Spring 2015 May 14 Jazz Arts 7:00pm 15 Comedy Improv Show 7:00pm 18 - 21 Final Exams for Seniors 20 Spring Music Concert 7:00pm 21 Senior Banquet 22 & 25 No School Inside this issue … PTSA News Good to Know Arts, Sports and Clubs June 2 Graduation 3, 4, 5, 8 Final Exams Grades 9, 10, 11 1 The PTSA would like to extend our appreciation to the time and talent of Cheri Dill and Dawn Tackett for their years given to the PTA/PTSA. THANK YOU ladies for serving our School Community! During our April general meeting, those members that attended voted on a new treasurer. Clarinda Campbell has been elected. She has a current Freshmen at NHS. Additionally, she is a former Yellow Jacket, so we welcome her to her new position with PTSA. We also have a nomination for our new secretary, Christine Kitson. Please contact Katie Hughes or Paula Sims if you are considering this open position. Thanks you to everyone who made this year’s After Prom event a success, especially Beth Winwood and Carol Hall!! NHS Graduation, June 2nd at 7pm The PTSA will be sponsoring a flower sale at the graduation event. There is no need to pre-order. Flowers can be purchased at the event, prices ranging $5 to $20. Thank you to Kirk’s Flowers for making this possible! Spring Staff Appreciation Luncheon The annual PTSA appreciation luncheon will be held on May 15th for all our wonderful teachers, administration and staff at Newark High. Please click on the “sign up genius” link below to contribute to thanking all the dedicated people who educate our children. www.SignUpGenius.com/go/409094BA4AA22A57spring/ Our mission as NHS PTSA can not be served without the support of ALL the NHS staff/educators. Thank you for your dedication to ALL our Children. Have a wonderful and safe summer. Yours Truly PTSA officers, Katie Hughes, Paula Sims, Dawn Tackett, Jeannie Taylor and Cheri Dill Follow us on Facebook Newark High School PTSA facebook.com/pages/Newark-HighSchool-PTSA/144376665585648 2 Good to Know From Child Nutrition Service: Missing school lunch this summer? Christina School District is dedicated to help prevent summertime hunger in our community! That is why our district runs a Summer Food Service Program each year. Here is some important information on this fun program. Hope to see you there! The underclass awards ceremony will be held in early June in the auditorium. Specific date and time to be determined. *All children 18 years of age and under are eligible to receive FREE meals during the summer. *No need to apply for the program – just bring yourself and enjoy tasty & nutritious meals. *Dinners once a week will also be served at select locations. *The Christina School District website will have up-to-date location and date information for the Summer Food Service Program. House Bill 50 / Opt Out Our State House Education Committee has released House Bill 50, which creates the right for the parent or guardian of a child to opt out of the annual assessment, currently known as the Smarter Balanced Assessment System. Parents are encouraged to take the time to review the current bill which will soon be sent for consideration by the full House in Dover. Let your voice be heard by contacting your local representatives. Please go to www.delawarepta.org for more information. Final Grades We are now in the final marking period of the year. Remind students during this marking period and as they study for final exams to work hard to boost or maintain their final grades, which are the only grades that show on transcripts. Final grades are also how their cumulative grade point averages are calculated. Remember students interested in the Commitment to Delawareans at the University of Delaware, want to have no final grade below a B. AP and Cambridge tests will be held in May. If you need more information on Cambridge exams, please contact Ms. Raffaele at raffaelel@christina.k12.de.us or 631-4700x14315. 3 Arts, Sports and Clubs JazzArts May 14 7:00pm Rude Mechanicals Improv Troupe Friday, May 15th at 7pm If you love to laugh, you’ve got to see the show! May 20 at 7pm, NHS Pops Concert in the NHS Auditorium August 3-8, NHS Band Camp 8-12 in the AM & 5-8 PM The annual Athletic Awards Ceremony will be held Tuesday May 26th. At this event there will be numerous awards presented including; Principal/Athletic Director award and Williamson Sportsmanship awards for each varsity team, Scholar-Athlete award, Spirit award, Yellowjacket Coaches’ award, and Bob Hoffman Most Valuable Athlete award. Special presentations will include the Matthew Flocco Memorial Scholarship Award, Diana Hector Field Hockey Award, Scott Polaski Memorial Spirit and Academic award, and numerous other recognitions. These include athletes earning All-State honors, Blue Hen Conference honors, and those earning 4 th year varsity letters. Several student-athletes will speak as well as an alumni speaker. All are welcome to attend. There is no cost to attend. The evening will begin at 6:30pm with a desert social and then move to the auditorium at 7pm for the ceremony. This event is for all athletes, families, and supporters of Newark Yellowjacket athletic teams. Please join us. For information contact Steve Bastianelli, steve.bastianelli@christina.k12.de.us , 302-229-5336 4
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