April 2015 HOLY WEEK AT NEWARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH April 2, 7pm: Maundy Thursday service (with Communion) April 3, 7pm: Choral Tenebrae for Good Friday Light in the Darkness, by Patrick M. Liebergen Last Supper service with Communion (in Heritage Hall) Chancel Choir & Youth Chorale With chamber orchestra A publication of the Newark United Methodist Church April 5 EASTER SUNDAY: CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED! 6:30am: Sunrise service (with Communion) 8:00am: Liturgical worship (with Communion) Chamber Choir 9:30am: Liturgical worship Carol/Crusader Choirs, Youth Chorale /Chancel Choir, brass quintet 11:00am: Liturgical worship Carol/Crusader Choirs, Youth Chorale /Chancel Choir,brass quintet 11:00am: SonSpirit service Please note: There will be no Taizé worship service in April; we’ll be back the first Wednesday in May! To the Easter People of Newark UMC— “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!” This is the historic liturgy spoken in Christian churches around the world on Easter morning. I wonder, though, whether we should change it to be more aligned with scripture. In all three synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, there is a common phrase in their stories. “He is not here.” Maybe the liturgy should go: “He is not here! Christ is risen!” Regardless, from the very beginning Christianity has been about experiencing the risen Christ. Our faith starts with a “mystical” experience. We encounter “holy mystery” and suddenly everything changes. The 20th-century Jewish theologian Abraham Heschel called these moments “radical amazement”, where: “Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually.” I believe this radical amazement was part of the core of Jesus, giving him courage, compassion, and will to live and give his life for all. This past January, Marcus Borg died. While not everyone embraces his thoughts and beliefs, I believe that his words below speak to the core of our Christian faith. I began [through mystical experiences] to understand that the word “God” refers to “what is” experienced as wondrous and compelling, as, to use William James’ phrase, “the more” which is all around us. Or to use a phrase from the New Testament, the word “God” refers to “the one in whom we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17.28). “God” is not a hypothesis, but a reality who can be known. This Easter, as we celebrate the empty tomb, I trust the music or liturgy or spoken word or the community will be the avenue of mystical awareness of the Risen Christ. He is not here. Christ is risen! Shalom, Rev. Dr. David M. Palmer 2 302/368-8774 www.newark-umc.org webmaster@newark-umc.org Lay Leaders: Stacey Altemus, Karen DeMonte, Danny Fisher, Adrian Peoples STAFF Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. David M. Palmer ext. 214 Pastor of Congregational Care Rev. George Ayer Tigh ext. 212 Campus Pastor Rev. Mary K. Haggard ext. 216 Assistant Campus Pastor Rev. Ward Mesick Director of Education Ministries Donna Hitchner ext. 225 Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries Melanie Hartley ext. 217 Sunday School Administrative Assistant Lisa Santare Director of Music Ministries/Principal Organist Ned Perwo ext. 220 Associate Organist/Bell Director Lauren Cataldi-May ext. 299 Business Manager Rob Cappiello ext. 218 Office Manager Danette Eberly ext. 213 Bookkeeper Connie Wright ext. 215 Facility Manager Rob Taylor ext. 227 Custodian Piedad Luna ext. 227 IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH NUMC Stories...Staff Member Reflections Tammy Sharp, Preschool Director In the spring of 1989 my husband, Roland, and I were married at NUMC. He and his family had been members for many years, and I only knew it as the beautiful church on Main Street. Shortly after our wedding, we moved to Maryland, and in 1998, when we moved back to Newark, I joined the church. At that time our daughter, Megan, began attending the preschool, and I began to learn about NUMC’s many wonderful ministries. Those which have reached the farthest into my family life are music ministries and Youth Group. Megan and Paul joined the choir in first grade; both also participated in Music Factory. Megan went on to participate in several Inner Light Theater productions as well. Paul still sings in the Choir as a junior in high school, and we enjoy Megan singing with the Youth Chorale Alumni on Christmas Eve when she is home from college. Through these activities, my children, along with many others, have developed a love for music through the guidance of the wonderful shepherds who have made these activities possible at NUMC. Youth Group has offered many wonderful experiences for my entire family. My best vacations have been spent as a mission trip chaperone! I’ve only accompanied the group two times to Boston and once to North Carolina, but for many years our teens have taken one to two mission trips every summer. There’s no better feeling than that which comes from helping individuals and families in need and observing our youth find such great fulfillment. While these two are the foremost in my thoughts, many other ministries and the shepherds that have made them possible have touched my family’s lives. I thank my church family for making NUMC a great and loving place to be. Boy Scouts Hello all! The Boy Scouts of NUMC would like to invite our church family and friends to participate in our fundraiser at Friendly's on Rte 896, Wednesday, April 29 from 5-9pm. Please help support our troop as they earn funds for their upcoming summer camp. Be sure to give mom and dad the night off from cooking to support a good cause. And be sure to explore Friendly's newly revised menu! We hope to see many familiar faces on the 29th. The First State Ringers participated in the Area 3 Handbell Musicians of America Conference in Ocean City, MD March 13-14. 3 BUNTING LIBRARY/NEWARK UMW NEW BOOKS AND BOOKS NEW TO BUNTING LIBRARY: This is a new display set up just inside the library. Some of these books are brand new, while others may not necessarily be new, but were newly donated to the library. Over the past few months, we have highlighted books for younger children and adults. Most of the selections this month were chosen for middle school age and older youth. Midnight on the Moon, Dolphins at Daybreak and Eve of the Emperor Penguin are three new books that have been added to Mary Pope Osborne's popular Magic Tree House series. Jack and Annie are whisked away by the magic tree house on further exciting learning adventures! Chocolate Fever, by Robert Kimmel Smith. Henry Green loves chocolate in all its forms, for every meal of the day and in between snacks, too. One day he finds that strange things are happening to him and he makes medical history with the only case of Chocolate Fever ever! What next??? The Secret in the Matchbox, by Val Willis. Bobby Bell's secret is hidden in a matchbox. His teacher takes it away and puts it in her desk. But the secret gets out and grows bigger and BIGGER...! Ginger Pye, by Eleanor Estes. (Newbery Medal Winner) Ginger is the hard-earned dog (bought for a dollar) belonging to Jerry Pye. Ginger is smart, knows many tricks, is loyal, and steals the hearts of all he meets. But then, someone steals him! Hoot, by Carl Hiaasen. (A Newbery Honor Book) This off-beat, hilarious book tells the story of middle-school screwballs, greedy developers and other quirky characters. It's a proenvironmental, kid-empowering tale—and you don't have to be a young adult to enjoy its satirical wit! Recent Reads Book Group Come and share books, light refreshments and delightful company. Join us in Bunting Library for our next meeting: Monday, 4/13 from 1:152:15pm (note new time). Bring a book to share! Thelma H. Hughes celebrated her 100th birthday with NUMC’s Eve Circle (with Lydia-Miriam friends) at Millcroft on March 3. She sends her thanks to these good friends for a wonderful luncheon and their loving friendship. 4 Bunting’s new blog— A Peek in the Pages Our Communications Intern, Nate Donhowe (on loan from UD) has created a new feature for our website to highlight the Bunting Library. Please take a look at the first installment! Covenant Discipleship groups help us hold ourselves and one another mutually accountable for IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH our walk with God. The community developed in our weekly meetings strengthens us and teaches us. Interested? Contact coordinator Mark Deshon (Deshon@udel.edu) or one of the folks below to learn more! Sunday 9:15am (meets off-site) Wednesday 6:30am (meets off-site) Kevin Smith* (klsmith@habitatncc.org) Dan Logan Tom Rim Sunday 11am (meets off-site) Diane Ferry* (ferryd9044@gmail.com) Mary Alice Hinerman Mary Hudson Pat Marks Catherine Rounsely-Maxwell Sunday 7pm Marina Lutz* (lutzm@neumann.edu) Karen Brown Kay Davis Pat Hammond Carrie Melchisky Monday 2pm Ruth Oatman* (roatman2@earthlink.net) Lois Bailey Jo Anne Deshon Lora Lee Harget Carol Thompson Monday 7:30pm (meets off-site) Stacey Altemus* (staceykea@yahoo.com) Steve Caton Mark Deshon Diane Smith Sue Hollenbeck*(shollenbeck@comcast.net) Barbara Chamberlain Lys Murray Phyllis Muyskens Cara Lee Palmer Wednesday 7:30am (meets off-site) David Palmer* (dpalmer@newark-umc.org) Karen DeMonte Kevin Lammers Jane Savino Thursday 8am Donna Hitchner* (dhitchner@newark-umc.org) Deede Cataldi Danette Eberly Betsy Kent Lisa Santare Connie Wright Friday 9am Linda Steinkrauss* (ljsteinkrauss@hotmail.com) Mary Bell Lisa Heinsohn Alan Hitchner Janet King as of March 2015 **Group Convener (contact) NUMC TRUSTEES SPRING WORKDAY!! Saturday, May 2 (rain date 5/16) 8am-2pm (or whatever time you can be here) Come one, come all!! It is time once again to spruce up the church, inside and out, and we all can help! There will be many jobs to do, from cleaning to raking to scraping paint. Let’s help our church home shine! If you can’t make it to the workday, we also have some one-time jobs we would love to have volunteers for: adopt one room for window cleaning, adopt a garden area to weed… Please contact Rob Cappiello (RCappiello@Newark-UMC.org; 3688774) if you can help out. NUMC Facility Manager Rob Taylor will coordinate our projects and provide supplies for the day. If you have favorite clippers, shovels, a wheel barrel, or rakes bring them along (labeled). Lunch and beverages will be provided. If you can send a dessert for our workers, let us know. 5 IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH A Note of Thanks— 6 February's prolonged harsh weather took a toll on everyone, with a noticeable impact both on NUMC attendance and giving. I want to personally thank everyone who was able to make it out on those horrible days, as well as those of you who have been able to catch up on your giving. Spring is here and we are all looking forward to the beautiful weather that comes with it! -Rob Cappiello, Business Manager George Kirk Concert Series—Coming May 31 at 3pm! Wilmington Handbell Ensemble in Concert The Wilmington Handbell Ensemble (WHE) was founded 2000 and is the only community-based handbell ensemble in Wilmington. Membership is by audition or invitation; the group draws from various church bell choirs in New Castle County and Pennsylvania. Members of our own First State Ringers—Ruthie Toole, Dee Loux and Holly VanSuch—are also members of WHE. The purpose of the Wilmington Handbell Ensemble is to educate and introduce audiences to the beautiful and varied repertoire for handbells as well as promote excellence in musicianship among its members. WHE is sponsored by St. Paul’s UMC in Wilmington. Kerry W. Dietz, Artistic Director, began his formal music training at the age of seven and his church music career at the age of fourteen. A graduate of the University of Delaware and Westminster Choir College, he is Minister of Worship & Music at Ebenezer UMC in Newark, DE, where he has served since 1994. He has been involved with handbells as a ringer and conductor for over 30 years and has been a conductor and clinician for handbell festivals in Newark, DE and Ocean City, MD. He was a founding member of WHE and has been artistic director since 2006. WHE’s first CD, A Little Bit of Christmas, Our Holiday Favorites, is available for purchase after the program for $15 each or 2/$25 (cash or check made out to Wilmington Handbell Ensemble), as well as online. Renewing Our Foundation (ROF) Update ROF Phase A (2016) Project Given Unanimous Preliminary Approval IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH Approximately 75 congregational members and friends met in Heritage Hall on 3/15 for a Church Conference presided over by District Superintendent Rev. Derrick E. Porter to consider plans for an ROF Phase A (2016) project. The ROF Building Committee presented information about this next phase of renewal at NUMC. This project will complete several major building improvements identified in the ROF Master Plan that was developed several years ago. These include: a new, handicapaccessible “Welcome Center” entrance addition on the Delaware Ave. end of the building, parking lot improvements, upgrades to Heritage Hall enhancing its usability for various activities, and new sanctuary lighting. Construction would begin in late spring 2016, with completion in early 2017. A preliminary project estimate of $990,000 has been established. Financing plans include a pledge campaign extension to the current 3-yr ROF Capital Campaign and loan financing, possibly combining a commercial mortgage with congregational notes to fund the balance of the project cost. Following the presentation and discussion, the Building Committee presented a motion for a written vote by members of the congregation in attendance to: confirm the membership of the Building Committee with the addition of a Preschool representative, affirm the overall project scope and anticipated cost, affirm the project financing plan with specific approval for the ROF Capital Campaign extension in the fall of 2015, and approve continued architectural work to complete detailed design and construction bids. The motion was carried unanimously. Also at the Conference, the Building Committee shared the results of its reevaluation of the photovoltaic (PV) solar project, which confirmed that purchasing the system (vs. leasing) will be the most economical approach. This project will proceed, funded by borrowing from the NUMC Endowment principal, with installation planned for summer 2015. The presentation charts used at the Conference are posted on the NUMC website. Fellowship Time at NUMC Make fellowship part of your Sunday experience! Whether you go to 8:00 worship and 9:30 study or go to 9:30 study and 11:00 worship or to 9:30 or 11:00 worship, share with old and new friends during Fellowship Time in Heritage Hall from 10:30-11:00. Refresh with a hot beverage (regular or decaf coffee, tea, or chocolate), a cold beverage (fruit punch or water), and snacks (assorted cookies and/or baked goodies). Thank you to the people who set up, serve, and clean up each Sunday. More volunteers are needed so that each only needs to serve once every 4-8 weeks in teams of two or three. We help with directions and coaching. Visit the sign-up sheet on the hot beverage counter. Talk to Coordinators Bill and Meurial McLain for more details. See them at church or call them (368-9845). See you in Heritage Hall on Sunday! 7 Youth Ministry Announcements Mission Trip Pledge Drive: Orders being taken until April 26 We’re still placing orders for the youth mission trip-look for our students and leaders in Cokesbury Lobby to get a closer look and place your orders! CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Contact Melanie for questions or information (mhartley@newark-umc.org). Bronze Level—$10-$15: Car magnet with youth or church logo Silver Level—$20-$35: Canvas tote bag with youth logo (made to order) Gold Level—$40-$75: T-shirt w/youth logo or church logo (made to order) Platinum Level—$80 or more: Polo shirt w/embroidered “Radiating God’s Love” logo (made to order) Youth Newsletter Spring 2015: The spring Newsletter is now available. Contact Melanie Hartley for a copy and stay up to date on what the youth are doing this spring! Young Adult Announcements Young Adult Bible Study Tuesday nights, 6:30-8:30pm in Rm 109 We are continuing our study in the book of 1 Samuel. Learn some biblical history, and discuss leadership and character from God’s perspective. 19 Therefore, my friends,[g] since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain (that is, through his flesh), 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. Hebrews 10: 19-23 (NRSV) 20 by Happy Easter—Christ is risen! May you all live in the love and grace of God this Easter season and be assured of the hope we have in Christ’s sacrifice. 8 GREEN Team Happenings A GREEN Team missions mini-meeting (M3) is scheduled for 4/19 from 10:30-11am in Rm 213. We may have another M3 event on 4/26, but that will be determined after the Habitat Work Day (4/25). All Team members are invited to attend Habitat Work Day activities at the church while their parents and/or older siblings volunteer at the worksite. Note: Volunteers for the Habitat work site must be age 16 or older. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION For more information on the Habitat Work Day, go to http://newark-umc.org/wp/habitatwork-day/ Adult 9:30 Sunday Morning Learning Opportunities (most classes will not meet on 4/5) Companions in Christ (Wesley Lounge)—we currently are finishing up the Living the Questions 2.0 series on DVD. Next, we’ll begin another DVD-based study from the makers of Living the Questions. The Jesus Fatwah*: Love your (Muslim) Neighbor as Yourself tries to clear up some common misconceptions about those who practice the faith of Islam in our local community. *Fatwah (fatwa) is defined on dictionary.com as “a non-binding judgment on a point of Islamic law given by a recognized religious authority.” Sunday Morning Bible Study (Rm 121) presently is using the Abingdon Press Bible study material on the book of Romans. Teachables (Samuel Wesley Rm) will begin on 4/12 to discuss Ordinary Missionary, by W. Jay Moon. The resource book may be purchased through Amazon or other booksellers. Trying Christians (Memorial Lounge)—we’ll spend April examining Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study (begins at 1:15pm) WABS will continue with the DVD-based study The History of Jesus through mid-May. Each week is a different topic and there is nothing to purchase, so come any time you are able! Women’s 2015 Retreat Save the date—we’ll be retreating October 9-11, 2015! The team is working hard to reduce the cost of the weekend for each participant by running multiple fundraisers through September, so the final cost will not be known for some time. Women who wish to attend are encouraged to complete a registration form (either print out the paper form or use the online link) and reserve their spot with a $20-$50 deposit. Registration forms can be found on the NUMC website (http://newark-umc.org/wp/2015-womensretreat/). 9 SOCIAL JUSTICE @ NUMC MAKING A DIFFERENCE God’s children have the right to their dignity, a life of love, and the respect of their brothers and sisters. God loves us as we are, and the policies and practices of our institutions— including our faith communities—must reflect that radical, embracing agapé. At Newark United Methodist Church, we believe that we are all God’s beloved children. We welcome everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, social or economic status, physical and mental ability, or religious affiliation. However, it seems that this is not the belief of The United Methodist Church in some other parts of our country and world. Visit the Social Justice page on the NUMC website to learn more about this and other social justice concerns, and learn how you can add your voice to those raised for justice here at NUMC and beyond. Emmanuel Dining Room: Cookies Needed We are asking for pre-packaged store-bought cookies to fulfill our monthly commitment to Emmanuel Dining Room. We appreciate your help in bringing these to the church office by 9am on Thursday, April 23. Questions? Call 368-8774. Thank you for your support with our 2015 Spring Break Mission Trip! Each year you buy our baked goods and eat up our Super Bowl Subs in order to help us serve those in need. This year we helped churches within our conference, Camp Pecometh (getting it ready for the summer), and worked with Habitat for Humanity in Denton, MD. We are all "On a Mission from God!" Brunch Angels—We're still on the hunt for some good home cooking. We're not picky, and we're very appreciative. Please keep in mind that there are about 20 of us (including a vegetarian). Quiches and casseroles are awesome, as are sticky buns or cinnamon rolls. You can even do a theme brunch (UMW does this very well). We'll enjoy and gobble up whatever you bring us. So gather up a few friends, think creatively, and have fun it! Sign-up is outside the Wesley Lounge; contact Rev. Mary or Rev. Ward if you have any questions. Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub! Amen! A Letter of thanks from Amy Jenney Dill— Please read the thank-you letter from Amy (Jenney) Dill to our NUMC family for the love, prayers, and support following the death of her father, Stephen Jenney. You can find the letter posted on the bulletin board outside the Main Office, as well as the NUMC website. 10 Know someone who’s making a difference? Email parishnotes@newark-umc.org to suggest an article for the Parish Notes! OUTREACH NUMC Habitat for Humanity Work Day Saturday, April 25 from 8am-3pm OUTREACH/BELIEVERS IN ACTION (Must be 16 years or older) This will be a great time of work and fellowship, radiating our love to the local community. There will also be a Service Project Day for children at NUMC on the same day. This way, you can drop your kids off at church, go to the Habitat work site, and then pick up the kids when you are finished working. Interested? Contact Linda Steinkrauss ASAP (ljsteinkrauss@hotmail.com; 224-0243). Believers in Action: Partners First! Thinking about the partnerships in my life, the first one I tend to think about is my marriage. I believe it is accurate to say that the primary reason Mark and I have GOD been happily married for nearly 39 years is our attitude of putting our partner first when making decisions. The reality, though, is that our marital partnership is triangular. For those of you who are math KW MW nerds like I am, it’s an isosceles (though not equilateral) triangle! This year’s annual stewardship pledge activities use the theme PARTNERS WITH GOD, LLC A Limited Liability Collaboration Native American Ministries Sunday April 19 Donations to this mission equip Native congregations—like New York’s Onandaga Nation UMC and Nebraska’s Native American Sacred Winds congregation—to worship and serve as only they can, and equip seminary students who will honor and celebrate Native American culture in their ministries. If you wish to give to Native American Ministries Sunday online, please go to the NUMC online Giving Web Page http:// newark-umc.org/wp/online-giving/ and type in Native American Sunday under Optional. Outreach Team Members Needed Interested persons are cordially invited to join the Outreach Team. Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 7pm! Contact Outreach chair Mary Hudson (maryhud@msn.com; 737-6676) for information. An important part of the April 6-May 17 period will be challenging ourselves to become true, effective partners with God. The Believers in Action Team invites everyone to participate, bolstering one another as we are challenged to balance and prioritize the many competing factors in our crazy -busy lives. We especially hope that you will join one of the study groups using Mike Slaughter’s books First–Putting God First in Living and Giving and Shiny Gods (see below). Then join us on pledge Sundays (May 10 & 17) as we turn in our pledge cards, and on May 17 please visit the Ministry Fair after each of the morning services. Find out where best you can be a Partner with God through our NUMC ministries! Purchase your copy of these great devotional and study books, available from Cokesbury.com or Amazon.com (about $10 each). Consider using this study in your own adult Sunday School class or Covenant Discipleship Group, or join Pastor David Palmer’s 4-week class, 4/12-5/3, 12:15-1:45pm. Please note: although the Mike Slaughter books will be excellent additions to your personal library, you are welcome to attend the classes even without your own copy of the booklets! 11 69 East Main Street Newark, DE 19711-4645 www.newark-umc.org 302-368-8774 Return Service Requested Music and Drama Camp August 3-7 with worship presentations at 9:30 & 11:00am on August 9 Since its founding in 1991 by Leanna Williston, Music Factory Camp has been providing a fun-filled, enriching opportunity for children from our church and surrounding community to nurture their faith through music and drama. Don’t miss this opportunity to sign up your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors. Spread the word! Sign-ups begin in early May. Visit www.newark-umc.org for more details. Parish Notes Deadline April 15—email parishnotes@newark-umc.org
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