www.newtecumseth.ca LEISURE GUIDE 㻼㼍㼞㼗㼟㻘㻌㻾㼑㼏㼞㼑㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻒㻌㻯㼡㼘㼠㼡㼞㼑㻌 㻼㼍㼞㼗㼟㻘㻌㻾㼑㼏㼞㼑㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻒㻌㻯㼡㼘㼠㼡㼞㼑㻌 Parks • Programs • Facilities • Services Spring/ Summer 2015 StarBurst Cheer Elite All-Star Cheerleading Club FREE TRIAL! • Competit ive Cheerleadin g Teams All Ages and Skill Leve ls • Pre-Comp etitive Cheerleadin g Teams • Tumbling Classes • Private an d Semi-Private Lessons • Birthday Parties • Camps FOR GIRLS TEAMS AND CLASSES YRS! AND BOYS AGES 3-18 647•993•7021 Located in Alliston www.starburstcheerelite.com | info@starburstcheerelite.com Making Family Law work for you. Barrister solicitor Notary LET US HELP YOU WITH US HELP YOU WITH •LET CUSTODY/ACCESS/SUPPORT •• PROPERT Y DIVISION CUSTOdY/ACCESS/SUPPOrT •• SEPARATION AGREEMENTS PrOPErTY dIvISIOn •• DIVORCE SEPArATIOn AgrEEmEnTS •• MEDIATION dIvOrCE • WILLS & ESTATES • mEdIATIOn • PARALEGAL SERVICES 18 Church St., South P.O. Box 181 Alliston ON L9R 1V5 fax | 705 435 3055 lynn@shanklawoffice.com email | brenda@shanklawoffice.com www.shanklawoffice.com tel | 705 435 5055 Message from the Mayor Welcome to the Town of New Tecumseth’s Spring & Summer edition of the Parks, Recreation & Culture leisure guide. We offer a variety of programs and classes for all ages and abilities and are continuing to expand to meet the diverse needs of our community. With fitness centres at both the New Tecumseth Recreation Centre and the Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre, we can help you as you work towards your health and wellness goals. Whether you prefer independent recreation, group classes, sports, hobbies or arts and culture, through our Parks, Recreation & Culture Department, there is sure to be something for everyone. Please visit www.newtecumseth.ca regularly to see what’s new with our Parks, Recreation & Culture Department. Rick Milne, Mayor Table of Contents Message from the Mayor 4 Benefits of Recreation and Culture 5 Registration Museum on the Boyne 6 7 Tottenham Conservation Area 8 Facility Rentals 9 Fitness in New Tecumseth 10 The Hornet’s Nest Sports Grill 11 Pre-school Programs 12 Child & Youth Programs 13 - 15 Summer Day Camp 2015 15 - 17 Adult & Older Adult Programs 18 - 19 Red Cross Swim Preschool Programs 20 Red Cross Swim Kids’ Programs 20 Welcome to the Alliston Rotary Pool 21 22 - 23 Red Cross Swim Lessons March Break Public Skating & Shinny Schedule 24 Community Events and Information 25 New Tecumseth’s Parks & Open Spaces 26 Tec We Gwill Women’s Institute Community Garden 26 Sports & Community Organizations 27 Parks, Recreation and Culture Department 4 Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca Benefits of Recreation and Culture The Parks, Recreation and Culture Department is committed to providing the community of New Tecumseth with a continuously evolving and ever growing variety of high quality, accessible programs and services meeting the needs of residents of all ages and abilities. Recreation provides an ideal opportunity to try something new, gain new skills or enhance your ability in an activity you are passionate about. Accessible programming allows participants of all ability levels to enjoy being part of a team or experiencing an exciting new interest. Cultural and physical activity contribute to improved overall physical and mental health by helping to improve mood, reduce stress, manage blood pressure and cholesterol levels, increases life expectancy, improves cardiovascular and respiratory functions, increases muscular strength and endurance and reduces chronic illnesses. The New Tecumseth Recreation and Culture facilities offer something for everyone. Please see below for locations and descriptions of amenities. New Tecumseth Recreation Centre features barrier-free full fitness facilities, men’s and women’s changerooms, fitness class studio, fieldhouse, walking track, party room, meeting room, ice pads (2), arena, restaurant, changerooms and pre-registered programming for all ages and abilities. Select facilities available for rental. 7300 Industrial Parkway, Alliston, ON L9R 1V4, Tel: 705-435-4030 ext. 1500 Hornet’s Nest Sports Grill is a full service restaurant situated on the upper level of the New Tecumseth Recreation Centre. Theme nights, new menu, team incentives, dart night, linedancing, DJ and live music, outdoor patio, private room, open 7 days a week. Available for rental and special events. 7300 Industrial Parkway, Second Floor, Alliston, ON L9R 1V4, Tel: 705-435-4030 ext. 1513 Tottenham Community and Fitness Centre features full fitness facilities, men’s and women’s changerooms, fitness class studio, walking track, gymnasium, youth room, senior room, ice pad and arena changerooms, outdoor rink, concession, pre-registered programming for all ages and abilities. Select facilities available for rental. 139 Queen Street North, Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0, Tel: 705-435-4030 ext. 1500 or 905-936-4203 ext. 1621 Tottenham Conservation Area is comprised of 41 acres of prime picturesque parkland overlooking a magnificent pond. Amenities include camping facilities, fishing, nature trails and pavilions (reservations available). There is an abundance of wildlife in its natural habitat which can readily be seen - blue heron, red foxes, pheasants, groundhogs, Trumpeter Swans and a large variety of birds. 6787 4th Line, Tottenham, Ontario, L0G1W0, General Enquiries: 905-936-4203, Pre-book your Camp Site: 705-435-4030 ext. 1502 Museum on the Boyne houses a collection of historical artifacts of South Simcoe from settlement to present day. Featuring historic buildings, special events, exhibits, educational programs, Summer Camps and children’s programming, the Museum on the Boyne is well worth a visit. 250 Fletcher Crescent, Alliston, ON L9R 1M1, Tel: (705) 435-4030 ext. 1802 Alliston Rotary Pool is a supervised outdoor heated aquatic facility located in the heart of Riverdale Park, Alliston. Nestled in the rolling hills and lush greenery along the Boyne River, the outdoor facility is a fully accessible place to enjoy with your family. Features group and semi/private lessons, daily Family Swim times, Aqua Fitness, Pavilion Rental, Whirl Pool, Family Change room, Lockers, snacks and ice cream. NEW This Summer! Fitness Swim, Sensory Swim, Adaptive swimming lessons. 75 King Street North, Alliston, ON, Tel: 705-435-4030 ext. 1500, 705-936-4203 ext. 1621 Alliston Memorial Arena features a regulation size indoor dry pad which is open year round. Community Hall facilities are available for rental. 49 Nelson Street West, Alliston, ON L9R 1H1, Tel: 705-435-4030 ext. 1621 Beeton Memorial Arena houses a full ice arena, changerooms and community hall. Available for rental. Public skating and shinny drop in programs available. Community hall facilities available for rental. 22 Second Street, Beeton, L0G 1A0, Tel: 705-435-4030 ext. 1500 or 1621 Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 5 Join In! Registration Event Registration Sat. March 7 - 9am-3pm Tottenham Community Fitness Centre Spring/Summer Registration Begins March 7th Spring/Summer Registration Begins March 7th PROGRAM REGISTRATION Program registration is available in person, over the phone or online at www.fastrec.ca. Register a minimum of 2 weeks before the start PROGRAM REGISTRATION of the program and qualify for theinEarly Birdover Rate. Payment is online due atat time of registration.Register We ask athat all registrants, parents/guardians Program registration is available person, the phone or www.fastrec.ca. minimum of 2 weeks before the start come to the recreation sign Bird their Rate. paperwork and is pickup for tax purposes. No parent/guardian, children or of the in program and qualifyfacility for thetoEarly Payment due attheir timereceipt of registration. We ask that all registrants, parents/guardians siblings permitted to be in thetoarea the class is taking place unless otherwise specified.No parent/guardian, children or come in are to the recreation facility sign where their paperwork and pickup their receipt for tax purposes. siblings are permitted to be in the area where the class is taking place unless otherwise specified. PROGRAM CANCELLATION If weather orCANCELLATION other circumstances postpone a class, an attempt will be made to contact each registrant. The Parks, Recreation & PROGRAM Culture Department may also make the decision to cancel a program weather conditions exist.The Please call (705) 435-4030 If weather or other circumstances postpone a class, an attempt will bewhen madepoor to contact each registrant. Parks, Recreation & ext. 1500 or ext. 1621 if you to the check on thetostatus of ayour program. Culture Department may alsowish make decision cancel program when poor weather conditions exist. Please call (705) 435-4030 ext. 1500 or ext. 1621 if you wish to check on the status of your program. REFUND POLICY Please allow 15 days for processing. REFUND POLICY All refund requests must submitted in writing or by email to the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department. Please allow 15 days for be processing. A $15 administration fee be willsubmitted be deducted from all a minimum of 7 days prior toDepartment. the start of a program. All refund requests must in writing orrefunds by emailreceived to the Parks, Recreation & Culture A $15 $25 administration administration fee fee will will be apply after the 7 day period. received a minimum of 7 days prior to the start of a program. A deducted from all refunds If the has commenced theafter $25.00 A $25program administration fee will apply the administration 7 day period. fee will apply and the program fee will be prorated. Nothe refunds willhas be available following the completion of 25% theapply program. If program commenced the $25.00 administration feeofwill and the program fee will be prorated. No refunds administration will apply for medical reasons confirmed a doctor’s note. No will be fee available following the completion of 25% of with the program. No administration administration fee fee will will apply be charged for cancellation made by with the Parks, Recreation No for medical reasons confirmed a doctor’s note. & Culture Department. Failing to attend a fee class result a refund being owed to the registrant. No administration willwill beNOT charged forincancellation made by the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department. Failing to attend a class will NOT result in a refund being owed to the registrant. ACCIDENT INSURANCE The participant is responsible for his/her own hospital and medical coverage. The Town of New Tecumseth and its program ACCIDENT INSURANCE instructors/facilitators will provide every safeguard for the and welfare ofThe each participant will be released from all actions, The participant is responsible for his/her own hospital andhealth medical coverage. Town of New but Tecumseth and its program damages, claims and will demands, arisingforout participation in ourofprograms. instructors/facilitators providewhatsoever every safeguard theofhealth and welfare each participant but will be released from all actions, damages, claims and demands, whatsoever arising out of participation in our programs. CLASS POSTPONEMENT Should it be necessary to postpone a class, every attempt will be made to re-schedule the class. However, if the class cannot be reCLASS POSTPONEMENT scheduled, reductiontoinpostpone registration fees will be attempt issued. will be made to re-schedule the class. However, if the class cannot be reShould it beno necessary a class, every scheduled, no reduction in registration fees will be issued. NSF CHEQUES NSF CHEQUES cheques are subject to a $30.00 administration fee. NSF NSF cheques are subject to a $30.00 administration fee. ACCESSIBILITY The Accessibility Advisory Committee is a Council appointed committee. Their mandate is to work toward a barrier free community for ACCESSIBILITY all persons with disabilities. The Committee also assists Council to prepare themandate annual provincially mandated Accessibility Plan for the The Accessibility Advisory Committee is a Council appointed committee. Their is to work toward a barrier free community for Town of New Tecumseth. more information mayCouncil contact to Hilary McCormack, Director of Human Resources, staff liaison to the all persons with disabilities.For The Committee alsoyou assists prepare the annual provincially mandated Accessibility Plan for the committee at 705-435-3900 ext.more 1247. Town of New Tecumseth. For information you may contact Hilary McCormack, Director of Human Resources, staff liaison to the committee at 705-435-3900 ext. 1247. How to Register How to Register How To Register How To Register 1 1 1 2 2 2 TheHours fast and easy way to register. 24 Daily You fast will need: The and easy way to register. • Account number You will need: Client ID number number • Account VISA, ID MasterCard • Client number or American Express • VISA, MasterCard or American Express Telephone Call 705-435-4030 or 905-936-4203 ext. 1500 or 1621 Telephone You 705-435-4030 will need: Call or 905-936-4203 ext. 1500 or 1621 You will need: • VISA, MasterCard or American Express • VISA, MasterCard or American Express In Person In-person registration may not be In Person 33 3 Activate your account today Activate yourat account www.fastrec.ca today at www.fastrec.ca Click on “Create New” get started! Clicktoon “Create New” to get started! Recreation Online 24 Hours DailyOnline Recreation available during all facility In-person registration may hours. not be Please call aheadalltofacility confirm. available during hours. We accept Please call :ahead to confirm. • accept Cash : We • Cash Cheque Debit • Cheque VISA, MasterCard or American Express • Debit • VISA, MasterCard or American Express New Tecumseth Recreation Centre 7300 Tecumseth Industrial Parkway, Alliston ON New Recreation Centre (705) Industrial 435-4030Parkway, ext. 1500 Alliston ON 7300 (705) 435-4030 ext. 1500 Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Tottenham Community & Fitness 139 Queen Street North, Tottenham, ON Centre (905)Queen 936-4203 ext. 1621Tottenham, ON 139 Street North, (905) 936-4203 ext. 1621 Parks, Recreation and Culture Department 6 Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca Museu m on the Boyne Nestled among the trees of Riverdale Park the Museum on the Boyne features a 1914 Agricultural Fair Building, an 1851 Log Cabin and an 1858 English Barn. The museum houses a mixed collection of household, agricultural, industrial and archival artifacts that depict life in South Simcoe from settlement to present day. The site offers guided and self-guided tours, educational programs, special exhibits, events and workshops. Purchase your anniversary print by Laura Berry in the museum gift shop Hours of Operation September to May Monday to Friday 10:00am to 3:30pm Admission June to August Monday to Sunday 10:00am to 3:30pm Everyone is welcome! Donations are accepted in lieu of admission rates. The Museum on the Boyne features: Historic Buildings ~ Educational Programs ~ Exhibits ~ Summer Camps ~ Gift Shop ~ Special Events Museum Membership Individual Membership Family Membership $20.00 $30.00 Become a Museum Member to receive advance notice on upcoming events, special discounts on programs, unlimited free admission, 6 newsletters per year and to support your local museum! Scouting/Guiding Enjoy tours and workshops specifically created for your group. You choose the badge, and we will design a program that is just right for you. Join us for a couple of hours, all day, or even overnight! Earning badges has never been this much fun. School Programs The museum offers several curriculum based programs that combine history with hands-on learning. Full day and half day programs can be created to suit the needs of each class and age group. Public, private, alternative and home schools welcome. Museum Location: Contact Information: 250 Fletcher Crescent, Alliston, ON 705-435-4030 ext. 1802 boynemuseum@newtecumseth.ca | www.motb.ca Built in 1914 for the Fall Fair, the building that houses the museum has been a community staple for 100 years. It has been a recruitment centre, a dance hall and a knitting mill. Visit the museum today to learn more about this unique building, the collection it protects and the communities it serves. Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 7 7 Tottenha m Conservation Area Tottenham Conservation Area is situated on 41 acres of picturesque prime parkland overlooking a magnificent pond. Amenities include camping facilities comprised of tent and RV sites, large sandy beach, playground, fishing, nature trails and pavilions. A large sandy beach offers a host of possibilities for keeping cool and having fun! In addition, children will love playing on the new state of the art playground facilities. There is an abundance of wildlife in its natural habitat which can readily be seen - blue heron, red foxes, pheasants, groundhogs, Trumpeter Swans and a large variety of birds. Canada Geese are regular visitors to the area in late spring and early fall. Pavilions are located throughout the conservation area and can be reserved for private use such as picnics, family reunions or business retreats. Speak to a Facility Booking Clerk to reserve the William Bailey Pavilion, Anderson Pavilion or the Lions Pavilion. You are welcome to bring your canoe or pedal boats, fish in the pond or bring your friends and plan a beach volleyball game! ! NEW Disc Golf - New this year Come out and try a game of Disc Golf! Disc golf is a golf style game played with specialized flying discs. Instead of hitting a ball into a hole in the ground, you throw a disc into targets located throughout the conservation area. Each target is numbered and played in sequence. Fun for the whole family! Daily Admission Fees Amenities include: • Full washroom / shower facilities • easy access serviced sites • sewage dumping stations • 15 & 30 amp hookups • Filling Station • Pay telephone • Grocery stores & laundry nearby • Excellent restaurants a pleasant 5 minute walk away The Tottenham Conservation Area is an easy 40 minute drive north of Toronto. We are located between Hwy 27 and Hwy 50 just north of Hwy 9. Come visit us in the beautiful community of Tottenham. We look forward to seeing you! Address: 6787 4th Line, Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0 General Enquiries: 905-936-4203; ext. 1621 or 1500; To pre-book your camp site: 705-435-4030 ext. 1502 Website: www.newtecumseth.ca Serviced Camp Sites Adult (18-59) $5.00 Per night - 15 amp Senior/Students $3.75 Child (4-12) Child (0-3) School Buses (weekdays) Camping facilities The Tottenham Conservation Area features beautiful nature sites for tents and full service sites available for RV campers. Pre-book your camp site today. Non-Serviced Camp Sites $25.00 Per night $20.00 Per week - 15 amp (max 7 nights) $130.00 Weekend $35.00 $2.50 Per month - 15 amp (max 31 nights) $465.00 Per week (max 7 nights) $110.00 FREE Seasonal (Victoria Day to October 1st) $1300.00 Per month (max 31 nights) $400.00 $40.00 Per night - 30 amp Per week - 30 amp (max 7 nights) Outdoor spaces of interest: Per month - 30 amp (max 31 nights) Splash Pad locations: Seasonal (Victoria Day to October 1st) Alliston: Riverdale Park Beeton: next to the Beeton Memorial Arena Tottenham: next to the Tottenham Fitness & Community Centre $30.00 $165.00 $575.00 $1650.00 Parks and Trails The Town of New Tecumseth has approximately 70 hectares of parkland, 85 hectares of open space and 7 kilometers of trails. Town parks contain a variety of playground equipment and amenities and provide passive and active recreation opportunities for users of all ages and abilities. Town residents interested in active sports can participate in soccer, baseball, t-ball, football, rugby, tennis and in-line skating. For those seeking activities that are a little more passive, Town parks and trails provide opportunities for walking, hiking, jogging, lawn-bowling or just listening to the concerts in Riverdale Park each Sunday in the Summer. For more information regarding outdoor sports fields, rental permits etc. please call 705-435-4030 or 905-936-4203, ext. 1621 or 1500. Parks, Recreation and Culture Department 8 Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca Facility Rentals Let the Town of New Tecumseth be the location for your next event! Facilities are available to hostbe your formal occasion, business meeting, Let Let the Town of New Tecumseth the location fornext your next event! the Town of New Tecumseth be the location for your event! trade show, gala event, soccer or skating party, shower and much more. Facilities available to to host formal occasion, business meeting,meeting, Facilities areare available hostyour your formal occasion, business trade show, gala event, soccer or skating party, shower and much more. trade show, gala event, soccer or skating party, shower and much more. Now offering….field house Event Deck! Transform the field house into an Contact one of our facility booking clerks for more information on what we event to remember! Now offering…. field house Event Deck! can offer you and your event! 705.435.4030 ext.1502 ext.1505 Transform fieldbooking house aninformation event toon what remember! Contact one ofthe our facility clerksinto for more we can offer you and your event! 705.435.4030 ext.1502 ext.1505 Facility Kitchen Contact one of our Rental facilityType booking clerksCapacities for more information on what we can offer you and Hal your l event! 705.435.4030 220 ext.1502 ext.1505 Yes Alliston Memorial Arena Arena Floor Capacities 1200 Kitchen Facility Rental Type Facility Alliston Alliston Beeton Memorial Arena Memorial Arena Memorial Arena Beeton MemorialArena Arena Memorial Rental Type Capacities 220 220 Arena ArenaFloor Floor 1200 1200 1000 Hal l Hall 185 185 Arena Floor Arena ArenaFloor Floor Room Youth Youth Seniors Room Room Youth Room Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Tottenham Community Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre & Fitness Centre Small Gym Seniors SeniorsRoom Room Large Gym Small SmallGym Gym Whole Gym 20 20 50 20 50 50 100 100 Large LargeGym Gym Whole Arena WholeGym Gym Floor 250 250 Arena ArenaFloor Floor 1300 1300 Brian Gauley 350 350 Recreation Centre Yes Yes Yes 100 250 350 1300 Yes Yes 15 15 Boardroom Boardroom Boardroom Hornets Nest Sports 60 - 265 Hornets Nest Sports Hornet’s Nest& Grill Bar 60-265 Bar & Grill Sports Grill Party Room 20 Party Room Fitness 20 Party Studio Room Studio 50 Fitness Fieldhouse 1300 Fitness Studio Fieldhouse 50 Fieldhouse Yes Yes Yes 1000 1000 BrianGauley Gauley Brian New Tecumseth New Tecumseth New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Recreation Centre Kitchen 185 Hal l Hall Hal l 60 - 265 Catering Catering 20 Services Services Catering Services 50 1300 1300 Looking to host an outdoor event? Pavilions available for rental at the Looking to host outdoor event? Pavilions are are available for rental at for the Looking to an host an outdoor event? Pavilions are available rental at the Tottenham Conservation Area or Riverdale Park. Speak to a Facility Booking clerk today. Tottenham Conservation Area or Riverdale Park. Speak to a Facility Booking clerk today. Tottenham Conservation Area or Riverdale Park. Speak to a Facility Booking clerk today. Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 9 Fitness New Tecumseth Zumba Yoga Step Cycle Fit Fit for Life Chair Fitness in Total Body Blast Stability Ball Boot Camp and more... Open 6am-10pm Monday-Friday; 7am-7pm Saturday & Sunday Holiday hours will be posted. - No initiation fees - Use of both fitness facilities (Alliston & Tottenham) - Up to 50 core fitness classes offered per week - Showers and Lockers - Quality fitness equipment & free weights No initiation fitness fees orientations · - Complimentary walking/running · - Indoor Use of both fitnesstrack facilities (Alliston & Tottenham) Personal Training and T Zone Vibration packages available · Up to 50 core fitness classes offered per week *Membership rates subject to HST Annual Memberships $299Fitness * Annual Fitness Zumba YogaFitness Step Cycle Fit Fit for Life Chair $299* Total Body Blast Stability Ball Boot Memberships Camp and more... Ask about our youth/student, adult and older adult rates. · · · · · · Month, 6 month and annual terms available. Beyond Recreation... Open 6am-10pm Monday-Friday; 7am-7pm Saturday & Sunday Showers and Lockers Quality fitness equipment & free weights Holiday hours will be posted. Complimentary fitness orientations Indoor track Various equipment is utilized to isolate and tone all major muscle groups, including core. Body Pump walking/running Personal Training and T Zone packages Improve your overall fitness byVibration combining a variety of interactiveavailable cardiovascular and strength exercises. Intense workout for all fitness levels. Boot Camp *MembershipUsing rates subject to HST some kickboxing and traditional aerobic moves, you will blast away calories while strengthening your core. Core F itness Cardio Core Annual Fitness Memberships $299 * Ask about our youth/student, adult and older adult rates. Chair Fitness A workout designed for people with mobility issues. Most exercises are done sitting in a chair or using the chair for balance. Completely Fit Utilize a variety of equipment for an interval class that combines resistance training exercises with cardiovascular intervals to create a complete overall workout. Monthly, 6 month and yearly terms available. Cycle your way to a healthier you. Go at your own pace or use the energy of the group to increase your endurance. Cycle Fit · No initiation fees Fitness equipment is setup into stations to create an aerobic and resistance training circuit. Designed to target strength and cardiovascular fitness Circuit Training while burning fat. facilities (Alliston & Tottenham) · Use of both fitness 6am-10pm classes classes use Kangoo Jumps boots. Theyper are dynamic & can be easily followed. Great cardioOpen workout wearing special boots that Bounce Fitness · Up towith 50 Bounce coreFitness fitness offered week Kangoo Jumps protect your joints from high impact exercise. Boot rental is $5.00 per class. Monday-Friday; · Showers and Lockers 7am-7pm A combination of flexibility & strength training in a positive and energizing environment. Designed to increase flexibility, joint stability, balance, Fit for Life coordination, agility and mobility. (not for those who cannot get up or down from the floor easily) Saturday & Sunday · Quality fitness equipment & free weights Join us as wefitness work the bodyorientations as a whole (mind is COACH and muscles are the TEAM) Flow from one exercise to another as you strengthen and Pilates Fitness · Complimentary Holiday hours will be posted. · Indoor Stability Ball stretch your body. walking/running track Engage your core while you define, tone and strengthen your entire body using the stability ball. · itPersonal Training and T Zone Vibration packages available Improve your stamina, strength & coordination with this cardiovascular step workout. Improve your strength, stamina and coordination. Step Up Perfect for all fitness levels! · *Membership rates subject to HST Total Body Blast Total Body Blast will challenge you with a combination of resistance and cardiovascular exercises utilizing the benefits of interval training. Rock Solid Body A challenging combination of cardiovascular drills and resistance training. Various equipment is utilized to isolate and target muscle groups. Yoga Empower Flow Empower Flow yoga is a basic power yoga (vinyasa class). Each class will vary slightly. During this series of postures you will strengthen and tone the upper Ask about our youth/student, and older adult rates. body and core abdominal muscles and develop the abilityadult to properly coordinate body movements with correct breathing techniques. Flow yoga is used to strengthen, stretch, and tone and yearly relax. Alleviateterms tension from available. the office or relieve tightness in your body from sports. Yoga - Flow Monthly, 6 month Uplifting practice that increases muscle tone, improves flexibility, concentration and allows you to feel a deep relaxation. Yoga-Yin Yin Yoga is the practice of long held passive postures designed to target the joints, bones and connective tissue. Zumba Be ready to party in to this high energy dance based aerobics class and enjoy some great music. Zumba Sentao By transforming your chair into a dance partner, the program strengthens your core, torches calories and sculpts muscles. Group Fitness classes are an excellent way to stay motivated & get results. Parks, Recreation and Culture Department 10 Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca Hornets Friday Fajita’s! $11 OPEN FOR LUNCH The Hornet's Nest Sports Grill The Nest Sports Grill 7300 Industrial Parkway TheHornet’s Hornet’s Nest Sports Grill 7300 Industrial Parkway, Alliston ON 2nd FloorThe of the New Tecumseth Recreation 7300 Industrial Parkway, AllistonGrill ON Centre, Alliston O Hornet’s Nest Sports Upper level of the New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Upper ofofthe Recreation Centre 705.435.4030 x1513 x1500 Upperlevel level theNew NewTecumseth Tecumseth Recreation 7300 Industrial Parkway, Alliston ON Centre 705.435.4030 x1513 x1500 705.435.4030 x1513 x1500 Upper level of the New Tecumseth Recreation Centre 705.435.4030 x1513 x1500 order! Martini Monday &&Senior’s Night Martini Monday & Senior' Martini Monday Senior’s Nights Night Martini Monday & Senior’s Night Now you look forward toforward Now youcan can look forward toMonday! Monday! Now you can look to Monday! Now youreceive can look forward tofood Monday! Seniors 6060 years+ 15% offofftheir order! Seniors years+ receive 15% their food Seniors 60 years+ receive 15% offorder! their food Seniors 60 years+ receive 15% off their food order! Sandwich Saturday $15 Molson 6 Tuesday TuesdayDrop-in Drop-inDarts Darts Half Appetizers Tuesday Drop-in Darts HalfPrice Price Appetizers Half Price Appetizers Tuesday Drop-in Darts Western WesternWednesday Wednesday Half Price Appetizers Western Wednesday Line $5 LineDancing Dancing $5 Line Dancing $5 Western Wednesday Line Dancing $5 Soccer Sunday $5 Caesars Coyotes CoyotesThursdays Thursdays Coyotes Thursdays WING Whistle Pints WINGNIGHT NIGHTSteam Steam Whistle Pints$5$5 WING NIGHT Steam Whistle Pints $5 $11 Hornets HornetsFriday FridayFajita’s! Fajita’s! $11 Thursdays Coyotes OPEN FOR LUNCH Hornets Friday Fajita’s! $11 OPEN FOR LUNCH WING NIGHT Steam Whistle Pints $5 OPEN FOR LUNCH Sandwich Saturday$8$8with withchips chips SandwichSaturday HornetsSandwich Friday Fajita' s ! $11 Saturday $8 with chips $15 Molson Pitchers $15 Molson60oz 60oz Pitchers OPEN FOR $15 LUNCH Molson 60oz Pitchers Soccer SoccerSunday Sunday Soccer $5$5Sunday Caesars Sandwich Saturday $8 with chips Caesars $5 Caesars $15 Molson 60oz Pitchers Enjoy great food and fun times with 9 of yo 10% discount off your foo Enjoy with 99of teammates Enjoy food great food and fun times with 9 your of your teammates and Enjoygreat great foodand andfun funtimes times with of your teammates andreceive receive and receive 10% discount off your food order. 10% discount off your food order. Enjoy greatSoccer food and fun times with 9 of your and receive 10% discount off your foodteammates order. Sunday The Hornet’s Nest is proud to host your next fundraising event. Call us for details. 10% discount off your food order. 11 $5Caesars Pre-School Progra ms Skip, Play, Jump! Colourful hula hoops, a giant parachute, laughter and games! A fun packed program for any toddler! Age: 3-4yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Session Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Tues Apr 21 - Jun 9 4:30-5:15pm 4630 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 Spring Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Tues Jul 7 - Aug 25 4:30-5:15pm 4718 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 Summer Tots and Parents Stay & Play This program offers both child and parent the opportunity to play in the Field House and make new friends along the way. Children under 1 year are free. Age: 1 month to 5 yrs Day Date Time Code Regular Rate Age Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Mon/Fri Mar 23 - May 8 10:00am-12:00pm 4705 $ 20.00 1-5 yrs Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Mon/Fri Mar 23 - May 8 10:00am-12:00pm 4705 Free < 1 yrs New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Tues/Wed/Thurs Mar 24 - May 14 9:30-11:30am 4612 $ 20.00 1-5 yrs New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Tues/Wed/Thurs Mar 24 - May 14 9:30-11:30am 4612 Free < 1 yrs Location Dancing Toes Get ready to put on your dancing shoes and learn different dance styles such as jazz, tap, acro, and musical theatre! Toddlers will sing and dance while learning rhythm, beat, and tempo. Creative movement and flexibility training will also be incorporated to help develop dance technique. Age: 2-4yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Thurs Apr 16 - Jun 4 5:00-5:30pm 4570 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 Playball - 2s Can Do In this program we lay down the basic foundation of movement in order to enable the child to accomplish more challenging sport related skills in later years. This program is designed to be transitional slowly creating independence. Parent participation may be required for the first ½ to ¾ of the program. Age: 2-3 Yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Session New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Fri Apr 17 - Jun 5 9:30-10:00am 4582 $113.00 $123.00 Spring Tues Apr 28 - Jun 16 5:00-6:00pm 4583 $113.00 $123.00 Spring Beeton Memorial Arena McCarroll Park Thurs Jul 2 - Aug 20 9:00-9:30am 4698 $113.00 $123.00 Summer McCarroll Park Thurs Jul 2 - Aug 20 5:00-5:30pm 4699 $113.00 $123.00 Summer Playball 3 - 4 year olds This is a comprehensive program of skills and games carefully devised and structured to teach a wide range of sports and social skills. The emphasis is on having fun with movement and playing games so that your child’s first introduction to sport is a happy and positive one. Age: 3-4 Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Session New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Fri Apr 17 - Jun 5 10:00-10:45am 4584 $127.00 $137.00 Spring Beeton Memorial Arena Tues Apr 28 - Jun 16 6:00-6:45pm 4585 $127.00 $137.00 Spring McCarroll Park Thurs Jul 2 - Aug 20 9:30-10:15am 4700 $127.00 $137.00 Summer McCarroll Park Thurs Jul 2 - Aug 20 5:30-6:15pm 4701 $127.00 $137.00 Summer McCarroll Park Thurs Jul 2 - Aug 20 6:15-7:00pm 4702 $127.00 $137.00 Summer Preschool Ballet This program will blend the fundamentals of ballet with a fun preschool friendly environment. All students must be accompanied by a caregiver. Age 2-3yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Thurs Apr 16 - Jun 4 5:30-6:00pm 4588 $65.00 $75.00 New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Sun Apr 19 - Jun 7 5:00-5:30pm 4589 $65.00 $75.00 Intro to sports - tots Children are introduced to the basic skills of a variety of sports including soccer, hockey, baseball as well as other cooperative games. Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Age Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Thurs Apr 16 - Jun 4 6:00-6:45pm 4614 $ 69.00 $ 79.00 2-4 yrs Parks, Recreation and Culture Department 12 Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca Child & Youth Progra ms Spring/Su mmer Registration Event Saturday, March 7th - 9a m-3pm - Tottenha m Community & F itness Centre Please see page 25 for details. Playball 4 - 5 years This part of the Playball program provides boys and girls with a solid grounding and basic competence in skills related to soccer, baseball, hockey, basketball and tennis while maintaining a fun-filled, non-competitive environment. Age: 4-5yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Beeton Memorial Arena Tues McCarroll Park Thurs McCarroll Park Thurs Session Apr 28 - Jun 16 6:45-7:30pm 4586 $ 127.00 $ 137.00 Spring Jul 2 - Aug 20 10:15-11:00am 4706 $ 127.00 $ 137.00 Summer Jul 2 - Aug 20 7:00-7:45pm 4703 $ 127.00 $ 137.00 Summer Kinder Ballet 4-6 years This program will blend the fundamentals of ballet with a fun preschool friendly environment. All students must be accompanied by a caregiver. Ages 4-6 years. Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Thurs Apr 16 - Jun 4 6:00-6:30pm 4578 $65.00 $75.00 New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Sun Apr 19 - Jun 7 5:30-6:00pm 4579 $65.00 $75.00 Sensory Creations- Child & Teen This Program will encourage you to explore your creative side and experience all 5 senses. Sensory Boxes, music, sparkles and paint… Beyond Creativity! Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Age New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Wed Apr 22 - Jun 10 5:00-5:45pm 4624 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 5 - 10 yrs New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Wed Apr 22 - Jun 10 6:00-6:45pm 4622 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 11 - 17yrs Sledge Hockey Sledge hockey is an original team sport that incorporates the same rules and discipline structure as regular ice hockey. Sledge hockey players sit on specially designed sleds, or ‘sledges’, with skate blades under the seat. Two sticks are used to pass, stick-handle and shoot the puck, propel and maneuver their sledges. Helmet with cage, neck guard and gloves required. Age: 5-17yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Mon May 25 - Jun 29 7:30-8:50pm 4593 $ 95.00 $105.00 Floor Hockey This is a recreational floor program that encourage skill development and fun for all participants. Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Sat May 23 - Jun 27 10:00-11:30am 4572 $ 65.00 Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Sat May 23 - Jun 27 11:30am-1:00pm 4573 $ 65.00 Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Sat Jul 18 - Aug 22 10:00-11:30am 4715 $ 65.00 Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Sat Jul 18 - Aug 22 11:30am-1:00pm 4716 $ 65.00 Regular Rate Age Session $ 75.00 6-9 yrs Spring $ 75.00 10-14 yrs Spring $ 75.00 6-9 yrs Summer $ 75.00 10-14 yrs Summer Just for Fun Play a new game, go through an obstacle course, laugh and make new friends! This is a perfect class for any child that loves to have FUN! Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Session Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Tues Apr 21 - Jun 9 6:00-6:45pm 4629 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 Spring Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Tues Jul 7 - Aug 25 6:00-6:45pm 4719 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 Summer Inspired Storytelling This program starts with a creative storytelling. Based on the story, Ideas will flow and imagination will spark, bringing to life art, drama and confidence! Build, Act, Create Beyond your regular story book and craft. This program will help promote literacy and confidence and inspire each participant. Age: 6-10yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Thurs Apr 16 - Jun 4 6:00-7:00pm 4620 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 13 Child & Youth Progra ms Beyond Hockey Progra m Coming this Spring! Intro to sports Children are introduced to the basic skills of a variety of sports including soccer, hockey, baseball as well as other cooperative games. Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Age New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Mon Apr 20 - Jun 15 5:00-5:45pm 4613 $ 69.00 $ 79.00 5-7 yrs Sports Zone 1 (6-8 yrs) & 2 (8-12 yrs) Come out and get your game on! Play a variety of sports including soccer, frisbee, football, diskgolf, basball, dodgeball as well as other cooperative games. Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Age New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Mon Apr 20 - Jun 15 5:00 - 5:45pm 4615 $ 69.00 $ 79.00 6-9 yrs Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Tues Apr 21 - Jun 9 5:00 - 5:45pm 4617 $ 69.00 $ 79.00 6-9 yrs Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Tues Apr 21 - Jun 9 6:00 - 7:00pm 4618 $ 69.00 $ 79.00 8-12 yrs Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Thurs Apr 23 - Jun 11 5:00 - 5:45pm 4616 $ 69.00 $ 79.00 8-12 yrs Hip Hop Learn the latest and greatest hip hop moves and routines in this high energy and fun class. No experience required so everyone is welcome to experience this popular and in demand dance style. Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Age New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Sun Apr 19 - Jun 7 6:00-6:45pm 4574 $ 75.00 $ 85.00 6-10 yrs New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Sun Apr 19 - Jun 7 6:45-7:45pm 4575 $ 75.00 $ 85.00 11-16 yrs Mix It Up Dance Each week participants will learn a new style of dance including Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Acro, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre and more! This program introduces children to the different styles of dance so that they may experience and learn each one while learning dance technique and musicality. Please wear active wear and either running shoes or dance shoes. No wearing socks and tap shoes are not required. Age: 6-10yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Thurs Apr 16 - Jun 4 6:30-7:15pm 4580 $ 75.00 $ 85.00 Yoga for Youth The regular practice of yoga can help you maintain balance and keep the spirit & soul strong and healthy, thereby benefiting both the body and mind. Many Yoga participants have experience the following benefits: Good health and well being; control stress and emotions; get stronger and more flexible; to be calm and relaxed. Age 6-12yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Wed Apr 22 - Jun 10 6:30-7:30pm 4707 $ 80.00 $ 90.00 Basketball - Youth This ia a learn to play basketball program. A fast paced scrimmage style game will be played each week. Age: 7-13 years Location Day Date Time Code Regular Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Wed Apr 15 - Jun 17 6:00-7:30pm 4568 $ 20.00 Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Mon Apr 20 - Jun 29 6:00-7:30pm 4567 $ 20.00 Summer Basketball Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Mon-Wed July 6 - Sept 16 6:00-9:30pm Drop in $ 3.00 Teen Yoga During the teenage years, immense changes are taking place in body chemistry and physiology. Imbalances often show up in rebellion and mood swings. The regular practice of yoga can help you maintain balance and keep the spirit & soul strong and healthy, thereby benefiting both the body and mind. Age: 10-15yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Sat Apr 25 - Jun 27 10:30-11:30am 4597 $ 80.00 $ 90.00 Fre e! Youth Crew! Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre A drop in program for youth ages 10-17 years old. A safe environment to socialize, make friends, play games, learn life skills, build self esteem, watch a movie, listen to music, get involved in the community and most important HAVE FUN! Parks, Recreation and Culture Department 14 Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca Child & Youth Progra ms Intro to Racquet Sports In this program your child will learn the fundamentals of Badminton, Pickleball and other wacky racquetball games. This will be a fun packed class full of flying birdies, pickle balls will surely ‘cause a racquet’ with laughter! Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Age Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Sat May 23 - Jun 27 11:30am-1:00pm 4625 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 6-9 yrs Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Sat May 23 - Jun 27 10:00-11:30am 4626 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 10-13 yrs Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Sat May 23 - Jun 27 1:00 - 2:30pm 4627 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 14-17 yrs Improv 101 - Act It Out! Learn the Fundamentals of IMPROV acting! A fantastic way to build self eteem and confidence in the spotlight! This program is suitable for everyone who wants to ACT IT OUT. Age: 10-17yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Wed Apr 22 - Jun 10 8:00-9:00pm 4621 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 Red Cross Babysitter Training Participants will learn how to handle emergency situations, baby and childcare skills, strategies to create a safe and happy environment, basic first aid skills, child safety and tips for finding babysitting jobs. Participants will receive a manual and a wallet sized card. Please bring a doll and a nut-free lunch. Age: 11-15yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Sat Jun 13 9:00am-4:00pm 4592 $ 85.00 $ 95.00 Youth Volleyball Serve, Bump, Volley, Spike! Join in the fun at Youth Volleyball and meet some new friends along the way! Age: 13-17yrs Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Session Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Sat May 23 - Jun 27 1:30-3:00pm 4628 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 Spring Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Sat Jul 18 - Aug 22 1:30-3:00pm 4717 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 Summer Time: 9:00am-4:00pm Cost: Early Bird: $133, Regular Rate $143 Ages: 6 - 12 Before Care 7:30am-9:00am $15 After Care: 4:00pm-5:30pm $15 Su mmer Day Ca mp 2015 Our Summer Day Camp is designed for participants ages 6-12! Activities include cooperative games, songs, crafts, water activities, drama and time for independent play. Please refer to the Day Camp Policies for more information. Leaders in Training (LIT) The LIT program is designed for youth ages 12-24 that have aged out of our day camps but don’t want to give up the day camp life. During the first week, campers will participate in team building and leadership development training and other skill building activities in order to develop their leadership abilities and prepare them for working in a day camp setting. During the second week, LIT’s will be placed in a day camp setting where they will be assisting the counsellors and putting their new found skills to use. All hours during the week of placement can be put towards their high school requirements (for those attending high school the following September). Age: 12-14 Cost: Early Bird: $133, Regular Rate $143 Session 1: July 6-17 – Program Code 4712 Session 2: August 4-14 – Program Code 4713 Counsellors in Training (CIT) The CIT program is designed to provide potential staff with an introduction to the structure of camp and various job responsibilities and expectations. During the first week, participants will develop the skills needed to plan and run programs as well as behaviour management strategies and conflict resolution techniques needed to work in a child centered environment. The second week will see our CIT’s placed in one of our day camps where they will be learning on the job skills as well as being responsible for running a program. All hours during the week of placement can be used towards the 40 hour high school volunteer requirements. Age: 15-17 Cost: Early Bird: $133, Regular Rate $143 Session 1: July 20-July31 – Program Code 4708 Session 2: August 17-28 – Program Code 4709 Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 15 Su mmer Day Ca mp 2015 Holidays: Take Two July 6 - 10 Have you ever been sad that holidays only happen once a year? Well join us as we do a double take of all our favourite celebrations! Come paint Easter eggs, hunt for leprechauns, and even celebrate Christmas in July! Museum on the Boyne Course Codes Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Course Codes Summer Day Camp 4650 Summer Day Camp 4658 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4634 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4642 Before Care 4666 Before Care 4678 After Care 4670 After Care 4676 Animal Planet July 13 - 17 Explore the world with us as we go on the hunt for animals! Trek through the South American rain forests, dive into the depths of the ocean, safari through the wilds of Africa and maybe even chill with a couple of penguins at Antarctica. It’s all about animals this week! Museum on the Boyne Course Codes Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Course Codes Summer Day Camp 4651 Summer Day Camp 4659 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4636 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4643 Before Care 4667 Before Care 4679 After Care 4671 After Care 4677 Monsters, Myths and Mysteries July 20 - 24 The search is on! Big Foot, “Nessie” the Loch Ness monster, ghosts, centaurs and more are all trying to evade us as we go on an adventure to uncover fact from fiction. Will you be one of the few humans that live to tell the tale? Museum on the Boyne Summer Day Camp Course Codes 4652 Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Course Codes Summer Day Camp 4660 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4636 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4644 Before Care 4668 Before Care 4680 After Care 4672 After Care 4681 Master Chef Jr. July 27 - 31 Roll up your sleeves because it’s time to get cooking! Join us as we get creative with cuisine and find out who is the master chef! Museum on the Boyne Course Codes Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Course Codes Summer Day Camp 4653 Summer Day Camp 4621 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4637 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4645 Before Care 4669 Before Care 4690 After Care 4673 After Care 4682 For Good August 4 - 7 (short week Early Bird $108 Regular Rate $118) This week is all about being good; good to yourself good to your family, and good to the environment. Learn about healthy eating, active living and discover how you can reduce your impact on the world. Come shrink your carbon footprint with us! Museum on the Boyne Course Codes Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Course Codes Summer Day Camp 4654 Summer Day Camp 4662 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4638 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4646 Before Care 4683 Before Care 4691 After Care 4674 After Care 4693 The Time Machine August 10 - 14 Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it, so join us as we break the laws of physics and travel through time exploring a variety of cultures and civilizations from the Stone Age to the distant future! Museum on the Boyne Course Codes Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Course Codes Summer Day Camp 4655 Summer Day Camp 4663 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4639 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4647 Before Care 4684 Before Care 4692 After Care 4687 After Care 4694 Parks, Recreation and Culture Department 16 Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca Su mmer Day Ca mp 2015 I Spy a Superhero August 17 - 21 Why just be a spy when you can be a superhero spy! Discover your secret super powers and hone your detective skills to solve mysteries and catch bad guys! Gain a sidekick and work together to defeat your arch nemesis! Museum on the Boyne Course Codes Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Course Codes Summer Day Camp 4656 Summer Day Camp 4664 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4640 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4648 Before Care 4685 Before Care 4721 After Care 4675 After Care 4695 The Best of the Best August 24 - 28 Help us wrap up the summer by enjoying the best that camp has to offer! Experience some camp classics, as well as a few counsellor favourites as we say goodbye to another fantastic day camp season! Museum on the Boyne Course Codes Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Course Codes Summer Day Camp 4657 Summer Day Camp 4665 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4641 Summer Day Camp- With Personal Support 4649 Before Care 4686 Before Care 4697 After Care 4688 After Care 4720 Things you should know about Camp! Age Requirement: All Town of New Tecumseth Summer Camps accommodate children ages 6-12 years old. Camp Shirts: Camp shirts are mandatory. One shirt per week will be provided to registered campers. Additional shirts are available for purchase. Please state shirt size required at time of registration. Camp Trips: Scheduled offsite day trips are available at an additional cost. You will be informed of any trips at the time of registration. Campers who do not wish to attend the day trip will have the option to attend camp at one of the two campsites on these days. Planned excursions will be canceled if registration minimums are not met. Early Bird Discount: Register 2 weeks before camp start date and receive $10 off camp registration. Inclusion: If your child requires 1:1 support, please register early as spaces are limited. For more information, please contact the Program Coordinator. Pool Days: Campers will visit the Alliston Rotary Pool on Tuesdays/Thursdays. Please indicate if your child requires a lifejacket. Camp H20: Red Cross Swimming lessons are available as an additional option for campers at the Museum on the Boyne location. Campers will be escorted to and from the Alliston Rotary Pool. Lessons run for two consecutive weeks and are available for Red Cross Swim Levels 1-6. Campers must be registered for two consecutive weeks in order to qualify for this program. Extended Care: We offer before and after care options for campers. (Before Care 7:30am-9:00am, After Care from 4:00pm-5:30pm). Before and After Care can be combined for $30/week, $15.00 Before Care only, $15.00 for After Care only. You must pre-register your child for extended care. $1.00 per minute will be charged to your account for each addition minute over the designated Extended Care hours. Pizza Days: Our day camps are now offering Pizza Day Fridays! $3.00 (1 slice/ drink) $5.00 (2 slices/ 1 drink). All pizza orders are due on the Wednesday of each week. Payment is required at time of order. What to Bring to Camp: Camp shirt, hat, sunscreen, Nut-free snacks/lunch, refillable bottle with water, bathing suit/towel, running shoes. Please put your child’s name on all items brought to campincluding clothing. DO NOT BRING: electronic devices (ipod, cellphone etc.), slip on shoes, nuts, toys. Su mmer Day Ca mp Fun plus H20 (6 - 12 years) Red Cross Swim Level 1 & 2 10:00am-10:30am Code June 29-July 10 4834 July 13th - July 24th 4840 Aug 4th – August 14th 4843 Aug 17th - Aug 28th 4846 Red Cross Swim Level 3 & 4 10:00am -10:30am Code June 29-July 10 4835 July 13th - July 24th 4841 Aug 4th – August 14th 4844 Aug 17th - Aug 28th 4847 Red Cross Swim Level 5 & 6 10:30am-11:00am Code June 29-July 10 4836 July 13th - July 24th 4842 Aug 4th – August 14th 4845 Aug 17th - Aug 28th 4847 * Please note H20 classes for June 29 - July 3 No camps are running. Parents are required to bring child to swim lesson during this week. Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 17 Adult & Older Adult Progra ms Basketball - Adults A fast paced scrimmage style game will be played each week. Age: 18+ Location Day Date Time Code Regular Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Wed Apr 15 - Jun 17 7:30-9:30pm 4566 $ 25.00 Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Mon Apr 20 - Jun 29 7:30-9:30pm 4565 $ 25.00 Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Mon/Wed July 6 - Sept 16 7:30-9:30pm Drop-in $ 5.00 Mom and Baby Yoga Pre-crawling babies and parents are invited to nurture their bonds and their babies development while cultivating your own yoga practice. The focus of these classes will be on toning and restoring strength in the upper body, abdomen and the pelvic floor. Join other Moms and their babies in this supportive and fun class. Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Mon Apr 13 - Jun 29 12:00-1:00pm 4609 $ 90.00 $ 100.00 Nordixx Pole Walking Exercise your entire body while walking indoors this winter. This 6 week Nordixx program will teach you proper technique for Nordic Pole Walking which involves approximately 90% of your muscles, and especially engages your upper body. Age: 16+ yrs Location New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Tues/Thurs Apr 21 - May 21 9:30-10:30am 4610 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 Pickleball Pickle Ball is an indoor paddle game combining elements of tennis, badminton and table tennis. Played on a court with a net, the players use paddles and a small waffle type ball. A perfect combination of fun and fitness. Location Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Day Date Time Code Regular Rate Tues/Thurs Apr 16 - Jun 23 1:00-3:00pm 4581 $ 25.00 Pre-Natal Yoga Explore how yoga can be used to bring comfort, cultivate strength in body and prepare for labour. we will practice poses to relieve discomfort, ease tension and adapt to the bodily changes experienced during pregnancy while preparing for the birthing process. This is also a wonderful opportunity to connect with other expecting Moms. PARAmed-X for Pregnancy form needs to be completed by the participants Health Care Provider and returned to Guest Services prior to class start date. Location Day Date Time Code Member Rate Regular Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Sat Apr 18 - Jun 13 11:30am-12:30pm 4587 $ 80.00 $ 90.00 Sensory Creations Adult This Program will encourage you to explore your creative side and experience all 5 senses. Sensory Boxes, music, sparkles and paint… Beyond Creativity! Age: 18+ Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Wed Apr 22 - Jun 10 3:30-4:30pm 4623 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 Baby and You Fitness Attention parents! Are you ready to take your workout to a new level and bring your little one along the way? This program will give you a balanced workout with a mix of cardio stroller walking, weights and body weight exercises with your infant. Bring your stroller, towel and get ready to sweat! Location Day Date Time Code Members Non Members New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Wed Apr 15 - Jun 19 10:45 – 11:30 am 4869 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Fri Apr 15 - Jun 19 11:30 am – 12:15 pm 4869 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 Parks, Recreation and Culture Department 18 Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca Adult & Older Adult Progra ms Sledge hockey is an original team sport that incorporates the same rules and discipline structure as regular ice hockey. Sledge hockey players sit on specially designed sleds, or ‘sledges’, with skate blades under the seat. Two sticks are used to pass, stickhandle and shoot the puck, propel and maneuver their sledges. Sledge Hockey - Adult Beginner The Beginner level has been designed for participants to develop core sledge hockey skills at their own pace. Participants will learn proper techniques to maneuver their sledge, puck handling, passing, shooting skills and much more. This will allow for an easier transition into the sport. All players, volunteers, and support staff must wear the mandatory equipment. Helmet with cage, gloves, and elbow pads highly recommended. Age: 18+ Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Tues May 26 - Jun 30 1:00-2:20pm 4094 $ 90.00 $ 100.00 Sledge Hockey - Adult Level 2 The Level 2 program allows participants the opportunity to expand on the foundation skills learned in the Beginner program. Participants learn puck protection, proper body checking technique, proper picking technique as well as how to shoot and pass more effectively. The skills developed during this program will boost your confidence in the sport and give players that competitive edge. Requirements: Basic sled/sledge skills. Must be able to move sled, stop, and turn. Helmet with cage, elbow pads, hockey gloves, and neck guard. Age: 18+ Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Tues May 26 - Jun 30 1:00-2:20pm 4094 $ 90.00 $ 100.00 Tai Chi Get in touch with your inner chi with this short set of powerful moves taught standing and walking. Age: 14+ Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate Session New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Fri Apr 24 - Jun 26 2:00-3:00pm 4619 $ 75.00 $ 85.00 Spring New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Fri Jul 3 - Sept 4 2:00-3:00pm 4714 $ 75.00 $ 85.00 Summer TRX Suspension Trainer Best-in-class workout system that leverages gravity and your body weight to perform hundreds of exercises. It creates a new challenge for all fitness levels and delivers results fast. The program includes one hour sessions per week for 5 weeks, and a fitness assessment at the beginning and end of the program to help you track your progress. Age: 14+ Location Day Date Time Code Member Rate Regular Rate Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Wed Apr 15 - May 13 6:00-7:00pm 4598 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Thurs Apr 16 - May 14 8:00-9:00am 4600 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Wed Apr 16 - May 14 6:00-7:00pm 4599 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre Thurs May 28 - Jun 25 8:00-9:00am 4601 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 Level II Vinyasa Yoga Vinyasa Yoga is a registered class suited to anyone who has yoga experience and wanting to work at a more advanced level. Advanced Arm balances, core work and standing postures will be practiced. Prerequisites: Students in this class must understand the basics of sun salutations and warrior postures. Age 16+ Location Day Date Time Code Early Bird Rate Regular Rate New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Sat Apr 25 - Jun 27 11:30-12:45pm 4876 $ 105.00 $ 115.00 TIME (Together in Movement and Exercise) Coming Soon: A new program developed by the Toronto Rehab Centre for those who have suffered a stroke, are experiencing neurological muscular difficulties, have MS or have suffered a brain injury. This program uses basic mobility tasks to improve balance and coordination to allow you to live as independently and confidently as possible. Participants must be able to walk at least 10 metres with or without a walking aid. Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 19 Red Cross Cross Swim Swim Preschool Preschool Programs Programs Red Red Cross Swim Preschool Programs Ages 44Cross MonthsSwim to 55 years years Red Preschool Programs Programs Ages Months to Red Cross Swim Preschool Ages 4 Months to 5 years Red Cross Swim Preschool Progra ms Level Level Level Starfish 4-12 months. Level Starfish 4-12 months. Level Red Cross Swim Preschool Programs Ages 44 Months Months to years Participant Requirement Inthis thislevel level Ages 55 years Red Cross SwimtoPreschool Programs Participant Requirement In Ages 4 Months to 5 years Participant In this level - 4-12 months of ageRequirement Babies and their caregivers work on getting wet, Ages 4 Months to 5 years Ages 4 Months to 5 years In this work level - 4-12Participant months of age Requirement Babies and their caregivers on getting wet, Participant Requirement In this front, levelback - Able to hold their head up buoyancy and movement, and vertical - -Able tomonths hold their head up buoyancy andtheir movement, front, back and vertical 4-12 of age Babies and caregivers work on getting wet, Participant Requirement In this level - 4-12 Participating with a parent or caregiver positionand in the water, and shallow water entries months of age Babies their caregivers work water on getting wet, -Participant Participating ahead parent position inthis the water, and shallow entries Requirements Overview Requirement In level AbleParticipant to hold with their upor caregiver buoyancy and movement, front, back and vertical ---(assisted) 4-12 months of age Babies and their caregivers work on getting wet, Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 and exits. and Able to hold their head up buoyancy movement, front, back and vertical Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 (assisted) and exits. Starfish 4-12 months. -Able Participating with a parent or5caregiver position inand the water, and shallow water entries - -Ages 4-12 months oftheir age head Babies and their caregivers work ontheir getting wet, toof hold up buoyancy movement, front, back and vertical 4 age Months toor years Starfish and caregivers Starfish 4-12 months. 4-12 - months Participating with a parent caregiver in theBabies water, shallow entries work on getting wet, buoyancy and movement, front, 4-12- months of age Babies and position their caregivers work onand getting wet, water Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 (assisted) and exits. - -Able to hold their head up buoyancy and movement, front, back and vertical Participating withupa parent or caregiver position in the water, and shallow water entries head back and vertical position Ablehold holdtheir their head and movement, front, back and vertical Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 (assisted) and exits. Duck 12-24 months.Able - to - to 12-24 months ageupor caregiver buoyancy Babies and their caregivers work on rhythmic in the water, and shallow water entries and exits. --(assisted) Participating withofof aage parent position in the water, and shallow water entries Duck 12-24 months. 12-24 months and their caregivers work on rhythmic Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 and exits. Level Participant In this level - Participating withRequirement aa parent caregiver position in Babies the water, and shallow water entries Participating with parent ororcaregiver Instructor to1:8 Swimmer Ratio 1:8 - Participating with aorparent caregiver breathing, moving forward and backward, front and Instructor to Swimmer Ratio (assisted) andbreathing, exits. - -Participating with aage parent or caregiverand exits. moving forward backward, front and Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 and (assisted) Duck 12-24 months. 12-24 months of Babies and their caregivers work on rhythmic back float with recovery, andwork shallow water entries Starfish 4-12 months. Duck 12-24 months.(assisted) - 4-12(assisted) months age Babies and their back caregivers work onrecovery, getting wet,and -(assisted) 12-24ofmonths of age Babies their caregivers on water rhythmic floatand with shallow entries - Participating with a parent or caregiver breathing, moving forward and backward, front and Duck 12-24 months. months of age Babies and their caregivers work on rhythmic - Able--to12-24 hold their head up buoyancy and movement, front, back and vertical Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 and exits. Participating breathing, moving forward and backward, front and Duck 12-24 12-24months. months. - 12-24 months ofwith agea parent or caregiver Babies and their caregivers work onshallow rhythmic Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 and exits. Participant Requirement InBabies this level Duck Duck 12-24 months age Babies and caregivers back float with recovery, and water entries 12-24 months of age their work on rhythmic - -Participating withof a parent position in theand water, andcaregivers shallow water entries -(assisted) Participating withoracaregiver parent or caregiver breathing, moving forward andtheir backward, front andwork on rhythmic breathing, moving forward and (assisted) back float with recovery, and shallow water - Participating a parent or caregiver breathing, moving backward, front andentries - Participating with with aa parent or caregiver breathing, moving forward and andand Instructor to Swimmer Ratioforward 1:8 backward, (assisted) and exits. Instructor to and Swimmer Ratio 1:8 and exits. Participating with parent or caregiver backward, front back float with recovery, and shallow water entries and (assisted) back float with recovery, andfront shallow water entries Instructor to Swimmer Ratio and exits. (assisted) back float with recovery, and shallow water1:8 entries (assisted) back float with recovery, and shallow water entries Sea Turtle 24-36 months - 4-12Sea months of24-36 age months on getting wet, - 24-36 monthsBabies of age and their caregivers work Toddlers and their caregivers work 1:8 on submersion, Instructor to Swimmer Ratio and exits. (assisted) exits. Turtle torhythmic Swimmer 1:8 on submersion, andInstructor exits. Instructor - 24-36 months Toddlers their caregivers toand Swimmer Ratio 1:8 Ratiowork and Duck 12-24 months. - 12-24 of age of age Babies andexits. their caregivers on - months Participating with a parentand or caregiver front andwork back floats and glides, jumping into - Able to hold their head up buoyancy movement, front, back and vertical Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 - -Participating with parent or caregiver andand back floatscaregivers andand glides, jumping into a parent caregiver breathing, movingfront forward backward, front Sea Turtle 24-36 months - Participating 24-36with months oforaage Toddlers and their work on submersion, chest-deep water with assistance, kicking on front Sea Turtle 24-36 months - Participating with a parent or caregiver and shallow water entries -(assisted) 24-36 monthsposition of age in the water, Toddlers and their caregivers workkicking on submersion, (assisted) back float with recovery, and shallow water entries (assisted) chest-deep water with assistance, on front - Participating with a parent or caregiver front and back floats and glides, jumping into Sea Turtle 24-36 months Sea Turtle 24-36 months months of age Toddlers and their caregivers work onRatio submersion, Sea Turtle 24-36 months of age and their caregivers work on submersion, front and back floats and glides, - 24-36 months of age Toddlers and caregivers work on submersion, Instructor to Swimmer 1:8 and front swim. Sea Turtle 24-36 months Instructor totheir Swimmer RatioToddlers 1:8 and exits. - -24-36 months ofwith age Toddlers and their caregivers work on submersion, -24-36 Participating aexits. parentInstructor or caregiver front and back floats and glides, jumping into to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 (assisted) and Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 and front swim. (assisted) chest-deep water with assistance, kicking on front - Participating with with a with caregiver front and back floats glides, jumping into Participating a or parent or caregiver front and back floats andinto glides, jumping - -Participating a parent oror caregiver front and backand floats and glides, jumping into into Participating with aparent parent caregiver jumping chest-deep (assisted) chest-deep water with assistance, kicking on water front with assistance, kicking on front and front swim. Instructor to on Swimmer Ratio 1:8 and swim. (assisted) chest-deep waterfront with assistance, kicking frontkicking (assisted) chest-deep water with assistance, on front (assisted) chest-deep water with assistance, kicking on front Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 and front work swim. Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:8 Sea Otter Turtle 24-36 months(assisted) - 24-36 months of age Toddlers their caregivers submersion, Sea 3-5 years. Instructor to on Swimmer Ratio 1:8 andand front swim. - 3-5 years Swimmers work on to front back floats and glides, Instructor toand Swimmer Ratioand 1:8 and front swim. Instructor Swimmer Ratiofloats 1:8 and front swim. Sea Otter 3-5 years. - 3-5 years Swimmers work on into front and back glides, - 12-24 months of age Babies and their front caregivers work on rhythmic - Participating with a parent or caregiver and back floats and glides, jumping kicking on front withonafront buoyant object, and will be (assisted) chest-deep waterkicking with assistance, kicking on front with afront buoyant object, andand will glides, be Sea Otterwith 3-5ayears. - Participating parent or caregiver breathing, moving forward and backward, front and - 3-5 years Swimmers work on and back floats able on to Swimmer swim 1Ratio metre upon completion offront this glides, level. and front swim. Instructor SeaSea OtterOtter 3-5 years.3-5 years Sea Otter 3-5 years. 3-5 years Swimmers work on1:8 front and back floats and work onand and back floats and glides, kicking on front with a - 3-5 -years Swimmers work front and back floats and glides, able totowork swim 1Swimmers metre upon completion this level. kicking on front with a buoyant object, will be SeaOtter Otter 3-5 3-5 years. years. (assisted) back float with recovery, and shallow water entries Sea - -3-5 Swimmers on front and back floats andof glides, 3-5years years Swimmers work on front and back floats andwill glides, Instructor Swimmer Ratio 1:6will kicking on Instructor front with on ato buoyant object, and be kicking front with a buoyant object, and be able to swim 1 metre upon completion of this level. to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 buoyant object, will be able tofront swim 1 metre completion ofbe this kicking with a buoyant andand will kicking on front with a upon buoyant object, and will level. be toable Swimmer Ratio 1:8 and exits. Instructor to swim 1 on metre upon completion ofobject, this level. Sea Otter 3-5 years. to swim 1 metre upon completion of this level. - 3-5 years Swimmers work onable front and back floats and glides, Instructor Swimmer 1:6 to of Swimmer Ratio 1:6 ableable to swim 1tometre uponRatio completion thisof level. to swim 1Instructor metre upon completion this level. Instructor Swimmer Ratio 1:6 kicking on front to with a buoyant and will be 1:6 Instructor toobject, Swimmer Ratio Salamander 3-5 years. - 3-5 years Swimmers work on improving their front and back Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6level. Salamander 3-5 years. - 3-5 years Swimmers on improving Instructor to work Swimmer Ratio 1:6 their front and back able to swim 1 metre upon completion of this - Successful completion of the skills in Red float and jumping into chest-deep water unassisted. Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 jumping into chest-deep water unassisted. Successful completion of the skills in Red float and Salamander 3-5 years. Salamander 3-5 years. -years 3-5 years Swimmers work their on improving their front andand back - 3-5 Cross Swimmers work onon improving front andand back - 24-36Salamander months of age Toddlers and their caregivers work submersion, Preschool Sea Otter Kicking is added to the front back glide Salamander 3-5 years Swimmers work on improving their front and back float and jumping into 3-5years. years. - 3-5 years Swimmers work on improving their front and back Salamander 3-5 Preschool Sea Otter Kicking is added to the front and back glide and -Cross years Swimmers work on improving their front and - Successful completion of the skills in Red and jumping into chest-deep water unassisted. - Successful completion of the skills in float Red float and jumping into chest-deep water unassisted. Salamander 3-5 years. -3-5 years Swimmers work onable improving frontback and back swimmers willchest-deep be to swimtheir 2 metres upon - Participating with3-5 a parent front and floats andwork glides, jumping into Salamander years. or caregiver - Cross 3-5-years improving their front and back -3-5 Successful completion ofback the skills in Kicking Red float and jumping into chest-deep water unassisted. water unassisted. Kicking is added to the front and back glide swimmers will be able to swim 2 metres upon Successful completion the skills inSwimmers Red float and jumping into chest-deep water unassisted. Preschool Sea Otter is on added to the front and back glide and Cross Preschool Sea of Otter Kicking isjumping added to the front and back glide and Successful completion of the skills in Red float and into chest-deep water unassisted. Successful completion of the skills in Red float and jumping into chest-deep water unassisted. .Instructor Instructor toand Swimmer Ratio 1:6 completion (assisted) chest-deep water with assistance, kicking onto front Cross Preschool Sea Otter Kicking is to the front andRatio back glide and swimmers will be able swim 2able metres upon Cross Preschool Sea Otter is added to the front back and Prerequisite: Successful completion ofKicking Red and swimmers will be able to swim 2 metres upon completion. .added to Swimmer 1:6 swimmers will beglide to swim 2glide metres upon CrossCross Preschool Sea Otter Sea Otter Kicking is added completion to the frontisand back and Preschool Kicking added the front and2 back glide and swimmers will betoto able to swim metres Instructor toswimmers Swimmer Ratio 1:8 and Otter front swim. will able swim metres upon upon Ratio 1:6 .able Instructor tobe Ratio 1:62 completion swimmers will be swimmers to swim 2Swimmer upon Cross Preschool Sea or equivalent Instructor Swimmer .metres Instructor to Ratio 1:6 completion will be able toSwimmer swimto 2 metres upon .work Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 completion . Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 completion Sun fish 3-5years. to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 completion. Instructor 3-5 years Swimmers on kicking and can perform glides Sun fish 3-5years. . Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 kicking completionwork - 3-5 years Swimmers on kicking and can perform glides and can perform glides (front and back), enter Sun fish 3-5 years Swimmers work on Sun fish 3-5years. - 3-5 -years work kicking andenter can perform glides safely, float in Successful completion of the skills in Swimmers Red (frontonand back), deep water - -Successful completion of completion the skillson in front Red (front and back), enter deepfloat water safely, floatglides in Sun fish 3-5years. Prerequisite: 3-5 years Swimmers work on kicking and can perform Successful of deep water safely, float in deep water, swim with a PFD, and swim 5 metres Successful completion of the skills in Red (front and back), enter deep water safely, in - 3-5 years Swimmers work and back floats and glides, Sun fish 3-5years. 3-5 years Swimmers work on kicking and can perform glides Preschool Salamander deep water, swim with a PFD, and swim 5 metres Sun fish 3-5years. 3-5years. -Cross 3-5 years Swimmers work work on kicking and can perform glides -Cross 3-5 years Swimmers on kicking and can perform glides Preschool Salamander deep water, swim with adeep and swim 5 metres -3-5 Successful completion ofRed the skills in a Red (front and back), enter water safely, float in Preschool Salamander deep water, swim with aand PFD, and swim 5and metres Successful completion of the skills in (front and back), enter deep water safely, float inPFD, Sun fish 3-5years. Red- Cross years Swimmers work on kicking canRatio perform Cross Preschool Salamander continuously. kicking with buoyant object, will be Instructor to Swimmer 1:6 continuously. - -Successful completion ofon the skills in Red (front and back), enter deep water safely, float in glides -Preschool Successful completion of front the skills inor Red (front and and back), enter water safely, in Instructor todeep Swimmer Ratio 1:65float Cross Cross Salamander deep continuously. water, swimcontinuously. with a PFD, swim 5 metres Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 Preschool Salamander deep water, swim with a PFD, and swim metres - Successful completion of the 1 skills in Red (front and back), deep water safely, float inRatio 1:6 Cross Preschool Salamander water, swim with awith PFD, swim 5swim metres able to swim metre upondeep completion ofswim thisenter level. equivalent Instructor to Swimmer Cross Preschool Salamander deep water, a and PFD, and 5 metres Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 continuously. Instructor toPFD, Swimmer Ratio 1:6 continuously. Cross Preschool Salamander deep water, swim with ato and1:6 swim1:6 5 metres Instructor to Swimmer Ratio continuously. Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 Instructor Swimmer Ratio continuously. Crocodile 3-5 Years. 3-5 years 3-5 years Swimmers further develop the front and back glidethe front and back glide with kick, front and back Crocodile 3-5 Crocodile Swimmers further develop - 3-5- -years Sw immers further develop the front and back glide Crocodile 3-5Years. Years. Instructor to Swimmer continuously. 3-5 years Sw immers further develop the frontRatio and1:6 back glide Crocodile 3-5 Years. - -3-5 years Swin immers further develop the front and back glide - Successful completion of the with kick, front and back swim, jump into deep Successful completion of the skills in skills withof kick, front and back swim, jump into deep Successful completion Red swim, jump deep water, - -Successful completion of in kick, with kick, front and back swim, jump into deep Crocodile 3-5 Years. Prerequisite: 3-5 years Sw immers further theinto front andglide back glide10 swim with a PFD in deep water, and swim 10 - Successful completion of the skills in the skillswith front and back swim, jump into develop deep Crocodile 3-5 years immers develop the in front and back Cross Preschool water, swim PFD deep water, and swim Red- 3-5 Cross Preschool Sunfish Sunfish water, Sw swim with a further PFD inwith deepadevelop water, and swim 10 Crocodile 3-5Years. Years. -Red 3-5Cross years immers further the front and back glide Red Preschool Sunfish water, swim with aand PFD in deep water, and swim 10 - 3-5 years Swimmers work their front and back Red Preschool Preschool Sunfish water, swim with aSw PFD in deep water, swim 10 Sunfish orthe equivalent metres continuously. -3-5 Successful completion of skills inimproving with kick, front and back swim, jump into deep Crocodile 3-5 Years. Cross -Cross completion of the skills inon with kick, front and back swim, jump into deep -Successful years Sw immers further the and back glide Instructor todevelop Swimmer Ratiofront 1:6 metres continuously. Instructor tojump Swimmer Ratio 1:6 metres continuously. Successful completion of the skills in with kick, front and back into deep Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6swim, metres continuously. Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 metres continuously. - Successful completion of the skills in Cross Red floatSunfish and water Cross Preschool Sunfish water, swim with a back PFD in water, deep water, and swim 10 Red Preschool water, swim with aunassisted. PFD in deep andinto swim 10 Instructor tojump Swimmer Ratio 1:6 -Red Successful completion ofjumping the skills into in chest-deep with kick, front anda deep Red Cross Preschool Sunfish water, swim with PFD swim, in deep water, and swim 10 Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 metres continuously. Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 metres continuously. CrossWhale Preschool Sea Otter Kicking is added to the front and back glide and Red Cross Preschool Sunfish water, swim a PFD in deep water, andRatio swim 10 3-5years. 3-5years Swimmers increase their with distance on front and Whale 3-5years. - -3-5years Swimmers increase their distance on front and back Instructor toback Swimmer metres continuously. Whale 3-5 years Swimmers increase distance on front and back glide with kick, increase Whale 3-5years. - 3-5years Swimmers increase their distance on fronttheir and 1:6 back Whale 3-5years. - 3-5years Swimmers increase their distance on frontRatio and back Swimmer 1:6 metres continuously. swimmers able tokick, swim 2 increase metres upon Successful completion of the in beglide glide with kick, distance onInstructor front andtoback - -Successful completion of the skillsskills in will with increase distance on front and back - Successful completion ofcompletion the skills in glide with kick, increase distance on front and backswim, learn the sitting dive, and will be able to Prerequisite: Successful distance onon front and back Red-Cross Cross Preschool Crocodile of the skillsswim, learn the dive, sitting dive, and will able to swim -3-5years completion in swim, glide with kick, distance onon front and back Red Preschool Crocodile learn the sitting and will increase be able tobe swim Whale 3-5years. 3-5years. Swimmers increase their distance front and back -Successful 3-5years Swimmers increase their distance front and back . Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 completion Cross Preschool Crocodile swim, learn the sitting dive, and willon be ableand to swim Whale 3-5years. -Red 3-5years Swimmers increase their distance front back upon completion of the level. metres continuously completion of the level. Red Cross Preschool Crocodile swim 15 metres continuously 15 metres continuously upon completion of thefront level. Cross Preschool Crocodile swim, learn the sitting dive, and will be able to swim -Red completion of the skills in15 in glide withupon kick, increase distance on and back -3-5years Successful completion of the skills glide with kick, increase distance on front and back Whale 3-5years. -Successful Swimmers increase their distance on front and back 15 metres continuously upon completion of the level. Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 - Successful completion of the skills in glide with kick, increase distance on front back 15 metres upon completion ofand the level. Red Cross Preschool Crocodile swim, learn thecontinuously sitting dive, and will bewill able toable swim Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 Red Cross Preschool Crocodile swim, learn the sitting dive, and be to swim - Successful completion of the skills in glide with to kick, increase distance on front and back Instructor Swimmer Ratio 1:6 Red Cross Preschool Crocodile swim, learn the sitting dive, willofbe to swim Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 and metres continuously upon completion theable level. 15 can metres continuously upon completion of to theswim level. - 3-5 years Swimmers work on kicking15and perform glides Red Cross Preschool Crocodile swim, learn the sitting dive, and will be able EachEach level level is built ound aquatic animal mascot 15 metres continuously upon completion of the level. Instructor to aquatic Swimmer Ratio which 1:6 is ar built aran ound an animal mascot which Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 What Swim Level Am I ? - Successful of the (front andmakes back), enter deep safely, float 15 metres continuously upon lessons engaging and water fun The instr uses in Whatcompletion Swim Level Amskills I ? in Red Instructor touctor Swimmer Ratio 1:6 completion of the level. Starfish 4-12 months. Level Starfish 4-12 months. Level Level Starfish 4-12 months. Red Cross Swim Preschool Programs Red Cross Swim Preschool Programs Ages 4 Months to 5 years Swimming Level Assessment needed? Starfish 4-12 months. A free swimming available Duck assessment 12-24 months. for those unsure of their level. Come during any public swim time and be assessed by a Red Sea Turtle 24-36 months Cross Instructor Sea Otter 3-5 years. Salamander 3-5 years. Sun fish 3-5years. Red Cross Swim Kids Programs Red Cross Swim Kids’ Progra ms Ages 6 + makes lessons engaging and fun The instr uctor uses Each level isand built artoound an aquatic animal mascot which A free screening is available for those unsure of their level. Instructor Swimmer Ratio pr ogrswim essive teaching techniques adapted to each child and 1:6 Cross Preschool Salamander deep water, with alevel PFD, swim 5an metres Each istechniques built ar ound aquatic animal mascot which A What free screening is available for those unsure of their level. Swim Level Am I??be pr ogr essive teaching adapted to child and Come during any public swimAm time and assessed by a makes lessons engaging and funeach The instr uctorwhich uses What Swim Level pr ovides constant feedback and ar encour agement. Each level is built ound an aquatic animal mascot Come any public swim timeI and be assessed by a makes lessons engaging and funaquatic The instr uctormascot uses which Instructor to level Swimmer Ratio 1:6 continuously. Each is built arencour ound an animal lifeguard. pr ovides constant feedback and agement. AWhat freeduring screening is available unsure of their level. Swim Level Am Ifor ? those pr ogr essive techniques adapted to each child and lessons and fun an The instr uctor uses Each levelengaging isteaching built ar ound aquatic animal mascot which A free screening available forI those What Swim isLevel Am ? unsure of their level. makes lifeguard. pr ogr essive techniques adapted to each childwhich and makes lessons engaging and fun The instr uctor uses Come during anyisLevel public swim and be assessed by a Each level isteaching built ar ound anadapted aquatic animal mascot AWhat free screening available for time unsure of their level. Swim Am Ithose ? and pr ogr teaching techniques toinstr each childuses and pressive ovides constant feedback and encour agement. Come anyLevel public swim time be assessed a makes lessons engaging andand funencour The uctor A freeduring screening is available for those unsure of theirbylevel. What Swim Amtime I ?those pr constant feedback agement. provides ogr essive teaching techniques adapted to each child and Come during any public swim and be assessed by aext. lifeguard. Red Cross - Level 1 (Ratio 1:6) Swimmers develop front and back float, makes lessons engaging and fun The instr uctor uses A free screening is available for unsure of their level. Parks, Recreation & Culture Department: Tel: 705 435 4030 1500 or ext. 1621 Crocodile 3-5 Years. pr develop ovides feedback and encour agement.to each child and - 3-5 years Sw immers theteaching front andtechniques back glide lifeguard. pr ogrconstant essive adapted during anyispublic swim and be assessed by further a ACome free screening available fortime those unsure of435 their level. pror ovides constant feedback and adapted encour agement. lifeguard. Recreation & Culture Department: Tel: 705 4030 1500 ext. 1621 Email: Recreation@newtecumseth.ca pr ogr essive teaching techniques to each child and front and back glide, flutter kickParks, (assisted), shallow water entries and exits, Come during any public swim time and be assessed by aext.and - Successful completion of the skills in and withand kick, back swim, jumpfeedback into deep pr ovides constant and encour agement. lifeguard. Come during any public swim time be assessed byfront a Website: www.newtecumseth.ca Email: Recreation@newtecumseth.ca pr ovides constant feedback and encour agement. lifeguard. swim 5 metres. Requirement 6+ Red Cross Preschool Sunfish water, swim with a PFD in deep water, and swim 10 lifeguard. Parks, Recreation & Culture Department: Tel: 705 435 4030 ext. 1500 or ext. 1621 Website: www.newtecumseth.ca Parks, Recreation & Culture Department: Tel: 705 435 4030 ext. 1500 or ext. 1621 Parks, Recreation & Culture Department: Tel: 705 435 4030 ext. 1500 or ext. 1621 Instructor to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 metres continuously. Email: Recreation@newtecumseth.ca Email: Recreation@newtecumseth.ca Red Cross - Level 2 (Ratio 1:6) Swimmers learn front and back glide with flutter Parks, Recreation & Culture Department: Tel: 705 435 4030 ext. 1500 or ext. 1621 Email: Recreation@newtecumseth.ca Website: www.newtecumseth.ca Parks, Recreation & Culture Department: Tel: 705 435 4030 ext. 1500 or ext. 1621 Website: www.newtecumseth.ca Email: Recreation@newtecumseth.ca kick, develop front swim, complete deep-water activities (assisted) and swim 10 435 4030 ext. 1500 or ext. 1621 Parks, Recreation & Culture Department: Tel: 705 Website: www.newtecumseth.ca Ages 6 + Splash and Skills New! This program is tailored to the individual and is completely adaptable based on level and ability. Email: Recreation@newtecumseth.ca Whale 3-5years. - 3-5years Swimmers increase their distance on front and back Website: www.newtecumseth.ca metres continuously. Requirement - Successful completion of the skills in Red Email: Recreation@newtecumseth.ca Work towards a Red Cross preschool/Swim Kids level or have our Website: www.newtecumseth.ca completion of the skills in glide with kick, increase distance on front and back Website: www.newtecumseth.ca Cross Swim Kids Level 1 - Successful Red Cross Preschool Crocodile swim, learn the sitting dive, and will be able to swim instructors customize your lesson plan. Red Cross - Level 3 (Ratio 1:6) Swimmers increase their distance on15 front and back metres continuously upon completion of the level. 1:1 or semi private lessons are available. glide with flutter kick, perform flutter kick unassisted, wear a PFD in deepInstructor water, and to Swimmer Ratio 1:6 swim 15 metres continuously. Requirement - Successful completion of the skills in Red Please contact the Program Coordinator for more information Cross Swim Kids Level 2 Each level is built ar ound an aquatic animal mascot which or to register: (705) 435-4030 ext. 1504 What I ? 1:6) Swimmers learn back swim RedSwim Cross Level - LevelAm 4 (Ratio with lessons shoulder roll andand front makes engaging fun The instr uctor uses A freecrawl screening available for those of their level. (10m),iswork on flutter kick onunsure back, perform kneeling dive, introduction to sculling and adapted to each child and pr ogr essive teaching techniques Comeswim during public swim time and be assessed by a 25 any metres continuously. Requirement - Successful completion the skills in Red and encour agement. pr ovidesofconstant feedback lifeguard. Cross Swim Kids Level 3 Red Cross - Level 5 (Ratio 1:8) Swimmers develop front crawl (15m), learn back crawl (15m) whip kick&onCulture back, learn stride dive Tel: and treading head-first sculling Parks, and Recreation Department: 705 435water, 4030 perform ext. 1500 or ext. 1621 on back, swim 50 metres continuously. Requirement - Successful completion of the skills in Red Cross Email: and Recreation@newtecumseth.ca Swim Kids Level 4 Website: www.newtecumseth.ca Red Cross - Level 6 (Ratio 1:8) Swimmers increase their distance on front and back crawl (25m), learn elementary back stroke (15m), learn dolphin kick, tread water in deep water, perform front dive, and swim 75metres continuously. Requirement - Successful completion of the skills in Red Cross Swim Kids Level 5 Red Cross - Level 7 (Ratio 1:10) Swimmers increase their distance on front and back crawl (50m) and elementary back stroke (25m), learn front scull, perform whip kick on front and dolphin kick, learn stride entry and swim 150 metres continuously. Requirement - Successful completion of the skills in Red Cross Swim Kids Level 6 Red Cross - Level 8 (Ratio 1:10) Swimmers increase their distance on front and back crawl (75m), and elementary back stroke (25m) learn breast stroke (15m), learn breast stroke (15m), learn eggbeater/tread water, perform feet-first surface dive and standing shallow dive, and swim 300 metres continuously. Requirement - Successful completion of the skills in Red Cross Swim Kids Level 7 Red Cross - Level 9 (Ratio 1:10) Swimmers increase their distance on front and back crawl (100m), elementary back stroke(50m) and breast stroke (25m), learn sidestroke kick, perform head-first surface dive, and swim 400 metres continuously. Requirement - Successful completion of the skills in Red Cross Swim Kids Level 8 Swimming Assessment needed? FREE Swimming assessments are available for those unsure of their level. Please contact the Program Coordinator for more information or to set up a time. 705-435-4030 ext 1504 Children must meet the minimum age requirement to register. Please bring the evaluation from the last level completed to the first class. Red Cross - Level 10 (Ratio 1:10) Swimmers increase their distance on front and back crawl (100m), elementary back stroke (50m) and breast stroke (50m), learn side stroke (25m), perform dolphin kick (vertical), learn feet-and head-first surface dives with underwater swim, and swim 500metres continuously Requirement - Successful completion of the skills in Red Cross Swim Kids Level 9 Red Cro Ages 4 Mo Parks, Recreation and Culture Department 20 Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca Level www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca Starfish 4-12 months. Participant Req - 4-12 months of age - Able to hold their head u - Participating with a paren Welcome to the Alliston Rotary Pool Located in Riverdale Park at 75 King Street North, Alliston HEATED POOL! Heated pool, swimming lessons, public swim, Sensory Swim, Fitness Lap Swim, Aqua Fitness, lifeguards on duty, pavilion rental, picnic area, whirlpools, wade entry Public Swim Admission Fees Monday - Friday 1:00pm-9:00pm & Saturday/Sunday 12:00pm-9:00pm TOTS CHILD STUDENT (3 yrs 4-12 13-18 yrs & yrs under) Day Pass ADULT 19-64 yrs SENIOR 65+ FAMILY PASS Proof of age may be required. Valid during Public Swim only. $3.50 *Two adults, four children $14.00 FREE $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 Season Pass *Pass must be presented at time of entry. $120 +HST *Two adults, four children FREE $65 +HST $65 +HST $65 +HST $65 +HST *Family Season pass valid for immediate members living at the same address only Sensory Swim All Day Camps and Large User Groups are required to book space in advance. Please contact Facility Booking to reserve your spot now (705) 435-4030 ext. 1505 *Group rate available for camps and pre-booked user groups. **Only valid during designated public swim hours. Town Day Camps attend the pool Tues/Thurs 1:00pm-3:00pm Monday -Friday 12:00pm- 1:00pm Saturday/Sunday 10:00am-12:00pm Swimming is a great physical outlet and lifesaving skill for individuals living with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other special needs. Sensory Swim offers a sensory friendly environment. *Toys, Water features, floatation devices *Support caregiver admitted free of charge. Drop-in $3.00 *Group rate available Fitness Lap Swim 14+ Aqua Fitness 14+ Monday-Friday 8:00am-9:00am Monday-Friday 8:00am-9:00am Tuesday/Thursday 8:00pm-9:00pm Saturday/Sunday 8:00am-10:00am Drop-In rate: $5.00 Fitness Lap Swim 10 pack $35+hst Saturday/Sunday 9:00am-10:00am Drop-in rate $12.00/class Aqua Fitness 10 pack $90+hst Pool Rules & Regulations 1) The Town of New Tecumseth is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. 2) No food or beverages allowed on the pool deck or in the pool. Food permitted only in designated picnic areas. 3) No dogs allowed in or around the pool enclosure. 4) The Town of New Tecumseth reserves the right to refuse anyone the use of the pool. 5) No person infected with a communicable disease or having open sores shall enter the pool. 6) Adults and students 14 years + are responsible for younger children. Admission Guidelines enforced. 7) Children 2 and under must wear a swim diaper covered by a snug fitting plastic pants. If there is a pool fouling, the pool will be closed. Admission guidelines enforced. 8) No person shall bring a glass container of any kind into the pool area. 9) No boisterous play of any kind is allowed on the pool deck, pool area or in the pool. 10) No person shall pollute the water in any way including, but not limited to spitting, spouting of water or blowing their nose in the pool. 11) No children under 10 years will be admitted unless supervised by someone 14 years of age or older. 12) Shower regulations will be enforced. Showers MUST be taken before entering the pool. 13) The telephone, located in the guard office is for emergency use only. 14) The pool may close due to unforeseen circumstances. NO REFUNDS ISSUED. Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 21 Red Cross Swim Lessons Session One: Monday June 29 - Friday July 10 *No Classes July 1 Session Two : Monday July 13 - Friday July 24 Session Three: Tuesday August 4 - Friday August *No Classes August 3 Session Four: Monday Aug 17- Friday Aug 28 Starfish (Parented) Session S1 S2 S3 S4 Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code 10:30am-11:00am$63 9 4736 10:30am-11:00am $70 10 4775 10:30am-11:00am$63 9 4797 10:30am-11:00am$70 10 4817 Duck (Parented) Session Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code S1 11:00am-11:30am$63 9 4737 S2 11:00am-11:30am $70 10 4776 9 4798 S3 11:00am-11:30am$63 10 4818 S4 11:00am-11:30am$70 Starfish/Duck split (Parented) Session Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code S1 6:00pm-6:30pm$63 9 4750 S2 6:00pm-6:30pm $70 10 4788 S3 6:00pm-6:30pm$63 9 4810 S4 6:00pm-6:30pm $70 10 4832 Sea Turtle Session Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code S1 11:30am-12:00pm $63 9 4738 S1 6:30pm-7:00pm $63 9 4751 S2 11:30am-12:00pm $70 10 4777 S3 11:30am-12:00pm $63 9 4799 S4 11:30am-12:00pm $70 10 4819 Sea Otter Session Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code S1 9:00am-9:30am $63 9 4731 S1 5:00pm-5:30pm $63 9 4748 S2 9:00am-9:30am $70 10 4768 S2 5:00pm-5:30pm $70 10 4769 S3 9:00am-9:30am $63 9 4790 S3 5:00pm-5:30pm $63 9 4791 S4 9:00am-9:30am $70 10 4812 S4 5:00pm-5:30pm $70 10 4830 Session S1 S1 S2 S2 S3 S3 S4 S4 Salamander Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code 9:30am-10:00am $63 9 4732 5:30pm-6:00pm $63 9 4749 9:30am-10:00am $70 10 4770 5:30pm-6:00pm $70 10 4771 9:30am-10:00am $63 9 4792 5:30pm-6:00pm $63 9 4793 9:30am-10:00am $70 10 4813 5:30pm-6:00pm $70 10 4831 Sunfish Session Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code S1 10:00am-10:30am $63 9 4733 S2 10:00am-10:30am $70 10 4772 S3 10:00am-10:30am $63 9 4794 S4 10:00am-10:30am $70 10 4814 S4 6:30pm-7:00pm $70 10 4833 Crocodile Session Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code S1 10:30am-11:00am $63 9 4734 S2 10:30am-11:00am $70 10 4773 S2 6:30pm-7:00pm $70 10 4789 S3 10:30am-11:00am $63 9 4795 S4 10:30am-11:00am $70 10 4815 Session S1 S2 S3 S3 S4 Whale Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code 9:30am-10:00am $63 9 4735 9:30am-10:00am $70 10 4774 9:30am-10:00am $63 9 4796 6:30pm-7:00pm $63 9 4811 9:30am-10:00am $70 10 4816 Session S1 S1 S2 S3 S3 S4 Level 1 Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code 9:00am-9:30am $63 9 4730 4:30pm-5:00pm $63 9 4747 9:00am-9:30am $70 10 4778 9:00am-9:30am $63 9 4800 4:30pm-5:00pm $63 9 4809 9:00am-9:30am $70 10 4820 Session S1 S2 S2 S3 S4 S4 Level 2 Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code 9:30am-10:00am $63 9 4739 9:30am-10:00am $70 10 4779 4:30pm-5:00pm $70 10 4780 9:30am-10:00am $63 9 4801 9:30am-10:00am $70 10 4821 4:30pm-5:00pm $70 10 4829 Session S1 S2 S3 S4 Level 3 Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code 10:00-10:30am $63 9 4865 10:00-10:30am $70 10 4867 10:00-10:30am $63 9 4866 10:00-10:30am $70 10 4868 Level 4 Session Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code S1 11:00am-11:30am $63 9 4740 S2 11:00am-11:30am $70 10 4781 S3 11:00am-11:30am $63 9 4802 S4 11:00am-11:30am $70 10 4822 Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 22 Red Cross Swim Lessons Class Time 9:45am-10:30am 9:45am-10:30am 9:45am-10:30am 9:45am-10:30am Level 8 Cost # of Classes Course Code $72 9 4744 $80 10 4785 $72 9 4806 $80 10 4862 Level 6 Session Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code S1 9:00am-9:30am $63 9 4742 S2 9:00am-9:30am $70 10 4783 S3 9:00am-9:30am $63 9 4804 S4 9:00am-9:30am $70 10 4824 Session Class Time S1 10:30am-11:15am S2 10:30am-11:15am S3 10:30am-11:15am S4 10:30am-11:15am Level 9 Cost # of Classes Course Code $72 9 4745 $80 10 4786 $72 9 4807 $80 10 4827 Level 7 Cost # of Classes Course Code $72 9 4743 $80 10 4784 $72 9 4805 $80 10 4825 Session Class Time S1 11:15am-12:00pm S2 11:15am-12:00pm S3 11:15am-12:00pm S4 11:15am-12:00pm Level 10 Cost # of Classes Course Code $72 9 4746 $80 10 4787 $72 9 4808 $80 10 4828 Session Class Time S1 11:30am-12:00pm S2 11:30am-12:00pm S3 11:30am-12:00pm S4 11:30am-12:00pm Session S1 S2 S3 S4 Class Time 9:00am-9:45am 9:00am-9:45am 9:00am-9:45am 9:00am-9:45am Level 5 Cost # of Classes Course Code $63 9 4741 $70 10 4782 $63 9 4803 $70 10 4823 Splash and Skills (private/semi private) Session Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code S1 12:00pm-12:30pm $63 9 4756 S1 12:30pm-1:00pm $63 9 4757 S2 12:00pm-12:30pm $70 10 4758 S2 12:30pm-1:00pm $70 10 4759 S3 12:00pm-12:30pm $63 9 4760 S3 12:30pm-1:00pm $63 9 4761 S4 12:00pm-12:30pm $70 10 4762 S4 12:30pm-1:00pm $70 10 4763 Splash and Skills (Start date Sat June 27th) Day Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code Saturday 10:00am-10:30am $60 8 4752 Saturday 10:30am-11:00am $60 8 4753 Saturday 11:00am-11:30am $60 8 4754 Saturday 11:30am-12:00pm $60 8 4755 Splash and Skills (Start date Sun June 28th) Day Class Time Cost # of Classes Course Code Sunday 10:00am-10:30am $60 8 4764 Sunday 10:30am-11:00am $60 8 4765 Sunday 11:00am-11:30am $60 8 4766 Sunday 11:30am-12:00pm $60 8 4767 Session S1 S2 S3 S4 Child/Adult private/semi private SI 12:00pm-12:30pm SI 12:30pm-1:00pm Child (30 minute class) 12:00pm-12:30pm S2 $132.00 Private: 9 weeks S2 12:30pm-1:00pm Private: 10 weeks $147.00 S3 12:00pm-12:30pm Private weekend: 8 weeks $117.00 Semi-private: 9 weeks $108.00 S3 12:30pm-1:00pm Semi-private: 10 weeks $120.00 S4 12:00pm-12:30pm Semi-private weekend:8 weeks $96.00 12:30pm-1:00pm S4 Saturdays10:00am-10:30am Adult(30 minute class) Saturdays10:30am-11:00am Private: 9 weeks $150.00 Saturdays11:00am-11:30am Private: 10 weeks $165.00 Saturdays11:30am-12:00pm $132.00 Private weekend: 8 weeks Semi-private: 9 weeks $125.00 Sundays10:00am-10:30am Semi-private: 10 weeks $135.00 Sundays10:30am-11:00am Semi-private weekend:8 weeks$108.00 Sundays11:00am-11:30am Sundays 11:30am-12:00pm Private lessons first come-first serve. TO register contact Program Coordinator 705-435-4030 ext.1504 Fitness Lap Swim Fitness Lap Swim 10 pack $40+tax Drop in $5.00 Monday- Friday 8:00am-9:00am Saturday/Sunday8:00am-10:00am Sensory Swim Monday- Friday Saturday/Sunday Drop in $3.00, *Group rate available 12:00pm-1:00pm 10:00am-12:00pm Aqua Fit (14 yrs. +) Monday- Friday 8:00am-9:00am Tuesday/Thursday8:00pm-9:00pm Sat/Sun 9:00am-10:00am $12.00/class drop in. Aquafit 10 Pack $90+hst Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 23 March Break New Tecumseth Recreation Centre 7300 Industrial Parkway Public Skating & Shinny Schedule Beeton Memorial Arena 22 Second Street North Tottenham Community Centre 139 Queen Street North (705) 435.4030 ext. 1500 or ext. 1801 or ext. 1621 Monday, March 16 10:00am-11:50am Public Skating 12:00pm-1:20pm Minor Shinny 11-13 1:30pm-2:50pm Public Skating 3:00pm-4:20pm Minor Shinny 7-10 3:30pm-4:20pm Minor Shinny 14-17 Tuesday, March 17 7:00am-8:20am Minor Shinny 7-10 9:30am-11:20am Public Skating 11:30am-12:50pm Minor Shinny 7-10 1:00pm-2:20pm Public Skating 2:30pm-3:50pm Minor Shinny 11-13 3:30pm-4:20pm Minor Shinny 14-17 7:00pm-8:20pm Public Skate 10:00am-11:20am Public Skating 11:30am-1:20pm Open Minor Shinny 3:30pm-4:50pm Public Skating Wednesday, March 18 7:00am-8:20am Minor Shinny 7-10 9:00am-10:20am Tots (-6), Pucks & Parents 10:30am-11:50am Public Skating 10:30am-11:50am Minor Shinny 7-10 1:00pm-2:20pm Minor Shinny 11-13 2:00pm-3:50pm Public Skating 3:30pm-4:20pm Minor Shinny 14-17 10:00am-11:20am Open Minor Shinny 11:30am-12:50pm Public Skating 1:00pm-2:20pm Open Minor Shinny 2:30pm-3:50pm Public Skating 4:00pm-4:50pm Open Minor Shinny Thursday, March 19 7:00am-8:20am Minor Shinny 11-13 9:00am-10:50am Public Skating 12:00pm-1:20pm Minor Shinny 7-10 1:00pm-2:20pm Public Skating 2:30pm-3:50pm Minor Shinny 11-13 3:30pm-4:20pm Minor Shinny 14-17 10:00am-11:20am Public Skating 11:30am-1:20pm Open Minor Shinny 2:30pm-3:50pm Older Adult/Public Skating 4:00pm-4:50pm Open Minor Shinny 6:30pm-7:50pm Public Skating Friday, March 20 7:00am-8:20am Minor Shinny 11-13 9:00am-10:20am Tots (-6), Pucks & Parents 9:30am-10:50am Minor Shinny 7-10 10:30am-11:50am Public Skating 2:00pm-3:50pm Public Skating 2:00pm-3:20pm Minor Shinny 11-13 3:30pm-4:20pm Minor Shinny 14-17 10:00am-11:20am Open Minor Shinny 11:30am-12:50pm Public Skating 1:00pm-2:20pm Open Minor Shinny 3:30pm-4:50pm Public Skating 10:00am-11:20am Minor Shinny 11-13 11:30am-12:50pm Public Skating 1:00pm-2:20pm Minor Shinny 7-10 2:30pm-3:50pm Public Skating —————- 7:00am-8:20am Minor Shinny 11-13 9:00am-10:20am Tots (-6), Pucks & Parents 10:30am-11:50am Public Skating 12:00pm-1:20pm Minor Shinny 7-10 1:30pm-2:50pm Minor Shinny 11-13 8:00am-9:20am Minor Shinny 7-10 11:00am-11:50am Minor Shinny 11-13 1:00pm-2:50pm Public Skating 4:00pm-4:50pm Minor Shinny 14-17 7:00am-8:20am Minor Shinny 7-10 9:00am-10:20am Minor Shinny 11-13 12:00pm-12:50pm Minor Shinny 7-10 1:00pm-2:50pm Public Skating 9:00am-10:20am Public Skating 10:30am-11:50am Minor Shinny 7-10 1:00pm-2:20pm Minor Shinny 11-13 2:30pm-3:50pm Minor Shinny 14-17 6:00pm-7:20pm Public Skate Schedules subject to change. Individuals should call the facility to receive updated information. Effective April 1 – Mid-May (NTRC) WEDNESDAY Minor 7-10 Years 7:00am - 8:20am Minor 7-10 Years 7:00am - 8:20am Minor 11-13 Years 7:00am - 8:20am Older Adult Tots (-6), Pucks & Parents Skating 10:30am - 11:50am 9:00am - 10:20am Older Adult Adult Shinny Public Skating Skating (18+) 10:30am - 11:50am 12:00pm - 12:50pm 10:30am - 11:50am Public Skating 1:00pm - 2:20pm Adult Shinny Adult Shinny (18+) (18+) 12:00pm - 12:50pm 12:00pm - 12:50pm Minor 14-17 Years 3:30pm - 4:20 pm Public Skating 7:00pm - 8:20pm Effective Mid-May (NTRC) Skating Rates Skating Season Pass Tots(-6), Pucks and Parents 9:00am-10:20am Minor Shinny 11-13 Years 7:00am - 8:20am Adult Shinny (18+) 12:00pm-1:50pm Adult Shinny (18+) 12:00pm-12:50pm Adults $2.75 Adult Pass $50.00 Older Adult $2.50 Older Adult Pass $40.00 4 -12+ years $2.50 Student Pass $40.00 3 years & under FREE Family Pass $95.00* (2 adults - 4 children maximum) Minor 14-17 Years 3:30pm - 4:20 pm Public Skating 1:00pm - 2:20pm Public Skating Fees: Adult $2.75, Students12+/ Seniors 65+ $2.50, Children $2.00 Children under 3 free. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY Shinny FRIDAY Rates: adults $6.00 Minor $5.50 TUESDAY Public Skating 1:00pm - 2:20pm Minor 14-17 Years 3:30pm - 4:20 pm Minor 11-13 Years 6:30am - 7:50am Minor Shinny 7-10 Years 7:00am-8:20am Tots (-6), newtecumseth.ca Pucks & Parents Public Skating Older Adult Older Adult 9:00am - 10:20am Skating Skating 10:30am - 11:50am 10:30am - 11:50am 10:30am - 11:50am Public Skating 10:30am - 11:50am Adult Shinny (18+) 12:00pm - 1:50pm Adult Shinny (18+) 12:00pm-12:50pm Shinny Rates Shinny Season Pass Adults $6.00 Adult Pass $75.00 Minor Shinny $5.50 Minor Pass $60.00 MINOR SHINNY is open to any member of the community who is looking for an informal fun game of hockey. Please follow the age categories set out to keep the game fair and fun. Shinny is for practice purposes only, it is not for instructional time. Full hockey equipment and CSA approved hockey helmets are mandatory for all children and adults. No organized coaching during public skating and shinny!If you are looking for Ice to use for the purpose of Instruction please contact 705-435-4030 Ext. 1505 Parks, Recreation and Culture Department 24 Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca Community Events and Information 2015 Toronto Pan Am/Parapan Am Games Have Arrived Noted as the world’s third largest international multisport games, close to 7,000 athletes from across Latin America, South America, the Caribbean and North America will compete against each other in an intense and thrilling collection of games. Featuring 36 Pam Am Sports and 15 Parapan Am Sports, you’ll want to catch as many games as possible. The Pan Am Games take place from July 10 to 26 and the Parapan Am Games from August 7 to 15, 2015.Visit http://www.toronto2015.org for details and to purchase tickets to see these exciting sports in person. Town of New Tecumseth is a Pan Am Torch Relay Celebration Community. Sponsorship Opportunities Are you a local business or organization looking to enrich the lives of Town of New Tecumseth residents? We have sponsorship opportunities for you. Become a sponsor of Town Accessible Programming and see the difference you can make in the lives of others. Contact Wendy Rowland for details 705-435-4030 ext. 1515 Sponsor a Free Public Skate at any of our indoor arena’s and see all the fun you created! A Facility Booking Clerk is happy to assist you with this exciting opportunity 705-435-4030 ext. 1505 Upcoming Events: Come on out and say hello at the following community events. We would love to see you. 42nd annual Potato Festival August 7, 8 & 9. Beeton Honey and Garden Festival May 23 9:00am – 4:00pm Tottenham Community Week – kicks off right after Canada Day. For more information visit http://www.tottenhamcommunityweek.ca/ Day A D a y fo r Fa m i l y F u n ! Enjoy great food and birthday cake Vendors and Crafters Market Musical Entertainment • Games/Activities Rockwall • Swimming • Car Show Museum on the Boyne and More! When: July 1, 2015 Location: Alliston Rotary Park & Pool; Tottenham Conservation Area (Fireworks) Memorial Tree and Bench Program Planting a tree or sponsoring a bench is a special and meaningful way to commemorate a family member or friend. Nature can help us cope with the loss of a loved one. It can also be a place to rest when life gets hectic. The Town of New Tecumseth offers a Memorial Tree and Bench Program and will plant a tree or install a bench in one of our green spaces. To make a gift of a tree or bench in memory of a lost family member or friend, or for more information on this program please call 705-435-3900 ext. 1503. Registration Event The Parks, Recreation and Culture Department is hosting a Spring/Summer Registration Event on Saturday, March 7th from 9am-3pm. Sign up for spring and/or summer registered programs including aquatic lessons and summer day camp. Visit with service providers in the community and learn about what they have to offer. Demonstrations will take place throughout the day highlighting exciting recreation opportunities. Interested in being a vendor and showcasing your service? Please contact Lisa Willard 705-435-4030 ext. 1504 to book your space. Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 25 25 New Tecu mseth’s Parks & Open Spaces New Tecumseth has a variety of Parks, Open Spaces, and Outdoor Facilities to suit your recreational needs. Parks New Tecumseth has invested in our park system with new and improved equipment to ensure a quality park experience for residents and visitors. Skate/Bike/Scooter Parks We have skate parks located in Alliston, Beeton and Tottenham for skateboard, BMX and scooter users. Tottenham Conservation Area The TCA has 41 acres of prime parkland, a pond, and large sandy beach. It offers a host of possibilities for keeping cool and having fun. Bring your canoe or pedal boat, fish in the pond, or bring your friends and plan a beach volleyball game. There is an abundance of wildlife in its natural habitat, which can readily be seen. Camping We have non-serviced sites for tents and full service sites for RV campers, washrooms and shower facilities. Grocery stores, laundry and restaurants are nearby. Pavilions There are picnic pavilions available for rent at the Conservation Area. The pavilions can be reserved for private occasions such as business retreats, family reunions and birthday parties but book early to avoid disappointment. Outdoor Playfields New Tecumseth boasts a wide variety of outdoor playfields, including baseball diamonds, soccer fields, rugby/football fields. Splash Pads and Outdoor Pool Have fun in the sun at New Tecumseth’s Splash Pads and Outdoor Pool. See more information about swimming programming throughout the guide. Locations For more information on camping at the TCA Monday to Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm Web: http://www.tottenhamconservation.com/ Email: recreation@newtecumseth.on.ca Phone: 705- 435-4030 Tec We Gwill Women’s Institute Community Garden Do you want to grow your own vegetables but don’t have the space? Get some outdoor exercise? Meet new friends? The Tec We Gwill Women’s Institute coordinates a community garden each year in our Town. Participants will learn about proper nutrition, gardening practices and at harvest time, learn proper canning and preserving techniques. Raised garden beds will provides greater accessibility for gardeners. A hot water bath canning workshop will be held June 3rd and a pressure canning workshop will be held August 5th. Please call Donna Jebb at 705-458-9072 to register. Limited space for the June meeting. Tec We Gwill Women’s Institute provides opportunities for all residents to enrich their lives and become better citizens through programs and courses. We are Rural Ontario Women Sharing Education. At the end of the season, Tec We Gwill will give a presentation on how to can and preserve your vegetables! For more information or if you wish to save your gardening space, please call 705-458-9072 or 705-458-4410. Parks, Recreation and Culture Department 26 Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca Sports & Community Organizations Ball Hockey New Tecumseth Ball Hockey League (Minors, Mens, Women) www.ntbhl.ca Alliston Ladies Ball Hockey www.allistonladiesballhockey@live.com Thornton Ball Hockey www.tbhlhockey.com Tottenham Oldtimers www.tottenhamoldtimers.ca Tottenham Merchants Beech25@hotmail.com Basketball New Tecumseth Basketball Program 705-435-4030 recreation@newtecumseth.ca Curling Alliston Curling Club www.allistoncurlingclub.com Baseball Alliston Ladies Slo Pitch League allistonladiesslopitch@gmail.com Beeton Curling Club 905-729-2434 Alliston Masters Slo Pitch deancicci@rogers.com Football TNT Express Football www.tntexpressfootball.com tntexpress.930@hotmail.com Alliston Minor Softball Association 705-434-0474 dlawton@edproenergy.com Tottenham Thursday After Work Men’s Pick-Up League darryl.morphy@effem.com Lacrosse TNT Renegades Lacrosse www.tntrenegadeslacrosse.com Roller Derby Renegade Derby Dames www.renegadederbydames.com Alliston Junior Roller Derby www.allistonjuniorrollerderby.ca Skating Ice Tyme Skating – Learn To Skate heatherblaney1@gmail.com New Tecumseth Skating Club www.newtecskatingclub.com Soccer Alliston Mixed Slo Pitch www.leaguelineup.com/allistonmixed Alliston Chiefs Men’s Hockey sean.moore@sunlife.com Ladies, Mens & Co-ed Indoor Competitive Soccer (705) 435-8656 hoyos@rogers.com Beeton Mixed Slo Pitch sherrycheetham@hotmail.com Alliston Jr. ‘C’ Hornets www.allistonhornets.pointstreaksites.com Huronia District Soccer Association www.hdsa.info/ New Tecumseth Mens Slo Pitch www.allistonslopitch.com Beeton Athletic Association www.beetonhockey.ca Alliston Athletics Junior Baseball Club (Hardball) ciddison@cavalier.ca Beeton Oldtimers (40+) (705) 423-9009 eproud@sympatico.ca Tottenham Minor Softball www.tottenhamminorsoftball.com Clearview Ice Cats www.clearviewgirlshockey.com Tottenham Ladies Lob Ball www.leaguelineup.com/tottenham ladieslobball New Tecumseth Womens Town Hockey 705-435-4030 recreation@newtecumseth.ca Hockey Tottenham Men’s Slo Pitch www.leaguelineup.com/tmspl T.N.T. Minor Hockey www.tntminorhockey.com Tottenham Minor Hardball 416-891-7592 dsmith@rawlinsonmoving.com Tottenham Men’s Hockey League www.tottenhammensleague.com Catulpa Community Support Services 233 Church Street South Alliston, ON L9R 2B7 705-434-3003 www.catulpa.on.ca Focus Community Development Co. 46 Wellington Street West Alliston, ON L9R 2B8 705-435-9821 ext. 110 www.focuscdc.on.ca Children’s Treatment Network 233 Church Street South Alliston, ON L9R 2B7 705-435-4792 x 300 Soccer Academy www.allistonsocceracademy.com County FC Academy www.countyfc.ca South Simcoe United Football Club 705-250-9222 www.southsimcoeunited.ca Tottenham Ladies Indoor Soccer 905-936-3650 Bassopartyof5@sympatico.ca Tennis Alliston Tennis Club 705-321-7188 www.allistontennis.com Tottenham Tennis Club 905-729-3147 allfourwonderfulkids@gmail.com YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka Health STAR or Jumpstart Funding 705-726-6421 ext. 429 54 Plus Club Seniors Centre P.O. Box 247, Alliston, ON L9R 1V5 www.54plusseniorscentreinc.com Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Tel: 705•435•4030 or 905•936•4203 Ext. 1500 or 1621 | Email: recreation@newtecumseth.ca www.newtecumseth.ca | www.fastrec.ca 27 Discover a new way to learn... Discover a new way to learn... Grab School Grab School by the Reins! by the Reins! Earn a credit Earn witha acredit horse! with a horse! Registration Late February and The best kids’ birthday parties and early March for spring and a great place summer programs. for special events. Splashy’s is an awesome place for a variety of recreation programs at the indoor pool, gymnastics, fitness and party centre with huge indoor/ outdoor play park and inflatable bouncers. SWEET STRAWBERRIES, PEAS, CORN & MORE. Summer School ••Discovery Discovery Kids •Tutoring Summer School Kids •Tutoring 705-796-ABLE (2253) 705-796-ABLE (2253) www.splashys.com Piret Kreem-King 905-939-7581 Located at 4513 Line 5, Bradford West Gwillimbury ALLISTON GYMNASTICS Tumbling & Trampoline • Recreational programs for all ages, boys and girls • Competitive programs in women’s artistic, trampoline & tumbling • Camps • Birthday parties • Tumbling / acro enhancement for cheerleaders and dancers F PHYSIOTHERAPY F ACUPUNCTURE F MASSAGE THERAPY F CHIROPRACTIC F PERSONAL TRAINING F CHIROPODY We have 2 locations to serve you better: Alliston Physiotherapy & Sports Rehabilitation 27 Victoria Street East, Alliston 705-434-0645 Alliston Physiotherapy West End 15 Young Street Alliston 705-435-5153 REGISTER ONLINE allistongymnastics.com or call (705)435-5294 allistongymnastics@bellnet.ca is located at 4941 Dean Drive (behind the Ernie Dean dealership) Move Well, Feel Well, Live Well • KARATE-DO • SELF DEFENCE • KICKBOXING Rustic Roots & Co. For Home, Garden & You! Jackson Plaza, Beeton 905•729•3535 DEROS CLUB A• AS LOW AS $170 +HST ON PONDEROSA GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Located 1 mile north & 1 mile west of Beeton 6494 Concession Road 9 • 9 Hole Golf Course • Licenced Snack Bar • Tournaments and LeaguesWelcome Y COU TR N & 8 or 12 WEEK MEMBER$HIP$ GOLF 15% OFF •P www.rusticrootsco.com Dave & Pat Dalton (905) 729-2585 Your community-owned energy company GARY LAAKSO FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. PowerStream is a communityowned energy company providing power and related services to more than 370,000 customers residing or owning a business in 15 communities located immediately north of Toronto and in Central Ontario. GARY LAAKSO B.A., MTS, CFP, CLU, CH.FC., CHS Agent / Financial Advisor As a community-owned power company, PowerStream is committed to giving back to the communities it serves. General Inquiries: 1-877-963-6900 Power Outages: 1-877-777-3810 info@PowerStream.ca www.PowerStream.ca LET’S CONNECT! eStream - Blog.PowerStream.ca Twitter - @PowerStreamNews | YouTube - PowerStreamTV LinkedIn - PowerStreamInc | Facebook - PowerStreamPage Google+ - +PowerStream JEREMY WESTOVER Associate Advisor PIETER KIEZEBRINK Associate Advisor SANDRA PHEKOO Associate Advisor No Gimmicks - Spring & Summer Program Registration Ages 6-9 - Crazy Shorts Ages 10-18 - Alice in Wonderland - Improv Workshop - Seussical - Theatre Makeup 101 Vi s i t o u r w e b s i t e f o r r e g i s t r a t i o n a n d d e t a i l s : www.crazypantstheatrecompany.com 905•801•5470 Just Good Old Fashioned Individual Service and Results J. Peter Naisbitt Broker RE/MAX Chay Realty Inc. 905-936-3500 705-435-5556 jpeternaisbitt@gmail.com “Have License...Will Travel” www.patjordan.ca www.facebook.com/JordanTeam Now available to serve you from Schomberg, Alliston and Beeton. Check out our new office at: R.A.D. * C.D.T.A. * I.S.T.D. SUMMER PROGRAM Alliston and Tottenham Pre-School Dance Ages 3&4 Pre-Primary Ballet and Jazz Ages 5&6 $110.00 +HST Alliston Only Dance Workshops in Jazz and Hip Hop Ages 6-8 Adult Dance/Fitness Classes $110.00 +HST Summer Dance Camp Alliston July 20-24, 9am-4pm, Ages 7-12 $160.00 +HST For registration dates and times, please check our website at: www.nicolejacklindance.com or call 705•434•1501 18 Queen St. N., Tottenham, Ontario (2nd Floor) 180 Parsons Rd., Unit 16 & 18, Alliston, Ontario 15 Main St. W., Beeton Scan me for the ONLY real estate app you’ll ever need. Available on iPad/ iPhone and Android New Tecumseth and Area Real Estate PAT & SHANNUNA JORDAN THE JORDAN TEAM... Because you don’t just want to list your home... You want to sell it! 905•729•3000 06-Present SAN DO JUTSU KARATE SCHOOL 905-936-9595 www.sandojutsu.com WHERE STUDENTS BECOME CHAMPIONS! JIU-JITSU + KEMPO KARATE + MIXED MARTIAL ARTS + KICKBOXERCISE Proofed and approved by . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: JAN 12/09 SCOTT’S AUTO REPAIRS Proof #1 114 Dufferin Street South Alliston, Ontario L9R 1E9 Sales Rep.: AD New Tecumseth Parks & Rec Tel: (705) 435-2641 • brakes • air conditioning • tune-ups • exhaust • general repairs/maintenance Date of insertion: FEBRUARY 2009 WE USE HIGH QUALITY CARQUEST REPLACEMENT PARTS WILLIAMSON AUTOMOTIVE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC We... • Make Hydraulic Hoses • Mix Paint • Carry Tools, Parts & Equipment Proudly Serving Our Community For Over 35 Years 239 Church St. S., ALLISTON 705-435-4374 PARK LANE RANCH TOTTENHAM Summer Riding Camps For All Levels Of Riders Aged Six And Up TIME SENSITIVE MATER PLEASE RETURN PROOFED WITHIN A HOUR OF RECEIPT, THANK YOU Proofed and approved by . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: July 06/05 PROOF 1 • Tons of fun - all activities are horse activities Publication: Town of New Tec. • Lots of horse time - three hours riding daily and Recreation book Parks Bring your lunch and have a great week, beginners are welcome; we also have some senior rider weeks available. Hours 10 til 4, extended Datehelmets of Insertion: day care available, cost $225 plus HST, certified available.August 2005 Also • Year round riding lessons - for beginners to advanced from ages Sales Rep.: Annette 6 and up, showing and eventing available Set by: JRC • Pasture boarding in a friendly, caring environment 5818 4th Line, Tottenham 905-936-2658 w w w . p a r k l a n e REPEAT ranch.ca 705-440-8687 tottenhampreschool.com Give your child a head start with an affordable, licensed preschool program run by an experienced E.C.E. teacher www.theartofshears.com theartofshears@gmail.com 416-704-7408 / 905-406-0190 12 Mill St. East, Tottenham For children ages 2 - 5 years old Morning and afternoon classes available Toilet training friendly! BOOKING 2015 POOL INSTALLATIONS NOW! CALL AND VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM! Conveniently located in the Tottenham Community Centre Please call 705-440-8687 for a free trial session or visit www.tottenhampreschool.com for more information and to download our registration package POOLS LANDSCAPES CONSTRUCTION 519.217.1593 416.936.6469 CALEDON•ORANGEVILLE GTA geminipools.ca • geminilandscapes.ca • geminidesignbuild.com SS TNT EXPRE LL FOOTBA WINTER SKILLS CAMP $125 FOR 5 WEEKS Five Sundays from Feb 22-March 29 2015 (excluding March 15 2015) 2pm to 4pm Bradford Sports Dome Programs design for New Players and Experienced. Bonus if you register for Summer Season as well $25 goes towards your registration Ages 5 to 19 years Looking to Play on your High School Team TNT Players not only MAKE THE TEAM but MAKE THE FIELD! Get the Edge... Join TNT EXPRESS FOOTBALL REGISTRATION COST IS $400 WHICH INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: • Profit Camp • Baseline Concussion Testing (Bantam level & Up) • Practices • Games from May to August • Equipment (with exception of shoes) • Year End Banquet • Life Long Friendships SUMMER REGISTRATION EVERYONE MAKES THE TEAM FULL CONTACT TYKE 6-8 YRS PEEWEE 11-12 YRS JR. VARSITY 15-16 YRS • • • • REP FOOTBALL ATOM 9-10 YRS BANTAM 13-14 YRS VARSITY 17-19 YRS $400 INCLD EQUIPMENT To Register for Summer Season or Winter Skills Visit www.tntexpressfootball.com HOMELIFE INTEGRITY REALTY INC., BROKERAGE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED Linda Furtado Broker/Owner CALL ME TODAY! 705-435-4506 www.HomeLifeIntegrity.com 169 Victoria Street W., Alliston WRAY’S PHARMACY DIABETES RESOURCE CENTRE For health care supplies, vitamins, and more.......... OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Open until 9pm Mon. - Thurs. and 8pm Fridays Sat. 9 am - 5 pm • Sun. 10 am - 3 pm Crown Crown PAVING LTD PAVING LTD IN: SPECIALIZING Asphalt Paving Driveways Rural Paving Concrete Interlocking tes Exposed Aggrega Parking Lots bs Walkways & Cur Garage Floors Excavation Grading Our keyword is Pharmacy, our key concern is Your Health Guardian Call (705) 435-6011 33 Victoria St. West, Alliston email: rgreen79@rogers.com Ask about the HST TOLL FREE: TOLL FREE: TOLL FREE: TORONTO: TORONTO: TORONTO: ™ ™ ™ 1-888-695-7283 1-888-695-7283 1-888-695-7283 ™ (416) 783-7283 (PAVE) ™ (416) 783-7283 (PAVE) ™ QUALITY & SERVICE (416) 783-7283 (PAVE) QUALITY & SERVICE QUALITY & SERVICE We use heavy-duty equipment for better compaction. We All usework heavy-duty equipment better warranty. compaction. undertaken carries for a written undertaken carries a written WeAll usework heavy-duty equipment for better warranty. compaction. References are proudly available. References are proudly available. All work undertaken carries a written warranty. References are proudly available. www.crownpaving.com 2015 Outdoor Soccer Get in the Game! Online Registration Open Fees and Divisions DIVISION U5 (2010-11) U5 (2010-11) U6 (2009) U6 (2009) U8B (2007-08) U8G (2007 -08) U10B (2005-06) U10G (2005-06) NIGHTS OF PLAY Central - Wed North & South - Mon Central - Thurs North & South - Tues Mon & Wed Tues & Thurs Tues & Thurs Mon & Wed FEE $110 $110 $115 $115 $150 $150 $160 $160 Thurs & Tues Tues & Thurs Wed & Mon Thurs & Tues Mon & Wed Wed & Mon Tues & Thurs Thurs & Tues Sunday $235 $235 $235 $235 $240 $240 $240 $240 $245 TRAVEL WITHIN SIMCOE COUNTY – Game & Practice U12B (2003-04) U12G (2003-04) U14B (2001-02) U14G (2001-02) U16B (1999-2000) U16G (1999-2000) U18B (1997-98) U18G (1997-98) Adult Open (1996+) Late Fee of $35 applied after March 31st Spaces are limited so register early! Online registration preferred – payment offline available www.southsimcoeunited.ca 705 250-9222 * admin@southsimcoeunited.ca • Tae Kwon Do Self Esteem • Tai Chi Seniors receive 30% Off • Systema Russian Martial Art • Kickboxing for Ladies TECUMSETH PEACEFUL WARRIORS tecumsethpeacefulwarriors.com 705-434-2476 24 Church Street S., Alliston PROVIDING BALL HOCKEY TO NEW TECUMSETH SINCE 1997 2014 2015 9 1997 to to 2010 2011 1996 Sprin Season g sta Mid Ap rts r and en il ds in Late Ju ne MINOR LEAGUE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS MARCH MARCH31, 31, 2015. 2014. Join us for Great Entertainment! Theme nights and concerts! Enjoy great food and fun times with 9 of your teammates and receive 10% discount off your food order. e h t g n i r B ! m a e t e r i e nt atio P k c e D hile r The Uppe soak up the sun w lace to amily p f t h c it e f w r e d is the p ious foo c li e d g ds. enjoyin 7 DAYS A WEEK and frien OPEN Located on the upper level of the New Tecu mseth Recreation Centre 7300 Industrial Parkway, Alliston | 705-435-4030 ext. 1513
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