FORWARD Vol. 6, No. 4 April President’s Letter Minus zero to 50 in a day, that is Wisconsin. A beautiful week as I write this letter. The long johns are off and the horses are shedding, it must be spring. We are expecting the birth of a foal at my daughters little barn. My granddaughters are excited; watching the foal move around in Lucy. We are hoping all goes well. INDEX President’s Letter - p1 Contact info - p3 2014 Volunteer Awards – p4 I want to acknowledge our Professional Members. Many professional members are making an extra donation to USDF by joining our GMO and supporting grass roots efforts with our adult amateur and junior young riders in providing fun learning and showing experiences. They are a source of inspiration and knowledge; very much needed and appreciated. Our general memberships have 2014 Year-End Awards – p5 been dropping these last few years, invite your friends and if your membership form NEWDA January State Board is languishing on your desk please fill it out and join. Minutes – p8-9 A new year and board position changes. At this writing the annual banquet Eastern Chapter Minutes– p10 has not occurred yet so we have not had official confirmation on these changes, so if Central Chapter Minutes– p11 you want to vie for a position please raise your hand. We are saying welcome to Paid in Full – p12-13 Marilyn Pellshaw as the new Northeast Chapter President. Deb Braley is leaving the Dressage Returns to Oshkosh for 2015 – p14-15 position after many years of service, thank you; Brittany Hagler is leaving the position of newsletter editor and webmaster, we thank her for her service as she had two big roles. Lori Fisher has volunteered to be our newsletter editor along with Business Paddock – p2 being our yearend award person, I thank her ( actually I danced and offered to kiss Calendar – p16-17 her). We really need someone to come forward to manage the website. The webmaster is in charge of keeping current information on the web; managing advertisements on the web and distributing newsletter. Trish Rogatzki is leaving the Treasurer position, she will be missed, Nancy Dechart has stepped forward to accept the position and Carol Orwig has volunteered to be the Board Secretary; thank you ladies. We are also looking for a membership chair person; Maxine will help you in learning the role. We need volunteers to keep the organization running to provide fun experiences to all the members.. If you have not heard we have added a NEWDA yearend award for Western Dressage and Northeast Chapter is sponsoring an award for Prix Caprilli; spread the word. Hope to see your out and about at clinics and shows. Have a great year. Happy Riding Sally Tiegs 2 2015 April - FORWARD Contact Information The NEW Dressage Association was established in 2009 in response to the changing needs of the Wisconsin dressage community. At NEWDA our main focus is on education and community building, which we believe gives our members the tools and environment they need to develop themselves as equestrians. Not only is it our goal as an organization to support our members in their pursuits, but to also build strong and meaningful relationships within the greater equestrian community. President Sally Tiegs (920) 373-0850 Dressage Recorder Lori Fisher Vice President Maxine Schauer (920) 822-4988 AA/Pro Scholarships Barb Pendleton (920) 766-3986 Treasurer Nancy Dechert Jr/Yr Gail Angell Scholarship Debbie Braley (715) 789-2693 Secretary Carol Orwig Jr/Yr Representative Maddy Ryan Membership Recorder Maxine Schauer (920) 822-4988 Volunteer Coordinator Beth Howman-Combs (920) 748-7353 NEWDA is run by a group of very dedicated volunteers. Through their efforts, the organization conducts dressage clinics and shows, seminars and other educational programs, as well as publishing a monthly newsletter, and sponsoring year-end awards for members. Central Chapter President (Appleton/Green Bay area) Sally Tiegs (920) 497-9509 / (920) 590-0824 General member Carol Orwig (715) 923-2499 A major emphasis of the NEWDA is education through the promotion of the equestrian sport of dressage to other horse enthusiasts and the general public. NEWDA is comprised of Four regional chapters, distributed throughout Wisconsin, each with its own officers and committees. Eastern Chapter President (Milwaukee area) Paula Rush (414) 870 1320 Links/Advertisement Notice: NEWDA is not Newsletter Editor Lori Fisher responsible for the content of external links on their site (, their chapter sites, or emails. Inclusion does NOT represent NEWDA endorsement. See our Privacy Policy for additional information. Central Chapter Representative Deb Stafford (920) 450-7902 General member Beth Howman-Combs (920) 748-7353 General member Pat Black (262) 227 6640 Northeast Chapter President (Peshtigo area) Marilyn Pellshaw (715) 732 6448 Webmaster OPEN 3 2015 April - FORWARD NEWDA 2014 Volunteer Appreciation Award Winners Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers! Training Level 1-5 hours Rebecca Schwabenlender Carol Orwig Lacey Hranicka Christine Miller First Level 6-10 hours Rhonda Althaus Stacia Allen Becky Arens Pat Black Sue Broeren Zoe Cahill Leslie Chermak Deb Heier Tani Ketter Mara Komplin Linda Smith Bobbie Wier Second Level 11-15 hours Shari Crowell Elizabeth Rohde Mary Scanlan Jenny Schmitt Deb Stafford Sally Tiegs Barb Wydeven Third Level 16-20 hours Fourth Level 21-25 hours Lori Fisher Prix St. George 26-30 hours Intermediate 31-35 hours Grand Prix 36+ hours Megan Lisowe Deb Braley Brittany Hagler Paula Rush Most Volunteer Hours: Paula Rush Member of the Year: Jenny Schmitt 2014 NEWDA Year-End Dressage Championships In-Hand: Young Horse Colt/Gelding – OPEN CHAMPION: Jill Schabel RESERVE CHAMPION: Jill Schabel Figaro Romeo 80.400% 77.750% Introductory Level – MAIDEN CHAMPION: RESERVE CHAMPION: HONORABLE MENTION: Two Up for the Blues Jazz Dottie DotComm 68.738% 65.417% 63.021% Introductory Level – JUNIOR/YOUNG RIDER CHAMPION: Mara Komplin Cover Girl 64.063% Introductory Level – ADULT AMATEUR CHAMPION: Jennifer Callies RESERVE CHAMPION: Megan Stevens Two Up for the Blues Dottie DotComm 66.488% 61.708% Training Level – MAIDEN CHAMPION: RESERVE CHAMPION: HONORABLE MENTION: HONORABLE MENTION: HONORABLE MENTION: Kingsley Reina Rahannah Favory Astorria Isabella 79.711% 74.133% 65.903% 65.261% 63.896% Training Level – JUNIOR/YOUNG RIDER CHAMPION: Nicole VanEngen RESERVE CHAMPION: Vanessa Blake HONORABLE MENTION: Morgan Winter Barbarossa Turn Up the Radio Mae Be a Smoothie 67.019% 65.778% 65.709% Training Level – ADULT AMATEUR CHAMPION: Kara Kush RESERVE CHAMPION: Carolyn Desnoyer HONORABLE MENTION: Kara Kush HONORABLE MENTION: Christine Doede HONORABLE MENTION: Jeanne Strublic Davanna Fresca Brightstone’s Halo Rahannah Isabella 74.557% 74.233% 72.410% 65.031% 63.896% Training Level – OPEN CHAMPION: RESERVE CHAMPION: HONORABLE MENTION: HONORABLE MENTION: HONORABLE MENTION: Kingsley Reina Favory Astorria August Rahannah 79.711% 74.133% 65.261% 65.067% 65.031% Jennifer Callies Maryah Cook Megan Stevens Megan McIsaac Jessica Davis Christine Doede Becky Rutkowski Jeanne Strublic Megan McIsaac Jessica Davis Becky Rutkowski Stacia Allen Christine Doede 5 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD First Level – MAIDEN CHAMPION: RESERVE CHAMPION: HONORABLE MENTION: HONORABLE MENTION: HONORABLE MENTION: HONORABLE MENTION: Megan McIsaac Carolyn Desnoyer Jessica Davis Stacia Allen Stacia Allen Nicole VanEngen Kingsley Fresca Reina MacGowen August Barbarossa 77.760% 73.280% 69.140% 66.628% 66.494% 64.598% First Level – JUNIOR/YOUNG RIDER CHAMPION: Nicole VanEngen Barbarossa 64.598% First Level – ADULT AMATEUR CHAMPION: Carolyn Desnoyer RESERVE CHAMPION: Carol Orwig Fresca Remy Martin 73.280% 66.820% First Level – OPEN CHAMPION: RESERVE CHAMPION: HONORABLE MENTION: HONORABLE MENTION: Megan McIsaac Jessica Davis Megan McIssac Stacia Allen Kingsley Reina Elbricht MacGowen 77.760% 69.140% 69.071% 66.628% Second Level – MAIDEN CHAMPION: RESERVE CHAMPION: HONORABLE MENTION: HONORABLE MENTION: Katie Joyce Jill Dearing Vanessa Blake Megan McIsaac Zolansky M Vignette Logan Motion Elbricht 69.516% 69.204% 63.301% 62.960% Second Level – JUNIOR/YOUNG RIDER CHAMPION: Vanessa Blake Logan Motion 63.301% Second Level – ADULT AMATEUR CHAMPION: Jill Dearing Vignette 69.204% Second Level – OPEN CHAMPION: RESERVE CHAMPION: HONORABLE MENTION: HONORABLE MENTION: Shelley Day Katie Joyce Becky Rutkowski Megan McIsaac Fontana Zolansky M Mikasas Bold Storm Elbricht 69.587% 69.516% 64.563% 62.960% Third Level – MAIDEN CHAMPION: Heather Benedict Desiderius 64.353% Third Level – ADULT AMATEUR CHAMPION: Heather Benedict RESERVE CHAMPION: Melissa Deneys Desiderius On Holy Wings 63.473% 63.077% Third Level – OPEN CHAMPION: Nicole Perret Havorkampf 66.997% FEI Prix St. Georges – OPEN CHAMPION: RESERVE CHAMPION: Kim Deaton-Iwen Megan McIsaac Mayflower Buenos Noches 68.641% 66.579% 6 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD FEI Intermediate I – OPEN CHAMPION: Kim Deaton-Iwen Musical Freestyle – TRAINING THRU 4TH LEVELS CHAMPION: Megan McIsaac RESERVE CHAMPION: Jill Dearing HONORABLE MENTION: Megan McIsaac HONORABLE MENTION: Becky Rutkowski Mayflower 65.702% Kingsley Vignette Elbricht 75.400% 72.417% 71.339 Second Level, 70.778 First Level% 65.333% Mikasas Bold Storm NEWDA Horse-of-the-Year – TRAINING THRU 4TH LEVELS CHAMPION: Megan McIsaac Kingsley Owner: Wisconsin Kid, LLC. NEWDA Horse-of-the-Year – FEI LEVELS CHAMPION: Kim Deaton-Iwen Mayflower Owner: Bob and Laura Schwartz 7 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD 79.711% 68.641% NEWDA STATE BOARD: January 17, 2015 Perkins - Manitowoc, WI ATTENDANCE: Sally Tiegs, Nancy Dechert, Carol Orwig, Marilyn Pellshaw, Jackie Devcich, Paula Rush, Debbie Braley, Maxine Schauer, Beth Howman- Combs Pre-approved Absences: Brittany Hagler, Lori Fisher, Pat Black Un-approved Absences: Trish Rogatzki, Deb Stafford Sally called the meeting to order at 9:45 GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: No general announcements Sally Tiegs APPROVE AGENDA: Carol motioned to approve the agenda with amendments. Maxine seconded. All approved, motion passed. VICE PRESIDENT REPORT: No report submitted or given Debbie Braley SECRETARIES REPORT: Nancy Dechert The minutes from the last meeting were e-mailed. Maxine motioned to approve the March minutes. Marilyn seconded. All approved, motion passed NEWSLETTER EDITOR REPORT: Brittany Hagler No report submitted or given. Brittany would like people to send in pictures or articles for the newsletter and web. TREASURER’S REPORT: No report submitted or given Trish Rogatzki MEMBERSHIP RECORDER REPORT: Maxine Schauer A current membership list was sent out. Memberships are coming in but we are down this year WEBSITE COORDINATOR: Brittany Hagler No report submitted or given. Brittney would like people to send in pictures or articles for the newsletter and web. 8 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD DRESSAGE RECORDER: Report submitted via e-mail Lori Fisher Jr/Yr REPORT No report submitted or given. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE: No report to submit Barb Wydeven VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE: Beth Howman-Combs We had 28 people submit for awards this year. Discussion followed regarding what will be given for awards. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Should NEWDA sponsor a clinic with Sue Hughes After discussion it was decided that we would not have a clinic at this time 2. NEWDA purchase extra document bags from NE chapter, about $250 Paula made a motion that the board will purchase the excess bags after the annual banquet. Marilyn seconded. All approved. 3. Show Aug 29th Sally will be purchasing ribbons next week and will look into the awards. 4. Check accuracy on changes to award rule changes made per vote Nothing was submitted for us to go over NEW BUSINESS: 1. A request was made to discuss rejoining with WDCTA once more Much discussion was had, but ultimately it was decided that we would continue on as NEWDA and not rejoin WDCTA. Next Meetings: 1. Annual Banquet, new officers installed, March 21st at Rock Gardens 10:00 Chapter reports: NE Chapter – No report given. Southern Chapter – No report given Eastern Chapter – They will be having a show on May 30th at the Washington Fairground and a clinic the next day at Hawks Meadow Stable. Tom Poulin will be the judge and the clinician. Central Chapter – April 10-12 they will be having a Musical freestyle clinic with Cynthia Collins, on June 6th there will be a schooling show at WEC and on Nov. 7-8 at Michael Baristone Clinic. Carol Orwig made a motion to adjourn at 10:53, Marylyn seconded, motion passed and meeting was adjourned 9 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD EASTERN CHAPTER MEETING: February 17th 2015 Location: Rebecca Schwabenlender’s High Expectations Horse Ranch Thank you to Jenny Schmitt for demonstrating a Western Dressage Test and explaining the rules/regulations for Western Dressage. Thank you Becca Schwabenlender for hosting the meeting. ATTENDEES: Jenny Schmitt, Paula Rush, Liz Rohde, Pat Black, Lacey Hranicka, Rebecca Schwabenlender, Shari Crowell, Ivy Anderson (guest) Kris Blacklock (guest) Audrey Schlenvogt, Juanita Winter (guest) Linda Dulmes (guest). MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 7:42 pm by President Paula Rush. SECRETARY’S REPORT: Secretary’s minutes for the January meeting were read. A correction to the minutes to read “December minutes” instead of “January minutes” was noted. A motion to approve the minutes as corrected was made by Jenny Schmitt. Seconded by Rebecca Schwabenlender. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT: Liz Rohde reported that the checking account has a balance of $12,091.95 after an insurance check for $42 for tonight’s event and another two checks for $70 each were written to Excaliber Insurance for the Spring Show and Tom Poulin clinic were written. OLD BUSINESS: 2015 Schooling Show Paula Rush discussed the Schooling Show. Paula handed out the show bill/budget. The show bill has been finalized and was approved by NEWDA, WDCTA and NAWD. Selection of a caterer is pending a meeting by the food truck vendor. NEW BUSINESS: Liz Rohde received a letter from The Dressage Foundation asking us for a donation. Those present agreed to donate $50 to the Dressage Foundation again this year. Pat Black made a motion that our club would donate $50.00 to the Dressage Foundation. Seconded by Rebecca Schwabenlender. Motion carried. A short discussion on our hosting of the 2016 Annual Banquet followed. Paula requested that we bring topics and location ideas to our next meeting. MEETING TOPICS AND LOCATION The March meeting location and topic is to be determined. ADJOURNMENT: At 8:11 pm. Pat Black made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Rebecca Schwabenlender. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. 10 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD CENTRAL CHAPTER MEETING: March 4, 2015 ATTENDEES: Sally Tiegs, Megan Lisowe, Lori Fisher, Cindy Seiler, Jennifer Callies Meeting called to order by Sally Tiegs at 6:30 p.m. SECRETARY’S REPORT: February minutes were sent via email and in the Forward. There were no questions or changes. Megan Lisowe made a motion to approve, Jennifer Callies seconded, all approved. TREASURER’S REPORT: Mary Scanlan shared information with Lori Fisher prior to the meeting as she could not attend due to being on call. The checking account and CD have the same balance as last month: $3,154.90 in checking and $2,885.45 in the CD which will mature in August. OLD BUSINESS: Holiday Party: This item will be delayed until the April or May meeting when Mary Scanlan can provide a financial recap. Schooling show: The group decided to keep the stakes class, to change the non-compete fee to $20 to match the class fees, and to add both Introductory Prix Caprilli and Western Dressage. Stall and shaving fees will be finalized with Bobbie Wier. Printed copies of the show bill available at the annual meeting. Megan Lisowe indicated that the biggest thing we need to coordinate in advance are the scribes. Lori will make contact with Deb Stafford, Linda Smith, and Maxine Schauer. Barb/Lori will run the office as Megan will be out of town. Lori made a motion, Cindy seconded to approve the show bill. All approved. Muscial Freestyle: April 10-12, 2015 – Lori Fisher indicated that to only two spots were filled. She distributed a spreadsheet that had all the costs and expenses and the options for running or cancelling. Megan Lisowe made a motion, Cindy Seiler seconded to cancel the clinic and reschedule or offer other organizations the opportunity to buy our travel credit for her and possibly reschedule in 2015. All approved. Lori Fisher will also contact Vanessa Blake, possibly Nicole Trapp, or Kelley Gerner about barns further south for the clinic. Jennifer Callies will talk to some in her area. Michael Barisone Clinic: November 7/8, 2015 – The contract has been returned. Cindy will ask Laura Vogel-Schwartz about Michael staying at her place. Cindy will complete the donation form that Sally had and return it to Fleet Farm. NEW BUSINESS: State Board Updates: Sally Tiegs reported that the state board is looking for a new web person, newsletter editor. Possibly using an intern was discussed. Lori Fisher indicated she’d be willing to do the newsletter if we used the old format and just sent a document to be uploaded to the web. Sally indicated that she would get Lori the password. Midwest Horse Fair: Jennifer asked about Midwest Horse Fair. Sally indicated that there has not been NEWDA representation for several years. Polo: Jennifer ask about polo. She also indicated that there are polo matches June 21-August 30 on Sunday’s at 1:00 p.m. She will send Lori the information and it will be added to the April agenda for discussion. NEXT MEETING: April 1 at 6:30 pm at Cindy Seiler’s house. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. 11 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD This article originally appeared in the January 2015 issue of EQUUS magazine Reprinted by permission. Heather Benedict is a member of Central Chapter. 12 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD 13 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD Dressage Returns to Oshkosh for 2015 by Deborah Heier After taking a brief break in 2014 due to scheduling conflicts, the Oshkosh Dressage Classic will be returning to the Sunnyview Expo Center in Oshkosh, Wisconsin on May 16-17, 2015. This United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) licensed and United States Dressage Federation (USDF) recognized competition will feature USDF Introductory thru FEI Grand Prix classes including, the FEI/USEF young horses tests, musical freestyles and opportunity classes – there will be a little bit of something for everyone! The Sunnyview Expo Center in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, is like no other dressage show facility in the area. Providing both the competition area and warm-up under a single covered area, competitors can compete safely during inclement weather (which is what happened during the September 2013 show). In addition to ideal footing, safe and secure stabling, and great camping areas (with wonderful shower facilities), dressage competitors loved showing at the facility in 2013, which was the first time a USEF/USDF dressage show was offered at the Sunnyview Expo Center (which has previously hosted Morgan and Arabian USEF shows). With many improvements made to the Sunnyview Expo Center by the Winnebago County Parks Department, competitors will have an even better experience for 2015 show season. With this early in the season show, competitors will be able to get out and practice the brand new dressage tests. On December 1st, the USEF and the USDF introduced the new dressage tests, which will be used for the next 4 years (the USEF and USDF re-work the dressage tests for improvements and they remain in effect until the year prior to the next Olympics). On January 1st, the Fédération Equestre Internationale (or FEI), introduced changes to the upper level tests (Prix St. Georges, Intermediate, and Grand Prix) and those went into effect immediately. So there is a chance for everyone to try something new! Are you new to dressage? Want to give dressage a try? One relatively new (and cheap) choice now exists for the riders who do not want to spend lots of money showing, but want the chance to participate in USEF/USDF recognized show. It is called Opportunity Classes. The way to avoid membership and/or HID fees would be to sign up for only Opportunity classes (shows will generally offer two opportunity classes per day at both Training Level and First Level; these classes must have the word “Opportunity” in the title.) When you enter only these classes and/or the USDF Introductory (Walk-Trot) classes, you are exempt from all non-member and horse registration fees. This is a great way to try out a dressage class at a reduced rate. The downside of the Opportunity classes is that the results will not count for any USEF or USDF award programs. However, local dressage organizations like the NEW Dressage Association (NEWDA) and the Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association (WDCTA) do allow these scores to count for their respective year-end awards programs. As with the very first Oshkosh Dressage Classic, show management is working on securing special breed awards for specific high scoring breeds, such as Quarterhorse, Arabian, Fjord and Oldenburg. In addition, show management will be awarding a high percentage ride of each level, Introductory through FEI. Competition management invites everyone to come out and show off their favorite breed. Dressage 14 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD is really for everyone. If you don’t see your breed of horse on the official list of breed awards, please let competition management know and they can try to secure an award for that specific breed. All dressage shows require competitors to pre-enter the show, so ride times can be properly scheduled. The deadline to enter this show is Wednesday, May 6th. For more information, along with entry forms, please visit the official show website at Or you can email the competition secretary at with specific questions regarding the show. The Oshkosh Dressage Classic is owned and managed by Epona Enterprises, LLC. Epona Enterprises is a full-service equine marketing agency specializing in dressage competition services. Epona Enterprises also provides solutions for advertising development and placement, graphic design, event planning and public relations for your show, boarding facility or equine business. The first ride down centerline at the 2013 Oshkosh Dressage Classic. A competitor gets ready to ride at the 2013 Oshkosh Dressage Classic. 15 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD NEWDA MEETINGS May 6, Central Chapter, Loc: Barb Pendleton’s house, contact Lori Fisher, June 3, Central Chapter, Loc: Mary Scanlan’s house, contact Lori Fisher, NEWDA SCHOOLING SHOWS May 30, Eastern Chapter Dressage Schooling, Loc: Washington Fairgrounds, West Bend, WI, Contact: Paula Rush, June 6, Central Chapter Dressage Schooling, Loc: Wisconsin Equestrian Center, DePere, WI, Contact: Megan Lisowe, August 29, NEWDA Dressage Schooling, Loc: Wisconsin Equestrian Center, DePere, WI, Contact: Deborah Heier, NEWDA EVENTS November 7 & 8, Central Chapter, Michael Barisone Clinic, Loc: Wisconsin Equestrian Center, DePere, WI, Contact: Cindy Seiler, NON-NEWDA CLINICS April 24-26, WI Cowboy Dressage Clinic, Loc: SunFlower Farms, Bristol, WI October 3-4, Julie Goodnight Clinic, Loc: SunFlower Farms, Bristol, WI NON-NEWDA SHOWS RECOGNIZED FOR AWARDS April 25, Spring Fling Indoor Dressage Schooling Show, Loc: Circle E, Seymour, WI, Contact: Deborah Heier, 16 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD May 1-2, Sorensen Park May I May 8-10, Silverwood May 9, MayFlower I Dressage Show –Otter Creek, Loc: Wheeler, WI May 15-16, Sorensen Park May 16-17, Oshkosh Dressage Classic I, Loc: Oshkosh, WI May 17, Dressage at Lamplight, Loc: Wayne, IL May 23-24, Silverwood May 30, WDCTA Kettle Moraine Chapter Schooling Show, Loc: East Troy, WI, Contact Melinda DeLuca, May 30-31, Silverwood May 30-31, Heartland Dressage Schooling Show, Loc: Custer, WI June 5, Silverwood June 6-7 Silverwood June June 11-12, Sorensen Park June 13, Sorensen Park June 13-14, Wisconsin Charity Classic Open Horse Show, Loc: Jefferson, WI, Contact: Jeff Heise, June 19-20, Sorensen Park June 27-28, Silverwood July 4-5, Silverwood July 11-12, Silverwood July 17-18 Sorensen Park July 18, North Woods Dressage Summer Show I, Loc: Iron River, WI July 18, Dressage at Wisconsin Equestrian Center I, Loc: Wisconsin Equestrian Center, DePere, WI, Contact: Deborah Heier, July 19, North Woods Dressage Summer Show II, Loc: Iron River, WI July 18, Dressage at Wisconsin Equestrian Center II, , Loc: Wisconsin Equestrian Center, DePere, WI, Contact: Deborah Heier, July 25-26, Otter Creek Dressage Fest, Loc: Wheeler, WI July 25-26, Heartland Dressage Schooling Show, Loc: Custer, WI July 30-31, Sorensen Park August 1, IDCTA Schooling Show, Loc: SunFlower Farms, Bristol, WI August 1, Sorensen Park August 8-9, Silverwood August 14-16, Silverwood August 15-16, Heartland Dressage Schooling Show, Loc: Custer, WI August 21-22, Lamplight August 29-30, Silverwood September 12-13, Oshkosh Dressage Classic II, Loc: Oshkosh, WI September 12-13, Silverwood September 17-20, Region 2 Championship, Loc: Grass Lake Charter Township, MI September 26-27, Silverwood October 17-18, Heartland Dressage Schooling Show, Loc: Custer, WI SILVERWOOD Location: Camp Lake, WI SORENSEN Location: East Troy, WI 17 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD NEWDA New Dressage Association, Inc WI USDF GMO Member Log In Username: newdamember Password: forward www. (website undergoing cleanup in April – Calendar is not current. For now, please refer to this newsletter for upcoming shows.) 18 2015 April NEWDA - FORWARD
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