2015 WOCF Retreat Corporate Sponsorship Form Cleveland

“Connections, Community and Career 2015”
13 Annual Personal and Professional Development Retreat for Women of Color
Thursday, April 2 – Friday, April 3, 2015 • 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cuyahoga Community College – Corporate College East 4400 Richmond Road – Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128 Company/Organization Name____________________________________________________________________________
Contact Name _________________________ Phone No. ______________________ Fax ___________________________
Title ________________________________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________ State _____________________________ Zip ____________________
Total Amount Enclosed $______________ Credit Card #_______________________________________ Expiration Date _______
Credit Card Type (circle one): MasterCard /Visa ___________________Signature________________________________________
A. Presenting Sponsor $25,000 ____ (Includes name and logo on all conference materials and media information; a panelist on each of (2)
“Executive Women’s Panels; name on all pre and post publicity activities; (20) Thursday Only registrations; (20) Friday Only registrations;
and (5) “Full Retreat” registrations that include (2) nights hotel accommodations; designation as a 12th Anniversary, year-long sponsor; a
corporate partner plaque; (2) tables of (10) at the Thursday and Friday Luncheons; and (2) exhibit tables. $17,500 is tax-deductible.
B. Supporting Sponsor $10,000 ____ (Includes name and logo on all registration materials and information; special “Workshop Sponsor”
designation; (10) Thursday registrations; (10) Friday registrations; (2) “Full Retreat” (2-day) registrations that includes (2) hotel nights,
Wed. & Thurs., April 2-3; a table of (10) at both the Thursday and Friday Luncheons; and (1) exhibit table. $7,000 is tax-deductible.
C. “Wo-mentoring” Sponsor $5,000 ____ (Includes Logo on registration materials; (5) Thursday registrations; (1) exhibit table; (5)
Friday registrations; and (1) table of (10) at the Thursday or Friday Luncheon. $3,000 is tax-deductible.
D. Individual Corporate “Full Retreat” Registration $899.00 ____ (Includes (1) “Full Retreat” (2-day) registration, meals, events, materials
and (2) nights hotel accommodation/single occupancy). $400 is tax-deductible.
E. Individual Corporate Registration $349.00 _______ (Includes (1) “One-day Retreat” registration, meals, and materials. (No hotel
accommodations are included) $199.00 is tax-deductible.
F. We would like our organization to be included as a special donor to the 2015 Women of Color Foundation 13th Anniversary Retreat
Scholarship Fund, at the following level:________$2,000 (Partner) _______$1,500 (Mentor) ________$1,000 (Supporter)
Please send a copy of this entire form and your check/purchase order by Monday, March 23, 2015 to:
Women of Color Foundation
50 Public Square, Suite 832, Cleveland, Ohio 44113
or contact: Ms. Alexandria Johnson Boone at: 216/391-4300, ext. 305 • Fax: 216/391-4224
aboone@womenofcolorevents.com ■ www.womenofcolorfoundation.com