TRIBE Charity Challenge

TRIBE Charity Challenge
May 25 – June 26
TRIBE Charity Challenge registrants will be organized into teams of 6 – 8
people by the Wellness Centre staff. Teams will then compete to earn points
for the duration of this 5-week fitness challenge. Points are awarded for
completing cardiovascular, resistance, flexibility training and group exercise.
Earn bonus points through TRIBE circuit training, submitting a TRIBE Spirit
photo or completing Pop-Up challenges. The TRIBE to earn the highest
amount of points will select a registered charity of their choice to donate the
challenge monies to.
How do I sign up?
1) Click here to register on-line.
2) Come to the Wellness Centre desk and make a minimum $20.00 donation using a debit or credit
3) Try on a sample t-shirt and tell us what size you want (the cost of the t-shirts are being covered by the
Wellness Centre, so the total amount you’re donating goes directly to charity).
How does it work?
Teams will be formed to include members with strengths in 4 areas of fitness – cardio, resistance, flexibility
training and group exercise. Each team will be provided matching coloured t-shirts and a corresponding team
If you would like to pay more than the minimum donation we encourage you to do so – any additional monies
collected will go to the winning team’s charity. To increase motivation and awareness, each team will be
asked to identify the charity they are playing for at the start of the challenge. Participants of the winning
TRIBE will receive a tax receipt for an equal portion of all donations given in their name to the TRIBE’S
selected charity. Visit the Loop to learn more about Nexen’s charitable donation matching program.
How do I earn points?
All activities must be completed in the Wellness Centre or begin or end at the Wellness Centre to count
towards your team points. Commuting to work via cycling, running or walking will also count towards your
point total – be sure to start or finish at the Wellness Centre. Record your points in the TRIBE Charity
Challenge binders located at the main Wellness Centre desk. All points must be recorded by end of day
each Monday for the previous week.
Points can be earned as follows:
Flexibility training
Moderate-Vigorous Cardiovascular exercise
Resistance Training
Group Exercise Classes
o 15 minute Meditation class
o 45 minutes
o 60 minutes
1 point/minute
2 points/minute
3 points/set
15 points
70 points
100 points
Can our team earn bonus points?
Yes! Team spirit is encouraged and rewarded.
TRIBE Circuit Training once/week
40 bonus pts/team (-5 pts/missing team member)
The circuits will consist of 4 rounds of 5 exercises. To allow space for completion as a team
the circuits will be designed to utilize equipment in the Pulse and/or Power studio.
Team Spirit Photo
40 points/team (-5 pts/missing team member)
Be creative with your team spirit photo and be sure to have all TRIBE members dressed in
their challenge t-shirt. They will be posted alongside the weekly results in the Wellness
Pop-Up Challenges
To Be Announced
‘Pop-Up’ challenges will be announced at the beginning of the weeks they occur allowing
teams to complete the challenge sometime during that week. This is a great way to earn
bonus points and show your competitive spirit.
How do I track my points?
Record your exercise minutes after each workout in the TRIBE Charity Challenge binders at the main
Wellness Centre desk. Each week we will tabulate scores and post the results in the Wellness Centre. This
information will also be sent to each team via email.
What if a team member drops out partway through the challenge?
Teams may continue the challenge if they lose a team member due to injury, medical reason or if a member
leaves the Company. Weekly team scores will be adjusted to allow smaller teams to remain competitive for
the remainder of the challenge.
If you have questions or require clarification, please call or email the Wellness Centre staff.
Wellness Centre Team
Michele Merrell
Paul Larmer
Randy Smith
Logan Brennan
T: (403) 699-6400
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