NIMS UNIVERSITY Established by NIMS UNIVERSITY ACT, 2008 duly recognized under vee Act, 1956. the provisions of Section 2f of FACULTiES: • Medicine • Dentistry • Engineering • Advanced Engg.• Architecture & Planning • Managemenl • Law. Pharmacy. Nursing' Science & Technology' Physiotherapy' Allied Health Sciences. Fashion. Media • Mass COl"'lm • HOS~lahty • A~lation • Education. library Sciences. Physical Education. Films & Television ele. & a multi. specialty lOO.bedded tertiary level Hospital on campus OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Ref. No.: NIMSUR/Reg./Acad.(2014/776 Date: 30.09.2014 OFFICE ORDER In pursuance of Guidelines and Norms laid down by the Han'ble Supreme Court in -Vishaka and others vis State of Raiasth~n and others (IT1997 (&) Sc. 384) to prevent or deter, the act of commission of Sexual Harassment and to provide the Procedure for the resolution settlement or prosecution of the <-lcts of Sexual Harassment, following Committee on Prevention Hedressal of SexllClI Harassment at Work Place for Nims University Rajasthan, Jaipur constituted with the approval of competent authority. . S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Prof. Veena Bhatnagar, Head Department of Obst. & Gynae, NIMS Medical College & Hospital Dr. S. S. Insttitute Chowhan, of Management Dr. R. P. Sharma, Vice. Principal, Nims & Computer Science Head Department Nims Institute of Engineering Dr. Sharma, Renu Engineering & Technology Associate of Chemistry, Nims Department of Physics, Designation Mobile No. Chairperson 9414241003 Member 9461068776 Member 7568837385 Member 8963066390 Member 9461823463 Member 9929559509 Member 9818214939 Member Secretary 9799434111 &:. is '. Professor, Institute of & Technology > 5. , 6 7. Dr. Sonia Dutt Sharma, Nims School of Law Dr. Pramod Assistant PS. Assistant Professor, Professor, Nims Dental College Dr. Shalini Singh, Sharan Society for Service to Urban Poverty. K.36. Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi. 110064 8. Ms. Priya Taya!, Assist. Registrar This Committee (E) will deal with all the cases related to Sexual Harassment in University .. (jj1/ Registrar Clmpus Address: NIMS UNIVERSITY Shllhh,l Nagar, Delhi Ilighway laipur-303121 (Raiasthan) Phones: 09799514111 Fax: (0141)2605050 Mail: Website: www,nimsuniversity,or~ NIMS UNIVERSITY Fully empowered & incorpofiltcd as cl regular & full.f1edgcd University under NIMS UNIVERSITY ACT, 2008 duly recognized by Government of India under the provisions of Seetinn 2(f) & Section 22 of UGC Act, 1956. FACULTIES: • Medicine. Dentistry. Engineering. Advanr,ed En99_ • Management. Law. Pharmacy. Nursing. Science & Technology. Physiotherapy. Allied Health Sciences. Fashion. Media. Mass Comm, • Hospilality • Avialloo • Educa\lon • .~~ Scjence~ • Physical Educalion • Films & Television el~multl.specialfY 70 beddedtertiary level Hospital on campus NU",S UNIVEHSITY: AN ISO 9001: 2008 CEHrIFIED OHGANI7~TION OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL -~.& CONTROLLER, NIMS MEDICAL COLLEGE Ref: No.: NIMSfMC/I'OfRagging/20141.:>,j} '10. 'rhe Secretary. f\kdical Council (If Date: - 04108/2014 India. POI;kel - 14. Scdor- R. Phase - I. Nc\v Delhi - 110077 ])v\"'arK<I. Subject: Formation I~e}!ulalions framed collegcs. of Ragging COll1l11ith'e in NIMS i\lI'e1icnl Colle~e Implementation of the by the Medic:11 Cuuneil or India to curb the i\lcn:lce or ragging ill medical Sir. -/ We arc pleased to infonll you that .•••. e at NH.•.lS University in pursuance of the directive circu:ar of University Grants Commission l<lr eurhing the menace nf ragging in Higher Ed~lcationa! b;titutions 2009 under section 26( I )(g) of the University (imnls COI'Hllission . cl 1956. h.wl' taken all the measures prescribed for curhing ragging as per the order Ilf linn. hie Suprcme Court of India. Since NIMS ~\'leclical College is constituent college of NIMS l1nivt..'rsily. the measures to curb ragging are also being implemented in Ihe NIf\tS I\'!edical College .Beside n central Anti Ragging Committee / a sep,uCllc Anti Ragging Committee I Anti Ragging Squad 1m.';;also bC(,1l formed by th(' NIMS Medical College (a copy of the NIMS Medical Col1<.:~c Anti Ragging: C(lll1lllitfec / Squad is enc1(lSed herewith) For your kind con:;idcru,ion \Vc specify oelow lhe lllcnSlIrcs taken hy Nims University . .Jaipur. 1. Allstudents who are admitted are required to submit an Affidavit and online undertaking 10 the effect. 2. Parents of students are required to submit an Affidavitand online undertaking. 3. University Prospectus under Ihe head Students Conduct ]n. Discipline Rules specify ragging as an of indiscipline. <1. The notification to the effect that Ragging is a punishable offence is made through Posters, Notices, and Circulars etc. in the campus of the University. 5. The Principals of all constituent college including NIMS Medicai College addresses all the functionaries including students, Hostel Warden. Workers. faculty members and provide clear instructions and warning. Campus Address: NIMS UNIVERSITY Shobha Nagar, Delhi Highway Jaipur-303121 (Rajasthan) T Pho~es: (01426)51 ]i~09hO/06/02 I Fax@01411260S0S' (01426) 231635 Email: Website: Jt>'!!J /~-... ),,~4:, , fwl:t'@''J!!!.I'iJ' Fully cmp(~r~d~inC~PO~d~a~e~~~!fl~~l~n:rSilY under NIMS UNIVERSITY ACT, 2008 duly recognized by Government of India under the provisions of Section 2(f} & Section 22 of UGC Act, 1956. FACULTIES: " • Medicine. Dentistry. E!lgineering • Advanced Engg, • Management. Law. Pharmacy. Nursing. SCience & Technology. Physiotherapy. Allied Hea!lh Sciences. Fashion. Media. Mass Comm.• Hospitality. Avialion • Education • Library Sciences. Physical Education. Films & Television etc. & a multi-specialty TOO-bedded terr/fUr level Hospital on campus NIl\'!S UNIVERSrrY: AN ISO 9001: 2008 CERTIFIED ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL & CONTROLLER, NIMS MEDICAL COLLEGE 6. University campus is kept well lighted during night. 7. Anti Ragging squad of the University takes round and keep' :gil of the campus. This squad consists of faculty members and hostel wardens. 8. The local police is informed of the number of hostels and inmates on the campus. 9. "Whom to contact in the event of Ragging". su(h posters and notices are displayed in the campus. The poster / notices have names and telephone numbers of faculty members of Anti Ragging Committee. (Annexure-3) 10. Senior students on their arrival to campus are given orientation programme. a. Arrangt meeting to dew lop acquaintance between senior and junior students. b. In the hostel, wardens are required to arrange such meeting. c. Faculty members by turn interact with the sludents to develop fellow feeling. 11. The Constitution of Anti Ragging C.ommittee of the Nims University is enclosed (Annexure.l) 12. Constitui:ion of Anti Ragging Committee of NIMS Medical Colleb is enclosed.( Annexure-2) In addition to member given ill the annexure follO\ving will alstllo the member of committee (I. Representative of local police sta::on b. Three parente; of the. students c. Five senior studpllts d. Two repres •.ntdtives of Non-teaching staff 13. College has monitoring cell and senior students as mentors for junior students. We plan to pursue our sincere efforts Yours sincerely, 10 ensure that no incidence c ragging takes place in any.time. \ ";(~- '"If-' , Principal & Controller NIMS ~,ll;dicllr Crllcgc Prmclpa End: as ahove NRtiooallnstltutc of Mp,rlical SCiences 5hobha ~J~l'Jar. JAIPUH NIMS UNIV'ERSITY & incorppratcd dS a regular & full-Uedged University under NIMS UNIVERSITY 'ACT, 2008 duly recognized by Government of India under the provisions of Section 2(f) & Section 22 of Act, 1956. Fully empowered , ! vee FACULTIES: • Medicine. Dentistry • Engln~ering • Advanced Engg.• Mana~ .menl • Law • Pharmacy. Nursing •• :dence & Technoloyy " Physiotherapy. Allied Health Stences • Fashion. Media. Mass COInm • Hospitalily • Aviahon • Educalion • Library ScJences• Physical Education. Films & Television etc. & a multi.sp",ci~!fy TOO.bedded:eft;a~el Hospital on c~',!J~s _ NIMS UNIVERSrry: AN ISO '1001: 200B CEHTIFIED ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL & CONTROLLER, NIMS MEDICAL COLLEGE Ref. No.: NIMS/MC/PO/Rngging/2014/:>jg Dnle: - 04108/2014 Anti-H,3gging In til.;: case of any incidence of ragging report tl1 S<Juad the following [Inti ragging squad: lcnt :.";_'r_, _N_o,__ N_"_IJ!c' .___ IJ?Er~!tJI g)' 1. _Prof._U".s"l"ln,_G"',,"~p,,tn,--,,-.~~ P_hysinl~ 2. Dr. Randhir Si~_ _ __ ~nator~_ll...1. . _p'rofJ.Mrs.) Manjulo Bhargava __ .. _ Pharn)_~~olo'L 4. _ Akhilcsh nhilrg~'_"_'ll S"Olll111Ul titlJvle_(EI:!_~~_ _, Dr. 0nurag Tom~r Pediatric s h. Dr. San'a' Kanodi<1 Skin &. V .Il. ----_.---7. _l?~R_"_vcl~M~"t~h~u~r______ _ S_'u.!]ery__ -'-'~. Prof, Chatnan Ven,ta _ _ __ Medical S~lpdt. islrv ~___ Dr. Tariq Meitmoo(\ . _l!I_'o_ch_c_m_ -~ .-Froc. Conillci No. -------9799392260 (i7~46OfUl't()---9460lRR4RR -----9414070956 9R29061020 992R9774I i -- 9413566600 -~----979<)124333 9RR72R252S-- Principal & Controller NIMS Medical College Principal Copy for necessary action to: Nfltionallnstltule vi Medical Stir.nce!; I. Allmcmhcrs of Anti-Ragging Squad. f-hohha Narp'. JAIPUR 2. All Mcmhf'rs 'Jf .\nti-Ragging COlllllliucc. J. Convener Anti-Ragging Prcvcntion &. Rcdrcssal COllllllillec. 4. Campus Mangaer/CMD to provide facilities (If transport and security \0 Anti-Ragging Squad during Augl,lst. 2013. 5. Chief Ilostci Wardens. Wardens and SuperViS(lrS lo he vigi' "nt in and around hostels and any suspected case may be reported immediately to the Anti-RaJging Squads or to Anti.Ragging Committee or to the University Authorities. Copy fOi Infomlation to: 1. Secretary to Chairman & Chancellor for kind mformatioll nfChail111an. 2, Secretary to Vicc-CIl<llleellor for kind informatioll of Vice-Chancellor. J. Secretary to Managing Director for kind information of Managing Director. 4. Seerelary to Pro- Vice-Chancellor for kind information of Pro- Vice.CIl<ll1cellor. 5. All DirechJrs. 6. Registrar 7. Principals All Colleges/Institutes/Schools, 8, Office Copy Campus Addrcss: NIMS UNIVERSITY Shobha Nagar. Delhi Highwd)' )aipur-303121 (Haji\sllldll) Pholles: (01426) 5131.09/20/00/02 hlX: (0l.J 1) 2605030, (01.J26) 2?>'635 [Ill., iI: in fo@nilllsunivCTsity.urg Website: www, v;: ~',=:.: ~x~"., ~w~,~ ,cr,'OO"wi ••••• under the provisions of the Sections 2(f) and 22 of [he UGC Act, 1956. . ~.,lI:!,\a"'"B . FACULTIES:• Medicine • Dentistry .' Engineering • Adv~d Engg.• Management. law'. PharmaCy. Nasing • Science & TllChnoJogy • Phy-..lolherapy • Allied Health SCiences • Fashion •. MedIa • Mass Comm. • HospitaJjty • AlAalion • Education. • L!lrat)'Sdences • Physical Education. Films &.Television etc.. muffl-'p'c1llfy fOOD.bedd,dt,rtiary level HosplfiJ en tlmpu •. NIMS UNiVERSITY: AN ISO 9001 : 2008 CERTIflED ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Ref. NIMSURjAnti-raggingj2014j6S3 Dated: 15.07.2014 OfFICE ORDER The Vice-Chancellor has constituted University Anti-R3gg~ng Committ~e as given below: Committee A .. CornmjtteeB S.N. Name 1. Dr. s.P. Sln~h Depaltment Mobile No. Name Department. Mobile No. NIET 9529153873 Dr. AyazAhmed Pharmacy 9799127324 2. NIMCS 9529043395 Mr. Ravlndra NIET 8823927U6 . ':: . Mr.IS •.Narvan - Kumar 3. 4. Mr. Narayan Swami Nu;rsing Dr. Md. Tariq Medical S. Dr. RaJeev Vashlstha Library 9413146103 6. 7. Dr. Shallesh Sharma Dr. Devendra Singh Pharmacy 9694698350. Physiotherapy 9602901829 8. Dr. P~ka-Aerl Mr. Prashant Kumar Srlvastwa Dr.~eeIAhmed Humanities .Law 8441902822 9929387733 Mr. Roney M OOmmen Dr. Pawan Kumar Ms. Sarika Takhar Medical. 702308814. Dr.Sweta 9. 10. . . 829068920S Dr. Renu Sharma NIET 9887282528 Mr. Ajit Kumar Vishkarma Dr. Arun Kumar Sharma Ms. Prlyadarshnl NIMCS 8963066390 . 7891412714 Humanities 9001848444 Nursi~g Nursing 702369778 9529378060 NIET 9929382227 Medla& Mass Medical 9928784696 The Committee Members are requested to take necessary action for preventing . raggl~ca~pus. R\i,s',1;.-/ Copy to: . : ~ 1.": All Committee -:Opy for infonnation Members to: .. , 1. -.secretary fa Chairman . " 2. Secretary to Vice-Chancellor 3: Secretary to Managing Director 4. Pro-Vice. Chancellor S. Dr. Anurag Tomar, Director Nims Hospital 6. All directors 7. All Deans 8. Proctor . .' 9. All P.rincipa1s.Nims Colleges, fustitutcs & Schools 10. Members of Anti.Ragging Committee and Anti.Ragging Squads . II. All Chief Wardens. Wardens & Hostel Supervisors (Days & Girls Hostels) ]2. Chief Campus Manager, Campus Manager, Asstt. Campus Manager 13. Office copy I • NIMS UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR Dated: 31.08.2014 Ref. No. NIMSURJReg.lSWC/20141743. Minutes of meetin~ ofSludenl \Velfare Committee, Nims University, Rajasthan, Jaipur held on August '10, 2014 Following attended the meeting: I. Dr. S. S. Chouhan, Vice Principal, Nims InstItute of Management & Computer Science. Chainnan 2. Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Vice Principal, Nims Institute of Engineering & Technology - Member 3. Dr. Meeta Sharma, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry, Nims Medical College 4. Dr. Shyam Agarwal, Lecturer, Conservative & Endodontics. Nims Dental College. Member 5. Mr. Rayj Kant Ojha, BDS, Final Year, Nims Dental College - Student Representative 6. Mr. Anand Kumar, ~.Tech. Electrical En~ineeri.~'g,2nd Year Nims Institute ofEn~ 7. Mr. Manoj Puri, Nims Institute of Management & Computer Science - Student Representative 8. Mr. Amit Singh. B.Sc. MLT, 3rd Year, Nims College of Paramedical Technology - Student Representative 9. Ms. Raveena Yadav, MBBS 2nd Prof, Nims Medical College- Student Representative . - Member . & Tech.-Student Representative 10. Dr. Renu Shanna, Assistant Pro!essor, Nims Institute of Engineering & Technology - M.ember Secretary Following decisions were taken: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The new academic session has started from July 2014. Fresher students have joined the University in their respective courses & programmes. The committee resolved that all Anti-Raging Committees be requested to be vigilant and daily sudden checking and inspection of hostels, colleges, canteens and other locations of campus be carried out to prevent the ragging cases. Fresher's day be organized in Colleges/lnstituteslSchools at the earliest possible. It was further resolved that hostel wardens and other officers dealing with the hostels be asked to make proper arrangements for the allotment of the rooms to students. Special attention be given for cleanliness & sanitation in the hostels i~c1uding mess and quality of food. All the Principals/Directors of ColJegesiinstitufes/schools should be requested to'prepare a calendar of sports, cultural and other curriculum activities and a copy of the same be sent to the Chainnan, Students Welfare Committee. The Hospital Superintendent be requested to give priority attention to the problems of students health & illness if any reported. He may get tested/checked the samples of drinking water and food for the quality. The Committee did not receive IIny grievance or complaint from the students during 2013-14 .. ~ Copy to for information please: I. Secretary to Chainnan & Chancellor, Nims University 2. Secretary to Vice Chancellor, Nims University 3. Secretary to Managing Director, Nims University 4. All Directors, Nims University 5. Registrar, Nims University 6. All Deans, Nims University 7. All Principals, Nims University 8. Medical Superintendent, Nims Medical College" 9. AIlIiOD's, Nims University 10. In-charges of all Offices, Nims University II. Chief Hostel Warden (Female & Male), All Hostels wardens and supervisors 12. All comminee members, 13. Security Officer, Special Security. 14. -Office Copy $7 Chairman
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