Document 153461

Nlewsletter of lEl1e Societ¥ of Surgical IDocolog):" loc.
Wiioter 2003
Colon cancer crusader Katie Couric to accept
James Ewing Layman Award
d~~on new, p",onrui~
Katie Couric, who has made
the threat of colon
cancer a focus in
both her work and personal
life, will accept SSO's 2003
James Ewing Layman Award
during the 56th Annual
Cancer Symposium in
Los Angeles, March 5-9.
The award is presented annually at the SSO President's Banquet to a
non-physician who has made a significant
contribution to improving the care of
cancer patients. Previous winners have
included Tommy Thompson, Laurance
Rockefeller, Armand Hammer, Roger
Smith, Norman Schwarzkopf and
Arnold Palmer.
SSO President Dr. John M. Daly,
Philadelphia, PA, said Couric's "tireless
efforts to bring to the forefront the need
for colorectal screening to reduce mortali-
ty associated with large bowel cancer have
truly saved countless lives."
In May 2001, Couric was honored
with a prestigious George Foster
Peabody award for her series,
Headliner Award, and the Society of
Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta
Chi award. Her piece on colon cancer also
contributed to NBC News' 2001 Edward
R. Murrow award for Overall Excellence
in the news department.
Couric knew little about colon
cancer when her husband Jay
Monahan received a diagnosis of
advanced colon cancer in 1997.
He died the next year, two weeks
after his 42nd birthday. In March
2000, she launched a national
campaign aimed at increasing
awareness of the disease that
landed her on the cover of Time
Magazine. Couric, Lilly Tartikoff, and the
Entertainment Industry Foundation established the National Colorectal Cancer
Research Alliance (NCCRA) to end the
threat of colon cancer through education,
new research and regular medical screenings.
"Katie Couric's tireless
efforts to bring to the forefront the need for colorectal
screening to reduce mortality
associated with large bowel cancer
have truly saved countless lives. "
"Confronting Colon Cancer," which aired
on "Today," the NBC News morning program she co-anchors. As a part of the series,
she underwent a colonoscopy on camera in
an effort to demystifY the exam for viewers.
She has also won six Emmys, an Associated
Press Award, a Matrix Award, a National
... continued on page 2
SSO/WFSOS joint meeting to feature international perspective
on emerging cancer management strategies
SSO's 56th Annual Cancer Symposium and the 3rd World
Congress of the World Federation of Surgical Oncology
Societies (WFSOS) will bring an exciting international perspective to emerging cancer management strategies. The
meeting takes place March 5-9, 2003, at the Century Plaza
Hotel, Los Angeles.
"This joint meeting with the WFSOS will provide a stimulating
international discussion on important issues in surgical oncology," said Scientific Program Chair Dr. Steven Leach, Baltimore,
MD. "It will feature a program designed to update attendees on
the latest strategies and controversies in the management of solid
tumors, while providing members with a glimpse of new developments in molecular therapy and genomics - subjects that
continue to revolutionize cancer management
in the 21st Century."
The meeting begins Wednesday,
March 5, with a day of scientific
presentations by the WFSOS.
A series of innovative symposia
designed to provide surgeons
with a glimpse of the specialty's progress and its
future follow on
Thursday, March 6.
... continued on page 4
56th Annual Cancer Symposium presents
vision of specialty's future ByDr.JohnM.Daly
In just a few short months, the membership will convene in Los Angeles for
SSO's 56th Annual Cancer Symposium.
This joint meeting
with the World
Federation of
Surgical Oncology
Societies promises
an in depth look at
recent advances in
surgical care and will
feature many promiDr. John M. Daly
nent surgeons and
speakers from around the world.
In addition to research and patient care,
SSO is achieving incredible success in the
publishing world. The latest "impact factor" ratings show that Annals of Surgical
Oncology continues to gain prestige among
researchers. The Institute of Scientific
Information ranked our publication 6
of 139 surgery journals, and 25 of 107
oncology titles in 200l.
Submissions for publication are also on
the increase. As a result, Annals will fea-
pressing legislative issues as the health
care industry undergoes continuous
change. Besides serving as a valuable
information source, the State Action
Center also enables members to contact
state and local representatives to express
opinions about pending legislation. It also
allows surgeons to become an important
factor in the ongoing debate about the
future of health care in this country.
In closing, I extend heartfelt thanks to all
SSO members for allowing me to serve
as your president this past year. It has
been a true privilege representing you
''As you can see, we have accom- and an honor to follow in the footDr. Steven Leach and members of
plished much this year, yet our
steps of those who came before me.
the Program Committee continue
to devote long hours toward putting
you can see, we have accomplished
work continues. "
much this year, yet our work contintogether a program that will highlight the latest advances in cancer treatture additional room for published articles ues. We can all be confident in the judgment and research. We welcome WFSOS
in 2003. I congratulate Dr. Charles Balch ment and abilities of Dr. Alfred Cohen,
President Prof. Niall O'Higgins and his
who will begin his presidency at the SSO
for a job well done.
colleagues to this educational program.
Annual Business Meeting and successfully
lead our Society into the future. I thank
SSO has joined with the American
you for your confidence and look forward
As the leading organization of cancer
College of Surgeons to launch the new
to seeing you in March. @i
surgery specialists, we have a compelling
State Legislative Action Center, which
responsibility to ensure our members have will allow surgeons to keep informed of
opportunities to further develop their
practices and expand their knowledge.
For this reason, we are creating a new
continued from page 1
Education Committee, made up of members from the CME, Scientific Program,
Couric became co-anchor of "Today" in 1991, after joining the program the
Publications, and Website Committees.
previous year as its first national correspondent. An honors graduate of the
This new committee will help coordinate
University of Virginia, she had joined NBC News as deputy Pentagon corresfurther education efforts on behalf of SSO
pondent in 1989. She was previously a general assignment reporter with WRCmembers, devote ample resources and
TV; the NBC Television station in Washington, DC, where she won an Emmy
experience in crafting worthwhile educaand an Associated Press Award for her work. She began her television news
tional programs, and make certain we
career as a desk assistant for the ABC News bureau in her native Washington
continue to master new breakthroughs
before working for CNN in Washington and Atlanta and
in Miami.
in clinical research and patient treatment.
Highlights of Couric's career include a groundbreaking political interview
We are also participating in the formation
with First Lady Laura Bush just prior to President Bush's inauguration, the
of an ad hoc committee to oversee the
first television interview with First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, the farewell
accreditation of breast fellowship prointerview with Joint Chiefs of Staff General Colin Powell, and General Norman
grams. Working closely with the AmeriSchwarzkopf's first interview after the Persian Gulf War. She anchored two
can Societies of Breast Surgeons and
days of live coverage from Littleton, Colorado, following the shooting rampage
Breast Diseases, we will maintain our
at Columbine High School in April 1999. Her critically acclaimed interview
leadership role in this expanding field
with the father of one of the victims and the brother of another made national
and create standards of excellence for
headlines. @i
existing programs.
Colon Cancer Crusader ...
Dr. Eva Singletary nominated President-Elect;
Dr. Timothy Eberlein, Vice President for 2003-2004
Dr. S. Eva Singletary, Houston, TX, has been nominated
President-Elect of SSO for 2003-04, announced Nominating
Committee Chair Dr. Glenn D. Steele, Jr., Danville, PA.
He has been a member of several committees, including the
Legislative Affairs, Continuing Medical Education, Local
Arrangements and Nominating Committees. He is a former
member of the Executive Committee of the Editorial Board
of Annals of Surgical Oncology.
SSO will hold elections at its Annual Business Meeting,
Saturday, March 8, 2003, when Dr. Alfred M. Cohen,
Lexington, KY, becomes SSO President, succeeding Dr.
John M. Daly, Philadelphia, PA.
Dr. Cance is Professor and Chairman,
Department of Surgery at the University
of Florida, Gainesville, and Associate
Director for Clinical Affairs of the
University of Florida/Shands Cancer
Other candidates slated by the Nominating Committee include
Dr. Timothy J. Eberlein, St. Louis, MO, Vice President;
Dr. William G. Cance, Gainesville, FL, Treasurer; and Drs.
Mitchell C. Posner, Chicago, and Monica Morrow, Chicago,
for three-year terms on the Executive Council.
Dr. Cance is a member of the Issues and
Government Affairs Committee and sits on
Dr. William Cance
the Editorial Board of Annals of Surgical
Oncology. He previously served on the SSO Executive Council,
Continuing Medical Education Committee and Scientific
Program Committee, which he chaired in 1998.
Mail-in ballots to determine the next Councillor-at-Large
were recently sent to the voting membership. SSO members
will choose between Dr. Jeffrey Drebin, St. Louis, MO, and
Dr. Anton Bilchik, Santa Monica, CA. The new Councillorat-Large will be announced at the Annual Cancer Symposium.
Dr. Singletary is Professor of Surgery,
Department of Surgical Oncology at the
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, and Chair of the AJCC
Breast Task Force.
Dr. Posner is Professor of Surgery and
Chief of Surgical Oncology at the
University of Chicago Pritzker School of
Medicine. He is Director of the school's
Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program and
a professor at the Cancer Research Center.
Currently SSO Vice President, Dr.
Singletary serves on SSO's Constitution and
Bylaws, and Planning Committees. She is
Dr. Eva Singletary
the Breast Section Editor for Annals of
Surgical Oncology, and has served on the Publications, Issues and
Government Affairs, Nominating and Program Committees.
An SSO member since 1992, Dr. Posner
serves on the Training Program Directors
Dr. Mitchell Posner
Subcommittee. He previously served on the
Membership Committee and was the Scientific Program
Committee Chair for the 55th Annual Cancer Symposium
in Denver. Dr. Posner was awarded the Society's "Best Paper
in Clinical Research" in 1988.
In addition, she was program chair for the Society's 53rd Annual
Cancer Symposium, held in New Orleans, and served as Councillorat-Large for the SSO Executive Council from 1996-1999.
Dr. Morrow is Professor of Surgery, Northwestern University Feinberg School of
Medicine, and Director of the Lynn Sage
Comprehensive Breast Program at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago.
Dr. Eberlein is Bixby Professor and
Chairman, Department of Surgery,
Washington University School of Medicine,
St. Louis. He is also Surgeon-in-Chief,
Barnes-J ewish Hospital, and Director of
the institution's Siteman Cancer Center.
Dr. Morrow has served on the Executive
Council from 1993-1996, and on the Issues
Committee from 1990-1997. A former
Dr. Monica Morrow
member of the Annals of Surgical Oncology
Editorial Board, she also was Secretary-Treasurer of the James
Ewing Foundation. In 1994, she chaired the SSO Committee on
Standards for the Diagnosis and Management of Breast Disease.
Dr. Eberlein chairs the SSO Finance
Committee, is a member of the Publications Dr. Timothy Eberlein
Committee and SSO Representative to the American Board of
Surgery. He is current SSO Treasurer and previously served a
three-year term on the Executive Council. Dr. Eberlein also
chaired the Society's 1994 and 1995 Annual Meetings.
SSOIWFSOS joint meeting to feature international perspective ... continued from page 1
Major program topics include:
Esserman, San Francisco, will oversee this presentation
on treating breast cancer, including the role of endocrine
therapy, future roles of aromatase inhibitors
and the importance of correlative science in
advancing hormonal therapy.
• Genomic Medicine: Molecular Approaches to Cancer
Care - Drs. James R. Howe, Iowa City, IA,
and Thomas K. Weber, New York City, mod-
erate this presentation that will update attendees
on topics including genome-wide gene expression in cancer, hypermethylation in colorectal
cancer and colon cancer chemoprevention.
The meeting also features several prominent
cancer experts in a series of presentations. On
Thursday, March 6, Prof. Niall O'Higgins,
Dublin, Ireland, presents the WFSOS Presidential Address. SSO President Dr. John M.
Daly, Philadelphia, PA, delivers the SSO
Presidential Address Friday, March 7.
• Breast Cancer Update: Surgery, Radiation and
Systemic Therapy - Drs. Kelly K. Hunt and
Anthony Lucci, Houston, TX, will lead a discussion on implications of BRCA testing, the
impact of aromatase inhibitors on early breast
cancer, and provide an update on accelerated
radiation therapy in BRCA patients.
The American Cancer Society/SSO Basic Science
Lecture, March 7, features the insights of Dr.
ArnoldJ. Levine, Visiting Professor, Microbiology Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ. Dr. Andrew von
Eschenbach, Director of the National Cancer Institute, presents the James Ewing Lecture on Saturday, March 8. Finally,
Dr. John Wong, Professor and Head, Department of Surgery,
University of Hong Kong Medical Center, is the John Wayne
Clinical Research Lecturer, March 8.
• How Much is Enough? Clinical Volumes and Quality Care in
Surgical Oncology - Moderated by Drs. Harry D. Bear,
Richmond, VA, and Walley Temple, Calgary, ON, Canada,
this SSOIWFSOS combined symposium will cover surgical
volume standards and data behind the volume quality relationship.
In planning the meeting's scientific offering, the Program
Committee reviewed a record-high 433 submitted abstracts,
selecting 100 for oral presentation and over 130 for poster presentation. These presentations cover important issues concerning cancer research and treatment options, as well as a variety
of surgical sub-specialties.
• Update on Randomized Trials in Gastric, Colorectal and
Pancreatic Cancer - These presentations cover adjuvant
therapy in gastric cancer, showcase results from randomized
clinical trials in laparoscopic colectomy and pancreatic
cancer, and highlight the future of treating rectal cancer
with total mesorectal excision. Moderated by Drs. Elin
R. Sigurdson, Philadelphia, PA, and Samuel A. Wells, Jr.,
Durham, NC.
"These sessions shed light on the innovative investigations that
will provide the foundation for future clinical breakthroughs,"
Dr. Leach explained.
• No Consensus Here: An Update on Adjuvant Therapy for
Melanoma - Dr. Kelly M. McMasters, Louisville, KY,
moderates this presentation, which includes the advantages
of vaccines for adjuvant therapy and treating melanoma
with biochemotherapy.
Other highlights include "Meet the Professor Breakfasts,"
where featured speakers of international prominence discuss
the latest challenges in surgical oncology in a more intimate
setting; the Cine Clinic, where noted experts narrate films
of surgical procedures; and plenary sessions showcasing some
of the best research taking place around the world.
• Multidisciplinary Treatment Planning for the Cancer Patient:
The Interactive Tumor Board - Case presentations involving
pancreatic adenocarcinoma, complex hepatic cancer and
esophageal carcinoma are discussed in detail by a panel of
noted experts. Dr. Mitchell C. Posner, Chicago, moderates.
During the Annual Heritage Presentation held Friday, March 7,
Past President Dr. William C. Wood, Atlanta, GA, will honor
one of his predecessors, Dr. Donald L. Morton, Santa Monica,
CA, SSO President from 1992-1993.
• The How, When and Why of Surgical Prophylaxis in High-Risk
Patients - Drs. Jose G. Guillem, New York City, and
Kenneth Offit, New York City, will moderate this joint
SSO/ASCO program that covers )reastcartcer, MEN
syndromes, FAPIHNPCC, and ovarian cancer. A question
and answer session follows.
Reaching out to embrace the next generation of members, SSO
will host a special educational luncheon on minimally invasive
surgery, Saturday, March 8, for fellows in SSO approved training programs. Dr. Philipp Dahm, Durham, NC, winner of
last year's James Ewing Young Investigator Award, and Drs.
John A. Olson, Jr. and Peter C. Wu, last year's James Ewing
Oncology Fellowship for Basic Research winners, have been
invited to present an update on their research during the Friday
morning session. II
• Evidence-Based and Cost-Effective Strategies for Preoperative
Staging of the Cancer Patient - Dr. Daniel G. Coit,
New York City, moderates.
• Cutting Edge Strategies: Optimizing Surgical and Medical
Treatment of Breast Cancer - Moderator Dr. Laura J.
Society to accredit breast fellowship programs
An ad hoc committee comprising members
The educational objectives for the breast feltreatment while ensuring that participating
of the SSO Training Committee, the
lowship program will include breast imaging,
programs meet the high standards set by the
breast surgery, community service and outAmerican Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBS) Society," Dr. Kurtzman said. "These fellowand the American
ships will provide surgeons, radiation oncolreach, genetics, medical oncology, pathology,
Society of Breast
ogists and medical oncologists with a broad
plastic and reconstructive surgery, psychoDiseases (ASBD) is
range of experience in caring for patients
oncology, radiation oncology and research.
with breast diseases."
Each breast fellow will participate in a minideveloping guidelines
for the accreditation
mum of 50 operative procedures, including
Breast fellowship program directors interestdiagnostic biopsies, partial and complete
of breast fellowship
ed in participating in the Society's matching
mastectomies, axillary node disprograms, reportsections, sentinel node biopsies
ed Dr. Scott
breast fellowship program should
and reconstructive procedures.
Dr. Scott Kurtzman Farmington, CT,
In addition, the ad hoc commitbe designed to complement an instiTraining Committee Chair.
tee recommends experience with
tution surgical residency program..." stereotactic- and ultrasoundCreating guidelines for accreditation
guided breast biopsy.
is the first step in establishing a breast
According to Dr. Kurtzman, success
fellowship matching program, tentatively
program must affirm that their programs
depends on providing exposure to and
sche<;luled for October 2003. With roughmeet the approved guidelines. Over the next
ly 25 breast fellowship programs across
three years, Training Committee members
experience in the multidisciplinary
the country, ASBS and ASBD approached
will visit participating institutions and verify
management of breast disorders.
the Society in 2001 about working togeth- that each meets the minimum standards set
"A breast fellowship program should be
er to set standards for each training proby the ad hoc committee. Those that do not
designed to complement an institution's
gram, then matching candidates with prowill be dropped from the program.
surgical residency program, providing
grams meeting those standards.
each trainee with an excellent educational
"We will work closely with participating
"Accrediting breast fellowship training proprograms to make certain they meet the
curriculum in the management of patients
grams will enable SSO to maintain its leadlevels of excellence set by SSO, ASBS and
with benign and malignant breast disease," he added. @i
ership role in breast cancer training and
ASBD," Dr. Kurtzman explained .
Joint SSO/ ASCO task force to review hereditary cancers
The document will cover familial adenomatous polyposis, hereditary
nonpolyposis colon cancer, breast, ovarian and MEN syndromes.
Surgeons who may only see a patient with Multiple Endocrine
Neoplasia (MEN) syndrome once a year will soon have a document to which they can turn for a timely review of prophylactic
surgery in hereditary forms of cancer.
A joint Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO)/American
Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) task force has
been established to critically examine the data available on surgical intervention in patients with hereditary cancers.
Co-chairs of the task force will be Drs. Jose G.
Guillem, New York, for SSO, and Kenneth Offit,
New York, for ASCO.
Dr. Charles A. Balch, Alexandria, VA, Editor-in-Chief of
The Annals of Surgical Oncology and Executive Vice
President and CEO of ASCO, said the joint task force
is addressing "an important and timely subject that is
important to the membership" of both organizations.
"The two organizations have been in closer communication in recent years, looking to identify areas
of mutual interest for collaboration. This joint task
force is an excellent example of an overall strategy
to work together for the mutual interests of our
Dr. Jose Guillem
members and the cancer patient," he added.
"Our purpose will be to apply SSO and ASCO expertise to develop an educational document that will be available to
all clinicians involved in the management of hereditary forms of
cancer. There has been much written on prophylactic surgery for
hereditary cancers. However, a review of the significant data is
not readily available in one single document," Dr. Guillem said.
Drs. Guillem and Offit will moderate a special program during
SSO's Annual Cancer Symposium at which other task force
members will speak. The program is entitled, "The How,
When and Why of Surgical Prophylaxis in High-Risk Patients."
Speakers include Drs. Beth Karlan, Los Angeles, Jeffrey F.
Moley, St. Louis, and William C. Wood, Atlanta. @i
Drs. Isabelle Bedrosian, Sharon Weber awarded
$30,000 James Ewing Oncology Fellowships
Drs. Isabelle Bedrosian, Houston, TX, and
Sharon M. Weber, Madison, WI, each have
been awarded $30,000 grants as recipients
of the James Ewing Oncology Fellowship
for Basic Research, reported Dr. RonaldJ.
Weigel, Philadelphia, PA, Fellowship and
Research Grant Committee Chair. The
awards will fund ongoing basic research
for one year, beginning in 2003.
Dr. Bedrosian will conduct her project,
"Cyclin E Deregulation in Colon
Cancer," at the University of Texas M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center, where she is a
Surgical Oncology Fellow and Clinical
Specialist in the Department of Clinical
Dr. Weber will work in the laboratory at the
University of WIsconsin's Comprehensive
Cancer Center. She is Assistant Professor
of Surgery at the University of WIsconsin
Medical School. Her project is 'H31I-NM404
in Murine Hepatocellular Carcinoma."
Dr. Bedrosian will conduct in vitro studies
to examine cyclin E deregulation in colon
cancers, with specific focus on the relative
importance of cyclin E deregulation in the
generation of tumors with chromosomal
instability compared to those with microsatellite instability. Its purpose is to better
understand the molecular events that underlie the development of chromosomal insta-
bility seen in most colon tumors. In a breast
cancer model, Dr. Bedrosian and her colDrs. Isabelle
Bedrosian (left),
and Sharon Weber
leagues have shown
that the most profound deregulation
of cyclin E in
tumor cells occurs through post-translational
modifications that generate several low molecular weight (LMW) isoforms.
Dr. Weber's project is aimed at evaluating
the use of radiolabeled phospholipid ether
for diagnostic imaging in a spontaneously
arising hepatocellular cancer model in
mice. Its purpose is to expand the diagnostic imaging options for patients with
unresectable hepatocellular cancer, the
most common solid organ malignancy
worldwide. Only 10-30% of patients with
these liver cancers are candidates for
surgery, and chemotherapy is largely ineffective in their treatment. Many patients
have multiple sites of disease, which are
Executive Council establishes Education Committee
At its October 7 meeting in San Francisco, the Executive Council approved the
formation of a new Education Committee
to coordinate all aspects of the Society's
member education programs.
SSO President Dr. John M. Daly,
Philadelphia, PA, recommended the
new committee be formed to better serve
the changing needs of the membership.
"Establishing a new Education
Committee is one response to the changes
taking place in the delivery of health care
to our patients," Dr. Daly said. "Steps
we take now to embrace future treatment
breakthroughs and innovative research
findings will enable SSO members to
remain at the forefront of our field."
The Education Committee will handle
the duties of the Publications Committee,
in addition to other continuing education
responsibilities. Its members will consist
of leaders from the CME, Scientific
Program and Website Committees,
and the Annals of Surgical Oncology
Editorial Board. i!Ill
sometimes difficult to detect with conventional imaging, including PET scans.
Detecting extrahepatic sites of disease will
aid in choosing the appropriate therapy
for these patients.
Drs. Bedrosian and Weber will provide
written reports on their research during
2003 and 2004 and will be invited to present their research at SSO's 2004 Annual
Meeting in New York. i!Ill
Applications for $20,000
Young Investigator
Award due February 5
Researchers have until February 5
to apply for the 2003 James Ewing
Young Investigator Award for
Clinical Research.
The award provides $20,000 to the
sponsoring institution for one year
beginning in July 2003, and may be
used for salary, supplies or travel in
support of a clinical research project.
Eligible applicants must be surgeons
within five years of their first faculty
appointment. They-must be sponsored by an active SSO member and
conduct research at that member's
institution. Clinical projects involving
human research must contain docu-mentation by the Institutional Review
Board inclusive of the protocol
approval date.
Award winners will submit a final
report (not exceeding four pages) one
year from the funding date. W1llllers
will also be asked to give a brief presentation at the Society's 2005 Annual
Meeting. Applications are available by
calling the SSO Executive Offices at
Completed applications (one original
and seven copies) should be sent to:
JEF Fellowship Awards Committee
85 W. Algonquin Road, Suite 550
Arlington Heights, IL 60005 i!Ill
Annals to feature 200 additional pages in 2003
Annals of Surgical Oncology, SSO's
According to Dr. Balch, having a short
lence by the number of times it is cited
r - - - - - - - - - - - - - , time frame between
peer-reviewed medical
in other medical journals.
journal, will feature an
acceptance and publicalSI's most recent study showed that Annals
additional 200 pages of
tion is important to
was cited in other medical journals a total
scientific articles in 2003.
authors, editors and readof 1,S47 times in 2001 - compared with
The move comes in light
ers. The Executive
1,439 in
of an increasing number
2000"Annals of Surgical Oncology is resulting in
of manuscript submissions
and will help reduce the
now ranked 6 of 139 surgery titles, an Impact
time between a paper's
Factor ratand 25 of 107 titles in oncology." ing
acceptance and publicaof3.30S.
Annals of
Council agreed with
"Manuscript submissions
Surgical Oncology is now ranked 6 of 139
the Editorial Board's
to Annals are on the rise.
surgery titles, and 25 of 107 titles in
recommendation for
We received more suboncology.
missions in the first eight
Manuscripts submitted for potential
months of 2002 than in
publication in Annals should be sent to:
all of 2001," said Dr. Charles M. Balch,
Along with its size, the Journal's Impact
Melissa Nunnally, editorial assistant,
Alexandria, VA, Editor-in-Chief.
Factor continues to increase. A publicaAnnals of Surgical Oncology, 3 30 John
"Expanding space in each issue will help
tion's Impact Factor, determined each year Carlyle St., Suite 300, Alexandria, VA
us bring important topics to our readers
by the Institute of Scientific Information
22314. Phone: 703/299-1185. E-mail:
in a more timely manner."
(1S1), ranks a publication's academic excel- @i
Matching Program places 36 candidates in approved training programs
Thirty-six residents who applied for surgical oncology training
positions were matched through the SSO Matching Program,
reports Dr. Scott Kurtzman, Farmington, CT, Training
Committee Chair. The program places candidates seeking
positions with SSO-approved training programs.
Following are the residents and institutions to which they
have been assigned:
• University of Chicago - Dr. Zahra Shafaee, Bronx, NY
• City of Hope National Medical Center - Drs. Colette Pemeijer,
Oregon, WI, Lisa M. Guirguis, Nashville, TN, and Glen R.
Gibson, West Lebanon, NH
• M.D. Anderson Cancer Center - Drs. Thomas A. Aloia,
Raleigh, NC, Robert Andtbacka, Montreal, Canada, Keith
Delman, Glen Cove, NY, Laura ~ambert, Lebanon, NH,
John Mullen, Brighton, MA, and Jennifer F. Tseng, Boston,
• Fox Chase Cancer Center - Drs. James Garber, Savannah, GA,
Leonard R. Henry, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and Ryan K.
Takamori, Houston, TX
• Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - Drs. Joseph
Bennett, Chicago, IL, David J. Bentrem, Chicago, IL,
Katherine T. Morris, Portland, OR, Kevin K Roggin,
Birmingham, AL, James Tomlinson, Santa Monica, CA,
Sandra L. Wong, Louisville, KY, and JenJen Yeh, Boston,
• Ohio State University - Dr. Henry J. Kaufman, Iv,
Chattanooga, TN
• Roswell Park Cancer Institute - Drs. Frank Cannizzo, Belle
Harbor, NY, Wade G. Douglas, Buffalo, NY, Ted James,
Manhasset, NY, andJ. Alexander Palesty, Woodbury, CT
• John Ulilyne Cancer Center - Drs. Joseph Kim, Cincinnati,
OH, Steve R. Martinez, Setauket, NY, Shawn E. Young,
Grand Rapids, MI, and Theresa Zogakis, Roseville, MN
• University of Miami - Dr. Sarah Snell, Louisville, KY
• Roger Williams Medical Center & Cancer CenterDr. Michael Di Siena, Mechanicville, NY
• H. Lee Moffitt Cancer & Research Institute - Drs. PamelaJ.
Hodul, La Grange Park, IL, and Quan P. Ly, Clementon, NJ
• University of Pittsburgh - Drs. Thomas C. Gamblin,
Macon, GA, Maryann Kivlen, North Potomac, MD,
and Sai Varanasi, Staten Island, NY @i
New Surgery State Legislative Action Center makes
it easy for SSO members to contact state lawmakers
A new Surgery State Legislative Action
Center in which SSO is participating
will make it easier for members to contact
their state legislators and track state legislative issues.
"The Action Center's software uses zip
code matching technology to connect SSO
members with their state legislators, even
if they have forgotten the lawmaker's name
and address. It will make it easy to generate letters and make direct contact when
issues get hot," said Christopher
Gallagher, Manager of State Affairs,
American College of Surgeons (ACS),
Washington, DC.
SSO is one of 12 surgical specialty organizations participating in the Surgery State
Legislative Action Center, hosted by ACS.
Members of each participating society
receive Internet access to a list of state leg-
islative issues or action alerts both their
organization and other participating specialty societies are advocating.
"In addition to areas of concern to surgical
oncologists, like development of state cancer plans, the State Action Center will
enable SSO members to add their support
to state level issues affecting the entire surgical community, such as the recent crisis
in skyrocketing professional liability insurance premiums," Gallagher said. "This
critical issue is having a profound impact
on patient access to care-leaving a growing number of community and teaching
hospitals as the sole portal for patients
seeking specialty care," he added.
A similar action program has been effective in helping surgeons make contacts at
the federal level, according to Gallagher.
"It's the first step to bringing many of our
surgeons into the advocacy processenabling the Society's leaders to identify
those individuals who are willing to reach
out to legislators, so that they can organize grass roots efforts that include
telephone and other direct contacts,"
he explained.
The Action Center is an electronic advocacy tool. It facilitates effective communication on legislative issues and helps to get
people involved in the legislative process.
Other participating organizations include
the American Association of Neurological
Surgeons, American Association of Clinical Urologists, American Society of
Colon and Rectal Surgeons, American
Society of General Surgeons, American
Society of Plastic Surgeons, and the
Society of American Gastrointestinal
Endoscopic Surgeons. I!Il!
SSO unveils revamped Website at
The Society's presence online received a fresh new look as
the Website Committee unveiled an updated, easier-tonavigate Website for visitors.
"We have updated the SSO Website to be more visually
appealing for users and provide a more functional setting
for finding useful information about SSO programs," said
committee chair Dr. Dido Franceschi, Miami, FL. "The
new format also lets us post timely information quickly due
to greater software compatibility."
Log onto to see the Website's new look
and to access important information at the click of a mouse.
Members can:
• View the scientific program for the March 6-9, 2003
Annual Meeting.
• Connect to the American College of Surgeons Legislative Action Center. Members can receive the latest infor-:mation on a variety of issues, including payment updates,
funding for trauma systems and an update on the Patients'·
Bill of Rights. The Action Center lets surgeons contact
Congressional and government leaders on pressing issues
in medical care and provides a guide for contacting media
outlets across the country.
• Access Annals of Surgical Oncology. Members can view
the complete publication online.
• View the Society's updated, annotated oncology bibliography. The bibliography is organized by disease sites and
features links to abstracts of articles included in the reference guide.
. • Scan job listings featured in Annals of Surgical Oncology.
• Connect with approved training programs. The Website
offers a complete listing and description of SSO-approved
. training programs. Surgeons can download training program
applicationsin PDF format.
• Earn CME credit by viewing symposia from last years
Annual Meetingin Denver,CO.
• Find upd~~tidcontact information on all SSO members.