WE WELCOME TODAY WELCOME TO NEWBOLD CHURCH Vili Costescu, our associate pastor, to preach in the Early and Family services, and Tihomir Lazic, to preach in the Contemporary Service. BRING AND SHARE POTLUCK at 1.15 pm in the Church Cafe. You are encouraged to bring a vegetarian main dish and dessert. Visitors are warmly invited. THE FLOWERS this week were donated by Dorcas Babajide in sweet memory of her dear husband Elder Daniel Babajide and arranged by Pat Dyckhoff. NEWBOLD RECIPE BOOK We are crea.ng our very own recipe book of dishes that are usually brought to potlucks. If you wish to contribute please send a picture of your dish, ingredients and instruc.ons to natasja.denhertog@gmail.com There’s no S ABBATH WALK today 04 April, Sabbath - Communion in all three services 05 April, Sunday - Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. Children welcome. Meet at the church at 9.00 am. EASTER AT NEWBOLD 28 Welcome Hymn 1 Pastoral Prayer Tithes and Offering Hymn 341 Scripture Reading Sermon Hymn 522 Benediction on Friday 10 Apr and Saturday 11 Apr. Speaker: Merlin Burt Friday evening: “Ellen White and Seventh-day Adven.st Doctrines” Sabbath morning: “Oh Jesus I Love You!” ( Repeated in both services ) Scripture: 1 John 3:1 Sabbath a!ernoon, 3.30 pm : “Reading and Understanding Ellen White” Followed by Ques.ons and Answers DIVERSITY LECTURE ‘God, Language, Mind and Men’ Lecturers: Mervi Kalmus, an intern pastor in Talliin, in the Estonian conference of the SDA church, and lecturer in Homile.cs at the Tartu Theological Seminary of the Estonian Bap.st Church. On Tue, 14 Apr, at 7.30 pm in Smith Centre, Salisbury Hall, Newbold College RG42 4AN SPECIAL ADRA INGATHERING APPEAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Please note as the official ingathering seasong begins today we need more door=to=door collectors. If you are willing to help, please see Inger and register at the ADRA desk a!er the service. Our goal is £12,000. Sor far we managed to raise £3661.18 Youth Brunch £ 581.5 Auc.on and bake sale £ 1,726 Christmas Carol £ 266.88 Alastair - Half Marathon £ 475.00 Pampering Evening £ 611.80 HILLARY JACKSON’S FUNERAL SERVICE will take place at Newbold church on Tue, 31 Mar, at 2.30 pm SUMMER TIME begins at midnight on Sunday, 29 Mar, please remember to turn your clocks one hour forward. E A R LY S E R V I C E 09.00 AM CHURCH CENTRE Isabel Moraes Praise to the Lord To God be the Glory Revelation 22:12,13 Kingdom Values > Hope My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Organist: Ulo Parna Vili Costescu Vili Costescu Elder on Duty: Isabel Moraes S A B B AT H S C H O O L 10.00 A M C H U R C H C E N T R E Leader: Aleksandar Gosev Pianist: Ulo Parna NEWBOLD SPANISH-SPEAKING GROUP THE CENTENARY OF ELLEN G WHITE'S DEATH 2015 Please note that next week we are taking up an extra offering for our Good Samaritan Fund. FORTHCOMING EVENTS Everybody is welcome to come to Moor Close and worship God in Spanish next Sabbath, 04 Apr The programme will start at 10.00 am with Sabbath School, followed by worship at 11.00 am and finish with a potluck in the School Hall. MARCH F A M I LY S E R V I C E 11.15 AM CHURCH CENTRE Welcome and Announcements Florence Makinde Call to Worship I stand Amazed in the Presence Miriam Johnson, Sophia Pert Hymn 21 Immortal, Invisible, God only Wise Children’s Story Thora Jonsdottir Pastoral Prayer Tithes and Offering Hymn 341 To God be the Glory Scripture Reading Revelation 22:12,13 Music for Meditation Miriam Johnson Sermon Kingdom Values > Hope Vili Costescu Hymn 522 My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Benediction Vili Costescu Organist: Ulo Parna Elder on Duty: Florence Makinde Announcements Welcome Prayer Songs C O N T E M P O R A R Y S E R V I C E 11.15 Tithes and Offering Special Item Pastoral Prayer Songs Scripture Reading Sermon Song Closing Prayer AM SALISBURY HALL Come Just As You Are Come Thou Fount There Is None Like You Ancient Words 1 Peter 2:9 In the Name of the Lord I Will Run to You Elder on Duty: Isabel Moraes Isabel Moraes Marianne Lamberth Tihi Lazic Tihi Lazic
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