A P R I L Issue 1 2 0 1 3 Featured in this issue “Mise en Place” is a French phrase used to describe the organization and preparation of ingredients that takes place before a meal is cooked. It symbolizes our education at Brescia as preparation for the professional world. Stay Connected with CAFP! facebook.com/ CAFP.Brescia twitter.com/ cafp_brescia (@cafp_brescia) cafpexec @gmail.com WEBSITE cafpbrescia.wordpress.com Bulletin Board 1st floor St. James Building Cowboy Caviar World Health Day: High Blood Pressure CAFP Annual Awards Dinner Dress for Success Fashion Show How to get rid of garlic breath Where to get fresh, local food Hydrate Right, Beat the Heat A Message From the President I cannot believe the school year is almost over. It feels like yesterday that I sitting in an interview crossing my fingers and hoping I would be selected as PresidentElect for Canadian Association of Foodservice Professional (CAFP) 2012/13 year. I was grateful to be chosen and now that this year is over I am preparing myself for the CAFP Presidency role 2013/14. I would like to thank each and every executive member for the success this year. Their hard work and dedication to the Brescia branch of CAFP has allowed us to has put on some amazing events, raise awareness and fundraise to benefit the community and the organization alike. Congratulations to all the incoming executive members! Lisa and I were overwhelmed with the number of applicants and the skills each of them could brought to the table. It was a long and hard process selecting the right person for the right job but we think we got it perfect! I am looking forward to the upcoming year and I know the potential these individuals posses will ensure we will have a successful year. CAFP is a national organization with student and professional branches. It is a fantastic group of people that are inter- ested in/ work in the food industry and it provides a great opportunity for networking and collaboration across Canada. The annual conference as held in London last year and I did not know it was possible to have so much fun, and meet so many amazing people at an educational conference. This year it is going to be held in Vancouver in May and I cannot wait to head out west for my very first time and attend this conference. I wish you all good luck on your exams, hope you have an amazing summer and I look forward to seeing you next year at some of our events. Erika Norrad CAFP Brescia Branch President 2013/14 Page 2 Mise en Place Issue 1 Cowboy Caviar 2013/2014 CAFP Brescia Executive Team President Erika Norrad Past President Lisa Maselli President-Elect Rachel Brown Public Relations Chelsa Killey Event Coordinator Larissa Valentine Community Director Mariana Prado Fundraising Directors Camilla Kurowski Amanda Waite Newsletter Directors Nicole Marleau Nicole Whyte IPE Taylor Cole By: Rachel Brown Cowboy Caviar is an easy, fresh, delicious, and nutritious recipe that is good for so many occasions, like birthday parties, potlucks, picnics, or just as a meal itself. Be sure to give this recipe a try at your next BBQ! Mixture Dressing 1 can corn – drained Combine: 1 – 15oz can black beans – drained and ¼ cup olive oil rinsed ¼ cup red wine vinegar 2 ripe avocadoes 3-4 tomatoes – diced 2/3 cup green onion – chopped 3 cloves garlic – minced ¼ tsp cumin Pour over veggie mixture! Salt and pepper Mix all ingredients together This recipe is best made ahead and left to set in fridge overnight so flavors blend. Wait to add avocadoes until a couple of hours before serving. Serve with any type tortilla chips. If you like spicy – add a few tablespoons of hot sauce to the recipe. Enjoy! Secretary Rachel Sebesta Treasurer Audris Lau 4th Year Representatives Desiree Burke Tancy Zhang 3rd Year Representatives Maymona Ahmad Ash D’Souza 2nd Year Representatives Kimberly Charbonneau Rebecca Lewis 1st Year Representatives TBA CONTACT brescianews@gmail.com Did you miss an issue? Check out all of our past newsletters at www.brescia.uwo.ca/academics/undergraduate/foods_and_nutrition /newsletters.html Thank you to this month’s contributors! Maymona Ahmad Nicole Marleau Rachel Brown Nicole Whyte Page 3 Mise en Place Issue 1 World Health Day Recognizing High Blood Pressure By: Nicole Marleau Each year, World Health Day takes place April 7th to celebrate the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO uses this day to draw worldwide attention to a significant health concern. For 2013, the theme is high blood pressure. Dietitians of Canada claim that nine in ten Canadians will develop high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, during their lives. In support of WHO and the health of us all, here are some ways to help prevent or treat high blood pressure. According to EatRight Ontario, following the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet can help prevent or treat high blood pressure. It includes fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products and a lower level of salt. The DASH diet may be as effective as medicine at keeping blood pressure levels in check. Consuming foods high in potassium, calcium and magnesium is encouraged by the DASH diet. These three minerals work together to help decrease an individual's blood pressure. It is also recommended that one reduces their fat intake and increases fibre consumption. To specifically increase your intake of one of the three minerals mentioned: Sources of potassium: Tomatoes, bananas, oranges, potatoes, nuts, lentils, beans, milk and fish. Sources of magnesium: Spinach, whole grain cereals, nuts, seeds, fish, beans, soy and lentils. Sources of calcium: Milk, yogurt, canned fish with bones, leafy green vegetables, beans and tofu. General DASH approved meal and snack ideas: Whole grain bread with peanut butter and a banana, skim milk Black bean burrito: black beans, whole wheat tortilla, onion, red pepper, lettuce, tomato, plain yogurt Tofu stir-fry: tofu, mixed vegetables, brown rice Lentil sambar or chana masala, spinach and brown rice Whole wheat pasta, sliced chicken breast, mixed vegetables Salmon sandwich on whole grain bread, green salad, orange, skim milk Fresh fruit or vegetables Yogurt and banana smoothie Unsalted nuts and dried fruit Whole wheat pita and hummus Page 4 Mise en Place Issue 1 CAFP Annual Awards Dinner By: Nicole Marleau On Wednesday, March 20th, Saffron's Restaurant held the annual CAFP awards dinner. The event brought both the student and professional members together to celebrate the accomplishments of the year. The hard work of the outgoing executive team was recognized and the incoming executive team was welcomed. Throughout dinner, student members had the chance to speak with the professional members, Dr. Garcia who is the faculty advisor, and fellow CAFP members. This allowed everyone to discuss previous events, share expectations and suggestions for next year, and simply to mingle with the members that have been or will be a part of the CAFP team. Congratulations to the incoming CAFP president, Erika Norrad! Her and Lisa Maselli, the outgoing president, received an all expenses paid trip to the CAFP National Conference in Vancouver this year! The 2013 National Conference will be held from May 29th to June 2nd and both ladies were excited for this upcoming experience! The food served at the awards dinner was absolutely delicious! Everything from the freshly baked bread, to the soup, to the wonderfully dressed salad, to the chicken, and lastly the cake was phenomenal, leaving everyone satisfied with a full stomach. Great Northern White Bean and House Smoked Bacon Bisque with Canadian Birch Syrup Tillsonburg Greens with Local Bee Pollen and Honey Vinaigrette, Five Nut Crum, Saint Mary's Goat Feta and Pickled Radish Braised Chicken Roulade with Smoked Tomato and Basil Pesto Fondu, Parmesan Bernie Potato and Root Vegetable Succotash Dessert prepared by their Culinary Pastry Team Page 5 Mise en Place Issue 1 Fashion, Food, and a Great Cause! By: Nicole Marleau In support of the Women's Community House, a Dress for Success Fashion Show was presented by CAFP, SHEA, and Pink Ties. The event was held in the Brescia auditorium on Monday, March 25 th and requested a small entrance donation for the cause. Upon arrival, attendees were greeted with delicious snacks, treats, and refreshments before the show began. The outfit do's and don'ts for interviews, business settings, and business parties were explained. Some advice provided was to dress conservatively, to wear clothes without graphics or words, to wear dark socks or nude stockings, and much more. Banana Republic and Saffron sponsored the event by donating their clothes. These sample outfits allowed students to get a better idea of what is and is not acceptable in a business atmosphere. The show also provided some entertainment as the male model earned some laughs with his charm. Overall, the event was informative and my friends and I are glad we went to support the cause and enjoy the event. Enjoy Garlic Worry Free! By: Maymona Ahmad Found in many delicious meals, garlic is a widely used herb You do what the recipe is instructing you to do, but before that is known both for flavouring foods and for its medici- you add in the garlic you: nal properties. While tasty, many people dislike contending Take the three cloves of garlic and mash them with garlic breath. Recently a family friend taught us how to Then Add the salt and the oil cook meals that call for garlic in a way that will include the Mix the mashed garlic, salt and oil until you get a benefits of garlic, but without having garlic breath for the rest of the day. This is done in 3 easy steps. You will need; 3 cloves of Garlic 1 tablespoon of salt 1 tablespoon of olive oil yellowish mixture Substitute this mixture for the garlic that the recipe asks for Page 6 Mise en Place Issue 1 Eat Fresh, Eat Local By: Nicole Whyte Farmers’ markets are a great place to find locally grown, affordable produce, baked goods, meats and cheeses. Students can take advantage of a variety of different markets open through the summer months. Western Fair Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market 900 King Street at the Confederation Building London, ON N5Y 5P8 Open Saturday from 8-3pm. Some vendors open on Thursdays. http://www.londonsfarmersmarket.ca/londons_farmers_market.html Covent Garden Market 130 King Street London, ON N6A 1C5 Open Monday - Saturday: 8 am - 6 pm Friday: 8 am - 7:30 pm Sunday: 11 am - 4 pm OUTDOOR FARMER’S MARKET Open Thursday & Saturday 8 am - 1 pm May to Christmas Weather permitting http://www.coventmarket.com Masonville Farmers’ Market Masonville Place, 1680 Richmond Street, London, ON, N6G 3Y9 http://www.masonvillefarmersmarket.ca/index.html Page 7 Mise en Place Issue 1 Hydrate Right and Beat the Heat By: Nicole Whyte With the summer months fast approaching, more and more people are participating in outdoor activities and spending time in the sun. Everyone knows about the importance of sunscreen, but what about hydration? Adequate fluid intake, especially for young children and the elderly, needs some serious attention in the hot summer months. Check out these tips for staying hydrated while still enjoying the weather: Drink Often It’s not uncommon for people - especially children - to forget to drink water throughout the day. This becomes particularly important in the summer when everyone’s being more active. Don’t wait for yourself to get dehydrated; consume water frequently and in smaller amounts to ensure your body is getting the fluid it needs. Adults should aim for 64 oz (or 8 glasses) per day, and more if they’re particularly active or sweat a lot. Find a reusable water bottle and sip continuously throughout the day. Eat High Water Foods Plain water can get boring, so find other ways to up your fluid consumption. High water foods like watermelon and cucumber will contribute to your fluid intake throughout the day. They’re also delicious, refreshing, and perfect for a hot summer day. Go Easy on the Cola and Alcohol While everyone loves to indulge a little during the summer, beverages like cola and alcohol actually dehydrate you. Try substituting these for club soda with a slice of lime more often than not, and save the cola and the alcohol for special occasions. Balance Your Electrolytes Sweating causes both fluid loss and electrolyte imbalances. While drinking pure water is great, beverages containing certain minerals can also improve your hydration status. Coconut water which now comes in both liquid and powder form - is a low carbohydrate, low sugar alternative to sports drinks. With four times the potassium of a banana, many athletes swear by coconut water as a recovery beverage. Just make sure you keep eating as well; coconut water is low in sodium and does not contain all the minerals lost during activity. Page 8 About CAFP Un Petit Four Un Petit Four is a small confection or dessert served at the end of a meal. Each month, this section will feature some form of fun food-related trivia. Did You Know? Red wines are red because fermentation extracts color from the grape skins. White wines are not fermented with the skins present. Most wine is served in a glass that has a gently curved rim at the top to help contain the aromas in the glass. The Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals (CAFP) is an organization devoted to ongoing professional development of individuals working in the foodservice industry and students in related fields. CAFP offers bursaries and scholarships to help students follow their goals in culinary, supervisory, hospitality, managerial, or dietetic programs. CAFP also offers opportunities to attain professional credentialing with the Credentialed Foodservice Executive (CFE) Program. CAFP is a fun and dynamic association that provides opportunities to meet and mingle, educate and share. For more information, visit www.cafp.com Questions? Comments? of wines produced are ready to drink and do not have Feel free to contact us with opinions or suggestions that you may have regarding Mise en Place or CAFP at Brescia. Got a great idea for an article? Send us an e-mail and become a part of the newsletter committee! If you contribute 3 or more articles throughout the year, you will receive a certificate from the newsletter committee. We look forward to hearing from you! much potential for aging. Only a rare few will last Contact us at: The thinner the glass and the finer the rim, the better. A flaring, trumpet-shaped class dissipates the aromas. Issue 1 Mise en Place Not all wines improve with time. In fact, a vast majority brescianews@gmail.com longer than a decade. APRIL 2013 Sun Mon Tue Thu I s s u e Wed 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 21 28 1 Fri Sat 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 3 Wine Tasting Education Session
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