10 No-Cost Military Passes Now Available! Register Now Our Speakers Have More Than 300 Years Of Combined Military Experience! March 16th-18th, 2015 • Detroit, Michigan MGM Grand Detroit The Next Generation of Survivability Vehicles Featured Speakers and Thought Leaders COL Mike Milner Program Manager, Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) COL James “Jim” Schirmer Program Manager Armored Fighting Vehicles U.S. Army COL Craft Program Manager Mine Resistant Ambush Proof Vehicles U.S. Army COL (Ret) David Augustine Senior Vice President of Business Development Stryke Industries COL Marc Mueller Director Training and Doctrine Command Capability Manager for Transportation LTC Kevin Parker Light Systems Branch Chief, Mounted Requirements US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence Benefits of Attending and understanding of the ·· Exposure next generation of lightweight tactical vehicles and influence ·· Understand requirements in order to provide “best value” parts and components clarity on the limitations of ·· Gain offensive weaponry and terrain best practices to increase ·· Learn speed to market Event Chairman COL (R) Robert “Rocky” Kmiecik Former Director of Mounted Requirements Division US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence of Excellence Sponsors: Colonel Robert J. “Rocky” Kmiecik was commissioned as a Distinguished Military Graduate in 1985 from Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina. After serving in a variety of assignments and deploying several times, ranging from Platoon Leader to Battalion Commander, COL Kmiecik was assigned as the Director of the Mounted Requirements Division at Fort Benning’s Maneuver Center of Excellence. His education includes formal training at the US Army Command and General Staff College as well as a Masters of Science in Administration from Central Michigan University and a Masters of Arts in National Security and Strategic Study at the US Naval War College. Media Partners: REGISTER TODAY! >> www.LightTacticalVehicleSummit.com • 1-800-882-8684 • idga@idga.org 10 No-Cost Military Passes Now Available! March 16th-18th, 2015 • Detroit, Michigan The Next Generation of Survivability Vehicles Dear Colleague, Sequestration. Budget Cuts. Uncertainty. These are words that are interjected into every discussion about the future of military projects. Platforms and systems as critical as the very vehicles that move our Warfighters around the battlefield are no different. Multiple projects and vehicle systems have been cancelled or have never come to full fruition over the last several years. There is good news though. We are moving forward again. There are some challenges though, such as: ·· Identifying “best value” components is difficult to define The JPO, JLTV will Develop, Acquire and Field the Family of Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, while optimizing the legacy HMMWV fleet, in order to provide capability and flexibility to the Joint Warfighter across the full spectrum of military options for the next 30 years and beyond. ·· Assessing the full spectrum of sub contractor capabilities is easier said than done ·· and, speed to market is essential as conflicts abroad percolate What does this mean for us? It means that the Army and Marine Corps are going shopping for a completely new vehicle packages. From the weapons to the tires, the paint to the bolts. Everything is new. And who is going to supply these new parts? Who is going to challenge the existing tactical vehicle mold and come up with a new system that revolutionizes the battlefield? Is it you? This summit is the perfect opportunity to foster that free exchange of ideas and philosophies that leads to the marvelous innovations that protect our Warfighters on a daily basis. To present solutions to the individuals who can make sure it ends up exactly where it needs to be: the Warfighters hands. To this end, we will hear from Subject Matter Experts, Engineers, Project Managers, and Senior Leadership from within the Military. The Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) is the proposed United States Army program for replacement of the M113 Family of Vehicles (FOV) to mitigate current and future capability gaps in force protection, mobility, reliability, and interoperability by mission role variant within the Heavy Brigade Combat Team (HBCT) Whether you are in the Military, work heavily in the tactical vehicle industry, or just have a peripheral interest in Tactical Vehicles. This event is for you! Respectfully, r 3-Day take advantage of ou to t rge fo n’t Do . P.S the JLTV, order to learn about in ss Pa ss ce Ac l Al atives, V Modernization Initi MW HM , LV UC , PV AM and More! Brian Wharton Conference Director Institute for Defense and Government Advancement 2 The Ultra Light Combat Vehicle (ULCV): To develop, acquire, produce, field, and sustain safe, reliable, effective and supportable light tactical vehicles for the joint war fighting community. REGISTER TODAY! >> www.LightTacticalVehicleSummit.com • 1-800-882-8684 • idga@idga.org Confirmed Speakers at a Glance COL (R) Robert “Rocky” Kmiecik Former Director of Mounted Requirements Division US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence COL James “Jim” Schirmer Program Manager Armored Fighting Vehicles U.S Army COL Mike Milner Program Manager, Armored MultiPurpose Vehicle (AMPV) Chairperson, Opening and Closing Remarks, Moderator on Panels Colonel Robert J. “Rocky” Kmiecik was commissioned as a Distinguished Military Graduate in 1985 from Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina. After serving in a variety of assignments and deploying several times, ranging from Platoon Leader to Battalion Commander, COL Kmiecik was assigned as the Director of the Mounted Requirements Division at Fort Benning’s Maneuver Center of Excellence. His education includes formal training at the US Army Command and General Staff College as well as a Masters of Science in Administration from Central Michigan University and a Masters of Arts in National Security and Strategic Study at the US Naval War College. Session: Alternate Vehicle Programs-Future Fighting Vehicle (FFV) COL Jim Schirmer was born in Madison, Wisconsin in 1969. He subsequently lived in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Kennewick, Washington before graduating from High School in Folsom, California. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1991 and was commissioned as an Armor Officer. COL Schirmer later joined the Army Acquisition Corps in 1999. His education includes Command and General Staff College, Distinguished Graduate of the Army War College, a Master of Business Administration from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Masters of Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College Session: Introducing the AMPV Colonel Michael W. Milner was commissioned as an Armor Officer in 1990 through ROTC at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. He received a BBA in Marketing at Georgia State, an MBA from Clemson University, and an MA in National Security Strategy. His military education includes the Armor Officer Basic and Advance Courses, Airborne and Air Assault Schools, Command and General Staff College, and the Army War College. Some Military and OEM Organizations Expected To Attend: ·· Army Program Managers ·· Chrysler ·· General Dynamics ·· Lockheed Martin ·· Oshkosh ·· Northrop Grumman ·· AM General ·· Boeing ·· TACOM ·· TARDEC ·· TRADOC ·· XVIII Airborne ·· DARPA ·· PEO CS & CSS Representatives ·· TCM IBCT COL Craft Program Manager Mine Resistant Ambush Proof Vehicles U.S. Army Session: Mine Resistant Ambush Proof Vehicles Colonel Jason Craft was commissioned as an Infantry Officer in 1989 and has held numerous key assignments at all levels, including; Company Command at Fort Bragg, Program Manager positions in the PEO Soldier programs, Multiple DCMA Commands, and is currently the Project Manager of Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected Vehicles. COL Marc Mueller Director Training and Doctrine Command Capability Manager for Transportation Session: Evolution of Light Tactical Vehicles Colonel Marc A. Mueller graduated from the Virginia Military Institute in 1993 with a Bachelor of Arts in English and was commissioned as a Transportation Officer. Significant duty positions include: Company Commander, Joint Staff Intern, Battalion S3, Commander of White House Transportation Corps, and Battalion Commander. His education includes a Masters in Policy Management from Georgetown University and the Command and General Staff College. ·· Mounted Requirements Division ·· Maneuver Center of Excellence ·· USMC Breakdown of Subcontractors Expected to Attend 5% COL (Ret) David Augustine Senior Vice President of Business Development Stryke Industries LTC Kevin Parker Light Systems Branch Chief, Mounted Requirements US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence 3 Session: Workshop A: Innovative-Technology Driven Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Solutions David L. Augustine, Col (ret) was hired in Oct 2014 as the Senior Vice President of Business Development by Stryke Industries where he is responsible for the growth and development of businesses dealing predominately with the Federal Government. Primary focus is to provide highly specialized business development services with progressive companies to expand their marketplace. Augustine retired as Wing Commander of the 122nd Fighter Wing in 2014 with just shy of 32 years of service. Augustine flew over 3,500 hours in a variety of aircraft to include the A-10, F-4 and KC-135. Augustine is a combat veteran having flown over 148 combat hours in Operation Iraqi Freedom to include combat sorties during the Bosnia and Kosovo conflicts. In September 2014, Augustine was awarded the Sagamore of the Wabash Award by Governor Mike Pence, the highest distinction given by the Governor. Session: Future of the Ultra Lightweight Combat Vehicle A 1990 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, LTC Parker also earned a Masters of Education degree from the American InterContinental University. Prior to assuming duties as the Light Systems Branch Chief, LTC Parker’s military experience resulted from deployments to Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan; assignments in Korea and Germany; leadership and staff assignments from Platoon through Joint Staff level; and serving as the Chief of Military Science at the United States Military Academy. 10% 15% 15% 40% 15% Complete Vehicle Packages Automotive Systems Tires Weapons/Protective Systems Electronic Systems Communications REGISTER TODAY! >> www.LightTacticalVehicleSummit.com • 1-800-882-8684 • idga@idga.org AMPV FOCUS DAY Monday, March 16, 2015 08:00 Registration Workshop A: Innovative-Technology Driven Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Solutions 09:00 The Materion/Visser Precision Cast (VPC)/STRYKE team is a non-traditional, forward-thinking, agile, nimble, and progressive “solutions” provider of disruptive technology driven manufacturing materials, applications, products and methods achieving unmatched capabilities to problems (many in this arena are unwilling to tackle) directly advancing the DoD state of the art -- enabling unmatched ground vehicle enhancement. VPC/STRYKE’s novel and unique applications of the following technologies: 1) Amorphous Metal Casting 2) Precision Machining of Super Alloys 3) Additive Manufacturing & 4) Disruptive Manufacturing Technology Innovations, Applications and Collaboration provide significant and enduring capability advancements within this critical DoD arena in the way of cost savings, increased performance/properties, greater strength to weight ratios, more precision applications, greater durability, and better industry/government/academia collaboration focused on precision capability. In this workshop we will focus on: ·· ·· ·· ·· Amorphous Metal Casting Precision Machining of Super Alloys Additive Manufacturing Disruptive Technology Innovation, Materials & Application 10:30 Morning Networking Break 10:45 Workshop B: Introducing the AMPV In this workshop we will focus on the Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle and its introduction to the battlefield. Additionally, we will focus on the increased versatility of the AMPV and how it will become a key component in the Army of 2025. Specifically we will be addressing the following: COL (Ret) David Augustine Senior Vice President of Business Development Stryke Industries Mr. Christopher Rohe (MAJ, USAFR) Co-Founder & Vice President for Strategic Development Stryke Industries Mr. Rob Michel Manager of Market and Business Development for the East Coast Materion Beryllium and Composites Mr. Ryan Coniam President Visser Precision Cast William “Bill” Bishop Business Development Manager Materion Performance Alloys ·· Defensive Improvements ·· Versatility of the AMPV in a variety of mission roles COL Mike Milner Program Manager Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle ·· Improvements in Soldier Protection Systems (i.e. NBC systems) 12:15 13:15 Lunch WORKSHOP C: Overcoming the Obstacles - Terrain Concerns and the Overall Mission Terrain considerations are always an important part of the METT-TC process and can never be over emphasized when dealing with a resilient enemy utilizing asymmetrical warfare. From initial testing of a vehicle to the actual deployment on the battlefield, vehicles must be able to perform under the most stringent of environments. From World War II to the battle of Mogadishu, all too often have terrain considerations and vehicle performance have changed the entire outlook of a battle or campaign. 14:45 15:15 4 We will examine topics such as: ·· Evolution of Traction Control Systems ·· Overall Evaluation and Testing Process ·· Wheeled Vehicle Mobility vs. Tracked Vehicle Mobility George Mason Professional Engineer Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems at Mississippi State University Chairperson Remarks COL (R) Robert “Rocky” Kmiecik Former Director of Mounted Requirements Division US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence End of AMPV Focus Day REGISTER TODAY! >> www.LightTacticalVehicleSummit.com • 1-800-882-8684 • idga@idga.org Main summit Day One Tuesday, March 17, 2015 08:00 Registration & Coffee 12:00 08:45 Chairperson’s Welcome and Opening Remarks 13:00 DARPA Presents: The GXV-T 13:45 Reserved for Presentation by TCM IBCT 14:30 Afternoon Networking & Refreshment Break OL (R) Robert “Rocky” Kmiecik C Former Director of Mounted Requirements Division US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence 09:00 09:45 10:30 As the current combat environments around the world have evolved, so have the requirements for the Military’s Light Tactical Vehicle fleets. From the introduction of the HMMWV to the requirements set forth for the current Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Program (JLTV), requirements can be difficult to understand without first understanding why the requirements were originally put into place. The following topics will be covered in more depth: ·· Introduction of the HMMWV ·· Move to the MRAP and M-ATV ·· Original Requirements for the JLTV COL Marc Mueller Director Training and Doctrine Command Capability Manager for Transportation In this session we will examine the role of the MRAP vehicle in current conflicts, as well as how it revolutionized the battlefield when initially produced. Furthermore, we will dive into the long term role of this vehicle in future conflicts versus the role of smaller vehicle packages. In this session we will cover: ·· History of the MRAP ·· Variants of the MRAP ·· Future role in global conflicts COL Craft Program Manager Mine Resistant Ambush Proof Vehicles U.S. Army Overview of ABBS Advanced Protection Systems One of them most common and deadliest of threats to Warfighters on the move are the unseen IEDs. This brief will give an overview of the range of Active Protection Systems. These systems either directly attack an incoming threat to prevent it becoming effective, or which actively counteract and hence mitigate the effects of a threat, followed by a more detailed description of the new technologies which will shortly become available in the USA/Canada. The relevance of these technologies to armored vehicle design, especially large APC’s, LTV’s, SUV’s and Lightweight Special Forces vehicles will be demonstrated, and how basic armored vehicle designs need to change to maximize the potential benefits available will be outlined. We will be introduced to such topics as: ·· The DREHTAINER Zero Shock® technology which protects against the initial shock and floor deformation effects of under-belly mines or IED’s. ·· The Advanced Blast & Ballistic Systems Ltd. VGAM (Vehicle Global Acceleration Mitigation) and VAFS (Vehicle Armored Floor Stabilization) systems which directly counteract under-belly mine/ IED effects, and the use of the VGAM system in combination with DREHTAINER’s Zero Shock technology. Roger Sloman Managing Director Advanced Blast and Ballistics Systems Ltd. L TC Pierce Infantry Brigade Combat Team Integration Chief, TRADOC Capability Manager - IBCT U.S. Army MAJ Jason Morneault Division Chief, Material and Systems Integration United States Army Eliminating Technology Morning Networking & Refreshment Break Kevin Massey Tactical Technology Office Program Manager DARPA 15:15 Your Life. Our Duty: Assessment of New Blast Mine Resistant Ambush Proof Vehicles 11:15 5 Keynote: Evolution of the Light Tactical Vehicle Networking Luncheon BravoZulu Services novel technology (ZuluShield Panel) was initially investigated for the nations Space Program and further developed to mitigate both fragmentation and blast threats. An independent assessment of this panel technology was lead by GTD Engineering during an underbody blast environment (UBBE) and a controlled blast wall scenario. During UBBE testing the panel protected vehicle was able to significantly reduce seat rail accelerations, the effective impulse experienced by the vehicle, and floor pan intrusion, which all translated to significantly reduced mortality due to predicted severe lower limb and pelvic injury. However, there remains a risk of cervical injury in unrestrained vehicle personnel. Controlled testing showed significantly decreased load transfer to the panel mount, reduced static and reflected pressures as well as reduced oscillation magnitudes explaining the reduced impulse during vehicle testing. Experimental details and results will be discussed. Dr. Geoffrey Thor Desmoulin Ph.D., R.Kin. President and Senior Engineer GTD Engineering 16:00 Alternate Vehicle Programs-Future Fighting Vehicle (FFV) As the landscape of the battlefield changes, so do the procurement and vehicle packages that accompany the battlefield. The Future Fighting Vehicle is the successor to the Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) and promises to deliver next generation results. In this session we will discuss: ·· Introduction to the FFV ·· Major Differences to the GCV ·· What the FFV will be able to provide to Commanders OL James “Jim” Schirmer C Program Manager Armored Fighting Vehicles U.S. Army 16:45 Closing Remarks 17:00 End of Main Summit Day One 17:30 Cocktail Hour Sponsored By Stryke Industries and VazTec. REGISTER TODAY! >> www.LightTacticalVehicleSummit.com • 1-800-882-8684 • idga@idga.org MAIN Summit Day Two Wednesday, March 18, 2015 07:45 08:30 Registration & Coffee Chairperson’s Recap of Conference Day One 08:45 Future of the Ultra Lightweight Combat Vehicle In addition to the JLTV, the military is also exploring the option of creating and utilizing an ultra lightweight combat vehicle. This vehicles mission is primary to be airdropped into enemy territory and secure an objective using speed and mobility, rather then dense armor and offensive weaponry. Specifically we will address: ·· An analysis of the risks and rewards of sacrificing armor for mobility ·· Proposed utilization for the ULCV on the battlefield ·· How to successfully integrate airdropped vehicles into the combat operating picture LTC Kevin Parker Light Systems Branch Chief, Mounted Requirements US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence 09:30 GD Presents: The Flyer 10:15 Morning Networking & Refreshment Break 11:00 Introducing: The Spartan 11:45 Right the First Time: Designing for the Battlefield Requirements for the modern military tactical vehicle are comprehensive, but leave room for significant creativity to create a design of the soldier/vehicle interface that is best in class. A tactical vehicle’s performance can be significantly degraded if it’s most important sub-system (the soldier) is not optimally integrated. This discussion centers on how to maximize your organizations’ assets to achieve this goal. COL (R) Robert “Rocky” Kmiecik Former Director of Mounted Requirements Division US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence 13:30 Mr. Patrick Maloney Executive Director of Government Relations Ballistic Applications & Materials International LLC 14:15 Afternoon Networking & Refreshment Break 14:45 Army’s Combat Vehicle Modernization Strategy The Army is currently sees a requirement for three distinct lightweight combat vehicles in maneuver formations. An Ultra-Light Combat Vehicle, a Light Reconnaissance Vehicle and a Light Tank. These distinctly different capabilities are intended initially to enable the Infantry Brigade Combat Team to execute forcible entry operations, but may have far more broad application. As the new Army Operating Concept outlines a need for greater expeditionary maneuver capability, expressed as scalable/tailorable force packages, so we must seek the right combinations of different light weight platforms. We also see the need for horizontal technological insertions across platforms to generate greater capability for maneuver formations. In this session we will review the following: ·· ULCV ·· LRV Boeing Presents: Directed Energy Systems Mr. Dave DeYoung Director, Directed Energy Systems Boeing 15:30 15:45 12:30 6 Mr. Robert Wolf Program Manager TRW Automotive ·· MPF (LT Tank) ·· Horizontal Tech Insertions LTC Scott Coulson Maneuver Chief ARCIC Requirements Integration Directorate Chairperson’s Closing Remarks End of Summit Networking Luncheon REGISTER TODAY! >> www.LightTacticalVehicleSummit.com • 1-800-882-8684 • idga@idga.org Pricing & Registration Government, Vehicle OEMs, and Law Enforcement Register Online, by Email, Phone, Fax or Mail 10 No-Cost Military Passes Now Available! Package Standard Price 2 Day Main Summit $300 AMPV Focus Day $100 Web: www.LightTacticalVehicleSummit.com Email: idga@idga.org Phone: 1.800.882.8684 Fax: Academia and Non-Profit Package Standard Price 2 Day Main Summit $1,595 3 Day All-Access Pass $1,895 AMPV Focus Day 646.378.6025, 24 hours a day Mail:IQPC 535 5th Avenue, 8th Floor New York, NY 10017 Location & Lodging Information $645 Vendors: Subcontractors, Consultants, Solution Providers Register & Pay By Jan 30 Standard Price 2 Day Main Summit $1,095 $1,695 3 Day All-Access Pass $1,395 $1,995 $445 $645 Package MGM Grand Detroit AMPV Focus Day Branding Pass – Only 20 Passes Available Includes: - 4 Day All-Access Pass - Company Logo on event website -50 word company or product description on event website $1,995 Ever wished a night could last forever? Indulge your need for the good life at the award-winning hotel nestled in the heart of Detroit. Near all major sporting and entertainment venues and only 20 minutes from the Detroit Metro Airport, MGM Grand Detroit is the perfect place to recharge after your night on the town. Networking Pass – Only 10 Passes Available Includes: - 4 Day All-Access Pass - Company Logo on event website - 50 word company or product description on event website - Small roundtable to demonstrate product or service to all event attendees* $3,495 *The small roundtable will be positioned in a separate high traffic area during the main summit. **Upon registering for the Branding Pass or Networking Pass you will be contacted by IDGA to collect the required information. Team Discounts (Vendors Only)* Number of Attendees Savings 3 to 4 10% 5 or more 15% Only one discount applies and can't be combined with other discounts Please note: SOCO ADVISORY 09-03: 7.(a) Admission fees of $645 per day or less for all attendees are considered reasonable costs worldwide for the purposes of JER 3-211 (a)(7). Dress Code: Military personnel are kindly requested to be in uniform. Appropriate attire for Industry is business casual. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: IDGA A $99 processing charge will be assessed to all registrations not accompanied by credit card payment at the time of registration. 7 * CT residents or people employed in the state of CT must add 6.35% sales tax. For US Events (Registration in $USD): Details for making payment via EFT or wire transfer: Bank Name: JP Morgan Chase & Co. Name on Account: Penton Learning Systems LLC dba IQPC Account #: 937-332641 ABA/Routing #: 021000021 IQPC: Event Code: 24924.001 Payment Policy: Payment is due in full at the time of registration and includes lunches and refreshments. Your registration will not be confirmed until payment is received and 1777 Third Street Detroit, MI 48226 877.888.2121 www.mgmgranddetroit.com/hotel Our full-service concierge staff is prepared for your arrival and at your service to assist with restaurant reservations and any special arrangements needed during your stay. Please email concierge@det.mgmgrand.com for assistance. Group Rate: Government Rate - $169 plus 15% occupancy taxes per night may be subject to cancellation. Please refer to www.idga.org/cancellation for cancellation, postponement and substitution policy Please identify you are part of the IDGA - LWTV Meeting event toensure the special rate. Special Dietary Needs: If you have a dietary restriction, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-882-8684 to discuss your specific needs. Reservations Telephone: 1-877-888-2121 ©2014 IDGA. All Rights Reserved. The format, design, content and arrangement of this brochure constitute a trademark of IDGA. Unauthorized reproduction will be actionable under the Lanham Act and common law principles. IDGA is not affiliated with the U.S. Government or any branch of the Armed Forces. Reservations Link: https://reservations.mgmmirage.com/ bookingengine.aspx?pid=016&host=offe r&code=IQPC REGISTER TODAY! >> www.LightTacticalVehicleSummit.com • 1-800-882-8684 • idga@idga.org
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