Twilight Meeting: Understanding Irrigation Systems

UConn Extension’s Vegetable & Fruit Program
Twilight Meeting: Understanding Irrigation Systems
May 20th 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Holmberg Orchards, 12 Orchard Lane, Gales Ferry, CT
Trevor Hardy of Hollis, NH's Brookdale Fruit Farm will describe what you need to
know about trickle and overhead irrigation for your farm. He designed the systems for
Holmberg Orchards fruit and vegetable plantings and will show you important components,
filter systems, and discuss calculations for flow, head and capacity. He travels with a variety
of parts and components and will discuss assembly and maintenance.
Brookdale Fruit Farm is a multi-generational family owned farm comprising 400 acres
of tree fruit and vegetables in Hollis, NH. 12 acres and 4 greenhouses are currently USDA certified organic. Trevor has 20 years of experience running a farm irrigation supply business as
an additional enterprise at Brookdale Fruit Farm.
Workshop Contacts:
Jude Boucher, UConn Extension, Commercial Vegetable Crops Educator
Mary Concklin, UConn Extension, Commercial Fruit Educator
*To register please send your full name, address, phone number and email address to
MacKenzie White, or call 860-875-3331 by May 19th. There is
no charge to attend this workshop. Food and beverage will be provided.
Directions: From I-395 take Exit 79A for Rt. 2A (East). After crossing over the Thames River
take a right on Rte. 12 south. After you cross over the water again the farm will be on your
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