THE WAYNESVnXE MOUNTAINEER PAGE EIGHT , The word "sherry" Is- Delieved to A married woman has no legal Birth registrations of leading Mouse deer, which are native to word cial chewing gum was resin of the a corruption be husband's her assume to obligation (countries of pair one Africa, that indicate the East Indies and Western city famed for spruce, cherry, sweet gum and Spanish a customary "Jerez", for is although it every 90 name, sleep with their eyes open, and twins is born to about tamarack trees. Us wine. (single births. her to do so. walk on the tips of their toes. - CHARGES MATE 'HARPOONED' HER 3 ... Ffem - Trit N tor, W'rtiMtL'i u" dm,ur.Jnt5 YOU AKE ALWAYS WELCOME AT SMITH S MITH'S DRUG STORES EXTRA BIG VALUES FOR FRIDAY-SATURDA- Y m es" "tT NEW CREAM DEODORANT SAFF.I.V STOPS PERSPIRATION - 1. Instantly slops perspiration to nays. Acts safely. J uora iitu roi. urrsses or mru shirts. Removes odor from wrsnir-- j tlon on contact in 2 seconds Does not irritate skin. Antisep. tic. Preferred by 117,000 Nursrs A pure, white, stainless vanish- ing cream. Arrid, with the am. ing new inBredient. Creamofiii, will not crystallize or dry out 6 O A 3. 4. 5. "V' vw. " 1 ''mi s"f TfrfTon iCr9enS LOtlO sii nnr,nl,1f0 ; 0n UltLNE Ml it.... NADINOLA " NOW WITH CREAMOGEN Will Not Dry Out in the Jar ARRID IN CRITICAL CONDITION from a harpoon wound, Mrs. Marie Morrii, 31, shown in Nevvaik, N. J., City Hospital. Her husband, mother of four, Thomas, 45, arrested on her complaint, denied he stabbed her with the four-fo- t weapon. He iai'.l she fell on the harpoon when she came home Plus Tax Also 5!)c . "isiuv; ro v Idle UM'd ti for In write changed !e i. .: ISiit 1 1' .iu,.i 2.: i) ilu.w'irll im-- v ('..III In Clink Inn i limm kri-jx-t ,'n i,:-.i;i n yr hi- i aii llici: In nk nil !. Ii. Dia: N.- Hc'tiiic!!.; In ;i - Ten -- flietl i' i!.v- - iid .k .. 1. ' Mi!eUc' . tY.virt r nth wi re a ;' nn n.i i' in.n this iileiiliful with their uppe-tini- e iar cciioi ...MaMir and texture, they are .; r, od miiiitc of vitamin C. Tliii-- c c.l deep ellciw color also are a ,m nil cuirei' of itaniin A. Cantaloup- loi!a. are sweeter and riper to be. This is than l!ie hi Hie newer trend toward be-- i picking iiper and Many cantaloups me inc.i; are harvested at what grow-ei- call toil slip'' that is, when he stem breaks easily from the vine indicating ripeness. At this stage the melons ripen easily to ( '.ml alnii- - aic and alnnu a t. li!c. TDK C:H'I'- - I l Ml'- Nc oil t I'ei ,il' - him lie aski-ihe lie .ill Imtlci' In watch the c diner- - in hopes in cr.l iu; liii'-thl!u Jv. iiulhns iuiouua in n.iki ironing easier, though alt cellar over it." the ililleicnce may be almost imaround H guilt-- . - Mi-'- . -- c i i I; rite .. " ".'n'.V out nf a ' !ear -- k; he hit a up about the Innd I". ' ii u II find niiM cc Miout V(al, t In! d T kn .iliii" ten d.nut In I.itel tln.l, I, I. it ike and put hiNc lull did not Al'liuwyli real!,"' it at the tune lie ;;ot hi.r fii'.-- t mkhnir of th" vi'.mtv id Hie world itmitiun nn Much l! '.'M The I. in I'rr.i.-j- i nl Qui un of flic I "hill ppi ni and nt hrr lunrlird wit h Hoc; i elt hat da; "t ti to tunc tin I'rc uh lit liarl s mc m full takf n e nie, ur ft i imji I'm 'I .itid ( H I"'. ' d pel ceptiblo. nam h ii ni'-a- l i 3HWS more im- ironiAj mS;mmm"" nJ j-- Vi BJ i N. FOR W YOUR V HAIR CREAM-OI- j tl': Round Re-usab- 'he dclii.ii,. inches. i ic'ct New DeLux with plast s us-iii- L; TOWN L 2 39c 4 I -- . BLACK LEAF "40" B K A N D S .S2.50 ! f .Timif" naMcw frosty-whi- 6c te 49c 89c i PINT jtlxr curleri 12S and SIZE i DANDRUFF in eiur ic, in in i . 69c j dj ii uuv.9Q- v orrjrr) ui M ViUmins. i 'itciinin Tablrls shipprd. todu. All price plus tax 1 79c applied"" ! KlC. I'CCt II 5 5rrn,..l U. S. P. TURKNIT U46 Moo .2 forj WASH CLOTHS LISTERINE 1 25c SIZE LIQUID OR PASTE V ENERGINE POLISH l V4 79c 50 PACK $1.42 TABLETS CAROID and BILE 15c .EXPEB! Gallon S1.00 $2.98 to $7.95 NONE SOLD TO DEALERS Value Fresh STATIONERY 39c FILM Supplies box KODAK FILM ALL SIZES, ALL NUMBERS QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED Any Sue rSK rocket FIN Roll' i J &3 Size u 10c PRINCE ALBERT Mints 4 on ynur cmn !ry ka fill this may climiuti dveim. Gray hit people look older. Itel supply Cdlc ium I'nwij INflCJIOVS ( MM without curlers SIZE 2 cuiiii CC'IIJU1 as Vis tilimij MINERAL OIL rot Refill Kit SIZE COCONUT OIL 1 h:iH LAMP FUSES T Gum, Candy, Aspirin RA-fv- with THERMIC JUGS Bottle 100 - Regular Kit CIGARETTES Value -- Save Safely at Smith's medicated to put CARTON 5c CALtSTHE- PLAYS nr " POPULAR clocks )'Wi', MARKET BASK0T S 1.0(1 ... L ANY AMP. BOX Mulsified Shampoo ALARM OUNX? TABLETS Sl.flO J - h,. DUC in cool blissful comfort Just rub on relief in jiffy. Helps often callouses, too. ICE-MIN- Phillips Magnesia JJ nt e F WW- . tr Save money every lime you your Toni Plastic Curlers. For a refill kit costs only 51.00 -- contains everything but curlers. 200 ill take V.. IfM ah "w nsciinu rrijC UliUu Jt I FOR FUNGUS BLIS-TO-SO- tired burning feet Roll up your hair in half the time! Toni Professional Plastic Curlers have 50 more curling surface; and they're ribbed (treaded) all over, to keep hair from slipping. CMC T IT r TT TTT1 rLiAlLllS 75c ATHLETE'S FOOT on Two Feet Ice-Mi- Shave Cream. i NO. A DOZEN ffGGS INSTEAD YOU ark? (CONTACT) A curlers TROI lllNVJ' Coolest Thing BARBASOL By STANLEY 97 CENTE WORTH-- - THLMBSOME ELSE MPS Sr 1 coPI Kit Nothing like 'hi,i i s ' le HAIR REGULAR CAMAY SOAP SIZE Ribbed . . . . 1 e. WA ma GRAY -FRFF70rJr L'se a press-i- n' Kai-she- k "Q&ZJj m i INFECTIONS BABY HAIR yn h. void . . M V TREATMENT th gtntl lotion used tor ovtr 30 by thou- j Mr Is of mother! lo help five rHuiFssiiicy nngieie. AlBomaKet hur look thicker. Bottle, 98' asm m jj L fUJUC with WILDROOT f - 0- x , " tfif' 5 W lm&Y i t HOME PERMANENT ... -- m m DOAH'S PILLS Now Easier than ever! fro actum Wool:; must always be pi nl to ,noid distortion of shape and damage lo surface finish. Deli-tat- c Ian mt-- and the like should i'1 " he pit ed, le.t the iron tear c THE OLD HOME m ' e f'ri in:; inraiiA to set iron direct I; down upon fabric and lift it directly upward without to and t,-Je- i FGH7S k KAMCNES - bias-cu- i lm a- - ft- - SELTZER in keep garments! t Ironi ..a:;;:riii; out of shape. n .in i An even portant reason motion" when you I figured lait Iron it (an-efatiRup. Avoid a wobbly iron handle or a woba In' '.ci- hi a lion;; b id'. amine for ne ble board lor they increase "lost lion. Iu lud on other means of motion and thus increase fatigue. rele.i-im- ; hi strain. He took it out on the food." At another point she recalls that v.a- - ea-- y to see that the marriage1 carle in 1(139 she "didn't have to of Kngland s King and Queen was rend the paper, or listen to the "a love match." She found former, to realize how danger- Prime Minister Winston Churchill1 radio ous Ilium's vera in Kurupe." smaller and more dapper than his, "I could tell b the President's photographs. Hecalling appetite she write. lie was difisit the of Mine. ficult a; the ve"r started and I Cliiamj Mrs. Nesbitt knew tlnni;-- , would he wor'o. writes that the distinguished guest On one iicca-mCinwii Piineess ti aw'llod with cr own silk sheets Martha of N'oru.v. suggested a and suffered an alergy to wool. In general, the book reveals that recipe for pigs feet in sour sauce which tempted the president's lag- the White House housekeeper has ging appetite. all the troubles of the regular Princess Informal housekeeper, but on a far bigger Mrs. Nesbitt describes Princes-- scale, particularly when it comes Martin as the most inf'oinial of to unexpected guests. And there the royalty which visited the White are the rodent and insect prob-- J Hou-She comments, too, that it along with the official functions," v. mzj BR0M0- - it d The butler reported linen supply lull .swecti:e.s.s. to her uith a yiui. "Tlie I'n;, nit nf tuiriM d a hole Iioi with the gram of the fabric rl hmimlt. lie 'ami "Inn he saw I' he Innkc f -- iwia hours i. i dinner n f State Agent Assistant i!vtl. n i.mI in he nt :.!id .: ! f ma n burn- - in frequt in cf ! ki i.l cm Iu"a i riv. nl' the i'c ml t u I'll liiiin-.IlilH) i, ..mum a: . in r. .mi.i Ac " m 1'AS.TE HINTS By VERXA STANTON . n li hislojA Ponn- hi hi a Mr-- . nv i Household lleile i.lle U III :,,) J 3G DOIJP,a i R, PEPSODFJT FDR Tried To Cover Hole He Burnt In Table Cloth The r LQQy tsttier DON'T BE HALF SAFE BE AKItlli .... KAiTi.- iter ADDin International) late at night and entered through a bathroom window, 39c 3 SAVE SAFELY ON PRESCRIPTIONS AT T
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