TCP/UDP ports needed for demo In order to properly demonstrate the W o rkS p a ce “ Acano” technology on your network, open the following firewall ports to the demo network. This document covers three different use scenarios; W o rk S p a ce clients (IOS and PC), W o r k S p a c e WebRTC, and existing videoconference room systems. WorkSpace IOS and PC Clients For the WorkSpace IOS and PC clients the following ports need to allowed OUTGOING only from your environment 1) XMPP server 5222 TCP - XMPP over TLS 2) TURN server 3478 UDP - STUN Signaling + Tunneled Media 50,000 - 51,000 UDP - Media (Optional for best performance) W or kS p ac e WebRTC client If you have a compatible WebRTC browser (Chrome or Firefox), allow the following outgoing ports. 1) Web Server 80 TCP - HTTP 443 TCP - HTTPS 2) TURN server 3478 UDP - STUN Signaling + Tunneled Media Videoconference Room Systems In order to use your H323/SIP videoconference devices as part of a demo you must allow inbound calls. Call traffic will come from our TURN server at Lync Federation to the VGConnectus WorkSpaces and coSpaces. In order to allow Lync federation use: SIP do mai n: vg con n ect us. com Access Edge: vg cu sl yn c s ip. vg co nn ec t us. c om Video Guidance Helpdesk Toll Free: 8 6 6- 4 33- 2 2 40 Email: su pp or t @ vid e og u id an ce . c om
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