THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (NIESBUD) (Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India) SECTOR – 62, (Institutional Area), NOIDA – 201 309 (U.P.) Website(s): / HELPLINE (TOLL FREE) : 1800-180-8956 No. NIESBUD/BDM/Tenders/14/2015 Dated the March 19, 2015 NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Institute invites Tenders from the eligible and competent parties in a twobid system, Technical and Financial, for development/customisation of a Learn-ware Portal for hosting E-learning Modules of different training programmes of the Institute. The Bids which are not submitted in the prescribed manner and are not accompanied with the Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 50,000/- and other prescribed documents are likely to be rejected summarily. The Bids, prepared in the prescribed manner with the outer cover/envelop being super-scribed as “Tender for Development/Customisation of Learn-ware Portal”, should reach Ms. Shrawani Srivastava, Senior Consultant latest by 2.30 p.m. on April 08, 2015. The Terms & Conditions of the W ork including details of the eligibility conditions, technical specifications etc. are enclosed. Joint Director (BD&M) [3] TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1) Eligibility Conditions The Firm should have sufficient experience in developing similar Portals for other clients. It should have adequate number of Technical Personnel on its Pay Rolls for the purpose. It should have a PAN CARD in the name of the Company/Firm and should be registered under all relevant statutes including Service Tax. The attested copies in support of each of the above shall be invariably enclosed without which the Bid may not be considered at all (Packet No. 1). 2) 3) Technical Specifications of the Work a) The Technical Specifications of the Portal are enclosed as ANNEXURE-I. b) The Technical Specifications of Portal being offered by the Bidder should invariably match with those contained in ANNEXURE-I. Scope of the Work a) Development/Customisation of the Portal and its hosting on the Server of the Institute. b) Designing and delivery of the Codes. c) Providing Support Services for a period of 03 months from successful hosting of the Portal including but not restricted to development/ customisation of the raw Course Contents of different E-Modules for uploading upon the Portal; actual uploading of the Modules; interacting with different Content Developers, attending to operational queries of the students, faculty etc. d) Comprehensive Warranty (On-site) for a period of one year. e) Training to the identified personnel of the Institute in operation and maintenance of the Portal. The Portal shall be hosted at the Server of the National Informatics Centre (NIC) or any other appropriate Agency, the payment for which shall be borne by the Institute. [3] 4) Comprehensive Warranty Period (On-site) The comprehensive warranty period will be one year commencing from the date of successful hosting of the Portal and training to the identified personnel of the Institute. 5) Clarifications a) The Bidder should clearly read all the Terms and Conditions. If he/she has any apprehension/observation about any Clause, the same should be clarified beforehand. The requests for seeking clarifications can be mailed at with a copy to till the closing hours of March 31, 2015. 6) b) The clarifications as may be issued by the Institute shall form an integral part of the Terms and Conditions and shall be duly uploaded upon the W ebsite. c) All such clarifications shall also be submitted, duly signed in the prescribed manner, alongwith the Tender. No deviation from the Terms and Conditions etc. in the Tender on part of the Bidder, is allowed. Mode of Submission of Tenders a) The Tender shall be submitted in accordance with the prescribed procedure. b) The Packet No. I shall contain Notice Inviting Tender, Terms and Conditions (except ANNEXURE – II : Financial Bid), the prescribed documents regarding the eligibility conditions of the Bidder(s) etc., and the prescribed Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 50,000/-. c) The failure to enclose the documents as above may result into summary rejection of the Bid. d) The Packet No. II shall contain the Price/Financial Bid – ANNEXURE – II only, on the Letterhead duly filled, in words and figures, signed and stamped. e) The Tenders should be duly signed with date, sealed and witnessed by an authorized signatory of the Bidder. The proof of such authorization, in favour of the person, signing the Tender should also be submitted alongwith the Tender (Packet No. I). f) Both the Packets (I and II) shall be put in an outer envelope super-scribed as “Tender for Development/Customisation of Learn-ware Portal”. [4] 7) 8) 9) Opening of the Tenders a) The Technical Bid(s) (Packet No. I) shall be opened at the Campus of the Institute at 3.00 p.m. on April 08, 2015 by a Committee duly constituted by the competent authority of the Institute for the purpose, in the presence of the Bidders or their representative(s) who wish to be present on the occasion. b) The Bidders or their representative(s) who are present at the time of opening of the Technical Bid(s) shall sign the Register evidencing their attendance on the occasion. c) The Committee shall scrutinize the Tenders/Bids for satisfaction as to their completeness and acceptability with regard to the Earnest Money Deposit, the prescribed papers and responsiveness to the Terms and Conditions of the Tender etc. d) The Financial Bids of only those Bidders shall be opened who are successful in scrutiny as at (c) above on a date and time at the Institute which shall be duly intimated to all the concerned parties. Right to Seek Details a) The Institute reserves the right to seek the details of the Portal from the Bidder(s) in order to ensure inter-alia that the specifications/features of the offered product meet the requirements of the Institute and/or are in accordance with those prescribed by the Institute. b) The Institute may also require the Bidder(s) to demonstrate/present their proposed Portal for adjudging inter-alia their suitability for purpose of the Institute. The associated cost will be borne by the respective Bidder(s). Earnest Money Deposit (To be Attached with Packet No. I) a) The Bidders must furnish the Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 50,000/(Rupees fifty thousand only) in the form of a Pay Order/Bank Draft of any Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of “NIESBUD, NOIDA” failing which the Tender is liable to be rejected summarily. b) The Earnest Money Deposit of the unsuccessful Bidders will be returned latest within 15 days of decision on the Tenders. No interest shall be payable on the Earnest Money Deposit. c) The Earnest Money Deposit of the Bidder may, however, be forfeited: If the Bidder withdraws his Tender during the specified period of validity of Tender or does not respond/comply with the instructions to clarify or supplement the information as may be asked for or fails to demonstrate/present the product as may be required by the Institute and [5] In case of the successful Bidder, if he/she fails to submit the prescribed Performance Security within the stipulated time. 10) Performance Security and its Refund a) The amount of Performance Security shall be 10% of the total value of the Work, to be submitted within 07 days of receipt of Acceptance Letter from the Institute, in the form of either a Pay Order/Bank Draft, FDR or unconditional Bank Guarantee valid upto the expiry of the period of Comprehensive W arranty (On-site). b) The amount of Performance Security shall be forfeited if the successful Bidder fails to provide Services in accordance with the agreed stipulations including delivery etc. and service during the warranty period. c) No interest shall be payable/admissible on the amount of the Performance Security. d) If the successful Bidder is submitting the Performance Security in the form of an unconditional Bank Guarantee, then the same will be for the full amount of 10% of the total value of the W ork with the Earnest Money Deposit earlier funsiehd being refunded. e) The amount of Performance Security as above shall be refunded upon successful expiry of the Comprehensive W arranty (On-site) Period. 11) Delivery Period The Portal shall be successfully uploaded in a ready to use form, on the Server of the Institute latest within a period of three months from receipt of Acceptance Letter from the Institute. 12) Liquidated Damages a) The successful Bidder will be required to deliver, and upload the Portal and complete the training of the identified staff within the stipulated delivery period or any extension thereof as may be approved by the Institute. b) If the delivery period is not scrupulously adhered to, the Institute will have the right to recover Liquidated Damages @ 0.5% of the total amount of the W ork for per day of delay subject to a maximum of 5%, out of the total payment for the W ork. 13) Compatibility The Portal shall be compatible with the Server of the Institute. [6] Any particular specification/requirement of the Server or any compatibility issue between the Portal and Server should be highlighted while submitting the Bid. 14) IPRs of the Portal and Codes The Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) in respect of both the Portal and Codes shall vest in the Institute after release of the payment. The Institute will have the right to expand/edit/modify the Platform with regard to its functionality with IPRs on such additions etc. being also vested with the Institute. The Institute shall be kept indemnified at all the times from any claim/contention etc. regarding violation of such rights of any third party on account of either development/customisation or hosting of the Portal by the Institute. A Certificate to the effect that the development/customisation/ hosting of the Portal will not involve violation of any IPRs as may be vested in any third party, shall be invariably submitted alongwith the Bid without which the Bid may not be considered at all. 15) Release of Payment for the Work The payment for the W ork will be released as per the following Stages upon submission of pre-receipted bill for the purpose:Stage Stage I Particulars % of the Value of the Work to be released 50 Stage II Implementation Stage (Developing/Customising & Uploading Portal on NIESBUD’s Server) After Expiry of three months from Stage I Stage III After Expiry of three months from Stage II 20 30 However, before release of payment at each Stage, the Institute reserves the right to get the work/job executed verified from an independent technical Specialist/Expert and the concerned payment shall be released only upon satisfaction of the Specialist/Expert/Institute as to the W ork having been completed satisfactorily. [7] 16) Confidentiality The details of the Portal, its hosting or any other information of the Institute as may come to the notice of the successful Bidder shall not be shared with any other party without prior permission of the Institute. 17) Sub-letting of the Work The W ork shall not be sub-let to any other entity/party. If any specific component of the W ork has to be outsourced that shall be resorted to only after obtaining written permission from the Institute. 18) General a) The successful Bidder shall also make available to the Institute the prescribed License/Approval etc. for continuous and uninterrupted use of the Portal, if any, alongwith a complete set of literature about the Portal : features, operations etc. b) The Conditional Tenders shall not be entertained. c) The Institute reserves the right to accept, cancel or reject the Tender and to annul and reject all the Tenders at any time prior to award of the W ork without assigning any reason or incurring any liability/obligation to the Bidder(s) as regards the communication of the grounds for such an action or otherwise. d) The rates quoted shall be valid for a period of 90 days from opening of the Bids. e) All disputes regarding Tender/W ork shall be subject to jurisdiction of the Courts in Delhi/New Delhi. [8] ANNEXURE - I TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE PORTAL 1. Capacity/Size : 30 GB (Amenable to further expansion) 2. Language/Software : .net/php/java 3. Amenability : Drupal and/or Moodle 4. Compatibility : Server of the Institute (Any specific requirement of the Server should be clearly mentioned) 5. Other Features : The Portal should have in-built provisions for the following: - CMS - On-line Examination - Face-to-Face Interaction between Students and Faculty. [9] ANNEXURE - II FINANCIAL BID (On letterhead of the Bidder with seal) Date: To: Sl. No. Particulars Quoted Rate (in Rs.) In Figures In Words A. Development/Customisation of the Portal (as per Tender Specifications) B. Service Tax Total Cost 1) The prices/rates, as above, are all inclusive in terms of the Tender. 2) W e or somebody on our behalf, shall not canvass, in any form, in respect of the Tender. Signature (with official seal) Name : Tel. No. [10 10
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