WWhhoo MMaakkeess UUpp L u i ess?? L u t thheer raann CChhaar ri ti ti e Who Makes Up Lutheran Charities? LutheranCharities Charitiesfunding fundingcomes comes Lutheran from33main main sources: from Lutheran Charities sources: funding comes Lutheran Congregations across from 3Congregations main sources: across 1.1.Lutheran WNY and their individual members. WNY and their individual members. Some peoplegive givedirectly directlythrough through their 1. Lutheran Congregations across Some people their congregations, some give directly WNY and theirsome individual members. congregations, give directly toto L.C.and and some churches designate porSome people give directlydesignate through their L.C. some churches portionsofoftheir theirbenevolent benevolent giving fund congregations, some give directly to tions giving totofund L.C.agencies. agencies. L.C. and some churches designate portions of their benevolent giving to fund L.C. agencies. TheSt. St.John’s John’sLutheran LutheranHome Homefor for 2.2.The Childrengenerously generously gives gives each each year year Children through L.C. agencies that directly 2. The St. John’s Lutheran Home for through L.C. toto agencies that directly support ministry for children and youth. Children generously gives each year support ministry for children and youth. St.John’s John’s Board hasbeen beenathat amajor major fundthrough L.C. to has agencies directly St. Board funding source for youth ministry in WNY for support ministry for children and youth. ing source for youth ministry in WNY for years. St. John’s Board has been a major fundyears. ing source for youth ministry in WNY for years. LutheranFoundation FoundationofofWNY WNY has has 3.3.Lutheran invested money money through through L.C. L.C. that that will will invested directly affect congregational ministry 3. Lutheran of WNY has directly affectFoundation congregational ministry programming. Each yearthe the Foundation invested money through L.C. that will programming. Each year Foundation sharesitsits resources allowingcongregacongregadirectly affect congregational ministry shares resources allowing tionalbased basedprograms programs continue. programming. Each year Foundation tional totothe continue. shares its resources allowing congregational based programs to continue. Through the the generosity generosityofof these these three three Through organizationswe weare arealso alsoable abletotosupsuporganizations port agencies such as: Through the generosity port agencies such as: of these three organizations we are also able to support agencies such as: St.Peter’s Peter’sLutheran LutheranSchool School St. Providing quality quality Christian Christian education education Providing St. Peter’s touch. Lutheran withthe the Master’s touch. School with Master’s 6168 Walmore Road, Providing 6168 quality Christian education Walmore Road, with the Master’s touch. Sanborn, NY14132 14132 Sanborn, NY (716) 731-4422 6168 Walmore Road, (716) 731-4422 www.stpeterslcmc-sanbornny.org. Sanborn, NY 14132 www.stpeterslcmc-sanbornny.org. (716) 731-4422 www.stpeterslcmc-sanbornny.org. How You You Can Can Help Help How Support theLutheran LutheranCharities CharitiesAnnual AnnualFund Fund How You Can Help Support the Drive with a financial gift. Thrivent Financial Lutheran Charities if not us, who? if not now, when? Drive with a financial gift. Thrivent Financial Support the Lutheran Charities Annual Fund for Lutheran Lutheran members can maximize maximize their for members can their Drive with a financial gift.theThrivent Financial contributions through “Choice Dollars” contributions through the “Choice Dollars” for Lutheran members candetails). maximize their program (call632-2623 632-2623for for program (call details). contributions through the “Choice Dollars” program (call 632-2623 for details). Designate“Lutheran “LutheranCharities” Charities”ififyou youdonate donate Designate through the United Way Donor Choice Prothrough the United Way Donor Choice ProDesignate “Lutheran Charities” if you donate gram at your place of employment. gram at your place of employment. through the United Way Donor Choice Program at your place of employment. Supportthe theLutheran LutheranCharities Charitiesfundraisers: fundraisers: Support AnnualLutheran Lutheran AwardsDinner Dinner Annual Support the LutheranAwards Charities fundraisers: SummerLutheran LutheranCharities CharitiesGolf GolfClassic Classic Summer Annual Lutheran Awards Dinner FallFundraising FundraisingEvents Events Fall Summer Lutheran Charities Golf Classic Fall Fundraising Events Leave aa bequest bequest by by designating designating “Lutheran “Lutheran Leave Charities of WNY” in your will providing an Charities of WNY” in your will providing an Leave a bequest byothers designating “Lutheran opportunity to help beyond your own opportunity to help others beyond your own Charities lifetime. of WNY” in your will providing an lifetime. opportunity to help others beyond your own lifetime. Offeryour yourtime timeand andtalents talentsatatone oneofofLutherLutherOffer an Charities’ Meal Packaging Events for hunan Charities’ Meal Packaging Events for hunOffer your time andfamilies talents atinoneWNY. of Luthergry kids and See gry kids and families in WNY. See an Charities’ Meal Packaging Events for hunwww.wnylutherancharities.org for details. www.wnylutherancharities.org for details. gry kids and families in WNY. See www.wnylutherancharities.org for details. LutheranCharities Charities Lutheran WNY ofofWNY Lutheran Charities of WNY If not us, who? If not us, who? If notnow, now,when? when? IfIfnot not us, who? If not now, when? WNNYY LLuut thheerraann CChhaarri it ti ieess oof f W www.wnylutherancharities.org www.wnylutherancharities.org lutherancharities@gmail.com lutherancharities@gmail.com www.wnylutherancharities.org Lutheran Charities of WNY lutherancharities@gmail.com www.wnylutherancharities.org www.wnylutherancharities.org lutherancharities@gmail.com lutherancharities@gmail.com www.wnylutherancharities.org 5125lutherancharities@gmail.com MainStreet Street, Williamsville , WilliamsvilleNY NY14221 14221 5125 Main (716)632-2623 632-2623 (716) 5125 Main Street , Williamsville NY 14221 (716) 632-2623 5125Main MainStreet Street 5125 Williamsville, NY NY14221 14221 Williamsville, 5125 Main Street 716.632.2623 716.632.2623 Williamsville, NY 14221 www3 www3 716.632.2623 www.wnylutherancharities.org www.wnylutherancharities.org www3 www.wnylutherancharities.org Agencies Agencies AgenciesSupported Supported Supportedby by by Lutheran Lutheran LutheranCharities Charities Charities FAMILY FAMILY FAMILYPROMISE PROMISE PROMISEOF OF OFWNY WNY WNY Provides Provides Provideshomeless homeless homelesschildren children childrenand and andtheir their theirfamifamifamilies lies lies with with with emergency emergency emergency shelter, shelter, shelter, meals, meals, meals, and and and assistance. assistance. assistance.We We Wekeep keep keepfamilies families familiestogether together togetherwhile while while they they theywork work worktoward toward towardaaahome home homeofof oftheir their theirown. own. own. 16 16 16Glendhu Glendhu GlendhuPlace, Place, Place,Buffalo, Buffalo, Buffalo,NY NY NY14210 14210 14210 (716) (716) (716)821-9100 821-9100 821-9100 +++ www.fpwny.org www.fpwny.org www.fpwny.org ISAIAH ISAIAH ISAIAH61 61 61PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah61 61 61Project Project Projectbrings brings bringsthe the thesaving saving savingpower power powerofof of the the theGospel Gospel Gospelofof ofJesus Jesus JesusChrist Christ Christinto into intothe the thecity city cityofof of Niagara Niagara NiagaraFalls, Falls, Falls,NY. NY. NY. The The Theproject project projectprovides provides provides repeated repeated repeatedexposure exposure exposuretoto tothe the theGospel Gospel Gospelthrough through through the the thevehicle vehicle vehicleofof ofserving serving servingthe the theimmediate immediate immediatematerimaterimaterialal aland and andvocational vocational vocationalneeds needs needsofof ofthe the thecity’s city’s city’sresiresiresidents. dents. dents. Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah61 61 61Project, Project, Project,Inc. Inc. Inc. c/o c/o c/oJim Jim JimHaid, Haid, Haid,Project Project ProjectCoordinator Coordinator Coordinator PO PO POBox Box Box255, 255, 255,Niagara Niagara NiagaraFalls, Falls, Falls,NY NY NY14305 14305 14305 (716) (716) (716)870-9557 870-9557 870-9557 Email Email Emailjh.isaiah61project@aol.com jh.isaiah61project@aol.com jh.isaiah61project@aol.com www.Isaiah61niagarafalls.org www.Isaiah61niagarafalls.org www.Isaiah61niagarafalls.org ADD UL UL AREREECCC TE TE LLOLOO RRR DDDOOO FFFLLILFIIFEFEEAAD UL TTTDDD AAYAYYCCC AAR EENENN TE RRR Social SocialDay Day DayCare Care Carefor for forfrail frail frailelderly. elderly. elderly.Includes Includes Includesnutrition, nutrition, nutrition, Social activities, activities,exercise, exercise, exercise,church church churchservices, services, services,field field fieldtrips, trips, trips,personpersonpersonactivities, alcare care careand and andnursing nursing nursingservices, services, services,maintaining maintaining maintainingthe the theskill skill skilllevlevlevalal els, els,dignity, dignity, dignity,and and andself self selfesteem esteem esteemofof ofthose those thosemost most mostin in inneed. need. need. els, 1025 1025Borden Borden BordenRoad, Road, Road,Depew, Depew, Depew,NY NY NY14043 14043 14043 1025 (716) (716)668-8000 668-8000 668-8000 +++ www.lordoflife.us www.lordoflife.us www.lordoflife.us (716) LUTHERAN LUTHERAN LUTHERANCAMPUS CAMPUS CAMPUSMINISTRY MINISTRY MINISTRY Engages Engages Engagesthe the thecampus campus campuscommunity community communitywith with withChrist’s Christ’s Christ’shealing healing healing power power powerat at atwork work workin in inthe the theworld world worldthrough through throughaaaministry ministry ministryofof ofWord Word Word and and andSacrament, Sacrament, Sacrament,pastoral pastoral pastoralcare, care, care,study, study, study,fellowship fellowship fellowshipand and and service service servicethat that thatseeks seeks seekstoto toencourage encourage encouragemission mission missionand and andvocation. vocation. vocation. 4001 4001 4001Main Main MainSt., St., St.,Eggertsville, Eggertsville, Eggertsville,NY NY NY14226 14226 14226 (716) (716) (716)833-6950 833-6950 833-6950 +++ www.lcmwny.org www.lcmwny.org www.lcmwny.org SAMARITAN SAMARITAN SAMARITANCOUNSELING COUNSELING COUNSELINGCENTER CENTER CENTEROF OF OFWNY WNY WNY SCC SCC SCCprovides provides providesaffordable, affordable, affordable,professional professional professionaland and and confidential confidential confidential counseling counseling counseling for for for individuals, individuals, individuals, couples, couples, couples,partners, partners, partners,children children childrenand and andfamilies families families in in inaaaspiritual, spiritual, spiritual,faith-oriented faith-oriented faith-orientedcontext, context, context,with with with 14 14 14satellite satellite satellitelocations locations locationsthroughout throughout throughoutWNY. WNY. WNY. 322 322 322Old Old OldFalls Falls FallsBoulevard Boulevard Boulevard North North NorthTonawanda Tonawanda TonawandaNY NY NY14120 14120 14120 (716) (716) (716)743-9117 743-9117 743-9117 Email: Email: Email:spccbflo@verizon.net spccbflo@verizon.net spccbflo@verizon.net www.wnycounseling.org www.wnycounseling.org www.wnycounseling.org LUTHERAN LUTHERAN LUTHERANYOUTH YOUTH YOUTHORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION Connecting Connecting Connectingyouth youth youthwith with withChrist...right Christ...right Christ...righthere...right here...right here...rightnow now now through through throughfaith faith faithformation, formation, formation,relationship relationship relationshipbuilding, building, building,event event event ministries, ministries, ministries,leadership leadership leadershipdevelopment, development, development,service, service, service,and and andfull full full support support supportofof ofyouth youth youthworkers workers workersand and andministry ministry ministryin in inWNY WNY WNYELCA ELCA ELCA congregations. congregations. congregations. 55 55 55Pleasant Pleasant PleasantAvenue, Avenue, Avenue,Lancaster, Lancaster, Lancaster,NY NY NY14086 14086 14086 (716) (716) (716)465-1321 465-1321 465-1321+++ www.nfclyo.org www.nfclyo.org www.nfclyo.org LAKE LAKE LAKECHAUTAUQUA CHAUTAUQUA CHAUTAUQUALUTHERAN LUTHERAN LUTHERANCENTER CENTER CENTER Sharing Sharing Sharingthe the thegospel gospel gospelof of ofChrist Christ ChristJesus Jesus Jesusin in in ways ways ways that that that give give give life. life. life. LCLC LCLC LCLC cultivates cultivates cultivates Christ-centered Christ-centered Christ-centeredcommunity community communityfor for forgrowth growth growthand and and renewal renewal renewalofof ofall all allGod’s God’s God’speople people peoplein in inthe the thewonder wonder wonderofof of creation. creation. creation. LCLC LCLC LCLCisis isaaayear-round year-round year-roundministry ministry ministry center center centerfor for forpeople people peopleofof ofall all allages. ages. ages. 5013 5013 5013Route Route Route430, 430, 430,Bemus Bemus BemusPoint, Point, Point,NY NY NY14712 14712 14712 (716) (716) (716)386-4125 386-4125 386-4125 www.lclcenter.org www.lclcenter.org www.lclcenter.org Email: Email: Email:contact@lclcenter.org contact@lclcenter.org contact@lclcenter.org RESURRECTION RESURRECTION RESURRECTIONHEALTH HEALTH HEALTHCENTER CENTER CENTER In In Inaaaneighborhood neighborhood neighborhoodwhere where whereover over over42% 42% 42%ofof ofthe the the population population populationlives lives livesbelow below belowthe the thepoverty poverty povertylevel, level, level, aaafull full fullrange range rangeofof ofprofessional professional professionalhealth health healthcare care care services, services, services,along along alongwith with withspiritual spiritual spiritualand and andfamily family family counseling, counseling, counseling,isis isprovided provided providedregardless regardless regardlessofof ofaaa person’s person’s person’sability ability abilitytoto topay. pay. pay. 1609 1609 1609Genesee Genesee GeneseeStreet, Street, Street,Buffalo, Buffalo, Buffalo,NY NY NY14211 14211 14211 (716) (716) (716)892-2489 892-2489 892-2489 www.resurrectionbuffalo.org www.resurrectionbuffalo.org www.resurrectionbuffalo.org RAGTIME RAGTIME RAGTIME(RECREATION (RECREATION (RECREATIONAND AND ANDGOD GOD GODTIME) TIME) TIME) AAAsix six sixweek week weeksummer summer summerbible bible biblecamp camp campthat that thatintegrates integrates integratesfaith faith faith formation, formation, formation,literacy literacy literacyand and andacademic academic academiclearning learning learningfor for forchildren children children ages ages ages444toto to14 14 14at at atResurrection Resurrection ResurrectionLutheran Lutheran LutheranChurch Church Churchon on onBufBufBuffalo’s falo’s falo’sEast East EastSide. Side. Side. 333Doat Doat DoatStreet, Street, Street,Buffalo, Buffalo, Buffalo,NY NY NY14211 14211 14211 (716) (716) (716)892-2489 892-2489 892-2489+++ www.resurrectionbuffalo.org www.resurrectionbuffalo.org www.resurrectionbuffalo.org TEAM TEAM TEAMEVOLUTION EVOLUTION EVOLUTION Operated Operated Operatedin in inpartnership partnership partnershipwith with withAlpha Alpha AlphaPhi Phi Phi Alpha Alpha Alphafraternity, fraternity, fraternity,this this thisisis isaaamentoring mentoring mentoringproproprogram gram gramat at atResurrection Resurrection ResurrectionLutheran Lutheran LutheranChurch Church Church on on onBuffalo’s Buffalo’s Buffalo’sEast East EastSide Side Sidefor for formales males malesages ages ages3-17 3-17 3-17 who who whomay may maybe be beseeking seeking seekingguidance, guidance, guidance,inspirainspirainspiration, tion, tion,and and andmost most mostofof ofall all allsupport support supportin in inachieving achieving achieving their their theirlife life lifegoals goals goals 333Doat Doat DoatStreet, Street, Street,Buffalo, Buffalo, Buffalo,NY NY NY14211 14211 14211 (716) (716) (716)892-2489 892-2489 892-2489 www.resurrectionbuffalo.org www.resurrectionbuffalo.org www.resurrectionbuffalo.org LLL uuu t ththh eee rraraa nnnCCC hhh aaa rrirititite sssooo f ffW NNN YYY iiee W W www.wnylutherancharities.org www.wnylutherancharities.org www.wnylutherancharities.org lutherancharities@gmail.com lutherancharities@gmail.com lutherancharities@gmail.com 5125 5125 5125Main Main MainStreet Street Street Williamsville Williamsville WilliamsvilleNY NY NY14221 14221 14221
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