PRUNING EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS SECTION 4 This document was developed with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Trade and Investment Program for a Competitive Export Economy (TIPCEE). Contract No. GS-23F-9800H, Order no. 641-M-00-05-00037. The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. Mango Pruning Practices Page 11 PRUNING EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS SECTION 4 Table 1: Types of pruning and time schedules Types of Pruning Production pruning Purpose • Tree height control Time Frame • Young plants within first year of planting. In mature trees after every harvesting season. Maintenance pruning • Removal of damaged, dead INTRODUCTION CONTEXT • Any time of the year as and when it occurs. • Removal of floral remains or • After every harvest dry panicles or diseased branches • Removal of diseased and malformed fruits • During fruiting period • Removal of overlapped leaves and unproductive panicles close to fruits. Window pruning Skirt pruning • Removal of weak hanging branches that droop and touch the ground. Branches should be a minimum height of 500mm. (2feet) • After harvesting Fruit-thinning pruning • Removal of malformed fruits • During fruiting to improve fruit size and avoid friction. Page 10 DESCRIPTION This training guide covers the reasons for pruning, basic equipment and tools needed, pruning methods and the recommended time schedule for pruning. This illustrated guide is structured for easy comprehension and to complement hands-on training. This guide does not replace the direct advice of trained extension field agronomists. It is recommended that an accredited agronomist be consulted by the farmer prior to undertaking any significant pruning program. • Removal of a branch on the • After harvest east and west sides of the • When fruits have canopy to create windows reached marble size for light and agro-chemicals stage. to penetrate Mango Pruning Practices This guide is intended as introductory technical reference material for the training of small, medium or large scale mango farmers and farm workers to improve their knowledge of pruning practices to enhance the productivity of their orchards. PRUNING EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS SECTION 4 Saws • Saws are used to cut hard wood and heavy branches larger than 4 cm (1.5 inch). • Curved saws with single serrated edges CREDITS are designed to cut only during the backward stroke. This guide is part of a series of technical training guides destined for the Ghanaian horticulture export industry. These reference materials were used by mango farmers during training sessions for pilot sites with the USAID/TIPCEE project. • Foldable double-serrated edged saws are designed to cut during the forward and backward strokes. Curved and foldable types of saws For copies contact: USAID/TIPCEE : This publication has been prepared under the technical supervision and financial support from USAID’s Trade and Investment Program for Competitive Export Economy. Pole pruner • This is a pruning head mounted on a 2m (6 feet) pole to remove branches up in the tree. • The pruning head is a heavy scissor-action Technical contributions by: Mr. Kwame Nyamekye Boamah, Horticulturist/Agri-Business Consultant Accra, Ghana blade operated by pulling an attached rope. • Curved pruning saws can also be fitted to the pole to remove larger branches up in the tree. Pole pruner Johan Botha, Subtropical & Citrus Consultant, South Africa Inappropriate pruning tools Edited by: Takyi Sraha, USAID/TIPCEE Project, Accra, Ghana Charles Ofori Addo, USAID/TIPCEE Project, Accra, Ghana • Cutting branches with a cutlass is inappropriate and referred to as “whacking”. • Using a cutlass produces ragged and torn ends. • This provides entry points for pests and diseases to damage plant tissues. Cutlass or machet Mango Pruning Practices Page 9 SECTION 4 PRUNING EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS SECTION 4: Pruning Equipment and Tools Introduction Mango pruning requires the careful selection of tools for a particular pruning operation. Specific tools are designed to cut specific sizes of tree branches. The pruning equipment and tools should be kept in good operating conditions. Proper care will help equipment do a better job and last longer. Equipment must be kept sharp, clean, cutting edges oiled and stored in a dry room. Please note: When pruning diseased plants, disinfect the cutting edge with alcohol or liquid chlorine bleach after each cut to prevent spreading diseases to healthy plants. Hand shears or secateurs CONTENTS SECTION 1 : Basis for Pruning What is pruning? 2 Reasons for pruning 3 • Hand shears or secateurs are used to cut small branches. • They should be used to cut branches thinner than 1.5 cm (1/2 inch) in diameter. SECTION 2 : Mango Tree Canopy Structural parts of mango tree 4 SECTION 3 : Pruning Methods Hand shears or secuteurs Hand lopping shears Pruning of young mango trees 5 V-frame pruning 6 Pruning large branches 7 SECTION 4 : Pruning Equipment and Tools • Hand loppers are used to cut small branches in hard to reach parts of the tree. • They should be used to cut branches of up Appropriate equipment and tools 8 Inappropriate tools 9 to 3 cm (1 inch) in diameter. A pair of hand loppers ANNEXES : Page 8 Mango Pruning Practices Annex 1 : Pruning and time schedules 10 BASIS OF PRUNING SECTION 1 SECTION 1: Basis for Pruning PRUNING METHODS SECTION 3 Pruning large branches don’t cut here • The third (3) cut is a final slant cut above Introduction cut line the bud leaving a stump. bark ridge Pruning is an important activity in a mango orchard to attain the desired canopy and good architecture that will enhance productivity of the trees. The pruning of mango trees in the past received little attention which resulted in trees with dense canopies in most orchards established 10 years ago. As a result, many producers need to develop or improve their skills. It is also important to note that use of inappropriate equipment and tools for pruning may result in dieback and damage to branches. branch collar Never cut a branch flush to the trunk. Begin the cut out-side the bark ridge and angle it away from the trunk to avoid cutting the branch collar What is pruning? Final slant cut of big branch • Pruning is the selective removal of shoots and branches to improve the health of the tree and control its growth. • The removal of dead or injured plant parts; this should be done continuously in an orchard. Pruning lateral branches • The head back technique is used to prune lateral branches as follows: Matured mango tree after 30% reduction in canopy Pruning branches carefully in relation to the buds that will form new growth. too close too far Just right 1/4 inch Make cuts about 1 cm (0.4 inch) above an out-facing bud or lateral branch. Cutting too close to the remaining bud will damage it. Cutting too far away may allow additional buds to break. The appropriate slant cut Reasons for pruning • To thin trees which are too dense to admit light and air into the canopy. • To enhance fruiting, flowering and tree appearance. Selecting buds • Buds should be well selected to direct new Chose the direction of new growth by selection the bud to leave in place. growth. • When pruning branches with buds opposite each other, angle the cut to remove interior bud. Cut here OR here • This prevents growth going in two directions. A dense mango tree Growth will go in two directions unless one bud is removed, preferably the one towards the interior of the plant The appropriate slant to select bud for new growth Page 2 Mango Pruning Practices Mango Pruning Practices Page 7 PRUNING METHODS SECTION 3 Establish alternative branching, with branches spaced far enough apart so they will not cause problems as they increase in size. V- frame pruning of mature mango trees Reasons for pruning • Step by step procedure for V-frame • To create compact trees, prevent broken pruning system: A tree is a three-dimenensional object. Establish radial space of its branches by early shaping, and then maintain it by periodic pruning. BASIS OF PRUNING SECTION 1 branches and ensure tree balance. Identify and prune the leader to open up the canopy. Select main primary and secondary branches, spaced at 15-30cm (6-12 inches). • To control tree height to ensure easy and effective harvesting. Maximum plant height should not exceed 4m (13 ft). Position the lateral branches. A sketch of V-frame pruning A well pruned tree, compact with appropriate height V-frame pruning of branches • Thin out closely placed stems or branches with narrow crotch angle. • This improves light penetration and increase resistance to wind damage. • Allow new shoots to develop to become future branches. • To enhance fruit quality by removing leaves and unproductive panicles to prevent mechanical damage to fruits (scratches and punctures). • To ensure effective control of pests and diseases. After the first thinning, the canopy will be more open. Thin centre by removing some main stems. Reasons for pruning • To reduce production costs by reducing the amount of agrochemicals needed for pathogen control. Another sketch of V-frame pruning Pruning unproductive panicles or stalks Pruning large branches Three step pruning a large branch. • The first (1) cut is an undercut about 30cm (1 foot) from the trunk. 2 3 • Saw about a third of the way into the branch. 1 • The second (2) cut is an upper cut about scribe back here before making cut 3 3cm (1 inch) further from cut. • Continue cutting until the branch falls off leaving a 12 inch (1foot) stub. Three step pruning method Page 6 Mango Pruning Practices Mango Pruning Practices Page 3 MANGO TREE CANOPY SECTION 2 PRUNING METHODS SECTION 3 SECTION 2: Mango Tree Canopy SECTION 3: Pruning Methods Introduction Introduction To prune a mango tree you must understand its structure. This will guide the selection of which parts to cut to build a compact tree canopy. The trunk is the main support of the tree and is considered to be the part of the plant from the ground to the lowest main branch. Other branches subsequently develop from the main branch. The mango tree has different branches as indicated below. Young mango trees grow slowly so pruning them is essential to ensure proper branching and canopy formation. Usually the growing point is cut back or pinched off to simulate the development of lateral branches during the first growing season. Structure of a mango tree • The leader branch is a continuation of trunk pointing skyward. • Primary scaffold branches are side branches that grow from the trunk. • Secondary scaffold branches grow from the primary scaffold branches. • Laterals are small branches growing from the leader and scaffold branches. A mature mango tree in an orchard with wide spacing (7m to 10m) may be trained to develop a strong framework by the open–centre system which is called the V-frame system. There is no leader on trees trained by this method but several strong branches form a bowl-shaped scaffold. Under intensive production with close spacing, the modified leader system called the A-frame system which resembles a pyramid is the recommended choice. There are several approaches to remove a large branch without tearing the tree’s bark as sketched below. Pruning a young mango tree • The young tree is allowed to grow to a height of about 70cm (27.5 inches). • The growing terminal bud is cut back to a height of 60cm (24 inches). A mango tree showing primary and secondary scaffold branches and laterals • This encourages development of lateral shoots which become the scaffold branches. Other parts • Water shoots are primary lush growth from main branches. A young mango tree growing uncontrolled without a canopy • Spurs are short lateral branches which often bear fruit. Pruning a young mango tree • Hangers are thin, weak and slow growing branches that droop. • When the lateral branches reach the thickness of a pencil, the growing points are cut back. • This will lead to further branching of each terminal shoot. A lateral branch with water shoots • The result is a tree with well positioned branches. A young tree with well positioned branches Page 4 Mango Pruning Practices Mango Pruning Practices Page 5
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