National Fluid Power Association 2015 NFPA Annual Report Networking Statistics NFPA Workforce POWER Technology The and The of Association Powerful Forces Working Together National Fluid Power Association 6737 W. Washington St. Suite 2350 Milwaukee, WI 53214 POWER of Association Message from the We are CEO Inclusive. We are Overall Value NFPA membership stands at its all-time high. Conference attendance also achieved new highs this year. A growing and inclusive association drives greater value in member services, and better supports efforts to strengthen the industry. Each year’s annual report is an opportunity for us to look to two directions—back at the year just ending and ahead at the year to come. As we review our performance and activities during our 2014-15 fiscal year, you’ll see many significant accomplishments. Based on the strength of a growing industry, NFPA’s membership and conference attendance numbers are both up, increasing the effectiveness of the forum we provide for fluid power suppliers, manufacturers and distributors to come together and advance their collective interests. This momentum carries through to all of our areas of service and support—providing timely and accurate industry statistics, promoting the use of fluid power among your customers, developing new knowledge and education resources for fluid power, and connecting you and your companies to an emerging fluid power workforce. Growing. 361 MEMBER Organizations Manufacturer Distributor And as we look ahead to the new 2015-16 fiscal year, we see several new programs and opportunities coming online. International We’re investing in our core services. A complete rebuild of our essential Electronic Statistical Toolkit is in the works, a major undertaking that will help you pull even greater value out of our market information services. We’ll also be launching a new data program specifically for distributors. Modeled after our popular State of the Fluid Power Industry monthly survey, the distributor program will provide participating members with timely information about what’s happening in our distribution channel, greatly enhancing their decision-making ability. And we’re investing in the future of the industry. The launch of our Foundation’s new Pascal Society has provided more support for all of our important outreach, education and research programs, and specifically enabled more engagement with the universities, researchers and students that make up the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power. That program, and our industry’s leadership role in it, will be increasing next year in significant ways, maximizing its potential as both a technology and workforce development engine for fluid power. 400 Our industry and our association has a very bright future. Thanks for being a part of it. 250 350 300 333 339 350 361 100 50 Visit 2012 2013 2014 13% 3% Product Supplier 22% Service Supplier 3% Educator 11% Steady since 2012 150 0 48% GROWTH 200 Eric Lanke, CEO Tricia Fulton CFO Sun Hydraulics Corporation 2015 “…Sun has benefited from the relationships and networking … it helps you understand more about how your company relates to the industry as a whole.” More and Better Networking Opportunities Our events are growing. They offer unparalleled opportunities to connect and learn from experts: The NFPA Annual Conference The Industry & Economic Outlook Conference (IEOC): • • Network with industry leadership at the highest levels; Capitalize on the strong representation from across the supply chain; • • Listen to presentations from well-respected economists and market experts; • Gain insight into U.S. and global perspectives; • Get forecasts of macroeconomic and market-specific trends; • Take advantage of opportunities to build your network of industry partners; • Examine technology trends in specific customer markets. Gather strategic insights for your latest challenges—and those to come. 285 Registrants for 2015 NFPA Annual Conference • Participate in association councils and committees that shape the future of NFPA and the industry; Fluid Power Innovation & Research Conference (FPIRC): • Explore the premier fluid power industry and academic research conference in North America, co-sponsored by NFPA and the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power. • Connect with industry or university resources and talent through technical sessions, networking opportunities, and laboratory tours. • Attend panel discussions that cover the workforce skills and technologies needed to continue growing the fluid power industry. The NFPA Regional Meetings: Chicago, Detroit, and Minneapolis • Meet with members and supply chain partners in your area; • Learn from brief presentations by economists, local educators, others—efficient delivery of useful information; NFPA Regional meetings are offered at no charge to members and scheduled to fit within your busy workday. They are open to all representatives of NFPA Member companies, regardless of geographic location. Don’t forget IFPE 2017 – it’s about selling to customers, but it’s also a premier opportunity for networking within the industry. And at IFPE 2014 we had more exhibitors in more floor space than ever, creating more reason than ever for your customers to visit. Networking Rock Able President, Fluid Power Group Cross Company “Being in the NFPA keeps me connected with what’s going on in the industry. I do that by networking with both my peers and partners. Coming to an NFPA event gives me the opportunity to see a lot of those people in a very short period of time, and I find that is a good benefit.” If you are doing business in the area, come join us! • Benefit from several special opportunities for future leaders to network. 320 IEOC Attendees FPIRC 2014 Participant “There’s a lot of benefit from these types of events. As industry, we get to meet faculty, talk to faculty. There’s an opportunity there to introduce our ideas…and meet the students.” Visit Unmatched Value: Statistics, New Tools and Expertise Data/Analytical Tools: Building Value for 2015: New! Electronic Statistical Toolkit Expected to be ready in early 2016, the new Toolkit will be easier to use from start to finish: • No more need to download and update multiple files; • More intuitive user interface with easier report generation; • Ability to save reports in the Toolkit for future update and use. Easier Toolkit administration means more efficient use of NFPA staff time and a focus on delivering membership value over troubleshooting old systems. New! Distributor State of the Fluid Power Industry Survey The new survey is parallel to the long-standing monthly industry pulse-type survey from which manufacturer members benefit. Now, Distributors will be able to report, delivering industry pulsetype information from both ends of the channel: • Confidential Shipment Statistics Program (CSS), the foundation of NFPA’s statistical offerings, provides hard, reliable data on a monthly basis, helping you understand industry trends, benchmark performance, and develop your own predictions for growth. Bill Tulloch Executive Vice President Flodraulic Group “Statistics are a great way to see how the industry is doing, great way to benchmark yourself against the industry, see how I’m doing at my own company. The statistical resources are just so deep.” • International Trade Data and Summary Reports – from the vast amount of customs data collected by the federal government, we extract and summarize fluid power product import and export data, with country by country breakouts spotlighting emerging trends… so you don’t have to. Expertise: Global Market Reports and Forecasts – supplied by Oxford Economics and offered initially in 2013, they offer: The NFPA Forecast: U.S. Customer Markets Report, supplied by Alan Beaulieu and ITR economics, offers: • Customer Market Survey – an • Expert forecasts for 29 major • And much more… data and • These quarterly forecast reports U.S. customer markets and specific forecasts for hydraulics, pneumatics and fluid power; annual report on the segmentation of hydraulic and pneumatic sales by customer market. • Participating distributors will receive the distributor State of the Fluid Power report and the manufacturer summary; and are a benefit of membership with no added cost. reports on key markets and economic trends, all housed in the members only section of the NFPA website, and embedded into tools you can use. • Manufacturers participating in our traditional State of the Fluid Power survey will now receive the distributor results as well. MAPI Resources for NFPA members – access to special MAPI publications, bulletins, economic updates and quarterly forecasts. • High-level macro data and leading indicators for 68 countries around the world; • The quick and easy State of the 140 Companies in participation-based programs Fluid Power Industry Survey (SOFP) gives you the pulse of the industry with expectations for fluid power orders, shipments, inventory and backlog, hiring and competitiveness. • Detailed by-country forecasts and analysis of several key customer markets; • Monthly and quarterly reports and forecasts that allow you to investigate every angle of our global marketplace. Market Outlook Report – a quarterly economic outlook with U.S. and global economic indicators, including short-term forecasts and commentary. Economic Webcasts – biannual economic updates and insights into the economic risks and opportunities facing your organization, from the expert economists you’ve come to rely on. Kevin Kraft, CEO, Jarp Industries, Inc. “Market Outlook Reports have become part of our strategic planning and forecasting — what we need to plan for our company.” NFPA Foundation: Workforce Tomorrow Building the of Partnership with CCEFP The Pascal Society Putting funds to work effectively means a stronger relationship between NFPA and the CCEFP. The two organizations have assembled a team of two CCEFP and three NFPA staff to work closely on collaborative projects important to the industry. This new team structure helps CCEFP increase its focus on its core strengths of fluid power research and education, while more effectively connecting the CCEFP and industry through NFPA’s marketing and communications function. Launched this past year, the Pascal Society is the NFPA Foundation’s annual giving society, and has already raised more than $757,109. Pascal Society funds support the full range of Foundation educational and grant programs highlighted here, as well as supporting the sustained efforts of the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power. $757,109 Pascal Society Donations Pascal Society members combine their financial and volunteer contributions in one concerted effort, developing the resources, tools and people needed to meet the future technology and workforce needs of the U.S. fluid power industry. Austin Ramirez President and CEO HUSCO International “NFPA does a lot of great things for the industry. One of the things I appreciate most is how they work to raise a profile of fluid power with new grads and engineering students.” Educational Programs Inspiring future • Encourages students to acquire engineering students The NFPA Education and Technology Foundation continues to make a significant impact on the number of students exposed to fluid power and the number of schools with the resources necessary to effectively teach it. Has grown almost exponentially, primarily driven by our own members, who have enthusastically brought the program to their local communities and continue to manage them. NFPA’s flagship workforce program, the Fluid Power Challenge, is a competition that challenges middle and high school students to solve an engineering problem using fluid power. This program: • Actively engages students in learning about fluid power while introducing them to careers in the industry; • Gives support and resources to teachers for their science and technology curriculum; Workforce teamwork, engineering, and problem-solving skills; • Project Lead The Way (PLTW) is the leading provider of STEM education programs used in elementary, middle, and high schools by over 400,000 students in all 50 states. Thanks to the efforts of NFPA, fluid power is now embedded in four lessons of three individual PLTW curricula. Jeff Hand CEO Ross Controls “The things that NFPA has done for us has been invaluable in terms of growing the workforce and growing the industry by really bringing awareness of what fluid power is.” Technology and Workforce programs are supported by contributions from members through the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation. This essential support of members is helping to build a stable and secure base for these important programs and helps provide continuous support for the future. NFPA Foundation: TECHNOLOGY Advancing Technology Events Technology Research – helping members understand and prepare for technological change, and informing updates to the NFPA Technology Roadmap. IFPE 2017 – Building on the huge success of IFPE 2014 starts now. IFPE 2017 exhibit sales are already open, and NFPA members receive a substantial discount on exhibit space. IFPE has grown in attendance and exhibit space each year, and is the premier place to showcase your technology to construction industry customers. The CCEFP Webcast Series consists of bi-weekly updates about CCEFP research progress, affiliated research activities, special topics and State of the Center presentations. The series is open to the broad academic and corporate community. All webcasts are recorded and available online at IFPE Fluid Power Zone at IMTS 2016 – The IFPE Fluid Power Zone and a new fluid power industry educational track will be hosted by NFPA at the 2016 IMTS/Motion, Drive & Automation conference in Chicago, Illinois. Standards ISO Standards Development – NFPA continues to serve as the focal point in representing U.S. interests in international standards development—over 140 fluid power industry volunteers help ensure a fair playing field for U.S.-based fluid power manufacturing, while advocating for standards that make fluid power an easier technology choice for customers. New! ISO Standards Development Site – In 2015 NFPA launched a new Standards Development Online Community to better facilitate ISO balloting/voting, document posting, easy notification of postings and online discussions in each of the 13 U.S. technical advisory groups. Introduced in 2013, the Customer Technology Trends studies, focus on key markets for fluid power. Watch for our latest study, Hydraulics and Variable Speed Drives in Industrial Markets, to be released in connection with presentations at the 2015 Industry and Economic Outlook Conference. Through and Grants, Standards Educational Opportunities NFPA Grant Programs Teaching grants: • Support activity-based learning such as senior capstone projects that challenge bachelor-level engineers to solve real-life problems; Applications are being accepted from two-year community colleges in Arizona, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota and Texas. •Beginning in fall 2015, • Fund development of curricula, students at Vanderbilt University will begin working on a project, Pneumatic Exhaust Gas Recovery. The goal is to design a suite of pneumatic exhaust gas recovery devices to improve the efficiency of pneumatic systems. textbooks, software programs and training stations in schools across the country. 43 Grants 24 Schools Fluid power lab grants establish state-of-the-art training labs at qualifying schools. Hundreds of budding engineers use these labs to study fluid power with the goal of working in the fluid power industry after graduation. 6 Lab Grants 500 Students affected Fluid power research grants are also provided directly by the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation to fund world-class university research, including: •Students at Iowa State University are working on a project, An Investigation of Dielectric Spectroscopic Contamination Sensing in a Compressed Air Stream. The goal of this project is to determine the signal-tonoise levels and performance of dielectric spectroscopic measurements in estimating the level of typical contaminants and lubricating oil in pneumatic systems. This project will be completed in spring 2015. Technology and Workforce programs are supported by contributions from members through the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation. This essential support of members is helping to build a stable and secure base for these important programs and helps provide continuous support for the future.
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