© 2007 Look and Learn Magazine Ltd / www.lookandlearn.com. All rights reserved. The Children's Newspaper, November 14, 1953 to SPORTS CAN YOU NAME THESE STAMPS ? AMAZING! EASY! FREE STAMP COMPETITION H u n d r e d s of valuable prizes of H u g e Loose Leaf S t a m p Albums, Illustrated S t a m p Albums, S t a m p s , Collecting Kits, e t c . , e t c . This grand competition is open t o all boys a n d girls who send for a selection of our W O R L D FAMOUS A P P R O V A L S . I enclose 3<7. postage for a selection of stamps on Approval and Competition Entry Form. AVON STAMPS D E P T . CN26 55 THE AVENUE LOWESTOFT SPLENDID MAGNIFIER two Jugoslavia Red Cross and Belgian Postal Centenary issue stamps if you ask for ourfineApproval Selection and send 2|d. stamp for the above free gift to : BIG BEN STAMPS °®. 72 Lancaster Gate, London, W.2 F R E E FINE N E W 6 A Genuine Offer! All Free to collectors asking to see our famous "Quality" Approvals (discount or nett.) Send 3d. (abroad 6tt.) for „ and Illus. list _ I F j o u wi^h you may j o i n " T H E CODE STAMP CLUB," our postage Sub. 1/-. You receive Badge, Membership Card listing fine Gifts, and Approvals sent monthly. (Gifts include plated Tweezers, etc.) Please state if adult collector. Monthly selections a speciality (Postal See. Est. 1897.) For a fair deal write t o : WRIGHT'S STAMP SHOP (Dept. 25), 29 Palace Street, CANTERBURY, Kent. ,to all applicants for o u r discount Approvals. Write now. Return postage appreciated P . OWEN (CN 118) " B a y o n a , " Heyeoms Avenue, GREENBACK, NORTHWICH, CHESHIRE STAMPS OH APPROVAL We have three ranges of Approvals. 1. B r . C o l s , ( m a n y M I N T i n c l u d i n g LATEST ISSUES). 2. GREAT BRITAIN. 3. U.S.A. Send for selections of the countries which interest Y O U ! PEOMPT and INDIVIDUAL attention, and, remember—we send P O S T TREE I B E N N E T T (C). 44 D a r r e l R o a d , R E T F O R D , N o t t s . MONSTER PACKET FREE!! Containing Stamps from all 5 Continents— ASIA, AFRICA, N. & S. AMERICA, AUSTRALASIA, EUROPE This' really wonderful packet includes stamps from all these countries: India, Japan, Siam, Kenya, Nigeria, S. Africa, French Colonies, Chile, Mexico, Argentine, U.S.A., Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, Roumania, Eire, Finland, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, etc. What a grand collection to help fill your album! Send at once, enclosing 3d. stamp, and request .our famous all-world pictorial Approvals, and receive this packet absolutely FREE. Album and Accessory list sent free. A• SLUMAN, of Battersea County School, is only just 14, but he is one of the most promising schoolboy centre-forwards in the country. A regular member of the South London Boys' XI last season, he appeared in a schoolboy international trial match and might have gained his cap but for ill-health. This season he has already played for London against Manchester in a floodlit match. J± NEW cricket organisation—the Association of Cricket Umpires —has been formed, with Douglas Jardine, former England Test Captain, as president, and Frank Chester as vice-president. The association hopes to organise courses for umpires and teachers all over the country, thus improving the standard of umpiring in all classes of cricket. JJRIAN Y E T another county cricket club has appointed a professional to captain the side next season. All lovers of the game will feel that Douglas Wright fully desrves the honour to captain Kent. He made his county debut in 1932, has taken over 1700 wickets with his leg-break bowling, and has appeared 34 times for ffngland. "Y\TnnN a British athlete beats an existing record, he receives a commemorative plaque. Recently, Gordon Pirie was presented with 14 of these plaques—all gained during the past season. Actually, he should have received 26, but an athlete breaking the same record more than once during a season can only receive one plaque. ^"EARLY an hour before he was expected at the finishing post, Wally Hayward, the 45-year-old South African long-distance champion, completed the run from Bath to London, having covered the 100 miles in 12 hours 20 minutes 28 seconds. Hayward holds every distance record in his own country. J^ PAIR of homing pigeons will be used by a Soccer team at Thetford, Norfolk, to fly home half-time and full-time scores of the club's away matches. BARR, 17-year-old Wat- ford table tennis star, who has been playing the game for only two years, receives his first international honour when he plays for England's boys' team against Sweden at Worthing, on Monday. Another member of the team is 16-year-old Michael McLaren, who recently made his international debut in the junior match with Germany. A>F .WILLINGHAM, the Birming- ham amateur cyclist, of the Concorde club, is the 1953 British League of Racing Cyclists' hill climb champion. He ascended the 3}-mile course a t Snake Hill, Derbyshire, in 16. minutes 7.6 seconds, to set u p a new record and beat the professional cyclists who competed. J^EO PARNELL has long been one of Britain's most famous racing motorists; now another Parnell, nephew Roy, is to take part in the sport—as a car tester. 'JJHE annual four-mile Runners v. Cyclists cross-country race at Sompting, Sussex, was won for the second year in succession by Aubrey Dockett of Worthing Excelsior. All ten of these races have been won by the cyclists, but the team prize has been taken eight times by the Worthing Harriers. S 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 Airmails 2/9 100 Bulgaria 3/Argentine 100 Finland 2/9 1/3 Bolivia 200 France 3/2 1/8 Ceylon 200 Germany 2/4 1/6 Iceland 100 Gt. Britain 7 / 6 3/4 Jamaica 200 Hungary 2/4 2/Liechtenstein 1/6 100 Jugoslavia 2 / 6 Manchuria 100 Portugal 1/6 3/Norway 100 Russia II3/6 S.W. Africa 100 French Cols 3 / 31Vatican 21300 Erft.EniDiro 6 / 9 ' CORONATION SETS | Crown Colonies: 62values Mint 14/6 I 2 5 B u r m a 2 / 3 50 Chile 1/9 100 China 1 / 2 25 Cuba 1/6 50 Egypt 2 / 3 100 Czech. 1/6 25 Iraq. 1 / - 50 Eire 4 / 6 100 France 1 / 3 25 Kenya 2 / 6 50 Iran 2 / 3 100 Italy 1/6 25 Malta 2 / 6 50 India 1 / - 100 Japan 1 / 6 25 Saar 2 / - 50 Peru 2 / 3 100 Spain 1 / 9 25 Siam 1/6 50 Tunis 2 / 6 100 Swiss 2 / 6 25 Syria 1/9 50 U.S.A. 1/2 100 W o r l d i o a . F R E E G I F T with orders of 2 / 6 and over. Postage 2M. extra. Full list F R E E on request. D . C. S I N C L A I R ! ! 126 E r s k i n e R o a d , S U T T O N , S u r r e y . r-rrr-. ,...* THE YANKS packet contains six large modern pictorial stamps of U.S.A. You must have these, they are FREE. Just enclose 3d. postage requesting Approvals and price list of sets, albums, etc. LISBURN & TOWNSEND, LTD. (C N) WEST KIRBY, WIRRAL I FREE British Colonial GIFT « ; FREE POSTAGE ] . 1I11U 4. tY 111 p i l j bUG ITUOW^I. I " J - J " . « "OH - * send a lfttcr or postcard. Also C H E E S E i * L A B E L S available on Approval. 4 ! 'SELECTIONS.'306LondonRd.,Staines,Mdx. < YAL H I S T O R I C A L COMMEMORATIVE PACKET FREES: CORONATION STAMP O F Q U E E N E L I Z A B E T H II This beautiful stamp of S o u t h . A f r i c a together with an A u s t r a l i a n S i l v e r Jubilee stamp, 2 Coronation stamps of K i n g G e o r g e V I a n d a S i l v e r W e d d i n g s t a m p are offered F R E E t o applicants for my bargain discount Approvals and enclosing 3d. for postac?. S. SALMON (CNII1), 119 Beecherof t Rd., IPSWICH JOIN OUR STAMP CLUB and you will receive a BEAUTIFUL SET OF STAMPS F R E E every month. Also a lovely badge. Join today. 6 Months'membership. 1 / . GLOBE STAMPS 7 NORTHGATE, BECCLES B R . EMPIRE (illustrated) 200 STAMPS FREE JJARRY BARGAIN STAMP PACKETS M SHORTS D f l D E D T C (Dept. CN), 37 CHESTNUT ROAD, n U D C n l d RAYNES PARK, LONDON, s.w.20 DANGER MOUNTAIN Continued from page 9 " T h a t is where Rudi and the few gentle slopes at first, but both others went down." She pointed Jack and Robin fell at the first to what looked like a sheer drop. attempt. She offered Jack the field" Y o u are probably stiff," Junge glasses, and he tried to pick out encouraged them. " You will soon landmarks, but it looked unfamiliar now. get used to it." "It's terribly steep," he said. They were stiff, but they did not improve very- quickly. " I t is steeper over here." She " W e seem worse than when we pointed to the other side of the started," Jack complained. " I slope on which they were standing. reckon we can only do it when "There's someone ski-ing over we've got some crooks to chase." there," said Robin, following her " T h a t is the best time to ski gaze. "Gosh,, they're going at a well," said Junge' with a smile. terrific speed!" " B u t really you are improving." Jack turned and focused the After a while, Junge suggested a field-glasses on two figures that little tour. " W e must not go far, were going rapidly down the slope. for it might snow again," she " O n e is Anton, I think," said Junge, shading her eyes. " T h a t is added. Jack looked at the sky. There his crouching style. I do not -" were a few clouds in the distance, know the other but overhead it was blue and the "If it weren't for his ski cap," said Jack, " I ' d almost say it was sun was still shining. the Professor." The ski-ers made " T h e wind," explained Junge. It was a strong, steady wind, and a turn then, and he saw their faces on the less sheltered slopes the more clearly. " I t i s ! " he expowdery snow was whirled round claimed. " I t ' s Dr. Marcus—the Professor!" continuously. "But he can't ski," objected Junge led them diagonally up one of the steeper slopes, and Robin. " I think he is ski-ing very well," paused at the top. Looking down, they could see where they had said Junge, who was seldom surcaught Otto on the edge of the prised at anything. Dark Forest.' To be continued COUSTITUTION—CONSTITUTIOU These interesting varieties occur sometimes in the XEW CONSTITUTION issue of MONTENEGRO We have a few more mint sets ot 6 catalogued 3/4, guaranteed unchecked for varieties. We shall be glad to send a set to everybody asking for our discount Approvals and enclosing 2J.d. for postage. Do not wait. Write today. BATTSTAMPS 5 Home Road, London, S.W.ll. PORTUGUESE GUINEA * PACKET FREE * We offer a brand-new Set of 3 from this " h a r d to g e t " country, depicting TROPICAL INSECTS. Beautifully designed and coloured stamps on a really novel subject. Send 2id. for SPLENDID APPROVALS. COOMEER'S STORES 20 M e l b o u r n e R o a d , C H A T H A M , K e n t ' TAKE YOUR CHOICE GIFT SCHEME' ABSOLUTELY FREE, either Our very colourful " N a t u r e Set"—including stamps showing butterflies, beetles, animals, flowers, and other interesting wild life scenes, or A c o m p l e t e s e t of giant G E R M A N stamps together with particulars of many other free gifts. To all collectors r e q u e s t i n g our Approvals, s t a t i n g c h o i c e o f gift, au3 enclosing 3d. postage t o : T H E D A V M A R S T A M P CO., S3.Margaret Rd., East Barnet, Herts. SUPER STAMP WALLET containing MAGNIFICENT MINT 1 9 5 3 SAN MARINO S P O R T S SET (includme TRIANGLES) PLUS MANY OTHER FINE WHOLE WORLD STAMPS, M I N T A N D USED. Request Approvals and • enclose 3d. stamp. J. E.& M.A.POWELL (D«pt. C.N.) 89 CRAIGDALE ROAD, HORNCHURCH, ESSEX
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