprint;2.14.1;osgi.bundle: missing requirement org.apache.aries.subsystem.obr.internal.FelixRequirementAdapter: namespace=osgi.wiring.package, attributes={}, directives={cardinality=single, filter=(&(osgi.wiring.package=org.apache.camel.builder) (version>=2.14.1)(version<=2.14.2)(!(version=2.14.2))), resolution=mandatory}, resource=org.apache.camel.camel-blueprint;2.14.1;osgi.bundle [caused by: Unable to resolve org.apache.camel.camel-core;2.14.1;osgi.bundle: missing requirement org.apache.aries.subsystem.obr.internal.FelixRequirementAdapter: namespace=osgi.wiring.package, attributes={}, directives={cardinality=single, filter=(&(osgi.wiring.package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0) (version<=2.0.0)(!(version=2.0.0))), resolution=mandatory}, resource=org.apache.camel.camel-core;2.14.1;osgi.bundle [caused by: Unable to resolve slf4j.api;1.6.6;osgi.bundle: missing requirement org.apache.aries.subsystem.obr.internal.FelixRequirementAdapter: namespace=osgi.wiring.package, attributes={}, directives={cardinality=single, filter=(&(osgi.wiring.package=org.slf4j.impl) (version>=1.6.0)), resolution=mandatory}, resource=slf4j.api;1.6.6;osgi.bundle ] ] ] As you can see this quickly becomes a very complex challenge. Again, this turned out to be a missing package called "org.slf4j.impl". 0000003b A CWWKZ0403E: A management exception was generated when trying to install the application Camel1 into an OSGi framework. The error text from the OSGi framework is: Resource does not exist: org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.archive.SubsystemContentRequirement: namespace=osgi.identity, attributes={}, directives={filter=(&(osgi.identity=OSGITest1)(type=osgi.bundle)(version>=1.0.0))}, resource=org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.SubsystemResource@90612196 OSGi tools • Bndtools • Bnd WebSphere Liberty The IBM WebSphere Liberty Core is the WAS environment used to host ODM DSI. As of DSI v8.7, the version of Liberty is v8.5.5. An instance of a server can be created with "server create <serverName>". See also: • Liberty Home Page Page 221 • WASdev Community • KnowledgeCenter – 8.5.5 • Redbook – Configuring and Deploying Open Source with WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile - SG24-8194-00 - 2014-04-03 • Redbook – WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile Guide for Developers – SG24-8076-01 – 2013-08-23 • Redbook – WebSphere Application Server v8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for Liberty Profile – SG24-8170-00 - 2013-08-27 • Downloads – Downloads related to Liberty. • KC - Programming Model Support – 8.5.5 Configuration The liberty profile is configured through a file called "Server.xml" which can be found at: <Liberty>/usr/servers/<Server>/Server.xml The configuration can also be edited through an Eclipse view called "Runtime Explorer". Once this is opened, we are presented with a list of servers: By right-clicking on the "server.xml" entry and selecting open, we can open an editor for the server properties: Page 222 From here we can edit in a clean manner. A number of environment variables are available in Liberty: wlp.install.dir Root of Liberty install wlp.user.dir ${wlp.install.dir}/usr server.config.dir ${wlp.user.dir}/servers/<Server>/ server.output.dir ${wlp.user.dir}/shared/apps shared.config.dir ${wlp.user.dir}/shared/config shared.resource.dir ${wlp.user.dir}/shared/resources Development The free Eclipse plugins for Liberty can be found at the IBM download site. The proper name of these components is "Liberty Profile Developer Tools for Eclipse". Dropping those on the Eclipse platform starts the installation. An alternative source for the package is to use the Eclipse Marketplace and search for "Liberty": Page 223 Note: As of ODM DSI v8.7, this package is pre-installed in the Eclipse environment provided with the product. Features To make the Liberty profile is compact and performant as possible, only the features that you will use need be added to the server. These are defined in the <featureManager> element. Deploying Applications Applications can be deployed in a variety of ways. The commonly used ones are to drop the archive for the application in a known directory that is being monitored. By default this is <ROOT>/runtime/wlp/usr/servers/<serverName>/dropins Page 224 Another is to explicitly define the application within the Server.xml file. The Server.xml definition is called <application> which has the following properties: • location • id • name • type • context-root • autoStart Security SSL Security When making HTTPS requests to a DSI server, the browser (or client) must trust the certificate presented by the DSI server. This means retrieving the DSI certificate and adding it to the trust store for the browser (client). For Java clients, an excellent way to achieve this is through the Key Store Explorer tool. Immediately after launch it looks as follows: We can now open security stores from the File > Open menu entries. For a typical Java JVM the trust store will be found in the file called: <JVM>/lib/security/cacerts Page 225 When you try an open it, you will be prompted for a password: The default password for JVMs is "changeit". Once loaded, you will be shown the certificates contained within. To add a certificate for the WLP server, click on the browser icon: when prompted, enter the hostname and port number for your DSI server: Page 226 A certificate will be shown. From here, you can import it: Finally, from the File menu, select Save. If we write Java code that calls a back-end via HTTPs, we must also define that be added to that codes MANIFEST.MF file. Page 227 DB data access Java EE applications can use JDBC to query databases. Adding a data source In order to access a database from a Java EE environment through JDBC, we need access to a Data Source. The DataSource is the handle to the target database system used by JDBC. We don't want to hard code this definition in the logic of code because it would be inflexible. Rather we want the DataSource to be able to be retrieved from the runtime by definitions made by the administrator or solution deployer. From Eclipse, we can select the Server Configuration to open the editor: From the Liberty developer tools, add a new element: Select Data Source Page 228 If the JDBC feature is not installed, you will be prompted to add it: We are now presented with the details of a new Data Source: Page 229 Now we have to supply the JDBC driver reference information. The JDBC Driver definitions needs a shared library reference The shared library needs a file set definition: Page 230 something In the JDBC properties, supply the connection information to the database: The above was performed using the Liberty configuration editor. The result is the following XML fragment in the server.xml configuration file: <dataSource jndiName="jdbc/TEST"> <jdbcDriver> <library> <fileset dir="C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\java"></fileset> </library> </jdbcDriver> <properties.db2.jcc databaseName="TEST"/> </dataSource> Note: the following has been shown to work … the above may need tailoring <dataSource jdbcDriverRef="DB2JDBCDriver" jndiName="jdbc/TEST" type="javax.sql.DataSource"> <properties.db2.jcc databaseName="TEST" password="{xor}Oz1tPjsyNjE=" portNumber="50000" serverName="localhost" traceDirectory="C:/Projects/ODMCI/Trace" traceFile="trace.txt" traceLevel="5" user="db2admin"/> <containerAuthData password="{xor}Oz1tPjsyNjE=" user="db2admin"/> </dataSource> Page 231 <jdbcDriver id="DB2JDBCDriver"> <library> <fileset dir="C:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB/java" includes="db2jcc4.jar db2jcc_license_cu.jar"/> </library> </jdbcDriver> Accessing a DB from a Java Agent Now we can turn our attention to accessing a DB from within a Java Agent. To achieve this we can use the Java JDBC technology to insulate us from any specific DB provider. We will illustrate how to achieve our goal via example. Imagine we have defined a business event called "Sale" that contains fields: • customerId • amount • description Our goal here is that on detection of a "Sale" event we wish to save the details of the sale in a database. Here is the code for a process method in a Java Agent that will do just that: public void process(Event event) throws AgentException { Sale saleEvent; if (event instanceof Sale == false) { printToLog("Not a Sale event"); return; } saleEvent = (Sale) event; printToLog("We have received a sale event: " + saleEvent.getCustomerId() + ", " + saleEvent.getAmount() + ", " + saleEvent.getDescription()); try { InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); DataSource ds = (DataSource) ic.lookup("jdbc/TEST"); Connection con = ds.getConnection(); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); String query = "insert into SALES (ID, AMOUNT, DESCRIPTION) values ('" + saleEvent.getCustomerId() + "'," + saleEvent.getAmount() + ",'"+ saleEvent.getDescription() + "')"; stmt.execute(query); System.out.println("We executed a SQL Insert of a sale event"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } The logic of the code is: • Validate that we have received a Sale event and if not end • Access the deployer defined data source using JNDI • From the data source build a JDBC connection • Build a SQL statement, in this case a SQL INSERT • Execute the SQL statement Before we can deploy the Java Agent, there is one more thing we must do. Since we are leveraging additional Java EE packages such as JNDI and JDBC, we must tell the Java Agent project that we have a dependency upon them. To perform this task, first we examine our Java Agent project and locate the META-INF folder and Page 232 the MANIFEST.MF file contained within. Next we open this file in the Manifest editor. We now switch over to the Dependencies tab. In the imported Packages area, add two packages: • javax.naming – JNDI access • javax.sql – JDBC access Save and close the MANIFEST.MF file and we are ready to deploy. Servlets From Eclipse, we can create a servlet using the following recipe: 1. Open the Java EE perspective 2. Create a new web project Page 233 Page 234 3. Switch to the Web perspective. 4. Create a new Servlet Page 235 5. Update the build path Page 236 6. 7. Th entry added is the JAR called*.jar that is found in <DSIRoot>/runtime/wlp/dev/api/spec. 8. JTA InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); UserTransaction userTran = (UserTransaction) ctx.lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction"); userTran.begin(); // do some work userTran.commit(); Java Persistence The current Liberty supports JPA 2.0 (JSR 317). It is not there yet on JPA 2.1 (JSR 338). To flag a class an an Entity we use the @Entity annotation. The primary key within the entity has the @Id annotation. @Entity public MyClass { @Id private String private String private String // Getters and } Page 237 key; x; y; setters ... Elements of the @Entity annotation • name – The name of the entity. Also the name of the table used to house persisted entities. The default for this element is the name of the class. EntityManager An entity manager is factory created from EntityManagerFactory. An EntityManagerFactory has associated with it a collection of settings called the "persistence unit" that declare how EntityManager instances should interact with the persistence provider. The EntityManagerFactory itself comes from an object called Persistence. EntityManagerFactory myEntityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("MyPersistenceUnit"); The EntityManager can now be constructed from the factory: EntityManager myEntityManager = myEntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(); When we are finished using both an EntityManager and an EntityManagerFactory, we should call the close() method on each of them to clean up. To persist an entity, we can use: MyClass myClass = new MyClass("myId"); myEntityManager.persist(myClass); We can retrieve a previously persisted entity with: MyClass myClass = myEntityManager.find(MyClass.class, "myId"); If no such entity exists, null is returned. To remove an entity we can issue: MyClass myClass = myEntityManager.find(MyClass.class, "myId"); myEntityManager.remove(myClass); We must have previously retrieved the entity we wish to delete. To update an entity, we simply modify the values of the entities properties. When JPA is running inside Java EE, we use the JTA technology. In Java SE, we must use a custom transaction story based around EntityTransaction. The EntityTransaction can be retrieved from the EntityManager using the getTransaction() method. To begin a transaction, we can call the EntityTransaction begin() method and to commit a transaction we can call the EntityTransaction commit() method. For example: myEntityManager.getTransaction().begin(); // Do some JPA work … myEntityManager.getTransaction().commit(); When querying entities, we do not use standard SQL but instead something called the Java Persistence Query Language (JP QL). An object called Query encapsulates a query. A Query is obtained from the EntityManager. To execute the query and get the results, we can use the getResultList() method found on the Query object. For example: TypedQuery<MyClass> query = myEntityManager.createQuery("SELECT e FROM MyClass e", MyClass.class); List<MyClass> myClasses = query.getResultList(); Page 238 Persistence Unit The persistence unit is the configuration associated with the EntityManagerFactory object that describes how to work with the back-end data store. For a Java SE environment, it is an XML document that is called "persistence.xml". A persistence unit is a named entity. Here is a sample file: <persistence> <persistence-unit name="MyPersistenceUnit" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL" > <properties> <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="<Class name of JDBC Driver>" /> <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="<JDBC URL>" /> <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="<Userid>" /> <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="<Password>" /> </properties> </persistence-unit> </persistence> The name attribute of the persistence-unit is what is used when we create an instance of an EntityManager from the EntityManagerFactory. Using DI, we can obtain an EntityManager using: @PersistenceContext(unitName="MyPersistenceUnit") EntityManager myEntityManager; We can also create an instance of an EntityManagerFactory using the @PersistenceUnit annotation: @PersistenceUnit(unitName="MyPersistenceUnit") EntityManagerFactory myEntityManagerFactory; Physical Annotations @Table – The name and schema of the table to be used for an entity. For example: @Table(name="MYTABLE", schema="DB2ADMIN") @Column – Attributes of the DB column associated with a field. For example: @Column(name="MY_COLUMN") private String value; By default, the column name assumed for the DB is the same as that of the field. @Lob – Defines a field as representing either a CLOB or a BLOB. @Enumerated – When used with an enumeration type field, defines how the field should be stored in the DB. Choices are EnumTypeORDINAL or EnumType.STRING. @Temporal – Used to define how Java time/date types are mapped to DB time/date types. Options are TemporalType.DATE, TemporalType.TIME, TemporalType.TIMESTAMP. Logical Annotations Flagging a field with @Basic declares it as being mapped using basic JPA mapping. Since this is the default, adding this annotation does nothing other than provide documentation. Page 239 The eagerness of retrieving the value of a field can ne supplied with the "fetch" element. @Basic(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) Id fields can have their values generated during a creation request. There are multiple schemes available to us including: • GenerationType.AUTO • GenerationType.TABLE • GenerationType.SEQUENCE • GenerationType.IDENTITY Mapping Types Mapping of fields to columns is supported for most Java data types. An annotation of @ManyToOne defines the following fields as a relationship. In order to access the target of the relationship, our source table must have a column that is used to contain the foreign key. This can be supplied with the @JoinColumn annotation: @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="FK_1") private MyOtherObject myOtherObject; A relationship can also be one-to-one and is identified as such using @OneToOne. The source entity will have @JoinColumn and the target entity will have a mappedBy element on the @OneToOne annotation. Configuration in Liberty To use JPA in liberty, the jpa-* feature must be added. The Liberty implementation of JPA is based on Apache OpenJPA. See also: • developerWorks - Developing and running data access applications for the Liberty profile using WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse - 2012-12-05 • developerWorks - JPA with Rational Application Developer 8 and WebSphere Application Server 8 – 2011-06-28 • developerWorks - Dynamic, typesafe queries in JPA 2.0 – 2009-11-22 • developerWorks - Using the Java Persistence API 2.0 services with WebSphere Process Server V7, Part 1: Generating the data model – 2010-12-08 • developerWorks - Using the Java Persistence API 2.0 services with WebSphere Process Server V7, Part 2: Generating the JPA entities – 2010-12-08 • developerWorks - Using the Java Persistence API 2.0 services with WebSphere Process Server V7, Part 3: Creating a stateless session EJB – 2010-12-08 • developerWorks - Using the Java Persistence API 2.0 services with WebSphere Process Server V7, Part 4: Creating an SCA client – 201012-08 • developerWorks - Using the Java Persistence API 2.0 services with WebSphere Process Server V7, Part 5: Creating a BPEL process – 2010-12-08 • developerWorks - Using the Java Persistence API 2.0 services with WebSphere Process Server V7, Part 6: Generating the user interface 2010-12-08 Page 240 Examples of JPA Calling from an OSGi Servlet and bundles In this example, we will assume that we have a DB table that contains customer records. Since our story is all made up anyway, the schema for the table looks as follows: The table name is called CUSTOMERRECORD. Our goal is to write a servlet that, when called, will insert a record into this table. We start by creating an OSGi bundle that we call TestJPA. In the MANIFEST.MF we need to import packages for: • javax.persistence • javax.sql • javax.transaction Next we create a package called "testjpa" and a class called "CustomerRecord". CustomerRecord will be the Java class that is mapped to the DB table. It looks as follows: package testjpa; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; @Entity public class CustomerRecord { @Id private String customerId; private String name; private int age; private String gender; private String zip; public String getCustomerId() { return customerId; } public void setCustomerId(String customerId) { this.customerId = customerId; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } Page 241 public String getGender() { return gender; } public void setGender(String gender) { this.gender = gender; } public String getZip() { return zip; } } public void setZip(String zip) { = zip; } Next we want to create an interface that will eventually expose our JPA writer ... the interface is called TestJPA package testjpa; public interface TestJPA { public void write(); } We can now implement the class: package testjpa.impl; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import testjpa.CustomerRecord; import testjpa.TestJPA; public class TestJPA_impl implements TestJPA { private EntityManager entityManager; public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) { System.out.println("TestJPA - setEntityManager called: " + entityManager); this.entityManager = entityManager; } public void write() { try { System.out.println("TestJPA: write()"); System.out.println("Entity manager: " + entityManager); CustomerRecord cr = new CustomerRecord(); cr.setCustomerId("xyz"); cr.setAge(10); cr.setGender("Male"); cr.setName("Neil"); cr.setZip("76123"); entityManager.persist(cr); } System.out.println("End of TestJPA write() ..."); // userTran.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } In the META-INF folder, we need to create a persitence.xml file that defines the JPA persistence unit: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persistence version="2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <persistence-unit name="MyPersistenceUnit" transaction-type="JTA"> <jta-data-source>jdbc/MyDataSource</jta-data-source> </persistence-unit> Page 242 </persistence> The final MANIFEST.MF for the bundle looks like: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: TestJPA Bundle-SymbolicName: TestJPA Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-Blueprint: OSGI-INF/blueprint/*.xml Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7 Meta-Persistence: META-INF/persistence.xml Import-Package: javax.persistence;version="1.1.0", javax.sql;version="0.0.0", javax.transaction;version="1.1.0" Export-Package: testjpa Now we define a blueprint.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <blueprint xmlns="" xmlns:bptx="" xmlns:jpa=""> <bean class="testjpa.impl.TestJPA_impl" id="TestJPA_Impl"> <jpa:context property="entityManager" type="TRANSACTION" unitname="MyPersistenceUnit" /> <bptx:transaction method="*" value="Required" /> </bean> <service ref="TestJPA_Impl" id="TestJPA_ImplService" interface="testjpa.TestJPA"></service> </blueprint> We also added some data source definitions to the Liberty server: <library id="DB2"> <fileset dir="C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\java" includes="db2jcc.jar, db2jcc4.jar, db2jcc_license_cu.jar"/> </library> <dataSource jdbcDriverRef="DB2Driver" jndiName="jdbc/MyDataSource" type="javax.sql.XADataSource"> <connectionManager/> <properties.db2.jcc databaseName="TEST" password="{xor}Oz1tPjsyNjE=" user="db2admin"/> </dataSource> <jdbcDriver id="DB2Driver" libraryRef="DB2"/> Finally, we can use our bundle. Create a Web bundle with a servlet that contains: package testweb; import; import import import import import import import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; javax.servlet.ServletContext; javax.servlet.ServletException; javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import testjpa.TestJPA; @WebServlet("/TestWeb") public class TestWeb extends HttpServlet { private TestJPA testJPA; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public TestWeb() { super(); } protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { System.out.println("TestWeb Called"); testJPA.write(); } Page 243 protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { } } @Override public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); ServletContext context = config.getServletContext(); BundleContext ctx = (BundleContext) context.getAttribute("osgi-bundlecontext"); ServiceReference ref = ctx.getServiceReference(TestJPA.class.getName()); testJPA = (TestJPA) ctx.getService(ref); } The MANIFEST.MF for this web app looks like: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: TestWeb Bundle-SymbolicName: TestWeb Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-ClassPath: WEB-INF/classes Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7 Web-ContextPath: /TestWeb Import-Package: javax.servlet;version="2.5", javax.servlet.annotation, javax.servlet.http;version="2.5", org.osgi.framework;version="1.5.0", testjpa JNDI Access EJB Liberty supports EJB 3.1. In order to use EJBs in liberty, the feature called ejbLite must be added. Page 244 Singleton EJBs A singleton EJB allows us to define an EJB that can be started and stopped when the application as a whole is deployed. This allows us to run background tasks. Initialization can be run in the method annotated with @PostConstruct and release of resources in the method annotated with @PreDestroy. package ejb1; import import import import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; javax.annotation.PreDestroy; javax.ejb.Singleton; javax.ejb.Startup; /** * Session Bean implementation class EJB1 */ @Singleton @Startup public class EJB1 { /** * Default constructor. */ public EJB1() { } @PostConstruct public void applicationStartup() { System.out.println("Application Starting"); } } @PreDestroy public void applicationShutdown() { System.out.println("Application ending"); } JAXP The Java API for XML processing (JAXP) is supported in Liberty at the 1.4 level (JSR 206). To build a DOM from XML, the following is an example: DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes()); Document document = documentBuilder.parse(bais); System.out.println("We have a document: " + document); See also: • Trail: Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) • JavaDoc – Package javax.xml.parsers – Java 7 JAXB See also: • Developing applications that use JAXB on Liberty profile - 2013-14-12 JMS In order to use JMS, we need to enable some WLP features: • wasJmsClient-1.1 – This feature allows us to make JMS client calls within a WLP Page 245 application. • wasJmsServer-1.0 – This feature enables the JMS provider implemented inside WLP. • jndi-1.0 – The Java Naming and Directory Service which is where JMS resources make themselves available. Within the server.xml, it will contain the following: <featureManager> <feature>jndi-1.0</feature> <feature>wasJmsServer-1.0</feature> <feature>wasJmsClient-1.1</feature> ... </featureManager> With the inclusion of the wasJmsServer, WLP will now be performing the services of a JMS provider. This means that WLP will be able to host both queues and topics. This means WLP will be able to act as a repository of messages. In order for a message to be placed within a queue, we must first define those queues. The resources for real physical queues within a WLP are defined under the Messaging Engine category: Once a Messaging Engine has been defined, we can add child attributes such as queues: Page 246 Once the queue entry has been added, we can specify details including the name of the physical queue to create: This is the same as making the following resource definitions within server.xml: <messagingEngine> <queue id="Q1" sendAllowed="true"/> </messagingEngine> By default WLP's messaging engine listens on port 7276 for insecure connections and 7286 for secure connections. These will accept requests from any hosts. A property called <wasJmsEndpoint> can be used to change these ports. Once messaging engine definitions have been made and the server started, we can use JMX to examine the state of both the messaging engine as well as the queues defined upon it. Here is a JMX tree for the messaging engine: Page 247 Here is a JMX tree for a queue: Now that we have an internal messaging engine that is hosting a queue, we need to define the corresponding JMS entries to refer to it from a JMS logical perspective. First, we look at the JMS Queue Connection Factory. This has a definition of: <jmsQueueConnectionFactory jndiName="jms/qcf1" /> Next we look at the JMS queue definition. First we add a JMS Queue entry. Page 248 From there we map it to the underlying Messaging Engine queue: With the JMS definition we can now map it to the messaging engine queue: Page 249 The resulting server.xml entry looks like: <jmsQueue jndiName="jms/Q1"> <properties.wasJms queueName="Q1" /> </jmsQueue> See also: • Impact 2013 – Simplified JMS messaging support for Liberty – presentation • JMS Bindings • Chapter 6 – Messaging Applications – Redbook: WAS Admin and Config Guide for Liberty Profile - SG24-8170 • Enabling ODM DSI to receive incoming JMS messages • Enabling ODM DSI to send outgoing JMS messages Writing a JMS Sender Include the following Java packages as imports in the OSGi MANIFEST.MF: • javax.annotation • javax.jms Define the following JMS definitions in server.xml: <jmsQueueConnectionFactory jndiName="jms/QCF1"> <properties.wasJms /> </jmsQueueConnectionFactory> <jmsQueue jndiName="jms/Q1"> <properties.wasJms queueName="Q1"/> </jmsQueue> @Resource(name="jms/QCF1") private QueueConnectionFactory myQCF; @Resource(name="jms/Q1") private Queue q1; QueueConnection qconn = myQCF.createQueueConnection(); QueueSession qsess = qconn.createQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); QueueSender qsender = qsess.createSender(q1); TextMessage textMessage = qsess.createTextMessage("Hello World"); qsender.send(textMessage); qsender.close(); qsess.close(); qconn.close(); Writing an MDB A Message Drive Bean (MDB) is a Java EE application that passively watches a JMS source for incoming messages. To create an MDB, use the Eclipse developer tools. 1. Create a new EJB project Page 250 Page 251 At the conclusion of these steps, two new Eclipse projects will be found: Page 252 2. Create a Message-Driven Bean Page 253 3. Add the Liberty JARs to the build path At this point, we will find that the MDB code complains about unresolved classes. The classes in question are EJB and JMS related. The resolution for this is to add a couple of JARs to the build path. I find this very strange that this is a manual operation. I would have hoped that this step would have been performed for us. However, the resolution is not onerous. Page 254 The two JARs that are needed are: •*.jar •*.jar Both can be found in the directory: <ROOT>/runtime/wlp/dev/api/spec 4. Code the MDB Obviously, the MDB has to actually do something when a message arrives. package mymdb; import import import import javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty; javax.ejb.MessageDriven; javax.jms.Message; javax.jms.MessageListener; /** * Message-Driven Bean implementation class for: MDB1 */ @MessageDriven(activationConfig = { @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue"), @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destination", propertyValue = "jms/Q1") }, mappedName = "jms/Q1") public class MDB1 implements MessageListener { /** * Default constructor. */ public MDB1() { } /** * @see MessageListener#onMessage(Message) */ public void onMessage(Message message) { System.out.println("We have received a message"); } } 5. Ensure that the following features of Liberty are enabled: • jmsMdb • jndi • wasJmsClient • wasJmsServer 6. Create an activation spec Create a JMS Activation Specification with an "ID" value of the format: <X/Y/Z> Create details within it that point to the JMS queue: Page 255 7. Deploy the EAR The EAR can now be exported to the dropins directory for deployment. Once the MDB is deployed, it will start to consume messages from the queue. Should we wish to suspend its operation, we can use the Admin Center to stop the MDB app. For the code of the MDB, we should determine what kind of JMS Message has been received and from there cast it to the correct type for usage. See also: • WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile Guide for Developers – Chapter 5.4 WebSphere MQ Access A liberty application can interact with an MQ provider through JMS APIs. To allow this, two features of the liberty profile must be enabled: • wmqJmsClient-1.1 • jndi-1.0 Next we must define a variable to specify the location of the MQ RAR file. This is normally found at <MQROOT>/java/lib/jca/wmq.jmsra.rar. A suitable definition might look like: <variable name="wmqJmsClient.rar.location" value="<MQROOT>/java/lib/jca/wmq.jmsra.rar" /> To define a JMS connection factory, the following can be used: <jmsConnectionFactory jndiName="jms/wmqCF"> <properties.wmqJms transportType="CLIENT" hostName="localhost" port="1414" channel="SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN" queueManager="QM1"/> </jmsConnectionFactory> A queue definition can be: Page 256 <jmsQueue id="jms/queue1" jndiName="jms/wmqQ1"> <properties.wmqJms baseQueueName="MDBQ" baseQueueManagerName="QM1"/> </jmsQueue> For message driven beans, we must supply an activation specification: <jmsActivationSpec id="JMSSample/JMSSampleMDB"> <properties.wmqJms destinationRef="jndi/MDBQ" transportType="CLIENT" queueManager="QM1" hostName="localhost" port="1414"/> </jmsActivationSpec> See also: • Enabling ODM DSI to receive incoming MQ messages JMX and Mbeans WLP supports the JMX specification. What this means is that WLP exposes management operations to clients that can utilize the JMX specification. This is very powerful and opens a bunch of capabilities including powerful management. WLP being WLP doesn't automatically expose JMX unless we have a need for it. To enable JMX we have to add one or both of the following WLP features: localConnector-1.0 – The ability to make JMX calls from an application on the same host as WLP. restConnector-1.0 – The ability to make JMX calls from outside a WLP environment. Once localConnector is defined and the server running, we can use the Java supplied tool called "jconsole" to examine the Mbeans. From within <ROOT>/jdk/bin we will find a command called "jconsole". When launched it will take a few seconds to start up. What it is doing is looking for Java processes on your local machine. Once found, it will present a dialog similar to the following: Page 257 In the "Local Process" section, we want to look for the process that corresponds to ODM DSI. We will find that its name is similar to "ws-server.jar –batch-file start cisDev". We select that entry and click "Connect". We may get an error that a secure connection failed and may we try an insecure connection? If we say yes, then we have now attached jconsole to the ODM DSI server. From here, we have a wealth of features: Page 258 However, in the context of this section, the real power of Jconsole to us is that it provides an Mbean examiner: Page 259 See also: • Java Jconsole • Creating remote JMX connections in Liberty – 2012-12-12 JMX and MBean programming From within Java code, we can also write client applications that can be used to work against WLP through JMX. Listing Messaging Engine queues. Page 260 Set<ObjectName> objectNameSet = mbeanServerConnection.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:feature=wasJmsServer,type=Queue,*"), null); Getting the value of an attribute Object o = mbeanServerConnection.getAttribute(objectName, "<Attribute Name>"); Getting the values of multiple attributes AttributeList attributeList = mbeanServerConnection.getAttribute(objectName, new String[] {"<Attribute Name>", "<Attribute Name>"}); Getting a list of messages on a queue CompositeData compositeData[] = (CompositeData[])mbeanServerConnection.invoke(objectName, // "listQueuedMessages", null, null); A message item contains: approximateLength: 976 id: 4000003 name: null state: UNLOCKED systemMessageId: 5B080744CB34578C_2000004 transactionId: null type: JMS Getting the details of a message CompositeData cd = (CompositeData)mbeanServerConnection.invoke(queue.getObjectName(), // "getQueuedMessageDetail", new String[] { messageId }, new String[] { String.class.getName() }); The object returned contains: apiCorrelationId: null apiFormat: JMS:text apiMessageId: ID:adb0c18ae9fff3cd5c827aca110a134f0000000000000001 apiUserid: approximateLength: 976 busDiscriminator: null busPriority: 4 busReliability: ReliablePersistent busReplyDiscriminator: null busReplyPriority: null busReplyReliability: ReliablePersistent busReplyTimeToLive: null busSystemMessageId: 5B080744CB34578C_1500001 busTimeToLive: 0 exceptionMessage: null exceptionProblemDestination: null exceptionProblemSubscription: null exceptionTimestamp: null id: 3000000 jmsDeliveryMode: PERSISTENT jmsDestination: null jmsExpiration: 0 jmsRedelivered: false jmsReplyTo: null jmsType: null jmsxAppId: WebSphere Embedded Messaging jmsxDeliveryCount: 1 jsApiMessageIdAsBytes: [B@e0827f jsApproximateLength: 976 jsCorrelationIdAsBytes: null jsCurrentMEArrivalTimestamp: 1423583050879 jsMessageType: JMS jsMessageWaitTime: 37316216 jsProducerType: API jsRedeliveredCount: 0 jsSecurityUserid: null jsTimestamp: 1423583050848 Page 261 name: null state: UNLOCKED systemMessageId: 5B080744CB34578C_1500001 transactionId: null type: JMS See also: • Creating a custom JMX Client • KC – WebSphere Embedded Messaging API • Java Management Extensions (JMS) – Best Practices Logging and tracing The configuration for tracing can be defined in server.xml using the <logging> definition. The general format for this is: <logging traceSpecification="<module>=<trace level>" /> The available trace levels (from higher detail to lower detail are): • all • finest • finer • fine • detail • config • info • audit • warning • severe • fatal • off – Logging is switched off Be cautious on switching on too much trace as it can dramatically slow down your system's operations. Experience seems to show that merely changing the server.xml file will cause WLP to re-read and honor trace setting changes. During development, I choose to have the following trace entries switched on to fine: • • • For special cases, the following trace flags may be useful: • Aries.*=all:org.apache.aries.*=all – Useful for OSGi debugging but generates a LOT of Page 262 stuff. • ObjectGrid* ◦ ObjectGridReplication ◦ ObjectGridPlacement ◦ ObjectGridRouting ◦ … plus many more If one switches on ALL trace, one will drown in information. Switching on "*=all" is not worth it. At a minimum, you are going to want to turn off: •* •* •* See also: • Extreme Scale Problem Determination PDF Using the Admin Center First, we must download and install the additional feature known as the Admin Center. We can do that from the command line with: featureManager install adminCenter-1.0 --when-file-exists=ignore We will be prompted to accept the license. After installation of the feature on your local machine, we can add the feature to the configuration properties of the WLP server to make it available at runtime: Page 263 We can now attach a browser to the Admin Center at: https://<host:port>/adminCenter We will be prompted to login: Page 264 From within the Explore entry we can get a list of the applications installed and perform work against them including starting and stopping. Page 265 See also: • Knowledge Center – Administering the Liberty profile using Admin Center – 8.5.5 Special consideration when using with ODM DSI WebSphere eXtreme Scale IBM ODM DSI heavily leverages the IBM technology known as WebSphere eXtreme Scale (WXS). Although one can most certainly use DSI without any knowledge of WXS understanding more about it will undoubtedly help you leverage more of the capabilities of DSI. In addition understanding WXS will be vital if you are building high performance topologies. WXS is responsible for providing very fast access to data through memory caching technologies. It's sweet spot is not in richness of queries and searching (like a database) but is instead focused almost exclusively on speed of execution. It achieves this through its ability to "scale out" which means the ability to add more and more bottleneck relieving components into its topology. At a high level, WXS provides the notion of a "Grid" where we define a Grid as the total of all data being managed. The Grid is a logical construct and encompasses all the JVMs (which are the hosting components) of WXS. For a JVM to be part of the Grid, that JVM runs a component called a "Grid Container". It is the aggregate of all Grid Containers that form the implementation of the Grid. A particular Grid Container instances is hosted by a particular JVM instance. Data contained within the Grid can be logically grouped / split up into units called "Partitions". A Partition is a collection of a subset of all the data in a grid. The set of all Partitions in the Grid contains all the data within the Grid. An instance of a partition is known as a "Shard" and it is the Shard that lives within a Grid Container. Because the Shard is a collection of data, if the Grid Container (or the JVM hosting the Grid Container or the machine hosting the JVM) is lost, then it would appear that the data managed by that Shard would also be lost. To resolve that obvious failing, Shards can be replicated to other Grid Containers. The model adopted by WXS is that of a primary Shard which is where normal data access requests will be processed and one or more Page 266 replica Shards where data will be replicated. In the event of the "loss" of the primary Shard, one of the Replica shards can be promoted to the new Primary. Thinking back to the earlier mention of a Partition, we now see that a Partition can be defined as a collection of Shards distributed over a collection of Grid Containers. For a particular partition, one of the shards will be considered the primary shard while the others are replicas. The following diagram illustrates an example of our story. Ignore the "numbers" of things. We can have more than two JVMs, Grid Containers, Partitions and Shards … this is just an example. Imagine we have a client application that wishes to retrieve a piece of data. The client would have to know which partition contains the data and hence which shard contains the primary data and hence which Grid Container a request should be sent to. That's a lot of knowledge. A component of WXS called the Catalog Server maintains that information on behalf of the solution. Having data managed by WXS doesn't have meaning unless something is going to access that data. The something is termed a "Grid client". The Grid client contacts the Catalog Server and retrieves from it data known as the "route table". This information allows the client to know which partitions contain which data so that when a request is made to retrieve data, the client can direct the request to the correct partition. The Catalog Server is not a passive component merely telling clients where everything lives. Instead, it is the Catalog Server that determines "good" placement for shards across all the Grid Containers available to the Catalog Server. The Catalog Server uses policy rules defined by administrators when making these decisions. It is also the Catalog Server that is responsible for changes in the topology when changes are detected such as the loss of a Grid Container or the arrival of a new Grid Container. As of DSI v8.7, the WebSphere Extreme Scale is at v8.6. See also: • WebSphere eXtreme Scale home page • KnowledgeCenter – WebSphere Extreme Scale – v8.6 • Redbook – WebSphere eXtreme Scale v8.6 Key Concepts and Usage Scenarios – SG24-7683-01 - 2013 Client APIs From an API perspective, there are a number of access mechanisms a client application can use to access the Grid. Page 267 ObjectMap API In this model, the grid appears as a Java Map with the ability to put and get objects. This manifests itself as: • map.put(key, value) • map.get(key) Entity Manager API REST Data Service API IBM DB2 There is a wealth of material on using IBM DB2 found in manuals, articles and the interwebs and we will not try and replicate that here. However in this section, we will make notes on useful DB2 areas that may be of relevance to working with ODM DSI. These notes should not be considered definitive on the subjects but merely examples of the areas as potentially used by ODM DSI. Writing DB2 Java Procedures and Functions Write the Java class to be in a package. Define any routines you wish to call as public static methods within the class. For example: package com.kolban; import; import java.sql.SQLException; public class DB2TEST { public static void db2test() throws SQLException { try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("C:/temp/db2log.txt", true); fw.write("hello world\n"); fw.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } Export the above as a JAR file. In this example we exported to db2test.jar. Next we followed the instructions to import the JAR into DB2: db2 connect to TESTDB user db2admin using db2admin db2 "call sqlj.install_jar('file:C:/Projects/ODMCI/JAR Files/db2test.jar','TEST1')" finally, we ran the SQL statement to create a stored procedure: drop procedure testp; create procedure testp() language java parameter style java no sql fenced threadsafe deterministic external name 'TEST1:com.kolban.DB2TEST!db2test' with this done, we now have a new stored procedure called "testp" which when called, will lookup the class called "DB2TEST" contained in the Java Package called "com.kolban" that is located in the JAR with handle "TEST1" and call the method called "db2test". Page 268 When debugging Java procedures, no solution has yet been found to find where the Java console might exist. The workaround has been to log to our own PrintWriter object. See also: • Deploying a JAR into DB2 • developerWorks - Solve common problems with DB2 UDB Java stored procedures - 2005-10-27 Deploying a JAR into DB2 Once a JAR file has been built which contains the routines we wish to call, we now have to deploy that JAR to DB2. This can be achieved from a command window using: db2 connect to <DB Name> user <user name> using <password> db2 "call sqlj.install_jar('file:<path to jar>', '<JAR handle>')" You can't run the sqlj.install_jar command from a Data Studio environment. To replace the JAR, use the command: db2 "call sqlj.replace_jar('file:<path to jar>', '<JAR handle>')" after replacing a JAR, if the signatures have changed, we may wish to ask DB2 to refresh its classes: db2 "call sqlj.refresh_classes()" To delete the JAR, use the command: db2 "call sqlj.remove_jar('<JAR handle>')" See also: • Writing DB2 Java Procedures and Functions DB2 Triggers The notion behind a trigger is that when a table is modified, we may wish to become aware of that modification and perform some action. This allows us to write functions that are executed when an external application modifies a table but without us having to re-code or otherwise interfere with the opertaion of that external application. CREATE TRIGGER <Trigger Name> AFTER INSERT ON <Table Name> REFERENCING NEW AS <Variable Name> FOR EACH ROW <Statement> DB2 and XML Data within a table can be selected and formatted into an XML document. Let us start with the XMLSERIALIZE function. This function takes other XML data types and serializes the data to one of the DB types of CHAR, VARCHAR or CLOB. An example of usage is: XMLSERIALIZE( CONTENT <XML Expression> AS CLOB) This will serialize the XML expression into a CLOB format. Next we will look at the XMLELEMENT function. This returns an XML object. It is used to build an XML element. As an example: xmlelement(name "X", 'Y') Page 269 will build the XML element <X>Y</X>. The first parameter is the name that the element will use. If we wish an element to have a namespace prefix, we would include that here. For example: xmlelement(name "m:X", 'Y') would build the XML element <m:X>Y</X>. If we wish to build a document tree, we can nest XMLELEMENTS inside each other xmlelement(name "X", xmlelement(name "A", 'B')) which will build: <X> <A>B</A> </X> Within an XMLELEMENT, we can use the XMLNAMESPACES function to define a namespace for the elements. xmlelement(name "X", xmlnamespaces('' as "K"), 'Y') This will produce: <X xmlns:k=">Y</X> See also: • developerWorks - DB2 Basics: An introduction to the SQL/XML publishing functions - 2005-11-03 • developerWorks - Overview of DB2’s XML Capabilities: An introduction to SQL/XML functions in DB2 UDB and the DB2 XML Extender - 2003-11-20 IBM Data Studio Data studio is a free download for managing databases and building SQL. IBM MQ IBM's MQ product is an industry strength messaging and queuing platform including a runtime engine and a rich set of APIs. MQ can act as the source and destination of ODM DSI events as an alternative transport to using a JMS provider. Page 270 Installation of MQ Page 271 Page 272 Page 273 Page 274 Page 275 Administering WebSphere MQ An Eclipse based tool called "WebSphere MQ Explorer" is provided with MQ. This can be used to perform a wide variety of administration tasks. Creating a Queue Manager One of the first things that will be done is the creation of a queue manager. A queue manager is a container that hosts the queues and the messages that those queues contain. Page 276 Creating Queues on a Queue Manager Once a queue manager has been created, we can now create queues to live on that queue manager. Page 277 Disabling MQ Security During testing, we may wish to disable MQ security checks. Open the properties of the queue manager: Page 278 Putting messages to MQ Queues There are a variety of ways to put messages to MQ Queues. MQ Explorer allows us to put a text message to the queue from a wizard: Page 279 Another good tool for putting messages to MQ is called "rfhutil" which can be found here: as part of the MQ IH03 SupportPac. BOM – The Business Object Model A BOM logically consists of the following: • A package – This is the namespace for which other objects will exist. • Classes – This is the definition of a business object. There can be many class definitions. Do not think of this as Java class even though it is tempting. • Attributes – Each class can contain attributes where an attribute has a name and a data type. • Methods – Each class can contain methods which are functions that can be called to return a value. The methods can be supplied with parameters. See also: • Knowledge Center – Designing Business Object Models – v8.7 BOM Java Programming The BOM has a set of rich Java APIs that can be used to both read and write BOM descriptions. These classes can be found in the JAR located at: <DSIRoot>/runtime/ia/gateway/engine-runtime.jar See also: • Knowledge Center – Rule Designer API – v8.7 IlrObjectModel The heart of this is a class called IlrObjectModel which is the in memory representation of the BOM. An instance of this can be constructed by reading a .bom file through the IlrJavaSerializer class. From the IlrObjectModel we can retrieve classes: Page 280 • Iterator<IlrClass> allClasses() – Iterate through all the classes. • IlrClass getClass(String fullyQualifiedName) – Get the specific class. IlrModelElement A BOM model is made up from model elements. These are the lowest level of the core concepts. From elements come all the higher level items. From an IlrModelElement, we can get: • String getName() – The name of the element. • IlrNamespace getEnclosingNamespace() – The namespace that the element lives within. • String getFullyQualifiedName() – The string representation of name and namespace • IlrObjectModel getObjectModel() – The object model that defines this element. IlrNamespace A namespace defines a scope used to enclose other items. The IlrNamespace inherits from IlrModelElement and hence has a name and other attributes. Specific to IlrNamespace we have: • IlrClass getClass(String name) – Obtain the class belonging to this namespace by name. • List getClasses() – Obtain a list of all the classes belonging to this namespace. Page 281 IlrType Methods include: • String getDisplayName() – String of data type .. eg. "int" or "java.lang.String" • String getRawName() – String of data type. Package names are removed. IlrClass An interface is a collection of attributes and methods. Since IlrClass inherits from IlrModelElement we can obtain the class's name and namespace. From the IlrClass we can work with attributes: • List getAttributes() – Retrieve all the attributes defined in this class. • Iterator allAttributes() – Iterate all the attributes in this class and in superclasses. • Iterator allInheritedAttributes() – Iterate just the attributes in the superclasses. From the IlrClass we can work with methods: • List getMethods() – Retrieve all the methods defined in this class. • Iterator allMethods() – Iterate all the methods in this class and in superclasses. • Iterator allInheritedMethods() – Iterate just the methods in the superclasses. Other methods include: • String getDisplayName() – For a class, this is <namespace>.<name>. • String getName() - For a class this is the class name with no namespace. • String getFullyQualifiedName() - The fully qualified name of the class including namespace. Page 282 See also: • KnowledgeCenter – IlrClass – 8.7 IlrAttribute This interface represents an attribute in a class. Methods include: • Field getNativeField() – Return a java.lang.reflect.Field field object or null. • IlrType getAttributeType() – Return the type of this attribute. • String getDisplayName() – For an attribute this is <namespace>.<name>. • IlrClass getDeclaringClass() – Return the class which contains this attribute. • String getPropertyValue(String) – Get the named property value. See also: • IlrClassIlrDynamicActualValue IlrDynamicActualValue This class represents an actual value for a type. Page 283 Creating an IlrObjectModel from a .bom We can use the IlrJavaSerializer to read a .bom file and return us an IlrObjectModel. The recipe for this is shown in the following code fragment: IlrJavaSerializer javaSerializer = new IlrJavaSerializer(); IlrDynamicObjectModel dynamicObjectModel = new IlrDynamicObjectModel(Kind.BUSINESS); try { FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(bomFile); javaSerializer.readObjectModel(dynamicObjectModel, fileReader); // Work with the Object model fileReader.close(); } catch (IlrSyntaxError syntaxError) { String messages[] = syntaxError.getErrorMessages(); for (String message : messages) { System.out.println("Message: " + message); } } catch (Exception e) { Page 284 } e.printStackTrace(); Java The Java programming language is well understood and documented thoroughly elsewhere. In this section of the book, we are going to make notes about certain patterns that may be useful in an ODM DSI environment. Writing to a file in Java PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("the-file-name.txt", "UTF-8"); writer.println("The first line"); writer.println("The second line"); writer.close(); Introspecting a Java BOM Imagine that we wish to write a generic Java application that we want to work with Events and Entities. Commonly we would build our Java code against the Event and Entity classes supplied by the solution that owns the BOM. However, what if we want to make our application independent of any specific solution and be able to process an arbitrary set of Events and Entities? First we should realize that the creation of a Solution causes the construction of a new JAR file called "model.jar" within the Eclipse project called "<SolutionName> - Java Model". If we look inside this JAR we find it contains items such as the following: In this example, EV1 is a an event, CONCEPT1 is a concept and ENTITY1 and ENTITY2 are entities. These are the names that the developer chose and are not keywords. Each of these classes represents an artifact that we could use in our custom Java solution. Given a JAR file of this format, we can now examine its content to look for Java classes that represent events and entities. If we examine each entry and ask its Java Class what interfaces each entry implements, we find that: • events implement "" • entities implement "" We can thus use this knowledge to determine which are events, which are entities and which are simply of no interest to us. Now if we assume that we have identified an Event or Entity of interest to us, our next question would be "What are the properties of this object?". Page 285 We can use the Java Bean introspection capabilities to answer that question. Assume we have a Java object of type "Class" that represents one of these objects, we can obtain its BeanInfo by using: BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(myObjectClass); from the BeanInfo, we can now ask for the set of properties contained within it using: PropertyDescriptor propDesc[] = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); Now that we have the knowledge about what is contained within this model, how then should we create and populate instances? The answer is not to attempt to instantiate these directly. Instead we should ask the DSI environment to do so for us. See also: • Java – BeanInfo • Java – PropertyDescriptor JavaScript fragments in Nashorn Here is a collection of useful JavaScript fragments for working with Nashorn. Dumping the methods of a class var methods = myClass.getClass().getMethods(); for (var i=0; i<methods.length; i++) { var thisMethod = methods[i]; print("Method Name: " + thisMethod.getName()); } Java Dates and Times Java has had date and time support since its original inception but has been refreshed with a new specification called "JSR 310: Date and Time API". The majority of DSI exposes or uses the data type called "ZonedDateTime". See also: • JSR 310: Date and Time API • ThreeTen – Reference implementation • JavaDoc for ThreeTen • Java Tutorials – Trail: Date Time Creating instances of ZonedDateTime To create an instance of ZonedDateTime, the following can be used: ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.of(2015, 08, 25, 4, 15, 00), ZoneId.systemDefault()); Camel Camel apps need to be linked with the following: Page 286 • camel-core-*.jar • slf4-api-*.jar Here is a sample app that watches a directory for files and when one arrives, writes a copy in another: CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext(); context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("file:C:/Projects/ODMDSI/junk/camel/indir?noop=true"). // to("file:C:/Projects/ODMDSI/junk/camel/outdir"); } }); context.start(); Thread.sleep(10000); context.stop(); System.out.println("Camel1 ending ..."); See also: • Apache Camel home page • JavaDoc Processor Processor gives you complete Java level control over working with the content of messages. public class MyProcessor implements Processor { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { // do something... } } See also: • Processor Transform Bean The bean() mechanism allows us to use an arbitrary Java bean to perform the processing. Enricher In this pattern, the message is enriched from content drawn from elsewhere. Data Formats XMLJSON Example: XmlJsonDataFormat xmlJsonDataFormat = new XmlJsonDataFormat(); xmlJsonDataFormat.setSkipNamespaces(true); xmlJsonDataFormat.setRemoveNamespacePrefixes(true); from("file:C:/Projects/ODMDSI/junk/camel/indir?noop=true"). // marshal(xmlJsonDataFormat). // to("file:C:/Projects/ODMDSI/junk/camel/outdir"); Page 287 The classpath must include: • camel-xmljson*.jar • json-lib*.jar The json-lib requires: • commons-lang • commons-beanutils • commons-collections • commons-logging • ezmorph • xom See also: • XML JSON Data Format • JSON-lib Camel components Direct Component This component is used to link a producer and consumer in different routes together. See also: • Direct Component File Component See also: • File Component JMS Component The JMS Component can send or receive messages to JMS. The format of the component can be: jms:[queue:|topic:]destinationName[?options] For example jms:queue:myQueue jms:topic:myTopic In order to use JMS, the camel JAR for JMS must be added. This is: • camel-jms*.jar This component requires the spring framework for spring-jms.jar See also: Page 288 • JMS Component • JavaDoc – JMS Component – 2.14.0 Stream Component XSLT Component Camel as a Liberty EJB If we think of Camel as an embeddable service that can be used to perform mediations, our next puzzle is how would we leverage that with Liberty? One way is to create a Singleton Session EJB. When Liberty starts, it will start a single instance of that Session EJB which will contain the logic to register and start a Camel processing service. Camel DSL in OSGi Blueprint Camel supplies an additional namespace that can be used with OSGi blueprint: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <blueprint xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:camelBlueprint="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <camelContext xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:start" /> <transform> <simple>Hello ${body}</simple> </transform> <to uri="mock:a" /> </route> </camelContext> </blueprint> Camel as a Liberty OSGi environment Camel is built as OSGi bundles and hence can run in such an environment. However, there are no liberty supplied instructions for setting it up. After a lot of trial and error, the following recipe has been shown to work. 1. Create a Liberty OSGi bundled directory. 2. Place the latest Camel Jars in that directory. 3. Download SLF4j 1.7.10 or better and place slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar and slf4jsimple-1.7.10.jar into the bundles directory. Eclipse Importing exported projects If you are supplied a ZIP file containing exported projects from Insight Designer, you can import those into your Eclipse workspace using the Eclipse importer. Page 289 Installing Eclipse Marketplace Eclipse Marketplace is a capability to look for and install new components into your Eclipse environment. By default, Eclipse Marketplace is not part of the distributed Eclipse. It can be manually installed from the Eclipse update site at: Page 290 Installing the Liberty Developer Tools From within Eclipse Marketplace, we can search on "Liberty" and find the Liberty Profile Developer Tools for Juno: Page 291 Associating an Eclipse Server View with DSI Eclipse provides a View called the "Servers View". This provides a visualization of the servers associated with the Eclipse environment. When the view is initially shown in a fresh workspace, there is no entry for the DSI server. To add one, the following recipe can be executed: From the Servers view, right click to open the context menu and select New > Server: This will open a dialog from which we can select the WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty profile: Page 292 In the next page, we will be asked to supply the path to the liberty runtime. The path entered should be <ODM DSI Root>/runtime/wlp: Page 293 The final page allows us to select the server instance we wish to use: Page 294 The culmination of these steps will be the appearance of an entry in the Servers view: From here we can perform a wealth of activities including: • Server start/stop • Configuration We can also flag that we wish the server to be started in "clean" mode the next time it is launched: Page 295 Viewing server logs A particularly useful plugin for Eclipse for use with ODM DSI is "logviewer". This plugin watches log files and shows their content including content hilighting. It can be found at: Once installed, change the preferences to use a fixed width font such as "consolas". ODM DSI writes its server log files in the directory: <ROOT>/runtime/wlp/usr/servers/<Server>/logs. Using GIT with Eclipse and DSI Solutions When checking in a project to GIT from Eclipse, it is suggested to create .gitignore files that cause GIT to ignore certain files that should not be placed into a source code control system because they are generated. The content of such a .gitignore file can be: # compiled rules *.sem # anything in the output folder */.output/* *.class # Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME) .mtj.tmp/ # Package Files # *.jar *.war *.ear # virtual machine crash logs, see hs_err_pid* Page 296 Other related tools From time to time we may need to use tools to achieve certain tasks. Here is a list of some that I have found useful: • JARs Search – Search JAR files in the file system looking for classes. • ClassFinder – An open source Class finder GUI TechPuzzles Back in the early 2000s part of my job was to study some specific IBM product very deeply until I became competent at it and then assist fellow IBMers to learn and use the product as well. My thinking on that became one of writing down notes which then become books (you are reading an example of that just now). In talking to colleagues I asked them about their experiences in learning and the common response I heard was "unless we actually practice something, we forget what we read in a few days or weeks". I completely agree with that notion and so do many others. To that end a number of folks provide "tutorials" that are keyboard exercises where the student follows the bouncing ball and enters exactly what the tutorial asks. These are great … if one is super new at a product, being hand-held through getting something working is indispensable. However I believe that there are limitations to tutorials. Tutorials are extremely time consuming for their authors to create and as such, tutorials can't be expected to cover that many areas. Next is that a student's knowledge grows with time. After all, if he didn't improve after study and working tutorials then there would be something wrong. As a student's knowledge increases, the value of tutorials decreases. The student will follow the steps saying to himself "I know this already" before finally getting to any new materials. And lastly … what is to me the biggest point of all … tutorials inevitably get followed "parrot fashion". This means that a student can follow the instructions to get something working without actually thinking. If the student doesn't think, I could argue that there will be little retention of knowledge. With these thoughts in mind, as I was sitting bored-mindless at a conference, I came up with an idea that I called "TechPuzzles". The idea here is that a technical puzzle involving a product (DSI for example) is posed and the student has to use their knowledge and skills to solve it. The author of the puzzle flags it as requiring a certain level of skill in order for it to be solved within an hour (walking away from a completed puzzle in an hour or less is an essential goal). Possible skill levels would be: • Novice • Competent • Proficient • Expert • Master A TechPuzzle would be a written puzzle which may be augmented with diagrams and code and/or data assets. The reader of the puzzle should be able to take that description and then go forth and attempt to solve it. This would engage the student in a far more interesting fashion. However, there is much more to the TechPuzzle notion. As well as a puzzle being presented, each TechPuzzle will also have a potential solution. This solution is a full description (but not tutorial) of an answer to the TechPuzzle. It will include thinking as well as any necessary assets that would allow a student to get the solution running. In addition to having a solution provided, a forum Page 297 thread accompanies each TechPuzzle where students can discuss amongst themselves questions and answers related to that specific puzzle. This will include monitoring by the TechPuzzle author for any questions. The solution supplied with the TechPuzzle may not be the "best" solution and perhaps the students or others can suggest improvements or new ways of thinking. TechPuzzles need to be produced on a regular and short basis such as once a week. A suggestion is to publish a new TechPuzzle on a Friday morning but withhold the solution until the publication of the next TechPuzzle one week later. This gives students who want to challenge themselves a week to try and come up with a solution on their own knowing that there is no published solution to act as a safety net. Of course, the student will always have a back catalog of puzzles to work with as desired so needn't work with the latest for the week and end up stuck and frustrated. For DSI, the entry stakes into DSI TechPuzzles are: • Ability to model data • Ability to create rule projects • Ability to deploy a solution • Ability to submit events for testing DSI TechPuzzle 2015-01-30 Level – Novice Description Your bank has determined that if three or more ATM withdrawals against an account happen within an hour, that is a good indication of potential fraud. Your challenge is to model withdrawal events being transmitted from an ATM to the bank and the detection of three or more events on a particular account within the space of an hour. Solution When we look at this puzzle, we will find that we need to track withdrawals against accounts. This means we need to model the "account" entity as that will be the target of the withdrawal events. In addition, we need to model the notion of the withdrawal event itself. When you study the model definition, you may be surprised to see that neither the account nor the withdrawal contain any significant data. The reason for that is that our story simply doesn't need anything further than the notion that accounts exist and withdrawals happen. Page 298 Model Definition an account is a business entity identified by an accountNumber. a withdrawal is a business event. a withdrawal has an accountNumber. Rule Agent .adsc 'TechPuzzle_DSI_-_2015-01-30_-_Rule_Agent' is an agent related to an account , processing events : - withdrawal , where this account comes from the accountNumber of this withdrawal Rule Definition when a withdrawal occurs if the number of withdrawals after 1 hours before now is more than 2 then print "Fraud? - We have seen too many withdrawals for account #" + the accountNumber; Test Script We create an entity representing the account and then submit three events with different times to represent three different events arriving. var var var var ConceptFactory = Java.type("tp_2015_01_30.ConceptFactory"); ZonedDateTime = Java.type("org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime"); LocalDateTime = Java.type("org.threeten.bp.LocalDateTime"); ZoneId = Java.type("org.threeten.bp.ZoneId"); testDriver.deleteAllEntities("tp_2015_01_30.Account"); testDriver.resetSolutionState(); var conceptFactory = testDriver.getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class); var myEntity = conceptFactory.createAccount("AN123"); testDriver.loadEntity(myEntity); var myEvent1 = { $class: "tp_2015_01_30.Withdrawal", accountNumber: "AN123", timestamp: ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.of(2015, 01, 10, 15, 0, 0), ZoneId.systemDefault()) }; var myEvent2 = { $class: "tp_2015_01_30.Withdrawal", accountNumber: "AN123", timestamp: ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.of(2015, 01, 10, 15, 10, 0), ZoneId.systemDefault()) }; var myEvent3 = { $class: "tp_2015_01_30.Withdrawal", accountNumber: "AN123", timestamp: ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.of(2015, 01, 10, 15, 20, 0), ZoneId.systemDefault()) }; testDriver.submitEvent(myEvent1); testDriver.submitEvent(myEvent2); testDriver.submitEvent(myEvent3); print("End of script"); DSI TechPuzzle 2015-02-06 Level – Competent Page 299 Description When one builds a solution for DSI, it is important to be able to test it. There are a number of excellent tools and utilities growing up around the DSI product but it is still important to understand how to test using the out of the box capabilities. The core to testing is to be able to use the DSI product supplied Java class called TestDriver. This puzzle will test your ability to use that feature. In this puzzle, your task is to model an entity called Stock which has a key attribute called `stock number` with additional attributes of `quantity` (the count of items on hand) and `location` (where in the warehouse the stock can be found). We won't consider events in this story. After having modeled the entity and deployed the solution, use the TestDriver API to create an instance of an entity and use the REST API to validate that the entity was created. Solution The solution to this weeks puzzle hinges on your ability to understand the Java class called TestDriver. The core documentation for this can be found in the Knowledge Center at: • Creating a Java project to insert entities and submit events • TestDriver reference documentation The model definition is pretty straight forward and, as we see, the puzzle had no need for events in order to complete. I encourage you to read each line of the Java code in the solution and for each of the (only) five references to the TestDriver class and its object, read the corresponding JavaDoc for the method and validate that you completely understand what it does. Once you have created your entity by running your code, you next need to validate that it is indeed present within the DSI runtime. The DSI REST API can perform that test for you: https://localhost:9443/ibm/ia/rest/solutions/TechPuzzle_DSI___2015_02_06/entitytypes/tp_2015_02_06.Stock/entities The result will be the XML Document representing the entity. For example, in Chrome it looks like: Page 300 Here are the definitions and code: Model Definition a Stock is a business entity identified by a 'stock number'. a Stock has a quantity (integer). a Stock has a location. Java TestDriver package tp_2015_02_06; import; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { try { TestDriver testDriver = new TestDriver(); testDriver.connect(); testDriver.deleteAllEntities(); ConceptFactory conceptFactory = testDriver.getConceptFactory(tp_2015_02_06.ConceptFactory.class); Stock stock = conceptFactory.createStock("ABC123"); stock.setQuantity(25); stock.setLocation("Row F"); testDriver.loadEntity(stock); System.out.println("Entity created!!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } DSI TechPuzzle 2015-02-13 Level – Expert Page 301 Description You manage the operations of a trucking company. Your trucks periodically transmit their GPS location. You have received complaints from some customers that their products are spoiled when they arrive because the temperature in the interior of the truck was either too warm or too cold. Your insurance premiums are already high and you want to reduce refunds and claims. Speaking with your tech guys, they tell you they can not add sensors to transmit temperature information, but they do have a suggestion. If you know where a truck is, we can contact the weather service and ask for the current external air temperature. Experience says that the air temperature outside the truck can be assumed to be the same inside the truck. A web service has been found that, given a latitude and longitude pair (a position), returns the weather at that location. This includes the temperature. Your challenge as a DSI solution designer is to build a DSI solution which detects when the temperature of a particular truck is outside of its range when an event indicating its location arrives. An example service that supplies weather data based on location can be found at: Mashape – Ultimate Weather Solution After studying the weather service, we find that it is exposed via REST with a request format of: GET{latitude}/{longitude} This means that if we can submit such a request, we can get the data we want. With this in mind, we ask ourselves ... how do we submit a REST request when a DSI event arrives? One way to achieve this is to leverage a Java Agent implementation and make the REST call from within the context of Java code. Since we are making SSL calls to the server, we must also add the certificate for the target server into our SSL key store. The Web Service we are using is from the Mashape provider and requires that we get a free key to be able to use their services. This key needs to be entered into the code. What we exercised In this answer, we exercised the following DSI capabilities: • Java Agent coding • Outbound REST calls to service provides Page 302 • Utilization of 3rd part Java JARs • JSON processing Model Definitions The following are the model definitions. The core are: • a truck – The entity that represents our truck • a truck ping – An incoming event that says we have been told the location of a truck • a temperature issue – An outgoing event that says we have a temperature issue a truck is a business entity identified by a truck id. a truck has a minimum temperature (integer). a truck has a maximum temperature (integer). a truck ping is a business event. a truck ping has a truck id. a truck ping has a location (a point ). a temperature issue reason can be one of: 'Too high', 'Too low'. a a a a temperature temperature temperature temperature issue issue issue issue is a business event. has a truck id. has an external temperature (numeric). has a temperature issue reason. Java Agent Code A core part of our story is the Java code contained within our Java Agent. This code makes a REST call to a weather service to obtain the temperature at the specified location. Once we know this, we can ask if it is within the range of acceptable temperatures and, if not, emit an appropriate event. package techpuzzle_dsi__20150213.techpuzle_dsi__20150213_java_agent_truck; imports ... public class TruckAgent extends EntityAgent<Entity> { private final static String MASHAPE_KEY = "XXXXXX"; @Override public void process(Event event) throws AgentException { try { Truck truck = (Truck) getBoundEntity(); if (truck == null) { System.out.println("No such truck!"); return; } TruckPing truckPing = (TruckPing)event; double coordinates[] = truckPing.getLocation().getCoordinates(); String result = send("" + coordinates[1] + "/" + coordinates[0]); if (result == null) { System.out.println("No weather service result."); return; } JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(IOUtils.toInputStream(result, Charset.defaultCharset())); JsonObject jo = jsonReader.readObject(); double temp = Double.parseDouble(jo.getString("temp_f")); System.out.println("Temp is " + temp); if (temp > truck.getMaximumTemperature() || temp < truck.getMinimumTemperature()) { System.out.println("We have a temparture event!"); Page 303 ConceptFactory conceptFactory = getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class); TemperatureIssue temperatureIssue = conceptFactory.createTemperatureIssue(; if (temp > truck.getMaximumTemperature()) { temperatureIssue.setTemperatureIssueReason(TemperatureIssueReason.Too_high); } else { temperatureIssue.setTemperatureIssueReason(TemperatureIssueReason.Too_low); } emit(temperatureIssue); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // End of process private String send(String urlStr) { try { URL url = new URL(urlStr); HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.addRequestProperty("X-Mashape-Key", MASHAPE_KEY); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setDoOutput(false); conn.setUseCaches(false); conn.setAllowUserInteraction(false); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); if (conn.getResponseCode() != 200) { throw new IOException(conn.getResponseMessage()); } String data = IOUtils.toString(conn.getInputStream()); conn.disconnect(); System.out.println("Rest request made ..." + data); return data; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } // End of sendEvent } // End of class // End of file Test Script This is a DSI Toolbox test script for running tests. var var var var var ConceptFactory = Java.type("tp_2015_02_13.ConceptFactory"); ZonedDateTime = Java.type("org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime"); IADebugReceiver = Java.type(""); Thread = Java.type("java.lang.Thread"); GeoSpatialService = Java.type(""); var conceptFactory = testDriver.getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class); testDriver.deleteAllEntities(); var thisTruck = { $class: "tp_2015_02_13.Truck", maximumTemperature: 85, minimumTemperature: 32 }; var truck = conceptFactory.createTruck("truck123"); testDriver.populateEntity(truck, thisTruck); testDriver.loadEntity(truck); var geometryFactory = GeoSpatialService.getService().getGeometryFactory(); var truckPing = { $class: "tp_2015_02_13.TruckPing", // Fort Worth location: geometryFactory.getPoint(-97.320261,32.750479), // San Francisco //location: geometryFactory.getPoint(-122.4376,37.7577), // New York //location: geometryFactory.getPoint(-73.979681,40.703312), Page 304 }; truckId: "truck123" testDriver.submitEvent(truckPing); print("Event sent!"); DSI TechPuzzle 2015-02-20 Description When building a DSI solution we handle incoming events and also emit new events based on the processing of those events. In this puzzle your goal will be to write a DSI solution that accepts an incoming event and outputs a new event. But how do you know that the new emitted event is actually fired and that its content is correct? Your challenge is to use the IBM supplied TestDriver Java class to show that new outbound events are published and show their content. Solution The TestDriver class of DSI provides the capability to register a callback function that can be invoked when the DSI runtime publishes an event. This callback is passed all the pertinent information about that event and we can use that information for debugging or other tasks. The documentation for this capability can be found in the Knowledge Center: • Receiving and storing debug information You should read that article before continuing. Our sample solution has us do the following. First, if we haven't already done so, we need to tell our DSI server the TCP/IP port it should listen upon for debug requests from clients such as TestDriver. Once we have chosen a port number we can execute the command propertyManager set –username=tester –password=tester debugPort=<port number> in our example, we picked a port number of 6543. Model Definitions Our chosen model definitions may surprise you. The are merely one input event and one output event. There are no entity definitions. That is because we are going to choose to build a Java Agent to act as the recipient of the incoming event and the published of the outgoing event. Java Agent's do no need a corresponding bound entity. Again, out solution is illustrative an exercises our Page 305 knowledge of writing test drivers and not necessarily representative of real world business solutions. an an an an Input Input Input Input Event Event Event Event an an an an Output Output Output Output Event Event Event Event is a business event. has a i1. has a i2. has a i3. is a business event. has a o1. has a o2. has a o3. Agent Descriptor 'techpuzzle_dsi__20150220.techpuzzle__dsi__20150220__java_agent.MyAgent' is an agent, processing events : - Input Event Java Agent Code package techpuzzle_dsi__20150220.techpuzzle__dsi__20150220__java_agent; import import import import import import import import org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime; tp_2015_02_20.ConceptFactory; tp_2015_02_20.InputEvent; tp_2015_02_20.OutputEvent;;;;; public class MyAgent extends EntityAgent<Entity> { @Override public void process(Event event) throws AgentException { System.out.println("We have seen a new input event"); InputEvent inputEvent = (InputEvent)(event); ConceptFactory conceptFactory = getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class); OutputEvent outputEvent = conceptFactory.createOutputEvent(; outputEvent.setO1(inputEvent.getI1()); outputEvent.setO2(inputEvent.getI2()); outputEvent.setO3(inputEvent.getI3()); // Emit the new event emit(outputEvent); System.out.println("New OutputEvent has been emitted."); } } TestDriver Java Code The core of our solution is the development of a TestDriver application that registers a callback listener for emitted events. package tp_2015_02_20; import java.util.Properties; import org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime; import import import import import;;;;; public class Test { private TestDriver testDriver; Page 306 private class MyDebugReceiver implements DebugReceiver { @Override public void addDebugInfo(DebugInfo debugInfo, String sourceAgent) { System.out.println("Event received from " + sourceAgent + ": " + debugInfo); Event debugEvent = testDriver.getAgentEvent(debugInfo); if (debugEvent instanceof OutputEvent) { OutputEvent outputEvent = (OutputEvent) debugEvent; System.out.println("O1 = " + outputEvent.getO1()); System.out.println("O2 = " + outputEvent.getO2()); System.out.println("O3 = " + outputEvent.getO3()); } } // End of addDebugInfo } // End of class MyDebugReceiver public static void main(String[] args) { Test test = new Test();; } // End of main public void run() { try { Properties connectionProperties = new Properties(); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.RUNTIME_HOST_NAME, "localhost"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.HTTP_PORT, "9449"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.CATALOG_SERVER_ENDPOINTS, "localhost:2815"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.DISABLE_SSL_HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION, "true"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.TRUSTSTORE_PATH, "C:\\IBM\\ODMDSI87\\runtime\\wlp\\usr\\servers\\cisDev\\resources\\security\\key.jks"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD, "tester"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.ADMIN_USERNAME, "tester"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.ADMIN_PASSWORD, "tester"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.DEBUG_AGENT_LIST, "*"); connectionProperties.setProperty(DriverProperties.DEBUG_SERVERS, "localhost:6543"); testDriver = new TestDriver(connectionProperties); testDriver.addDebugReceiver(new MyDebugReceiver()); testDriver.connect("TechPuzzle_DSI___2015_02_20"); ConceptFactory conceptFactory = testDriver.getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class); InputEvent inputEvent = conceptFactory.createInputEvent(; inputEvent.setI1("I1 value"); inputEvent.setI2("I2 value"); inputEvent.setI3("I3 value"); testDriver.submitEvent(inputEvent); System.out.println("Entity created!!, sleeping for 30 seconds"); Thread.sleep(30000); System.out.println("Test ending"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // End of run } // End of class DSI TechPuzzle 2015-02-27 Level – Proficient Page 307 Description Events noting pressure changes in a steam pipe are published whenever there is a change. If the pressure passes a threshold for that pipe, we wish to emit an alert event. However, we do not want to keep sending new alerts after the first one until the pressure has dropped below the threshold at which point the alerts will "reset" and future events that show we are above the threshold will once more cause alerts. How can we design this? Solution There are potentially many ways to solve this puzzle. One way would be on receipt of a pressure too high event look at the preceding event. If that preceding event would not have caused an alert, then we are good to send a new event. However that was not the technique that was chosen. Instead what we do is we keep an "alerted" state value associated with the pipe entity. We modeled it as a boolean with true meaning we are in an alerted state and false meaning we are not alerted. When a pressure too high event arrives, we emit a new alert only if we are not already in the alerted state. We also set the pipe's entity state to be alerted. When an event arrives that is an ok pressure and we are in the alerted state, we reset the state. Model Definitions The following are the BMD definitions we used in our project. a pipe is a business entity identified by a pipe id. a pipe has an alert threshold (numeric). a pipe can be alerted. a pressure change is a business event. a pressure change has a pipe id. a pressure change has a pressure value (numeric). an alert is a business event. an alert has a pipe id. an alert has a reason. The pipe is an entity that contains its alerted state. We also define two events. One is an incoming event (pressure change) and the other is an outgoing event (alert). Agent Descriptor The following is the agent descriptor. 'TechPuzzle_DSI_-_2015-02-27_-_Rule_Agent_-_Pipe' is an agent related to a pipe , processing events : - pressure change , where this pipe comes from the pipe id of this pressure change Page 308 Rule – Pressure Change high The following is a Rule Agent rule that associates a pipe entity with a pressure change event. when a pressure change occurs if it is not true that 'the pipe' is alerted and the pressure value of this pressure change is at least the alert threshold of 'the pipe' then make it true that 'the pipe' is alerted; emit a new alert where the pipe id is the pipe id of 'the pipe' , the reason is "Pressure too high"; print "Emitted a new alert" ; Rule – Pressure Change low The following is a Rule Agent rule that associates a pipe entity with a pressure change event. As we can see from this puzzle, we can have multiple rules associated with the same entity/event pair. Can you understand why we need two rules? when a pressure change occurs if 'the pipe' is alerted and the pressure value of this pressure change is less than the alert threshold of 'the pipe' then make it false that 'the pipe' is alerted; print "Pipe reset" ; Test Script – Create entity The following is a JavaScript script used with DSI Toolkit for testing. It creates an instance of a pipe entity against which we can submit events. var ConceptFactory = Java.type("tp_2015_02_27.ConceptFactory"); testDriver.deleteAllEntities(); var conceptFactory = testDriver.getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class); var pipeEntity = conceptFactory.createPipe("pipe#1"); pipeEntity.setAlerted(false); pipeEntity.setAlertThreshold(100.0); testDriver.loadEntity(pipeEntity); print("Pipe entity created"); Test Script – Send event The following is a JavaScript script used with DSI Toolkit for testing. It creates an instance of an event associated with a pipe. var ZonedDateTime = Java.type("org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime"); var pressureChangeEvent = { $class: "tp_2015_02_27.PressureChange", pipeId: "pipe#1", pressureValue: 199.0, timestamp: }; testDriver.submitEvent(pressureChangeEvent); print("Event submitted!"); Page 309 DSI TechPuzzle 2015-03-06 Description DSI can emit events. Those events can be externalized to an outside system via their transmission over HTTP. This puzzle asks you to build a DSI solution such that when an incoming event arrives, a new outbound event is emitted. The outbound event is to be transmitted over HTTP. In order to validate that the event is actually sent, we will want to transmit the event to something that can show the receipt of data over HTTP. It is suggested that the open source project called Mockey be used for testing. The format and content of events is not important to this puzzle, only that when an event is emitted, that it is correctly transmitted over HTTP. Solution We have seen in previous puzzles how to receive an event and emit a new one as a result. Hopefully we are getting the hang of doing that. What is perhaps new here is configuring DSI to physically transmit a message corresponding to the emitted event. We can achieve that through a Connectivity Definition. When we make the definition, we have to specify where the message will be sent so before we make that definition, we will examine what is needed to set up an endpoint. The open source project called Mockey is a listener for incoming HTTP requests. It is full of riches that we aren't going to use for this puzzle so the chances are high that we will see more details than we actually need. First we run Mockey from a DOS command window with: java -jar Mockey.jar That will start Mockey and open a browser window ready for us to set its configuration. Page 310 Click on the Services tab and select "Create a Service". In the page that appears, we need to provide values for "Service Name" and "Mock Service URL". Once entered, click the "Create new service" button at the bottom of the page: Make a note of the URL … this will be the URL to which the event emitted from DSI will be targeted. After creating the service definition, you have one more task which is creating a scenario. First, click the button to flag the service as "Static" and then click the link to create a scenario: Page 311 For the scenario details, only the name is required: Click the "Create scenario" button to complete: Finally, enable the scenario by switching it on: Page 312 We can now define our DSI connectivity definition. Here is an example: define outbound binding 'Binding_2015_03_06' using message format application/xml , protocol HTTP , delivering events : - EVENT2 . define outbound HTTP endpoint 'Endpoint_2015_03_06' using binding '2015_03_06_Binding' , url "" . When you deploy the solution, remember to also deploy the connectivity definitions. Now when you submit an event to DSI, you should see a corresponding entry in the Mockey history corresponding to the emitted event from DSI. As an alternative to Mockey, the DSI Toolbox can also be used to listen for and display DSI emitted events over HTTP. A video tutorial illustrating this is available here. Business Model Definitions an an an an EVENT1 EVENT1 EVENT1 EVENT1 is a business event. has a x. has a y. has a z. an an an an EVENT2 EVENT2 EVENT2 EVENT2 is a business event. has a p. has a q. has a r. Agent Descriptor 'techpuzzle_dsi__20150306.techpuzzle_dsi__20150306__java_agent__ja1.JA1' is an agent, processing events : - EVENT1 Java Agent package techpuzzle_dsi__20150306.techpuzzle_dsi__20150306__java_agent__ja1; import org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime; import tp_2015_03_06.ConceptFactory; import tp_2015_03_06.EVENT1; import tp_2015_03_06.EVENT2; import import import import;;;; public class JA1 extends EntityAgent<Entity> { @Override public void process(Event event) throws AgentException { EVENT1 event1 = (EVENT1)event; Page 313 EVENT2 event2 = getConceptFactory(ConceptFactory.class).createEVENT2(; event2.setP(event1.getX()); event2.setQ(event1.getY()); event2.setR(event1.getZ()); emit(event2); } // End of process } // End of class Mockey Configuration <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <mockservice version="1.0" xml:lang="en-US"> <proxy_settings proxy_enabled="false" proxy_url=""/> <service default_real_url_index="0" default_scenario_id="1" description="" error_scenario_id="null" hang_time="0" name="MyService" request_inspector_name="null" service_response_type="1" tag="" url="MyService"> <request_inspector_json_rules enable_flag="false"/> <response_schema enable_flag="false"/> <scenario http_method_type="" http_resp_status_code="200" id="1" name="MyScenario" tag=""> <scenario_match scenario_match_evaluation_rules_flag="false"/> <scenario_response/> <scenario_response_header/> </scenario> </service> </mockservice> DSI TechPuzzle 2015-03-13 Level: Master Description DSI is not meant to be the system of record for permanent data. However, DSI can load data from external sources. Imagine that we have received an event that a customer has placed an item in their eCommerce shopping basket and we wish to offer them additional products. We have a database table of information on our customers that will help us make such decisions. The table contains columns: • CUSTOMERID • NAME • AGE • GENDER • ZIPCODE If the "add to cart" event contains a property that identifies the customer id, how can we initialize an Page 314 entity with the relevant details assuming that we don't already have a DSI entity already in memory? Solution As is always the case, there is not necessarily just one possible solution and this puzzle is no exception. We will imagine that an incoming event carries with it a property that can be used as a key for an entity. We will also assume that the entity is not already present within the DSI runtime. This means that we need to create such an entity when the event arrives. DSI provides exactly that kind of capability through the technology known as an Extension Project. An Extension Project is a Java project which is added to the DSI solution. Included within the Extension Project will be a n instance of an Entity Initialization Extension. This will be a Java class which is annotated with an annotation of the form: @EntityInitializationDescriptor(entityType = <EntityType Class>) What this declares is that the class being defined is an Entity initializer for a specific type of Entity. The code contained within this class is then responsible for populating the entity given the incoming event. How the Java code chooses to populate the Entity is up to the designer of the class. In our puzzle, we have a database table that contains rows of data that correspond to the content of the Entity we would like to have. From this, it then seems that what we should do is use the key contained in the incoming event as a database retrieval key on the table. Within Java, there are many ways to retrieve data from a database. Common amongst these is the technology known as JDBC. While JDBC is still extremely powerful and rich, it has been overshadowed by other technologies within the Java environment. Specifically, the technology known as Java Persistence Architecture (JPA). Through JPA, we achieve Object Relational Mapping (ORM) at an extremely high level. ORM is the notion that from relational data contained in a database, we can construct an instance of an object. Conversely, should we need, if we have an object that contains data, we can map that to data contained in a database. Putting it event simpler, we can create a Java Class that looks similar to: public class CustomerRecord { private String customerId; private String name; private int age; private String gender; private String zip; } and simply ask JPA to populate an instance of this object from the corresponding row. In fact, we can actually perform that request in one single Java statement. When I sat down to write this puzzle, I already knew JDBC and knew nothing of JPA. I studied books, papers, manuals and web sites on JPA and especially how JPA behaves in an OSGi Liberty environment. I found it confusing with what appeared to be a lot of parts. At first I couldn't understand how this was considered superior to JDBC. However, now that I have got sufficient skills and knowledge under my belt, there came a point in time where I said "I get it!!". Setting up JPA for DSI requires knowledge of JPA, OSGi, Transactions, JTA, JDBC, Liberty configuration and more. For the novice, it will be bewildering. However, as one's skills in these areas grow, there comes a point where the pieces simply "snap" into place and it all comes into focus. JPA is never going to be for the business user … it is also unlikely to be for the novice Java programmer either. However, if someone considers themselves an enterprise Java programmer or architect, then I would argue that competence in JPA is essential. An example that is similar and uses JDBC can be found in the IBM Knowledge Center for DSI in Page 315 an article called "Creating data provider extensions". At a high level, the architecture of our chosen solution looks as follows: Initially, an incoming DSI event arrives. DSI sees this event and realizes that it has no existing Entity in its existing entities. It then decides that it needs to create a new entity and calls the solution defined Entity Initializer Java code to build the new entity. This code then calls a separate Java module that again we will write. This Java module we call the Data Accessor which encapsulates the access to back-end data. Since we are running in an OSGi environment we can take advantage of all the power of OSGi so the module will be designed as an OSGi Bundle. Since we also have JPA at our disposal, we will leverage JPA to map the data in the tables that we need to a POJO java object that will be populated within the Data Accessor. The Data Accessor will then return the POJO to the Entity Initializer which will complete the task of building the final entity. There is nothing that says that this is the mandatory architecture and in fact we could have "lumped" all the logic into just the Entity Initializer but I believe that the decomposition provides for better design and looser coupling … and besides that, it provides an excellent framework for knowledge building in a variety of different disciplines. Model Definition The model definition looks as follows: a a a a a 'customer 'customer 'customer 'customer 'customer details' details' details' details' details' is a business entity identified by a 'customer id'. has a 'name'. has an 'age' (integer). has a 'gender'. has a 'zip'. a 'cart creation' is a business event. a 'cart creation' has a 'customer id'. This defines an entity type called 'customer details' that represents our entity. In addition, a simple event called 'cart creation' is defined which passes in a 'customer id'. Our plan now is that when a 'cart creation' event arrives, we wish to create a 'customer details' entity populated from the database. To cause an Entity Initializer to be called, we add the following into the BMD statements definitions: a customer details is initialized from a cart creation , where this customer details comes from the customer id of this cart creation . Extensions Project An extensions project is created called "TechPuzzle DSI – 2015-03-13 – Extension". Contained Page 316 within is a class we called "EntityInit" which looks as follows: package tp_2015_03_13.extension; import tp_2015_03_13.CustomerDetails; import; import import import import;;;; @EntityInitializerDescriptor(entityType = CustomerDetails.class) public class EntityInit extends EntityInitializer<CustomerDetails> { private DataAccessor dataAccessor; @Override public CustomerDetails createEntityFromEvent(Event event) throws ComponentException { CustomerDetails entity = super.createEntityFromEvent(event); } System.out.println("EntityInit: createEntityFromEvent called"); return entity; @Override public void initializeEntity(CustomerDetails entity) throws ComponentException { super.initializeEntity(entity); System.out.println("EntityInit: initializeEntity called"); CustomerRecord customerRecord =; entity.setAge(customerRecord.getAge()); entity.setGender(customerRecord.getGender()); entity.setName(customerRecord.getName()); entity.setZip(customerRecord.getZip()); } public void setDataAccessor(DataAccessor dataAccessor) { System.out.println("Setting EntityInit – dataAccessor"); this.dataAccessor = dataAccessor; } } Most of the class was created for us through the Eclipse wizard however there are two areas that stand out. The first is the creation of a method called "setDataAccessor". This is a Java bean setter that takes an object of type DataAccessor. We will talk about this object in detail shortly but for now understand that an instance of this class is responsible for reading data from a database. The second stand-out is the use of the dataAccessor bean property in the initializeEntity method. It is there that we request the data from the database for use in populating the entity. The style of programming here is known as dependency injection. We have not explicitly requested the creation of a DataAccessor object, instead, it has been injected into our class. The question now becomes one of us "Who caused the injection of the DataAccessor?" We modified the blueprint.xml for the Extension project. It now looks as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <blueprint xmlns=""> <reference id="ref1" interface=""> </reference> <bean class="tp_2015_03_13.extension.EntityInit" id="EnitityInitBean"> <property name="dataAccessor" ref="ref1"/> </bean> <service id="EntityInitService" interface="" ref="EnitityInitBean"> <service-properties> <entry key="solution_name"> <value type="java.lang.String">TechPuzzle_DSI___2015_03_13</value> </entry> Page 317 <entry key="solution_version"> <value type="java.lang.String">TechPuzzle_DSI___2015_03_13-0.0</value> </entry> </service-properties> </service> </blueprint> What this does is define a service reference (ref1) which basically says "Find me a service that returns a DataAccessor" object instance. In the bean definition, we then add: <property name="dataAccessor" ref="ref1"/> Which says, the bean (EntityInit class) has a property called "dataAccessor", set the value of that property to be the object returned from calling the service that returns a dataAccessor. Cool huh!! Although this article shows raw XML, please realize that when worked on through Eclipse, there are high level wizards and panels to make these linkages for us at a very high level. At this point in our story, we have finished with the DSI side of the house. We now have a DSI solution which, when an event arrives, causes the entity initializer to be fired which calls an instance of dataAccessor to get data and set it into the entity. If we already had the magic of dataAccessor, we would be done. What remains now is to talk about how dataAccessor comes into existence. DataAccessor JPA bundle The DataAccessor is an OSGi JPA bundle. It is formed from three Java classes. The first is merely the interface we wish to expose: package; public interface DataAccessor { public CustomerRecord read(String id); } That is pretty simple. It has one method called read that returns a CustomerRecord. The Customer Record is our POJO that will be retrieved from the database. It looks like: package; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; @Entity public class CustomerRecord { @Id private String customerId; private String name; private int age; private String gender; private String zip; public String getCustomerId() { return customerId; } public void setCustomerId(String customerId) { this.customerId = customerId; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } Page 318 public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public String getGender() { return gender; } public void setGender(String gender) { this.gender = gender; } public String getZip() { return zip; } public void setZip(String zip) { = zip; } } @Override public String toString() { return "customerId=" + getCustomerId() + // ", name=" + getName() + // ", gender=" + getGender() + // ", age=" + getAge() + // ", zip=" + getZip(); } The only slightly interesting parts in it are the annotations. The @Entity says that this is a JPA mapped bean and the @Id defines which property of the bean is the key in the database. And finally, the DataAccessor implementation itself: package; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import; import; public class DataAccessor_impl implements DataAccessor { private EntityManager entityManager; public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) { System.out.println("DataAccessor - setEntityManager called: " + entityManager); this.entityManager = entityManager; } } @Override public CustomerRecord read(String id) { System.out.println(">> read" + id); CustomerRecord customerRecord = entityManager.find(CustomerRecord.class, id); if (customerRecord != null) { System.out.println(customerRecord); } System.out.println("<< read"); return customerRecord; } A basic JPA usage. We ask the JPA entity manager to go get us some data from the database and return our populated POJO. Note the power here of JPA. In one method call we retrieved all the data that we need as an object all ready to use. The OSGi blueprint.xml for this bundle looks like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <blueprint xmlns="" Page 319 xmlns:bptx="" xmlns:jpa=""> <bean class="" id="DataAccessor_Impl"> <jpa:context property="entityManager" type="TRANSACTION" unitname="MyPersistenceUnit" /> <bptx:transaction method="*" value="Required" /> </bean> <service ref="DataAccessor_Impl" id="DataAccessor_ImplService" interface=""> </service> </blueprint> A keen eyed reader will realize that this blueprint exposes a service that provides a DataAccessor and if we think back, we will find that the DSI Entity Initializer wished to find a reference to a service that provided exactly this. Table DDL The DDL for the table used in the solution looks like: CREATE TABLE "DB2ADMIN"."CUSTOMERRECORD" ( "CUSTOMERID" VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, "AGE" INTEGER, "GENDER" VARCHAR(20), "NAME" VARCHAR(80), "ZIP" VARCHAR(80) ) DATA CAPTURE NONE IN "USERSPACE1" COMPRESS NO; ALTER TABLE "DB2ADMIN"."CUSTOMERRECORD" ADD CONSTRAINT "SQL150222142731180" PRIMARY KEY ("CUSTOMERID"); See also: • Defining Entity initializations DSI TechPuzzle 2015-03-20 Level: ??? Description You travel a lot on business and choose Good Quality Airlines (GQA) as your favorite carrier. You have racked up a lot of status with them and have reached the level of "Super Duper". For the last three months your boss has asked you to study a new vendor product that provides complex event processing and you haven't had the opportunity to travel at all. Today you received a phone call from GQA asking if "everything was ok" and "was there a problem with their service". After the call you realized that this was a perfect example of temporal event processing. Can you model the initiation of a call to a frequent flyer under these circumstances using DSI? Page 320 Solution Our puzzle boils down to detecting those instances where it has been some period of time (we will choose 90 days) since a customer last took a flight with our airline. DSI has the ability to schedule event processing forward to a time in the future after an event arrives. Imagine now that an event arrives at DSI each time a passenger flies. For each of those events, if we say that we want to handle it 90 days in the future, we can ask (at that time) "was this the last flight the customer took"? If the answer is yes, then there has been no additional flights in the last 90 days and we have a match. Model Definition Our data model maintains an entity for each flyer which includes a date of the last flight taken. An event (flight taken) is an event that indicates a flight by a flyer. a flyer is a business entity identified by an id. a flyer has a status. a flyer has a 'last flight date' (date). a flight taken is a business event. a flight taken has a flyer id. a flight taken has a flight id. Agent descriptor Our agent descriptor looks as follows: 'TechPuzzle_DSI_-_2015-03-20_-_Rule_Agent_-_Flyer' is an agent related to a flyer processing events : - flight taken , where this flyer comes from the flyer id of this flight taken , Rule – Flight Taken – Record Last Flight This rule executes immediately upon the receipt of a flight taken event. It updates the flyer's last flight date attribute with the date of the flight in the event. when a flight taken occurs definitions set flightDate to a simple date from the timestamp ; then set the last flight date of 'the flyer' to flightDate ; Rule – Flight Taken – Missing Flyer This rule executes 90 days after receipt. It asks if there has been another flight since the one being processed: when a flight taken has occurred 90 days ago definitions set flightDate to a simple date from the timestamp ; if the last flight date of 'the flyer' is at the same time as flightDate then print "Missing - Call the customer: " + the last flight date of 'the flyer' ; DSI TechPuzzle 2015-04-03 Level: ??? Page 321 Description We have a temperature sensor that sends in the temperature of an oven every second. We care if the oven's tempertature is too high or too low. However, the oven can normally fluctuate its temperature during normal operations and if it transiently went too high or low, that would not be a problem. What we care about instead is the average temperature over the last minute. If that were too high or too low, then we may have a problem. How can we model such a story in DSI? Solution DSI provides aggregation capabilities to calculate minimums, maximums and averages over periods of time. In our story we are interested in the average temperature over the last minute. In a rule definition, we can define an expression that calculates an average of a value from events over a previous set of events. Having calculated the average temperate over the last minute, we can then determine if we are in range. Model Definition a refrigerator is a business entity identified by an id . a refrigerator has a current temperature ( numeric ) . a temperature value is a business event with an id, a current temperature ( numeric ) . Agent Descriptor – Rule Agent – Refrigerator 'TechPuzzle_DSI_-_2015-04-03_-_Rule_Agent_-_Refrigerator' is an agent related to a refrigerator processing events : - temperature value , where this refrigerator comes from the id of this temperature value , Rule – Check Temperature when a temperature value occurs definitions set 'average temperature' to the average current temperature of all temperature values during the last period of 1 minute; if it is not true that 'average temperature' is between 350 and 375 then print "We have a temperature alert!!"; DSI TechPuzzle 2015-04-10 Level ??? Page 322 Description In our building we have doors that have sensors attached to them that sends an event each time they are opened. Our challenge is to record how many times the door opens in a period of time (say every 30 seconds for testing purposes). After each 30 second interval, we want to emit a new event which identifies a door and the count of opens in that 30 second period. Solution We model an entity to represent a door. Each door has a unique door identifier and an integer count of how many times it has opened. When an "open" event arrives, we increment the corresponding count for the door in question. This is all straight forward DSI activity. What makes this puzzle more interesting is the notion of scheduled rule execution that is not related to the arrival of a new event. If we build a rule of the form: if now is <some time> then perform some action then the rule is executed repeatedly when the time expression becomes true. Model Definition a door is a business entity identified by an id. a door has an open count (integer). an open is a business event. an open has a door id. and in the statements section: a door is initialized from an open, where this door comes from the door id of this open : - set the open count of this door to 0 . Agent Descriptor – Rule Agent – Door 'TechPuzzle_DSI_-_2015-04-10_-_Rule_Agent_-_Door' is an agent related to a door processing events : - open , where 'this door' comes from the door id of 'this open' Rule – open when an open occurs then set the open count of 'the door' to the open count of 'the door' + 1 ; Rule – scheduled if now is in second 0 or now is in second 30 Page 323 , then print "For door: " + the id of 'the door' + ", the number of opens was: " + the open count of 'the door' ; set the open count of 'the door' to 0 ; DSI TechPuzzle 2015-04-17 Level: ??? Description This is a real-world story from the banking industry. In this story, we have a bank upon which loans can be requested. Staff members at the bank that have the job role of "underwriters" review the loans and either flag them as "approved" or "declined". Here are some numbers of underwriter approvals and declines over a period of time. Hard to tell from this … so let us see a chart: Again, not so much to see. Now one last chart of the same data: Page 324 Aha!!! Now we something interesting, underwrite u4 is approving over 70% of his loan requests which is much higher than that of others!! Imagine that we receive a stream of events which name an underwriter and whether or not they approved or declined a loan. Our puzzle this week is to detect when an underwriter approves loans more than 10% more often than the average underwriter approves loans. Solution We model our solution with an incoming event called "loan outcome" that carries with it: • underwriter id • outcome (either approved or declined) Next we model an entity called "underwriter" that is keyed of an "underwriter id". The only other property for this entity is "approval statistic". This is the key to the whole story. The "approval statistic" is the ratio of approved loans to total processed loans performed by the underwriter. For example, if an underwriter approves 7 loans and denies 4 loans then the approval statistic will be: 7/(7+4) = 7/11 = 0.64 The higher this value, the higher the more approvals to denials. Since every underwriter has an approval statistic and there are a known number of underwriters, we can thus calculate the average approval statistic over all our underwriters. DSI can do this with a global entity aggregate. Now, when a new loan outcome event arrives, if we calculate the new approval statistics for the associated underwriter associated with that event, we can ask the question "Is this underwriter's approval statistic 20% higher than the average approval statistic?". Model definition a loan outcome is a business event. a loan outcome has an underwriter id. a loan outcome has an outcome. an underwriter is a business entity identified by an underwriter id. an underwriter has an approval statistic (numeric ). and in the statements section: an underwriter is initialized from a loan outcome , where this underwriter comes from the underwriter id of this loan outcome . Page 325 Global aggregate define 'average underwriter statistic' as the average approval statistic of all underwriters , defaulting to 1.0 if there are less than 3 underwriters , evaluated at intervals of 15 seconds Agent descriptor – Rule Agent - Underwriter 'TechPuzzle_DSI_2015-04-17_-_Rule_Agent_-_Underwriter' is an agent related to an underwriter, processing events : - loan outcome, where this underwriter comes from the underwriter id of this loan outcome Rule – loan outcome when a loan outcome occurs definitions set 'approved' to the number of elements in all loan outcomes, where the outcome of each loan outcome is "approved"; set 'stat' to 'approved' * 1.0 / the number of loan outcomes; if stat is more than ('average underwriter statistic' * 6.0 / 5.0) then set the approval statistic of 'the underwriter' to stat; print "Caught a problem: " + stat; else set the approval statistic of 'the underwriter' to stat; print "We saw a loan outcome for id: " + the underwriter id of 'the underwriter' ; Worked Examples They say a picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes seeing a fully worked examples of DSI can also be illustrative. In this section we will describe some "puzzles" and how we went about solving them. As our skills grow, we may come back to these puzzles and think of better notions or even realize that the solutions presented are simply "wrong" and explain why that is the case. Simple Human Resources Most of us are employees of some company and that company manages our employment records. In this story we will consider modeling a human resources employee management system in DSI. It seems sensible that our entity will be an "Employee" which we model as: an an an an Employee Employee Employee Employee is a business entity identified by an 'employee id'. has a 'name'. has a 'salary' (numeric). has a 'level'. This says that an employee will have an "employee id" which is their company serial number, they will have a name (eg. Bob Jones), they will have an annual salary (eg. $50000) and they will have a level within the company (eg. "A", "B", "C" … etc). Obviously there can be much more than this but for now this is what we will concentrate upon. Now let us consider possible events that affect these models. The first is the "hire" event. This is when a new employee is hired and will serve as the constructor for the entity. Our hire event looks like: hire(employee id, name, salary, level) which is BMD modeled as: Page 326 a a a a a hire hire hire hire hire is a business event. has an employee id. has a name. has a salary (numeric). has a level. Now, how will an instance of an Employee entity be created? Do we need a rule? Here we can use the BMD statements to say how an instance can be initialized: an Employee is initialized from a hire, where this Employee comes from the employee id of this hire : - set the name of this Employee to the name of this hire - set the salary of this Employee to the salary of this hire - set the level of this Employee to the level of this hire That again is pretty clean. Now, what other events might we want to submit? Let us assume we want to increase the salary of an employee. The event for that might be: salaryIncrease(employee id, amount) which BMD modeled as: a salary increase is a business event. a salary increase has a employee id. a salary increase has an amount (numeric). The associated rule for this is: when a salary increase occurs then set the salary of 'the Employee' to the salary of 'the Employee' + the amount of this salary increase; Where the rule is associates "salary increase" events with "Employee" entities. Again, this is all pretty straight forward. Now things get interesting. Here is a new story that seems to cause us pause. Let us assume that from time to time, our company has special events. For example, on the CEO's birthday, everyone who is a level "C" gets a $100 salary increase. Our first thinking on this might be an event that looks like: levelIncrease(level, amount) which should be understood to mean that when submitted, all employees of a certain level have their salary increased by a certain amount. However, how should we implement this? The solution we came up with was to introduce a new concept and that is the idea of the "Company". The company is a new type of entity that is composed of Employees. We modeled this as: a Company is a business entity identified by a 'name'. a Company is related to some Employees. The way to read this is that a Company has a name and has a set of employees. Simple so far. Initially, when the company is created, it has no employees. Since we create employee instances through "hire" events, we need to also cause the addition of that new employee into the list of employees associated with the company. We can do this by modifying our Employee entity constructor BMD statement to now read: an Employee is initialized from a hire, where this Employee comes from the employee id of this hire : - set the name of this Employee to the name of this hire - set the salary of this Employee to the salary of this hire - set the level of this Employee to the level of this hire - emit a new onboard where the Employee is this Employee , the company name is "ibm" . This uses a new type of event called an "onboard" which is defined as: Page 327 an onboard is a business event. an onboard has a company name. an onboard is related to a Employee. This is processed by a rule that reads: when an onboard occurs then add the Employee of this onboard to the Employees of 'the Company' ; which is a rule that associates onboard events with Company entities. Now that a Company has a list of employees, our levelIncrease event can be processed by a rule which reads: when a level increase occurs definitions set 'selected employees' to the Employees of 'the Company' where the level of each Employee is the level of this level increase ; then for each Employee called 'current employee' , in 'selected employees' : - print "Increase the salary of : " + the employee id of 'current employee' - emit a new salary increase where the amount is the amount of this level increase , the employee id is the employee id of 'current employee'; which associates level increase events with a Company entity. The logic of this rule says "Find all the employees of a given band and for each of those employees, submit a salary increase event". It is logical and elegant ... but is it "good"? That is still an open question. It is not yet clear whether this is considered a good practice or anti pattern. We will be maintaining a Company entity which could have thousands of references to Employees ... one per employee in the company. It may be that modeling Employees as entities is not a good use of DSI ... but let us hope that this example will serve as at least an illustration of rule language building. Experiment Scenarios The Education Session … Imagine an education session. This will be modeled as an entity. When the session is booked we need a venue. This will be the classroom. That will be a second entity. There will be a relationship between the two: • Session ◦ Name of session • Classroom ◦ Location of classroom Sales orders ... Imagine we receive events for sales orders for widgets. We can only fulfill an order if we have sufficient widget stock. We will assume that the stock is modeled as an entity. So when a sales event arrives, it is related to an stock entity. The stock entity has a quantity attribute which is how much of that entity we have on hand. If a sales order arrives and we have sufficient quantity, we subtract the sale quantity to give us a new stock quantity. However, if we have too little stock, then we must wait for the stock to be replenished. We can imagine a new event which is a replenishment event which will increase the stock quantity Page 328 of the entity. We also need to fulfill previous sales that could not be processed because we had insufficient stock. This seems to say that when a sales event arrives, we are going to have to also model the notion that the sale has not been completed so that we can complete it later when stock becomes available. One solution would be to create new pending order entities that contain the sale that could not be processed. When a new replenishment event is seent, we can see if this will satisfy any of the pending orders. However, I am worried about starvation. Another possibility would be to augment our stock entity with relationship to pending orders. Language puzzles … Here I collect Rule Agent language puzzles for which I yet have no solutions. Collections • Find the nth entry in a collection (eg. the first, the last, the last three ... etc). • Find the earliest/latest date/time in a collection Language general • When would you use the 'set' action vs the 'define' action? Things to do ... • 2014-04-14 – When we build a solution, we have the capability to create connection definitions ... the notion here is to write a JAX-RS application which will receive an event over REST that contains the solution name as a parameter. For example: POST /odmci/event/submit/<solution> Payload – The XML payload of the event This will bypass the connectivity functions. It seems that we can use the "SolutionGateway" class to achieve the mechanical publications including parsing the incoming event message. Page 329
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