In Harmony Concert Letter - The newsletter of Santa Sabina College

24 April 2015
Monday 15 June 2015
Year 4, Year 5, The Siena Singers
Dear Parents,
Santa Sabina College will be presenting a concert titled “In Harmony” at The
Sydney Town Hall on Monday 15 June (7:30pm). This concert will draw students
from across The College together to perform. As has been previously detailed in
the Veritas Voice, the following Del Monte students will be performing in this
Year 4, Year 5 and The Siena Singers
As part of the concert, the students will be performing a wide range of music that
celebrates the wonderful cultural diversity of our College and community. Students
have been working hard exploring and preparing the repertoire as part of their
Music Curriculum and choir rehearsals and as such, this is a compulsory event for
all students in The Siena Singers, Years 4 and 5. This will be a wonderful
opportunity for your child and we look forward to creating a unique and memorable
concert that captures the spirit of Santa Sabina College.
This letter is to give you specific details regarding your child’s participation in the
rehearsal and concert. Your child’s involvement will include participation in the
Rehearsal Day – Monday 15 June 2015:
 Siena Singers: 8:00am – 2:00pm
 Years 4 and 5: 8:15am – 2:00pm
 Students will be given the opportunity to go home from 2:00pm. Any
student that cannot be collected from Del Monte at this time will remain at
school and will be supervised.
Performance/ Concert – Monday 15 June 2015:
 Students arrive at 6:45pm
 Concert begins 7:30pm
Monday 15 June
BUS 1 – The Siena Singers
Time: 8:00am – 2:00pm
Clothing: Full Winter uniform
Details: The Siena Singers will meet Miss Abbott at the seats outside the Italian
Room by NO LATER THAN 8:00am.
BUSES 2 and 3 – Years 4 and 5
Time: 8:15am – 2:00pm
Clothing: Full Winter uniform
Details: Years 4 and 5 students will meet their teachers in their learning spaces by
Students will be travelling by coach to and from the venue (Sydney Town Hall).
Buses will leave from and return to Carrington Avenue.
What to bring:
Students will be required to bring a lunchbox containing their morning tea and
lunch with them in a small bag. They are encouraged to also bring a drink bottle.
Students will be eating both recess and lunch inside the venue.
If you are able to assist with supervision on this day, please indicate your
availability on the slip below.
After the rehearsal:
Please note that students are permitted to go home on return to Del Monte at
2:00pm. Parents are asked to collect their children in the usual manner at this time.
If parents are unable to collect their children at this time, the school will provide
supervision for your child until the end of the school day. Please indicate if you will
collect your child at 2:00pm or if your child will remain at school until 3:15pm on the
slip below.
Monday 15 June
Children Involved: Year 4, Year 5, The Siena Singers
Venue: Sydney Town Hall
Arrival time: 6:45pm.
Concert begins: 7:30pm
Concert concludes: 9:00pm
Arrival and collection location:
Del Monte Students will be required to meet their teachers outside the Sydney
Town Hall in the courtyard area between St Andrew's Cathedral and the Town
Students are required to wear all black (top, pants, shoes/ boots, socks). Please
note that tights will not be permitted. Each student will be given a sash to wear as
part of their costume. Further details will be given closer to the date.
Once students have had their names marked off on arrival at the meeting point, we
ask that parents make their way into the Town Hall and take their seats for the
performance. Students must remain until the end of the concert, which will be at
approximately 9:00pm. At the conclusion of the concert, teachers will take the
students back to the meeting area to be dismissed. Students will not be dismissed
until they have been collected by a parent and their names have been marked off
the roll.
Tickets can be purchased by Trybookings via the following link:
Adult tickets cost $35 and child tickets cost $25 (you do not need to purchase a
ticket for your children if they are performing). Please book your tickets early to
avoid disappointment.
Do not hesitate to contact Cathy Shone (Music Administrator), Danielle Abbott
(Music Coordinator K – 5) or Karen Carey (Artistic Director) if you have any
Cathy Shone:
Danielle Abbott:
Karen Carey:
This concert is an exciting opportunity for your child. We ask that you complete and
return the permission slip below to the Del Monte Office by Wednesday 6 May
We thank you for your support,
Karen Carey
Artistic Director
Danielle Abbott
Music Co-ordinator (P – 5)
Monday 15 June 2015
Year 4, Year 5, The Siena Singers
Please return this slip to the Music Administrator, Mrs Cathy Shone by Wednesday
6 May 2015
Student’s name: ____________________________________________________
By signing this form, you acknowledge the following:
I give permission for my child to participate in the “In Harmony” Concert and
I am aware of the details regarding the rehearsal and performance.
I give permission for my child to travel by bus to and from the rehearsal.
I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to transport my child to and from
the performance at The Sydney Town Hall on Monday 15 June 2015.
Rehearsal Day Dismissal
Please tick () appropriate box:
 I will collect my child from Del Monte at 2:00pm on Monday 15 June 2015
 I would like my child to remain at Del Monte until 3:15pm on Monday 15 June.
I can be contacted via the following number: ______________________________
I can be contacted via the following email address: ________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________________________
If you are able to assist with supervision on the rehearsal day, please indicate
below. We appreciate your assistance and will contact you if your help is required.
Please tick () appropriate box:
 I am able to assist with supervision on the Rehearsal Day (Monday 15 June,
8:00am – 2:00pm)