2014-2015 Third Degree Officers Chaplains....Fathers Clinton & Barrett, Deacon Bob Wagner Grand Knight.............................Milo Holey Deputy Grand Knight ..........Mike Bartusek Chancellor.............................Greg Solheid Recorder.......................................Ken Kes Financial Secretary .................Ron Bruzek Treasurer ...................................Don Picka Advocate .................................Don Dvorak Warden..................................Mel Malecha Inside Guard .........................Lyle Malecha Outside Guard................Luverne Malecha Trustees .............David Webb, Mark Ritter, Gary Pavek Program Director.................Mike Bartusek Bingo Director...........................Gene Tupy Council Director........................Mike Bisek Youth Director .......................Jack Stasney Church Director.......................................... Lector.................................Harry VonBank Membership Directors.............Tom Simek, Greg Jindra Retention Director ........................Ken Kes Public Relations Director.Ben Bartusek Jr. Vocations Director...................Norb Sticha Family Director ........................Dave Webb Pro-Life Director .......................Dick Hruby Insurance Agent...................Aaron Jelinek District Deputy ...................Keith Heitkamp State Advocate ......................Jim Terwedo 2014-2015 Fourth Degree Officers Scribe...................................................................Tom Simek Inner Sentinel .......................................................Gene Tupy Outer Sentinel ......................................................Mark Ritter Admiral ...........................................................Doug St Aubin Trustees .............Dave Novotny, Greg Jindra and Bob Pavek Faithful Friar ..............................................Fr. Roger Hessian Navigator..........................................................Ben Bartusek Captain..................................................Chuck Schoenbauer Pilot ...................................................................Gary Bartels Comptroller .....................................................Larry Entinger Purser ................................................................Ron Solheid James A. Terwedo K.C. HALL Attorney and Counselor at Law New Prague, MN Fo r B o o k i n g A l l Yo u r S p e c i a l Occasions CUSTOM PLANNING SERVICE Phone 952-758-2842 Steve and Dave Gerold Doug & Patty Lau, Proprietors New Prague, MN 952-758-3220 LAU’S CZECH BAKERY and COFFEE SHOP Daily Fresh Baked Goods Kolacky • Bohemian Breads • Rye • Koblihy Cakes for All Special Occasions! “We Welcome Out Of Town Czechs!” Matt Saxe Chevrolet Buick Belle Plaine 952-873-2234 www.saxechevy.com Brother Matt Saxe Owner (952) 492-2800 Fax (952) 492-2806 www.terwedolaw.com 115 South Broadway Suite #100 Jordan MN 55352-1505 Schoenecker’s Ornamental Iron Pete & Karen Schoenecker 31060 State Hwy. 13 New Prague, MN 56071 OFF SALE WINES — LIQUOR — BEER LOTTERY TICKETS AVAILABLE NEW PRAGUE (952) 758-4645 Clutches Engines Transmissions Driveline 952-758-3383 Gentle Family Dental Care • wrought iron signs/planters • railings • misc. welding check out our website www.schoeneckeriron.com 136 West Main Street New Prague, MN 56071 (952) 758-3003 Brother Dr. Gregory R. Dvorak, D.D.S. PALMER WELCOME AUTO Skluzacek’s Quality Meats, LLC Hwy. 13 South, Box 22, New Prague, MN 56071 Fresh Meats • Homemade Sausages Custom Processing Fresh Baked Buns & Bread for all occasions! 400 West Main St. New Prague, MN 56071 Premium Quality Automobiles (952) 758-2479 (work) www.welcomeauto.com (952) 758-3509 (home) Fax: (952) 758-2363 Email: qualitymeats@bevcomm.net PALMER WELCOME WEST END LIQUORS General Repair Brakes Air Conditioning PETE'S REPAIR SERVICE, INC. 1658 3rd Ave. S.W. New Prague, MN 56071 Quality Processing & Homemade Sausage Randy & Laura Odenthal 507-364-8040 18189 320 St. New Prague, MN 56071 PAID Permit No. 42, New Prague, MN 56071 Non-Profit Organization Knights See See April 2015 K. of C. HALL BULLETIN OF EVENTS 952-873-6369 (952) 758-5491 Fax (952) 758-7642 PRESORT STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE Address Service Requested Knights of Columbus — New Prague, MN 56071 - “Innovative Ideas - Old Fashioned Craftsmanship” Knights of Columbus 105 First Street SW New Prague, MN 56071 (952) 758-MEAT (6328) Tuxedo’s Purchase for 4th Degree Rent for weddings or prom Call Nancy Unger 952-758-6231 Thursday, April 8 ..................Third Degree K.C. Meeting Saturday, April 11 ......................Dairy Princess Banquet Sunday, April 12 ..............N.P. Youth Baseball Breakfast Sunday, April 12 ............................K.C. Awards Banquet Tuesday, April 14 ............................................K.C. Bingo Thursday, April 16 ..............Fourth Degree K.C. Meeting Saturday, April 18 ......................Huntington’s Fundraiser Tuesday, April 21 ............................................K.C. Bingo Friday, April 24 ......K.C. Hall Windsor Pork Chop Dinner Monday, April 27 ..........................K.C. Auxiliary Meeting Tuesday, April 28 ............................................K.C. Bingo Thursday, May 14 ................Third Degree K.C. Meeting –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For all your special events and celebrations, call Larry Entinger, 952-873-6369 Check out our website www.newpraguekc.org New Prague Council 2023 GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE In the name of our risen Lord, I bring greetings to our brother Knights: BINGO! Every Tuesday night, beginning at 7:15 p.m. Regular Games April 7, 14, 21, 28; one of the very few games when we welcome "our number and/or alphabet letter", coming up! Fun, Fellowship, Frivolity, all thanks to the 3rd Degree Officers and other weekly meetings: Officers Meeting, Monday, April 6, (7:00 p.m.) and Regular Meeting Thursday, April 9, ( 7:30 p.m.) UPCOMING EVENTS YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS: - Awards Banquet, Sunday, April 12, beginning at 6:00 p.m. hosted by the 3rd Degree - 4th Degree Exemplification to take place the weekend of April 17, 18 & 19 at the Minneapolis Marriot Northwest. - FRIDAY, April 24, at the KC Hall, serving 4:30-8:00 p.m. "cooked to absolute perfection, meat falling off the bone", PORK CHOP DINNER, hosted by Knights Building Commission - Weekend of April 25 & 26: The annual event we've all been waiting for, the time when we can put smiles on the faces of kids of all ages, the one and only, truly "Scrumptdidiliyumpcious" TOOTSIE ROLL fundraiser/drive. Ah, yes, a time to experience, afresh, that "melt in your mouth and stick to your teeth", chocolate lovers' delight! (In all seriousness, this annual event helps us to raise much needed funds for some very worthwhile causes, that would be hard-pressed, financially, to carry on their mission/ministry to/with others, without the assistance of kindhearted folks who care, and our concerned about their well-being. (Gary Pavek is this year's coordinator, so see him if you have any other questions!) April showers may come our way, as much maligned, March, takes its final bow; Spring is on its way, and for that, we are truly thankful. God speed to all our fellow Knights and their 'heart-strong' endeavors. (Remember, our State-wide convention, which will be held in Duluth, Friday, May 15 - Sunday, May 17, is on the horizon.) I want to thank ever yone who helped with the fish fry, everyone did a great job! Thank you! Vivat Jesus! Milo J. Holey Grand Knight FOURTH DEGREE NEWS Worthy Sir Knights: I would like to thank Sir Knights Greg Jindra and Mel Malecha and their crew for doing a great job at the fish fry for the fellow sir knights and their guests. We had a great turnout. We had a good representation of our assembly at the St Patrick's Celebration Mass and parade on March 14th in Belle Plaine. Holy Redeemer and St Wenceslaus have made Honor Guard requests for Holy Thursday evening Masses which is on April 2. The spring Fourth Degree Exemplification will be held on Apr 18, 2015. It will be held at the Minneapolis Marriot Northwest on 7025 Northland Drive in Brooklyn Center Mn. Their telephone number is 763-5368300. The room rate for KC members is $ 119 per member. The banquet tickets are $35 and the ladies luncheon is $25. There is still time to get enrolled by contacting Faithful Comptroller Larry Entinger at 873- SCHEFFLER ELECTRIC, INC. For all your electrical needs LICENSED, BONDED AND INSURED Mark Scheffler (952) 758-3561 LONSDALE FEED MILL, INC. Kent, Nutrena, ADM and Purina Feeds Lonsdale 507-744-2367 Brother Steve Vosejpka Ambroz Plumbing, Inc. Paul Ambroz New Construction - Remodel - Service 952-758-6265 • Cell 952-292-4413 Lic# 059407-PM SKILLED LEGAL REPRESENTATION 119 East Main Street East www.lawyersnp.com New Prague 758-4161 Fax: 952-758-4085 BROTHER CHRISTOPHER NEISEN Clausen, Schoenbauer, Seurer & Webb, Ltd. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Certified Public Accountants & Information Technology Services 205 Lexington Ave. S., New Prague 952-758-1040 • www.csswltd.com (952) 758-2520 CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE Do you like the smell of incense, old wood and fresh Easter lilies? Smells like Resurrection. Do you like the smell of baked ham Total Band and Pro Audio Source "Small Town Service, Big City Selection" Jim Reeder • (952) 758-5166 104 East Main St., New Prague, MN 56071 fresh out of the oven? Perhaps there were pineapples on it with cheesy potatoes and fresh steamed asparagus as delightful side dishes. Smells like Resurrection. Do you like the smell of fresh cut grass, freshly tilled soil and crisp clean air? Smells like Resurrection. Smell is one of the most powerful of our senses. Smell can trigger memories both good and bad. The Easter season holds much promise. The smells and other senses can trigger strong emotions can bring us to great faith. We can have faith in the unseen love of the Savior of the world. We glory in the Paschal Mystery. We believe that the passion death and resurrection gives us victory over sin and death. We have someone who is like us in every way but sin. This is Jesus who is 100% man and 100% God. His supreme sacrifice is making Heaven possible to those who trust in his love.I pray that all of us were able Glisczinski Grain Knights of Columbus Roger Simon Marketing, Trucking Vacuvator Loading INSURANCE (952) 873-6418 Preplanning, Cremation and Traditional Funeral Services The Thro Company RYNDA’S PLUMBING Skluzacek Cabinetry & Woodworking, LLC Bruce Rynda Plumbing • Water Softeners Water Heaters 3290 W. 280th St., New Prague Dave Skluzacek, Owner Custom cabinets & furniture for your entire house. 612-986-8443 Fax: 507-744-5137 The New Prague Times Montgomery Messenger Lake Region LIFE, Waterville The Elysian Enterprise 952-758-4435 Owner: Al Oestreich 521 1st. St. S., Montgomery 507-364-5599 Income Tax Service Over 40 years experience (952) 758-4587 Health Care Center & Assisted Living New Prague 952-758-2511 952-758-3242 proved. Treasurers report was said and filed for audit. The Nominating Committee will have a slate of officers for next meeting. We discussed more specifics of the Convention and made a few more gifts. Finished with some coffee and wonderful desserts! Bingo workers for April are: March 31 Chair Mary Jo Hruby and Marlene Dohmen April 7 chair Marlene Dohmen and Lois Solheid April 14 chair Lois Solheid and Eileen Skluzacek April 21 chair Marcy Dvorak and Eleanor Skluzacek April 28 chair Sue Schmitz and Ann Hartman Our next meeting is on April 20, 2015 starting at 7 pm at St. Wenceslaus Parish Activity Center. Lunch committee: Eileen and Eleanor Skluzacek Respectfully Submitted Mary Wick Auxiliary President Oestreich Repair LLC (952) 758-5135 Fax # (952) 758-5179 201 East Main St. New Prague, MN 56071 4220 Jackson Avenue Webster MN 55088 New Homes Chris: Remodeling 612-369-7887 Out Buildings (952) 758-4949 AUXILIARY NEWS WANTED: 3RD & 4TH DEGREE KNIGHTS WIVES TO BE PART OF A SPIRITUAL PARTY. IF INTERESTED IN COMING TO ONE OF OUR MEETINGS, JUST LET US KNOW! Call Mary Wick at 507-744-5154. The March meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm on March 23rd, 2015 at the KC Hall in New Prague. We prayed the rosary and prayers. Secretary minutes were read and ap- Dr. Laurie Reiner Hughes, Chiropractor Dr. Jeremy Tupy, Chiropractor HERTAUS CONSTRUCTION New Prague, MN 56071 to enjoy Easter with those you love. That all of us were able to take part in the Holy Week liturgies including the glorious celebration of Easter Sunday. I hope we can keep Easter alive in our hearts until Pentecost. May we be changed by the resurrection of Jesus and that we can change the hearts and minds of others. Let us pray that the whole world can smell like Resurrection. Father David Barrett Chaplain Back and Neck Clinic of New Prague Bruzek Funeral Home CITY CLUB BAR On & Off Sale 6369. The host Assembly will be the Nicollet Assemby who hosted the 2009 Exemplification at the same location. We are hoping for a large turnout as we have always been well represented in the past. April 16 is the date of our next regularly scheduled meeting at 7:30 PM. This our beer tasting, cheese and crackers, and cold cuts night. Faithful Inner Sentinel Gene Tupy will be in charge of the snacks. I have put the order in for a wide selection of beers to taste. This promises to be a fun time for all the Sir Knights. Here's wishing a very joyous and Happy Easter to all of you and your families. Fraternally yours, Ben Bartusek Faithful Navigator Whole Life • Term • Retirement • Annuities Pension/401K Rollovers • Long Term Care Roth IRA’s Aaron Jelinek, Field Agent 952-513-8784 email aaron.jelinek@KofC.org A.M. Best: A++ • Standard & Poor’s: AAA IMSA Certified JIRIK MONUMENT SALES William Jr. & Joan Jirik 402 Second Ave. N.W. New Prague, MN 56071 Phone: 952-758-3431 Cemetery Memorials Monuments, Foot Stones, Date Engraving Service Patty's Place • Specialty Coffee • Fresh Pastries • Ice Cream • Decorated Cakes • Soup and Sandwiches 108 E. Main Street #1, New Prague (952) 758-5808 Open 7 Days A Week L AL W NE BENDZICK MINI STORAGE Brand New Storage Facility Excellent Secure Location 1 Mile North of New Prague on Hwy. 21 507-334-3422 “One call does it all!” TROY SCHOENBAUER CONSTRUCTION Excavating & Landscaping Licensed, Bonded & Insured BC20431877 MPCA ISTS 2760 tschoenbauer@bevcomm.net Cell: 952-217-1214 Office: 952-758-6810
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