MNSI Seed Funding Application Guidelines

 MNSI Seed Funding 2015 The Melbourne Networked Society Institute (MNSI) is seeking applications for innovative interdisciplinary research projects from the University research community. The interconnectedness between people, places, things and systems is creating new challenges and opportunities for technology to create, control and monitor human activity across society. The Institute provides Seed Funding to catalyse innovative interdisciplinary projects that will help us understand and shape the networked society. The program is designed to fund small to medium scale projects up to $60,000 that have the networked society as their core value and show the potential for future external funding. Seed funding provides support for new research projects that are well defined, align with the Institute’s research focus and bring together an interdisciplinary team of researchers, to understand, examine and develop the networked society. Successful research projects will demonstrate capacity to scale research through attraction of external funding and partnerships. About MNSI The Melbourne Networked Society Institute (MNSI) came into being in February 2015 and seeks to examine the challenges and opportunities of the networked society. The Institute's mission is to foster interdisciplinary research focused upon the key question: how can society take advantage of networks and connectivity in their broadest sense? MNSI builds upon the history of the Institute for a Broadband-­‐Enabled Society (IBES) and marks the natural evolution of the Institute from focusing on universal access to broadband to the complexity, scale and speed of connectivity underpinning the networked society. Read more about the challenges and opportunities of the networked society at:­‐
networked-­‐society.html. Research Focus The Institute's research is focused around three key areas networked living, networked economy and networked infrastructure. Networked Living – To enable greater dynamic interactions between people, infrastructure and systems, the Networked Living research area focuses on enhancing the quality and sustainability of human life and enriching culture and personal experiences. Networked Economy – Following rapid, disruptive changes in the economy brought about by the networked society, the Institute will bring together a number of disciplines to research how this can support the development of Australia’s economic future. The Networked Economy research area seeks to improve labour productivity and capital efficiency to support networked industries and government. Networked Infrastructure – Networked Infrastructure is driving improved connectivity between people, places and devices enabling new service delivery models. The Networked Infrastructure research area is driving sustainability, efficiency and targeted investment through connected cities, towns and regions. More about MNSI’s research focus at Application Process & Selection Criteria Application Process •
Complete the MNSI Seed Funding Application Form (.docx) available at and append an accompanying 1 page (maximum) CV for each researcher. •
Send application as a single .pdf document to by 5:00pm Friday 1 May 2015 •
Applications will be reviewed by the MNSI Executive Committee •
Short-­‐listed applicants will be invited to a 15-­‐20 minute Q&A session with the MNSI Selection Panel in late May. •
Funding to successful projects will commence in Quarter 3 of 2015. Selection Criteria All projects will be assessed in relation to how they meet the following criteria: Project Overview The project researches a new, novel, innovative aspect of the networked society. The project has a clear, interdisciplinary scope. Please note any background or previous research that informs the project. Key project outcomes The project has clear objectives, identifiable results and a well-­‐defined development pathway. . How does the project align with the Institute’s research focus? The project aligns with the Institute’s research focus, supports the furthering of MNSI’s mission and objects and engages with the C-­‐Lab? How is the project interdisciplinary? The project is interdisciplinary in nature, noting any challenges to or novel approaches for interdisciplinary collaboration. How will the project attract future resourcing? The project has a clear articulation of how it will attract significant additional funding and by what mechanisms, i.e. competitive grants, developing partnerships with government or industry. Budget Justification The project has a tightly defined budget and identifies how the proposed budget allocation and resourcing supports the execution of the project. MNSI Seed Funding 2015
2 Additional Information MNSI staff are available to provide information to prospective applicants and applicants are encouraged to make contact to discuss their proposals beforehand. Staff Contact details •
General Enquiries o
Adam Lodders, Executive Officer: o
Fiorella Chiodo, Executive Assistant: Technical Enquiries o
Ken Clarke, Senior Research Fellow: o
Chamil Jayasundara, Software & Systems Engineer: Financial Enquiries o
Roger Hughes, Finance Manager: Research Workshop MNSI will be hosting a workshop for researchers to provide an overview of MNSI, details of the Seed Funding Process and provide an opportunity for discussion and networking over refreshments. Date: Monday 30 March 2015 Time: 3pm to 5pm Venue: Richard Newton Rooms, Level 5, Building 193 (Electrical Engineering) The University of Melbourne RSVP: MNSI Seed Funding 2015
3 Funding Guidelines 1 Researchers 1.1 Lead Researcher 1.1
The Lead Researcher on the project is required to hold a salaried academic appointment at the University of Melbourne for the duration of the project. •
Should the Lead Researcher leave the University their duties will be transferred to another researcher who meets the above requirements. •
The Lead Researcher is responsible for ensuring compliance with these guidelines. Researchers •
All researchers working on the project agree to be MNSI researchers for the purposes of the project. •
In submitting the application it is assumed all researchers have consulted with their Head of Department and have the capacity to pursue the project •
All researchers on the project need to disclose any conflicts of interest arising from the project. 2 Budget, Funding and Expenditure 2.1 Budget •
2.2 Projects must have a detailed budget. Funding •
Funding will be provided for amounts of up to $60,000. •
Funding will be provided for a period of 12 months. •
Funding will be paid in two instalments. o
2.3 Payment of the second instalment is conditional upon receipt and acceptance of a satisfactory 6 monthly progress report. •
Extensions of time are assessed on a case-­‐by-­‐case basis. •
Projects maybe eligible to apply for a second year of funding, subject to selection criteria. •
Any unused funds remaining at the completion of the project will be returned to MNSI. Expenditure •
Research funding comes from the University’s strategic allocation of funding to interdisciplinary research institutes to build interdisciplinary research activity, therefore funding needs to be spent on activities within the University of Melbourne. •
Research funding can be spent on a range of purposes to support the goals. •
No hardware or software is to be purchased without prior authorisation of MNSI. •
All hardware purchased as part of the project remains property of MNSI and must be returned to the Institute at completion of the project. MNSI Seed Funding 2015
4 •
3 Funding cannot be spent on the following: o
Payment of salaries for existing continuing and fixed-­‐termed positions at the University of Melbourne. o
Payment to any external organisations. o
Travel, conference and accommodation expenses. Reporting •
Expenditure updates in line with the budget to assist with MNSI budgeting and reporting as required. •
Monthly progress update meeting with at least one member of MNSI •
Six monthly in-­‐kind time sheets for all researchers and PhD students who work on the project, to assist with reporting to the Victorian State Government and various Funding Bodies. •
A detailed final report within three months of project completion. •
Details of any publications, conference papers and seminars, media coverage or additional grants arising from the project. o
Projects are required to report on the above following completion. 4 Engagement and Communication 4.1 Engagement •
4.3 Researchers associated with the project are part of the MNSI research community. o
They are expected to participate in research activities associated with the Institute o
They are entitled to refer to themselves as a MNSI researcher while they remain an active on a project. •
Researchers are required to actively participate in MNSI’s engagement activities, such as events, lectures, seminars and workshops. •
Projects are required to provide at least one seminar or demonstration as part of the project. •
Projects are required to publish a final report, either as an academic publication or as a MNSI publication. o
This publication will be open access and a final copy will be tendered to MNSI to be recorded against the project as a final outcome. o
Projects will provide a summary of the final report for publication in popular press, such as The Conversation or as an article on the MNSI website. Communication •
MNSI branding is required on all documents and presentations that relate to the project. •
MNSI is to be referenced on all academic, general and media publications and work relating to or arising from the project. •
Provide a project outline to be used in MNSI marketing and communications as well as updates as new developments occur or when required. MNSI Seed Funding 2015