/ p. No. 1-1I2015-CU-1I (Pt.) Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Crops Division Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi th Dated 8 ]une,.20 15 To, The Principal Secretary (Agriculture) Government of Haryana Chandigarh. Subject: Implementation of Crop Diversification in Original Green Revolution States under RKVY programme during 2015-16 - Approval of Action Plan regarding. Sir. The undersigned is ,directed to refer to your Department's letter no. 29.05.2015 forwarding therewith annual action plan of Crop Diversification Programme in Haryana and to convey the approval of competent authority for action plan of Rs. 8486.60 lakh on 50:50 sharing pattern between Government of India and State Government of Haryana during 2015-16 subject to the approval of State SLSC bf RK VY. --------.-----.. Component and intervention-wise allocation of funds under the programme is enclosed at Annexure-I. State is requested to obtain necessary approval and communicate the same t~ this Department to facilitate release of funds. State may submit Monthly Progress ReP9rt of physical and financial achievements to this Ministry on regular basis. _ 546/TA(CDP/RKVY) dated Ene!: As above Yours L --=---- i f (S. . hiru) Director Crops) Copy to: I. Director General (Agriculture), Government of Haryana, Panchkula . 2. Director, Directorate of Wheat Development, Ghaziabad. 3. Additional Commissioner (cq, DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. 4. Additional Commissioner (Crops), DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Copy to I. PPS to Secretary (A&C), DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. 2. PPS to Agriculture Commissioner, DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. 3. PPS to JS (Crops), DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. 4. PPS to .IS (RKVY), DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. 5. Under Secretary (RKVY DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi: Annexure-I Component & Activity wise physical targets & financial allocation under Crop Diversification in Original Green Revolution States 2015-16 (Rs. in Lakh) Haryana SI.No Component Unit I Physical . (Nos) ! I I 1. Cluster Demonstrations of alternate crops i. Maize ~ Rs. 50001 ha Pulses @ Rs. 75001 ha Pigeon Pea Urd Cotton @ Rs. 75001 ha Agro forestry system as sole crop @ Rs. 100001 ha Poplar plantation Inter cropping with agro forestry system @ Rs. 50001 ha Pigeon Pea Moong Ul:d Gram Mustard Wheat Total (1) Farm Mechanization & Value Addition For SC/ST/Small & Marginal/Women farmers' (as per SMAM norms) Maize Planter I Multi Crop Planter @ 50% of the cost limited 10 a maximum of Rs.15,0001- for SC/ST/Small & Marginal Farmers Tractor Operated Sprayer @ 50% of the cost limited to a maximum of Rs.l 0,000/- for SC/ST/Small & Marginal Farmersl Women Raised Bed Planter I Ridge Planter @ 50% of the cost limited to a ma,,,imum of Rs. I5,0001- for SC/ST/Small & Marginal Farmers Zero Till Seed cum Fertilizer Drill @ 50% of the cost limited ro a maximum of Rs.15,0001- for SC/ST/Small & Marginal Farmers Laser Land Leveller @ 50 % of the cost limited to a maximum of Rs. 63,0001- (equipment above 35 BHP tractor operated) for SC/ST/Small & Marginal Farmersl Women For other beneficiary farmers (as per SM AM norms) Maize Planter I Multi Crop Planter @ 40% of the cost limited to a maximum of Rs. I 2,0001- for other 'beneficiary Tractor Operated Sprayer @ 40% of the cost lim ited to a maxim um ofRs.8,0001- for other beneticiary Raised Bed Planter I Ridge. Planter @ 40% of the cost limited to a maximum of Rs.12,0001- for other beneficiary Zero Till Seed cum Fertilizer Drill @ 40% of the cost limited to a maximum of Rs.12,0001- for other beneficiary Laser Land Leveler @ 40 % of the cost limited to a maximum of Rs. 500001- (equipment above 35 BHP tractor operated) for other beneficiary II. ... III. IV. I \'. 2. I A. I I i. I Iii. i I I !I iii. iv. , I r- I v. , B. I. I , .. I II. I I iii. II 1\. ! \'. I ! i Proposed by the State . Financial (Rs. in lakh) Approved by the GOI Financial Rs. in lakh) Physical (Nos) 10 ha 2500 1250.00 2500 1250.00 10 ha o ha o ha 400 500 740 300.00 375.00 555.00 400 500 740 300.00 375.00 555.00 • I o ha 332 332.00 332 332.00 o ha 10 ha o ha o ha 10 ha o ha 30 55 50 30 55 50 2001 6808 15.00 27.50 25.00 25.00 75.00 1000.50 3980.00 2001 6808 15.00 27.50 25.00 25.00 75.00 1000.50 3980.00 No. 800 120.00 800 120.00 No. 1500 150.00 1500 150.00 No. 50 7.50 SO 7.50 No. 4000 600.00 4000 SO ISO SO ISO • 600.00 I No. 800 504.00 800 504.00 No. 800 96.00 800 96.00 No. 1500 120.00 1500 120.00 No. 75 9.00 75 9.00 No. 4000 480.00 4000 480.00 No. 799 399.50 799 399.50 C. Ii 3. 1 • I. I 4. I I. ia , b ! Ic i Iii. I I I I i For Group of 10 farmer For Group of 10 farmers (as per N FSM norms) Laser Land Leveler @ 50 % of the cost limited to a No maximum of Rs. 1,50,000/- per machine to a group of 10 farmers Total (2) Site Specific Activities UGPL fZ!J 50% of the cost limited Rs. 25,000/- per h<i II ith a maximum of Rs. 60,000/- per beneficiary with ha. overall average cost of Rs. 14000/- per ha Total (3) Contingency, awareness training, Implementation and Monitoring etc. Awareness activities (as per ATM A norms) State Level Kisan Mela IU1 Rs. 5,00,000/- per kisan mela No .. District Level Kisan Mela @ Rs. 2,00,000/- per kisan No. mel a (One Kisan Mela in each district) Block Level Kisan Gosthi @ Rs. 15,000/- per kisan No. Gosthi Misc. Expenses / Monitoring.& Evaluation @ Rs. No. 12.500/- per district per month for POL / hiring of vehicles & other expenses (as per NFSM norms) Total (4) Grand Total (1+2+3+4) 200 300.00 200 300.00 .14524 2786.00 14524 12786.00 11940 2985.00 11940 1671.60 11940 2985.00 11940 1671.60 I 19 5.00 38.00 I 10 5.00 20.00 60 9.00 60 9.00 10 147.00 10 15.00 49.00 8486.60 199.00 9950.00 •
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