TOPIC: ESTONIA RÕK teema 1. Eesti ja maailm Eesti riik ja rahvas: 1) geograafiline asend ja kliima 2) rahvastik; põhirahvus, muukeelne elanikkond, uusmigrandid; 3) mitmekultuuriline ühiskond Eesti keel ja eesti meel: 1) 2) 3) rahvuslik identiteet: kultuuritraditsioonid; kodukoha lugu. Primary sources: Eesti-teemaline veebileht:, MOODLE:§ion=11 INTRO Our 12th grade English class is preparing different topics related to Estonia for the foreign students who are eager to find out about our country and who eventually also wish to pay a visit to Estonia. They know Estonia is a small country located in Eastern Europe, bordering Russia to the East and the Baltic Sea to the West. However, there are many challenges to understanding a country's history and the culture. You should be prepared to serve as travel agents/cultural ambassadors for the students who come to visit Tartu and Estonia. TASK After this assignment, students will be able to discuss several aspects related to society, culture and history of Estonia in English. Students will be able to: * gather information from a variety of sources (clips, articles, blogs etc) and assess their relevance. *discuss and give an overview of major events in the Estonian history *give an overview of the geography, population, education, economy and IT, language, religion, holidays, the city of Tartu etc. *give an overview of the Estonian culture and its importance for Estonians *use different web tools (e. Kahoot, Quizlet, Jeopardy etc) to present/revise the topic at hand and engage the fellow students in the learning process PROCESS Students will be working in pairs/or alone to prepare a topic they have chosen. Each pair is responsible for their topic, presenting it and also engaging other students in the learning process. The methods, web tools, clips, activities used will be chosen by the students themselves. The lesson plan must be uploaded to HTG Moodle. The primary information comes from:, also articles and clips gathered on Moodle English at HTG - Katrin Ojaveer under Estonian studies:§ion=11 Every lesson (50-60 minutes) must contain: Warmer (a brief activity eg. everybody tells the others one general fact about Estonia they would share with a foreigner in case they had to introduce their country) Introduction (eg a relevant clip) Presentation of the topic (can be slides, discussion, must teach new vocabulary!) Revision (a quiz, checking the key vocabulary via hangman, alias etc) Homework (Learn the topic discussed in the lesson and be ready to write about it in the next lesson or take a short word test/translation test on the topical vocabulary. Note: It is a part of your final mark for having acquired the topic). Also, you are very welcome to read the material for the next subtopic at EVALUATION The mark forms from: writing about the general facts about Estonia the marks for vocabulary tests mark for the Estonia-related opinion essay at the end participation in lessons PRESENTATION feedback TOPIC 1. COUNTRY: Estonia at a glance DATE STUDENT(S) 2. THE STATE: STRUCTURE AND SYMBOLS + GOVERNMENT 3. ESTONIAN HOLIDAYS 4. DATES FROM ESTONIAN HISTORY with the focus also on HISTORY: Estonia's return to independence 1987–1991 5. POPULATION STATISTICS AND PEOPLE BY NATIONALITY, CENSUS 2012 6. NATURE with the focus also on SOCIETY: ESTONIAN CIVIC INITIATIVES GOING GLOBAL 7. SOCIETY:ESTONIANS 8. ESTONIAN EDUCATIONAL LANDSCAPE 9. TARTU – city of good thoughts ( 10. ECONOMY AND IT: EESTONIA 11. A DYNAMIC ECONOMY 12. CULTURE AND SCIENCE: MODERN CULTURE, ESTONIAN FILM 13. ESTONIAN LANGUAGE 14. ESTONIAN CUISINE 15. ESTONIAN SPORTS CREDITS The main idea from my dear friend and former colleague Eve, some ideas also from Danny Swafford’s webquest.
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