(One Day Nearer ,Victory) THURSDAY, THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 10 Park Pro0ramMade Up Of Music And Humor Fun, music and laughter is the spills. keynote of the entire week's proA Popeye cartoon and a comedy, gram at the Park Theatre. All "Baby Wants A Battleship," is sermention of war, or any other on also the program. ious subject has been dropped Owl Show a thrill-chillthe For program. week's from the "Devil Bat" is a shown be will Starting today, r.nd continuing g of a monster tale dance song and tomorrow, is the g created by a demon festival film, "Holiday Inn," starto avenge genius vengeance-seekin- g ring Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire injustice. Hpw a fearof himself big The three Berlin. and Irving newspaperman finally thwarts stars create a riot of humor as less mad and vicious scheme prothey carry out their parts in the his movie fans with first rate highest degree of entertainment. vides thrill-shoc- k entertainviolent and Bersongs by The film includes 14 ment. lin, 8 dances by Astaire and a The picture was awarded the number of songs by Crosby. News Horror Club" gold medal "Chicago subject, of the day and a short of the year. "It's Up To Us," completes the as best horror-thrillFor those who like eerie and un-- I program. a la Lugosi, Saturday brings Roy Rogers, usual entertainment missed. be picture can't this whose film appearances goes modtheme of is the Neighborliness in band a with ern this time, "Hi, Neighbor" which opens Sun- "South of Santa Fe." Shunning the range robbers who day at the Park, in mountain color, usually contribute the villainy in 'starring Lulubelle and Scotty of a cowboy picture, Roy mixes it up radio fame. of enwith gangsterdom's toughest yeggs The picture is chock-fu- ll in as rousing an actionplay as tertainment values, with Lulubelle, has yet come from the film studios. Scotty, Vera Vague, Pappy ChesAgainst the imposing array of hire, Jean Parker, Marilyn Hare, airplanes, high speed cars, and Bill Shirley, Roy Acuff and his radio communicators which his op- Smoky Mountain boys, et al., component has mustered to assist in bining sense with nonsense in just carrying out the crime, Rogers has the proper ration to thoroughly nothing to pit except his own re- satisfy discriminating film goers. The The supporting players hold up sourcefulness and courage. the their end of the entertainment in overcomes way in which he odds stacked against him makes a manner that could not be imfor a slambang climax which lit- proved upon. Pappy Cheshire is strongly conerally wows onlookers with its rapid succession of thrills and vincing in the role of the venerable college professor who is prepared to make any sacrifice so that his unique college, "of the hillbillies and for the hillbillies" will survive and prosper. Jean Parker, lovely to behold, charming in manner and a splendid May Warn of Disordered to her laurels in the actress, adds Kidney Action role of Dorothy, niece of Greenfield Modem Ufa with it hurry and worry. donor. Irregular habit, improper eating and College's temperamental drinking ita riak of expoaure and infecsubjects: Picture short Three" tion throwi heavy atrain on the work People, At the County Fair and of the kidneya. They are apt to become and fail to filter exeeaa acid Community Sing, complete the and other Impuritiea from the program. blood. . ..'''. You may Buffer nagging backache, Vnr Mnndav and Tuesdav Betty headache, diuineaa, getting up nights, leg pain, dwelling feel conatantly Grable, John Payne and Victor tired, nervoua, all worn out. Other algna Mature are starred in the new muof kidney or bladder diaorder are somesical, "Footlight Serenade," which times burning, acanty or too frequent urination.' Try Doom's Pills. Boon's help the is hailed as the "perfect tonic lor kidneya to pass off harmful excess body the times." Featuring love, laughs waste. They have had more than half a and lyrics, it is indeed a merry century of public approval. Are recommended by grateful users everywhere. musical treat. As your ntiqkbarl With a story that spells entertainment all the way, "Footlight Serenade" tells of a fighter who turns actor. Victor Mature realthe- boxer, as --istically nortravs FSA Maps Out Ship Patrol Plane Dives For Closeup of Sinking KM 'V- - A er spine-tinglin- blood-suckin- er I over-tax- . ' er A-2- Real Estate - JSJ . Tt1a to pet a better Atlantic con. of between 10 and 60 feet (Central Pre$) Ma Farm Machines On Rationed List 18 David S. Weaver, in charge of agricultural engineering extension at N. C. State College, announces that 18 types of farm machines are on the list to be rationed due to. shortages of metals the war-tim- e In and manufacturing facilities. order to obtain any one of these machines, a farmer must have his application approved by a special rationing committee which will be set up in each county in the state. The 18 types of machinery on the rationed list are: Combines, disc harrows, feed grinders, fertilizer distributers, grain drills, hay balers, lime spreaders, manure spreaders, milk coolers, .milking machines, pick-u- p balers, potato diggers, shredders, com pickers, beet lifters, beet loaders, grain elevators, and all kinds of tractors. "If you will need one of these machines for next season," said Weaver in a suggestion to farmers, "contact your county farm agent who is making a survey to .determine the needs of the community in order that allotments can be worked out." The special' rationing committee for farm machinery in each county will be composed of three farmers, one of whom will be the chairman of the county AAA committee. The other two will be reprePigeon Township sentative farmers appointed by the James Blalock, et al to William county USDA war board. Medford. In addition to the group of maWilliam C. Blalock, et al to chines which are extremely scarce, William Medford. v there is a second group somewhat Rosey Presley to Charlie Presley, et ux. Y. Moore. William Medford, et ux, et al Joe F. Davis, et ux to J. J. to J. W. Dietz. Ferguson, et ux. W. A. Abel to Nancy C. Abel. Waynesville Township C. H. Ray, estate to Alice C. Willie to Fred Wood, et ux Quinlan. Earley. Alden Sam Fitzgerald, et ux to James Noland. Howell, Jr., to D. Reeves McCall, et ux. W. A. Henry, Est., by Com. to James McCall, et ux to Sam II. F. Finley. Fitzgerald, et ux. Industrial Loan and investment UnderSpaldon to Miller, James Bank to II. H. Dearrion. wood, et ux. Lee Jordan, et ux to James G. R. L. Burgin et ux to Evelyn Stiles. Clark. J . W. Ray, et ux to Joe Emmer-so- n G rover C. Davis et ux to S. L. Rose. Galloway. George Frady to Mary V. Frady. White Oak Township M. H. Ferguson, et ux to M. Arlo Green, et ux to Nathan et ux. I. S. Smathers, et al to W. T. Green, et ux. Corbin. Vance Muse, et ux, et al to Rob 'A ert Henry. R. N. Barber, . et ux, et al to ' R. N. Barber, Jr. Coble, et ux to J, L. Walter Carswell, et ux. I. S. Smathers to Lon 'Arlington, et ux. G. D. Parker, et ux to Grace , d, while John Payne can testify both boys are "nuts" about curvaceous Betty Grable, as who isn't! . . Rated by previewers as a worthy successor to "My Gal Sal," the pic ture is studded with topflight talent, such as Jane Wyman, James by Gleason, Phil Silvers and Cobina ". Irving Berlin .... . 14 songs . . Astaire Fred . and . . Bing Crosby Wright, Jr. Produced with all the Crosby. Berlin . . . 8 dances by Astaire , . . New songs by embellishments that mark a top flight musical, "Footlight SereALSO nade" has been hailed as one of Us." ' News of the Day and short "It's Up To the best. The March of Time "Men In SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 Washington" and News of the law Day will be shown on the same program. His own friends betrayed him and still he fought with them for Roy Rogers in , . One of the season's smartest get- togethers of mirth, melody, and romance is "Moonlight Masquer ade," the hilarious new picture -; ALSOwhich opens Wednesday. Brilliant ly enacted by an outstanding east, Battleship." Popeye Carton and comedy "Baby Wants A it scores a bullseye as socko "Holiday Inn" "South Of Santa Fe" Dennis Co-sta- rs O'Keefe and Jane Frazee have the type of light comedy roles in which they excel, and turn in their best performances of their respective careers. Four added attractions complete' the program. OCTOBER 4 Jamboree of music and merriment with a galaxy of screen and! stars . . . a great comedy east in a new Hollywood hit . . r . - 1-- "The Devil Bat" "gjf " t - 2 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER Entertainment of the highest degree . . , 3 big names in ... i m.j . Township C. C. Lowery, et ux to J- E. Rhinehart, et ux. (As Recorded to Monday Noon N. G. McClure to J. I. Clarke, Of This Wek) et ux. H. C. Shook, et ux to T. H. Beaverdam Township Haynes et ux. Joe Schenck to Glenn Holland, Jerry Jones to Judd C. Thompet ux. son, et uxMary H. Reece to H. E. Rhine-har- t, Frank Thompson, et ux, to Eloise Ford. et ux. W. R. Killian, to Town of Clyde. Mary H. Reece, to L. A. Anders, H. W. Reno, et ux to Fred A. et ux. D. A. Perry, et ux to L. B. Glance, et ux. Warren, et ux. W- - CL Pope, et ux to Harrison Fines freek Township M. Conard, et ux. Woodrow Rowland, et ux to J. K. Caddy, et ux to J. Doyle Cecil Teaster, et ux. Elizabeth Parkins, et ux to S. Mjller, et ux. James E. Henderson, Com., to J. Rathbone. Carl Green, et ux to E. B. Led-forL. D. Warren. et ux- R. E. Bass, et ux to P. N. Hig- Ivy Hill Tonwship gms- George Rathbone, et ux to Jas. D. Fallon, et ux to M. II. George Ledford. Silver, et ux. Lora J. Davis, et al to J. J. L. Hipps, et ux to Herbert Davis. Taylor, et ux. T, B. Smith, et ux to J. E. Wilson, et ux. Iron Duff Township J. B. Hipps, et ux to J- - G, C. M. Stevenson to Homer Hipps. C. S. Bradley, et ux to P. V. Hemrick, et ux. Jonathan Township R. E. Bass, et ux to P. N. Hig-gin- s, Taylor Rose, et ux to Thurman et ux. Evans. F, M. Byers, et ux to James J. F. Rose, et ux, et al to Taylor Wright, et ux. :' Rose." PARE! THEATRE blood-thirst- y monster Your blood will freeze in your veins as these bring death in the dead of the night. Bela Lugosi in . Clyde 1 OWL SHOW .. . Phillips TRANSACTIONS IN and Sunday at 2 Matinees Monday and Wednesday at 3; Saturday Cecil Township shows start at 7:15 and 9.15. ' and 4. Sunday night at 9, other 4 nights, Addie Hightower to Clarence r ( t A J fiwll- nils Owl Show Saturday nights at iu:au. ftumiin Stephenson, et ux. to R, L. Addie Hightower A ""ffitha on th e This is a Douglas 0 bomber-flghtlook at the hulk of a merchantman rapidl y etantly at a cruising speed of 800 m.p.b. Much Broad Program For Hie Farmer Rotarians T Barbecue On r. at WO J OCTOBER wu Friday the ann,,.! Friday night, whi7h The "green light" has been given hecue at Ruw Dei, Farm Security Administration by Wickard Rotarians will Secretary of Agriculture to proceed with necessary loans wives at the barbecue. W. ROV Frar,;. r," and farming assistance to small farmers for "1943 food and fibre and Guv Ma, T lnot' production," according to J. Yatea mitteetocha-Bailey, county FSA supervisor, which b Bet Z Waynesville. Mr. Bailey said that plans and procedures were worked out at a recent conference to help the small farmer make the best possible contribution to food for freedom within the limited funds alotted. Following the secretary's directive, the first consideration in making all loans will be the production of food and fibre necessary to win the war, he pointed out. "Farmers desiring loans necessary for assuring this maximum production should make their applications early this fall," the supervisor said. Definite things farm security has laid out to do in order to help borrowers in this . county to take their full part in the war effort were outlined by County Supervisor Bailey as follows: 1. The immediate job concerns, canning, storage and marketing. Food that has been produced must not go to waste. Supervisors will teach families how to do this. 2. Help families plan production of food for next year's use, and next year's market. 3. Lay stress on fall and winter gardens, seeding of small grain and seeding of fall pastures. to 4. Study 1942 performance ascertain the degree to which families and communities have attained the goals set up. 5. Get next year's farm plans prepared right away in order that families may be getting acquainted with next year's practices and enterprises. : 6. Prepare to fight disease, to be healthy, both as individuals and as a community. 7. Help farmers to make substi-- 1 tutes necessary on account of war less scarce. , These may be sold upon certification by the farmer to the dealer that the equipment is required for current agricultural production. A third group consists of items that may be sold without restriction. ' ''The important thing now," said Weaver, "is for every farmer to report to his county agent's office his prospective machinery needs for 1943." P o'clock. No LtM rnid-dr.1- 1 w uciu. shortaevs i fertilizer, and pigs, improve and enW tures to feed these extrZ tts hogs. S chmeryanHZileSC1 food change use of mentwith machinery other serving for joint i f(fr neighbor, i "ul . use, where practy equipment which must 8. Help farmers impr0V(1 tenure, as a step job of farming towards 10. Aid FSA families supervision to use nces recommended by county agents Service ei Made To Order! We do really fine k der'ing at very thrifty prii you can afford. Wo clothes no matter h grimy come up fresh a spotless with our thorool washing methods. Let do the family's clothii household articles, and the flatwork, too. Wt help you get rid of Wis day Blues. WAYNESVILL LAUNDRY - PHONE 205 ; SUNDAY, "Hi, Neighboif Music , ana Romance-Com- n-- n(SCOvvyt . . . edy t... Jtvoy a nuui lff Jofen Archer, BOVS Smnlrw IKnrintsin - Jean Parker, v;.. ALSO , THREE SHORTS Picture People At the County Fair 9 cFlls INK In Stock Comrtrnrmty- - o- - In A Number of Size Bottles 5MONDAY AND TUESDAY, OCTOBER Something to sing about . . . laugh about , :, shout aieott -t "Footlight Serenade" "Men In Washington" and News VIOLET WHITE Cooking-- - Canning Grimes' Golden Stark's Delicious BLUE-BLAC- K John Payne, Betty Grable, Victor Mature. ALSO March of Time BLACK BLUE Eating RED GREEN BROWN DRAWING INK Golden Delicious of the Day. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 Romance runs riot in . . V "Lloonlight Masquerade" With Dennis O'Keefe, Jane Frazer, Betty Kean. -ALSO FOUR ADDED ATTRACTIONS. STAMP PAD INK IN THREE COLORS i Black, Blue and Red THE MOUNTAINEER "Stationery and Supplie$ for Office, Home and School? Barber's Orchard , m2 and and , The Mountaineer Stationery Department Has thr, impro,
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