MEETING MINUTES NEYTCO Limited - Community Interest Company Company Number - 09071251 Meeting Title Date: West Midlands Region Members Meeting th 24 February 2015 Time: 6.45pm Called by: Meeting Type: Facilitator: Note Taker: Time Keeper: Attendees Penny Webb, Anita Sony, Anne Gladstone Open Penny Webb Anita Soni Location: MBK Training Millenium House, Studley Penny Webb, Tricia Wellings, Anne Gladstone, Matt Stanford, Kathryn Stinton, AnitaSoni Apologies: Helen Moylett, Deborah Fielden, Tania Swift, Jo Lynton Agenda Topic: Introductions Presented By: Discussion: Everyone introduced themselves. Conclusions: Action Taken Responsible Person Deadline Agenda Topic: Presented By: Discussion: Setting the scene Penny Webb Penny explained how NEYTCO had come about. She explained that the organisation is keen to develop peer support for both experienced and new trainers and consultants e.g. In terms of space, resources or practical things such as projectors. It can also support in relation to covering training booked. It also acts as a national resource that early years providers can use to find training and consultancy. There is no current budget to support the network. There are some international connections. There was the suggestion from Tricia that NEYTCO could apply to national Lottery. There was discussion over making links with Teaching Schools. Conclusions: Action Taken Responsible Person Deadline Agenda Topic: Presented By: Report back from first Regional Leads meeting in Manchester Anne Gladstone A Community Interest Group National Early Years Trainers & Consultants Weybridge Brooklands Business Park, Wellington Way, Weybridge KT13 0TT T 020 8941 4996 / E / Company number 09071251. Neytco is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Discussion: Anne shared that NEYTCO is aiming to be regionally focused, not focused on London alone. She shared that NEYTCO has some key principles and a positive ethos wanting to be a '...quirky, funky, useful organisation.' Anne shared some future ideas as such negotiations in place for BT IT training, webinars with key speakers and member benefits. Conclusions: Action Taken Agenda Topic: Presented By: Discussion: Responsible Person Deadline Report from Westminster Penny Webb This event was by PLA and titled 'Working together to deliver the early years agenda.' Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister, was speaking. Penny had a question to ask on baseline assessment but was unable to ask and felt it was more about promoting the party. There were points raised about the hidden costs of childcare by PLA. Nick Clegg was focused on the value of having QTS. Conclusions: Action Taken Responsible Person Deadline Agenda Topic: Presented By: Discussion: Conclusions: What will NEYTCO West Midlands Region look like? All Ways forward were discussed and some actions agreed. Finding out about each other through a 'teach meet' at next meeting in June. Suggestions for the future: Shared books and access to journals. Suggestion for national NEYTCO: national chat on a certain night of the week on twitter focusing on key issues Actions: Responsible Person Deadline Forward emails from national organisation to those in West Midlands with a note to say if you don't want it to let Anne know. Anne Contact West Midlands Teaching Schools Anne Set up a drop box and email current participants about sharing short 1 page cv Anne to send with a view to sharing ‘trainer information packages’ with organisations who may invitations, forward be commissioning training. Members not present will be invited by Anne to emails to Matt. Matt participate and can then be invited to Dropbox. to invite to Dropbox. AOB Current suggestions from National Organisation of NEYTCO: NEYTCO are encouraging people to use the logo and to update or review your profile. They are looking at setting up a DBS service. Jo Verrill at CEEDA is looking at research reviewing the impact of how CPD has impacted on children's outcomes. Date of next meeting: 2.6.15, 6.30pm for 6.45pm with a ‘Teach Meet’ at MBK Training, Millennium House, Studley, Warwickshire B80 7HJ. A Community Interest Group National Early Years Trainers & Consultants Weybridge Brooklands Business Park, Wellington Way, Weybridge KT13 0TT T 020 8941 4996 / E / Company number 09071251. Neytco is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales.
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