Dene Ward Focus April 2015 - Newcastle upon Tyne Liberal

Cllr Bob Renton reports
back on another busy year
for the Dene FOCUS Team
Dear Resident,
It has been a busy year.
important local issues. It any of you have been in touch about
work with local groups s been great to help so many residents and to
to keep Dene Ward a gr
eat place to live.
On 7th May 2015 tw
day – the General Elect separate elections will take place on the same
working councillor to repr n AND the local election to choose a hardes
asking for your support in ent Dene Ward on the City Council. I am
Team’s record of nearly -electing me to help maintain the Focus
30 years of service here
Unlike the other parties,
here all year round worki don’t just appear at election time - we are
Liberal Democrats believ for you and putting Dene Ward first.
e in
in the decisions that are m involving local people as much as possible
you think needs to be done e , so please continue to let us know what
please give me your suppor If you like this level of service & action,
t on May 7th.
Councillor Bob Renton
WORKING HARD across Dene Ward all year round
Over the past year, the FOCUS Team have dealt with a large number
of local issues that affect the quality of our area, including grass
cutting problems, overhanging branches, Japanese knotweed,
potholes,cracked pavements, litter , dog mess, lack of ground
maintenance on our estates, parking and planning issues.
We’ve got agreement for a No Cold Calling Zone in High Heaton &
are working with Age Concern to start exercise classes for older
people to reduce their risk of falls.
With flood alleviation work in High Heaton nearly complete, Bob,
Wendy & Karen have asked for Northumbrian Water to make sure
they repair all the damage caused & keep to their previous
commitments to Cragside School.
We have also worked with local residents to prevent the closure
of High Heaton Library & the Woodlands Sure Start Centre & to
provide more community activities at the Woodlands Centre.
STANDING UP for Dene Ward at the City Council
Newcastle Liberal Democrat Councillors opposed Labour’s budget
for 2015 including their inflation-busting Council Tax rise and cuts to
the Night Noise service and road & pavement repairs.
BOB, WENDY & KAREN worked with residents & successfully
petitioned the Council for a permanent school crossing patrol on
Dovedale Gardens. We made sure residents will be fully consulted
over planned flood prevention works on Church Green & the
Fairways Estate & we’ve challenged North Tyneside Council over
their lack of consultation with residents over work at Four Lane
Ends. We’ve also collected petitions over unpopular planning
proposals, such as a flood-lit football field at St Mary’s School. We
have made sure the Council continues to support the Fairways
Allotments , which was the first allotment site designed for people
with disabilities, and which is providing flowers for planters across
our area
Keeping IN TOUCH with local residents across Dene Ward
To work hard for local residents all year round
To stand up for Dene ward at the City Council
To always keep in touch with local residents
For nearly 30 years, the Dene ward Focus Team have kept in touch regularly with our popular
FOCUS newsletters, delivered free to every house across the area. Unlike the other parties, we
keep in touch all year round - we don’t just appear at election time.
We listen to your views, finding out about your concerns and priorities, by knocking on doors,
conducting surveys and holding regular meetings and surgeries in venues across Dene Ward.
You can get in touch with us easily by telephone or email and we can keep you even more upto-date online through the Newcastle Lib Dem web site & Dene Ward Facebook page All our
contact details are printed on the back page of this edition of FOCUS.