Apache Solr - 5.0 and beyond

Apache Solr - 5.0 and beyond
Anshum Gupta
Apache Lucene/Solr PMC Member and Committer
Who am I?
Anshum Gupta, Apache Lucene/Solr PMC member
and committer, Lucidworks Employee.
Interested in search and related stuff.
Apache Lucene since 2006 and Solr since 2010.
Organizations I am or have been a part of:
What is Lucene?
Apache Lucene is a free open source information
retrieval software library
Originally written in Java by Doug Cutting.
It is supported by the Apache Software Foundation
and is released under the Apache Software
What is Solr?
Solr (pronounced "solar") is an open source
enterprise search platform
Written in Java,
For a while now, a part of the Apache Lucene
Search on Lucene - Replicated (SoLR)
SolrCloud - Distributed feature set
Apache Solr is the most widely-used search
solution on the planet.
You use
Solr has tens of thousands of
applications in production.
Solr is both established
and growing.
Total downloads
Monthly downloads
Open Solr jobs and the largest
community of developers.
Apache Solr is also one of the most active open
source projects out there
Activity statistics
30 Day Summary
Mar 14 2015 — Apr 13 2015
160 Commits
23 Contributors
Annual commits up
12 Month Summary
Apr 13 2014 — Apr 13 2015
1440 Commits
31 Contributors
+126 (9%)
via https://www.openhub.net/p/solr
Solr Feature Release
Solr Essentials
Search - Full text, Geo-spatial
Faceting - Values, Ranges, Pivots, etc.
Suggestor, highlighting, auto-complete
and of course, Speed and Scalability
new Text
in Solr 5x?
Ease of Use
Get started in < 5 minutes
APIs, and more APIs
Auto* - Failover, leader election, addition of replica!
One of the best official documentation, released almost with
the code.
Scalability and Performance
Thousands of collections - Apple
Billions of Documents - Box
High throughput and near real time Bloomberg
Impressive indexing performance: 150 k docs/
sec per node
Solr Scalability is unmatched
Tons of tests and quality code
Critical systems running in production
Jepsen tests - Proven again!
Independent benchmarking and testing
Features and more!
Analytics - Do more with your data!
Distributed IDF
It’s an app not a war!
Solr News
What’s coming?
Faster search - SOLR-6810
Improved indexing - SOLR-6816
Analytics - HyperLogLog - SOLR-6968
Security - Authentication and Authorization
framework - SOLR-7230
And tons more!
The largest Lucene/Solr conference in the world
OCT 13 - 16, 2015
CFP is open until May 8, 2015
For more details visit:
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