Camping Opportunities in 2005.

Camping Opportunities
All info obtained from
March 2015
March 20-22: St Judes Benefit Trail Ride in Capron VA, Three exciting trails available, each between 3.5
and 8 miles long (16+ total); no shoes needed. Primitive camping available the nights of the 20th and
21st. On 20th farm gates are open 5-8p.m for campers. On 22nd gates close at 3pm. On 21st gates open
8 a.m.; ride begins at 10am; admission by donation of $40 minimum per person, includes ride and
catered dinner by The Filling Station. There will also be a Blue Grass band Saturday. If you are not riding
there is no fee with registration, but nonriders that stay for dinner, there is a $20 donation per person
and 10yr and under is $10. Dinner served at 5:00pm. Call Connie at (757)925-4232, Lauren at (757)6518246 or Gayle at (757)653-8582 for more info or registration forms.
March 27–29: The SouthEastern Association of Trailriders ride and campout at Staunton River State
Park, Scottsburg. For more information, contact Kim at 757.536.7888, or at .
March 27 – 29: Genito Trail Ride – 1080 Watkins Road, La Crosse, VA 23950 Gates open Friday at 12 PM.
Primitive Camping water provided for horses. Lunch provided on trail for a donation. Dinner provided on
Saturday night. Open to all riders come for the weekend and have fun. 1080 Watkins Road La Crosse, Va
23950 Nelson or Chyrel Baird at 434-729-9141 or 434-774-1332 –,
April 2015
April 3 – 5: Woodlawn Trail Ride - 1271 White Oake Rd, Enfield, NC. This ride benefits Wounded
Warriors. $30 at gate, $25 in advance – includes Saturday night meal ticket, additional tickets sold for
$10 each. Ride starts 10 AM Saturday, unguided rides Sunday. Plenty of parking and overnight camping
space. “Quiet areas and “generator areas” provided for camp sites. Camping area opens at 4 PM on
Friday, April 3rd and closes 12 noon on Sunday. Entertainment Saturday night DJ and bluegrass band.
For more info, call Will Earp 252-883-7735 or Bruce Norton 252-308-7464.
April 3-5: Shrine Trail Ride Red Oak/Aventon, NC. Contact: Allen Harper 252-290-1401, Kris Radford 252373-4307, Edward Allen 252-955-9449. Facebook/Sudan Horse Patrol.
April 8-11 – Virginia Trail Riders Spring Competition 2015, The Omni Homestead Resort, Hot Springs,
Virginia Phone: Carol Easter, 434-984-1212, Email:,
April 10-12: Burkeville Trail Ride, 3637 Cary Shop Rd. Burkeville Va. 23922.
April 10 – 12 – Burkeville Trail Ride – 3:00 at 3637 Cary Shop Rd. Burkeville, VA facebook/Burkeville Trail
April 17-19: “True Story Acres” Trail Ride to benefit the Lake Gaston Fire Dept. Located at the home of
Wayne & Christy Lunceford 612 Blackridge Rd. LaCrosse, Va. 23950! In conjunction with our local winery
they will have wine tasting available for $5.00 per person paid at the winery. Hitching post available at
winery and they will delivery what you purchase to camp. Long ride 18 miles, short ride 16! Ride out by
11 on Saturday, a shorter ride is available on Friday! $35 per rider, $25 12 and under includes dinner on
Saturday night and DJ Friday and Saturday. Fire Dept. will have dinner available on Friday night for a
donation. Lunch by donation on the trails. Camping available on Friday and Saturday! Any questions
please call Christy 434-917-2467 or Beth Quinn 434-917-3348!
April 24 – 26 – Skyline Ranch Resort and HTCAA Organized Trail Ride in Front Royal, VA. Primitive and full
service Rv camping sites where you can pickett or use portable corrals ,Nice cabins , and Awesome
Chalets with all the comforts as home. We also have Semiprivate and private paddocks and stalls
available for your horses as well. There will be a Group BBQ on sat night and we have a diner on site
with full menu as well for other meals. All this is offered to HTCAA group members at 10% off of our
already reasonable rates just for us members! So plan to join us and Have a great time with your horses.
And we have our string of trail horses as well so if you don’t have a horse come anyway we will set you
up with one of ours!!!! For reservations Call (540)636-6061,
April 24-26 Fleetwood Community Center Trail Ride (Massie’s Mill): Fleetwood Community Center
8:00am – 7:00pm, Art show and sale and Horseback ride in the mountains of central Virginia and enjoy
scenic views, varied terrain, good food, and camping on level field. Saturday and Sunday rides leave
between 9:30AM and 10AM and return by late afternoon, before dinner. Trail ride fee includes camping
and meals, along with the trail ride. Pre-registration for trail ride is required. 434-277-5814 Email:,
April 24-26: Eastern Shore Trail Ride to benefit North Hampton Fire and Rescue, Machipongo, VA. Rides
are limited to 250 riders and horses, and registration is in advance only. No admittance at the trail head
without confirmed registration. Fee covers weekend riding on private wooded farm trails including long
stretches on the Chesapeake Bay on private beaches, lunch on the trail Saturday, dinner at camp
Saturday night and two nights camping at private campground. Cost is $45 per person ($20 for ages 12
and younger); contact .
April 24–27: Cedar Run Ranch ACTHA competitive trail ride challenge with Kenny Harlow, Cumberland,
VA. Two-day challenge; gates open Friday at noon; ride Saturday and Sunday (trails open 9:30 a.m.–3
p.m.), check-out Monday. More than $1,000 in prizes and awards presented both days, including tack,
stable equipment, feed, and clothing; Sunday’s ride offers $400 cash payout (pleasure/open pairs).
Meals on site (dinner provided Friday and Saturday; breakfast and lunch Saturday and Sunday). Limited
stalls ($20/night); RV hookups with primitive camping available. For more information, including costs
and to register, email or call 434.983.2221.
May 2015
May 1-3: Hicksboro Trail Ride in Oxford, NC. Contact:,
Facebook/Hicksboro Trail Ride.
May 1-3: Amelia Springs Trail Rides, Jetersville, VA. Cost is $55 per adult, $35 for children ages 11–17,
free for younger than 10. Includes primitive camping (no electric) and all food. Current Coggins; no
stallions, no dogs on trail. Trails offer a variety of terrain including creek, pasture, woods, and gravel
roads; trails are self-guided on private hunt club property and will be marked short and long rides. Gates
open at 10 a.m. Friday. For more information, contact Jennifer Vaughan (757.635.4300;;
May 8-12 “Spring Training” Trail Ride & Horsemanship Clinic at Andora Farm, VA Culpeper, Va Spaces
are very limited. Call 540-829-9555
May 8-10 – Trails of Hope Benefit ride for Cystic Fibrosis in honor of Ava Crow, Genito Trails, Lacrosse,
Va, Come join us for a fun filled weekend of trail riding and camping. Gates open noon on Friday, ride
begins at 10:00 on Saturday. Shrimp and Fried Chicken dinner served Saturday after ride, Tshirts/raffles/auction/music and dancing. $35.00 per rider. $15.00 meal only or kids under 10. Contact
Robyn Crow at 757-651-9012 or Sharon Dugan 757-567-5354 for more information or or
May 15-17: Red Oak Hollow trail ride, Red Oak, VA. Arrive at noon Friday for 4–5 mile loop ride; Sat. ride
begins at 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., with dinner after ride. All trails open Sunday; trails include woods, creeks,
bridges, open fields. Cost: $35 for ride and Sat. dinner; $12 for meal only. Primitive camping available.
For more information, Kimberly Wilkinson, 434.470.5863 or
May 15–17: Andora Farm and Stables 5th Annual Gathering, Culpeper, VA. Andora Farm is home to the
trail riding television show Best of America by Horseback hosted by Tom Seay. To register, call
540.829.9555 or
May 28-31, 2015 – Bull Run Hunt Weekend Camping Trailride, Locust Hill Preserve – 8070 North James
Madison Highway, Rapidan, VA 22733 Come camp with your horse and friends while riding through
some of the most gorgeous hunt country in Virginia. 200 spots available! $70 for Adults , $45 for 12 &
Under, $35 for Non-Riders – Some meals included, 540-905-9482,,,
June 2015
June 5-7 Friday – Sunday: Old Store Trail Ride, Gasburg, Virginia, Facebook/Old Store Trail Ride or call
June 5-7 “Snow in June” Ride, Bull Pasture Mountain Ranch, McDowell, VA, Register early, ride is limited
to 50 riders. Registration deadline is May 29, Ride the high country without leaving Virginia!! Located in
scenic Highland County, VA. We are less than 2 hours from Charlottesville and an hour from
Harrisonburg. Bring your camera, our views are breathtaking!! Experience the spirit of the West, stars so
close it feels like you could touch them, trails and views that keep getting better with each turn of the
trail! A portion of the proceeds will go to McDowell Volunteer Fire Department.
June 5 – 7: Barnhill’s Dairy Hunting Preserve & Horse Trails, LLC Ride – 2955 Old Creek Road, Greenville,
NC 27834. $30 per rider (includes meal) or $10 for food and music. Ride starts at 10 AM Saturday.
Dinner 4:30 – 6:30, DJ 7:30-11:30. Primitive camping opens Friday at noon. Negative Coggins required.
Kevin Lee 252-702-5234 or Tammy 252-702-3951.
at Fort Pocahontas in Charles City, Va. The Trail Challenge is an AQHA Trail Challenge on Sat. June 13.
Primitive camping is allowed or riders can just ride for the day either Sat. or Sun. Meals will be available.
Details at or contact Cathette Plumer at or 804-370-8631.
June 19-21 – Virginia Highlands Competitive Trail Ride, Iron Mountain Horse Camp, Ivanhoe, Virginia,
540-651-8492,, Sanctioned by North American Trail Ride Council, vet-in Friday, one or
two days riding: 20 or 30 miles Sat, 19 miles on Sunday. Camping primitive or electric/water, stalls or tie
to trailer; contact; register at,
July 2015
July 25-26: New Castle CTC (ACTHA): 2-day trail ride benefiting Craig County Public Library, held at the
Craig County Fairground, New Castle, VA. Camping available Friday and Saturday nights ($15/one night,
$20/two nights). Potluck dinner Saturday; Rider check-in, 7:30–9 a.m.; ride out at 10 a.m. Contact
Jennifer Mulligan 540-797-0775
August 2015
Aug 21-23 – Shenandoah Trail Riders and Horseman Assoc. 500th Ride! Mcllwee Farm, Strasburg, VA.
More details at
Aug. 22-23 ACTHA Historic Explore Park AOC will take place in the historic area of Explore Park, Roanoke,
VA. Get an up-close look at our region’s early frontier culture history. Explore Park is home to dozens of
relocated 18th and 19th century buildings taken piece by piece from their original locations. Contact
Leah Coffman at 540-520-5961 or email
September 2015
Sept. 4-6: Eastern Shore Trail Ride to benefit North Hampton Fire and Rescue, Machipongo, VA. Rides
are limited to 250 riders and horses, and registration is in advance only. No admittance at the trail head
without confirmed registration. Fee covers weekend riding on private wooded farm trails including long
stretches on the Chesapeake Bay on private beaches, lunch on the trail Saturday, dinner at camp
Saturday night and two nights camping at private campground. Cost is $45 per person ($20 for ages12
and younger); contact
October 2015
Oct. 2-4 –Annual Fall Ride, Bull Pasture Mountain Ranch, McDowell, VA, Register early, ride is limited to
50 riders. Registration deadline is Sept. 25, Ride the high country without leaving Virginia!! Located in
scenic Highland County, VA. We are less than 2 hours from Charlottesville and an hour from
Harrisonburg. Bring your camera, our views are breathtaking!! Experience the spirit of the West, stars so
close it feels like you could touch them, trails and views that keep getting better with each turn of the
trail! A portion of the proceeds will go to McDowell Volunteer Fire Department.
October 2 – 4: Centerville Fall Ride – Alert Road, Louisburg, NC. $25 per rider. Gates open at noon
Friday. Chicken and BBQ by Lancaster’s catering Saturday night. DJ Saturday night. 18 mile trail ride,
shorter rides available. Lonnie Hunt 919-496-4545, Ken Kreger 919-853-3772, email
October 16 – 18: Fleetwood Community Center Trail Ride (Massie’s Mill): Fleetwood Community Center
8:00am – 7:00pm, Art show and sale and Horseback ride in the mountains of central Virginia and enjoy
scenic views, varied terrain, good food, and camping on level field. Saturday and Sunday rides leave
between 9:30AM and 10AM and return by late afternoon, before dinner. Trail ride fee includes camping
and meals, along with the trail ride. Pre-registration for trail ride is required. 434-277-5814 Email:,
Oct. 23-25: Red Oak Hollow trail ride, Red Oak, VA. Arrive at noon Friday for 4–5 mile loop ride; Sat. ride
begins at 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., with dinner after ride. All trails open Sunday; trails include woods, creeks,
bridges, open fields. Cost: $35 for ride and Sat. dinner; $12 for meal only. Primitive camping available.
For more information, Kimberly Wilkinson, 434.470.5863 or
Oct. 23-25: Flint Hill Volunteer Fire Department Benefit Trail Ride. Two rides: long is 17 miles, short is 9
miles. Overnight camping is available at no charge; campers allowed after Oct. 22 at 2 p.m. Trophies for
oldest horse, youngest rider, and Halloween costume. Contact Deb Miloslavich at for more information.
November 2015
November 6 – 8: Barnhill’s Dairy Hunting Preserve & Horse Trails, LLC Benefit Ride – 2955 Old Creek
Road, Greenville, NC 27834. $30 per rider (includes meal) or $10 for food and music. Ride starts
Saturday, 10 AM. Dinner 4:30-6:30, DJ 7:30-11:30. Primitive camping opens Friday at noon. We now
have full restrooms and showers for the guys and gals. We also have 10 electric and water hookups.
They will be on a first come, first serve, $15 per night. Negative Coggins required. Kevin Lee 252-7025234 or Tammy 252-702-3951.
All info obtained from