No: 3-1/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Director, Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), Post Bag No.2, Shankar Nagar Post Office, Nagpur- 440010 (Mahar~htra). Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Planregarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CC- Cotton during 2015-16 to allocate an amount of Rs 177.50 lakh to CICR, Nagpur. The components of physical and financial target are as under: (Rs. In lakhs) 3.N. Name of Component Physical Tinge Financial Target 1 Insecticide Resistant Management (IRM) Project Modt: 112.50 2 Trails on High Density Planting System (ha) 722 65.0U Total 177.5U In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during 1ih Plan Period by 2ih April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: Y°utr;~llY, .~~) Additional Commissioner (Crops) Copy to:- '- 1 ADG (Commercial Crops), ICAR, New Delhi 2 Director, Directorate of Cotton Development, Nagpur No: 3-l/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Director, Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research (IISR), Raibareli Road, P.O. Dilkusha, Lucknow- 226002 (U.P). Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Plan regarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CCSugarcane during 2015-16 to allocate an amount of Rs 20.10 lakh to IISR, Lucknow. The components of physical and financial target are as under: (Rs. In lakhs) S.N. Name of Component Physical Target Financial Target 4( I Breeder Seed production ( in ha.) 16.00 2( 2 Demonstration on Intercropping (ha) 1.60 .:: 3 State level training (Nos.) 2.50 Total 20.10 In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during Ith Plan Period by 2ih April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: ( r. A. . Singh) Additional Commissioner (Crops) Copy to:1 2 ADG (Commercial Crops), ICAR, New Delhi Director, Directorate of Sugarcane Development, Lucknow No: 3-l/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Director, Uttar Pradesh Council of Sugarcane Research (UPCSR), Shahjahanpur-242001 (U.P). Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Planregarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CCSugarcane during 2015-16 to allocate an amount ofRs 3.00 lakh to UPCSR, Shahjahanpur. The component of physical and financial target is as under: S.N. 1 Name of Component State level training (Nos.) Total (Rs. In lakhs) Physical Target Financial Target 6.00 3.00 3.00 In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during Ith Plan Period by 2ih April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: Y01: fn:jllY, ~;:;; Additional Commissioner (Crops) Copy to:1 2 - ADO (Commercial Crops), ICAR, New Delhi Director, Directorate of Sugarcane Development, Lucknow No: 3-1/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Director General, Vasant Dada Sugar Institute (VSI), Manjari (Bk.), Pune- 412307. Maharashtra. Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Planregarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CCSugarcane during 2015-16 to allocate an amount of Rs 41.00 lakh to VSI, Pune. The components of physical and financial target are as under: (Rs. In lakhs) Physical Target Financial Target S.N. Name of Component 1 Breeder Seed production ( in ha.) 4.00 H 2 Production of tissue culture seedlings (in lakh No.) H 35.00 3 State level training (Nos.) 4 2.00 Total 41.00 In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during 12th Plan Period by 2ih April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: r. .P. Singh) Additional Commissioner (Crops) Copy to:1 ADG (Commercial Crops), ICAR, New Delhi 2 Director, Directorate of Sugarcane Development, Lucknow No: 3-1/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Director, Sugarcane Breeding Institute (SBI), Coimbatore- 641007. 'Tamil Nadu. Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme- on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Planregarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CCSugarcane during 2015-16 to allocate an amount of Rs 2.50 lakh to SBI, Coimbatore. The <:omponent of physical and financial target is as under: (Rs In lakhs) S.N. Name of Component Physical Target Financial Target 1 State level training (Nos.) 5.00 2.50 Total 2.50 In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during 1ih Plan Period by 2ih April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: r. PLP. Singh) Additional Commissioner (Crops) Copy to:1 ADO (Commercial Crops), ICAR, New Delhi 2 Director, Directorate of Sugarcane Development, Lucknow No: 3-1/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agricultur~ & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Director, Directorate of Sugarcane Development (DOSD), 8th Floor, Kendriya Bhawan, Aliganj, Lucknow- 226024 (U.P). Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Planregarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CCSugarcane during 2015-16 to allocate an amount ofRs 10.00 lakh to DOSD, Lucknow. In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during 12th Plan Period by 27 th April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: Yo (Dr. .P. Singh) Additional Commissioner (Crops) No: 3-l/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Director, Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (CRIJAF), ICAR, Barrackpore, Kolkata- 700120. West Bengal. Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Planregarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CC- Jute during 2015-16 to allocate an amount of Rs 35.20 lakh to CRIJAF, Barrackpore. The components of physical and financial target are as under: (Rs. In lakhs) -S.N. Name of Component Physical Targe1 Financial Target 1 Production of Breeder Seed ( qtl.) 15 3.0£ 2 7.2( Production of Foundation Seed (qtl.) 60 3 Front Line Demonstration on Production Technology 17.6( 220 (ha.) 4 Front Line Demonstration on Retting Technology 25 5.0£ (ha.) 5 National level training (Nos.) 2.40 3 Total 35.20 In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during lih Plan Period by 2ih April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: r. .. ingh) Additional Commissioner (Crops) Copy to:1 ADG (Commercial Crops), ICAR, New Delhi 2 Director, Directorate of Jute Development, Kolkata No: 3-l/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Director, National Institute of Research on Jute & Allied Fibre Technology (NIRJAFT), ICAR, 12, Regent Park, Kolkata- 700040. West Bengal. Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Planregarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CC- Jute during 2015-16 to allocate an amount ofRs 7.40 lakh to NIRJAFT, Kolkata: The components of _physical and financial target are as under: (Rs. In lakhs) S.N. Name of Component Physical Target Financial Target 1 Front Line Demonstration on Retting Technology 25 5.0U (ha.) 2 National level training (Nos.) 3 2.4U Total 7.4U In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during lih Plan Period by 27 th April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: Yo (Dr. .P. Singh) Additional Commissioner (Crops) Copy to:- - 1 ADO (Commercial Crops), ICAR, New Delhi 2 Director, Directorate of Jute Development, Kolkata No: 3-1/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Chairman cum Managing Director, National Seeds Corporation Limited (NSC), Beej Bhawan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi- 110012. Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Planregarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CC- Jute during 2015-16 to allocate an amount ofRs 83.60 lakh to NSC, New Delhi. The components of physical and financial target are as under: (Rs. In lakhs) Physical Target Financial Target Name of Component S.N. of Foundation Seed ( qtl.) Production 30 3.6fl 1 2 Production of Certified Seed ( qtl.) 1600 80.0fl Total 83.6fl In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during 1ih Plan Period by 27th April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: r. ., Singh) Additional Commissioner (Crops) Copy to:1 ADG (Commer~ial Crops), ICAR, New Delhi 2 Director, Directorate of Jute Development, Kolkata No: 3-l/2015-CU.;IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April; 2015 To, Director, Directorate of Jute Development (DOJD), Nizam Place Campus, 234/4, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata- 700020 (West Bengal). Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Plan regarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CC- Jute during 2015-16 to allocate an amount ofRs 3.80 lakh to DOJD, Kolkata. In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during l ih Plan Period by 2ih April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: Y0"tai(jl (~gh) Additional Commissioner (Crops) - No: 3-1/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Project Coordinator & Head, All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project (AICCIP), . Central Institute for Cotton Research, Coimbatore- 641003. Tamil Nadu. Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Planregarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CC- Cotton during 2015-16 to allocate an amount of Rs 47.50 lakh to AICCIP, Coimbatore. The components of physical and financial target are as under: (Rs. In lakhs) -S.N. Name of Component Physical Targe Financial Target 1 Front Line Demonstration on Integrated Crop 250 17.50 Management (ha.) 2 Front Line Demonstration on Desi & ELS Cotton! 200 16.00 ELS Cotton Seed Production (ha.) Front Line Demonstration on Inter cropping 200 14.00 3 (ha.) 47.50 Total In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during 12th Plan Period by 2ih April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: Y:W!IY~ ( r. A!.P. ingh) Additional Commissioner (Crops) Copy to:1 2 ADG (Commercial Crops), ICAR, New Delhi Director, Directorate of Cotton Development, Nagpur No: 3-1/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Director, Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), Post Bag No.2, Shankar Nagar Post Office, Nagpur- 440010 (Mahar~htra). Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Planregarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CC- Cotton during 2015-16 to allocate an amount of Rs 177.50 lakh to CICR, Nagpur. The components of physical and financial target are as under: (Rs. In lakhs) 3.N. Name of Component Physical Tinge Financial Target 1 Insecticide Resistant Management (IRM) Project Modt: 112.50 2 Trails on High Density Planting System (ha) 722 65.0U Total 177.5U In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during 1ih Plan Period by 2ih April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: Y°utr;~llY, .~~) Additional Commissioner (Crops) Copy to:- '- 1 ADG (Commercial Crops), ICAR, New Delhi 2 Director, Directorate of Cotton Development, Nagpur No: 3-l/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Director, Directorate of Cotton Development (DOCD), Bhoomi Sarvekshan Bhawan, Near Centre Point School, Katol Road, Nagpur- 440013 (Maharashtra). Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation of Annual Action Plan regarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CC- Cotton during 2015-16 to allocate an amount ofRs 20.00 lakh to DOCD, Nagpur. In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during 12th Plan Period by 2ih April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: No: 3-1/2015-CU-IV Ministry of Agriculture Department of f\griculture & Cooperation -(Crops Division) ******** Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 23 rd April, 2015 To, Director, National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM), Lal Bahadur Shastri Building, IAR! Campus, Pusa, New Delhi- 110012. Subject: Implementation of Centrally-Sponsored Scheme on National Food Security MissionCommercial Crops (NFSM-CC) during 2015-16 - Preparation ofAnnual Action Planregarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority under NFSM-CC- Cotton during 2015-16 to allocate an amount ofRs 112.501akh to NCIPM, New Delhi. The component of physical and financial target is as under: (Rs. In lakhs) Physical Target Financial Target S.N. Name of Component 112.5( Online Pest Monitoring & Advisory Services (OPMAS) Project Mod~ 1 Total 112.5~ In this regard, it is requested that you may send your Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 as ,approved under the guidelines ofNFSM-CC during 1ih Plan Period by 2ih April, 2015 in hard and soft copies (e-mail: y~~y, (r. ',' mgh) Additional Commissioner (Crops) Copy to:1 ADG (Commercial Crops), leAR, New Delhi 2 Director, Directorate of Cotton Development, Nagpur
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