Rama Navami - New Vrindaban

Rama Navami is the appearance day
of Lord Rama. Lord Rama resides in the
We invite you to celebrate
holy dhama of Ayodhya in the spiritual
world and also in the hearts of his devotees
like Hanuman. The Lord personally comes
to purify people in this material world
and take them back to the spiritual world.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
By His wonderful pastimes he gives us
the nectar of pure bhakti. Lord Sri Rama
descends on this auspicious day and this
occasion is celebrated all over the universe.
The New Vrindaban Community, home of the
Sri Sri Radha Vrindadaban Chandra temple and
the Palace of Gold, is located about 30 minutes
from Wheeling, West Virginia.
Please do not trust your GPS.
It is not accurate close to New Vrindaban. View
detailed driving directions from north, south, east
and west at:
āpadām apahartāram
dātāram sarvasam
. padām
lokābhirāmam shrīrāmam
bhūyo bhūyo namāmyaham
I bow again and again to Sri Rama Who
removes [all] obstacles, grants all wealth and
pleases all.
Gaurnatraj Das
cell: (304) 312-6539
ISKCON New Vrindaban
3759 McCrearys Ridge Rd
Moundsville, WV 26041
Daya Gauranga Das
cell: (304) 312-9793
Ne w Vr indaban
Offer Lord Rama
paduka on His birthday
Standard Rama Navami
Sponsorship — $351
Special mahaprasad dinner
bathe their Lordships with pure ingredients like milk and juice and please the Lord immensely and get
His mercy. Please join our celebration, worship Lord Rama and have wonderful prasad.
Prasadam for the Festival Attendees – $5,001
Lord’s Dress – $2,500
Adopt a cow on Rama Navami – $1500
Pushpa Seva – $1008
Participation in Mahayajna
and Go-Puja
Special mahaprasad package
that you can offer their Lordships a very special birthday present, a pair of paduka. You will also get to
Other Sponsorship Opportunities
Offer Abishekam to Lord
Rama (Rama paduka and
harinam chadar as a gift)
We would like to invite you and your family to our very special Rama Navami celebration so
Deepalankaara – $751
paduka shoes
deity size,
4 inches long
Sweet Seva Mahaprasad – $501
Go-Puja – $108
Schedule: Saturday, March 28
12:30 pmArati
1:00 pm Bhagavad-gita class
4:00 pm Story telling by Sankirtan prabhu
5:00 pm Shanti Havan for Kalash donors
6:00 pm Rama Navami Go-puja
7:00 pmArati
7:30 pm Ram Katha
8:00 pm Paduka Arpanam and Kalash
9:00 pm Dinner for Kalash Donors
If you are unable to attend the abhishek, the
offering will be done on your behalf and the
paduka, chadar and mahaprasad mailed to you.
All of the above sponsorship opportunities come
with all the Rama Navami gifts and also a chance
to stay in the holy dhama guest house and a photo
frame as well.
9:30 pm Sri Ram Parivar Jhulan Yatra