BRAIN MIND INSTITUTE Call for the BMI‐Kaloy Prize 2015 The Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and The Kaloy Foundation have created "The Brain‐Mind‐Kaloy Prize (BMI‐Kaloy Prize)" in order to link neuroscientific research to philosophical questions. The Prize is awarded every two years for exceptional work in neuroscience, biology, physics, or psychology, which “confirms, refutes or elucidates” a theory of the philosophy of mind or epistemology. The BMI‐Kaloy Prize amount is US$ 10,000. Applications should be sent by e‐mail to Nicolas Kaloy ( ) and Michael Herzog ( ). Applications must be sent by the 30th of April 2015 and should consist of: A Curriculum Vitae not exceeding one page. A summary description of the philosophical theory, the experiment addressing the theory and its outcome. The description should be preceded by an abstract of at most 250 words and should not exceed 4 pages. In addition, a maximum of three relevant publications may be sent as pdf‐attachments. The applications will be examined by a jury whose verdict is final. The laureate will be informed personally. The laureate’s paper with a photo and a short CV will be published on the BMI‐Kaloy Prize Website and also on the Brain Mind Institute Website For more details, the Scope of the Prize and the former awardees see : (Particular the “Introductory Announcement”)
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