Principal`s Corner - Newtown Middle School

April 2015
Special Points of Interest:
 Volleyball Club—page 4
 Ben’s Lighthouse—pages 9-10
 Scott Driscoll Presentation—page 12
Principal’s Corner
A message from Thomas Einhorn, Principal, Newtown Middle
The Lion’s Roar
Happy Spring!
As the last piles of snow melt in
parking lots, the sounds of singing
birds and the return of color to the
landscape lets us know that this epic
winter is finally behind us. (We
hope). April will be a busy month with
many activities as well as a weeks’
vacation. Our Grade 7 Students will
begin the SBAC Testing. Many of our
Grade 8 students will be traveling to
Washington DC. Please be sure to
check our Dates to Remember page
in this newsletter, as we are updating/
rescheduling many of the year end
Our staff works hard to build a
positive school environment in which
students feel supported and safe. As
you are aware, we are currently in the
midst of conducting our Safe School
Climate Survey. Everyone in our
school community will be surveyed.
Parents, if you have not yet taken this
important survey, please take the
time to do so. We would like
everyone to take the survey so that
we may use this information in our
efforts for continuous improvement. If
you need assistance accessing this
survey, please call our school
office at 203-426-7642. Your input is
extremely important to us.
Parents, please note that we do have
a school dress code in place. As
warmer weather approaches, kindly
review this with our child. You can
find it on our website in the Student
Handbook, pages 17 and 18. We
thank you in advance for your
cooperation in this matter.
If you had the chance to see our
school's production of Shrek Jr., the
Musical, you already know that all of
the performances were spectacular.
Kudos to Ms. Allen and Mr.
Tammero, our co-directors/producers!
Many thanks are due to them for their
dedication, hard work and countless
hours of work with our students. To
our students, we could not be more
impressed and proud of you. Your
talent and passion mixed with your
energy made for one incredible
experience. Thank you also to our
many parent volunteers, your support
is most appreciated.
Tom Einhorn, Principal
Assistant Principal News
Pages 2-3
Student Council News
Pages 5-6
Health Office News
Pages 7-8
Newtown Prevention
Page 11
Page 2
Assistant Principal’s Corner
By James Ross, Assistant Principal
Standardized Testing
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium: The Smarter Balanced Assessment
System will give parents and students more accurate and actionable information
about what students are learning. Because these assessments are computer
adaptive, they will also provide better information about the needs and successes of
individual students. These next-generation assessments are aligned to the Common
Core State Standards (CCSS) in English language arts/literacy and mathematics for
grades 3-8 and 11. 7th and 8th grade students will participate in the SBAC Test.
Parents: To assist your child with the SBAC test, please explore the practice and
training tests provided on the SBAC webpage. Use the URL below for more
information and to access these tests.
Testing Schedule:
April 27th – May 29th
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
Testing Tips:
Get a good night sleep
Eat a balanced breakfast the morning of the test
Do your best and don’t be anxious
Bring a water bottle
Remember your test taking strategies
Assistant Principal’s Corner
By James Ross, Assistant Principal
Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (Climate Survey)
A survey that is nationally recognized and provides a detailed profile of our
school’s strengths and needs.
Used to collect data from students, parents, and staff members to provide the
district/school with the information necessary to improve our school climate.
The definition below is taken from the National School Climate Center Website
How do we define School Climate?
School climate refers to the quality and character of school life. School climate is
based on patterns of students', parents' and school personnel's experience of school
life and reflects norms, goals, values, interpersonal relationships, teaching and
learning practices, and organizational structures.
A sustainable, positive school climate fosters youth development and learning
necessary for a productive, contributing and satisfying life in a democratic society.
This climate includes:
 Norms, values and expectations that support people feeling socially, emotionally
and physically safe.
 People are engaged and respected.
 Students, families and educators work together to develop, live and contribute to a
shared school vision.
 Educators model and nurture attitudes that emphasize the benefits and
satisfaction gained from learning.
 Each person contributes to the operations of the school and the care of the
physical environment.
(This definition of school climate and a positive, sustained school climate were
consensually developed by the National School Climate Council.)
Please take a moment to participate in the CSCI Survey and help Newtown Middle
School staff members continue to reflect on our practices to establish the best
possible learning environment for all students. Please use URL below to take the
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Page 4
Volleyball Club
Volleyball Club will meet after school from 2:15- 4:30 p.m. in the A-GYM. Any
NMS female student is welcome to attend. All students must have signed
permission slips and have filled out and submitted all appropriate sports activity
forms in order to participate. Please contact Mrs.
Johnson ( for information.
Volleyball Club
Monday April 6- June 1, 2015
Any NMS female students
Love of volleyball, team spirit, fun, exercise
7:00 am—3:00 pm
7:00 am—3:00 pm
7:00 am—3:00 pm and
6:00 pm—8:00 pm (Celebration of the Arts evening)
Page 5
Student Council News
Advisor: Nadia Papalia
Food Drive
The Student Council is
proud to collaborate with
the Interact Club on a
spring food drive in
support of Newtown’s
F.A.I.I.T.H. Food Pantry. Newtown
citizens need our support! Please
consider donating to the food drive in
the month of April. Students are asked
to bring in nonperishable food items.
Please do not send expired or dented
items. Items that are especially
needed include:
mac and
cheese –
brand or
Big Y Coins appreciated!
Our spring beautification will occur on
Monday, May 4; the rain date is
Tuesday, May 5. Students planning to
help should think about ways to make
our school sign in the front of the
building look “beautiful.” Anyone
interested in making donations of
flowers, plants, or spring decorations
should contact Ms. Papalia via-email at
8th Grade Class Photo
The eighth grade panoramic photo
will be taken on Thursday, April 9.
Information regarding this fun
eighth grade memory was sent
home the week of March 30. This
information explained in detail how
to order one of these great
Our last dance of the year is for
our eighth graders; their Moving
Up Dinner Dance is on Friday
evening, June 12, from 6:30 to
9:30. Due to the snow days,
please note the change in date.
The event will be held in the Reed
Intermediate School cafetorium.
The $25 tickets will be on sale in
homerooms the week of May 18.
Admission to the dance includes
dinner, DJ, and a digital photo
souvenir. Please remember that a
student must be in school for the
full day in order to attend the
dance in the evening.
Page 6
Student Council News (cont’d)
Advisor: Nadia Papalia
Box Tops for Education
Our final turn-in for this year’s General Mills Box Tops fundraiser was in
February. Thank you, students and parents, for clipping and sending in the box
tops. Please keep clipping throughout the school year and continue collecting
during the summer. Any box tops collected can be turned in to Mrs. Olsen’s
Your contributions helped our school earn money!
PTA News
The Connecticut State PTA is
happy to announce that Newtown
Middle School has 3 state winners
in the Middle School Division for
this year’s PTA Reflections
Program, “The World Would Be A
Better Place If…”! The winners
are invited to attend the Art Show & Awards Ceremony at Fairfield
Woods Middle School on May 13th. This is truly a special time for our
talented students. Congratulations to the following students:
Ashley S., First Place for Photography
Julie H., Second Place for Musical Composition
Stephanie C., Third Place for Literature
From the Health Office
Medication Policy for Washington/
Gettysburg Trip
If your child will need to take ANY medications on the
Washington trip, an authorization to administer
medication form must be on file with the health
office. These may include but are not limited to over the counter pain relievers
such as ibuprofen, tylenol or antihistamines such as claritin and zyrtec as well as
prescription medications. The forms must be completed and signed by both the MD
and parent. Forms can be dropped off or faxed to the NMS nurses’ office
(203-270-4553). Students will be allowed to carry and self -administer epipens
and inhalers with MD and parent authorization. Any controlled substances will be
kept by a teacher who has been instructed and authorized to administer
medications as per Board of Ed Policy.
In certain instances, the student will be allowed to carry other medications at the
discretion of the school nurse in consultation with the parent and MD.
We will not need additional forms If you and your student’s MD have given the
health office permission to administer tylenol, ibuprofen,tums, inhalers, epipens or
any other medication this school year.
We ask that you get forms to the health office as soon as possible to allow
adequate time to process the orders and make changes if needed. They can be
downloaded from the school web site or you can pick them up in the health office.
Please provide only the number of doses that your child will require for the trip.
Medications must be in their original container labeled with the student’s name,
medication name, dose, route and frequency of administration.
The deadline to have forms and medications to the nurse is April 10, 2015
Please call Andrea or Barbara in the health office (426-7636) for any questions or
Page 7
Page 8
From the Health Office
March 12, 2015
Clarification of State of CT Regulations Regarding Medication
Administration on Field Trips
Dear Parents,
This year on the upcoming 8th grade trip, each cluster will be accompanied by a
Registered Nurse [RN] who will be dispensing all medications and taking care of
any medical situations during the trip. If you would also like your child's
teachers to be able to dispense Tylenol, Advil, or Tums to your student during
the trip, you must provide an “AUTHORIZATION FOR THE
ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION” form signed by a physician and
yourself. (The parent permission form for Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Tums
submitted at the beginning of each year does not allow teachers to give these
If you think it necessary for both the nurse and the teachers to have
permission to give Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Tums during the trip, the required
form is attached. It can also be found on the Newtown Middle School
website. Click “Health Office” under “Departments”. Without this
authorization, there may be a short delay between the time that your child
reports a headache or stomachache and the delivery of Tylenol, Ibuprofen or
Tums as the cluster buses will need to access a rest stop.
Please feel free to call us with any question or concern that you may have about
this issue.
Anne Dalton, RN, BSN
Nursing Supervisor
Newtown Public Schools
Andrea Trager, RN
Barbara Reilly RN
NMS Health Office
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Page 11
Parents: We Need Your Voice!
Every other year Newtown Public Schools surveys a representative sample of 7th through
12th graders on substance use and attitudes. The data from these surveys is used to refine
curriculum, develop relevant programs, and provide necessary measures for grant writing. In
addition, the Newtown Prevention Council (NPC) uses the data as a foundation for the
development of goals and activities.
The NPC sponsors the companion Parent Survey for parents of students in grades 7 through
12. We have contracted with Qualitative Services of Groton, CT to administer the survey,
analyze the data, and provide a report. The information you provide is completely
anonymous. No one in Newtown will have access to the raw data, so we hope that you will
answer the 40 questions honestly. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to
complete. It will be available through May 15.
The link to the survey:
The report from this survey will help provide accurate community data to develop programs,
education and support for our youth and families. Thank you, in advance, for your
cooperation and input. If you have any questions, please contact Judy Blanchard at
Judy Blanchard and Chief Michael Kehoe
NPC Co-chairs
Page 13
Library Media Center News
Media Specialist: Jeanne Bugay
TypeMaster Tutorial
If you would like your student to
go from this…
To this...
As district and state assessments move from pencil/paper to keyboard/
computer, it is critical to enable our students to feel proficient at the keyboard.
The district offers an easy, friendly, self-paced tutorial program to use for all
students. We do monitor student usage on a regular basis and find that many
students have not yet logged on.
We need your help to encourage your child to use TypingMaster at home on a
regular basis
Directions for accessing TypingMaster
1. Go to the school website:
2. Click on the Students tab
3. Click on TypingMaster login
Login ID: last name first initial (no comma)
Password: PowerSchool/AR password
TypingMaster is a self-paced tutorial for students who want to improve their
keyboarding skills. There are 4 modules: speed building, numbers, special
marks and number pad. Each module contains up to 7 mini lessons. Typing
games reinforce skills. Immediate results are charted under the Results tab in
the program.
Page 14
Physical Education Department News
Teachers: Ms. Fontaine, Mr. Kantor, Mr. LaRosa, Mr. Memoli
3rd annual 6 vs 6 Volleyball Tournament
to raise money for the American Heart Association
When: May 5, 2015 (2:00 PM—4:30 PM)
Where: Newtown Middle School
Who: 7th and 8th grade students
Details: Students, in order to participate need to have a team of 6 - 8 players
(which may include any 2 NMS staff members) and a team name. Only one staff
member can be on the court for each team at a time. The tournament will be by
grade level and one winner from each grade will be awarded a pizza party for lunch.
Now is the time to start organizing a team for the volleyball tournament. You are
allowed to have a team of 6-8 with no teachers.
Each team will be responsible for submitting a tournament entrance packet. The
team should decide on two captains to collect the permission slips and money to be
turned in. The packet should include a signed permission slip for each student
(included in this newsletter) and entrance fees before
submitting a legible list of members of the team. Please submit your
completed packet ONLY to Mr. Memoli or Mr. Kantor by April 15th.
Cost: $7.00 per player on the team.
Volleyball for Heart Event
Tuesday, May 5 2015
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Maximum 8 players per team ($7.00 per player)
A minimum of 5 players per team will be allowed
Turn in this form and money to Mr. Kantor as soon as your team is complete
Team Captains
1._____________________________________Paid_____Permission Slip_____
2._____________________________________Paid_____Permission Slip_____
Team Members
1._____________________________________Paid _____Permission Slip_____
2._____________________________________Paid _____Permission Slip_____
3._____________________________________Paid _____Permission Slip_____
4._____________________________________Paid _____Permission Slip_____
5._____________________________________Paid _____Permission Slip_____
6._____________________________________Paid _____Permission Slip_____
7._____________________________________Paid _____Permission Slip_____
8._____________________________________Paid _____Permission Slip_____
Teachers – if any will be on the team (Maximum 2)
Team Name: ________________________________
Volleyball for Heart Event Permission Slip
I give my son/daughter ________________________________ permission to participate
in the volleyball event on May 5, 2015. I understand that the event will take place from
2-4:30 at Newtown Middle School. A contact person and phone number for an
emergency is as follows:
Phone #: ____________________________________
Page 16
Nutrition News: April 2015
What are some healthy snacks I can pack for my student to take to school?
Snacks can provide a great opportunity to fuel learning bodies and minds. They can be a great pick me up
and an opportunity to consume important foods groups and
Choose a snack that is from a food group or make a “mini meal” with 2-3 of the food groups for optimal
Here are some healthy portable snack ideas that you can pack for your student to bring to school:
Nutrient Rich Snacks from a food group:
 Pretzels
 Low-fat popcorn
 Whole grain Goldfish crackers
 Granola bar (Choose one that has ingredients you recognize like nuts, oats, fruit and whole-wheat flour
and less than 10 grams sugar)
 Pepper strips
 Baby carrots
 Cucumber Coins
 Banana
 Raisins
 Apple
 Cupped fruit (peaches, pineapple, mixed fruit)
 Strawberries
 Grapes
 String cheese
 Yogurt or yogurt tube
Healthy Mini Meal Snacks with multiple food groups:
 Whole grain crackers & cheese
 Celery with peanut butter
 Hummus on a whole wheat tortilla
 Low-fat yogurt with fruit
 Trail mix (mix together whole grain cereal like cheerios, dried fruits, optional nuts) in a sandwich bag
Dipping Snacks!
 Dip baby carrots in low-fat ranch dressing
 Dip pretzels or pita chips in hummus
 Dip graham crackers in unsweetened applesauce
 Dip animal crackers in low-fat pudding
 Dip a granola bar in low-fat yogurt
Jill Patterson, RD
Resident Dietitian
Page 17
Dates to Remember
Look for details in the Lion’s Roar or on the NMS website
April 3
No School
April 7
DC Trip Parent Meeting
6:00 PM—NMS Auditorium
April 9
8th Grade Panoramic Photo
May 1
Early Dismissal 12:02 PM
No Lunch Served
May 4
Parent Round Table
9:30 AM
April 10
Early Dismissal 12:02 PM
No Lunch Served
May 7
Incoming 7th Grade
Parent Orientation
April 13-17
Spring Break
No School
May 11
7th Grade Spring Concert
7:00 PM—NHS Auditorium
April 20-May 8
Spirit Wear Sale
May 13
8th Grade Spring Concert
7:00 PM—NHS Auditorium
April 22-24
Washington DC Trip
8th Grade
April 23
Empowering Smarter On-line
Newtown Lecture Hall
April 29
Celebration of the Arts
NMS 6:00 PM
May 14
Quebec Trip Final Meeting
6:00 PM—NMS Auditorium
May 22
Quebec Trip
May 25
Memorial Day
No School
June 2
Holiday Hill Field Trip
June 12
8th Grade Dance
6:30 PM—9:30 PM
Reed Intermediate Cafetorium
June 15
8th Grade Moving Up
5:30 PM
O’Neill Center
The Newtown Public School District is committed to a
policy of equal opportunity/affirmative action for all
qualified persons and equal access to Boy Scouts of
America and other designated youth groups. The
Newtown Public School District does not discriminate
in any employment practice, education program, or
educational activity on the basis of race, color, religious creed, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or
expression, disability (including, but not limited to,
intellectual disability, past or present history of mental
disorder, physical disability or learning disability),
genetic information, or any other basis prohibited by
Connecticut state and/or federal nondiscrimination
laws. The Newtown Public School District does not
unlawfully discriminate in employment and licensing
against qualified persons with a prior criminal c
onviction. Inquiries regarding the Newtown Public
School District’s nondiscrimination policies and
practices should be directed to:
Title IX, Title VI and Section 504
Linda Gejda, Assistant Superintendent
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470
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