CCC-501 Rev. Nov 2012 California Community Colleges Application Date March 22, 2015 Mar APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL NEW CREDIT PROGRAM / 18 UNIT CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT International Entrepreneurship/Global Exporting Kim Harrell PROPOSED PROGRAM TITLE CONTACT PERSON Folsom Lake College CTE Dean COLLEGE TITLE Los Rios Community College District 916) 608-6686 DISTRICT PHONE NUMBER Spring 2016 PROJECTED PROGRAM START DATE E-MAIL ADDRESS GOAL(S) OF PROGRAM (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): __X_ CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) ___ OTHER ___ TRANSFER TYPE OF PROGRAM (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ___ A.A. DEGREE ___ A.S. DEGREE CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT: X quarter) units 12-18 semester (or 18-27 quarter) units 18+ semester (or 27+ PLANNING SUMMARY Recommended T.O.P. Code 0508 Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis 18 Total Units for Degree Required Units-Certificate 18 DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA NARRATIVE & DOCUMENTATION Number the sections of the narrative to match the lists below. Do not re-number the sections. Provide documentation in the form of attachments as indicated. Criteria A. Appropriateness to Mission #2 of CCC-501 original form Catalog Description #3 of CCC-501 original form Program Requirements Criteria B. Need #7 of CCC-501 original form #8 of CCC-501 original form Similar programs at other colleges in service area Labor Market Information & Analysis (CTE only) Before completing question #8 above consider addressing the following questions: Net Job Market Given the number of enrollments projected for the program and necessary to support the program, are there enough openings locally to permit placement of the expected number of graduates, CCC-501 Rev. Nov 2012 taking into account off the numbers of graduates available from similar programs within the same geographic region? Has the job market been: declining slowly? Steady? Growing slowly? Growing rapidly? Newly emerging? Earning Potential What is the average initial salary? What is the average percentage of salary increase in 2 years? 5 years? Program Credibility/Career Potential Is there sufficient evidence that employers would preferentially hire or promote graduates with this education, other things being equal? How likely is it that employees with only the education provided by this program, and lacking experience, will b hired at all? Or that experienced employees with only this education would be promoted? If advanced degrees are typically needed for career advancement, will the courses required for this program transfer towards completion of the requirements for those degrees? Will this preparation permit students to stay current in their field? Does the program teach basic principles and theory, as well as applications? Is it current? Is it of sufficient rigor to assure the capacity to continue to follow the literature and learn new techniques? Is it of sufficient generality to allow for later shifts in career? Does this preparation provide a significant secondary expertise to primary careers? Is it designed primarily or in part to meet the needs of those already employed for upward mobility, entrepreneurship, or other career upgrade? Does it prepare students to work in an ethnically diverse workforce and an ethnically diverse, global market? Justification of sufficient Labor Market Need Labor Market Information. Include projections from LMI for the most applicable OES codes and geographical regions to be served by the program. If these projections do not appear to suggest adequate job openings to provide employment for all program completers, given existing training sources, then the application must expand what other occupation targeted by the program, please explain. Job Market Analysis (Employer Survey). Include information demonstrating the relations of the proposed program to a job market analysis. The job market analysis should present evidence that there is a viable job market that will preferentially hire those graduating with the proposed degree or certificate COE (Center of Excellence) Reports Criteria A. Appropriateness to Mission Part of Folsom Lake College’s Mission, which is aligned with the three-pronged mission of the California Community College system, is to provide rigorous academic programs for completion and transfer and training to enhance employment and career skills. The International Entrepreneurship/Global Exporting Certificate is designed to train and develop students who can either start a new global business or work in an existing global business. Therefore this program serves the intent of the college and system missions. CCC-501 Rev. Nov 2012 2. Catalog Description This program provides an overview of international business and global exporting. The certificate program focuses on what it takes to launch a small global enterprise and/or take a small business global. The program focuses on global entrepreneurship skills, and the key training necessary to operate and manage a global business. This program is designed for students interested in entrepreneurship, small business management, and international business occupations. 3. Program Requirements Required Courses in Program BUS300: Introduction to Business BUS350: Small Business Management/Entrepreneurship BUS330: Managing Diversity in the Workplace BUS355: Introduction to Global Entrepreneurship BUS356: Global Business Operations ECON304: Principles of Microeconomics MKT300: Principles of Marketing Unit Value (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) or Total Units: 18 Criteria B. Need 7. Other Similar Programs in the Area American River College, Cosumnes River College, Sacramento City College, Lake Tahoe, Sierra, Woodland, and Yuba have small business and entrepreneurship programs (TOP 0506.40) to help fill this labor market void. American River College, Cosumnes River College, Sacramento City College, Lake Tahoe and Sierra have General Business and Commerce degrees and certificates (TOP 0510.00). American River College, Cosumnes River College, Sacramento City College, Folsom Lake College, Sierra and Lake Tahoe have Marketing and Distribution Degrees and Certificates (TOP 0509.00). The TOP code for this proposed program is 0508.00 - International Business and Trade. The only college in the North Far North region that has a program in this TOP is Lake Tahoe Community College with their A.A. degree in International Business and Trade. 8. Labor Market Information & Analysis Greater Sacramento Area Regional Labor Market Data The Greater Sacramento area has been identified as the sixth largest exporting city in California and according to the U.S. International Trade Administration, the Sacramento region is the nation's 53rd largest export market. Small business has been identified as a priority sector for the North Far North region. This program would train students to be hired in the following standard occupational classification codes (SOC) and job titles. CCC-501 Rev. Nov 2012 SOC Code Job Title Number Employed 2013 Projected Employment 2016 11-3071 13-1199 43-5011 11-9199 Total Logistics Managers Customs Brokers Cargo & Freight Agents Compliance Managers 657 15,361 228 5259 21,505 671 15,842 247 5433 22,193 In the Greater Sacramento region in 2013, 21,505 people were employed in the four job titles/SOC listed. The projected employment for these four job titles/SOC in 2016 is 22,193. The projected annual openings over the 2013 - 2016 period is 688. Source: Labor market data is provided by the Center of Excellence. EMSI occupation employment data are based on final EMSI industry data and final EMSI staffing patterns. Wage estimates are based on Occupational Employment Statistics (QCEW and Non-QCEW Employees classes of worker) and the American Community Survey (Self-Employed and Extended Proprietors). Occupational wage estimates also affected by county-level EMSI earnings by industry. Net Job Market The 5-year average annual program completers for the colleges providing programs in the four TOP codes itemized above in "Other Similar Programs in the Area" total 180. The average annual total supply from all sources does not add to this figure. The SOC code job market analysis shows the average annual openings are 688. The workforce training annual gap is 507 for the Greater Sacramento area. With a projected addition of 20 annual completers from Folsom Lake College's proposed program, this program is needed to help fill the workforce training gap in this sector. Earning Potential Wage data for the SOC codes identified for this program show high earning potential. SOC Code Job Title 11-3071 13-1199 43-5011 Logistics Manager Customs Broker Cargo & Freight Agents Compliance Managers 11-9199 Starting Hourly Earnings (Pct. 10) $23.66 $22.23 $11.87 Median Hourly Earnings $40.05 $31.44 $19.24 State Annual Mean Wage* $95,720 $79,710 $53,300 $19.14 $32.62 $130,940 Source: Labor market data is provided by the Center of Excellence (COE). The report uses data from the California Labor Market Information Department. EMSI occupation employment data are based on final EMSI industry data and final EMSI staffing patterns. Wage estimates are based on Occupational Employment Statistics (QCEW and Non-QCEW Employees classes of worker) and the American Community Survey (Self-Employed and Extended Proprietors). Occupational wage estimates also affected by county-level EMSI earnings by industry. * State annual mean wage data provided by the Bureau of Labor Market Statistics, May 2014 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates for California CCC-501 Rev. Nov 2012 The entry level qualifications for this field is a high school diploma (COE, 2014), but additional training is required for employment as evidenced by the recently released report, What Gets to Count? Constructing a Skills-Builder Success Metric. Skills builders are defined as "people who master higher-level career and technical education skills and stop taking courses, but do not complete community college or transfer to a four-year institution." This report shows none of the students identified as skill-builders in Global Trade and Logistics (defined as) were currently earning a living wage. After course taking in Global Trade & Logistics, these students saw a 27% increase in earnings amounting to an average annual dollar value increase of $6,034. The impact of this change in earnings for students in Global Trade and Logistics enabled 60% of the students to earn a living wage after course taking. Interestingly, skill-builders demonstrate a higher dollar value annual increase in pay than completers in this field who earn, on average, $2,344 more per year. Source: Booth, K., Fuller, R., & Ommeren, A. (2015). What Gets to Count? Constructing a Skills-Builder Success Metric. Program Credibility/Career Potential Although advanced degrees in this field are not necessarily required, should a student wish to go on to attain a 4-year degree in this field, all 18 of the units in these courses transfer to the CSU system 6 of the units transfer to the UC system. This program provides training in basic business principles, marketing, and microeconomics to provide students with foundational knowledge. Business 356 and Business 330 will allow students to work successfully in an ethnically diverse workforce and global market and Business 330 fulfills the college's Ethnic and Multicultural Studies requirement. As these courses are continually revised for relevancy and currency through advisory board input, incumbent workers will be able to stay up-to-date in the field in an increasingly diverse environment. This program will provide opportunities for both entry-level workers interest in the field and upward mobility for incumbent workers. Justification of sufficient Labor Market Need Based on the labor market information and analysis, there is sufficient justification of the need for this certificate. There is a viable job market that will preferentially hire those who build skills in this area and/or graduate with the proposed certificate. Is this program fully or partially online? If “yes”, what percentage online? YES X NO 100% Date the proposed program was announced to the Regional consortium 3-26-14 Date the proposed program was approved by the local district Board of Trustees 2-12-14 Please Note NFNRC Program Endorsement Guidelines System Office has delegated 2 responsibilities to Consortium. 1) Assess if there is a sufficient labor market to justify program 2) Not an unnecessary duplication of program
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