InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 Vol. 34, No. 20 For Faculty and Staff, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign • Gene mapping reveals soy’s dynamic, differing roles in breast cancer By Sharita Forrest News Editor S cientists have mapped the human genes triggered by the phytonutrients in soy, revealing the complex role the legume plays in both preventing and advancing breast cancer. Researchers at the U. of I. found that the compounds in minimally processed soy flour stimulate genes that suppress cancer, while purified soy isoflavones stimulate oncogenes that promote tumor growth. The paper, available online, was accepted for publication in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. Yunxian (Fureya) Liu, a graduate researcher in the laboratory of nutrition professor William G. Helferich, investigated more than 22,680 gene expressions in tumors collected from mice. The mice were injected with MCF-7 human breast-cancer cells and fed one of four diets – including one based on soy flour that contained mixed isoflavones, and another diet based on a purified isoflavone mixture. Each of these diets contained 750 parts per million of genistein equivalents, an amount comparable to that consumed by women eating a typical Asian diet. Genistein is the primary isoflavone in soy, and recent studies have raised concerns about its long-term effects and potential role in carcinogenesis. Asian women’s risks for breast cancer tend to be three to five times lower than those of women in the U.S., which some researchers have attributed to Asian women’s consumption of soy-based whole foods, such as tofu and soy flour, across their SEE SOY, PAGE 8 photo by L. Brian Stauffer It’s On Us Mitch Dickey, Illinois Student Senate president, shares a laugh with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden during an April 23 event recognizing the student-led “It’s On Us” anti-sexual assault campaign. The initiative was started by the White House last year to help reduce the number of sexual assaults occurring nationally on college campuses. It is estimated that one in five college students is sexually assaulted during their college years. U. of I. students earned special recognition and the vice president’s visit because of the high number who signed the “It’s On Us” pledge. (To pledge, go to More than 1,500 people attended the event, held at Campus Recreation Center East. For more photos, visit Inside Illinois online at Online MBA degree coming to U. of I.’s College of Business By Phil Ciciora Business and Law Editor T photo courtesy College of Business In This Issue Tradition of excellence The new online MBA degree will democratize access to the coveted graduate degree, said Larry DeBrock, the Josef and Margot Lakonishok Endowed Dean of the College of Business. he U. of I. College of Business will launch an onlineonly Master of Business Administration degree program, pending approval by the U. of I. Board of Trustees. The degree, called the “iMBA,” will be the first online graduate business degree offered in partnership with Coursera, the Silicon Valley educational technology company that already offers a number of U. of I. courses through its platform of massive open online courses, more commonly known as “MOOCs.” The online degree will democratize access to both the coveted business credential and the worldclass faculty of the Urbana campus, said Larry DeBrock, the Josef and Margot Lakonishok Endowed Dean of the College of Business. “The University of Illinois has a tradition of excellence and a distinguished reputation as a leader in research, teaching and public engagement, and our faculty is at the heart of that tradition,” he said. “All of the classes for the new degree program will be taught by faculty members from the College of Business as well as industry experts. In leading the new endeavor, they will continue our college’s Brain trauma Advances in cognitive neuroscience should inform the treatment of traumatic brain injuries. PAGE 7 ON THE WEB tradition of excellence.” According to DeBrock, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the U. of I. College of Business was the impetus behind the development of the program. “We considered it an opportunity to reinvigorate the landgrant mission of the University of Illinois as a public university,” said DeBrock, who noted that the iMBA program will cost one-third as much as a master’s degree from an institution of similar stature. “We’re entering the online MBA field motivated in part to find new ways to return to the tradition of great public universities making an elite education available to all.” The program also amounts to a total rethink of the online MBA degree curriculum, said Raj Echambadi, the associate dean of outreach and engagement for the College of Business and a professor of business administration. “This will be the first for-credit graduate program from a top university to offer individual certificates in subject areas that can double as building blocks to earning a full MBA degree,” Echambadi said. Honoring excellence Excellence in teaching, mentoring and advising was recognized at the campus’s annual Celebration of Teaching Excellence reception April 30. PAGE 10-11 INSIDE ILLINOIS ONLINE: • TO SUBSCRIBE: The “stackable credentials” will be offered in topics such as digital marketing, accounting and finance – courses that have their own appeal for current professionals, Echambadi noted. Illinois also is leveraging Coursera’s innovation-friendly platform to reconceptualize business subject areas. “Rather than simply transferring traditional MBA content online, we’re mixing academic disciplines into active-learning packages about how businesses work that are preassembled for students,” Echambadi said. “This is part of what makes stackability possible: self-contained classes with execution-ready content.” “We’re finding new ways to mix content and active learning that’s better suited to high-level business leadership while also democratizing access to the degree,” DeBrock said. “For business education, it’s a truly historic occurrence.” The stackable nature of the degree program also means that students are not locked into a particular course sequence. “Students can take any set of courses in any order that suits them,” Echambadi said. “The iMBA program will work for the SEE iMBA, PAGE 17 INDEX ACHIEVEMENTS BENEFIT CHOICE BOOK CORNER BRIEF NOTES ON THE JOB DEATHS 15-17 2 4, 13 18-19 3 14 InsideIllinois PAGE 2 May 7, 2015 If making benefit changes, submit them online by June 1 U . of I. employees are reminded that if they wish to make changes to their health or dental insurance, dependent coverage or flexible spending plans, the changes must be made using NESSIE, the university’s online selfservice benefits application. All changes must be made by June 1 and will have an effective date of July 1. If no changes are desired to insurance plans, employees do not need to do anything. But employees who want to enroll or re-enroll in the Medical Care Assistance Plan or Dependent Care Assistance Plan must do so each year. Renewal is not automatic. Information sessions There are two remaining information sessions sponsored by University Payroll and Benefits. The sessions provide employees with Benefit Choice information and allow employees to ask questions. Registration is not required. n10 a.m.-noon, May 14, Beckman Institute auditorium, Room 1025 n 2-4 p.m., May 20, Bevier Hall, Room 180 Documentation requirements Documentation is required when making some changes. Documentation, including the dependent’s Social Security number, is required when adding dependent coverage. An approved statement of health is required to add or increase Member Optional Life coverage or to add Spouse Life or Child Life coverage. If opting out of health insurance, proof is required of other comprehensive health coverage provided by an entity other than the Department of Central Management Services. Opt out and dependent documentation should be faxed to 217-244-3135 on or before June 11. Transition of care Members and their dependents who elect to change health plans and are then hospitalized prior to July 1 and are discharged on or after July 1 should contact both the current and future health plan administra- ON THE WEB tors and primary care physicians as soon as possible to coordinate the transition of services. Members or dependents involved in an ongoing course of treatment or who have entered the third trimester of pregnancy should contact the new plan to coordinate the transition of services for treatment. Pharmacy administrator change Central Management Services announced that pharmacy benefits for the Quality Care Health Plan, Coventry Open Access Plan and HealthLink Open Access Plan will change to CVS/Caremark effective July 1, 2015. u Senate review report may lead to future reforms By Mike Helenthal Assistant Editor A report reviewing the full breadth of the responsibilities of the Urbana-Champaign Senate is expected to lead to action following its acceptance at the May 4 meeting. “This framework could turn into morespecific recommendations in the future,” said Kim Graber, a professor of kinesiology and community health, who is vice chair of the Senate Executive Committee and a member of the seventh Senate Review Commission. The commission, led by Abbas Aminmansour, a professor of architecture, was asked last year to begin reviewing senate government and organizational structures and make recommendations to improve them. Graber said the report’s recommendations were broad and would need more discussion and refinement to turn them into actionable concepts. The report was submitted at the April 27 meeting of the Senate Executive Committee. The commission’s membership included faculty and staff members, campus administrators and students. Senate members and committee chairs also were consulted. “The commission firmly believes that our … senate is a crucial partner in our shared governance system,” said the report’s introduction. Initial discussions coalesced around five themes: senate membership, senate rule 13, senator engagement, the Illinois Open Meetings Act issues and shared governance. As for senator membership, the report recommends allowing units to elect alternate members when a senator cannot attend, and better enforcing current attendance rules. The report also recommends limiting faculty seats to full-time faculty members, with a predetermined number of seats offered to and selected by retired faculty members. It also suggests “a more uniform mechanism” to elect specialized faculty members and to increase the number of academic professionals who may serve. As for improving engagement, the report suggests actively recruiting senate candidates, creating a guide for new senators and adding technology that allows resolutions, documents and even motions and amendments to be projected in real time during meetings. It also suggests creating a postmeeting summary that senators could share with constituents. “Senators should be reminded that their role as senator does not end once a senate meeting adjourns,” the report says. “A culture must be created whereby the role of the senate is perceived as critical to the successful functioning of the university.” ON THE WEB The report recommends a larger role for the senate’s Educational Policy Committee by adding to its purview an annual review of the campus Enrollment Management report for academic units and programs undergoing large changes. “The commission believes that the EPC can share experiences and knowledge with anyone considering reorganization of units so that there is a more consistent and smooth process,” the report says. “Particular attention should be paid to the impact of such changes on other units or programs and their resources.” It also recommends reviewing the senate committee structure every five years. u After initial success, senate OKs more winter sessions By Mike Helenthal Assistant Editor A proposal to offer winter session to students for two more years received the unanimous backing of senators May 4 at the last Urbana-Champaign Senate meeting of the 2014-15 academic year. The campus hosted a pilot winter session this year, with 764 students taking eight courses for four weeks. Initial surveys of the students and teachers involved in the session show it was successful. Students had an unusually high pass rate and said the course was manageable, while professors said the students taking the session were high achievers. “It’s another opportunity for students to take high-level courses,” said Charles Tucker III, the vice provost for undergraduate education and innovation. He said the extra session gives students more scheduling options. Tucker said the winter session would be studied over the next two years to see if it continues to be well received and effective. The session will not be offered over the 2017-18 academic year because the winter break consists of only three weeks. Other business n Senators finished what has been a yearlong effort by all three campuses to review the documents that codify university policies and procedures. The senate approved text revisions made by the University Senates Conference in an effort to reconcile suggestions from the campuses. The senate’s University Statutes and On vacation? Subscribe to the online version of Inside Illinois and receive by email an index and news updates between issues: InsideIllinois CAMPUS UPDATES Subscribe to our online version and receive news updates between issues: Find us on Twitter @NewsAtIllinois Editor Doris K. Dahl 217-333-2895, Assistant Editor Mike Helenthal Photographer L. Brian Stauffer Student Interns Ali Braboy Austin Keating News Bureau contributors Liz Ahlberg engineering, physical sciences Craig Chamberlain media, international programs, social sciences Phil Ciciora business, labor, law Sharita Forrest education, social work Jodi Heckel arts, information science, humanities, library Diana Yates agriculture, applied health sciences, life sciences Senate Procedures Committee provided a side-by-side comparison of the changes made during the senate’s original review. Senators also approved moving provisions regarding intellectual property from the General Rules to the statutes. The move does not change university intellectual property rules, said William Maher, university archivist and chair of the USSP. He said transforming the rules to statutes would ultimately give campus leaders the ability to lobby the U. of I. Board of Trustees for changes. As it stands, only the board can initiate changes in the rules. “If you want to change them, then it has to be done through the statutes,” Maher said. n Senators endorsed a “Statement on Budget Planning and Reform,” a letter pre- pared by the University Senates Conference and already delivered to the university president’s office. The letter suggests that proposed campus financial cuts be targeted in order to protect core educational functions, and cuts should start with administrative functions. It also asks that short-term reactionary budget planning be replaced with a more long-term strategic plan reflecting ongoing budget conditions. “Undoubtedly, some short-term strategies may be required to pave the way for long-term structural changes,” the letter says, “but the review and reform processes of developing these longer-term strategies needs to begin without delay.” u Summer ’15 rates & dates online Advertising rates and a full schedule with deadlines are available online. Inside Illinois is an employee publication of the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois. It is published on the first and third Thursday of each month by the News Bureau of the campus Office of Public Affairs, administered by the associate chancellor for public affairs. Distribution is by campus mail. News is solicited from all areas of the campus and should be sent to the editor at least 10 days before publication. All items may be sent to The campus mail address is Inside Illinois, 507 E Green St., Room 345, Champaign, MC-428. The fax number is 217-2447124. Inside Illinois accepts display advertising and pre-printed inserts. Ad reservations are due one week prior to the issue date, but earlier reservations are encouraged. For rates and ad dimensions, contact the editor or visit Inside Illinois on the Web. Subscribe to Inside Illinois online: May 7, 2015 InsideIllinois PAGE 3 On the Job Beth Visel By Ali Braboy News Bureau Intern B eth Visel, an officer for the U. of I. police department, said she realized she had found the right job while chasing after suspects with a gun during training for her position, a little more than four years ago. Originally from Champaign, Visel earned an associate’s degree in criminal justice at Parkland College and transferred to Western Illinois University, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and law enforcement. During her training at the U. of I., there were a couple of subjects who fired a pistol in the air during an argument, and the officers ended up apprehending the suspects. “Something like that might shake a few people up (and make them) question the job,” Visel said. “It just felt really good to be in the right place at the right time to take action.” March marked her fourth anniversary with the department, and before that she worked briefly at METCAD, the 911 dispatch center. Working at METCAD is not an easy job, she said, so she has a lot of respect for those who work there. Visel said her job as a police officer entails upholding laws, respecting everyone, giving each person their due process and preventing and responding to criminal activity and emergencies. However, the U. of I. police department has the additional responsibility of promoting a safe and secure environment where education, research and public service can flourish. She said when the department sees people, it often is the worst day of their life and that is why they are calling 911. Visel said the officers try to focus on the big picture when handling emergencies. “They may be cussing at us. They may be screaming. They may be yelling,” Visel said. “But ultimately, that’s not who they are. They are going through an emergency in their life when we get the call.” She said she loves that her job is full of variety – it’s never the same thing every day. She also gets the chance to meet people from many different cultures. “I can talk to somebody from China one day, and I can talk to somebody from Bangladesh, and then I can talk to somebody from Africa or New Zealand. I can talk to somebody who grew up right here,” Visel said. “I can talk to them and learn about their culture and what they’re used to.” She said police enforcement means different things in different cultures. It can be hard to break through the cultural barriers as some people might have a lack of trust or understanding in police because of their past experiences. “(In) some countries it’s fear and in some countries, it’s safety. We try and encourage people that it’s safety here,” she said. The hardest part of the job for Visel is seeing people struggle while the resources to help them are lacking. Jail sometimes is not the answer for people who have mental health issues, for example. Depending on the situation, Visel said, sometimes the department’s hands are tied when it comes to helping them. Problems can arise from social problems, as well. “You hate to put somebody in jail for stealing food if they have no food at home,” she said. Visel is involved with the community and the U. of I. outside of being an officer. She teaches a Rape Aggression Defense class for women, instructing people in self- photo by L. Brian Stauffer Safety first Officer Beth Visel has been with the U. of I. police department for more than four years. She said the department is responsible for promoting an environment that allows education, research and public service to flourish. defense techniques that start with risk reduction and advance to defense training. She said the most rewarding feeling she has had as an officer has been working with Special Olympics Illinois. The police department last year raised more than $15,000, with some of the money going to help more than 500 local Champaign County Special Olympics athletes. Visel attended the 2014 Special Olympics Summer Games Illinois, which she really enjoyed. “Just to see the joy on their faces and the camaraderie. Even if they didn’t win, they were high-fiving, and they were giving hugs,” she said. Outside of work, Visel is a graduate student in the School of Social Work at the U. of I. She also enjoys horseback riding, hiking and being outdoors. When she wants to cool down and get away from the job, she enjoys going somewhere peaceful and getting in touch with nature. Visel is one of 10 female officers in the department. She knows women who balance being mothers and being officers: They can have a career, free time and being a woman, which is empowering, she said. “It’s really encouraging to see that we’re not stuck back in the ’50s and ’60s where being a female meant that you had to let go of all that,” she said. Visel said her four years with the department has been enjoyable, and she takes pleasure in being able to help others. “We need to protect people,” Visel said. “We need to do what’s right.” u On the Job features U. of I. staff members. To nominate a civil service employee, email Commencement to take place May 16 at Memorial Stadium T he 144th Commencement of the U. of I.’s Urbana campus will take place May 16 at Memorial Stadium. The event begins at 9:30 a.m. The featured speaker will be Risa LavizzoMourey, the president and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation since 2003. With more than 30 years of personal experience as a medical practitioner, policymaker, professor and nonprofit executive, Lavizzo-Mourey combines the scientific and ethical values she learned as a doctor with a conviction that meaningful philanthropy must achieve lasting social change. As noted on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation website, the foundation under her leadership has researched, evaluated and implemented transformative programs tackling the nation’s most pressing health issues. Lavizzo-Mourey earned her M.D. at Harvard Medical School in 1979 and an MBA in health care administration in 1986 at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Lavizzo-Mourey and Ralph J. Cicerone, the president of the National Academy of Sciences and the chair of the National Research Council, will be awarded U. of I. honorary doctor of science degrees at Commencement. Cicerone earned his Ph.D. in 1970 on the U. of I.’s Urbana campus, where his adviser was Sidney A. Bowhill, the director of the Aeronomy Laboratory from 1962-87. Timothy Nugent, the director emeritus of the U. of I.’s Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services, also will be awarded an honorary doctor of humane letters degree. The U. of I. Alumni Association will present five awards: Dale H. Flach, who was instrumental in initiating the Allen Hall Unit One program at the U. of I. and was a strong advocate for the living-in-residence concept, will receive a distinguished service award honoring his insight and innovation in devel- ON THE WEB oping programs that continue to serve the state. He was at the forefront of developing the Illinois Rural Medical Education Program to recruit applicants from rural areas throughout downstate Illinois and, following their formal training, have them return as primary care doctors to meet the needs of underserved communities. He earned a B.S. in physical education in 1959 and an Ed.M. in 1964 at the U. of I. Nick Holonyak Jr., the John Bardeen Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics, will receive an alumni achievement award honoring his pioneering and world-renowned achievements in optoelectronics that facilitate conversion between electricity and light. The most prominent among his discoveries is the first practical LED (light-emitting diode) that revolutionized lighting and communications technology. With U. of I. professor Milton Feng, Holonyak also developed the first transistor laser, which is changing the future of high-speed signal processing, integrated circuits, supercomputing and other applications. Holonyak was a professor of electrical engineering at the U. of I. from 1963 until he retired to emeritus status in 2013. Holonyak is a three-time graduate in electrical engineering from the U. of I. College of Engineering, having earned a bachelor’s degree in 1950, master’s degree in 1951 and Ph.D. in 1954. Molly Melching will receive an alumni humanitarian award honoring her work to develop literacy and skills training programs, reduce infant and maternal mortality rates, increase school and birth registrations, and foster human rights and female leadership in communities in Senegal and elsewhere. Together with local villagers, Melching developed a new type of learning program for adults and adolescents by using African languages and their traditional methods of learning. This effort became the What to know if you’re coming … T he stadium will open at 8 a.m. Construction will reduce access to the stadium, so guests are encouraged to arrive as early as possible. The ceremony will take place regardless of the weather, unless conditions are deemed unsafe. Guests may bring into the stadium sealed plastic water bottles up to 20 fluid ounces, and sunscreen is recommended. Tickets are required and may be picked up Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the event services window at the Illini Union. Guest seating will be on the west side of the stadium (enter through Portals 1 and 2 along First Street). Parking will be available in Lot E-14 (at First Street and Kirby Avenue, Champaign) and, if weather permits, in the grass lots west of the stadium. The wheelchair accessible entrance is Gate 24. Guests with a handicap permit on display may park in the north lots of State Farm Center. Kirby Avenue will be closed from First Street to Fourth Street from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., as will First Street between Kirby Avenue and Peabody Drive. Shuttle buses will run from 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. on May 16 and from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. on May 17 to convocation venues throughout the campus. A reception for graduates and their families will take place in the gardens of the President’s House, from noon to 1:30 p.m. on May 16. Academic attire is encouraged. All students who have earned bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and professional degrees and advanced certificates during the preceding year are honored at Commencement. The first floor of the main library will be open from 1 to 4 p.m. May 16 and 17 for visitors to view the University Honors Bronze Tablets. Many individual U. of I. units have scheduled additional convocation ceremonies. More information is available online. u impetus for her 1991 founding of Tostan (“breakthrough” in the Wolof language), an organization that has engaged hundreds of thousands of people through a grass-roots education model called the Community Empowerment Program. She received a bachelor’s degree in 1971 and master’s degree in French in 1979 from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Sylvia Puente will receive an alumni achievement award honoring her national leadership and work to improve educational quality and access, as well as social equality issues, for the Latino community through policy analysis and advocacy. The executive director of the Latino Policy Forum in Chicago since 2009, she is known as a leading voice for Latino/Latina advancement and was named one of the “100 Most Influential Hispanics in the U.S.” by Hispanic Magazine. Puente works with more than 100 organizational leaders in the Chicago area on issues such as education, housing and immigration reform. Her 1980 U. of I. undergraduate degree was in economics from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Don B. Wilmeth will receive an alumni achievement award honoring his distinguished 40-year career as one of the most productive and renowned historians of American theater and popular entertainment. His work has helped to establish American theater studies as a respected academic discipline, challenging the oncepopular opinion that the field should focus exclusively on elite literature. The Asa Messer Professor Emeritus and former head of the department of theatre at Brown University, Wilmeth has excelled as a scholar, teacher and editor. At the U. of I., he earned a Ph.D. in 1964 in speech.u PAGE 4 book corner InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 By Craig Chamberlain Social Sciences Editor I f you think reporters are scoundrels, you might point to popular culture. If you think they’re heroes, you might do the same. For more than a century, both depictions have been plentiful and constant, whether in films, books and comics; on TV and radio; or more recently in video games, says a book by two experts on the subject. And those depictions, in all their variety, “are likely to shape people’s impressions of the news media at least as much if not more than the actual press does,” according to Matthew Ehrlich and Joe Saltzman, in “Heroes and Scoundrels: The Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture,” published in April. After all, the authors write, few people ever visit a newsroom or any place where journalists work, and research has shown that popular culture influences public perceptions of various professions, whether ON THE WEB it’s doctors, lawyers, cops or reporters. So depictions of journalism in everything from “Superman” to “House of Cards” likely influence our views of the news business. The subject is not a new one for either author. Ehrlich is a U. of I. journalism professor and previously wrote “Journalism in the Movies.” Saltzman is a journalism professor at the University of Southern California and the author of “Frank Capra and the Image of the Journalist in American Film.” Saltzman also directs the Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture project in The Norman Lear Center at USC, overseeing its database of more than 85,000 items. Ehrlich is an associate director of the project. In writing “Heroes and Scoundrels,” the authors did not confine their study to just the obvious and prominent examples. They don’t just focus on journalism-centered films such as “All the President’s Men,” “The Killing Fields” or “Anchorman”; or on TV series like “The Newsroom,” “Lou Grant” or “Murphy Brown.” They take in depictions of journalism in all manner of movies and television shows, in books going back to the 1800s, and in cartoon series, graphic novels, short stories, plays, video games, poetry and music. They reference “The Daily Show,” the news on “Saturday Night Live,” and even the puppet reporters on “Sesame Street.” The book is not chronological, but structured around themes, among them how popular culture has portrayed journalism history, how it has explored professional ethics and objectivity, and issues of race, gender and sexual orientation. Other chapters look at issues of power, image, war and the future of journalism. A lot has changed over more than a century of mass media and popular culture, Ehrlich said, but in portrayals of journalism and journalists, “it’s astounding how many things have remained consistent,” one of those being the stereotypes. Among them are the naive cub reporter; the tough, sarcastic female journalist trying to hold her own in a male-dominated profession; the power-hungry gossip columnist; the gruff but often soft-hearted editor; and the ruthless media tycoon. TV journalists have often gotten the worst treatment; female TV journalists even more so, with them often portrayed as lacking brains and news experience. War correspondents have consistently been shown as leading glamorous, dangerous and exciting lives. “For years, journalists have complained about how popular culture has portrayed them,” Ehrlich said, going back at least to The New York Times’ complaints in the 1920s about the play (and later the movie) “The Front Page,” which established many of the themes and stereotypes still in use today. “But the truth is that popular culture always has portrayed a noble side of the press, as well,” he said. Even when journalists are portrayed in a negative light, whether in fiction or in coverage of real-life events, “it’s a sign that the ideals of journalism matter,” Ehrlich said. Since journalism ideally gives us the information and ideas we need to govern ourselves, “that’s hardly a bad thing,” he said. “Popular culture rarely gets it right in terms of presenting a realistic image of what the typical journalist does on a typical day, because what the typical journalist does on a typical day is typical,” Ehrlich said. The same could be said about the portrayals of Ads removed for online version photo by L. Brian Stauffer Popular images of journalists have changed little over a century A look at journalists Our images of journalists, both good and bad, likely come from portrayals in popular culture as much as from what journalists actually do, says journalism professor Matthew Ehrlich, who co-wrote a book on the subject with USC journalism professor Joe Saltzman. doctors, lawyers and cops, he said. As a result, popular culture can exaggerate both the best of what journalists do, as well as the worst, Ehrlich said. But in doing so, “popular culture heightens how it matters, and I think that’s part of the reason why it’s important that we study popular culture and the stories that it tells about journalism,” he said. Popular culture can be “a really good, entertaining and provocative means of thinking about what journalism is, what it should be, what it should not be,” Ehrlich said, “and how the debates over these questions have played out over the years.” u InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 PAGE 5 Six professors elected to National Academy of Sciences By Diana Yates Life Sciences Editor S ix U. of I. professors have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest professional honors a scientist can garner. Renée Baillargeon, Gary Dell, Steve Granick, Taekjip Ha, Catherine Murphy and John A. Rogers are among 84 new members and 21 foreign associates announced by the academy on April 28. “National Academy memberships are among the highest academic honors our nation bestows,” said Phyllis M. Wise, the chancellor of the Urbana-Champaign campus. “These faculty members are recognized today as leaders in biophysics, chemistry, engineering, molecular biology and psychology. This is a great day for these scholars and for our campus.” Baillargeon, a professor of psychology, is the director of the U. of I. Infant Cognition Laboratory, where she studies infants’ physical, psychological and moral reasoning. Her work has challenged previous theories of infant development by demonstrating that even very young infants are able to differentiate events that are physically possible from those that appear to be physically impossible, and that an infant’s ability to reason about how others will behave is more sophisticated than previously thought. Baillargeon is an Alumni Distinguished Professor as well as a Center for Advanced Study Professor. She has received the Fyssen International Research Prize and a Guggenheim Fellowship, and she is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Cognitive Science Society and the Association for Psychological Science. Dell, a professor of psychology, studies how people produce and understand sentences. He developed the first computational model of language production and used it to simulate properties of speech errors, or “slips of the tongue.” He later used related models to understand patterns of pathological speech production resulting from brain damage. His recent work focuses on how linguistic abilities change with experience and how such changes can be captured in neural networks. Dell is a professor in the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology and a recipient of the American Psychological Association Early Career Award. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Society of Experimental Psychologists, the Cognitive Science Society, the Association for Psychological Science and the Psychonomic Society. Granick, professor emeritus of materials science and engineering, is an expert in the chemistry and physics of colloids and polymers. His work focuses on soft materials, working across disciplines to explore imaging, assembly, behavior and interactions of molecules in living cells and specially designed colloidal particles. His work has broad applications in medicine, biology, chemistry and manufacturing. Granick also is affiliated with the departments of chemistry, physics, and chemical and biomolecular engineering at the U. of I. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society. He retired from the U. of I. in 2014, and is currently director of the IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter, Korea. Ha, the Edward William and Jane Marr Gutgsell Endowed Professor in physics, uses physical concepts and experimental techniques to study fundamental questions in molecular biology. He has developed new techniques that have enhanced the study of individual molecular interactions. His most recent work uses singlemolecule measurements to understand protein-DNA interactions and enzyme dynamics. Ha is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and is affiliated with the Beckman Institute and the Carl R. Woese Institute for photos by L. Brian Stauffer/Catherine Murphy photo courtesy of Catherine Murphy Scientific leaders Six U. of I. professors are among those elected to the National Academy of Sciences this year. Pictured, top row, from left: Renée Baillargeon, Gary Dell and Steve Granick; bottom row, from left: Taekjip Ha, Catherine Murphy and John A. Rogers. Genomic Biology at Illinois. He also is co-director of the Center for the Physics of Living Cells at the U. of I. Ha has received the HoAm Prize and an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and he is a fellow of the American Physical Society. Murphy, the Markunas Professor of Chemistry, works to develop inorganic nanomaterials for applications in biology and technology. Her group develops methods to manufacture tiny nanorods made of metals such as gold, silver and copper, and investigates their uses for imaging cells, chemical sensing and photothermal therapy. She also studies the environmental impact of nanoparticles and how their properties influence their behavior. Murphy is the associate director of the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory, and also is affiliated with the Micro and Nano Technology Laboratory and the Beckman Institute. She has received an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow- ship and is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry. Rogers, a professor of materials science and engineering and the director of the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory, is a pioneer of flexible, stretchable and transient electronics. He combines soft, stretchable materials with microscale and nanoscale electronic components to create classes of devices with a wide range of practical applications from medicine to sensing to solar energy. Rogers is affiliated with the Beckman Institute and the departments of chemistry, bioengineering, electrical and computer engineering, and mechanical science and engineering. He has been awarded a MacArthur fellowship, a Lemelson-MIT award and the Smithsonian American Ingenuity Award. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Physical Society, the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Materials Research Society and the National Academy of Engineering. “Congratulations to all six of our newly elected National Academy of Sciences members. They are clearly innovators and leading scholars in their respective disciplines, and this recognition is welldeserved,” said Ilesanmi Adesida, the provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at Illinois. “We are all proud to call them our colleagues here at Illinois.” The National Academy of Sciences is a private organization of scientists and engineers dedicated to the furtherance of science and its use for the general welfare. Founded in 1863, the academy acts as an official adviser to the federal government, upon request, in any matter of science or technology. u U. of I. campus to support La Casa mural restoration By Mike Helenthal Assistant Editor T he effort to save a group of historic campus murals received a boost last week after officials agreed to help fund the project. The vibrant room-size murals, inside the former site of the department of Latina/Latino studies building at 510 E. Chalmers St., Champaign, which also once housed the La Casa Cultural Latina, were created in 1974 as a protest piece by alumnus and artist Oscar Martinez and fellow students. The funding allows project leaders to seek competitive bids for removing and restoring the murals. The mural removals could be completed by the end of summer, with the art conservation work continuing off-site. “The work to remove the murals will take the coordinated effort of three entities: an art conservator, an art mover and a general contractor,” said Brent Lewis, the landscape architect at Facilities and Services. Work stages include photographing the murals to create a digital archive; carefully removing and packaging them for travel; then transporting them to a conservator, who will separate the paintings from the 40-year-old plaster wallboard and place them on canvas for framing or storage. “On-site, the art mover and general contractor will work in concert to safely remove the murals from the building,” he said. The building will be stabilized during the removal process and razed immediately afterward. Consultants last year estimated the cost to remove and conserve the murals at $300,000. The Office of the Chancellor and the Office of the Provost each will provide one-third of the funding, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs will split the remaining third. Alicia P. Rodriguez, the academic adviser and administrative coordinator for the department of Latina/Latino studies, said the murals hold a special place in the hearts of the department’s students and faculty members, present and past. “The murals represent the legacy of Latino students on campus and their role in and importance to the student population photo by Ben Woloszyn Saving history The murals inside the former site of the U. of I.'s department of Latina/Latino studies and the La Casa Cultural Latina, a converted house at 510 E. Chalmers St., Champaign, reflect themes of heritage, social justice and strength. Created in 1974 by alumnus and artist Oscar Martinez and fellow students, the murals will be conserved before the building is razed. here,” she said. Chancellor Phyllis M. Wise said the murals and the struggle to save them are important to everyone on campus. “We want to do all we can to preserve the history of this institution,” she said. “The beauty of the murals and the activist spirit that created them should inspire all of us.” u PAGE 6 InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 Device performance enhanced with transistor encasing method By Austin Keating News Bureau Intern A more effective method for closing gaps in atomically small wires has been developed by U. of I. researchers, further opening the doors to a new transistor technology. Led by electrical and computer engineering professor Joseph Lyding and graduate student Jae Won Do, the Illinois team published its results in the journal ACS Nano. Silicon-based transistors have been the foundation of modern electronics for more than half a century, allowing for the precise control of electronic signals throughout circuits. A new transistor technology, carbon nanotube wires, shows promise in replacing silicon because it can operate 10 times as fast and is more flexible – but it has an important gap to cross. “The connection between the nanotubes is highly resistive and results in slowing the operation of the transistor down,” Lyding said. “When electrons go past that junction, they dissipate a lot of energy.” The resistance results in heat pooling at the junctions between the tubes, providing researchers with the perfect opportunity to solder these connections using a material that reacts with heat to deposit metal across the junctions. Once the current runs photo by L. Brian Stauffer Transistor technology Electrical and computer engineering professor Joseph Lyding and graduate student Jae Won Do led a research team to develop a new method of soldering gaps between carbon nanotubes, a new type of transistor. through, the deposited metal reduces the junction resistance, effectively stopping the energy loss. Until now, the problem has been finding a realizable approach to applying the heat-reactive materials. In 2013, Lyding and Do used a vacuum chamber to apply a gaseous chemical to metallize the junctions. The new technique, the subject of the new paper, takes a different route by ap- Self-soldering The heat produced at carbon-nanotube junctions causes metallic material in the solution to deposit onto the junctions, soldering them. photos by Joseph Lyding plying a thin layer of solution, made from compounds that contain the metal needed to solder the junctions together. “Our new technique is much simpler. It involves fewer steps and it’s more compatible to existing technology,” Do said. “We’re getting similar improvements to what we got from the gaseous method, only now we can experiment with the capabilities of other materials that aren’t gases, which will let us improve the transistors’ performance even more.” To expand the technique to encompass more materials, Lyding’s group teamed with Eric Pop, an adjunct professor of electrical and computer engineering at the U. of I. and an expert on carbon nanotube synthesis and transfer, as well as with chemistry professor Greg Girolami. Do said the new technique is transferable to the current manufacturing equipment silicon transistor manufacturers are using. “With this method, you just send current through the nanotubes and that heats the junctions. From there, chemistry occurs inside that layer, and then we’re done. You just have to rinse it off,” Lyding said. “You don’t need a custom, expensive vacuum chamber.” The next step for the team is to start looking at compounds for the junctions that help to amplify the current even more. “Now that we see this effect, how do we get to the next level? How do we improve by another order of magnitude? We’re advancing this work as we speak, with chemicals that have been synthesized specifically for speed,” Lyding said. The National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research and the Army Research Office supported this work. Lyding and Do also are affiliated with the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the U. of I. u Scholar: To improve diversity in STEM, fix higher education By Sharita Forrest Education editor T he U.S. will make little progress toward changing the predominately white-male face of its science and technology workforce until higher education addresses the attitudes, behaviors and structural practices that undermine minority students’ access and success at college, a new study suggests. Protecting national economic prosperity has been federal officials’ rationale for implementing programs to increase the numbers of U.S. youth preparing for careers in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics sectors. However, underrepresented students will remain a trickle in the STEM-fields pipeline until postsecondary educators’ and policymakers’ motivation changes from economics to ensuring equal opportunity, according to the study’s author, U. of I. education policy professor Lorenzo D. Baber. “In the 1950s when Sputnik happened, and the federal government made the decision to invest more in research and utilizing universities, our higher education structure was very segregated,” Baber said. “Students of color weren’t able to participate in the development of STEM fields. The economic rationale is important, and obviously brings more people to the table, but we also need to recognize that increasing diversity in STEM is a social justice issue. We need to think about remedying past discrimination in STEM fields along with the economic rationale. I don’t think we have to choose between them; we can have both.” Baber interviewed 32 administrators of diversity programs at 10 public research universities in the U.S. – predominately white institutions that award nearly 10 percent of all bachelor degrees in STEM fields conferred by four-year publics nationwide, as well as about 4.5 percent of STEM degrees earned by minorities. According to these administrators, ex- photo by L. Brian Stauffer Fixing higher ed To achieve diversity in the United States’ STEM workforce, policymakers and educators must ameliorate the higher education environment and address barriers that marginalize minority students, according to research by education policy professor Lorenzo Baber. ecutive officers at their universities focus provide some access, they don’t address the primarily on building compositional diver- structural factors – like admissions policies, sity – recruiting targeted numbers of minor- teaching practices and faculty-student relaity students – for their STEM programs, tionships – that shape students’ experiences rather than tackling the complex challenges and influence patterns of inequality.” of changing systemic inequalities and marWhen recruitment goals are not achieved, ginalizing attitudes, Baber said. or minority students fail academically, these While amassing critical numbers of outcomes are attributed to individual lack of underrepresented students is important, merit or interest by underrepresented popuachieving enrollment targets does little to lations, rather than marginalizing practices improve the problems in the campus culture and attitudes, Baber wrote. that affect students and contribute to their During campus visits, the research team noncompletion of degrees, Baber said. “found little evidence of a consistent, longi“You can have compositional diversity tudinal investment in equity initiatives that without necessarily having a diverse com- addressed structural barriers, such as demunity or culture,” Baber said. “The focus partment climate and/or faculty awareness on diversity in STEM education has been of diversity issues in STEM education,” acvery much at the level of individual access cording to the paper, published in The Refor underrepresented populations. While view of Higher Education. programs focused on individual students Program directors expressed frustration with the cost-benefit approach taken by executive officers, who expect measurable benefits, such as increased enrollment and improved persistence to degree, to justify investments in diversity initiatives. Directors described struggling to piece together budgets while their superiors blocked their access to external funding sources that were supportive of diversity activities. Frequently underfunded and disproportionately targeted for elimination, diversity programs received top-level administrators’ support only if these initiatives did not interfere with institutional policies and the overall revenue-generating efforts of academic units, program directors told the researchers. Beyond small core groups of faculty members from underrepresented groups, program directors perceived a general lack of support from many faculty and staff members, unless prompted by agencies such as the National Science Foundation. Underrepresented faculty members often experience a “cultural tax” – disproportionate pressure to engage with diversity programs and represent their departments as the outcomes of these initiatives. However, faculty engagement is often viewed as “trivial” or as “charity,” and needs to be attached to traditional rewards and incentives, such as tenure and promotion decisions, to prompt broader faculty participation, Baber said. Data for Baber’s analyses were drawn from the STEM Trends in Enrollment and Persistence for Underrepresented Populations (STEP-UP) research project at the U. of I., which was funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the NSF. Baber’s research team included education professor William T. Trent and postdoctoral research fellow Casey GeorgeJackson, principal investigator and project coordinator of STEP-UP, respectively; and graduate students Erin L. Castro, Mariana G. Martinez, Blanca Rincon, Kimberly Walker and Montrischa M. Williams. u InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 PAGE 7 TBI patients need therapies based on cognitive neuroscience By Diana Yates Life Sciences Editor P atients with traumatic brain injuries are not benefiting from recent advances in cognitive neuroscience research – and they should be, scientists report in a special issue of Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. Those who treat brain-injured patients rarely make use of new scientific discoveries about the workings of the brain. Instead, doctors, nurses and emergency personnel rely on a decades-old tool, the Glasgow coma scale, to categorize brain injuries as mild, moderate or severe. Brain scans are sometimes performed to help identify damaged regions, and then most patients receive one or more of the following four diagnoses: coma (no response to sensory stimulation), delirium (impaired ability to sustain attention), amnesia (impaired memory) and dysexecutive syndrome (impaired ability to engage in goal-directed thought). These crude classifications reveal little about the underlying brain mechanisms that are damaged as a result of brain trauma, said Aron Barbey, a professor of neuroscience, of psychology, and of speech and hearing science. He and his colleagues propose that doctors take a deeper look at the brain networks that enable the regulation and control of attention, memory and thought – termed “cognitive control processes” – and use this knowledge to develop more targeted treatment strategies. Barbey is a professor in the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology and in the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology. graphic by Julie McMahon Brain trauma Specific diagnoses likely reflect damage to different brain networks, researchers argue. “Traumatic brain injury is a global public health epidemic with an incidence that continues to rise,” Barbey said. “By 2020, the World Health Organization projects TBI will be the world’s leading cause of neurological disability across all age groups. “An emerging area of research seeks to develop better ways to assess traumatic brain injury. Recent findings demonstrate that multiple, interdependent brain networks drive and organize cognition. It is these networks that are highly susceptible to brain injury,” he said. Cognitive neuroscientists have identified dozens of brain networks, each of which engages a specific set of brain structures to perform particular tasks. Each node in a network communicates with the others via axons, the nerve fibers that bundle together to form white-matter tracts. “There are three core networks that support cognitive control processes that often are impaired in traumatic brain injury,” Barbey said. “The ‘salience network’ directs attention to significant events in our environment and is known to enable coordinated behavior. The ‘default mode network’ supports an internal focus of attention, enabling autobiographical memory and the ability to envision future events. Finally, the ‘central executive network’ directs attention to the external environment and supports goaldirected thought, such as planning and problem solving.” Disruption of the salience network corresponds to symptoms seen in those diagnosed with delirium, Barbey said. A diagnosis of amnesia corresponds to disruption of the default mode network, and dysexecutive syndrome is associated with damage to the central executive network, he said. (See graphic.) A coma diagnosis reflects systemwide failure, Barbey said. Understanding which brain networks are damaged in braininjured patients will help doctors better predict the kinds of impairments their patients will experience, and will guide clinical treat- photo by L. Brian Stauffer Brain-injury treatment Advances in cognitive neuroscience should inform the treatment of traumatic brain injuries, says U. of I. neuroscience professor Aron Barbey. ment and therapy. To that end, the researchers recommend therapies that have shown promise in strengthening specific cognitive control functions. Many methods that are familiar to cognitive neuroscience but little-used in patient therapy should be tested in patient populations, the researchers wrote. These include interventions that target specific brain networks, such as transcranial direct-current brain stimulation, and approaches that deliver global benefits to brain health, such as physical fitness training. Research indicates that brain stimulation can be applied to specific brain networks to enhance their ability to respond optimally to cognitive rehabilitation, Barbey said. Physical fitness is known to promote brain health and therefore may enhance resilience to brain injury, he said. “The goal is to develop more precise assessment standards for traumatic brain injury and to translate discoveries from cognitive neuroscience into effective clinical therapies that promote recovery from brain injury,” he said. u BPA exposure in pregnant mice affects fertility for generations By Diana Yates Life Sciences Editor W hen scientists exposed pregnant mice to levels of bisphenol A equivalent to those considered safe in humans, three generations of female mouse offspring experienced significant reproductive problems, including declines in fertility, sexual maturity and pregnancy success, the scientists report in the journal Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. Bisphenol A, an industrial chemical, is found in polycarbonate plastics used in food and drink packaging, and in epoxy resins, which coat the insides of some food containers and plumbing pipes. Thermal paper receipts and dental sealants also may contain BPA. A national study found detectable levels of BPA in 93 percent of 2,517 human urine samples tested in 2003-04, suggesting that most of the U.S. populace is regularly exposed to the chemical. BPA also has been detected in human ovarian follicular fluid, placental tissue and fetal plasma, said U. of I. comparative biosciences professor Jodi Flaws, who led the new analysis. According to the National Institutes of Health, the primary route of human exposure to BPA is diet. BPA is an endocrine disruptor, which means that it can interfere with the body’s normal hormone signaling. Many studies in animals indicate that BPA exposure can undermine reproductive func- graphic by Julie McMahon Reproductive effects BPA exposure during pregnancy was associated with reproductive problems in the next three generations of mice, researchers report. tion, but no previous studies have looked for its effects in three generations of offspring. “Our study followed up on a previous study of ours that found that BPA can affect the development of the ovary and reduce fertility in the pups of pregnant mice exposed to the chemical,” Flaws said. “We found that exposing them to levels of BPA which are below what the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says is a safe dose causes reproductive problems in these mice.” Compared with controls and depending on the dose, many of the mice in the new study saw reductions in fertility and in their ability to carry a pregnancy to term. (See graphic.) The first generation of pups also experienced an abnormal estrous cycle and engaged less in typical mating behavior than mice that had not been exposed in the womb. The third generation – which was not directly exposed to BPA either as a fetus or as an egg in a fetus in its mother’s womb – experienced later sexual maturity, reduced fertility and lower pregnancy success than mice whose ancestors were not exposed to BPA. In this generation, the lowest dose of BPA exposure (given to their great-grandmothers) interfered most with their fertility. “In toxicology, a lot of times people think: The higher the dose, the worse it is,” Flaws said. “But with photo by L. Brian Stauffer BPA exposure and fertility In a study of mice, comparative biosciences professor Jodi Flaws and her colleagues linked BPA exposure during pregnancy to reproductive problems in the next three generations. endocrine-disrupting chemicals, it’s were associated with reduced fersometimes the low doses that cause tility and women’s ability to get pregnant. So I personally think the most profound effects.” Studies in humans suggest BPA there is pretty good evidence that also interferes with human fertil- BPA is a reproductive toxicant in ity and reproductive function, mice as well as in humans.” The BPA study is one of sevFlaws said. eral initiatives of the Children’s “There are a lot of studies out Environmental Health and Disthere, and when you look at BPA ease Prevention Research Center in women’s reproductive health, at the U. of I., which is funded there are a lot of consistencies by the National Institute of Enviwith the animal studies,” she said. ronmental Health Sciences at the “Many of the studies in women National Institutes of Health and have been done by Dr. Russ Hausthe U.S. Environmental Protection er at Harvard. He has shown that urinary concentrations of BPA Agency. u InsideIllinois PAGE 8 May 7, 2015 A fter the precipitous drop in crude oil prices over the past nine months, some policymakers in Illinois have advocated raising the state’s excise tax on gasoline, which has remained unchanged at 19 cents per gallon since 1990. Although increasing the gas tax might lead to a reduction both in the consumption of fuel and in a few other negative side effects like air pollution, it wouldn’t do much to address two of the biggest problems associated with driving: traffic congestion and traffic accidents, says a policy brief co-written by a team of U. of I. economists. Increasing the number of tolls, implementing “surge pricing” on highways during rush hour or taxing the number of miles traveled by vehicles might be a better overall solution, says the paper, which was co-written by Don Fullerton, the Gutgsell Professor of Finance; Julian Reif, a professor of finance and of economics; and Kaveh Nafari, a graduate student at Illinois. While it may be the easiest fix to implement, as well as a surefire way to increase highway revenue, a higher gasoline tax wouldn’t mitigate the “negative externalities” associated with driving, the economists say. “A gasoline tax affects the consumption of gasoline, not the driving itself,” said Fullerton, also an associate director of the U. of I.’s Institute of Government and Public Affairs. “Increasing the gas tax might encourage drivers to drive less or switch to more fuelefficient cars, but the best way to reduce traffic congestion and traffic accidents is to tax driving directly.” According to the study, the state could levy a tax on the number of miles driven based on annual odometer readings or some other technological means. “This solution has the added benefit of taxing drivers in exact proportion to their benefits: the more you drive, the more you pay,” said Reif, also a faculty associate at IGPA. The state also could increase the number of tolls and the price for driving on tollway roads – or even institute “surge pricing” by varying the price of a toll by location and time of day, with a higher toll during congested rush-hour traffic. “This would allow tolls to target congestion and traffic accidents more efficiently, and it encourages drivers to use roads when they are less congested,” said Fullerton, who along with Reif is a faculty associate with the Center for Business and Public Policy in the College of Business. “Moreover, the primary advantage of tolls is that they collect taxes from those who benefit the most from using highways.” Another potential problem with the gasoline tax is that it is a regressive tax, rendering it “not an ideal solution” for policymakers who wish to collect taxes from those most able to pay. “The gasoline tax is not the most efficient or effective way of taxing those who receive the most benefits from highways,” Fullerton said. “For example, drivers of plug-in hybrids derive the same benefits from the use of highways as drivers of gas-guzzlers, but the former will pay much less in gas taxes simply because they purchase less gas. But perhaps the biggest issue is that the poor spend a larger portion of their income on driving than the rich do. And so the poor would be unduly burdened by increasing the gas tax.” According to the research, vehicle travel on interstate highways in Illinois increased 25 percent between 1990 and 2012, even though the state’s population only grew by 13 percent and lane miles SOY, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 lifespans. However, it’s unclear whether post-menopausal women in the West achieve similar protective benefits by consuming purified isoflavone supplements later in life. In the current study, the mice’s ovaries had been removed to simulate post-menopausal women, and Liu found that the soy flour and purified isoflavone diets had differing effects on their cells’ expression of genes associated with breast cancer. The mice that consumed soy flour exhibited higher expression of the tumor-suppressing genes ATP2A3 and BLNK, each of which is associated with suppressed tumor growth. These mice also expressed lower levels of oncogenes MYB and MYC, which researchers have found to be critical to tumor growth during early stage breast cancer, and associated with the uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells, respectively. “Most important, we found that the soy flour strengthened the whole immune function, which probably explains why it does not stimulate tumor growth,” said Liu, who is completing both a doctorate in human nutrition and a master’s degree in statistics. Conversely, the purified isoflavones stimulated tumor growth by activating oncogenes MYB and MYC, while suppressing both immune function and antigen processing, the body’s natural process of seeking out and destroying cancer cells. Liu correlated the gene expression of the tumor cells with that of women with breast cancer. She found that the purified isoflavones promoted the expression of two ki- photo by L. Brian Stauffer By Phil Ciciora Business and Law Editor photo by L. Brian Stauffer Economists: Pros, cons to raising the gas tax in Illinois Julian Reif by 11 percent. “In short, the societal costs of driving have increased significantly, and, due to inflation, the drivers who are the main culprits of these negative externalities are actually paying less in the way of user fees like tolls and gasoline taxes,” Reif said. The state of Illinois also has consistently spent more on highways than it has collected in highway-related revenue, Reif noted. “State gasoline taxes provide only 15 percent of the total funds, which is down from 36 percent in 1994,” Fullerton said. “Since Illinois hasn’t raised the gas tax rate since 1990, revenue from the tax has declined in absolute terms over the past 25 years. That decline has been partially offset by revenue increases for tolls and, in some years, by motor vehicle taxes. But a large gap remains between total user tax revenue and total highway spending, and it has grown substantially in recent years.” According to the authors, the gap is likely to continue to grow even larger in the future. “First, real gasoline tax revenue is likely to continue decreasing due to inflation and the improved fuel efficiency of cars,” Reif said. “Second, highway spending will probably increase because the nesin family genes, KIF14 and KIF23, each of which has been associated with shorter survival rates – i.e., less than five years. Accordingly, the isoflavone diet also decreased expression of zinc finger protein gene 423, also called ZNF423, which has been linked with survival rates of five years or greater among breast cancer patients. Liu’s findings also support a hypothesis called the soy matrix effect, a theory that soy’s cancer preventive properties are derived from the interactions of complex bioactive compounds – other than isoflavones – within whole foods, such as soy flour. “There was a difference in the biological responses of mice that consumed the soy flour and those that consumed isoflavone supplements, although both diets contained the same amount of the phytoestrogen genistein,” Liu said. “The findings suggest that it’s advisable for women with breast cancer to get isoflavones from soy whole foods, rather than isoflavone supplements.” Helferich, a co-author on the paper, said purified isoflavones behave similarly to estrogens such as estradiol, which prior studies have linked with the growth and proliferation of breast cancer cells. “The gene array data for the isoflavones look very similar to estradiol, which turns on many of the same genes, while the array data for the soy flour look somewhat like the negative control,” said Helferich, who has been studying the effects of soy for more than 20 years. “When the estradiol is removed, the tumors regress and almost become nondetectable. But with the soy flour, Raising the gas tax Implementing “surge pricing” during rush hour or taxing the number of miles a vehicle traveled might be better than raising the gas tax, says a policy brief cowritten by U. of I. economists Don Fullerton, above, and Julian Reif. Illinois graduate student Kaveh Nafari also contributed to the study. state’s infrastructure is in shambles. The American Society of Civil Engineering’s 2014 report card for Illinois infrastructure says that more than 40 percent of Illinois’ major roads are in ‘poor or mediocre condition’ and concludes that additional long-term funding sources will be required to pay for the repairs.” Although a vehicle-milestraveled tax and increased tolls would be quite feasible to implement with current technology, they would likely face significant political pushback from drivers accustomed to “free” roads. The authors emphasized that, like the gasoline tax, a vehiclemiles-traveled tax and increased tolls would be regressive. “However, for many drivers, a vehicle-miles-traveled tax would not differ substantially from a gasoline tax,” Fullerton said. “But if policymakers’ primary goal is to collect highway revenue from those with the ability to pay, the state’s best option might be to do nothing about it and use general revenues from the income tax to pay for roads. It all depends on what the endgame is for policymakers.” u photo by L. Brian Stauffer Soy differences New research by doctoral candidate Yunxian (Fureya) Liu and nutrition professor William Helferich suggests that soy’s breast cancer preventive properties may stem from eating soy-based whole foods across the lifespan. the tumors don’t grow or regress, so they’re not exactly like the negative control.” In another new study at Illinois, researchers found that soy isoflavones enhanced the growth of bone micro-tumors in mice with estrogen-responsive breast cancer, causing the tumors to metastasize more aggressively from bone to lung. Xujuan Yang, an associate researcher in Helferich’s laboratory, led that project. The mice that consumed an isoflavones diet had triple the number of tumors – and had larger tumors – on their lungs, compared with their counterparts in the control groups, Yang found. A paper on the study was published in the April issue of Clinical and Experimental Metastasis. “The main take-home message is, if you have breast cancer, isoflavone dietary supplements are not recommended,” Helferich said. “However, consuming soy from a whole food – along with other legumes – is likely safe.” u InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 PAGE 9 By Jodi Heckel Arts and Humanities Editor S tudents of color at the U. of I. say they hear racist remarks, are subjected to stereotypes, feel excluded in group projects or receive other negative messages based on race, according to a new report on race relations. The report, “Racial Microaggressions at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Voices of Students of Color in the Classroom,” looks at issues of inclusion, diversity and the racial climate in learning environments on campus. The report was written by Stacy Harwood, a professor of urban and regional planning; Ruby Mendenhall, a professor of sociology and of African American studies; and Margaret Browne Huntt, a research development specialist in the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Initiative. The research group also produced a report in 2010 on racial microaggressions in student housing on campus. Racial “microaggression” is defined as “daily verbal, behavioral or environmental slights and insults that send hostile, derogatory or negative messages to people of color,” and that can be intentional or unintentional. The report’s findings are based on an online survey of 4,800 students of color during the 2011-12 academic year, who responded at a 45 percent rate. “The biggest surprise of the whole study was the sheer number of students who responded,” Harwood said. photo by L. Brian Stauffer Report details racial stereotyping, offers recommendations ON THE WEB Report More than half of the students responding to the survey – 51 percent – reported experiences of stereotyping. A little more than a quarter – 27 percent – said their contributions in the classroom have been minimized because of race, or they’ve been made to feel the way they speak is inferior. And 25 percent of the students said they felt they were not taken seriously because of their race. In addition to responding to the survey’s questions, the students were given the opportunity to describe situations where they felt invalidated or disrespected, experienced stereotyping or felt unwelcome because of their race. “They shared very detailed personal stories of experiencing racism on campus,” Harwood said. For example, some students said they heard classmates comment that racial minorities were less qualified and only admitted because of affirmative action. Others said their advisers encouraged them to change their majors to something less challenging. In addition to documenting students’ experiences of racism in the classroom, the report offers recommendations to the campus for training faculty and staff members in addressing racial microaggressions and challenging stereotypes, encouraging dialogue and defusing rancor. The recommendations included requiring students to take Report on racism The co-authors of a report on racism in the classroom at the U. of I.: from left, Ruby Mendenhall, a professor of African American studies; Margaret Browne Huntt, a research development specialist, Interdisciplinary Health Wellness Initiative; Stacy Harwood, a professor of urban and regional planning; Moises Orozco, associate director, recruitment and admissions, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; and Shinwoo Choi, a doctoral student in the School of Social Work. courses on racial inequality in the U.S. and on non-Western culture; creating ways for students to identify, report and respond to racial microaggressions; and tracking majors with low enrollment, high numbers of transfers out of the major, and low graduation rates for students of color. “It’s not about policing language in the classroom. It’s about creating opportunities for discussion,” Harwood said. She said while it’s hard to understand the world from a different point of view, it’s important for teachers and students to listen and pay attention to daily interactions in the classroom. “As an instructor, if you don’t understand how to facilitate a racially charged conversation, it will go poorly,” she said. “Students get angry with each other, they feel unheard and it doesn’t expand the conversation. As a society, we’re afraid to talk about race.” Harwood noted the U. of I.’s Inclusive Illinois program is a good start, but she said more needs to be done. During the current academic year, Inclusive Illinois sponsored a lecture series, workshops and campuswide conversations on Ads removed for online version diversity. Helping students learn to talk about difficult and complex problems gives them a skill they’ll use in their workplaces and their daily lives, Harwood said. “To be a progressive university, you have to take on these issues,” she said. “If we can create an environment where people are able to engage in conversations about race, or about gender, social class, sexuality or religion, they will be better prepared to go out in the world and make a difference,” Harwood said. u InsideIllinois PAGE 10 May 7, 2015 Faculty and staff members honored for excellence at Illinois EXCELLENCE IN UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING: FACULTY MEMBERS photo by Della Perrone F aculty and staff members and graduate teaching assistants at the U. of I. were honored April 30 for excellence in teaching, mentoring and advising. Each was recognized during a reception at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. Faculty members honored with the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, with comments from their nominations: John Murphy, communication, is known by his students and colleagues alike as a “passionate and highly accomplished educator.” By presenting complex subjects to his students in manageable and creative ways, he prepares his students to move on to higher-level work and apply what they have learned by the end of a course. His teaching philosophy is aimed at “helping students grow beyond a ‘rhetoric as rules’ approach to communication and instead cultivates an understanding of ‘rhetoric in action.’” Fiona I.B. Ngô, Asian American studies and gender and women’s studies, is an enthusiastic and flexible teacher. She consistently goes above and beyond to provide exceptional learning experiences for her students. She believes that teaching critical analytical skills is indispensable in shaping undergraduate students’ ability to decode the world. Her teaching style is described as having a positive impact on learning and a “transformative effect” in the classroom. Andrea Stevens, English, is considered one of the department’s “most brilliant instructors, an innovator who galvanizes her students’ enthusiasm for often difficult material, and molds them into strong critical readers and writers.” Her teaching philosophy is to train students to be both literate and attuned to the idea of “literary scholarship as an ongoing conversation to which they can contribute their own original arguments.” Bradley Sutton, bioengineering, has an incredibly effective teaching approach, and students choose his courses “simply due to his excellence as an instructor.” His teaching reputation is credited to the innovations in his lectures and lab courses, which he unites with a progressive approach when introducing new material. By involving students in the development of models to explain complex concepts related to biological systems, he empowers them with the ability to model anything. Amy Woods, kinesiology and community health, has a passion for students and their success. She captures students’ attention and engages them fully in the curriculum through her student-centered teaching philosophy. She views her responsibility as an educator to be “both within and beyond the brick-and-mortar building.” She sees her students as equals in the learning process. Instructional staff members who received the award: Dawn M. Bohn, the director for Offcampus Programs and a teaching associate of food science and human nutrition, enters every classroom ready to inspire and bring out the best in her students, empowering them to transform themselves into the professionals they aspire to be. She creates a learning environment that is inviting, sincere and promotes critical thinking and responsible learning for students so they will evolve both personally and professionally. Her effectiveness is reflected in her students’ steadfast support of her style. Jennifer Follis, a lecturer in journalism, has a remarkable record of teaching excellence and innovation with “an unparalleled dedication and commitment to her students” in her 30 years of teaching on the U. of I. campus. One student said Follis “cares about how students take the classroom to the real world, and she impacts their future.” With passion, commitment and imagination, she teaches of the important role journalists play in society. Adam Poetzel, a clinical professor of John Murphy communication Fiona I.B. Ngô Asian American studies/gender and women’s studies Bradley Sutton bioengineering Andrea Stevens English Amy Woods kinesiology and community health EXCELLENCE IN UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING: INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Dawn M. Bohn food science and human nutrition Jennifer Follis journalism Adam Poetzel curriculum and instruction curriculum and instruction, empowers his students to become engaged and enthusiastic about teaching mathematics. He instills in them a responsibility to make their own students discover and value their mathematical capabilities. Poetzel often cites a Chinese proverb in his course syllabi: “Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.” Graduate teaching assistants who received the award: Miranda Haus-Segura, plant biology; Ann Hubert, English; Alicia Kozma, media and cinema studies; Audrey Neville, political science; and Elyse Yeager, mathematics. The awards recognize professors, instructional staff members and graduate teaching assistants who display consistently excellent performance in the classroom, take innovative approaches to teaching, positively affect the lives of their students, and make other contributions to improve instruction, including influencing the curriculum. Faculty members and instructional staff members selected for the awards each receive $5,000 cash and a $3,000 recurring salary increase; graduate teaching assistants receive $3,500. Other honorees: John Lambros, aerospace engineering, and Albert J. Valocchi, civil and environmental engineering, received the Campus Award for Excellence in Graduate and Professional Teaching. Each receives $5,000 and a $3,000 recurring salary increase. Lambros has had an important leadership role in graduate education in aerospace engineering. He has contributed to the revision of the graduate curriculum through the creation of innovative graduate courses and the online master’s program. He uses problem-solving techniques and hands-on projects in his teaching, which allow students to apply concepts to real-life engineering structures and materials. Valocchi has implemented a number of changes to improve the quality of the graduate student experience by giving them a more active voice in the department. With a philosophy that “recognizes that each student is unique,” he shares his knowledge and experience to help students discover their professional goals and define their own measures of success. Mark Rood, civil and environmental engineering, received the Campus Award for Excellence in Guiding Undergraduate Research. The $2,000 award is designed to foster and reward excellence in involving and guiding undergraduate students in scholarly research. Rood is known as a remarkable mentor as a result of his active and continued accomplishments with undergraduate research assistants for nearly SEE AWARDS, PAGE 11 InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 AWARDS, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 30 years. Andrew G. Alleyne, mechanical science and engineering, and Violet Harris, curriculum and instruction, received the Campus Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring, which provides each recipient with $2,000. Alleyne’s philosophy on mentoring graduate students is understanding each student’s life goals. Understanding each student as an individual allows him to identify their strengths and weaknesses, which helps the students to develop a plan to achieve their goals. He is a dedicated mentor to students, particularly to those in underrepresented groups. Former graduate students said he “recognizes that personal success is just as important as professional success.” Harris advocates for all students, nurtures their intellectual development, and imbues within them a sense of commitment to intellectual advancement and equality in educational and cultural institutions. She commits personal time to support her mentees, including time on weekends and holidays. She advocates for her students and nurtures their intellectual development. Harris encourages her students to “expand their intellectual horizons” and “open themselves to the possibilities of many perspectives.” Richard Gorvett, mathematics, and Carol Firkins, an academic adviser for the Community Health Program in the College of Applied Health Sciences, received the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising, which provides each recipient with $2,000. Gorvett has had an intense influence on many students. He believes the best approach to advising students is to consider each one “holistically – not just as a college student earning a degree, but as an entire person.” A former student said Gorvett’s “passion is evident through his connections with students in a manner that inspires them to succeed.” Firkins is an advocate for students because she takes time to get to know each one of her advisees and invests in their successes. She embraces each student’s diversity and treats them with dignity, value and respect. Her students said, “She has been there to support and encourage us every step of the way.” She always offers her assistance to colleagues, and as an adviser, she aims to foster within students critical thinking skills and selfresponsibility. Anjale Welton, education policy, organization and leadership, received the Campus Award for Excellence in Online and Distance Teaching. The award consists of $5,000 to be placed in the recipient’s research/teaching account and $1,000 for the recipient’s academic unit to further develop the program. Welton is a strong, capable, and intensely thoughtful scholar and teacher who is able to “mitigate the distance in ‘distance learning.’” Innovative and student-centered, she addresses topics that can be difficult even in face-to-face classes. “That she is able to do this in an online forum is a remarkable testament to what thoughtful scholar-professors can accomplish.” Welton states that because her students lead complex lives, “technology is instrumental in helping them feel connected to the university.” Three faculty members also were recognized as University Distinguished TeacherScholars. Gretchen M. Adams, an instructor and the director of Undergraduate Studies and of the Merit Program in the department of chemistry, and Matthew West, mechanical science and engineering, were honored for 2014-15. Jennifer Amos, a senior lecturer and the director of Undergraduate Programs for bioengineering, was honored for 2015-16. The University Distinguished TeacherScholar Program, sponsored by the Teaching Advancement Board and the Office of the Provost, honors and supports outstanding instructors who take an active role in promoting learning on campus. Although the appointment lasts one year, honorees carry the designation with them throughout their careers. u GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL TEACHING John Lambros aerospace engineering Albert J. Valocchi civil and environmental engineering PAGE 11 GUIDING UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Mark Rood civil and environmental engineering GRADUATE STUDENT MENTORING Violet Harris curriculum and instruction Andrew G. Alleyne mechanical science and engineering UNDERGRADUATE ADVISING Richard Gorvett mathematics ONLINE AND DISTANCE TEACHING Carol Firkins applied health sciences Anjale Welton education policy, organization and leadership UNIVERSITY DISTINGUISHED TEACHER-SCHOLARS 2014-15 2014-15 Gretchen M. Adams chemistry Matthew West mechanical science and engineering Photos by L. Brian Stauffer 2015-16 Jennifer Amos bioengieering PAGE 12 InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 ‘Considerable scope’ for improvement in agricultural pollution By Phil Ciciora Business and Law Editor D uring the industrial era, financial indicators were a company’s primary measuring stick. But as the concept of sustainable development has gained relevance, a fundamental change in the assumptions underlying how businesses are measured has also started to take hold. While different sustainability indicators have been developed at an aggregate level, less attention has been paid to farm-level sustainability measures. A study from a U. of I. expert in production economics and efficiency analysis has developed technical and environmental efficiency indices for agriculture that can be used to assess sustainability at the farm level. Moving toward sustainable agricultural practices entails minimizing the production of bad outputs while maximizing good output production, which in turn involves maximizing technical and environmental efficiency levels. In the study, farms are regarded as multioutput firms that produce both good outputs (crops) and bad outputs (nitrogen runoff and leaching) given the use of a certain quantity of inputs, such as land, fertilizer, labor and seeds, says Teresa Serra, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics at Illinois. The paper, which was published in the European Journal of Operational Research, analyzed data from a sample of farms in the Catalan region of Spain that specialized in the production of cereals, oilseeds and protein crops. The results identify significant room for efficiency improvements both in crop production and in the control of pollution from nitrogen-fertilizer runoff, Serra said. Output technical efficiencies – that is, photo by L. Brian Stauffer Agricultural pollution Significant room for improvement exists in the environmental efficiency of both crop production and the control of pollution from nitrogen-fertilizer runoff, says a new study from Teresa Serra, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics at Illinois. how efficient farmers were at growing crops – averaged 87 percent. But environmental performance measures that analyzed nitrogen pollution show more scope for improvement, with an efficiency rating of 80 percent, Serra said. “This paper models farm technology by explicitly allowing for production risk, and its findings confirm that ignoring this risk tends to produce biased efficiency estimates,” Serra said. Results show that environmental efficiency fluctuates according to crop-growing conditions. It’s especially low (70 percent) when growing conditions are good, indicating that farmers tend to overfertilize when preparing for good crop-growing conditions. “When you look at farms from a technical point of view, the ratings that you get in terms of technical efficiency are higher than the ones for environmental efficiency. Why is that? It’s because environmental pollution is not well-regulated,” she said. “There’s not a big incentive for farmers to become more efficient, since there’s no actual price on nitrogen pollution.” Although there are no market prices for pollution, any move toward deriving a baseline would help in implementing regulatory policy, Serra said. “The methodology developed in the paper can be easily used to assign monetary values to pollution in terms of the tradeoff between pollution and crop production,” she said. According to Serra, developing and implementing new farm assessment indicators is an important research topic that has economic, social and political implications. While its initial objectives were focused on farm income support, the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy has expanded to encompass environmental preservation, Serra noted. “Increasingly, one of the things Europeans want to see is, if we give subsidies to farms, they should reciprocate by conserving the environment,” she said. “If it’s a public expenditure, then they expect environmental as well as economic benefits. So the question becomes, is there a way for us to achieve a better distribution of the subsidies by measuring farms not only in terms of how efficient their production is, but also whether they minimize their pollution for the amount of output they create?” Implementing such a redistribution scheme requires empirically based tools to measure a farm’s success in achieving those goals. According to Serra, the paper marks a step toward the eventual implementation of such schemes. “The methodology developed in this paper can be implemented in other empirical settings,” she said. “For example, fertilizer used by farmers in Illinois is contributing considerably to pollution in the Gulf of Mexico. Determining the environmental efficiency of Illinois farmers would help in identifying nitrogen overuse and being able to make specific recommendations to minimize its use at the farm level.” The paper was co-written by Robert G. Chambers of the University of Maryland and Alfons Oude Lansink of Wageningen University. u New Orleans’ school reforms harmful to black community By Sharita Forrest Education Editor B y most media accounts, education reform in post-Katrina New Orleans is a success. Test scores and graduation rates are up, and students once trapped in failing schools have their choice of charter schools throughout the city. But that’s only what education reform looks like from the perspective of New Orleans’ white minority – the policymakers, school administrators and venture philanthropists orchestrating and profiting from these changes, say three education scholars in a new paper published in the journal Qualitative Inquiry. From the perspectives of black students, parents and educators – who have had no voice in the decision-making, and who have lost beloved neighborhood schools and jobs – education reform in New Orleans has exacerbated economic and cultural inequities. Researchers Adrienne D. Dixson, of the University of Illinois, and Kristen L. Buras and Elizabeth K. Jeffers, both of Georgia State University, are the co-authors of a new study that examines the racial implications of education reform in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Each of the scholars has an insider’s perspective on events in New Orleans’ schools: Dixson and Buras as longtime researchers, and Jeffers as a former teacher at John McDonogh Senior High School. McDonogh is one of three public high schools presented as case studies in the paper to illustrate the methods of dispossession that the reformers engaged in and the resistance mounted by community members. “Parents, teachers and, importantly, students have fought back against the reforms in New Orleans schools,” said Dixson, who is conducting a multiyear ethnography of African-Americans’ experiences with education reform in New Orleans. “This resistance is important to document and share with a wider audience. We also wanted to speak back to the success narrative portrayed in the media, and the promotion of educational improvement for racially marginalized youth under the guise of civil rights. Genuine educational justice in urban public schools will be born only from substantive, ongoing community-based decision-making, rather than the accumulative interests of white elites.” After the 2005 hurricane, the state of Louisiana took control of 102 of Orleans Parish School Board’s 117 schools – those deemed its worst performers – and appointed the Recovery School District to oversee them. When McDonogh reopened in 2006, students had no textbooks, computers, bathrooms or water fountains, and only one certified English teacher for about 1,200 students. Yet, the newly installed school district administrators were receiving inflated salaries that were paid through hurricane relief funds, the researchers wrote. Nonetheless, students were eager to learn, and teachers were highly engaged with their pupils – despite reports from reform advocates “that public education in New Orleans was of such low quality, the displacement of local veteran teachers and administrators was warranted and necessary,” according to Jeffers. When outside interests and local officials began pushing for McDonogh to become a charter school, constituents fought to preserve the school, its legacy and its teachers. Students, families and teachers protested the unequal distribution of resources and demanded evidence of the charter operators’ effectiveness, since none of them had track records of successfully operating schools, the researchers wrote. Many community members believe their resistance to McDonogh becoming a charter school is why a program that offered advanced placement courses was shifted abruptly from McDonogh to a charter school, the study said. The school board eventually handed McDonogh over to the charter operator Future is Now, beginning with the 201213 academic year. All of the school’s black veteran teachers were replaced. Two years later, Future is Now closed McDonogh, citing poor student performance and heavy financial losses. Similar battles were fought over the chartering of New Orleans’ Frederick Douglass and Walter Cohen high schools, the two other case studies explored in the paper. While education reformers both within and outside of Louisiana tout the chartering of all the traditional schools taken over by the Recovery School District as a success, the researchers conclude that the results have been devastating for the black community – jeopardizing the future of public education, the black middle class and the historic city’s long-term survival. Some constituents view the education reform movement in New Orleans as the colonization of the city’s public schools, rather than the model of equity and success portrayed in the media. From many black New Orleanians’ perspectives, the takeover and conversion of public schools to charters has been “more like an assault than the positive transformation promised by education entrepreneurs, many of whom are white and relatively wealthy,” the researchers wrote. “The disproportionate enrollment and photo by L. Brian Stauffer School reform The racial implications of the school reform movement in New Orleans are explored in a new study led by education policy professor Adrienne Dixson. Kristen L. Buras and Elizabeth K. Jeffers, both of Georgia State University, were co-authors. admissions practices, whereby a majority of the students in C, D and F schools are overwhelmingly African-American, while a majority of white students attend A-graded schools, is another story that needs to be told,” Dixson said. The researchers’ accounts of events in New Orleans are based on historical sources, autobiographical narrative, personal observations of public meetings and protests, and digital media produced by community groups, among other sources. u May 7, 2015 InsideIllinois book corner PAGE 13 Tale of colonial Illinois about collaboration not conquest By Craig Chamberlain Social Sciences Editor Empire by collaboration I llinois has an early colonial history that’s easily forgotten or boiled down to just the explorers Marquette and Jolliet and a few French fur traders. What’s missing in that, however, is a surprising history of European and native cooperation, interracial marriage and mixed-race communities, according to a U. of I. history professor. “It’s a very different and distinctive kind of colonial history than what we tend to think of,” said Robert Morrissey, the author of the recently published “Empire by Collaboration: Indians, Colonists, and Governments in Colonial Illinois Country.” Rather than finding conflict, the people involved found mutual self-interest, Morrissey said. And rather than carrying out the wishes of the French empire that supposedly ruled them, they often acted in defiance of it, then forced it to go along. “My point in the book is to kind of complicate the understanding of how people think about colonialism in early America, and the idea of empire in early America, as much more of a two-way street,” Morrissey said. “In this case, there were lots of ways in which Indians took advantage of the European presence, and Europeans benefitted from their relationship with native peoples.” Understanding that theme probably starts with understanding the Illinois Indians and their Illinois’ colonial history is a distinctive one, says historian Robert Morrissey in a new book. The French who settled there found a mutual self-interest with the Illinois Indians, forming not only alliances but mixedrace communities. They often worked against the goals of the French empire. photo by L. Brian Stauffer bid for power in the region at that time, Morrissey said. Their home base was the Grand Village of the Kaskaskia, near present-day Starved Rock State Park on the Illinois River about 80 miles southwest of Chicago. At one point, it would be the largest concentration of population in North America north of Mexico City. The Illinois had chosen that location for its access to bisonhunting, but also because it was a borderland between tribes to the east and west and served as a base from which to raid those tribes to take captives for trading as slaves, Morrissey said. Mostly women, these slaves were taken and traded not for their labor, but to replace Indian populations that had been decimated by European diseases and conflicts in the Great Lakes region. The slave trade became an important basis for Illinois power, Morrissey said, and the Illinois would rank among the most powerful peoples in North American at the end of the 1600s. French settlement began with Jesuits establishing a mission in the 1680s near the Grand Village, and the settlement would attract French fur traders. As far as French officials were concerned, neither the priests nor the fur traders were supposed to be there. They were not part of French plans. Soon, French men were marrying Illinois women, and with Jesuit encouragement, Morrissey said. The men gained not only wives, but beneficial connections to the tribe, and the women had their own reasons for valuing these arrangements. ON THE WEB Eventually, five mixed-race settlements would be established much farther south, on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River, south of present-day St. Louis. Morrissey said the settlements included slaves seized from both African and Native American populations. And they began to farm, eventually growing enough wheat for export down the river. French officials had not wanted to settle the “Illinois Country,” wanting instead to establish intensive settlements in Canada where they would “Frenchify” the Indians, Morrissey said. In many ways, and ironically, “these people had Frenchified,” he said. A further irony was that although these settlers and their Indian allies had largely acted from self-interest, they still wanted and needed connection with the empire. “They’re not trying to be independent out here on the edge of the world,” Morrissey said. “They’re trying to work them- Ads removed for online version selves into the networks of the Atlantic world, but on terms that are advantageous to them.” In addition to connection, they needed the empire to give them government and law, Morrissey said. The need was so strong that when the Illinois Country became British territory in the 1760s, after the French and Indian War, these villages were practical and ready to accommodate. “There’s no nostalgia for France,” he said. “They’re like, ‘OK, what’s next? Fine, we’ll be British.’” As a result, in the early 1770s, as colonists on the East Coast are beginning to talk about throwing off British rule, the colonists in Illinois are lobbying for more of that rule. “The farmers of Illinois were appealing to the British empire to send them a government,” Morrissey said. But it was too late. By the time these inhabitants of Illinois got the British government’s attention, the American Revolution was underway. Under the American government that followed, the collaborative imperial culture in Illinois was overshadowed by new Yankee settlers “with different ideas and more power,” Morrissey said. As a result, much of Illinois’ multicultural colonial population migrated west, bringing their distinctive political culture and pragmatism with them. u InsideIllinois PAGE 14 May 7, 2015 Stephen Peterson appointed to lead U. of I. bands program By Jodi Heckel Arts and Humanities Editor T he longtime director of bands at Ithaca College will lead the U. of I. concert and athletic bands, including the Marching Illini, beginning in August. Stephen Peterson has been appointed the director of bands, with artistic, academic and administrative leadership of the U. of I. Bands Program. He’ll oversee the assistant and associate band directors, including Barry Houser, the director of the Marching Illini and athletic bands. Peterson also will conduct the U. of I. Wind Symphony; direct the graduate program in wind band conducting; and teach courses in advanced wind band rehearsal techniques and literature. “(Illinois) is where everything began,” Peterson said. “The heritage of the entire university band system, if not the entire American band system, can be traced right back to the University of Illinois. Many of our icons were band directors there. “It’s a university with a lot of appreciation for what the bands mean,” he said. “I don’t know of another university where the bands program is as deeply rooted within the entire university as it is in Illinois. It really is quite remarkable.” An Arizona native, Peterson has connections to the Midwest. He spent 10 years as the associate director of bands at Northwestern University, and he was the director of the marching band there for eight of those 10 years, taking the band to the 1996 Rose Bowl. “I deeply love the Big Ten. I’m very hap- py to get back to it,” Peterson said. “I love the sports. I also love the camaraderie the band directors in the Big Ten have. They are a very close-knit group, and there is great respect amongst all my colleagues.” Jeffrey Magee, the director of the School of Music, described Peterson as “down-toearth, approachable and demanding, all at once.” “He is in the prime of an illustrious career, with a long and remarkable list of invited conducting appearances across the U.S. and abroad,” Magee said. “He brings a sterling reputation in every area that matters: musicianship, conducting, teaching, leadership, integrity and collegiality. He stands among the nation’s most distinguished concert band conductors.” Peterson has been the director of bands and a music professor at Ithaca College since 1998. He led the Ithaca College Wind Ensemble, which produced widely respected recordings and performed at Lincoln Center and on a tour of Ireland. Peterson has been a leader in cultivating new musical work through commissions and premieres. “I’m looking forward to a new challenge,” Peterson said about coming to the U. of I. “I’m looking forward to working with doctoral students that I haven’t done before, and to a very, very high level of music-making, which can be attained there. I’m eager to work with very talented colleagues there.” Prior to his position at Ithaca College, Peterson was the associate director of bands at Northwestern University from 1988 to 1998, and he led the Northshore Concert Band from 1996 to 1998. He also served as the associate director of bands for Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, for four years, and he was a teacher and conductor at high schools in Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona. Peterson earned his doctorate of music from Northwestern University, and his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Arizona State University. Peterson succeeds interim director Linda Moorhouse. His appointment is effective Aug. 16. Peterson’s wife, Elizabeth Peterson, also has been hired as a clinical professor of music at the U. of I. School of Music. She is the conductor of the Ithaca College Symphonic Band and the coordinator of the Instrumental Junior Student Teaching Program. She served as a guest conductor of the Cornell University photo courtesy of Stephen Peterson Wind Symphony in fall 2012 and spring 2014, and as a co-conduc- New leadership Stephen Peterson, director of tor of the Ithaca Concert Band bands at Ithaca College, has been appointed the new director of bands for the University of Illinois. since 2000. Elizabeth Peterson is a native Peterson will oversee all the concert and athletic of Glenview, Illinois, and was bands. the director of bands for Lake Zurich High tion add further luster to this new era in our bands program and hold out the promise of School from 1991 to 1998. She received her doctorate of musical attracting more excellent student musicians arts in music education from Shenandoah to our campus,” Magee said. The Illinois Bands Program is regarded Conservatory, her master’s degree from Northwestern University and her bachelor’s as one of the world’s top college band programs. More than 650 students participate degree from the University of Michigan. “Her Illinois roots and national reputa- in the program. u Study: This is your teen’s brain behind the wheel new study of teenagers and their moms reveals how adolescent brains negotiate risk – and the factors that modulate their risktaking behind the wheel. In the study, reported in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14-year-old subjects completed a simulated driving task while researchers tracked blood flow in their brains. In one trial, the teen driver was alone; in another, the teen’s mother was present and watching, said U. of I. psychology professor Eva Telzer, who led the study. Laurence Steinberg, a professor of psychology at Temple University, developed the driving task and evaluated how the presence of peers influenced teen risk-taking, Telzer said. “He found that peers significantly increase risk-taking among teens,” Telzer said. “I wanted to know whether we could reduce risk-taking by bringing a parent into the car.” Telzer and her colleagues observed that teens driving alone found risky decisions rewarding. Blood flow to the ventral striatum, a “reward center” in the brain, increased significantly when teen drivers chose to ig- nore a yellow traffic light and drove through the intersection anyway. Previous research has demonstrated that the ventral striatum is more sensitive to rewards in adolescence than during any other developmental period, Telzer said. “The prevailing view is that this peak in reward sensitivity in adolescence underlies, in part, adolescent risk-taking,” she said. A mother’s presence, however, blunted the thrill of running the yellow light, Telzer and her colleagues found. “When mom is there, the heightened ventral striatum activation during risky decisions goes away,” Telzer said. “Being risky, it appears, is no longer rewarding in the presence of mom.” Not surprisingly, teens stepped on the brakes significantly more often at yellow lights when their moms were present than when they were alone. “The teens go from about 55 percent risky choices to about 45 percent when their mom is watching,” Telzer said. ”That’s a big effect.” Another brain region, the prefrontal cortex, kicked into gear when the teens put on the brakes – but only when their mom was watching, the researchers found. The PFC is important to behavioral regulation, also called “cognitive control,” Telzer said. “When they make safe decisions, when they choose to stop instead of going through that intersection, the prefrontal cortex comes online,” she said. “It’s activated when mom is there, but not when they’re alone.” The PFC (the control center) and the ventral striatum (the reward center) are key brain regions involved in adolescent risk-taking behavior, Telzer said. But in the absence of a well-developed control center, adolescents are more susceptible to the stimulating allure of risky behavior. “Here we’re showing that mom reduces the rewarding nature of risk-taking and increases activation of the prefrontal cortex during safe behavior,” Telzer said. “And so these two mechanisms help adolescents to think twice before running the intersection. A parent’s presence is actually changing the way the adolescent is reasoning and thinking about risk – and this increases their safe behavior.” The National Science Foundation and the U. of I. department of psychology funded this study. u Mary Ann Armstrong, 71, died April 25 at her Champaign home. She worked for the U. of I. for 10 years, retiring in 2001 as a typing clerk III for Personnel Services Office. Memorials: American Cancer Society, Robert B. Ash, 79, died April 15 at Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana. He was a professor of mathematics for 26 years, retiring in 1989. Kathryn Irene Beckhart, 84, died April 14 at her Monticello home. She worked at Allerton Park, primarily at the 4-H camp as an administrative assistant. Memorials: Piatt County Animal Shelter, 1115 N. State St. #120, Monticello, IL 61856, or to the 4-H Memorial Camp for a need-based camp scholarship, 499 Old Timber Rd., Monticello, IL 61856. Rupert Nelson Evans, 94, died April 24 at Meadowbrook Health Center at ClarkLindsey, Urbana. He taught at the U. of I. for 32 years, retiring in 1982. He served as the head of two departments and the dean of the College of Education, retiring in 1982. Memorials: Urbana Free Library Foundation, support-us/urbana-free-library-foundation; the U. of I. College of Education, https://; or the Clark-Lindsey Village Friendship Fund, Gilbert Pierce Haight Jr., 92, died April 27. Haight, a professor emeritus of chemis- try, taught at the U. of I. for 23 years, retiring in 1987. Allean Lemmon Hale, 100, died April 18 at Lenoir Woods Senior Living in Columbia, Missouri. She was an adjunct professor theatre at the U. of I. from 1996-97. Memorials: U. of I. Foundation, 1305 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801, MC-386, on behalf of the department of theatre. Saada Hamdy, 68, died April 21 at Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana. She was a research chemist at the Illinois State Water Survey for 17 years, retiring in 2006. Willa Hollis, 74, died April 26 at her Champaign home. She worked in the department of astronomy at the U. of I. for many years. Memorials: Dr. Gilbert Hollis Memorial Scholarship Fund, U. of I. Foundation, 1305 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801, MC386, Richard C. “Buzz” McNally, 49, died March 4 at Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana. He was a cook at the U. of I. for University Housing from 1996 to 1999. Memorials: A memorial fund to help the family honor his memory, visit or contact Mary Lehmann, Frances Louise Sykes, 82, died April 14. She worked at the U. of I. for 34 years, retiring in 1998. She was a supervisor of data processing in the Survey Research Laboratory. u By Diana Yates Life Sciences Editor A Teen drivers U. of I. psychology professor Eva Telzer and her colleagues found that a mother’s presence changes brain activity in an adolescent who is contemplating risky behavior. photo by L. Brian Stauffer deaths InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 PAGE 15 Three elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences By Diana Yates Life Sciences Editor T hree U. of I. professors have been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the longest-standing honorary societies in the nation. Psychology professors J. Kathryn Bock and Gary S. Dell, and physics professor Taekjip Ha will join other new members in an induction ceremony in October in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Bock, an emeritus faculty member in psychology and in the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at Illinois, explores how cognition influences language structure and whether the language a person speaks influences his or her perception of events and objects. Bock received a Fulbright Research Fellowship (1991) and a Sloan Fellowship (1982); she was a visiting research associate at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (intermittently between 1983 and 2012); she is a fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 3); a fellow of the American Psychological Society; and a member of the Society of Experimental Psychologists. Dell, also a professor in the Beckman Institute, studies how people produce and understand sentences. He developed the first computational model of language production and used it to simulate properties of speech errors, or “slips of the tongue.” He later used related models to understand patterns of pathological speech production resulting from brain damage. His recent work focuses on how linguistic abilities change with experience and how such changes can be captured in neural networks. Dell is a recipient of the American Psychological Association Early Career Award and is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Society of Experimental Psychologists, the Cognitive Science Society, the Association for Psychological Science and the Psychonomic Society. Ha is the Edward William and Jane Marr Gutgsell Endowed Professor, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, a professor in the Beckman Institute and the Cellular Decision Making in Cancer theme leader in the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology at Illinois. He also is co-director of the National Science Foundationfunded Center for the Physics of Living Cells at the U. of I. Ha uses physical concepts and experimental techniques to study fundamental achievements ACES The College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences recognized outstanding faculty and staff members at the annual Paul A. Funk Recognition Awards Banquet April 13 at Pear Tree Estate in rural Champaign. The awards program was established in 1970 by the Paul A. Funk Foundation of Bloomington, Illinois, as a memorial to Funk, who attended the college as a member of the class of 1929 and devoted his life to agriculture. The three recipients of the Paul A. Funk Recognition Award – Elvira de Mejia, a professor of food science and human nutrition, Brian Diers, a professor of crop sciences, and Alan Hansen, a professor of agricultural and biological engineering – headlined this year’s ceremony. The Funk Award is the college’s highest honor. It is presented annually to faculty members for outstanding achievement and major contributions to the betterment of agriculture, natural resources and human systems, said ACES Dean Robert Hauser. The Spitze Land-Grant Professorial Career Excellence Award went to Scott Irwin, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics. Karen Chapman-Novakofski, a professor of food science and human nutrition, received the Faculty Award for Global Impact. The Senior Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching went to Soo-Yeun Lee, a professor of food science and human nutrition, while the College Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching went to Nicholas Paulson, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics. Sandra Rodriguez-Zas and Ryan Dilger, professors of animal sciences, received the Senior Faculty Award and College Faculty Award, respectively, for excellence in research. The Senior Faculty Award for Excellence in Extension went to Mohammad Babadoost, a professor of crop sciences, while the College Faculty Award for Excellence in Extension went to Paulson. The Teaching Associate Teaching Award was given to Margaret Norton, a visiting teaching associate in crop sciences. The John Clyde and Henrietta Downey Spitler Teaching Award went to Barbara Fiese, a professor of human development and family studies and the Pampered Chef Endowed Chair, who also is the director of the Family Resiliency Center. photos by L. Brian Stauffer High honors U. of I. psychology professors J. Kathryn Bock and Gary S. Dell, and physics professor Taekjip Ha have been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. questions in molecular biology. He has developed new techniques that have enhanced the study of individual molecular interactions. His most recent work uses singlemolecule measurements to understand protein-DNA interactions and enzyme dynamics. Ha is a recipient of the Ho-Am Prize (2011), the Bárány Award of the Biophysi- cal Society (2007), an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship (2003), a Cottrell Scholar Award (Research Corporation, 2003), a Young Fluorescence Investigator Award of the Biophysical Society (2002) and a Searle Scholar Award (2001). He was named a University Scholar at the U. of I. in 2009, and he is a fellow of the American Physical Society. u A report on honors, awards, appointments and other outstanding achievements of faculty and staff members The Team Award for Excellence went to members of the STRONG Kids/IllinoisTransdisciplinary Obesity Prevention Program (I-TOPP): Kelly Bost, a professor of child development; David Buchner, a professor of kinesiology and community health; Sharon Donovan, a professor of food science and human nutrition and the Melissa M. Noel Endowed Chair in Nutrition and Health; Fiese; Diana GrigsbyToussaint, a professor of kinesiology and community health; Craig Gundersen, a professor of nutritional sciences; Jessica Hartke, a professor of nutritional sciences and the assistant director of the Division of Nutritional Sciences; Charles H. Hillman, a professor of kinesiology and community health; Rodney W. Johnson, a professor and the director of nutritional sciences; Brenda Koester, a professor of human and community development and the assistant director of the Family Resiliency Center; Lee; Janet Liechty, a professor of social work; Brent McBride, a professor of human development and the director of the Child Development Lab; Salma Musaad, a visiting researcher of biostatistics in human and community development; Margarita Teran-Garcia, a professor of food science and human nutrition; Jennifer Themanson, a project coordinator for human and community development; Donna Whitehill, a visiting project coordinator for nutritional sciences; and Angela Wiley, a professor of applied family studies and the director of the Child Care Resiliency Programs. The Professional Staff Awards for Excellence were given to Elizabeth Reutter, a teaching associate in food science and human nutrition, “for Sustained Excellence in Advising, Teaching and Outreach”; Lowell Gentry, a senior researcher specialist in agriculture in the department of natural resources and environmental sciences, “for Sustained Excellence in Research”; and Linda Tortorelli, the coordinator of the Autism Program, “for Innovation and Creativity.” Luis Mejia, an adjunct professor of food science and human nutrition, received the Service Recognition Award. Dianne Carson, an office support specialist in crop sciences, and Donna Stites, an administrative clerk in agricultural and consumer economics, received the Staff Award for Excellence. Maria Rund, an office administrator for human and community development, was awarded the Marcella M. Nance Staff Award. Other recent ACES awards: Amy Ando, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics, received the ACE GSO Outstanding Faculty Award. Richard Gates, a professor of agricultural and biological engineering, received the Engineering Council Award for Outstanding Advising. Robert Hughes Jr., a professor of human and community development, received the National Council of Family Relations Felix Berardo Mentoring Award. Walter Hurley, a professor emeritus of animal sciences, received the United States Department of Agriculture Food and Agricultural Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award. Justine Karduck, a teaching associate of food science and human nutrition, received the Illinois Academy of Nutrition SEE ACHIEVEMENTS, PAGE 16 Ads removed for online version InsideIllinois PAGE 16 ACHIEVEMENTS, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 and Dietetics 2013-14 Outstanding Dietetics Educator. Lee received the U.S. Department of Agriculture, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, and Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities Regional Teaching Award for Food and Agriculture Sciences. Vijay Singh, a professor of agricultural and biological engineering, received the American Association of Cereal Chemists International Excellence in Teaching Award. Paul Stoddard, a lecturer of agribusiness, received the Earl M. and Mildred S. Hughes Teaching Enhancement Award. Dawn M. Bohn, a director for OffCampus Programs and teaching associate of food science and human nutrition, DoKyoung Lee, a professor of crop sciences, and Robert Schooley, a professor of natural resources and environmental sciences, received the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Educator Award. Faculty members in agricultural and consumer economics who received the American Agricultural Economics Association Distinguished Extension/Outreach Program Group Award: Mark Althouse, a program coordinator; Ryan Batts, an extension specialist of Farm and Financial Management; Jonathan Coppess, a clinical professor; Paul Ellinger, a professor and department head; A. Bryan Endres, a professor; Darrel Good, a professor emeritus; Scott Irwin, the Laurence J. Norton Chair of Agricultural Marketing; Hongxia Jiao, a visiting extension and research specialist; Todd Kuethe, a clinical professor, Marc Lovell, a director of Tax Education and Outreach; John Newton, a clinical professor of agricultural commodity markets; Paulson; Paul Peterson, a clinical professor; Dwight Raab, an extension specialist; and Gary Schnitkey, a professor. AHS Flavia Andrade, a professor of kinesiology and community health, received the college’s Excellence in Graduate and Professional Teaching Award. Tina Candler, an administrative aide in kinesiology and community health, received the college’s Staff Excellence Award for civil service employees. Kristin Carlson, a lecturer in kinesiology and community health, received the college’s Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award for instructional staff members. Carol Firkins, an academic adviser for the applied health sciences administration, received the college’s Excellence in Undergraduate Advising Award. Kim C. Graber, a professor of kinesiology and community health, received the Phyllis J. Hill Award for Exemplary Mentoring in the Edmund J. James Scholar Award. Charles H. Hillman, a professor of kinesiology and community health, received the college’s Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring Award. Edward McAuley, a Shahid and Ann Carlson Khan professor of kinesiology and community health, received the Society of Behavioral Medicine 2014 Distinguished Research Mentor Award. Robert Motl, a professor of kinesiology and community health, received the college’s Excellence in Guiding Undergraduate Research Award. Jarrod Scheunemann, a community education and services coordinator for recreation, sport and tourism, received the college’s Academic Professional Excellence Award. Amy Woods, a professor of kinesiology and community health, won the college’s Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award for Faculty. BUSINESS Gopesh Anand, a professor of business administration, received the College of Business Alumni Association Excellence in Teaching Award for Graduate and Professional Teaching. Brooke Elliott, a professor of accountancy, received the St. Louis Teaching Award. Petro Lisowsky, a professor of accountancy, received the College of Business Alumni Association Excellence in Teaching Award for Undergraduate Teaching. Jessen Hobson, a professor of accountancy, and Adel Ibrahim, a lecturer in accountancy, received Head’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. EDUCATION Tammy Collins, a facilities manager for the College of Education, received the Distinguished Staff Award. Hedda Meadan-Kaplansky, a professor of special education, received the SpitzeMather Faculty Award for Excellence. Karla Moller, a professor of curriculum and instruction, received the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award. Yoon Pak, a professor of education policy, organization and leadership, received the Outstanding Asian American Faculty/ Staff Award. Michelle Perry, a professor of special education, received the Distinguished Teaching Career Award. Jena Pfoff, an online academic and student service coordinator for education policy, organization and leadership, received the college’s Academic Professional Excellence Award. Adam Poetzel, a clinical assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, received the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics Max Beberman Mathematics Educator Award. ENGINEERING Charles Gammie, a professor of physics, has been named a 2015 Simons Fellow in Theoretical Physics by the Simons Foundation. Gammie, who has joint appointments in astronomy and physics, will use the fellowship to continue his leading-edge theoretical work in black hole astrophysics while on sabbatical next academic year at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. The Simons Fellow in Theoretical Physics allows time away from the classroom to pursue research. The Simons Foundation’s mission is to advance research in mathematics and the basic sciences. Joseph W. Lyding, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, was awarded the Foresight Institute Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology for experimental work. Lyding is a pioneer in the development of scanning tunneling microscope technology and particularly hydrogen depassivation lithography. Foresight Institute is a leading think tank and public interest organization focused on molecular nanotechnology. These prestigious prizes, named in honor of pioneer physicist Richard Feynman, are given in two categories, one for experiment and the other for theory in nanotechnology. These prizes honor researchers whose recent work has most advanced the achievement of Feynman’s goal for nanotechnology: the construction of atomically precise products through the use of productive nanosystems. Robert Pilawa-Podgurski, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, has won the Air Force Young Investigator Award as part of the Young Investigator Program through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Pilawa-Podgurski is designing new computing systems for the storage and processing of information that are intended to be lightweight and compact enough to function on a plane. The threeyear award recognizes promising researchers who have received their doctoral degree within the last five years. The program aims to foster creative research in science and engineering and increase opportunities for the young investigator. Gabriel Popescu, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, has been elected as a fellow of the Optical Society of America. He received his nomination for his research on “quantitative and nanoscale imaging of cells and tissues.” Popescu’s work has focused on helping to turn biology into an engineering-oriented science through microscopic devices that use light scattering and interferometry to turn imaging into a quantitative measurement tool. The society is the leading association in optics and photonics, and no more than 10 percent of the total membership of the society can be a fellow. Mats Selen, a professor of physics, has been named one of the first recipients of the new Transformational Research and Excellence in Education Award from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement. Selen is widely recognized for his critical contributions to the development of CLEO, a general-purpose particle detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring, and his work to advance the understanding of charm hadronic decays and excited states. The award recognizes research and educational accomplishments of the Cottrell May 7, 2015 Scholars community, along with encouraging the improvement of science education at universities. The Cottrell Scholar program develops outstanding scholars who are recognized for their research and leadership skills. Paris Smaragdis, a professor with joint appointments in computer science and electrical and computer engineering, has been named an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers fellow. Smaragdis has spent the majority of his career working on some of the most challenging problems in audio processing. The core of Smaragdis’ work lies in making machines understand sound. The association’s mission is to foster technological innovation to benefit the world, and only select members of the association with accomplishments are deemed fellows. The College of Engineering recently hosted its annual awards reception and announced these recognitions: Catherine Best, a research professor of bioengineering, received the UIC Urban Health Program College of Medicine Team Member Servant Leadership Award. Timothy Bretl, a professor of aerospace engineering, received the Collins Award for Innovative Teaching. Harry Dankowicz, a professor of mechanical science and engineering, received the American Society for Engineering Education Fred Merryfield Design Award. Stephen Downing, a lecturer of mechanical science and engineering, received the Mechanical Science and Engineering Five-Year Effective Teaching Award. J. Craig Dutton, a professor of aerospace engineering, received the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Teacher of the Year award. Gregory Elliott, a professor of aerospace engineering, received the College of Engineering Stanley H. Pierce Award. Randy Ewoldt, a professor of mechanical science and engineering, received the Rose Award for Teaching Excellence. Bruce Flachsbart, a senior research engineer and a professor and lecturer of mechanical science and engineering, received the College of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award. Grace Gao, a professor of aerospace engineering, received the Everitt Award for Teaching Excellence. Cinda Heeren, a lecturer in computer science, received the Rose Award for Teaching Excellence. Wen-mei Hwu, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, received the Collins Award for Innovative Teaching. Paul Kwiat, a professor of physics, received the Doug and Judy David Award for Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Physics. Scott Olson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering and the Civil and Environmental Engineering Excellence Faculty scholar, received the Chi Epsilon Central District James M. Robbins ExcelSEE ACHIEVEMENTS, PAGE 17 Ads removed for online version InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 iMBA, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 entire spectrum of potential students, from those who are curious and merely want to dip their toes in the water to those who know they want to earn a full master’s degree right away.” Students also have the option of taking a course sequence free of charge, receiving a Courseraverified certificate or continuing their studies for academic credit through the Urbana campus. “The iMBA is perfect for those who want to round out their STEM or liberal arts educations with business know-how,” Echambadi said. Students can apply for the iMBA either before they’ve en- rolled in classes or after they’ve already sampled one or more classes. “A student or working professional could sign up for a class in a topic they need right away for their work and keep stacking courses and credits to build toward a full iMBA degree,” Echambadi said. “This is part of what makes stackability possible – each sequence brings together all the pieces of the puzzle in one place. The iMBA really redefines business subject areas so that they’re not confined to the way other b-schools or universities are organized.” Offering an online-only MBA degree will ultimately help the U. ACHIEVEMENTS, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 lence in Teaching Award. Michael Philpott, a professor emeritus of mechanical science and engineering, received the Mechanical Science and Engineering Two-Year Effective Teaching Award. Kevin Pitts, College of Engineering dean for undergraduate programs and a professor of physics, received the Department of Physics Nordsieck Award for Excellence in Teaching. Jeffrey Roesler, a professor, associate head and the director of Graduate Studies of civil and environmental engineering, received the College of Engineering Stanley H. Pierce Faculty Award. David Ruzic, an Abel Bliss Professor of Engineering, received the American Nuclear Society Student Chapter Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Ruzic also received the Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering 2014 Teacher of the Year. Peter Sauer, a professor and the W.W. Grainger Chair in electrical and computer engineering, received the Tau Beta Pi Daniel C. Drucker Award. Mariana Sohn, a visiting lecturer, a visiting curriculum development coordinator and a professor of mechanical science and engineering, received the Engineering Council Award for Outstanding Advising. Timothy Stelzer, a professor of physics, received the Rose Award for Teaching Excellence. Dusan Stipanovic, a professor of industrial and enterprise systems engineering, received The Sharp Outstanding Teaching Award. Jenny Amos, a senior lecturer and the chief academic adviser of bioengineering and the director of Undergraduate Programs; Kerri Green, an Undergraduate Programs specialist and an academic adviser for bioengineering; Dipanjan Pan, a professor of bioengineering; and Bradley Sutton, a professor of bioengineering and the associate head for Undergraduate Programs; received the Engineering Council Outstanding Advising Award. Matthew Caesar, a professor of computer science; Carl Gunter, a professor of computer science; Jiawei Han, an Abel Bliss Professor of Engineering; Stephen Herzog, the coordinator of Undergraduate Programs for computer science; Laxmikant Kale, a professor of computer science; Karrie Karahalios, a professor of computer science; Darko Marinov, a professor of computer science; Dan Roth, a professor of computer science; Smaragdis; and ChengXiang Zhai, a professor of computer science; received the Engineering Council Award for Outstanding Advising. Dutton and Laura Gerhold, an academic adviser and the coordinator of Undergraduate Programs, received the Engineering Council Award for Outstanding Advising. Lynford Goddard, Rakesh Kumar, Robert Pilawa-Podgurski and Jose SchuttAine, all professors of electrical and com- of I. connect with students around the world who wish to earn a master’s degree in business administration but can’t afford – in terms of time or money – to push the pause button on their career or go back to school full time, DeBrock said. “The iMBA really leverages the power of MOOCs for the first time,” DeBrock said. “The first portion of every course is open enrollment and involves people from all over the world, not just those who have applied and been accepted into an online MBA program. Instructors lead through a cohort system that creates constant, direct interaction among puter engineering, received the Engineering Council Award for Outstanding Advising. Angus Rockett, a professor and chief adviser for undergraduates in materials science and engineering; John A. Rogers, a Swanlund Chair, a professor of materials science and engineering and the director of the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory; and Kenneth Schweizer, the G. Ronald and Margaret H. Morris professor of materials science and engineering; received the Engineering Council Award for Outstanding Advising. Emad Jassim, the director of Undergraduate Programs and a lecturer in mechanical science and engineering; Nicole Neighbors, the assistant director of research administration for mechanical science and engineering; and Pam Vanetta, an office support specialist for mechanical science and engineering; received the Mechanical Science and Engineering Staff Award for Exemplary Service. Becky Meline, a coordinator of academic programs for nuclear, plasma and radiological engineering, and Ruzic received the Engineering Council Award for Outstanding Advising. FAA Abbas Aminmansour, a professor of architecture, received the Special Achievement Award from the American Institute of Steel Construction at the plenary session of the 2015 North American Steel Construction Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. He received the honor because of his contributions to the advancement of structural steel design and the construction industry from his paper, “A New Approach for Design of Steel Beam-Columns,” which appeared in Engineering Journal. According to the American Institute of Steel Construction’s website, their “mission is to make structural steel the material of choice by being the leader in structural-steel-related technical and market-building activities.” Erin Gee, a composer known for her works that use nontraditional vocal techniques, is one of two composers to win the 2015 Charles Ives Fellowship from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Gee, a professor of composition-theory, won the fellowship based on two new pieces that premiered in 2014. The compositions are part of Gee’s “Mouthpiece” series, which she began in 1999 with a composition for a solo voice. The piece does not use words, but rather a diverse array of vocal sounds, such as pops, clicks, sung tones and whistles. One of her new pieces for which she won the fellowship, “Mouthpiece XXII,” was written for a string quartet and was premiered by the Arditti Quartet, one of the pioneer string quartets for new music. The other piece recognized with the fellowship award is “Mouthpiece XX: Mathilde of Loci Part 2,” a composition for voice, orchestra, actor and video. The American Academy of Arts and Letters is composed of architects, composers, artists and writers. PAGE 17 peers.” Daphne Koller, co-founder and president of Coursera, said the iMBA program “reimagines graduate education to be more flexible and accessible.” “Aspiring professionals from all over the world will be able to earn meaningful certificates for the business skills they need and always have the option to earn the full MBA degree, at an unprecedented affordable cost, from a top business school,” Koller said. “This is an educational model that puts learners first and is well suited to the needs of today’s workforce.” u The Academy’s purpose is to foster and sustain interest in literature, music and the fine arts by identifying and encouraging artists. IGB Gene Robinson, the director of the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, was appointed to the Board of Scientific Advisors of the National Courts and Sciences Institute. The institute is a judicially governed science and technology organization providing special training to state and federal court judges, Native American court judges and administrative law judges of federal and state executive agencies and independent regulatory agencies. LAS Leanne Knobloch, a professor and the director of graduate studies for communication, will receive the Top Paper in Interpersonal and Small Group Communication award from the Central States Communication Association. The award honors the write-up of her research study “Communication of Military Couples during Deployment: Topic Avoidance and Relational Uncertainty.” Knobloch investigates the processes of regulating privacy and managing relational uncertainty as challenging aspects of communication for military couples separated by deployment. The paper then offers recommendations to military couples facing these communication challenges. The association is a professional, academic organization of primary- and secondary-school teachers, students, college and university professors and communication professionals. Founded in 1931 to promote the communication discipline in educational, scholarly and professional endeavors, the association consists of 13 Midwestern states and has more than 800 members. Yi Lu, a professor of chemistry, received the Royal Society of Chemistry Applied Inorganic Chemistry Award for 2015. Lu was recognized for original research breakthroughs in metallo-DNAzyme and for technological innovations in sensor design that have resulted in a new class of metal ion sensors for on-site and real-time detection in environmental monitoring, food safety and medical diagnostics. Award recipients are evaluated for the originality and impact of their research, as well as the quality of the results which can be shown in publications, patents or software. The awards recognize achievements by individuals, teams and organizations in advancing the chemical sciences. The society is the world’s leading chemistry community, advancing excellence in the chemical sciences. LAW Robin Kar, a professor of law and of philosophy, and Andrew Leipold, the Edwin M. Adams professor and the director of the Program in Criminal Law and Procedure, received the College of Law’s Award for Teaching Excellence. photo courtesy College of Business Raj Echambadi LER T. “Brad” Harris, a professor of labor and employment relations, received the LER Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. MEDIA Charles “Stretch” Ledford, a professor of journalism, received the Associated Press Media Editors Innovator of the Year Award for College Students. Shachar Meron, a lecturer in advertising, received the Award for Teaching Excellence. Peter Sheldon, a lecturer in advertising, received the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Distinguished Teaching Award. SECRETARIAT Leta Summers, an administrative aide in the Capital Planning Division of Facilities and Services, received the 2015 Office Professional of the Year Award from The Secretariat. Summers was recognized at an awards luncheon April 15. Also nominated: Peggy Buchner, an office administrator in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost; Rayme Dorsey, an office manager in plant biology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Michael Foellmer, an office support specialist in political science in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; and Sheila Powers, an office manager in the College of Medicine. The Secretariat is comprised of U. of I. employees in certain civil service classifications. Nominees for the Office Professional of the Year Award perform their duties well and enthusiastically support the U. of I. and its programs. The nominee demonstrates professionalism and is involved in the Secretariat organization. SOCIAL WORK Sung Wan Kang, a teaching assistant of social work, received the Ackerson Award for Excellence in Student Teaching. EDUCATION and OFFICE FOR PLANNING AND BUDGETING Tyler D. Kearney, the associate director for the University Office of Planning and Budgeting, and Jennifer Delaney, a professor of education policy, organization and leadership, received a 2014 Charles F. Elton Best Paper Award from the Association for Institutional Research for their paper, “Guaranteed Tuition Policies and State General Appropriations for Higher Education: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis,” which appeared in the Journal of Education. The award honors scholarship that exemplifies the standards of excellence established by the award’s namesake, and makes scholarly contributions to the field of institutional research and decision making in higher education. The goal is to honor publishable papers and to acknowledge that the scholarship of the association is featured in a wide range of peer-reviewed journals. u InsideIllinois PAGE 18 briefnotes Town hall meeting Campus welcomes new president The Urbana campus will welcome Timothy L. Killeen, the 20th president of the U. of I., at a town hall meeting 2-3:30 p.m. May 18, in the Tryon Festival Theatre at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts. A reception in the Krannert Center lobby will follow immediately after. University YMCA Donate to Dump and Run during May Moving out or doing some spring cleaning? Donate your surplus stuff to the University YMCA during its Dump and Run May collection days. Now in its 14th year, the community recycling program collects and sells quality used goods. The program reduces litter and consumer waste, saves space in landfills, lowers dumping costs for certified housing and apartments, provides inexpensive items for people to purchase in August, and serves as a major fundraiser for the University YMCA. May collection sites are located in Latzer Hall in the University YMCA and at collection boxes in several campus residence halls. Collection days are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 11-16 and May 18-22. There also will be collections Aug. 12-15 at the U. of I. Stock Pavilion. The Dump and Run sale will take place Aug. 22 and 23 at the U. of I. Stock Pavilion. The University YMCA reserves the right to refuse any donation offered, based on but not limited to its size, weight and condition. Anyone who volunteers for six hours or more will be allowed to shop first during the presale in August. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, visit For more information on what may be donated, visit The University YMCA will also be involved during U. of I. move-out day May 16. Campus and community volunteers will move from dorm to dorm, sorting reusable items from dorm collection boxes into large bags to be hauled back to the YMCA through a donated box truck. 4-H House Cookbook sales to support 4-H House More than 1,000 U. of I. students have lived in the 4-H House at 805 W. Ohio St. in Urbana since it was built in 1960. That number of residents for more than 55 years would take a toll on any home. Consequently, a new cookbook has been published to help raise funds for the home’s much-needed remodeling and renovation. “Nurture the Future @ 805” is a hardcover, spiral-bound cookbook with 480 pages of favorite 4-H House recipes through the years. “Currently 4-H House is home to 51 young women who have leadership experience in 4-H, Future Farmers of America or similar organizations,” said Krista Temple, a freshman at the U. of I., who is the ninth member of her family to live in the 4-H House. “These women do all of their own cooking, cleaning and maintenance at the house. This cooperative living style allows us to live on campus at a reasonable price and to form long-lasting friendships.” Temple said the money raised from the sale of the cookbooks will help update the house with air conditioning, new electrical wiring and updated bathrooms and more. Each cookbook can be purchased for $30, which includes shipping costs. For details on how to order, visit or send an email to Judy Taylor, judym, or Linda Muehling at glmuehling@ Technology Entrepreneur Center Illinois innovation awards announced The Technology Entrepreneur Center announced the winners of the Illinois Innovation Prize, which awards $20,000 to a student who stands out as a passionate innovator and entrepreneur, who is working with world-changing technology and is seen as a role model for others. Each student was nominated by mentors or a faculty member on the basis of the nominee’s passion for innovation and work in technology. Andreas C. Cangellaris, the dean of the College of Engineering, announced that this year, the prize would be divided among three finalists, since all of the students were so impressive. Ritu Raman, a doctoral candidate in mechanical science and engineering, was announced as the 2015 winner and awarded $15,000. Raman is focused on developing and commercializing 3-D printing technologies for applications in biomedical engineering. Raman is interested in using 3-D printing to manufacture biological building blocks, or BioBlocks. These BioBlocks can harness the innate abilities of biological materials to sense, process and respond to a variety of dynamic environmental signals in real time. By crowd-sourcing the design rules and principles of building with biology in undergraduate classrooms, Raman plans to May 7, 2015 Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund seeks donations during annual drive S ince 1992, the Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund has helped nearly 1,000 employees with assistance during a financial crisis. Last year alone, the generosity of employee donations provided approximately $30,000 in grants to U. of I. employees. “In a time when many experience stress and closed doors when asking for help, families who have been assisted through FSEF find it gives them hope things can get better,” said Karie Wolfson, the director of the Faculty/Staff Assistance Program. Employees are eligible to apply for assistance if they are experiencing a temporary financial hardship because of an emergency situation. Faculty members, academic professionals and civil service staff members with at least a 50 percent appointment and who have completed at least six months of service at the university qualify to apply for the fund and may apply at any time. Applicants are screened through the Faculty Staff Assistance Program and are reviewed and approved by a confidential committee. All contacts are confidential and assessments are free. However, the fund’s need is outpacing donations. Although contributions can be made at any time of the year, employee support is critical during the annual fund drive, which has a goal of raising $50,000. The fund uses 100 percent of every donation to assist employees. Every gift, regardless of size, will provide much-needed fiuse experiential learning and empirical discovery as tools to train the next generation of makers, builders and inventors. The Illinois Innovation Prize runners-up were Ahmed Khurshid, awarded $3,500, and Amy Doroff, awarded $1,500. Khurshid is a doctoral candidate in computer science working on research that is focused on improving security and availability of networked systems. He is developing tools to validate routing and security properties of a network using black-box analysis of network behavior. Doroff is a senior in industrial and enterprise systems engineering. During her role at Deere & Co., she worked on improving the process of installing lock collars during combine assembly. Before she left, Doroff led a team to design a brand-new process and tool that decreased warranty claims, reduced safety and ergonomics issues, and allowed for process standardization internationally. Technology Services CITES is now Technology Services. Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services – more commonly referred to as CITES – is changing its name to Technology Services. After much consultation, it became clear that students and faculty and staff members, particularly those new to campus, often found the acronym “CITES” difficult to understand. A common question was, “What do you do?” Removing that immediate point of confusion is a crucial first step in transforming Technology Services into an organization focused on meeting the changing technology needs of students and faculty and staff members. Faculty and staff members and students were invited to two Technology Services town hall meetings earlier this week to provide feedback about technology on campus and learn more about the direction and vision for Technology Services at Illinois. Ending the use of “CITES” across campus will take place over the summer. The ways to contact the Technology Services Help Desk will not change. For assistance, call 217-244-7000 or email The Technology Services website will debut this summer. Allerton Park and Retreat Center Second annual plant sale is May 9-10 Allerton Park and Retreat Center will host its second annual plant sale 9 a.m.-5 p.m. May 9-10 during Mother’s Day weekend. On sale will be annuals, herbs and perennials, including arranged hanging baskets – all perfect for gifts. All proceeds from the sale will benefit the Allerton Volunteer Fund. Plants will be located next to the visitor center. There will be a container plant workshop from 1-3 p.m. May 9, facilitated by the U. of I. Extension Master Gardeners. The event is open to the public. Technology Services Cyberattacks down due to router Home to one of the largest research networks, the U. of I. constantly faces cyberattacks from around the world. Thanks to the Black Hole Router, a new security measure from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and the Office of Privacy and Information Assurance, brute force attacks against the network have dropped from rough- nancial assistance to ON THE WEB U. of I. employees in times of crisis. Payroll deduction or credit card donations can be made securely online through the foundation website, Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. n For payroll deduction, click on “Giving to Illinois” in the center of the page, then “Give Your Way,” then “Automatic Payments,” and then “Download a Payroll Deduction Form.” n For credit card payments, go to the drop-down menu listed under “Annual Funds,” click on “Select the college, school or unit you want to support.” Select “Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund,” and then fill in the dollar amount you wish to pledge. n If you wish to send a check, complete the contribution form online at Checks should be made payable to UIF/UIUC Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund and mailed to the U. of I. Foundation, Harker Hall, P.O. Box 3429, Champaign, IL 61826-3429, MC-386. For more information about the fund, visit fsap. or call 217-244-5312 or contact Debbie McCall, chair, at or 217-2656420. u ly 900,000 per month to 50,000. The router identifies malicious traffic that is constantly scanning the U. of I.’s network looking for vulnerabilities. Once the router identifies an attack, it automatically routes this malicious traffic away from the campus network, drastically reducing the amount of time that the cyberattack has to scan the U. of I.’s network. Wayland Morgan, an information technology security analyst, compares the bulk of these attacks to a small-time thief walking down a street at night checking every car for unlocked doors. But instead of just one thief probing the U. of I.’s network, there are hundreds of thousands of network scans that must be identified and stopped every week before they find an “open door.” In the past, seeing and stopping bad traffic was done by hand. Until that traffic was stopped, the scans were able to continue checking across the whole network. The number of scans reached a high of 904,825 in February. Since implementing the router on March 26, the Office of Privacy and Information Assurance has been able to route thousands of attacks away from the network, reducing the number of attacks to 48,028 in April. Morgan cautions that total security is impossible. Managing risk rather than preventing it is the daily work of IT professionals. For more information, contact Wayland Morgan at Fiscal Year 2015-16 Campus holiday schedule announced The 2015-16 holiday schedule for the Urbana campus is now available online at Holiday_Schedule_2015-16.html. 2015 Friday, July 3: Independence Day holiday Monday, Sept. 7: Labor Day holiday Thursday, Nov. 26: Thanksgiving Day holiday Friday, Nov. 27: day after Thanksgiving (designated holiday) Thursday, Dec. 24: half-day gift (from the chancellor and the president) / half-day excused* Friday, Dec. 25: Christmas Day holiday Monday-Wednesday, Dec. 28-30: Reduced-service days** Thursday, Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve - designated holiday Friday, Jan. 1: New Year’s Day, holiday 2016 Monday, Jan. 18: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – designated holiday Monday, May 30: Memorial Day holiday * By university policy, if Christmas falls on a Tuesday through Friday, employees are given an excused half-day on Christmas Eve. **Dec. 28, 29 and 30 are reduced-service days. As in past years, it is expected that most units will be closed and most employees will not be working on these days. Additional information about these reduced-service days will be available closer to the holiday period. Employees can choose to use three days of benefits (vacation, floating holidays), or take time without pay, or any combination. Employees have two floating holidays that can be taken anytime during this fiscal year; however, the scheduling of SEE BRIEFS, PAGE 19 InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 ELLNORA Guitar Festival to showcase diverse styles By Jodi Heckel Arts and Humanities Editor T he spectrum of music at ELLNORA: The Guitar Festival this fall will range from traditional Mexican guitar to southern rock, and from jazz to classical guitar. And the diversity is not just in the style of music, but the instruments as well. The guitar festival also features banjo, sarod, Hawaiian slack key guitar and pipa, a four-stringed Chinese lute. The artists featured at the biennial festival – which began in 2005 and this year will be Sept. 10-12 at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts – include Los Lobos. The Grammy Award-winning band returns with its blend of rock, Tex-Mex, folk and blues. The band played at ELLNORA (then known as the Wall to Wall Guitar Festival) in 2007. Other musicians include Rodrigo y Gabriela, a Mexican acoustic guitar duo playing a mix of rock and Latin music; Punch Brothers, a five-man band that includes U. of I. School of Music alumnus Noam Pikelny; father-and-son jazz guitarists Bucky and John Pizzarelli; and the Drive-By Truckers, playing Southern rock out of Athens, Georgia. This year’s artist-in-residence is clas- photo courtesy Krannert Center for the Performing Arts Coming to town Grammy Award winners Los Lobos will perform at this year’s ELLNORA: The Guitar Festival at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts. sical guitarist Sharon Isbin, a three-time Grammy Award-winner. Isbin founded the Juilliard School’s guitar department and is head of the guitar department at the Aspen Music Festival. Isbin will give the keynote address at 3 p.m. Sept. 11. Isbin and guitarist Colin Davin will perform together Sept. 12. A one-hour documentary on the artist, titled “Sharon Isbin: Troubadour,” will be shown at the Art Theater in downtown Champaign on Sept. 9. While 11 of the performances at the festival require tickets, at least that many will be free. Among those playing free shows BRIEFS, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 these holidays is subject to departmental approval. Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Environment Registration open for iSEE Congress The Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Environment has scheduled its second annual fall international conference to address a most basic human need: clean, fresh water. The 2015 iSEE Congress, “Water Planet, Water Crises? Meeting the World’s Water-Food-Energy Needs Sustainably,” is set for Sept. 14-16, in the Alice Campbell Alumni Center on the U. of I.’s Urbana campus. Free registration is now open at “There is increasing recognition of the complex interconnectedness between water resources, food and energy production, and the need for new strategies for enabling interdisciplinary knowledge and systems-thinking to significantly address global water crises,” said Madhu Khanna, iSEE’s associate director for education and outreach. “Water is demanded for itself and as a critical input for energy and food production, leading to an interaction between water, food and energy resources – and efforts to address one will impact the other two. “Water is used not only for human needs but also to maintain ecosystem services, which in turn affects human livelihoods and well-being. There is also increasing evidence that climate change is leading to increased hydrologic variability with a significant impact on the hydrologic cycle, water availability and water demand at the global, regional and local levels.” Addressing these challenges across national and regional boundaries requires coordinated action by researchers, government and non-governmental organizations – in conjunction with industry practitioners. Multinational companies have become major participants in the water sector, which is rapidly leading to globalization of water resources. This event, organized by iSEE and campus water scholars, will provide a forum to not only discuss the challenges are jazz-rock guitarist John Scofield, who has played and recorded with Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Pat Metheny, Jack DeJohnette, Phil Lesh, Herbie Hancock, Government Mule, Mavis Staples and Joe Henderson. Scofield will close the festival with Jon Cleary. Other performers playing free concerts include Valerie June, a singer-songwriter performing roots/country/bluegrass music, who will play with acoustic fingerstyle guitarist Andy McKee; Los Lobos member David Hidalgo with guitarist and composer Marc Ribot; singer-songwriter Jessica Lea Mayfield; and Earth, based in Olympia, Washington. ELLNORA’s opening night will feature Luther Dickinson – the festival’s artist-inresidence in 2011 – playing Southern blues with his brother, Cody, in the North Mississippi Allstars. For the $5 opening night ticket price, audiences will also hear sets from AJ Ghent Band playing sacred steel blues; Terakaft, a desert blues band from Mali; the John Jorgenson Quintet playing gypsy jazz; and Australian blues-rock guitarist Mia Dyson. ELLNORA – named for Ellnora Krannert, a founder of Krannert Center for the Performing Arts – features a number of of global water availability but also to highlight an agenda for actionable research, iSEE Director Evan DeLucia said. “Our Institute’s role is to foster ‘uncommon dialogues’ like this one – bringing together experts in several disciplines to potentially form research collaborations,” DeLucia said. “Open discussions like this can help us go beyond disciplinary boundaries and get us directly to real-world problem-solving.” More about the Congress is online at May 20-22 conference Focus is on health issues in Africa Infectious disease expert Mosoka P. Fallah, one of five “Ebola fighters” honored as a Person of the Year by Time in 2014, will be among the speakers at an upcoming symposium at the U. of I. “Health in Africa and the Post-2015 Millennium Development Agenda,” May 20-22, will explore the health threats and opportunities facing sub-Saharan Africa. Researchers will examine the progress made toward the United Nations’ eight millennium development goals over the past 14 years, and will identify new health objectives, targets and indicators for the future. Issues such as food security, nutrition and health; infant, child and maternal health; and aging and noncommunicable/degenerative diseases will be explored in panel discussions. “The scale of the challenges facing Africa demands an extraordinary response, and necessitates bringing together an interdisciplinary group of researchers to advance recommendations,” said Juliet Iwelunmor, a professor of kinesiology and community health, is coordinating the event along with Diana Grigsby-Toussaint, a professor in the same department, and geography professor Ezekiel Kalipeni. “The conference will bring together more than 50 research experts from around the world, and give the academic community a voice in establishing health priorities in Africa,” Iwelunmor said. “With Carle Illinois College of PAGE 19 ON THE WEB prominent women artists. The “first lady of banjo” Abigail Washburn will perform with her husband, Béla Fleck. Other female artists include bluegrass singer and Grammy nominee Rhonda Vincent; Hawaiian hula dancer and chanter Moanalani Beamer, who will play with slack key guitarists Keola Beamer and Jeff Peterson; and pipa player Min Xiao-Fen. For a completely different type of show, ELLNORA offers Squonk’s Pneumatica, an outdoor event of music and air, featuring a 40-foot-tall inflatable statue with a wind turbine head and accordion lungs breathing steam. The all-ages performance will take place twice on both Sept. 11 and 12. Dan Zanes and Friends will also provide familyfriendly entertainment in a Sept. 12 show celebrating the music of Lead Belly. Festival passes and tickets go on sale Aug. 15. The festival passes include access to 10 ticketed events (excluding Dan Zanes and Friends on Sept. 12). They cost $330 for the general public, $285 for senior citizens, $140 for students and $95 for U. of I. students and youth. Single event prices vary. u Medicine establishing the nation’s first engineering-based medical school on campus, addressing core-critical issues in global health is a step toward making the campus a leader in global health concerns.” Fallah will give a plenary talk on the use of mobile health – also called “mhealth” – technology in battling the Ebola epidemic in his native Liberia. Fallah was instrumental in coordinating the responses of community leaders in the region. Collins O. Airihenbuwa, a professor and the department head of biobehavioral health at Pennsylvania State University, will give the event’s second plenary talk, discussing the role of culture in bridging global health inequities. Airihenbuwa is the lab director of the Global Health and Culture Project at Penn State, studying health and behavioral issues among African and African-American populations. “We are very fortunate to have someone such as Mosoka Fallah, who has really been in the trenches at the forefront of the response to the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa, and will speak to us about his experience building community resources to track the disease and curb its spread,” said Grigsby-Toussaint, who also is a professor of nutritional sciences. “The diverse group of conference participants hopefully will allow us to find synergy across disciplinespecific theories and concepts as we strive to meet the call for global health action as part of the post-2015 development agenda.” The National Science Foundation is a major sponsor of the conference, along with several units at Illinois, including the Illinois Strategic International Partnership, International Programs and Studies, the department of kinesiology and community health, and the department of geography and geographic information science. The symposium will be held in the Hawthorn Suites Conference Center, 101 Trade Center Drive, Champaign. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. To register, or for more information, visit the conference website, u Ads removed for online version PAGE 20 InsideIllinois May 7, 2015 Krannert Art Museum to showcase student work By Jodi Heckel Arts and Humanities Editor K rannert Art Museum and the School of Art and Design will display the work of graduating seniors in art and design. The School of Art and Design Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition opens May 9, with a public reception from 5 to 7 p.m. The exhibition will be on display in the East and Gelvin Noel galleries through May 17. This annual ON THE WEB show allows family members and the community to see the studio art and design work that students have been creating. It will include work from a variety of disciplines, including photography, graphic design, painting, sculpture, metals, industrial design, new media, art education and art history. “This annual spring exhibition is an opportunity for us to showcase the work of our highly accomplished students, many of whom will go on to become recognized leaders in their field,” said Nan Goggin, the director of the School of Art and Design. “Their work is a source of great pride for the faculty who have watched them develop and mature as artists.” Sixty-eight seniors will exhibit 139 art and design objects in the show. Mason Pott, a senior in painting, is one of the student coordinators of the show. He said the show will represent what students have been working on during the past year, but it’s not strictly a thesis show. “Often students choose work from their thesis, because that is what they are most confident in and what they have spent the most time and effort on,” he said. Pott will show a 5-foot by 3½-foot painting he created for his senior thesis. It originated from a computer scan of his face, courtesy of the artist BFA candidate in painting Mason Pott. Study of Self, 2015. Ink on paper. which he made for fun but also to see what it looked like. He scanned his face several times, moving it around until the image was very obscure. “Then I did some computer manipulations of that image to continue to skew it, and then eventually started painting that image,” Pott said. “It’s definitely pretty weird. It’s a portrait, but only in part, because things are stretched and kind of melting and obscured in one way or another.” Pott is interested in how humans see the world versus how machines do, “and how people are very quick to believe a photograph,” even though it can easily be manipulated. “I like to make paintings that are very obviously digitally altered, to take this misconception and bring it to the forefront of what people are looking at,” Pott said. More information about the exhibition, which is sponsored by the museum and John and Alice Pfeffer, is available online. The museum website includes a complete list of exhibiting artists, an image gallery and links to the online portfolios of many of the students. u courtesy of the artist Above, BFA candidate in photography Jayme Eng. Rose, 2015. Color photograph. At left, BFA candidate in metals Weija Wang. Restraint Necklace, 2015. Silver. courtesy of the artist BFA candidate in industrial design Roshni Doshi. Exploration Sketches, 2015. Digital image. Ads removed for online version courtesy of the artist
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