IAD43.revenge 12/7/02 11:49 am Page 45 Net revenge Feature Net revenge More and more people are exacting revenge via the Net. This month we take a look into the murky world of online vengeance WORDS: DAN OLIVER IMAGE: ERIK DREYER/GETTY HE NET’S A FUNNY PLACE. GO INTO any chat room and you can see people pouring out their hearts and souls to strangers on the other side of the world. People feign friendship and gang up on ‘newbies’; relationships are intensified, lasting a fraction of the time they would offline – conversation just seems to dry up after the initial A/S/L excitement (that’s age, sex, location in case you don’t know). ➜ T September 2002 45 IAD43.revenge 12/7/02 11:49 am Page 46 Feature Net revenge C A S E S T U DY Take your pic NAME: “John” French LIVES: London AGE: 36 AFTER SIX YEARS OF marriage I found out that my wife had been cheating on me. I was totally devastated. She’d met this guy and she told me she loved him – that was it. We’d messed around with a digital camera about a year earlier and I still had the pics on my PC. When I mentioned this to a friend of mine he told me I should put them on the Internet. I had seen a few sites where you could post naked pictures of your other half, so I found the images and sent them in. A few days later the pictures appeared on the site. Since my wife’s address book was still on my PC, I pasted the link into an email and sent it to her friends and family with the subject: ‘Your friend and loved one’. I couldn’t stop laughing about it, but unfortunately the images were taken down when she complained. ● There really are sites out there that enable you to send stinky material to people you hate victims as ‘marks’. The introduction to one such site explains the kind of people you are dealing with when Net revenge is on the menu, claiming: “The ‘mark’ is anyone who has done something unpleasant, foul, unforgivable, or fatal to you, your family, your property or your friends. Never think of a ‘mark’ as a victim of dirty tricks. Think of the ‘mark’ as a very deserving target for revenge.” You could well be forgiven for just sitting back and kicking up your heels, safe in the knowledge that no one would attack you, and even if they did, that their details would be logged; after all everything online leaves a trace. Because of this over-familiarity, tempers can get frayed and heated arguments often take place between people that weren’t even aware of each other’s existence moments earlier. The TYPICAL NET USERS problem with the Net is that you never know MIGHT NOT SEEM LIKE THE who you may be insulting or who may take offence to what you have to say. It pays to MOST THREATENING GROUP watch your step, but if (perish the thought) OF PEOPLE, BUT CROSS THEM you do end up getting on the wrong side of a Net nutter – BE AFRAID! AT YOUR PERIL Internet revenge is the new black and the Net is the tool of choice for an increasing number The problem is that not only do these sites give of people who want to get their own back. tips on how to get at someone, they also Typical Net users might not seem like the most demonstrate how to avoid detection. threatening group of people, but cross them at “One secure way of ‘getting even’ through your peril; with the help of the Net they can the Net, is by using a computer that doesn’t launch a scathing attack at a moment’s notice force you to give away a username and from any online PC. password, and where nobody can confirm that “There are many ways to get someone back you were at the terminal, behind that keyboard over the Net. You can do a bit of email at that specific time,” explains one DIDYOU bombing, subscribe them to hundreds revenge-fuelled Web site. “This situation “ ” KNOW? becomes real when you’re at a public of pornographic mailing lists, use DoS See one man’s attempt attacks to slow down their computer at online revenge at: www.psychoex (not used so much today) or ‘flame’ girlfriend.com them on public message boards,” a regular poster at the newsgroup alt.revenge told me. “I often get revenge simply by humiliating people with a witty Shockwave cartoon and posting it on my Web site, then sending lots of people the URL. The thing about the Internet is that it can be used in two ways – as an anonymous weapon for tasks such as mail bombing, or as a public forum to humiliate the target.” It’s not just newsgroups and chat forums where people get together and espouse the joys of Net revenge; there are hundreds of Web ● The Avenger’s Handbook is one of the most respected works in the revenge community pages dedicated to it too; and they refer to their Ten sites with revenge in mind... 1 REVENGE LADY 2 CYBER ANGELS www.revengelady.com Revenge Lady provides advice and information on the ancient act of revenge and specialises in the lurve department. You can ask Revenge Lady for tips or simply view the archives for some good tips. www.cyberangels.org For every action there is an equal reaction and the Cyber Angels are there to help victims of online revenge. If you feel you’ve been unfairly treated, make this your first online stop. 46 September 2002 3 PAYBACK www.thepayback.com This is more of a revenge portal – or a ‘rortal’, if you like. You can read spiteful stories or browse a number of revenge-related products in the online shop. There's even links to some funny vengeance videos. THE 4 AVENGER’S FRONT PAGE www.ekran.no/html/revenge A mass of revenge-related info abounds, with hundreds of pranks. Special note goes to the eleven Commandments of Revenge – these people are not to be messed with! 5 REVENGE TIME www.revengetime.com This site has been lovingly designed using Flash technology and is well worth the wait for each section to download. The 'bathroom video' suggestion is a particular favourite of ours. IAD43.revenge 12/7/02 11:50 am Page 47 Net revenge Feature terminal at a library, or in an Internet café, where nobody knows you or can prove that you were at the terminal at that specific time.” A brief search on the Net not only throws up instructions on how to get revenge using computer skills, but also brings back a number of online operators that will provide ‘alternative’ services. These include the postage of a dead fish to an enemy, or even something worse in a box. In the words of Big Brother’s Alex ‘That’s disgastin!’ So there’s plenty of ammunition out there for would-be avengers, but what drives these people to feel they need to take such drastic measures against others and what kind of hairbrained schemes do they end up employing to try and get one over on their ‘mark’? Our individual case studys reveal a little more on the background to these Web rage incidents, but first take a look at our run-down from one to seven of the most spiteful, cunning and downright devilish acts of Net revenge. Don’t be too hard on your mark though, just remember that they could easily do any of these things to you too. Sometimes it’s just best to cut your losses and run. C A S E S T U DY Fast forward NAME: “Jim” Williams LIVES: South Wales AGE: 26 IT WASN’T REALLY AN ACT OF revenge, I just thought it would be funny to get this bloke called Steve into trouble at work. I was temping at the council offices at the time; they’d let me use the machine of one of the girls that was on maternity leave, and I was using her email account. She must have been on some office mailing list because every now and then an email would come around with a crap joke in it or a useless cartoon. A few days before I was due to leave a really nasty email was sent around out of the blue, having a real dig at the boss and it came from Steve’s account. I couldn’t resist forwarding it on to the boss. I don’t know what happened to Steve, but I bet he doesn’t send that stupid list around any more. 6 USENET alt.revenge This is a newsgroup where only the most avid revenge fanatic should consider entering. New users are viewed with suspicion, with the group falling into two main groups: those seeking advice and those giving it. Seven revengeful sins EMAIL BOMBING This is the act of repeatedly sending emails to the mark’s email account. There are nasty programs that can do this, but if you’re sending the messages from your regular home email account – beware! You can be traced. REVENGE RATING: Nasty 1 FLAMING This isn’t the most advanced form of revenge online but it can be pretty effective. Simply enter a newsgroup or forum and tell everyone what a nasty person the mark is. Alternatively you can alter your Net settings so that your enemy’s name is displayed in place of yours. REVENGE RATING: Bad 2 THE HOMEPAGE TRICK Whilst a colleague is away from their desk, open their Net browser and go to Tools ➙ Internet Options. Here you enter the URL of a funny or embarrassing site. REVENGE RATING: Mild 3 LONELY HEARTS Put out a few contact ads with your mark’s name and email address included. Use every source available such as dating services and newsgroups. You can also find classified sites to use too. REVENGE RATING: Nasty 4 C A S E S T U DY Chat rage NAME: “Fiona” Tutchener LIVES: East Anglia AGE: 29 YOU GET SOME REALLY sad cases in chat rooms and one night when I was online this guy started coming on to me. When that happens I usually just ignore them but he was sending me personal messages and telling me how much he’d love to meet up, as he’d noticed that we shared the same home town. He kept saying how boring his wife was and how he thought we could have a great time. In the end I had to put him on ‘ignore’. Then he started bad-mouthing me in the main chat lobby and I got really angry. I found his email address in his user details and spent the next hour or so surfing between porn sites, subscribing his address to the dirtiest ones I could find. Then I went onto a gay newsgroup and posted a request for ‘a friend’ followed by his contact information. Hopefully his wife saw some of the replies! PUBLIC HUMILIATION If your mark has let you take embarrassing pictures of them, spread their secrets far and wide via a Web site or a third party. Be sure to pass on the URL to everyone that knows them. REVENGE RATING: Nasty 5 EMAIL TOMFOOLERY People say silly things when using email, not realising that others will turn their words against them – take advantage of this and save all your emails. You never know when they’ll come in handy. REVENGE RATING: Bad 6 SEND SOMETHING SMELLY There are a number of sites on the Net that enable you to send really disgusting and smelly objects to your arch-enemies. However, they do cost money though. REVENGE RATING: Nasty ■ 7 7 REAL REVENGE 8 AVENGER’S HANDBOOK realrevenge.com/index.htm According to the good people at Real Revenge they put the 'practical' in 'practical joke', and take the job of providing revenge products, services and advice very seriously indeed. www.student.uit.no /~paalde/revenge/TAH.html Since 1993 the Avenger's Handbook has been the bible for online revenge-seekers. Featured within it you’ll find all the information you need for on and offline vengeance. THE ULTIMATE REVENGE 9 LIST OF 10 AGAINST PRACTICAL JOKES THOSE WHO www.lysator.liu.se/jokes /practical.html This isn't the easiest site to find your way araound – but hidden within are some funny and quite disturbing acts of revenge. Do not try at home. September 2002 DESERVE IT members.tripod.com /PingTheNaven/ Each paragraph takes on a new colour, font and size. It's a step-by-step guide to revenge – in a civilised manner. 47
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