to the June-July 2015 Issue

June/July 2015
NE Michigan Board
President Couple
Bill & Anne Essmaker
Vice President Couple
Dave & Karen Jarvi - 989-344-2633
Past-President Couple
Bob & Alice Sturm -989-745-8081
Sarah Forman
Storm Miller
National Board Representatives
Dennis & Nancy Goff
Spiritual Advisor
Pastor John Bifoss - 989-370-3032
Shirley Schmoock - 989-889-5019
Inventory - Temporary
Alice Sturm- (C) 989-348-1554
Gayle Smith - 989-390-4436
Ultreya Hosts
Michelson - Bill & Anne Essmaker
Resurrection Life Center
Aaron & Melinda Lovell
Website Coordinator
Bob Sturm - 989-745-8081
Pat Kangas - 989-348-5634
Greetings from the President Couple
Welcome to our new Crucista’s!
We give thanks and praise to our
mighty God!
As we turn the page and begin a
new chapter in our journey to serve
the Lord, we report that Men’s Weekends #13 (at Bear Lake Christian
Church) and Women’s Weekend #14
(at Vanderbilt Community Church) are
now a documented part of our onward
trek of faithful service as disciples of
our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We
give Him all the praise and glory for the
successes of these weekends and realize that without the power of the Holy
Spirit, our human efforts would not
have been fruitful. God is good!
After discussions at the May 9th
board meeting, the board members
voted to postpone the fall Men’s #15
Weekend due to three issues: lack of
funds to properly support the weekend; lack of time to give the six-month
prayer devotion required for the weekend; and lack of funds to support a
women’s weekend within a few weeks
after the men’s weekend. Although we
regret having to postpone the weekends, we all agreed that prayer is absolutely necessary to properly hear God’s
voice and direction for the weekends.
As a faithful and obedient people, we
know that the funds will make their way
to us through our prayers, the generosity of our DeColores community, and
our faith in our Great Provider.
At the next month’s board meeting
we will be selecting the Rectoress for
the Women’s Weekend #16. Nominations for Rectoress remain open until the
June 13th board meeting to be held at
the Grayling E-Free Church, from 9:00
a.m. to Noon. The next Men’s and Women’s Weekends will be held after the first
of the year, details of which will be discussed at upcoming board meetings.
As a reminder and encourage-
ment, board meetings are open to the
DeColores community. The board welcomes you to come and share your
ideas, opinions, and support. We are
still looking for volunteers to help with
coordinating the inventory, which will
be much more manageable now with
the new trailer. Please pray about how
you can offer your talents and service.
As we also turn the page from
spring to summer, we again give thanks
and praise for all the blessings we have
received and for answered prayers: our
new trailer (what a blessing it was for the
past weekends); renewed vigor among
our board members and their faithful
service; all the new Crucista’s whose
spiritual lives have been changed; the
love we are able to share openly at
our Ultreyas; and for the hope of God’s
continued blessings on our Northeast
Michigan DeColores secretariat.
We thank you for the opportunity to
give our service to the Northeast Michigan DeColores Secretariat.
Peace and Love, Bill & Anne Essmaker
“Don’t worry about anything, but in
everything, through prayer and petition
with thanksgiving, let your requests be
made known to God.”
Philippians 4:6 (HCSB)
This segment is intended to be an
ongoing/continual reminder to stimulate
each of you concerning your 4th Day.
Hopefully this will stir your mind and
thoughts, motivating and inspiring each
of you to look inwardly at your own 4th
Day and realize exactly what your 4th Day
should be.
Sit back. Think. Remember YOUR
Weekend. Remember how excited and
pumped up for God you were at it’s conclusion. You just couldn’t get enough of
N.E.M. Men’s
Weekend # 13 2015
AWESOME: The Men’s Weekend
went on just the way GOD intended.
With a few bumps and hiccups in the
road - CHANGES - that occurred,
God’s weekend succeeded. The lives
of six candidates (now Crusista’s) were
dramatically changed in the most positive
ways. And THAT IS the reason for each
of these weekends. Craig Collen, Cory
Malknecht, Ashley Nyland, Ryan Price,
Dan Sanderson, and Kevin Sirrais, this
weekend was for you. Each of you are
now part of a new family of God. So
step out into your 4th Day, come join and
grow with the rest of us.
I felt truly blessed and honored to
be the Rector of DC #13. I would like to
express my deepest thank you to each
and every person who participated in this
weekend - Inside Team - Outside Team Prayers - Palanca. No one is either more
or less important to the success of the
weekend (this also includes members
from the Northern Michigan DeColores
community). All make for a STRONG
Again I would like to express my
Thank You to the Northeast Michigan
DeColores Community for allowing me
to be the Rector for DC#13.
God Bless & DeColores! - David Jarvi
aren’t just fancy words and sayings
designed to impress all your friends,
Christian as well as non-Christian.
Your 4th Day is what God expects
from each one of you in this De Colores
 Do you have an Accountability
Partner? Do you participate in a small
YOUR 4th DAY continued
Grouping with a few fellow CrusisHim. Everyone shared their feelings ta’s. Do you carry your little Reunion
and emotions at Closing. Your first Guidelines Card? Do you use it on
Ultreya after the Weekend. We’ve all a regular basis? Deep down in your
been there. We’ve all experienced the heart, are you committed to support“high” for our Lord.
ing NEM De Colores as a family comBut what has happened since? How munity of fellow Christians or are you
is your Piety? What about your Study? just sitting back waiting and expecting
How has your Action been going? the De Colores community to do someThink back to the Rollo’s. What each thing for you?
Rollista presented during their talk.
A community cannot be a commuReally think about it. Try to remember nity without each and every individual
how it touched you. Don’t just day- committed to its betterment and being
dream about it. It was important and willing to do their part. As Paul says in
serious to you on the weekend. Now 1 Corinthians 12: 12-27, no part of the
that you know their meanings, they body is able to function without every
should be that much more important to other part. No one is greater or lesser.
the rest of your life. Their not just idle All are equal. This is YOUR community
words that anyone can say. You must and this is YOUR 4th Day.
take ownership for them and impleDe Colores David & Karen Jarvi
ment them into your daily life. They
Vice President Couple
N.E.Michigan DeColores
P.O.Box 445
Grayling, MI 49738