WEEKLY BULLETIN The National Empowerment Network of PLHIV in Kenya (NEPHAK) Say yes to life say yes to life say yes to life say yes to life 15th – 21st March 2015 Edition 11 Approaches to #EndAdolescentAIDS NEPHAK Reviews Community TB in Kenya must respect Human Rights. Activities We at NEPHAK are convinced that all efforts, strategies and approaches to be deployed to #EndAdolescentAIDS must be anchored on the law and must respect human rights. We are also convinced that the health sector is best suited to lead such approaches. It is for this reason that NEPHAK jointly with KELIN issued an Advisory Note following the Presidential directive issued on the 23rd February (see the directive here). As stated in the Advisory Note which can be found on the NEPHAK website Here, NEPHAK continues to reiterate the PLHIV and communities belief that the information required by the President is already available with the Ministry of health especially the National AIDS and STIs Control Programme (NASCOP). And if real persons living with HIV, including children and adolescents are needed, partnerships should be fostered with PLHIV networks such as NEPHAK. We have also engaged the media to clarify on to a few salient issues. NEPHAK has been holding meetings in Kakamega, Vihiga and Nandi Counties to review community TB activities in various sub-counties. The meetings bringing together health care workers, community health extension workers (CHEWs) and community health workers (CHWs), lab technicians and pharmacists discussed a myriad of issues affecting community TB. Participants in a group photo during Vihiga Sub-county community TB Review meeting The meetings also discussed the new TB register which is currently being rolled out. The CHWs are actively engaged in contact tracing, treatment interrupter tracing, health education, referrals etc. A major feedback from the sub-counties was that treatment interrupters (defaulters) have reduced because of the initiative to trace them immediately they miss a clinic appointment. NEPHAK joins Mombasa county HIV/AIDS combination prevention taskforce! President Uhuru Kenyatta during the launch of the ‘ALL IN’ Campaign in Kenya. Since HIV is still highly stigmatized and in some cases criminalized in Kenya, we are against any approach that will lead to profiling of children infected with HIV stating their names and schools without the parental permission or consent. See the NEPHAK/KELIN Joint Press statement found here. Following successful engagement and partnership with county leadership in Mombasa, The latest being the County dialogue forum with adolescents born and living with HIV held last week under the ‘Sauti Skika initiative supported by UNICEF; NEPHAK has been nominated to join the HIV and AIDS combination prevention Task force chaired by the office of the county director of health. FACTBOX: Among the 60 parent-child pairs identified by NEPHAK to be part of the ALHIV initiative, some 5 reported that even though their children aged above 9 years are taking ARVs to treat HIV, they have not been informed that they are HIV positive. Two parents believe the children are aware the drugs are for HIV but they have never discussed it with them. Mombasa which has 54,670 PLHIV and recorded 1780 new infections in 2013 is ranked 9 and 18 nationally under PLHIV burden and incidence cluster respectively. Due to that, the office of county director of health conducted a meeting on Friday inviting all stakeholders in health including development and implementing partners, Public and private business entities and Networks of PLHIV. Upon deliberations, Mombasa County HIV and AIDS Combination Prevention Task force (COMBO) was formed with NEPHAK being one of the 18 elected members of the task force. NEPHAK congratulates the members in Mombasa County for this great achievement. Expand Access GeneXpert Machine as you Roll-out IPT to PLHIV. HIV Re-Infection is Real; Do not be Cheated! People already infected with HIV must still ensure they do not engage in unprotected sex. Apart from the risk of acquiring other sexually transmitted infections, a new study has now confirmed that HIV re-infection is real. Many of the consequences of HIV reinfection, also known as superinfection, are well documented. They include such concerns as the acquisition of a drug-resistant virus, which can decrease the effectiveness of current or future drug therapies, as well as co-infections with any number of sexually transmitted diseases. Clearly, being infected with multiple strains of HIV can complicate ones health. Study links Smoking to Lung Cancer. PLHIV Community the ministry of health and partners to ensure increased access to GeneExpert machine to rule out cases of TB among PLHIV before they are considered for IPT. This was one of the resolutions that emerged at the Annual PLHIV Consultative Meeting held with support of the GFATM. The meeting brought together 22 PLHIV leaders drawn from 8 counties (see photo below). Participants pose for a group photo during the meeting Nothing that confirming cases of active TB disease is still a big problem in Kenya, the meeting participants resolved to embark on targeted advocacy and communications to ensure laboratories and diagnostics are improved to accurately confirm cases of active TB disease among PLHIV before they are considered for IPT. NEPHAK Weekly Bulletin NN One of the interesting topics to emerge from the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2015) last month was the impact of smoking on the health of people living with HIV. The study showed that smoking doubles the risk of death for people living with HIV and actually causes more early deaths of HIV-positive people than HIV itself. These deaths are caused by lung cancer, other cancers, heart attacks, strokes and liver disease. The study concluded that smoking is the biggest risk factor for cancer there are several factors that contribute to cancer in people living with HIV. Rates of smoking, drug use and alcohol use are higher in people living with HIV than the general population. Hepatitis viruses and human papillomavirus (HPV) can contribute to some cancers, and rates of these are also higher in people living with HIV than the general population. rd is published by the Advocacy and Communications Department at the national Secretariat, 3 Flr, Wood Avenue Court, Wood Avenue off Argwings Kodhek/Lenana Rd, Nairobi. Articles can be reproduced freely as long as NEPHAK is acknowledged. Further details can be obtained from the Editor, P. O. Box 75654-00200 Nairobi. TEL: 0720209694, Email: info@nephak.or.ke, Website : www.nephak.or.ke, Twitter: NEPHAKPLHA
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