MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES SUMMARY OF SELECT “ROUTINE” WORK 2/18/15 – 3/16/15 CATEGORY / TASK DESCRIPTION TOTAL # TREATED WATER METERS – NEW INSTALLATIONS 5 METERS – REPLACED 0 SERVICE LINES – NEW INSTALLATIONS 0 SERVICE LINES – REPLACED / REPAIRED / GATE VALVES 9 FIRE HYDRANTS – NEW / REPLACED / REPAIRS 2 VALVES – AIR RELEASE, BLOWOFF, INLINE, ETC. 0 RAW WATER CANAL / BERM – LEAKS REPAIRED 6 CANALS – CLEANED 37 CULVERTS – NEW / REPLACED / REMOVED 1 RAW WATER DELIVERY BOXES – NEW / REPLACED / REMOVED 3 TREES – REMOVED 5 ACCESS ROADS – MAINTAINED 0 FLEET TRUCKS/VEHICLES – SERVICE / PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE 24 TRUCKS/VEHICLES – DAMAGE REPAIRS 9 TRUCKS/VEHICLES – RETROFITS 0 EQUIPMENT – SERVICE / PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE 8 EQUIPMENT – DAMAGE REPAIRS 10 EQUIPMENT – RETROFITS 0 O:\MAINT ACTIVITIES REPORT\ACTIVITIESSUMMARYROUTINE01.DOCX All "ONGOING" and "NON‐ROUTINE" work completed by Maintenance from 2/18/2015 through the report date below. March 16, 2015 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off Canal Maintenance 10325 Sugar Loaf Reservoir & Pipe 3/11/2015 Clean out spill channel on reservoir. Price (Friedman). 3/6/2015 Repair siphon pipe. Price (Page, Porter, Hugg, Cookson). 3/4/2015 Build up low berm section of canal; map provided. Price (Kreiter, Hynie, Lauer, Jordan). MWO #8513 ‐ D.S. Extension / Mineshaft ‐ Repair hole in canal upstream of Loma Rica Drive. 90% Complete as of 11/26/2014 ‐ Idle until summer 2015. Ongoing 3/11/2015 MWO #8482 ‐ Tarr Canal ‐ Building a retaining wall at Sobereo Spill. Complete 3/5/2015 Rebuild check near box #270. Price (Porter, Page, Mckenzie). 10336 Chicago Park East 10347 Kyler Canal 10354 D/S Canal Extension 10365 Tarr Canal 10367 Clear Creek Canal 10375 B Canal Page 1 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10375 B Canal Pot hole church siphon. Price (Hugg, Porter). MWO #8336 ‐ Smith Siphon Replacement Project ‐ Replace existing siphon with new parallel siphon and overflow inlet and outlet structures, under Bitney Springs Road. Complete 2/19/2015 Deliver trench plate to treatment plant. Newman (Ribble). 3/1/2015 MWO #8449 ‐ Lake Of The Pines Treatment Plant ‐ Bleach Tank ‐ Building concrete storage container for liquid bleach. Complete 3/12/2015 MWO #7035 ‐ Install overflow line. Complete MWO #6906 ‐ Install new 8" water main, hydrants and service lines. As of 03/16/15 5% complete. Ongoing MWO #8504 ‐ Business Center West End Rehabilitation ‐ (1) Install window in Ops, (2) repair/paint stucco system, (3) add parapet walls, and (4) add hip roof over lobby entrance. As of 03/16/15 job is 90% complete. Ongoing 3/4/2015 10383 Newtown Canal 2/27/2015 Bitney Springs Road / Empress Road Construction 10307 Lake of the Pines T.P. 10313 Elizabeth George System 10314 Loma Rica System Facilities Maintenance 10114 Administration West Main Street, 1036 Page 2 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10114 Administration 2/25/2015 Replace light bulb in Sally's office; overhead light nearest the window. Newman (Dunn, Nielsen). 2/24/2015 Fix light in men's restroom; located in the Engineering Department. Cornejo Monthly ‐ Inspect fire extinguishers, ladders and air monitors; clean security camera lenses. Ongoing 3/3/2015 Setup the East Annex the afternoon before the WDO continuing education class (03/04/15 ‐ 3:30pm); there will be 10 attendees and a side table; see attached calendar information. Newman (Dunn). 2/18/2015 Perform general landscaping duties. Newman (Dunn, Neilsen). 2/19/2015 Perform general landscaping duties. Newman (Dunn, Neilsen). 2/25/2015 Perform general site clean up. Newman (Neilsen). 10151 Engineering 10191 Maintenance 10230 Main Office / Yard Page 3 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10230 Main Office / Yard 2/26/2015 Haul pile of pine needles. Newman (Dunn, Neilsen). 3/5/2015 Perform general site clean up. Newman (Dunn, Nielsen). 3/9/2015 Perform general landscaping duties. Newman (Nielsen). 3/6/2015 Perform general site clean up and repair door. Newman (Dunn, Nielsen, Rowe, Graham). 2/19/2015 Perform general landscaping duties at treatment plant. Newman (Dunn, Neilsen). 2/20/2015 Clean up pine needles; perform trash run. Newman (Dunn, Neilsen). 2/23/2015 Perform general clean up. Newman (Dunn, Neilsen, Brennan, Alexander). 10232 Placer Yard 10303 Elizabeth George T.P. 10305 Lake Wildwood T.P. Page 4 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10305 Lake Wildwood T.P. 3/11/2015 Burn brush at the treatment plant. Newman (Dunn, Nielsen). 2/27/2015 Strip forms and clean up. Newman (Rowe, Alexander, Parks, Miller). 3/3/2015 Backfill and clean up base Rock Road form pour G5 pads. Newman (Rowe, Graham, Dunn, Parks). 3/6/2015 Repair fence at treatment plant; fence has been cut between treatment plant and KOA campground; located between drying ponds and office; photo provided. Newman (Dunn). 3/6/2015 Clean yard at treatment plant. Newman (Dunn, Nielsen). 2/26/2015 Haul pile of pine needles. Newman (Dunn, Neilsen). 2/23/2015 Perform general clean up. Newman (Dunn, Neilsen, Brennan, Alexander). 10308 North Auburn T.P. 10311 Cascade Shores System 10313 Elizabeth George System Page 5 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10313 Elizabeth George System 2/26/2015 Haul pile of pine needles. Newman (Dunn, Neilsen). 2/19/2015 Clean Osborne Hill tank "C". Newman (Ribble, Bartsch, Rowe, Dunn, Neilsen). 2/27/2015 Strip for surplus; truck #H5178 (2008 Chevy 1500 4X4 PU); accident damage totalled. Barton 3/3/2015 Install deck locking mechanism on equipment #10625 (trailer P/C pavement saw). Barton ‐ repaired and replaced deck latch, and repair and redesign equipment hold down. 3/6/2015 Perform BIT inspections on truck #'s H5285, H5408, H5143, H0452. Barton 3/9/2015 Perform BIT inspection on truck #'s 9466, 9847, 9998, 10495, 10539, 8861, 10003, 8308. Barton 2/19/2015 Attended 1 day course of "Competent Person Excavation Training" (21 employees total); located at the Safety Center in Sacramento. Alexander, Bird, Brennan, Davis, Faltersack, Gomes, Graham, Hugg, Hynie, Kreiter, Lauer, MacDonald, Mckenzie, Miller, Page, Parks, Pharis, Pontius, Porter, Rawlins, Smith. 10314 Loma Rica System Fleet Maintenance 10191 Maintenance Maintenacne 10191 Maintenance Maintenance Page 6 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10191 Maintenance 2/25/2015 Attended "Bee Bopper Training" conducted by Brian Morris and Larry Martin; (All of Grass Valley Maintenance Employees); located in the Grass Valley Yard Locker Room. All of Grass Valley Maintenance Employees. 2/27/2015 Attended "Hazardous Geologic Materials (Aresenic Awareness Training"; (12 employees total); located in the Grass Valley Board Room. Powell, Brady, MacDonald, Andrews, Copher, Newman, Price, Baker, Cookson, Early, Graham, Smith. 3/4/2015 Attended 3 day "WDO D5 Certification Test Review Seminar" (1 employee total); located in McClellan. Ribble 3/5/2015 Attended "WDO/WTO Continuing Education Class (Overall WDO Review)" (4 employees total); located on campus at the Grass Valley East Annex. Copher, Hugg, Kreiter, Thompson. 3/6/2015 Attended "Backhoe/Loader Proficiency Evaluations" conducted by the Safety Center (5 employees total); located on campus at the Grass Valley East Annex. Bartsch, Gates, Smith, Gnech, Harkey. MWO #10230 Maintenance Office Rebuild. As of 03/16/15 job is 50% complete. Ongoing Pickup parts and materials at the Grass Valley yard. Andrews (K. Gravatt). 10230 Maintenance Placer Yard 10191 Maintenance 2/19/2015 Page 7 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10191 Maintenance 2/26/2015 Attended "Bee Bopper Training" conducted by Brian Morris and Larry Martin; (All of Placer Yard Maintenance Employees); located in the Placer Yard Locker Room. All of Placer Yard Maintenace Employees. 3/4/2015 Fabricate raw water boxes in welding shop. Andrews (Mundt, Davis). 3/6/2015 Equipment operator training. Andrews (Harkey, Gnech). 3/6/2015 Make signs for Auburn Ravine I culvert replacement, finish upper deck on low bed. Andrews (Mundt, K. Gravatt). 3/9/2015 Perform general site clean up; fabricate raw water delivery boxes. Andrews (Pontius, K. Gravatt, Fowler, Davis, Warmerdam, Rawlins). 2/27/2015 Fabricate two custom curb stop wrenches for auburn greens; sketch provided. Andrews (K. Gravatt). 3/3/2015 Remove slide on canal; at join #218 rock and mudslide; outage upcoming 03/02/15 ‐ 03/03/15; photo and map provided. Andrews (M. Gravatt). 10232 Placer Yard 10318 North Auburn System 10411 Combie Phase I Canal 10415 Magnolia III Canal Extension Page 8 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10415 Magnolia III Canal Extension 3/4/2015 Repair lid on #1 spill inlet at end of canal; has one broken hinge and need to "red head" the other one; (may need traffic control located just off the shoulder of the road partial blind corner); map and photos provided. Andrews (Mundt). 3/3/2015 Inspect head gate to be sure there is nothing in front of it as well as at head of siphon; map provided. Andrews (Baker). 3/4/2015 Reweld lid on box #4846. Andrews (Mundt, Davis) 2/20/2015 Reset box #2791; riprap around the box as well; photo and map provided. Andrews (K. Gravatt). 3/6/2015 Raise berm on the canal and reset box lids; photo and map provided. Andrews (Mundt). Monthly ‐ Locate various District facilities for Underground Service Alert (USA). Ongoing Install cellular read. Copher (Browning) ‐ replaced register; installed new cellular MXU; new cellular MXU #100016712; reg #73320715. 10424 Combie Ophir I Canal 10463 Gold Hill II Canal 10493 Auburn Ravine Canal II 10494 Lincoln Canal Service 10191 Maintenance 10311 Cascade Shores System 3/10/2015 Lake Lane, 14916 Page 9 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10313 Elizabeth George System 3/10/2015 Banner Lava Cap Road, 12344 Install cellular read. Copher (Browning) ‐ replaced register; installed new cellular MXU; new cellular MXU #100022426; reg #73243598. 3/10/2015 La Barr Meadows Road, 13345 Install cellular read. Copher (Browning) ‐ replaced register; installed new cellular MXU; new cellular MXU #100027687; reg #73320718. 3/10/2015 Joseph Drive, 18779 Install cellular read. Copher (Browning) ‐ replaced register; installed new cellular MXU; new cellular MXU #100023446; reg #73320713. 3/10/2015 Wildflower Drive, 18454 Install cellular read. Copher (Browning) ‐ replaced register; installed new cellular MXU; new cellular MXU #100026200; reg #73320712. 3/10/2015 Blue Gravel Road, 8456 Install cellular read. Copher (Browning) ‐ replaced register; installed new cellular MXU; new cellular MXU #100027510; reg #73320720. 2/24/2015 Lakeshore North, 12398 Replace meter; meter is stuck. Copher (Pontius) ‐ repaired meter; replaced curbstop. 3/11/2015 Lakeshore South, 12285 Install cellular read. Copher (Browning) ‐ replaced register and installed new cellular MXU; reg #73243592; MXU #100023477. 10314 Loma Rica System 10315 Lake Wildwood System 10316 Smartsville System 10317 Lake of the Pines System Page 10 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 3/16/2015 Sunset Ridge Drive, 23241 Replace meter; meter is stuck. Copher (Garvey, Pharis) ‐ replaced register; reg #73243599. 3/11/2015 Blue Fox Court, 11434 Install cellular read. Copher (Browning) ‐ replaced register and installed new cellular MXU; reg #73320719; MXU #100025814. 3/11/2015 Quartz Drive, 11523 Install cellular read. Copher (Browning) ‐ replaced register and installed new cellular MXU; reg #70439829; MXU #100024735. 2/23/2015 Vista Roble Drive, 2730 Locate and mark the Mt. Vernon Road siphon; information and map provided. Copher (Thompson). Fall and Winter Program Applied pre and post emergant herbicides to canal/berms; cleared brush on canals; repaired large boxes; removed tree limbs from canals; patroled the canals; sprayed terrestrial weeds. Ongoing 2/24/2015 Relocate vice on truck #10516 (2015 Ford F250 4X4 UB). Per Andrew Rutter work was not completed. 2/18/2015 Fabricate adjustable hub wrenches. Price (Adams). 10317 Lake of the Pines System 10318 North Auburn System 10454 Combie Ophir IV Canal Vegetation Control 10191 Maintenance Welders 10171 Water Operations 10191 Maintenance Page 11 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10191 Maintenance 2/20/2015 Repair and fabricate new anchor point for bolt on door handle on equipment #9711 (2006 JD 80C Excavator). Price (Rutter, Adams). 2/20/2015 Weld on new mounting bracket for trailer jack on equipment #7815 (Tomco Tandem Axle Flat Bed Trailer). Price (Rutter, Adams). 2/23/2015 Fabricate two plates for mounting chemical signs on back of spray crews gator. Price (Rutter). 2/24/2015 Fabricate antenna mount for equipment #H5410 (Gator). Price (Adams). 2/24/2015 Pickup epoxy coated pipe at Fast Fab in Marysville. Price (Adams). 2/25/2015 Weld tie down "D" rings on equipment #H5411 (trailer). Price (Adams). 3/5/2015 Retro brush guard on four seat hydro gator to miss tracks. Price (Rutter, Adams). 3/5/2015 Start hard facing sheep foot compactor for 35D. Price (Adams). Page 12 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10191 Maintenance 3/10/2015 Put hard face pads on sheeps foot on equipment #10439 (2012 JD 35D Excavator). Price (Adams). 3/10/2015 Build work bench for Electricians; sketch provided. Price (Adams). 2/23/2015 Build an outdoor lockbox for treatment plant. Price (Rutter). 2/24/2015 Make closing plate for electrical conduit; paint it gray; see sketch. Price (Adams). 2/25/2015 Build aluminum covers for effluent lines/valves for the new bleach tanks at treatment plant. Price (Rutter, Adams). 2/19/2015 Fabricate 20" form stands for Facilities Crew; need done ASAP. Price (Rutter). 2/23/2015 Make four T‐handle hub wrenches; see sketch. Price (Rutter). 10307 Lake of the Pines T.P. 10308 North Auburn T.P. 10313 Elizabeth George System 10367 Clear Creek Canal Page 13 of 14 Facility # and Name / Project # Done Address / Local Instructions / Work Description Work Performed / Signed‐Off 10367 Clear Creek Canal 3/2/2015 Fabricate 24" tull by 5' long check/channels. Page 14 of 14 Price (Rutter).
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