Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Organized by
EnKing International Technical Academy, Germany
“Quality excellence to enhance your career
And boost your organization’s bottom line”
Certified Six Sigma Green Belt
Who is a Six Sigma Green Belt?
Green Belt plays a significant role within a six sigma
infrastructure and culture. Their primary roles are critical
in many ways.
 Leading Six Sigma projects of and making process
improvements as a part of their overall job.
 Deploying their organization Six Sigma Programme
 Participating as a key team member and partner in
Black Belt project.
 Helping to direct, collect data and conduct
The Six Sigma Green Belt operates in support or
experiments for project improvement.
under the supervision of a Six Sigma Black Belt,  Working with process owner to ensure project gains
analyzes and solves quality problems, and is
are sustained
involved in quality improvement projects.
 Facilitating the share of best practice throughout the
Six Sigma is the new way of “Managing for
Success” in your business or profession. It can be
applied across industries and functions. Several
professional who have achieved extraordinary
business results & fast track growth knew the
power of Six Sigma and were Certified Lean Six
Sigma Green Belt.
Who Should Attend:
Those who are responsible for, or are looking to
contribute to, high impact projects by incorporating Six
Six Sigma Methodology lays great emphasis on Sigma Lean methodology:
processes, but it recognizes people as assets. Green
Belts are the team members of all improvement  Top and middle level management personnel of
small, medium and large scale companies
projects taken up within an organization. Generally
issues within function/departments are solved by
managers and executives
the Green Belts.
 Quality Assurance Engineers, Project Managers,
Team leaders, Software Professionals, Practitioners,
Software Quality Assurance team members and Senior
 Future managers including management students
 Quality management consultants
Six Sigma Green Belt
Programme Includes:
 Overview: Six Sigma
Six Sigma and Organizational Goals
Lean Principles in the Organization
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) in the Organization
Program Benefits:
Your company’s bottom line will benefit from
your ability to:
 Execute better: Six Sigma Lean links strategic
plans to operational improvements to create
efficiencies for your business.
 Build customer loyalty: Six Sigma Lean helps
you target your customer needs so you can
improve the things that matter most to your
 Reduction in cost and high Customer
Satisfaction:Create greater returns by lowering
operating costs and delivering products and
services quicker and with higher customer
satisfaction through operational excellence
 Detailed of DIMAC
o Process Management for Projects
o Project Management Basics
o Management and Planning Tools
o Business Results for Projects
o Team Dynamics and Performance
o Process Analysis and Documentation
o Probability and Statistics
o Collecting and Summarizing Data
o Probability Distributions
o Measurement System Analysis
o Process Capability and Performance
o Exploratory Data Analysis
o Hypothesis Testing
Improve and Control
o Design of Experiments (DOE)
o Statistical Process Control (SPC)
o Implement and Validate Solutions
o Control Plan
 Levels of Cognition
 Case Studies
 Minitab Case Studies
Programme Schedule
3 days extensive training
Date – 24th to 26th April 2015
From – 9.30 am to 5 pm
Certification Exam – 2 Hours at 3rd day
Venue -NIESBUD Campus, Noida – India
On Successful Completion of the
Supporting Program Organizations
EKI Energy Services Limited
I am SME of India
EnKing International Technical Academy
Enking International Publishing House
ReXchange Global Solutions UG, Gremany
GIRT – German Indian Round Table
Madhya Pradesh Productivity Council
Certificate will be issued to those who
successfully complete Written Examination and Rosters of Experts Presentation
also successfully apply the SIX SIGMATools to a
Live Practice project.
 John Smith – Principal Expert, ReXchange Global
It shall be issued by –
Solutions UG, Berlin – Germany.
 NIESBUD (Ministry of MSME , Government
 AvikMitra – Advisor, NBQP (National Board for
of India-New Delhi)
Quality Promotion) - Quality Council of India.
NIESBUD Competency Certificate has
 Rajive Chawla - Independent Director – NSIC &
Chairman – I am SME of India.
National recognition at All Govt. & Private
 Manish Dabkara – CEO , EnKing International
Technical Academy
 ReXchange Global Solutions UG , Berlin –
 AnudeepThorat – Principal Expert, EKI Energy
Services Limited.
ReXchange Competency certification has
Above & Other International experts shall be
Recognition. Our training & certifications are
Available over availability & confirmation.
based on methodology that has evolved as a
result of our extensive research and learning
from having worked with top organizations
 INR 15,000 (Excl. of taxes) for first 10 delegates
 INR 20,000 (Excl. of taxes) for rest delegates
Above charges includes noon meals, training material.
Accommodation facility is available on request
@ INR 2500 / day single & INR 1500 / day on sharing
basis including full deal meals.
Contact us for registration:Shruti Dholi
Manager, EKI Energy Services Ltd.
M: +91 99 93 05 53 03 E: sdholi@enkingint.org
Shikha Oberoi
NIESBUD, Ministry of MSME
M: +91 88 26 89 43 79
E: ershikha.oberoi@gmail.com
Lekhraj Sharma
I am SME of India
M: +91 97 11 12 31 11
Anudeep Thorat
Principle Expert, EKI Energy Services Ltd.
M: +91 95 89 36 75 24
E: anudeep@enkingint.org