April 12-25, 2015 - New Life Presbyterian Church

April 12-25, 2015
Volume 6, Issue 14
Special points of interest:
Deacons Meeting
Solo Connection
Stephen Ministry
Reactions to Jesus' Death
 Earthquake, veil torn, tombs opened. [Mt 27:51-53; Mk 15:38; Lk 23:45]
 Centurion: "Truly this was the Son of God!" Crowds: feel remorse. Disciples and
women followers: look on. [Mt 27:54-56; Mk 15:39-41; Lk 23:47-49]
Inside this issue:
Prayer Requests
Deacons of the Week
Upcoming Sermons
Deacons Meeting
Read Through the Bible
Facts and Figures
Notice Board
Solo Connection
Nursery Schedule
Sunday Brunch
Summer Activities
Did You Know?
Love One Another
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Burial of Jesus' Body (between 3:00 - 6:00PM Friday)
 Death confirmed by spear in side of lifeless body still on cross [Jn 19:31-37]
 Joseph of Arimathea procures body of Jesus from Pilate [Mt 27:57-58; Mk 15:42-45;
Lk 23:50-52]
 Nicodemus assists Joseph in placing body in tomb [Jn 19:39] (done by 6:00PM
Sabbath start)
 Women watch where Jesus is placed [Mt 27:61; Mk 15:47; Lk 23:55-56]
 Guard set over tomb to ensure no body-snatching [Mt 27:62-66]
The Empty Tomb is Discovered (early Sunday morning - crack of dawn)
 Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome gather spices for burial
and approach tomb [Mt 28:1; Mk 16:1]
 An angel rolls away the stone from tomb entrance and sits on it - guards freeze like
corpses! [Mt 28:2-4]
 Women reach tomb at daybreak to find stone rolled away [Mk 16:2-4; Lk 24:1-2; Jn
 Angels tell women "He is risen" and command them to inform disciples [Mt 28:5-8;
Mk 16:5-8; Lk 24:3-8]
 Women tell 11 disciples of empty tomb and angelic message [Lk 24:9-12; Jn 20:2]
 Mary Magdalene returns to empty tomb with Peter and John - Peter and John return
home and leave Mary weeping in garden [Jn 20:3-10]
The Resurrection Day Appearances of Jesus (during Sunday)
 Jesus appears to Mary (not the gardener!) [Jn 20:11-18]
 Jesus appears to the other women [Mt 28:9-10] 
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The following names have been submitted to us for
prayer. Please make them a priority during the week.
Some are sick at home; some are hospitalized; some
have had surgery; and some have crises in their lives.
Some are short term requests. Some are long term. We/
You may not know the circumstances but God does.
Clarence Willette; Michele Lange; Sharon Gatter; Ken
Steecker; Cliff Keegan; Pastor Bill Birdsall; Scott Alcala,
Connie Paquette’s grandson; David Martin; Alan
Witherington; Sam Butner; Jackie Hudson; Brian
April 12-18:
Michele Lange (360.5066 phone
only) Debbie Simmons (728-1057,
dsimmonsrealtor@centurylink.net) If
you have a need during the week
please feel free to call or email her.
Volume 6, Issue 14
Hudson; David Hammond, Donna’s son; Betty
Cameron; Van White; Donald Themm, Chuck’s
brother; Larry Sexton; Greg Giordano, Jerry Hick’s
brother-in-law; Mark Cone, son of Joe and Donita
Cone; Mike Webb; Ed Neuzil, friend of Don Lowe;
Kitty Hicks; Florence Landram; Dan Lang; Alisha
Rose, Ciaran Doherty Keys, Patrick and Bridgeen
and family requested by Karen Loria; Josephine
Shoop, Natalie Hicks and Debbie Simmons’ mother;
Donna Lentsch, Natalie’s neighbor; Judith Albanese,
Brian McKean’s sister; John Marynell; Jan
Bednarek; New Life Church Leadership Team; our
military personnel; Anna Harvey, missionary in
Middle East. Call the church office (728.1861) with
your prayer requests. 
April 12
Guest Speaker: Caleb Hickey
Adopted by Grace
Luke 15:11-32
April 19
We Have an Advocate
I John 1:1-2:2
April 19-25:
Don and Glenda Bucklew. If you
have a need during the week please
feel free to call them at 245-2572 or
email them at gldob55@gmail.com.
May 3
Loving Like God
I John 4:7-21
May 10—Mother’s Day
What Is Your Testimony?
I John 5:1-12
May 17
Not Fun, But Necessary
I John 5:13-21 
April 26
We Need Each Other
I John 3:1-24
April 12-25, 2015
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
11:30 Brunch
6:00 Youth
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
6:00 Youth
5:00 Lampstand
6:00 Kids Central
6:00 Ladies’ Bible
8:00 Lampstand
4:30 New Life Bells
Open Prayer Time
10:00 Staff Mtg
6:00 Praise Team
7:00 Choir
7:00 AA
1:30 Ladies Bible
5:00 Lampstand
6:00 Kids Central
6:00 Ladies’ Bible
8:00 Lampstand
4:30 New Life Bells
Open Prayer Time
10:00 Staff Mtg
6:00 Praise Team
7:00 Choir
7:00 AA
7:00 Stephen Min
8:00 Thrift House
6:30 Session
12:30 Solo
Connection to
Perkins in
10:00 Lunch
8:00 Thrift House
8:00 Lampstand
Saturday Kids/
10:00 Lunch
Page 3
April 14
Deanna Harvey
April 15
Beverly Dreifuss
Linda Sexton
April 16
Elaine Horneck
April 17
Taylor Kimer
April 21
Sherry Collins
April 25
Bob O’Connor
April 25
Kay Pallas 
Volume 6, Issue 14
Sunday, April 19
worship. 
Our Bible Readings for the nest two weeks are:
Monday, April 13
Tuesday, April 14
Wednesday, April 15
Thursday, April 16
Friday, April 17
Saturday, April 18
II Kings 13-17
II Kings 18-21
II Kings 22-25
I Chronicles 1-9
I Chronicles 10-16
I Chronicles 17-21
Monday, April 20
Tuesday, April 21
Wednesday, April 22
Thursday, April 23
Friday, April 24
Saturday, April 25
I Chronicles 22-27
I Chronicles 28-29
II Chronicles 1-5
II Chronicles 6-9
II Chronicles 10-12
II Chronicles 13-16 
There will be NO
newsletter sent out next
week. Therefore, this one
has activities for the next
two weeks included.
Annual Budgeted Expenditures
General Fund Giving YTD (04/05/15)
Remaining Unfunded Expenditures
Weekly (38Weeks)
$ 10,047.00
Needed as of last week (04/05/2015)
Received 04/05/2015
$ 10,063.00
$ 10,644.00
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Volume 6, Issue 14
April 12
Children’s Church: April and Jayme
Babies: Hattie and Tammi
April 19
Children’s Church: Susan and Connie
Babies: Erin and Madison Bracco
April 26
Children’s Church: Natalie and Debbie
Babies: Hattie and Sasha
May 3
Children’s Church: Marybeth and Deanna
Babies: Erin and André 
Don’t forget about brunch this Sunday,
April 12 immediately following worship
service. Cost: $5 each or $20 per
immediate family. If you didn’t get your
tickets yet, call Michele at 630.5066. 
Summer will be here before you know it. We
are in the planning stages of activities for our
New Life family and friends. Some of our plans
Watch the bulletin and newsletter for details of
these upcoming events. 
Page 5
Love One
Another as I
Have Loved
In John 15:12, Jesus
says, “This is my
commandment, that
you love one another
as I have loved you.”
Loving and caring for
one another is not just the pastor’s job—it’s
something Jesus calls us all to do! Stephen
It is good to be reminded occasionally of our
leadership servants here at New Life. We have
a board of ruling elders who exercise
leadership, government, spiritual discernment,
and discipline and have responsibilities for the
life of a congregation as well as the whole
church, including ecumenical relationships.
When elected by the congregation, they shall
serve faithfully as members of the session.
Our Elders who have accepted this
responsibility are:
Rick Andersen
Sue Bolton
Sherry Collins
Jerry Hicks
Jan O’Connor
Patrick Orman
Lauren Otten
Susan Sapp
Chuck Themm
Volume 6, Issue 14
Ministry is a ministry in which people with
special gifts for caring ministry can put those
gifts to use in an organized way, bringing
Jesus’ love and care to those who most need it.
If you know someone who is going through a
difficult time, contact one of our Stephen
Leaders: Donna Dennis, Pris Peterson, Susan
Sapp or Dave Loria about Stephen Ministry.
Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide
focused, confidential, one-to-one Christian
care—to help that person experience the
healing power of Christ’s love.
Our Stephen Ministers are here to care! 
The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture
is one of compassion, witness, and service,
sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ
for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the
friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by
unjust policies or structures, or anyone in
distress. Persons of spiritual character, honest
repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly
love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment
should be chosen for this ministry.
Our Deacons who have accepted this
responsibility are:
Don and Glenda Bucklew
Sue Greenwood
Michele Lange
Pat and Irene Rossiello
Debbie Simmons
Remember to pray daily for these servants. 
New Life Presbyterian Church
Non –Profit
U.S. Postage Paid
Leesburg FL 34749
Permit No. 3144
The “Church on the Hill”
201 LaVista Street
Fruitland Park FL 34731-4423
Phone: 352.728.1861
Fax: 352.728.8306
E-mail: newlife@newlifefp.org
Making Disciples—Growing Disciples—Sending Disciples
You can find us on
Please become friends
and keep up to date with
your church family.
We’re on the web!
For my Father’s will is that
everyone who looks to the Son
and believes in him shall have
eternal life, and I will raise
them up at the last day.
John 6:40
VISION STATEMENT: As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and our love for
God and others compels us to spread the Gospel, by the power of the Holy Spirit, locally, nationally, and globally,
helping everyone experience new life through Christ alone.
MISSION STATEMENT: “The mission of New Life Presbyterian Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ, nurture
and grow the discipleship of those who believe, and send disciples into the world as witnesses to God’s love and
saving grace.” 
New Life
Jim Keegan (pastorjim@newlifefp.org)
Phone: 352.250.0348
Music/Worship Coordinator:
John Kimer (john@newlifefp.org)
Disciple for Families
Bob Blaise (bob@newlifefp.org)
Youth Pastor:
Bradley Myer (Bradley@newlifefp.org)
Ministry Assistant:
Sherry Willingham (sherry@newlifefp.org)
Financial Manager/Admin Assistant:
Marybeth Harvey
Clarence Willette
Quirino (Q) Rubio
Keri Sellars
Mac Andrews
Nursery Attendants:
Hattie Corbin
Erin Myer
Funeral Coordinator
Bette White 