Volume 11 Issue 13 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK 11th May 2015 NEWDEGATE PRIMARY SCHOOL’S VISION IS TO PREPARE STUDENTS TO BE PRODUCTIVE COMMUNITY MEMBERS WHO ACHIEVE THEIR BEST THROUGH LIFELONG LEARNING. NEWDEGATE PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER CONFIDE RECTE AGENS Ponder Our Newdegate Students. (3/4 Class) We value excellence and learning: Sheridan: What are the Birds of Paradise and where do they live? Lake Bryde: Name 1 television program which is useful to students? Biddy and Magenta: Recite a short nursery rhyme? Congratulations to last weeks winners Principal’s Report cont ………. COMING EVENTS Tues 12-14th May NAPLAN Tesng Tues 12th May Early Close Thurs 28th May ‘Happy Birthday’ Tom Fri 15th May Mon 1st June COMING EVENTS Fun Run Fundraiser Tues 2nd June WA Day Public Holiday Early Close Tues 19th May Early Close Fri 5th June Cross Country in Ngn Sat 23rd May Happy Birthday’ Elise Fri 5th June ‘Happy Birthday’ Bri W Tues 26th May Early Close Announcements and Meetings: Due to the small number of attendees at the recent workshop, I will organise another time later in the term. The workshop is to inform parents of the changes to the Disability definition and National Data Collection as well as to receive your input to the Quality Standards for Early Childhood Education. I will also run a session on Dyslexia and Other significant Reading Difficulties. The network meeting in Kulin discussed reporting and assessment procedures and the importance of parent feedback on what is included when reporting students’ achievements. Issues to do with the new Student Centred Funding model and how individual schools are tackling this new process. I will be away on Friday to attend a Tutor training course on Dyslexia. Mrs Shalders will be taking the Lake Bryde class. This week the school will be conducting the annual NAPLAN assessments for Years 3, 5 and 7. The assessments are conducted in the morning sessions. If parents have any concerns or questions please contact me as soon as possible. School Photos ReShoot: The MSP Photographers will be back at our school next Wednesday afternoon, 13th May to retake all the group photos. Whole School Photo, Biddy Class, Lake Bryde Class, Magenta Class and Sheridan Class. Could all students please wear maroon tracky pants/shorts/skirt/skort and their Newdegate polo shirts with maroon tracky top if cold. Fun Run: The Fun Run will be run on Friday afternoon at 2pm. Parents are more than welcome to come and support their children. Students need to ensure they are wearing appropriate running shoes for the event. Fundraising forms and prize forms will need to be returned to school next week. Thank you to Helen Steicke for organising our running course. Principal’s Report cont ………. CAN YOU HELP - : The school is planning to construct metal profiles of students engaged in sporting activities which are traditionally played by Newdegate. The sculptures will be displayed on the ground between the school bus stations and the main road. We need flat sheets of metal suitable for the purpose. If any family has a few spare sheets, roughly about 2mts by 1.5mts we would really appreciate the donation. Examples below: Class Meetings schedule Mrs Gilmour will be holding class meetings all day next Thursday 21st May. Mr O’Nions and Mrs Webster will be holding theirs on Thursday 4th June. Mrs Butcher’s to be advised. Please call the office to make a time. The Newdegate Primary School Footy Competition is back on this year in term 2. The year 6’s were elected as captains and drafted their teams in week 2. Evil Gorillas – Captain: Melita Davey Redbacks – Captian: Elijah Barrett-Lennard Crows – Captian: Jasmine Cugley Flaming Farmers – Captain: Lachie Shalders Round 1 Redbacks 6.4.40 defeated Evil Gorillas 3.3.21 Crows 2.14.28 defeated Flaming Farmers 1.1.7 Round 2 Evil Gorillas 6.3.39 defeated Flaming Farmers 4.2.26 Redbacks 5.3.33 defeated Crows 4.2.26 There have been some great performances in the first two rounds. A special mention to Emily Bain and Charlotte Orr who have been playing very well for their teams. Well done to Esther Barrett-Lennard who scored the first Year 1 super goal of the year! Melita Davey has kicked the most goals with 6, followed closely by Nikaly Phillips and Dale Ness on 4 each. Ladder Played Won Lost For Against % Points Redbacks 2 2 0 73 47 155.3 8 Crows 2 1 1 54 40 135 4 Evil Gorillas 2 1 1 60 66 90.9 4 Flaming Farmers 2 0 2 33 67 49.25 0 Community News Junior Football Best players Vs Boxwood Hill Best Player- Dale Ness Runner up Best Player- Nikaly Phillips Fyfe Award- Tom Hams Coaches Award- Fletcher Cugley Training– Thursday 3.30 Next Game Saturday May 16th home Vs Lake Grace Roster Goal keeping– Westlake Scribe– Shalders Time Keeping—Phillips Bar—Clark & Brennan Junior Hockey Training Junior Netball Well done to the team for their efforts on Saturday at Boxwood Hills, Training 2:40pm Tuesday. Congratulations to Melita Davey on being awarded the player of the day. Well done to Fletcher Cugley for your swoosh Goal! TUCKSHOP 14th May 2015 Thank you to Melissa Cugley for coaching, Catherine Messer for time keeping and Ciara Quinn for umpiring. Ham & Cheese or Training 3:30pm Tuesdays Week 4 Chicken & Cheese Toase $3.50 Apple Crumble & Custard $2.00 Moolish $2.00 LOL $2.00 Juice $2.00 Helen Sco9 & Mackenzie Turner Bring your water bottles and appropriate footwear. Netta Training 2:45pm Reminder: On Wednesday 13th May, the school photographers will be taking a photo of the junior Netball team. Can all players please bring in their uniforms. Regards Bridget Eat Well for Less Quick tip: For the cost of a takeaway meal, you can buy the groceries to make 2-3 meals at home. Check out the FoodCent$ program: http:// www.foodcentsprogram.com.au/cook-smart/take-on-the-takeaway/ Many people believe that unhealthy foods are cheaper than healthy alternatives but this is not the case. Your dollars are better spent on healthier foods which are less processed and are lower in salt, fat and sugar. Due to the convenience and time, we are relying on takeaway and ready-made meals more than ever before. In fact, the average family spends $3640 a year on takeaway! This year’s FOODcents week falls on the 4th til the 9th of May. To get involved, think of some ways that you can shop smart to save money but still provide healthy meals for your family. Some ideas for you include: • Plan your meals using a weekly menu • Buy in bulk • Grow your own food • Make the most of leftovers • Use your freezer • Compare price per kilo • Make vegetables the base of your meal, not meat • Shop in season • Pack your lunches instead of buying them Cook homemade meals rather than getting takeaway For more information visit www.foodcentsprogram.com.au or email foodcents@cancerwa.asn.au
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