17, X941 , JULY Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith Kline and son, Robert Kline, were the guests during the week of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Massie. Mrs. Kline, who is the former Miss Lelia Mock, is the sister of Mrs. Massie. Loses Her Baby W0EFS tl".-. World. on. in Over . M.I J aiu ' Briefly Steks , Longer Roosevelt 'fJU - :. rfmocrat, Military v "m Western hft piuww frt re- - told conference, the near nytime in Approved Expenditures vl 1000 Naval Affairs of $585,000,-pn- d shipbuilding and and ordnance plants. M later the navy u additional construction. $300,000,-sor- e axe fell on the with tne re-tPost Office depart- - post office he Postmaster Paul barged: and others, and five Mrs. Aaron Moseley and daughter, Virginia Sue Moseley, of Aiken, have arrived to spend the remainder of July and August with Mr. and Mrs. Bui Eller at their home in Hazelwood. Fred Waynick, of Burlington, has returned home, after visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Society Davis. ; Ifn. Sally Twyford, 41, all renta winner at the Women's InUiu Uonal Bowling Congren tn Loa A rtiea, may not look it bet back bom m Aurora, ma. SI 123 fa m, thy call ker grand roUad MO with hat dooblaa and (38 in ArOUllQ 1 1 D AlieUQ Community Center Open House Susan Crawford and her Approximaely 175 visitors and Friends here will be interested family, of Dayton, Ohio, have ar of local people attended the open-houin learning that E. K. Herman has rived to spend the remainder Grim-ball held Tuesday night at the returned home from Mt. Alto Vet- the summer at their home in Park. community center i nthe Chamber erans Hospital in Washington. of Commerce offices officially Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Francis and launching the summer season. Ben Atkins, who is now located Miss Selma Brown were the guests Receiving with Mrs. R. O. Covin Sumter, S. C, spent the week- of relatives in Morganton over the ington, in charge of social activend in town as the guest of his week-enities for the Chamber of Commerce mother, Mrs. James Atkins. this year were, Wm. Prevost, presiv Mrs. J. F. Abel and Mrs. Robert' dent, R. B. Davenport, chairman Bobbie Sloan, who is stationed Osborne have as their guests Mr. E, L, Withers, at Fort Jackson, spent the past and Mrs. Charles Harde and daugh- of entertainment, representing her Miss Mary Stentz, week here with his family. ter, Miss Mary Vance, and son, father, J. Dale Stentz, Mrs. Ben Edward, of FJyria, Ohio, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Campbell had and Mrs. Winf red Baker, of Or Colkitt. Also Mrs. J. C. Brown, Mrs. C. as their guest during the week lando, Fla., and Mrs. Allen McLean, F, Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Charles Fra-zie- r, Ernest Collins, of Mt. Airy. of Tampa. Mrs. R. B. Davenport, Miss Mock, Miss Stephanie Moore, Mary Joe Jack Atkins had as his guest Dr. and Mrs, Lewis McKee, of Mrs. Din Watkins, Mrs. Nell Macon Hipps Durham, were the guests over the over the week-en- d :, Mrs. Whitener Prevost, and Buck Davis, of Charlotte- week-en- d of the latter's aunts, Mrs. and. Mis. Jonathan Woody. Rufus Siler and Mrs. Hugh Massie. In charge of the register were, Mrs. J. L. Stringfellow and son, Richard Barber,. Jr., Mrs. Mrs. Thornton, of Culpepper, Va., ar- The Rev. J. M. Wpodard made a Grady Boyd, Mrs, James Queen, and Mr. to yesterday visit rived business trip to Knoxville on and Mis. Wm. Prevost. Serving Mrs. J. H. Way, Jr. Mrs. String-fellopunch were, Miss Jane Stents, Miss is the former Miss Janie Hilda Way, Miss Lucile Simmons, Love Sexton, of Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rouss, of Miss Katherine Blalock, Miss Mary Asheville, are staying at the guest Ellen Boone, Miss Emily Siler, and Corporal Thad Chafin, of Fort house of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whit-ne- r. Miss Haseltine Swift. in Jackson, spent the week-en- d Mr. Rouss is in charge of the At nine and ten o'clock there town with his parents. meat department of the Cash Gro- were drawings for prizes, with the cery Store in Hazelwood. following coming out as the lucky Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Williams winners: George Martin, Miss Mary and small daughter,' Mildred Mrs,. Evelyn Fitzhugh-Shapt- er Ellen Kee, Miss Simms, of Beau" ,Aleen- left Wednesday for their and her sister, Mrs. Daisy Fitx-hug- h mont, Texas, Mrs. Cassidy, of Ashehome in Noblesville, Ind., after Shapter, of Washington, D. ville. Mrs. Cox, Jean Storms, Mary spending two weeks with Mrs. Wil- C. came Friday to spend the sum Anne Massie, Miss Jane Stentz, liams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. mer at Mra Shapter's cottage in James Thomas, end Mrs. James O. Galloway. Hazelwood. Queen. Mrs. :,...;-- , Discharge L service t Mr. and Mrs. Sara Francis, of Taylorsville, were the guests dur ing the week of relatives and friends here. se t Postmaster i llrs. Grace Coulter, 26, weeps bitterly in a Chicago court, as she bids her daughter, Esther, 6, goodbye. The court ordered the child remain in custody of Clyde O. McAllister, of Webster Grove, 111. Mrs. Coulter's brother, who legally adopted the child in 1934 when the Coulter family was in financial difficulties. Corn-approv- ed a measure while Despite the inclement weather on Friday afternoon a number of Mrs. James C. Rose had as her guest the passt week, Mrs. T. A. Rhiems, of Ramseur. Mr. Rhiema and daughter, Mrs. William Fuller, spent Sunday here and were accompanied home by Mrs. Rhiems. beyona Bus d. . line. :. jderwent into effect yester- - Wilson oodrow Park In The koodrow after an Wilson, visit in Asheville, left (or a tour of the Great fountains National Park. Lced little about the isit other than purpose that she lo visit the Smokies. w Drowns Yard Boy Old iy Mount Irrential downpour of rain the direct cause of Sh in Rocky Mount as a boy, Percy Carter ii drowned in his flooded Ma few feet-fro- m the back was by Mrs. Jones Jy was aeen t back window was It irom of their floating in wate the back porch. a pOn Liquor ies In N. C. i J IW5.66, an above Chairman State Board 17 Jar, increase of the previous Cutler Moore of Alcoholic ' announced. mid Negro Girl nder Bus Seat Negro infant wrapped up in paper le under a rear seat of a arrived at 'thn rMnrUtta ste Monday night. ' Itation attendant found M containing the infant novating and cleaning up .The child was taken to Hospital exDressoH fpr for Samaritan Ktors v v". -- from sales of legalized North Carolina during year ended June 3D total- - interested citizens attended the open house held at the Waynesville Public Library in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the institution. Those calling inspected the var ious recent improvements made in the building, equipment and furnishings, which include a new librarian's (desk, which has been needed for years ; hew homespun curtains in red, white and blue; the renovation of the old store room in the basement into a light and comfortable reading room; and a number of other renovations on the furnishings. for duty with the Colonial Among the members of the Trained forces of the German war nacnine, board of directors receiving were: this nurse wears the new uniform Mrs. J. Howell Way, Mrs. J. Har provided for Nasi women. Health den Howell, Miss Marion Boggs, and jroutn are uw mos imponHi attributes for these lobs. and Mrs. R. N." Barber, and from the board of operation, Mr. and Mrs. William Medford, Mrs. Ben James Hyatt and Mrs. Rufus Colkitt, and Mrs. T, Lenoir Gwyn Carawell, of Hazelwood, won first For many years the library place in the square dance contest movement was agitated in the com. will go to Recreation Park 1891 organized In Asheville this week to compete the institution, which was opened for the silver cup. to the public on July 11th, 1891. For many years the librarians Mr, and Mrs. Dan Carman, of gave their services free of any Philadelphia, Penn,, came Thurscharge.'." day for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. In 1912 the present building was William Chambers, Jr. purchased from the First National Bank. The library has been a Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jordan and cultural center of the community Darwin Jordan, were guests son not only for the citizens, but also of Mr. arid Mrs. Owens in Ashefor the visitors week-enMrs. James Atkins, Jr., is the ville over the Is assisted She present librarian. Mrs. J. M. Woodard has returnEller, who by Mrs. W, M. is in charge of the mending proj- ed home after spendig a week ect of the library, which is respon- with her daughter, Mrs, Harley in Asheville. sible for keeping the books in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Griffin and For the occasion the various rooms were decorated in flowers. son, Carl Griffin, Miss Ada Blanton Punch was served from a table and Harry Lindley, of Fort Ben-ninroom Ga., were guests of Mr. and in the basement reading room from a table centered with Mrs, Richard Parker, of Spartana bowl of yellow roses, flanked by burg, S. C. on Sunday. gold candles, and gilded leaves. Alternating in serving were Miss Mary Ashworth Barber, Mrs. Ben Colkitt and Mrs. William Medford. lJ 7?JZ!lnr ; d. De-Ha- rt, g, Mrs. James A. Stirns and two daughters, of Lexington, are the guests of Mrs. James Wright. Clure.'- ... Three days after her marriage in an Asheville hospital, Mrs. Margaret Durand Mills, the former Miss Margaret Durand, 37, who was secretary to Colonel Louis Howe, of the President's White House staff in Washington, died at St. Her Joseph's hospital Monday. death followed an illness of nearly three years. Miss Durand and A. C. Milla were married at the hospital Friday by Father J. A. Gallagher, hospital chaplain. Mrs. Mills went to Asheville in September, 1938, and expected to return to her home in Long Island, or to Washington, this fall. Her condition took a turn for the worse about two weeks ago,;-- Donovan Is Named Canton Legion Head H. Donovan, instructor in vocational education in the Canton high school and past adjutant of the Legion, was rt elected commander of the Canton post at a special meeting held Tues day night in Town Hall. Varner-Rhineha- Judge and Mrs. William Grim-bal- l, of Charleston, have arrived and are occupying their summer home in Grimball Park. . WAYNESVILLE BAKERY Phone Church Street Opposite Masonic lempie 73-- I I I I I I I . lays- - Showing The A Store "Hard To Beat" '' r Best In Work Clothing Also '. w Brand L'r.!es$ You War ' Overalls SEE THEM Announcin- g- 3 We Are Now In Our Spacious New Home ' In The Boyd Building Opposite Park Main Street mm Theatre BUY THEM m s ii'i'isj Are you looking for belter over, alls? Then Anvil Brllid ia made to order for you. Everything about them is A No. li Pockets, linings, buttoni, button holes, thread. They look better on yott, fit yon better, give yon better wear and every pair is nw of CONE deeptone DENIM, the Great Heavy Duty Fabric, Ask any Anvil Brand wearer. Vonll ooo learn they're "Hard to Beat S AN FORIZID-SHRUN- PHONE 306 Woman Dies Three Days After Wedding Week End Specials! I I Four Layer Lemon Cake I Four delicious yellow, butter . layers filled., with a tasty I lemon filling and iced with the best lemon icing you ever tasted. Devil Food Coconut Layer Bvtter layer I Caramel A taorted Coff ee Cafces Pound Cake I J. M Fisher and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hicks and chil- , 'Plans are underway for the annual decoration day at the Buchanan cemetery on Allen's Creek, according to Fred Buchanan, who is in charge of arrangements. The event will take place August 10th. Rev. Will Massey will preach at eleven o'clock, and at noon, a picnic dinner will be served. Approximately 250 attend the annual affair. Mr. Buchanan is asking that those who have relatives buried in the Buchanan cemetery to either come or send someone to help clear the property before the date of tho decoration day. . Mrs. H. T. Anderson, of Philadelphia, Penn., came last week to spend the summer with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. jonn Betty Blalock and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Barney Eck and Leonard Woodard and John Ow- Head, eng left Sunday for a visit with dren spent Sunday as guests of Frankie Williams are visiting Elmer Dudley, of Indian , . . . j : . . v. n i 4 friends at Andrews, friends and relatives in Charlotte. jyiaryiana, came ounuay iur a friends in Newport wews, va with Miss Virginia Whitner. Miss Lois Harrold had as her guests during the week Mr. and Mrs. Page Higgins and son, Mrs. R. G. Lee and two young Page, Jr., of Aaheville, are spenddaughters, of Asheville. ing this week with her sister and brother-in-laMr. and Mrs. Earl Joe Shipley, of Fort Jackson, Massey. in town with spent the week-en- d George Benny Davis, of Clemson, his family. in Hazel-woo- d S. C, spent the week-en- d Mrs. Chasi Badgett, Jr., of Knox-vill- e, with Miss Doris Ensley. arrived during the week for '. a visit to her mother, Mrs, W. T. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long had Denton, and returned to her home as guests to dinner on Wednesday on Sunday. She was joined over evening Miss Quay Mauney, her by Mr. Badgett. the week-en- d father, J. E. Mauney, Verner Truitt and Betty Truitt. Miss Mauney Paul Blackwell is visiting his returned on Thursday to her work brother-in-laand sister, Mr. and in Sykesville, Md. Mrs. Harry Frehn, at their home in Bristol, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Clark occupying their new home in are Mrs. R. W. Cobbs and son, R. W. Hazelwood which was recently Cobbs, Jr., of Blackstone, Va., are completed. They have rented the .: visiting friends and relatives here house which they vacated to Mr. U.li..ral.Oft and at Lake Junaluska. and Mrs. Leo Buckner. Miss Day At Cemetery Buchanan Set For August 10 Decoration Nazi War Nurse Open House On 50th Anniversary Richeson. to seek prompt to retain se- - air . Library Holds n, lig- and Grandma is a Champ Mrs. W. R. Evans, of West Pitts-soPa., arrived yesterday to visit her daughter, Mrs. L. M. Draftees For Paje 5 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER NEO CORD OIL RESISTANT Sole Shoes Ixtmit L Oily fseie ftttwrut mhtarf H X Willnotwakupwiterl . Will boi dip on wet Soon, pM or grew I 4. LongeM wwring sole madel J. Blloooortcomlortlor Minding tad walking! 6. Anchor (itchel to middk nl to prevtnt curung: ; ie.t;c0Wo K NEW EQUIPMENT LARGER QUARTERS EXPERIENCED OPERATORS WAYNESVILLE'S OLDEST SHOP Personality Beauty S hop RUTH CRAIG, Owner 0"' Anvil Better to begin with Cheaper in the long run Work Oxfords AND A SIZE FOR EVERY MAN AND BOY Men's Overalls $1.00 Up For Best Work $3.95 As Above $1.98 up WORK SHOES Clothes-- C. (while the present lastn) stock SI.98 E. RAY'S SONS
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