TChildren EACH STRENGTHEN Families ECommunities NHANCE COMMUNITY Resource Directory ~ 2013-2014 Administration 550 Landmarks Blvd. - P.O. Box 250 Alton, IL 62002-0250 (618) 463-5946 - FAX: (618) 463-5901 Mission: To enable children and families to develop positive skills to meet life’s challenges. S olutions can be difficult to find and even more difficult to put into action. At Riverbend Head Start & Family Services, we work hard to help thousands of children and families find positive solutions to life’s challenges and transform lives. Unfortunately, we can’t solve every problem. It takes the network of Madison County health and human service providers in this book to help all of those in need. We have found this annual Community Resource Directory to be a valuable tool for parents, caregivers, social workers, educators, health care and administrative staff to use when searching for solutions. It is our hope that a solution for everyone’s challenges lies within these pages. Together we are teaching children, strengthening families and enhancing communities. Sincerely, Charles Parr, ACSW President free copy at Programs of Riverbend Head Start & Family Services Head Start / Early Head Start 550 Landmarks Blvd. - 4th Floor - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 463-5950 Head Start offers child development and family strengthening services for eligible children from birth to 5 years of age, as well as pregnant parents. Each of the following program options provides quality comprehensive services that include child development, parent involvement, health and nutrition services and family support services. Some transportation provided. Eligibility based on need (income, disability, etc.). We administer the services for all of Madison County, which include services for more than 900 children and their families. Program Options: Home Based Year-round service includes weekly 90-minute home visits and two Learn and Play groups per month (Prenatal/expecting parents - 5 years). Center Based Part Day/Part Year ages 3 to 5 Mon. - Thurs. - 8:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Mon. - Thurs. - 12:45 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. (Sept. - May transportation provided) HEAD START CENTERS IN MADISON COUNTY Collinsville Center - #5 Crestmont - Collinsville, IL 62234 - (618) 345-9588 Serving: Collinsville, Glen Carbon, Highland, Marine, Maryville, St. Jacob, Troy Services: Part Day/Part Year (ages 3-5); Home-Based (ages 0-5) Edwardsville Center - 710 N. Main Street - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 692-9604 Serving: Edwardsville, parts of Glen Carbon Services: Part Day/Part Year (ages 3-5); Home-Based (ages 0-5) Essic Robinson Center -1802 E. Broadway - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 463-5933 Serving: Alton, Godfrey, E. Alton, Bethalto, Hartford, S. Roxana, Roxana, Cottage Hills, Moro, Wood River Services: Part Day/Part Year (ages 3-5); Home-Based (ages 0-5) Granite City North Center - 2413 Corporate Center Drive (off Maryville Road) Granite City, IL 62040 - (618) 797-1547 Serving: Granite City (residents north of Nameoki Road) and Pontoon Beach Services: Part Day/Part Year (ages 3-5); Home-Based (ages 0-5) Granite City South Center - 1249 20th Street - Granite City, IL 62040 - (618) 877-2102 Serving: Granite City (residents south of Nameoki Road), Madison and Venice Services: Part Day/Part Year (ages 3-5); Two of four classrooms provide services five days per week as a result of ISBE Pre-K funding. Home-Based (ages 0-5) i i How to Use The Community Resource Directory The directory has a Table of Contents which lists categories or types of services. What kind of services does your family need? Look for that type of service. For example: if you are interested in getting a GED, look under Adult Education. Under each category or type of service you will find a list of the agencies or programs which provide that service. Locate the page number listed and turn to that page. Look for the agency located near you. Some agencies will serve all of Madison County while others will serve only a certain area or town. It is suggested that you call the agency to see if they have what you want. Be sure to ask how you can get the service. Tips for calling agencies: 1. Decide what you need before you call. Repeat this need as often as you have to. You may have to talk to several people (many agencies have complex phone systems.) For instance, in the case of a GED say “I need to talk to someone who can tell me how to get a GED”. Repeat until you get someone who can help. 2. Call agencies during normal business hours. Try not to call from 121 p.m. (lunch hour). On evenings and weekends for emergency needs, you might try Crisis Intervention agencies or 24-hour hotlines. 3. Ask how you get the service. Do you have to come to a certain place at a certain time? Do you need proof of anything, like income? Do you have to fill out an application? Different agencies have different eligibility requirements. If the agency cannot help you, ask them for names of other agencies that can help. 4. If you need more information or help, check with a Family Service Worker, Teacher, or Case Manager of Riverbend Head Start & Family Services. This symbol indicates that services for children with special needs are available here. ii ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abuse/Neglect & Domestic Violence Alternatives Counseling, Inc......................................................................... 3 Call for Help, Inc. Sexual Assault Victims Care Unit .................................. 7 Group Interventions ..................................................................................... 19 Illinois Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline .................................................. 22 Illinois Department of Children and Family Services .............................. 22 Madison County Child Advocacy Center ............................................... 29 Oasis Women’s Center ............................................................................... 37 Phoenix Crisis Center, Inc............................................................................ 39 RAVEN (Rape and Violence End Now) ................................................... 40 Safe From the Start ...................................................................................... 45 Adoption Services ABL "A Beacon for Life" Pregnancy Center ...............................................1 Christian Social Services of Illinois .............................................................. 11 Children’s Home + Aid ................................................................................ 10 Family Choices, NFPC ................................................................................. 17 Hoyleton Youth and Family Services ........................................... 21, 22, 54 Lutheran Child & Family Services of Illinois ............................................... 28 Relevant Pregnancy Options Center ....................................................... 41 Adult Education Alton High School........................................................................................... 3 Dolan Career and Rehabilitation Consulting .......................................... 15 Educational Opportunity Center .............................................................. 15 Lewis & Clark Community College/Adult Education Program (GED) . 27 Madison County Regional Office of Education ...................................... 31 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville / SIUE .......................................... 48 Southwestern Illinois College ................................................................ 48-49 Alcohol & Drug Treatment Services Al-Anon / Alateen ......................................................................................... 2 Alcohol Rehab Community Home (ARCH) ............................................... 2 Alcoholics Anonymous................................................................................ 57 Behavioral Health Alternatives, Inc. ............................................................ 5 Chestnut Health Systems .............................................................................. 9 Gateway Foundation, Inc. ......................................................................... 17 Harbor Light - Salvation Army .................................................................... 19 Practical Rehab Services ............................................................................ 39 Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities, Inc. ............................... 50 Wellspring Resources ................................................................................... 51 Anger Management Alternatives Counseling, Inc......................................................................... 3 Practical Rehab Services ............................................................................ 39 Provident, Inc....................................................................................... ...... 40 Wellspring Resources ................................................................................... 51 Birth Certificates See Vital Statistics ......................................................................................... 62 Birth Control & Family Planning Hope Clinic for Women............................................................................... 20 Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region ........................................... 39 Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation ........................... 47, 55, 73-84, 91 Child Care/Child Development Children’s Home + Aid ................................................................................ 10 Children’s Home + Aid Child Care Resource + Referral ........................ 11 Christian Social Services of Illinois .............................................................. 11 Riverbend Head Start & Family Services ............................................... i, 42 iii iii Safe From the Start ...................................................................................... 45 The Balanced Mind Foundation ................................................................ 50 UCP Heartland Center for Autism ............................................................. 50 WIC.................. ............................................................................................... 52 YWCA/Young Women’s Christian Association - Alton ........................... 53 Child Support Illinois Department of Human Services ...............................................23, 24 Child Welfare Services Catholic Children’s Home ............................................................................ 8 Children’s Home + Aid ................................................................................ 10 Christian Social Services of Illinois .............................................................. 11 Coordinated Youth & Human Services .................................................... 13 Cornerstone Ministries..... ............................................................................ 14 Hoyleton Youth and Family Services ........................................... 21, 22, 54 Illinois Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline .................................................. 22 Illinois Department of Children and Family Services .............................. 22 Madison County Child Advocacy Center ............................................... 29 One Hope United ......................................................................................... 37 WIC................................................................................................................. 52 Clothing American Red Cross ...................................................................................... 4 Caravan Shop.................. .............................................................................. 7 Community Care Center ........................................................................... 12 Community Hope Center ........................................................................... 12 Glen-Ed Pantry ............................................................................................. 18 Highland Area Christian Service Ministry (HACSM)................................. 19 Jesus Place ............................................................................................... 26 Nearly New Shop ......................................................................................... 36 New Life Evangelistic Center ..................................................................... 36 Operation Blessing, People That Care, Inc. ............................................. 37 St. Vincent DePaul Society ................................................................... 43-44 Salvation Army ....................................................................................... 45-46 Counseling Alternatives Counseling, Inc......................................................................... 3 Behavioral Health Alternatives, Inc. ............................................................ 5 Behavioral Health Services Gateway Regional Medical Center ........... 5 Call for Help, Inc. Sexual Assault Victims Care Unit .................................. 7 Chestnut Health Systems .............................................................................. 9 Children’s Center for Behavioral Development ..................................... 10 Children’s Home + Aid ................................................................................ 10 Christian Social Services of Illinois .............................................................. 11 ClearPoint Credit Counseling Solutions .................................................... 12 Community Hope Center .....................................................................12, 62 Coordinated Youth and Human Services................................................ 13 Cornerstone Ministries.................................................................................. 14 Group Interventions ..................................................................................... 19 Highland Area Christian Service Ministry (HACSM) ................................. 20 Hoyleton Youth and Family Services ........................................... 21, 22, 54 Inside Out Ministries...................................................................................... 26 Lutheran Children and Family Services of Illinois ..................................... 28 Madison County Catholic Charities .......................................................... 28 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Southwestern Illinois ....35, 92 One Hope United ......................................................................................... 37 Phoenix Crisis Center ................................................................................... 39 Practical Rehab Services ............................................................................ 39 iv iv Provident, Inc................................................................................................ 40 Psychological Services Counseling - Saint Anthony’s Health Center . 40 Safe From the Start ...................................................................................... 45 Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation ........................... 47, 55, 73-84, 91 Wellspring Resources ................................................................................... 51 Crisis Intervention American Red Cross ...................................................................................... 4 Behavioral Health Alternatives, Inc. ............................................................ 5 Children’s Home + Aid ................................................................................ 10 Community Hope Center ........................................................................... 12 Oasis Women’s Center ............................................................................... 37 One Hope United ......................................................................................... 37 Phoenix Crisis Center ................................................................................... 39 Wellspring Resources ................................................................................... 51 Dentists ............................................................................................................ 75-78 Developmental Disabilities Services Beverly Farm Foundation .............................................................................. 5 Challenge Unlimited, Inc. ............................................................................. 8 Child and Family Connections .................................................................. 10 Children’s Center for Behavioral Development ..................................... 10 Developmental Disability Services of Metro East .................................... 14 Dolan Career and Rehabilitation Consulting .......................................... 15 Epilepsy Foundation of Southwestern Illinois ............................................ 15 Faith in Action ............................................................................................... 16 Home Delivery Incontinent Supplies Co. (HDIS) ...................................... 20 Illinois Center for Autism .............................................................................. 22 IDHS Division of Rehabilitation Services .................................................... 24 IMPACT CIL….. .............................................................................................. 25 Madison County Region I Special Education.......................................... 32 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Southwestern Illinois ....35, 92 New Opportunities, Inc. .............................................................................. 36 St. John’s Home & Community Care ........................................................ 43 Southern Illinois Specialized Healthcare Associates (SISHA) ................. 48 SIUE Speech - Language - Hearing Center ............................................. 48 UCP Heartland Center for Autism ............................................................. 50 VNA – TIP Health Care ................................................................................. 51 William M. BeDell Achievement Resource Center ................................. 52 Emergency Services Alton Volunteer Emergency Corps ........................................................... 65 Illinois Poison Center .................................................................................... 25 Illinois Relay Center (TDD) .......................................................................... 69 Safe From the Start ...................................................................................... 45 Twin Rivers Search and Rescue (Alton Vol. Emerg. Corps.) .................. 65 Fire Departments ............................................................................................... 66 Food Collinsville Area Ministries Association ...................................................... 12 Community Care Center ......................................................................12, 62 Community Hope Center ........................................................................... 13 Crisis Food Center ..................................................................................14, 61 Food Pantries ........................................................................................ 59-60 Glen-Ed Pantry .......................................................................................18, 62 Guardian Angel Pantry (Madison County Catholic Charities) ............ 19 Highland Area Christian Service Ministry (HACSM) ................................. 20 Illinois Department of Human Services (Public Aid) .........................23, 24 Jesus Place ............................................................................................... 26 Madison County Catholic Charities .......................................................... 28 v v Ministerial Association Food Pantry ........................................................... 34 Ministries Unlimited .................................................................................34, 63 New Life Evangelistic Center ..................................................................... 36 Operation Blessing, People That Care, Inc. ............................................. 37 St. Vincent DePaul Society - Holy Angels Parish Conference ............... 43 St. Vincent DePaul Society - St. Ambrose Church .................................. 43 St. Vincent DePaul Society – St. Boniface & St. Mary Church ............... 43 St. Vincent DePaul Society – SS Peter & Paul Church ............................ 44 Second Chance Shelter ............................................................................. 46 Senior Services Plus, Inc. (Meals on Wheels for seniors) ......................... 46 WIC................................................................................................................. 52 Government Services .................................................................................... 88-90 Department of Motor Vehicles .................................................................. 14 Federal...........................................................................................................88 Federal Hotlines ........................................................................................... 90 State......................................................................................................... 88-90 Health Services All Kids.............................................................................................................. 2 American Red Cross .............................. ...................................................... 4 Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law ...................................................... 5 Chestnut Health Systems .............................................................................. 9 Child and Family Connections .................................................................. 10 Coordinated Youth & Human Services - Healthy Moms Healthy Kids . 13 Epilepsy Foundation of Southwestern Illinois ............................................ 15 Hope Clinic for Women............................................................................... 20 Illinois Poison Center .................................................................................... 25 Madison County AIDS Program (MadCAP) ............................................. 28 Madison County Health Department ....................................................... 30 Madison County Medical Society ............................................................. 31 Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region ........................................... 39 St. Clair County Health Department ......................................................... 42 Sacred Creations ......................................................................................... 44 Shriner’s Hospital for Children – St. Louis ................................................... 47 Southern Illinois HealthCare Foundation .......................... 47, 55, 73-84, 91 SIUE School of Nursing Community Nursing Services .............................. 48 Southwestern Illinois HIV Care Connect ................................................... 49 UCP Heartland Center for Autism ............................................................. 50 VNA - TIP Health Care ................................................................................. 51 Hearing Services ......................................................................................... 79-80 Homeless Services / Emergency Shelter Collinsville Area Ministries Association ...................................................... 12 Good Samaritan House .............................................................................. 18 Madison County Community Development ........................................... 29 New Life Evangelistic Center ..................................................................... 36 Salvation Army ............................................................................................. 45 Second Chance Shelter ............................................................................. 46 Hospitals ......................................................................................................... 86-87 Housing Services Alton Housing Authority ................................................................................ 3 Area Landlords ....................................................................................... 93-99 Granite City Housing Authority .................................................................. 18 Highland Area Christian Service Ministry (HACSM) ................................. 20 Illinois Department of Human Services (Public Aid) .........................23, 24 Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation ......................................... 26 Madison County Catholic Charities .......................................................... 28 vi vi Madison County Community Development ........................................... 29 Madison County Housing Authority .......................................................... 30 Madison County Urban League ................................................................ 33 St. Clair County Housing Authority ............................................................ 42 St. Vincent DePaul Society - St. Boniface Church .................................. 44 Salvation Army ....................................................................................... .45-46 Windham Terrace Apartment Community .............................................. 52 Job Services Illinois Employment and Training Center .................................................. 24 Madison County Employment and Training Dept. ................................. 29 Madison County Urban League ................................................................ 33 Legal and Financial Services All Kids ................................................................................................................ 2 CASA of Southwestern Illinois ......................................................................... 8 Chestnut Health Systems.................................................................................. 9 ClearPoint Credit Counseling Solutions ....................................................... 12 Illinois Department of Human Services (Public Aid) ............................23, 24 Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation ........................................... .26 NAACP ............................................................................................................. 35 Salvation Army – Collinsville........................................................................... 45 Social Security Administration ....................................................................... 47 Libraries ............................................................................................................... 61 Medical Assistance All Kids .............................................................................................................. 2 MedAssist ....................................................................................................... 34 Nutrition Coordinated Youth & Human Services - WIC of Madison County ...... 13 St. Clair County Health Department ......................................................... 42 WIC.................. ...............................................................................................52 OB/GYN ......................................................................................................... 73-74 Otolaryngologists ............................................................................................... 79 Physicians/Pediatricians .............................................................................. 69-72 Police Departments ............................................................................................ 66 Poison Control Centers Illinois Poison Center .................................................................................... 25 Pregnancy ABL “A Beacon for Life” Pregnancy Resource Center ............................ 1 Children’s Home + Aid ................................................................................ 10 Coordinated Youth & Human Services - Healthy Moms Healthy Kids . 13 Family Choices, NFPC ................................................................................. 17 Hope Clinic for Women............................................................................... 20 Hoyleton Youth and Family Services ........................................... 21, 22, 54 Lutheran Children and Family Services of Illinois ..................................... 28 Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers ....................................................... 35 Options NOW ............................................................................................... 38 Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region ........................................... 39 Relevant Pregnancy Options Center ....................................................... 41 Riverbend Head Start & Family Services ............................................... i, 42 Safe From the Start ...................................................................................... 45 Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation ........................... 47, 55, 73-84, 91 Probation and Court Services Madison County Detention Home ............................................................ 31 Madison County Jail .................................................................................... 30 Madison County Probation & Court Services .......................................... 31 Madison County Truants Alternative Program ........................................ 32 Madison County Truant Officer ................................................................. 32 viivii Psychologists ......................................................................................................... 83 Psychiatrists ..................................................................................................... 83-85 Psychiatric Resource Referral ............................................................................. 85 Public Assistances Illinois Department of Human Services ...............................................23, 24 Social Security Administration .................................................................... 47 Township Relief & General Assistance Offices .................................. 64-65 Resource & Referral Services Psychiatric Resource Referral ..................................................................... 85 United Way of Greater St. Louis Information and Referral .................... 50 School Districts ............................................................................................... 91-92 Senior Citizens AARP................ ................................................................................................. 1 Agency for Community Transit .................................................................... 1 Alzheimer’s Association................................................................................. 4 Area Agency on Aging of Southwestern Illinois ........................................ 4 Faith in Action ............................................................................................... 16 Granite City Senior Citizens ........................................................................ 19 Main Street Community Center, Inc. ........................................................ 33 Saint Clare’s Villa - Supportive Living Facilities ........................................ 45 Senior Services Plus, Inc. .............................................................................. 46 Social Security Administration .................................................................... 47 St. John’s Home & Community Care ........................................................ 43 VNA – TIP Health Care ................................................................................. 51 Services in Spanish ......................................................................................... 54-56 Servicios En Español ...................................................................................... 54-56 Service Organizations Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Illinois ........................................... 6 Boys & Girls Club of Alton ............................................................................. 6 Boys & Girls Club of Bethalto ........................................................................ 6 Boy Scouts of America .................................................................................. 7 Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois ..................................................................... 17 YMCA/Young Men’s Christian Association .............................................. 53 YWCA/Young Women’s Christian Association - Alton ........................... 53 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Coordinated Youth and Human Services ................................................ 13 Madison County AIDS Program (MadCAP) ............................................. 28 Madison County Health Department ....................................................... 30 Options NOW ............................................................................................... 38 Planned Parenthood of St. Louis Region .................................................. 39 Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation ........................... 47, 55, 73-84, 91 Southwestern Illinois HIV Care Connect ................................................... 49 Support Groups ......................................................................................... 57-58 Alzheimer’s Association.................................................................... 4, 58, 73 Cornerstone Ministries............................................................................14, 57 Mother to Mother Support .......................................................................... 58 Parents NOW ............................................................................................... 38 Parents Without Partners, Belleville Are #559........................................... 39 Teen Parents Children’s Home + Aid ................................................................................ 10 Therapists ........................................................................................................ 80-83 Toll-Free Numbers ............................................................................... 67-68 & 90 Township Relief & General Assistance Offices ........................................... 64-65 Transportation Agency for Community Transit .................................................................... 1 viii viii First Assist ........................................................................................................ 17 Madison County Transit............................................................................... 32 RideFinders .................................................................................................... 41 Senior Services Plus, Inc. (for seniors) ........................................................ 46 Utilities Assistance Ameren UE ................................................................................................. 4 Glen-Ed Pantry ............................................................................................. 18 Highland Area Christian Service Ministry (HACSM) ................................. 20 LI HEAP / Energy Assistance........................................................................ 27 Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation ......................................... 26 Madison County Catholic Charities .......................................................... 28 Madison County Community Development ........................................... 29 St. Vincent DePaul Society – St. Ambrose ................................................ 43 St. Vincent DePaul Society – St. Boniface and St. Mary Church .......... 44 St. Vincent DePaul Society – SS Peter & Paul Church ............................ 44 Salvation Army ....................................................................................... 45-46 Second Chance Shelter ............................................................................. 46 Vision Services ..................................................................................................... 78 Vital Statistics / Birth Certificates City of St. Louis City Vital Records ............................................................. 62 Madison County Clerk ................................................................................ 62 St. Clair County Clerk................................................................................... 62 St. Louis County Vital Records .................................................................... 63 Women’s Crisis Centers Oasis Women’s Center ............................................................................... 37 Phoenix Crisis Center, Inc............................................................................ 39 Zip Codes (Alphabetical Listing – Madison County only) ............................ 100 ix ix AGENCIES & PROGRAMS Alphabetical Listing AARP 601 E. Street N.W. - Washington, D.C. 20049 1-888-687-2277 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people age 50 and over. AARP is dedicated to enhancing quality of life for all as we age. We lead positive social change and deliver value to members through information, advocacy and service. AARP also provides a wide range of unique benefits, special products, and services for our members. HOURS: Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. ET ABL "A Beacon for Life" Pregnancy Center 2105 Vandalia, Suite 12 A - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 345-3636 Ann Schweickert DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Pregnancy testing; counseling for alternatives to abortion; referrals for medical care, financial assistance, community services, adoption assistance and food pantries; provide educational and nutritional information; arrange for maternity clothing, baby clothing, baby furniture, car seats, diapers, toys and other infant supplies. Serving all of Madison County. HOURS: FEE: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. NONE Agency for Community Transit One Transit Way - P.O. Box 7500 - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 931-7433, Option 1 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Door-to-door service for elderly and disabled Madison County residents registered with the ACT Runabout service. Trip requests must be scheduled at least one day before the trip or up to 14 days in advance. HOURS: FEE: Sunday-Saturday times vary varies based on trip 1 1 Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway - Virginia Beach, VA 23454 (757) 563-1600 FAX: (757) 563-1655 (888)4AL-ANON HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Al-Anon/Alateen (618) 463-2429 or 757-563-1660 Meeting information: 888-425-2666 HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Alcohol Rehab Community Home (ARCH) 1313 21st Street - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-4987 Cary Green, Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Long-term residential treatment for adult males (18 and up) having problems with alcoholic and/or drugs. Treatment services include: group and individual counseling; spiritual, physical and social development; and relapse prevention therapy. HOURS: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. FEE: Sliding scale DUI Evaluations $100 / Driver Risk Education Classes (DRE) $150 All Kids (Health Insurance for Illinois Children) 608 W. St. Louis Ave. – East Alton, IL 62024 (618) 258-1660 1-866-255-5437 TTY: 1-877-204-1012 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: A state program that offers health care coverage to children and pregnant women and help in paying premiums of employer-sponsored or private insurance plans. Illinois residents through age 18 and pregnant women are eligible if they meet income guidelines. Income requirements are up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level. FEE: NONE 2 2 Alternatives Counseling, Inc. 88 South Main, P.O. Box 639 - Glen Carbon, IL 62034 (618) 288-8085 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Treatment and evaluation for a range of problems including domestic violence, anger management, sexual abuse (victims and offenders), self injury, trauma, marriage and family issues, psychosexual evaluations, child custody evaluations and more. Serves children, teens, adults and families. HOURS: Business office Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Service hours - Day, evening, and weekend hours by appointment FEE: Many insurances accepted; Medical card not accepted unless through DCFS referrals; call for rates which vary by service Alton High School 4200 Humbert Road - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 474-2700 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Offers vocational courses - Auto Mechanic, Body Work, Welding, Business (Computer) courses, Child Care, Architectural Drafting, Commercial Art, Computerized Accounting and Food Production. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Register through Lewis & Clark Community College Alton Housing Authority 2406 Crawford Ave., P.O. Box 967 - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-4269 TTD: 1-800-545-1833 Andy Hightower, Executive Director - ext. 16 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Management of low-rent public housing for low-income families, individuals with a disability and the elderly HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Rent is based on income 33 Alzheimer's Association 225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17 - Chicago, IL 60601 - 1-800-272-3900 9370 Olive Blvd. – St. Louis, MO 63132 - (314) 432-3422 222 Goethe Ave. – Collinsville, IL 62234 - (618) 346-4073 Ameren UE 1-800-552-7583 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Dollar More Program provides utility payment assistance. Call or visit web site to apply. American Red Cross Corporate Office: 10195 Corporate Square - St. Louis, MO 63132 (314) 516-2800 MO/IL Blood Services Region: 4050 Lindell Blvd. – St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 658-2000 Metro East Center of St. Louis Area Chapter: 10218 Lincoln Trail - Fairview Heights, IL 62208 (618) 397-4600 Southwestern Illinois Chapter 1639 Main Street - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-7704 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provides 24-hour emergency assistance for disaster victims, military and their families. Teaches health and safety courses including Adult/Child/Infant CPR and standard first aid. Recruits and trains volunteers. Regular blood drives provide blood to patients in all local hospitals. FEE: varies with each office for CPR and First Aid Tranining Area Agency on Aging of Southwestern Illinois 2365 Country Road - Belleville, IL 62221 - 1-800-326-3221 (618) 222-2561 FAX: (618) 222-2567 TTY: (618) 222-2570 Joy Paeth - CEO DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: The Area Agency on Aging of Southwestern Illinois is a non-profit aging and disability resource center providing information and assistance for adults age 60 and older, caregivers and for persons with disabilities. FEE: Suggested donation only. 4 4 Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law 1101 15th St. NW, Suite 1212 - Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 467-5730 FAX: (202) 223-0409 Behavioral Health Alternatives, Inc 337 East Ferguson Avenue - Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 251-4073 FAX: (618) 251-6246 Belinda Gunning, Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Behavioral Health Alternatives, Inc. provides community based mental health services that focus on recovery. These services include but are not limited to: Individual and Group skill-building activities, Individual and Group therapy, Psychiatric Services, Medication Monitoring and Training, Advocacy and Representative Payee Services. ELIGIBILITY: Adults who have been diagnosed with a chronic mental illness or who have a chronic mental illness and substance abuse issues. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Medical Card or on a sliding fee scale Behavioral Health Services - Gateway Regional Medical Center 2100 Madison Avenue - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 798-3888 24 hour hotline DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Inpatient mental health services for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults. Separate adult units for males and females. Outpatient mental health services include individual and group therapies for children and a psychotropic medication clinic for all ages. HOURS: FEE: Daily 24 hours/day, 7 days/week Accept private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid Beverly Farm Foundation 6301 Humbert Road - Godfrey, IL 62035 (618) 466-0367 ext. 619 Vicky Vogt, Assistant Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: All day, all year residential program and day training programs for adults with a developmental disability. HOURS: FEE: Daily Monday – Friday 24/7 Residential 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Based on location 5 5 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern IL 6400 West Main, Suite 1G - Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 398-3162 Lisa Bicket, Director of Programs DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Pairs children ages 7-14 with a caring volunteer Big Brother or Big Sister. Services include assessment, referrals to other agencies (if appropriate), professional support once a child is matched with a volunteer and group activities for children ready to be matched. Includes Madison, St. Clair, Clinton and Monroe counties. HOURS: FEE: Evenings and weekends by appointment Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. NONE Boys & Girls Club of Alton 115 Jefferson Avenue - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-6249 Al Womack, Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: After school and summer programs. Offering recreational and educational programs to youth ages 6-18. Programs offered address five core areas: 1) Leadership and Character Development; 2) Education and Career Development; 3) Health and Life Skills; 4) The Arts; and, 5) Sports, Fitness and Recreation. HOURS: FEE: School-year Monday - Thursday Friday Summer Monday - Friday 2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Membership: $5/year - camp cost available upon request Boys & Girls Club of Bethalto 324 East Central Street - Bethalto, IL 62010 - (618) 377-6030 Kathy Wilson, Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Offering recreational and educational programs to youth ages 6-18. Programs offered address five core areas: 1) Leadership and Character Development; 2) Education and Career Development, including home work help, tutoring, computer lab and job 6 6 Boys & Girls Club of Bethalto (CONTINUED) readiness; 3) Health and Life Skills, including prevention education related to drugs, alcohol, smoking, gangs and violence; 4) The Arts; and, 5) Sports, Fitness and Recreation. Sports programs available include baseball, softball, soccer and basketball. Camp Cool summer day camp offered in June and July. HOURS: FEE: School Year Monday-Thursday Friday Summer (Camp) Monday-Friday 2:15 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. 2:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Membership: $12/year – sports/summer camp have additional fee. Boy Scouts of America, Lewis & Clark Council 335 West Main Street – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-9111 FAX: (618) 234-5670 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Youth based organization servicing male youth 1st grade through high school as well as offering Co-ed Venturing program for high school aged youth. Exploration program/career awareness program as well as educational outdoor program. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. $15 per year Call for Help, Inc. Sexual Assault Victims Care Unit 2421 Corporate Center, Ste. 103 - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 797-1049 Premissa Acoff DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Support services for victims of rape, incest or sexual abuse including legal advocacy, counseling, community education, victim assistance, 24 hour crisis intervention, medical advocacy. Caravan Shop 114 E. Broadway - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 462-6434 Alice Bretz DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Resale clothing shop - open to public. HOURS: Monday-Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 7 7 CASA of Southwestern Illinois (Court Appointed Special Advocates) 1801 N. Belt West, Suite B - Belleville, IL 62226 (618) 234-4278 FAX: (618) 234-4360 Mechiko White, Executive Director - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Train and support volunteers to advocate on behalf of abused and neglected children going through the court system. HOURS: FEE: NONE Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Catholic Children's Home 1400 State street - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-3594 EMERGENCIES: (618) 465-3632 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Special education day school program for children with severe emotional and behavior disorders; emergency shelter care and long-term residential and transitional care for neglected/abused boys. HOURS: FEE: Daily Monday – Friday Residential: 24 hours 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. varies Challenge Unlimited, Inc. #4 Emmie L. Kaus Ln. - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-0044 Darlene Ladd, Intake/Recruitment Director Alton Developmental Training Center 4452 Industrial Dr. - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 466-0044 ext. 1144 Residential Options, Inc. 4452 Industrial Dr. - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-0044 ext. 1601 Swanson DT Workshop 109 Corporate Dr. - Swansea, IL 62226 (618) 222-7040 Alpha Industries 110 Industrial Dr. - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 876-4145 8 8 Challenge Unlimited, Inc. (CONTINUED) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provides opportunities to individuals with disabilities which assist them to live, work, and participate in their communities. Services include: employment, vocational training, developmental training, community-integrated living arrangements, placement services, and various other rehabilitation and support services. ELIGIBILITY: 18 years of age or older (unless involved in a school transition program) with a physical and/or mental disability; must be able to care for personal needs and not be dangerous to self or others. HOURS: Residential: 24 hours Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m Chestnut Health Systems 50 Northgate Industrial Dr. - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-4420 2148 Vadalabene Dr. - Maryville, IL 62062 (618) 288-3100 12 N. 64th St. Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 397-0900 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Mental Health counseling and Psychiatric Services; Adult Drug/Alcohol Treatment; Pregnant and Parenting Teens Program; Problematic Gambling Program; Adolescent Drug/Alcohol Treatment and Prevention; individual and family counseling; case management; housing; vocational services; psychosocial rehabilitation for adults with serious mental illness; and mental health outreach for senior citizens. HOURS: FEE: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sliding fee scale 99 Child and Family Connections 2 Eagle Center, Suite 1 – O’Fallon, IL 62269 (618) 622-6581 FAX: (618) 622-8662 1-888-594-8364 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Will help families with children between birth to age three to obtain developmental evaluations, eligibility for services, and ongoing therapy. If eligible, an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) will be developed to help the child learn, grow and receive needed services such as speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, hearing or vision therapy, etc. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. FEE: None to determine eligibility. Once eligible, sliding fee based on income. Children's Center for Behavioral Development 353 North 88th Street - Centreville, IL 62203 (618) 398-1152 Carolyn Birth DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Services for troubled, emotionally disturbed children and adolescents; Day Treatment Program for children and adolescents found eligible for special education services under the severe behaviorally disordered/emotionally disturbed category; Residential treatment for juvenile sex offenders; Out-patient treatment groups for juvenile sex offenders. HOURS: FEE: Daily 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sliding fee scale Children's Home + Aid 2133 Johnson Road, Suite 101 - Granite City, IL 62040 - (618) 452-8900 120 East A St. – Belleville, IL 62220 - (618) 235-5335 907 Martin Luther King Dr., Ste. C - East St. Louis, IL 62205 (618) 874-0216 6 Crossroads Court – Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 462- 2714 109 Lou Ann Drive – Herrin, IL 62948 - (618) 988-1330 Provide adoption preservation and counseling services 10 10 Children's Home + Aid (CONTINUED) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Adoption and Foster Care; Child Care Resource & Referral Program; Child Care & Referral Subsidy Services; Comprehensive Youth Development Services Counseling; Transitional Youth Services; Youth Services; Extended Family Support Program; Intact Family Service; and Parents Care and Share. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. NONE Children's Home + Aid / Child Care Resource + Referral 2133 Johnson Road - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 452-8900 ext. 104 FAX: (618) 452-9136 1-800-467-9200 ext. 104 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Information on locating and choosing a child care provider, assistance paying for child care and other resources. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Christian Social Services of Illinois 645 Berkshire, East Alton, IL 62024 (Regional Office) (618) 258-8750 FAX: (618) 258-8751 8601 W. Main St. – Belleville, IL 62223 (Headquarters) (618) 394-5900 FAX: (618) 394-5909 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Foster Care, Residential Treatment, Day Care, International adoption and Counseling/Mental Health Service (family, individual, and marital) HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Varies. Sliding fee scale available. Most insurances accepted. 11 11 ClearPoint Credit Counseling Solutions 131 Lincoln Place Ct., Suite 401 - Belleville, IL 62221 1-877-877-1995 1300 Hampton Ave. - St Louis, MO 63139 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Non-profit educational organization that provides personalized and confidential financial consultations concerning money management, budget planning, credit counseling, reverse mortgage counseling, and credit reporting counseling. For consumers who wish to repay their debt, ClearPoint negotiates with creditors to lower payments, reduce interest rates and waive fees through a Debt Management Program. HOURS: Hours vary by location - Call 1-877-877-1995 for more information FEE: Free Initial consultation. Nominal fee for specialized services. Consultation can be conducted face to face, telephone or via internet. Languages offered: English and Spanish (by phone sessions only) Collinsville Area Ministries Association DBA/CAMA's Helping Hands Ministry 201 East Church Street - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 346-1861 FAX: (618) 344-1110 Mike Watkins, Director of Ministry DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Clients applying for assistance must have a picture ID, and Social Security card and proof of income for everyone in household, and utility bill showing their current address. Provides residents of Collinsville Unit #10 School District with limited assistance on utilities, rent, prescriptions, etc. (food for Collinsville residents only). HOURS: FEE: Tuesday & Friday - food & assistance 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Tuesday – food only – 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. NONE Community Care Center 1818 Cleveland - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 876-8770 12 12 Community Care Center (CONTINUED) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Emergency food orders; free lunches (soup kitchen) Tuesday – Thursday 11 a.m. – 12 noon; free clothing center – Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Christmas Warmth program – food basket and two toys per child; Back-To-School program (August) – new clothing for school, one complete outfit including shoes; Angel Food Program, $50 worth for $30; special meat packages for $18-20. Loan of medical equipment. Serves Venice, Madison, Granite City, Pontoon Beach, Mitchell. FEE: NONE - Bring proof of residency and income. Community Hope Center 1201 Hope Center Lane - Cottage Hills, IL 62018 (618) 259-0959 FAX: (618) 259-2497 Lyn Clonginger, Executive Director; Angela Valdes, Development Director Lesta Lamb, Client Services Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provides food pantry, free clothing, free furniture, household items, free Christian counseling, medical clinic on specified days, education/skills trianing upon availability HOURS: FEE: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. NONE Coordinated Youth and Human Services Healthy Moms Healthy Kids / Family Case Management / WIC of Madison County 2016 Madison Ave. - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-3433 FAX: (618) 877-0772 Donna Hawkins, WIC Coordinator Linda Toombs, Family Case Management Program Supervisor 101 E. Edwardsville Rd., Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 462-8155 FAX: (618) 462-1952 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Nutrition and breastfeeding education, free supplemental food and case management provided to families with a pregnant woman, infants or young child. HOURS: FEE: Monday Tuesday - Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. NONE 13 13 Cornerstone Ministries 1426 Washington Avenue - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-HELP (4357) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Family support services based on Christian values that involves children, teenagers and adults in programs designed to enhance the quality of life. Seen by referral from Alliance Churches. (Pastors: Call for info on how to become an Alliance Church) ASK FOR OUR: “Laity Care Center” – Christian (Adult) Counseling (purchase of books required) HOURS: On call 24/7 Law Enforcement Chaplains (618) 463-2407 Crisis Food Center 21 East 6th - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-8201 FAX: (618) 462-8201 Susan Jolley, Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: We provide a nutritionally balanced, approximately 5-day supply of food to individuals and families. Clients are welcome once a calendar month. Clients can call on the morning they wish to be served and walk-in clients are welcomed. All clients should bring identification and proof of address. New and used clothing is available at our Nearly New Shop. HOURS: Monday-Friday Food pick-up 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Department of Motor Vehicles or 20 Terminal Dr., Suite 103 - East Alton, IL 62024 - (618) 258-0600 1502 A Troy Road Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 656-8956 Developmental Disability Services of Metro East 2900 Frank Scott Parkway West, Suite 928 - Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 236-7957 FAX: (618) 236-7925 (618) 656-9663 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Independent Service Coordination for individuals/families with developmental disabilities living in Madison and St. Clair Counties. HOURS: FEE: NONE Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 14 14 Dolan Career and Rehabilitation Consulting 307 Henry Suite 411 - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 474-5328 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Career testing and counseling; vocational rehabilitation assessment and counseling. HOURS: FEE: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and by appointment Varies Educational Opportunity Center 651 E Broadway - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 465-5124 FAX: (618) 465-4101 Patricia Web, Education Counselor DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Education and career counseling, career assessments, college and career printouts, college application assistance, scholarship searches, electronic filing of the FAFSA application, assistance completing other types of student financial aid forms and assistance with defaulted student loans. HOURS: FEE: Please call for an appointment. Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. NONE Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Southern Illinois 140 Iowa Avenue, Suite A - Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 236-2181 FAX: (618) 236-3654 Ellen Becker, Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Information and educational literature on epilepsy, including books and videos from our library and a quarterly newsletter, Southwestern Press. Case management, counseling, support services and advocacy for individuals who have epilepsy or other developmental disabilities and their families. Community Integrated Living Arrangements. Summer camp for children with epilepsy. Emergency funds for seizure medications. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. NONE 15 15 Faith in Action - Tri-Cities Area 2266 Madison Ave. - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-9020 FAX: (618) 798-4287 Carol Ann Worthington – Program Manager DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Volunteer care for seniors age 60+ years of age and older who are partially homebound and living in Granite City, Pontoon Beach, Mitchell, Madison, and Venice. Services include assisted transportation for medical appointments, shopping and other daily needs, as well as friendly visits, and friendly reassuring phone calls to alleviate loneliness and isolation. FEE: NONE (donations accepted) Faith in Action - Edwardsville / Glen Carbon P.O. Box 255 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 692-0480 Marcia Golden, Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Transportation, home visiting, respite care, errands, housekeeping and minor home repair for individuals with disabilities and seniors. Serving persons living in Edwardsville #7 School District. Services are provided by volunteers at no charge to the care receiver. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Thursday Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. NONE Faith in Action - Collinsville 222 Goethe Avenue - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 344-8080 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Transportation, shopping, & errands, companionship, respite for family, season yard maintenance and minor home repair services for those in need due to age or disability in Caseyville, Collinsville, Maryville, or State Park. Answers on aging, help with prescription paperwork and information and assistance. The Elder Connection is social outings for companionship once a month. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Services offered without charge to those over 60 years or disabled. 16 16 Family Choices, NFPC 515 West Main Street - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 644-6600 1-800-326-6600 (24 hour, toll-free hotline for birth parents) Susan Wolk DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: FREE pregnancy counseling and referral to services, adoption services and assisted reproduction technology services. HOURS: FEE: Daily 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. or by appointment FREE for pregnancy counseling, varies for other services First Assist 1-877-725-0569 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Free transportation for eligible persons to medical appointments for persons receiving a medical card through IDHS. FEE: NONE Gateway Foundation, Inc. 600 West Lincoln Avenue - P.O. Box 630 - Caseyville, IL 62232 (618) 345-3970 FAX: (618) 345-4398 Donald J. Bushnell, Community Director - ext. 3441 Maggie Ketcherside, Intake Counselor - ext. 3425 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Residential Treatment HOURS: FEE: Residential Screenings and Intake: Sunday – Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. State funding, insurance and sliding fee scale self-pay Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois #4 Ginger Creek Parkway - Glen Carbon, IL 62034 (618) 692-0692 FAX: (618) 692-0685 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Girls Scouts of Southern Illinois (GSSI) serves nearly 14,000 girls and 4,800 adult volulnteer leaders in 40 ½ counties in southern Illinois. Our region represents a mix of urban, suburban and rural communities with high and low population densities. The Girl Scout mission is to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. GSSI’s goal is to provide a premier Girl Scout 17 17 Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois (CONTINUED) Leadership experience where all girls can discover the world around them, connect with others and take action to improve their families, their communities, their state and their country. Girl Scouts is the world’s premier organization dedicated solely to girls – all girls – where, in an accepting and nurturing environment, girls build character and skills for success in the real world. In partnership with our dedicated adult volunteer leaders, girls develop qualities that will serve them all of their lives. For more information about programs for girls or volunteer opportunities for adults, please visit our website at: HOURS: FEE: Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Membership $15 per year Glen-Ed Pantry 125 5th Avenue - P.O. Box 756 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-7506 Judy Moody DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Food, clothing, rent/utility assistance, school supplies, fans and referrals for a variety of services for residents in southeast Madison County. Computer room is available for clients to check job and/or educational opportunities. HOURS: Monday & Wednesday Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Good Samaritan House 1825 Delmar - Granite City, IL 62040 - (618) 876-0607 Janice Donalson, Interim Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Emergency shelter and transitional housing for homeless single women, ages 18 or older, with at least one child. No drug or alcohol usage allowed. Must be willing to stay in Madison County, IL. FEE: NONE Granite City Housing Authority 2517 Nameoki Rd. - Granite City, IL 62040 - (618) 876-0975 - Sharon Mathes DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Low-income housing units for families and elderly. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Rent based on income 18 18 Granite City Senior Citizens 2060 Delmar - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-4374 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Different activities held Monday-Friday for seniors. Meals are served Monday-Friday, providing contact has been made one day ahead of time. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Meals - $3 or by donation; Activities - Free Group Interventions P.O. Box 428 – St. Jacob, IL 62281 (618) 644-4103 FAX: (618) 644-3657 Ted Parker, LCPC, Director DESCRIPTIONS OF SERVICES: Illinois Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Program. Provides domestic violence abuse counseling for men and women. Separate groups for men and women. Multiple locations and times Monday through Saturday. Counseling for Veterans. Therapy for children who have been raised in a violent home. FEE: $25 per session Guardian Angel Pantry 3512 McArthur Blvd. - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-0634 ext. 235 FAX: (618) 462-3209 Jan Manns DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: The Pantry carries perishable, non-perishable and personal care items. Require a photo i.d., and proof of residence. Clients are served every 90 days and must meet poverty guidelines. HOURS: FEE: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. NONE Harbor Light - Salvation Army 3010 Washington Avenue - St. Louis, IL 63103 (314) 652-3310 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Halfway house for men. Residential short-term treatment (30 days or less). 19 19 Highland Area Christian Service Ministry (HACSM) 900 Chestnut St. - Highland, IL 62249 (618) 654-9295 Eunice Hediger DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Full service agency. Primary service is Food Pantry.Also, provide utility and rent assistance, case management services and some counseling. Service area is the Highland School District and area east of Route 4 in Madison County. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Food Pantry Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, 1st & 3rd Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. NONE Home Delivery Incontinent Supplies Co. (HDIS) 9385 Dielman Ind. Dr. - Olivette, MO 63132 1-800-2MY-HOME 1-800-269-4663 Lynda Mashburn - Business Unit Leader DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provides quality care to those who experience loss of bladder control. Our products are always in stock and delivered to your doorstep in discreet, unmarked boxes. Our friendly, knowledgeable, Customer Care Representatives are here to help you choose the products that will best meet your needs. Call, browse our website, request a catalog or buy directly through our secure Online Store. Enjoy FREE Shipping through UPS on all orders delivered in the continental U.S. HDIS is an approvided Medicaid provider in Illinois. HOURS: FEE: Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. varies Hope Clinic for Women 1602 East 21st Street - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 451-5722 1-800-844-3130 Sally Burgess, Executive Director 20 20 Hope Clinic for Women (CONTINUED) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Pregnancy testing, birth control counseling, options counseling and first/second trimester abortion care. Emergency contraception (morning after pill). HOURS (phones): Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Clinic Hours: Appointment necessary Tuesday 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. FEE: varies Hoyleton Youth and Family Services 5601 State Street, Suite A - East St. Louis, IL 62203 - (618) 213-3170 Sharon McDevitt DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provides foster homes and social services to children, ranging in age from infants to teens, families and foster parents. Advocacy, counseling and adoptive services are offered to foster parents and eligible clients who desire a more permanent family arrangement. We provide support services to families with children under five years old. Our goal is to strengthen families, reducing the number of families entering the welfare and foster care systems. Serves DCFS wards, ages 18 to 21, who need assistance as they begin to face the world on their own by developing the skills needed to become independent and successful adults. Individual and Family Counseling is provided by professionally trained and licensed therapists offer counseling services that heal, strengthen and improve the mental, emotional and physical well-being of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. Counseling topics often include depression, anxiety, addictions, codependency, grief, loss, stress, anger, marital issues and self-esteem. Appointments are accepted for children and adults. Counseling services are available at flexible hours and payment is accepted through most insurance companies. A sliding fee scale is utilized. Latino Special Services provides translation and interpretation services to families referred by the Illinois Dept. of Children and Family Services. 21 21 Hoyleton Youth and Family Services (CONTINUED) See Puentes de Esperanza Program (page 57) for more Spanish speaking services. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sliding fee scale and insurance. Medical Card not accepted Hoyleton Youth and Family Services 350 North Main Street - Hoyleton, IL 62803 (618) 493-7382 Jill Lombardo, Chief Operating Officer DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: The Hoyleton Children's Home is a residential treatment program that provides compassionate care for children and adolescents with severe emotional and/or behavioral problems as well as youth who are developmentally delayed. Youth between the ages of 9 and 21 are assisted in a campus setting in rural Hoyleton, Illinois. Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) is a program that provides an array of services to adults with developmental disabilities. Our CILA is in operation twelve months a year and twenty four hours a day whenever residents are in the home. FEE: Call Illinois Center for Autism 548 Ruby Lane - Fairview Heights, IL 62208 (618) 398-7500 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Day school program for children with autism; client/family support program; services for adults with autism. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. varies Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) #10 Collinsville Ave. - East St. Louis, IL 62201 - (618) 583-2600 TOLL FREE HOTLINE TO REPORT ABUSE/NEGLECT: 1-800-252-2873 If you suspect physical abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse of a child, call the anonymous hotline to report any incidents. Reports will be sent to local DCFS workers to investigate. 22 22 Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) (CONTINUED) Alton Field Office: 200 N. Center Drive - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 466-7014 Wood River Field Office: 1407 Vaughn Road - Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 259-8400 Granite City Field Office: 1925 B Madison Ave. - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 876-8985 East St. Louis Field Office: 10 Collinsville Ave., Suite 102 – E. St. Louis, IL 62201 - (618) 583-2600 Belleville Field Office: 1220 Centreville Ave. - Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 257-7500 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Investigation of child abuse/neglect cases. Provision of Child Welfare and Protective Services to children and their families who have experienced child abuse/neglect. Services may include homemaker, protective day care, child placement and counseling services. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. NONE Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) - East Alton Area 608 West St. Louis Avenue - P.O. Box 270 - East Alton, IL 62024 (618) 258-1660 FAX: (618) 258-7275 Angela Whillhite, Administrator DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Offices determine eligibility and provide case management for the following programs: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); All Kids Medical Programs - for Pregnant Women and Families; Aid to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled (AABD) Cash and medical assistance programs; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); Crisis Assistance Program for TANF eligible individuals; and provides links to the Healthcare and Family Services Division of Child Support Enforcement for child support enforcement, collection and paternity establishment. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 23 23 Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) - Granite City Area 1925 Madison Avenue - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-9200 FAX: (618) 877-9203 Kevin Schmidt, Administrator DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Offices determine eligibility and provide case management for the following programs: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); All Kids Medical Programs - for Pregnant Women and Families; Aid to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled (AABD) Cash and medical assistance programs; Food Stamp Program; Crisis Assistance Program for TANF eligible individuals; and provides links to the Healthcare and Family Services Division of Child Support Enforcement for child support enforcement, collection and paternity establishment. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. IDHS Division of Rehabilitation Services 606 W. St. Louis Avenue - East Alton, IL 62024 (618) 258-9996 Vocational Services FAX: (618) 258-7274 (618) 216-6118 Video Phone (618) 258-9808 Home Services Home Services Program: (618) 258-0808 / (618) 258-9996 Dionne Jackson, Office Supervisor East St. Louis Office - (618) 235-5300 TTY: (888) 460-5133 Belleville Office – (618) 235-5300 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Vocational and home services for those with physical and non-physical disabilities. Our Bureau of Blind program provides independent living services and devices, and vocational services for blind and visually impaired persons. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Illinois Employment and Training Center 50 Kriege Fram Road – Glen Carbon, IL 62034 (618) 656-6100 Rhonda Degonia DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Employment services, Veteran services, workshops, assist ages 16 and older with employment placement and unemployment claims. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 24 24 Illinois Poison Center Helpline for Exposures and Ingestions of potentially harmful substances including bites and stings 1-800-222-1222 Hearing Impaired: 312-906-6185 Non- English Language service available Helpline location - 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 1900 Chicago, IL 60606 Description of Services: The IPC is a non-profit healthcare service that provides Illinois residents and workers free access to comprehensive and trusted information and treatment advice for exposures and ingestions of any and potentially harmful substances via a confidential 24/7 call center helpline. The call center is staffed by specially trained physicians, nurses, and pharmacists. No issue to small-just call. We save lives, time, and money for those we serve. IPC provides educational resource materials and information online as well as an online education course to educate the public on poison prevention. Materials are available in English and Spanish and work well for community health events. IMPACT CIL 2735 East Broadway - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-1411 Cathy Contarino, Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: IMPACT Inc. is a Center for Independent Living and a self-help, non-residential, advocacy organization serving people with disabilities in the Counties of Madison, Calhoun, Jersey, Greene, Macoupin and Bond in Illinois. Provide peer counseling, self advocacy, support groups, youth advocacy program, ITAC selection center, low vision/blind services, rural services, pharmaceutical assistance, independent living skills training, information and referral, community reintegration, home services program, personal assistant training and referral, transit training, ramp program, sign language classes, deaf services and more. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Closed for lunch daily 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. NONE 25 25 Inside Out Ministries 60 South State Route 157 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 210-3500 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Individual and family counseling with any of the following issues: abuse, trauma, anxiety, parenting, relationship problems, life transitions, stress and spiritual issues. Only see children age 12 and above. HOURS: Monday through Saturday by appointment Call or e-mail FEE: $80 session, sliding scale available Accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna, Aetna, Humana, Magellan Jesus Place 1900 State St. – Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 451-4707 Warehouse: 1749 Madison Ave. – Granite City, IL 62040 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Food, free clothing. Appliances and furniture HOURS: FEE: Wednesday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. free clothing. Some for furniture and appliances or donated time Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation, Inc. 310 Easton Street, Suite 330 - Alton, IL 62002 1-877-342-7891 For new matters only (618) 462-0029 Domestic violence & current matters only FAX: (618) 463-1101 Joan Spiegel DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Legal Assistance for families at or below 125% of poverty level. Providing legal advice and representation in civil cases, those having problems with governmental benefits and health, family, housing, public housing, consumer, education, utilities and rights of the disabled. Free legal advice and representation to individuals who are being evicted from Public or other federally assisted housing or private housing. Free legal advice and representation to individuals who face imminent disconnection or who are without service and have had an application for service denied by a utility company. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Lunch 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m) NONE 26 26 Lewis & Clark Community College Adult Education Program (GED) 5800 Godfrey Road - Godfrey, IL 62035 (618) 468-4141 N.O. Nelson Campus: 600 Troy Road - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 468-5851 Bethalto Center: Call for location - (618) 468-4113 Community Learning Center: 1004 E. 5th Street - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 468-4110 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provides free day and evening classes to improve basic skills and/or prepare for the GED test. Also provides free English as a Second Language instruction; Project READ one-on-one tutoring; family education; and i-Pathways (online GED instruction). The LCCC Adult Education Division encourages its students to transition to college and offers special programs that include Building Futures YouthBuild; bridge programs; and ICAPS to assist them in their efforts. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Evening classes available LI HEAP / Energy Assistance Please call for an appointment (only winter assistance may be available) Alton area: (618) 463-1906 or (618) 465-3298 Bethalto/Moro Area: (618) 377-5660 (Ft. Russell Township) Collinsville Area: (618) 344-1290 – (618) 344-0755 East Alton/Wood River Area: (618) 296-6631 Edwardsville Area: (618) 656-0292 (Edwardsville Township)or (618) 2966485 Granite City Area: (618) 931-0323 or (618) 931-0360 (Chouteau Township) Highland Area: (618) 654-9295 Troy Area: (618) 667-2022 Venice/Madison Area: (618) 877-8860 or (618) 452-1121 (Venice Township) Wood River Area: (618) 296-6631 27 27 Lutheran Children and Family Services of Illinois 312 W. Main St. - Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-8904 1-800-363-5237 (Central intake for counseling) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Individual and family counseling services, adoption services, pregnancy counseling, foster care, fathers’ center. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sliding fee scale (IDHS medical card not accepted) Madison County AIDS Program (MadCAP) (also see Coordinated Youth and Human Services) 2016 Madison Avenue - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-5110 FAX: (618) 876-5606 Supervisor: Melinda Oxford DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Case management for Home Services and Ryan White services through networking and referrals. Educate clients regarding HIV/AIDS, and provide mentorship through Peer Support Program. Provide anonymous or confidential HIV counseling, testing, and referrals. Provide HIV prevention interventions including, but not limited to, outreach and risk reduction counseling. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. NONE Madison County Catholic Charities 2266 Madison Ave. - Granite City, IL 62040 - (618) 877-1184 Suzanne Schrage, Area Director, Counseling Program: 3512 McArthur - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-0634 – Sister Rose Schulte, LCSW (618) 877-1184 – Jamie Fitterer, LCPC Food Pantry, Med Assist and Financial Assistance (618) 208-3286 - Jan Manns, Community Services Supervisor DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Counseling for individuals, families, marriage, crisis and problem pregnancy; Granite City: utility assistance, rent assistance. Alton and Granite City: MedAssist - advocate program for individuals w/long-term prescription needs who do not have health insurance or state assistance. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sliding fee scale for counseling 28 28 Madison County Child Advocacy Center 101 E. Edwardsville Road - Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 296-5390 FAX: (618) 296-5380 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provides a supportive, child friendly environment for children involved in allegations of sexual abuse and severe physical abuse. Specially trained staff provide forensic interviews, manage a comprehensive referral and support system for children and their non-offending caretakers, coordinate a multidisciplinary investigative team of professionals and promote community and professional education. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. FEE: NONE Madison County Community Development 130 Hillsboro Avenue - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 692-8940 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Energy Assistance, Home Weatherization, Homebuyer Program, Housing Development, Economic Development and Transitional Housing Program - referrals from shelters only. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. FEE: Generally none. Some of the housing programs do require client payments and/or deferred loans. Madison County Employment and Training Department (WIA) Administrative Office 101 E. Edwardsville Rd. - Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 296-4445 612 West St. Louis Ave. – East Alton, IL 62024 (618) 258-7171, Ext. 226 209 North Third Street, Suite C - Greenville, IL 62246 (618) 545-3473 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Prepare economically disadvantaged and others facing serious barriers to employment for entry into the labor force. Employment counseling and assessment, job training, Job Development and Job Search Assistance to dislocated workers. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. NONE 29 29 Madison County Health Department 101 E. Edwardsville Road - Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 692-8954 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Personal Health Services including immunizations for adults and children, titers for proof of immunity to disease, TB skin testing, childhood lead screening, HIV counseling and testing, pregnancy testing, STD clinics, vision and hearing testing, breast and cervical cancer screenings and case management, genetics clinic, Hepatitis C testing, school physicals and surveillance activities for reportable diseases in Illinois. Other divisions include: Environmental Health Services; Health Promotions and Education; and Public Health Emergency Response. HOURS: FEE: Closed 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. daily Monday 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tuesday (STD Clinic) 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. varies by service Madison County Housing Authority 1609 Olive Street - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 345-5142 FAX: (618) 345-5148 John W. Hamm, III - Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Low income housing assistance. Affordable housing developments for seniors and the disabled located in Colllinsville, East Alton, Edwardsville and Wood River. Affordable housing developments for families located in Alton, Collinsville, Madison and Venice. Section 8 housing choice voucher program provides rental and utility assistance to families, seniors and the disabled. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (closed 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.) Madison County Jail 405 Randle - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 692-1064 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Visiting Hours 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday. 30 30 Madison County Medical Society 301 Edwardsville Rd. - Troy, IL 62294 - (618) 394-8642 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Handles complaints or concerns about doctors and health services. Send all complaints/concerns through mail. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. NONE Madison County Probation & Court Services 157 N. Main Street, Suite 312 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 692-6255 Judith A. Dallas, Director Juvenile Detention Services: Madison County Detention Home 100 5th Ave. - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 692-1002 Steven Bowker, Superintendent Office of the Chaplain: Marc Lane, Senior Chaplain - (618) 463-2407 Satellite Offices: Edwardsville Community Corrections Center 157 N. Main, Ste. 313 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 692-6255 Jackie Wiesehan, Chief Probation Officer Alternative Courts Division Criminal Justice Center 509 Ramey Street, Suite 304 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 692-8961 Nancy Cooper, Chief Probation Officer East Alton Community Corrections Center 211 N. Shamrock - East Alton, IL 62024 - (618) 258-0021 Linda Van Dyke, Chief Probation Officer Madison Community Corrections Center 1529 3rd Street Madison, IL 62060 - (618) 451-2047 Marty LeVault, Chief Probation Officer Madison County Regional Office of Education 157 N. Main Street, Suite 438 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 296-4535 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Gives GED test, advice on GED refresher classes, assists in filling out applications and provide information about GED program. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. $50 to test or re-test 31 31 Madison County Region I Special Education 3201 E. 23rd St. - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 452-7864 Paula Hubbard, Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provide services to school age children with disabilities residing in Granite City, Madison and Venice. Hearing testing and occupational therapy services. Speech, vision, hearing services, occupational therapy and physical therapy, and instructional special education services are provided to eligible children during the school day. FEE: NONE Madison County Transit One Transit Way - P.O. Box 7500 - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 797-4636 (618-797-INFO) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Fixed-route bus service within Madison County communities, from one city to another, to MetroLink stations and express weekday service for commuters to downtown St. Louis. HOURS: See route schedule for individual start and end times for each route. FEE: varies Madison County Truants Alternative Program 157 N. Main Street, Suite 438 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 296-4530 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Counseling, advocacy, prevention and redemption services; referral and networking with state and community services; workshop presentations; and inservice training. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. NONE Madison County Truant Officer Office of the Regional Superintendent 157 N. Main St., Suite 438 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 296-4642 Truant Officer: Andrew Reinking 32 32 Madison County Truant Officer (CONTINUED) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Shall investigate all cases of non-compliance by persons who fail to send any child under his or her custody or control to some lawful school. Shall make complaint against any person found to be out of compliance to the State’s Attorney and/or Circuit Court. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. NONE Madison County Urban League 408 E. Broadway St. - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 463-1906 FAX: (618) 463-2781 Brenda Walker-McCain, President/CEO 502 Madison Avenue - Madison, IL 62060 - (618) 877-8860 Vera Browley DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Promotes, assists and engages in a variety of services to improve social and economic conditions. Services are in the areas of housing, counseling, youth enrichment and education, and employment. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Lunch 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.) None Main Street Community Center, Inc. 1003 N. Main - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-0300 FAX: (618) 656-0135 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: To provide a broad range of group and individual activities and services that respond to the needs and interests of individuals spanning several generations, including older adults, families, caretakers, and other members of the community. Transportation is available for older adults and the disabled Monday through Friday and home-delivered meals are provided for the homebound. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Some program fees apply 33 33 MedAssist (Madison County Catholic Charities) 3512 McArthur Blvd. - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 462-0634 ext. 229 Katie Hennemann, Client Advocate 2266 Madison Ave., Granite City, IL 62040 – (618) 877-1184 Christina Chears, Client Advocate DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Prescription medicine program is a six to eight week process. First three months of program: $20.00 initial fee and $15.00 renewal fee every three months thereafter. Client cannot have any insurance coverage. No referral needed. Please call for information and to set up appointment. HOURS: FEE: Monday - Friday Closed Wednesday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. No walk-ins $20 initial fee and $15 renewal fee Ministerial Association Food Pantry First Presbyterian Church 201 East Church - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 344-1109 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Referred by caseworker. Bring proof of number of people in home, proof of residency and proof of need (letter from DHS, medical card, etc.) Collinsville residents only. HOURS: FEE: Tuesday & Friday 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. NONE Ministries Unlimited 310 Collinsville Road - Troy, IL 62294 (618) 667-6241 Ext. 32 CELL: (618) 604-8433 Betty Cothran DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: TRIAD RESIDENTS ONLY; may receive help with a food emergency. You must call ahead to schedule a time. (Call between 9 a.m. and noon on Monday to pick up on Tuesday; call between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. on Wednesday to pick up on Thursday.) Must have two forms of identification – one photo ID plus a piece of mail dated in the current month with correct complete address. HOURS: FEE: NONE Food Distribution: Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Thursday 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Food Donations: Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 34 Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Pregnancy information, medical and community referrals; counseling, pre-natal and parenting classes, pregnancy testing, and ultra-sound to determine a viable pregnancy. After completion of pre-natal and parenting class, clients get new baby items. 2019 Johnson Road - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 451-2002 Kathy Sparks, Executive Director HOURS: Monday – Wednesday Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 115 Lincoln Place ct., Suite 102 - Belleville, IL 62221 (618) 355-9977 HOURS: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) 731 Silver - P.O. Box 1216 - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 465-1621 James Gray DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Organization fights for equality, access to education, employment, health care and fair housing. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Southwestern Illinois 2100 Madison, 4th floor - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 798-9788 FAX: (866) 332-5338 Mark Rudolph, Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Providing education, advocacy and support for individuals, families and professionals who deal with mental illnesses. All support meetings and educational programs are free and open to the public. Provides free library of books, magazines, videos and brochures on a variety of mental health topics. HOURS: FEE: Daily Monday- Thursday Support group meetings vary 12:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. NONE 35 35 Nearly New Shop 21 East 6th Street - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-8201 Susan Jolley, Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provides clean child and adult clothing at no charge. (also see Crisis Food Center) HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (closed 12:00 pm. – 1:00 p.m.) NONE New Life Evangelistic Center 1411 Locust St. - St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 421-3020 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provides Christian hospitality and respect for life through services of food, clothing, shelter, advocacy, education, job training, and physical, mental and spiritual health care to the poor and homeless in our local and global communities. New Opportunities, Inc. 1510 West Seventh Street - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 452-8165 FAX: (618) 452-8166 Sharon Varady, Administrator DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: New Opportunities conducts a Developmental Training program that is designed to give adults who are developmentally challenged educational opportunities and hands-on experiences that will not only enhance life skills, but will also give individuals an opportunity to earn a wage in a structured employment setting. New Opportunities' Developmental Training program is regulated and certified by the Illinois Department of Human Services for excellence and quality of service. The work portion of the program is licensed by the Illinois Department of Labor and US Department of Labor. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. FEE: Funding for individuals who participate in the program are paid by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Madison County Community Mental Health Board, Local Education and private pay. 36 36 Oasis Women's Center CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-1978 (hotline) FAX: (618) 465-0749 Margarette Trushel, Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Domestic violence shelter; Offers hotline, intake and shelter. Provides safe shelter and supportive services to women and their children in crisis and pre-crisis situations; walk in services to address violence issues, parenting, counseling and job needs. HOURS: FEE: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week NONE One Hope United 907 North Bluff Road, Suite 9 - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 345-9644 FAX: (618) 345-6577 Bill Gillis, CEO Patricia Griffith, Executive Director Ann Pearcy, Senior Vice President DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Child Welfare Services include crisis intervention, intensive treatment services, family and individual counseling, volunteer services, information and referral. Family Support services available in seven counties. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sliding fee scale (Must have referral from DCFS or LAN: 6, 7, or 12.) Operation Blessing, People That Care, Inc. 18 East Lorena, P.O. Box 433 - Wood River, IL 62095 - (618) 251-5683 Virginia Kirkpatrick DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Offers free food, clothing, housing items, school supplies and Christmas toys to families in need and Christian counseling. MUST LIVE IN THE WOOD RIVER, CHOUTEAU, OR FORT RUSSELL TOWNSHIP AREAS. MUST SHOW PROOF OF ADDRESS EACH VISIT FOR ALL ADULTS IN HOUSEHOLD. All help provided by volunteers. HOURS: FEE: Monday- Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. NONE 37 37 Options NOW 4854 N. Alby - Godfrey, IL 62035 - (618) 466-1690 FAX: (618) 467-4447 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: All services are free and confidential. Pregnancy test, options counseling, STD screening (walk-in or by appt.) and limited OB ultrasounds (by appt.) Restoration Academy – parenting program, fatherhood classes and material assistance for mother and baby, one-on-one mentoring. HOURS : Monday 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Thursday evening – Restoration Academy 5:30 p.m – 7:30 p.m. at Cornerstone Church next door (you must register first at Options NOW) Parents NOW 724 East Bethalto Blvd. – Bethalto, IL 62010 – (618) 377-9259 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: A parent support group for teenage mothers and fathers in a supportive, nonjudgmental environment. All teen parents (up to age 24) and their children (ages 6 weeks to 5 year). While at Parents NOW you will be served a free meal, receive free childcare, participate in discussion groups and have the opportunity to earn points and “purchase” items from the Points Shop. Parents NOW provides: Leadership training and development. Discussion groups in an open, caring atmosphere where parents are free to share their ideas and feeling with each other. A chance to be with other teen parents who share similar circumstances. Mentoring by women past their teen years who can share insights on motherhood, childrearing, relationships and other topics of interest to teen moms. A place of encouragement, where motherhood is valued and women are special no matter what their status, education or personal issues. HOURS: Second Friday of every month from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. FEE: NONE Parents Without Partners, Belleville Area #559 P.O. Box 137 - Belleville, IL 62222 - (618) 398-9531 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Parents Without Partners, Inc. is an international, non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization devoted to the interests and well-being of single parents and their children. Its programs and activities are entirely volunteer work by members of PWP, Inc. FEE: $40 per year 38 38 Phoenix Crisis Center, Inc. P.O. Box 1043 - Granite City, IL 62040 - (618) 451-1008 Nikki Martinez, Exec. Director, DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: The Phoenix Crisis Center is a domestic violence shelter. Offers 24 hour telephone hotline, short term emergency on site housing; criminal justice advocacy; referral service; individual and group counseling; and supportive advocacy. Safe from the Start (page 46) program provides counseling for children 0-5 years old who have witnessed domestic violence. HOURS: 24/7 FEE: NONE Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region (PPSLR) Fairview Heights Health Center 4529 N. Illinois (Rt. 159) - Fairview Heights, IL 62226 - (618) 277-6668 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: PPSLR provides quality comprehensive reproductive health care to men, women and teens. Services include: well-woman exams, cancer screening, full range of birth control methods, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, STI testing and treatment and HIV testing and counseling. Walk-ins welcome for HIV testing, emergency contraception and pregnancy testing. HOURS: FEE: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 20 p.m. Sliding fee scale, Medicaid, commercial insurance, Medicare Practical Rehab Services, Ltd. 3550 College Ave., Suite A - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-6566 FAX: (618) 465-6573 Sharon Johnson, PhD, Owner DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: DUI evaluations, updates, denial letters, risk education, adult and adolescent substance abuse outpatient treatment, back to work evaluations and treatment, anger management evaluations and treatment. HOURS: FEE: Sunday - Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. (by appointment) Self pay starts at $100 for evaluation 39 39 Provident, Inc. 141 Market Place Drive, Suite 206 - Fairview Heights, IL 62208 (618) 398-7250 FAX: (618) 398-6870 Diane Landreder DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Includes counseling services for depression, family concerns, stress management, marital and divorce issues, behavior disorders and emotional disturbances. Operates Men Ending Domestic Violence (MEDV), a batterer intervention program and Working Against Angry Violent Environments (WAAVE), an anger management group. HOURS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday 1:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. FEE: Sliding fee scale; Domestic Violence program $25/week with a $45 assessment fee Psychological Services Counseling Saint Anthony's Health Center 815 East Fifth Street, Suite 101 - Alton, IL 62002 (Saint Clare’s Hospital Professional Office Building) (618) 474-6240 (under Centers of Care) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Saint Anthony's Psychological Services & Outpatient Counseling Program provides individual, couples and family therapy for Adults, Adolescents, and Children ages 6+. Our group consists of highly skilled professionals with various specialties, including Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Professional Counselors and a Clinical Psychologist. We specialize in treatment of Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Life Transitions, Grief and Family & Couples therapy for relationship issues. Psychological Testing and evaluation is available to provide differential diagnosis and treatment planning. HOURS: FEE: Counseling visits are by appointment both day and evening options (until 8 p.m.) Main Phone/Office Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. We accept most insurance plans including Medicare & private pay. RAVEN (Rape and Violence End Now) 1914 Olive St., Suite 300 (314) 289-8000 FAX: (314) 558 40 40 , La quesha Boston, Adult Program Coordinator Kara Taylor, Youth Program Coordinator DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Adult: Non-violence education groups for men 18 and older who have been abusive in their relationships. After phone screen and assessment, morning, evening and weekend groups available. Youth: program for youth ages 12-17 who are at-risk of committing violence in their relationships. Risk factors include witnessing violence at home, abused as children, living in community supportive of violence. Youth in the program are educated on dating violence, gender norms and tools and skills for preventing abuse. Community Education: Staff members are available to speak to groups. HOURS: FEE: Groups available evenings and weekends Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sliding fee scale (Youth program in Madison County is free) Relevant Pregnancy Options Center 410 A Pine Street, Highland, IL 62249 (618) 654-3732 Tricia Blasdel, Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Pregnancy test, Options Counseling, Abortion Education, Abstinence Information, Parent Education, material Items, Referrals (Adoption, Medical Care, Agencies, etc.), Post-Abortion Recovery Study. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 2nd Saturday of each month 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. FREE and confidential RideFinders One Transit Way - P.O. Box 7500 - Granite City, IL 62040 (800) 847-7433 (800-VIP-RIDE) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: The St. Louis Regional Ridershare Program offering an online ridematching service for carpoolers and vanpoolers in St. Louis City; St. Louis, Franklin, Jefferson and St. Charles counties in MO and Jersey, Madison, St. Clair and Monroe counties in IL. 41 41 HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. FEE: There is no fee for using the ridematching service or registering for a carpool. Call RideFinders for detailed vanpooling costs. Riverbend Head Start & Family Services 550 Landmarks Blvd. P.O. Box 250 - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 463-5946 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Child development and family strengthening for qualifying children ages birth to five and expectant parents through home visiting and center based early childhood education, case management and parent education. Provided through Head Start and Early Head Start programs throughout Madison County. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. None St. Clair County Health Department 19 Public Square, Suite 150 - Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 233-6170 ext. 4428 for appointments Mary Galvin, RN, BSN and Renee Korves DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: WIC, Health Education, Immunization for children up to age 19 years, developmental screenings, Fluoride treatments for children 1 to 3 years, lead testing, Breastfeeding Peer Counselors and well child exams up to age 3 years. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 3rd Wednesday each month Call for walk-in days and times NONE St. Clair County Housing Authority 1790 South 74th Street - Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 277-6856, ext. 6856 Margaret Wiegmann, Leasing Manager DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provide federally-assisted housing assistance to eligible low-income families. Subject to fund availability. Wait lists apply to all programs. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 42 42 St. John's Home & Community Care 222 Goethe Avenue - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 344-0276 FAX: (618) 344-4969 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: St. John’s provides compassionate, dependable care to people challenged by aging or disabilities. A variety of programs are offered to individuals who desire to maintain their independence at home. Call the office for information concerning a particular program. St. Vincent DePaul Society - Holy Angels Parish Conference 345 Action Street - Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 254-3198 Leave a message and your call will be returned DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provide FOOD ASSISTANCE ONLY to residents of Hartford, Roxana, South Roxana, Wood River and East Alton. Cannot receive help more than once every four months, depending on need. FEE: NONE St. Vincent DePaul Society - St. Ambrose Church 815 Winter Lane - Godfrey, IL 62035 - (618) 466-2921 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Offers food assistance for residents of Godfrey who show a verifiable need for assistance. Gas is also provided for people in need and/or transient, to go to a doctor appointment, job interview, or a new job; utility assistance provided for someone in danger of having utilities shut off (if funds are available). HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. NONE St. Vincent DePaul Society - St. Boniface and St. Mary Church 110 Buchanan - Edwardsville, IL 62025 1-800-775-0712 ext. 7777 Voice Mail DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Assistance with rent or utility, especially in preventing shut-off or eviction. Other types of assistance are available and all cases require a home visit. Services only to residents of the Edwardsville School District. HOURS: FEE: Daily 24 hours per day NONE 43 43 St. Vincent DePaul Society - SS Peter & Paul Church 717 State Street - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 462-6902 Maurice Wenzel DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Will provide assistance with utilities such as electricity, gas and water. Funds provided to prevent utility, disconnection or to reconnect utilities after shut off. Will also help with fuel oil, propane, medicine, gasoline, transportation and temporary lodging and make referrals to the Crisis Food Center (page 15). (When calling, must provide name, telephone number, type of aid needed and account number on utility bill.) HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. NONE Sacred Creations 129 Steiss Road, Suite B – Glen Carbon, IL 62034 - (618) 792-2049 AJ French, CRSS - Executive Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Sacred Creations is a peer-operated organization for individuals living with psychiatric disabilities. We assist individuals in identifying their support systems and help persons to weigh the cost and benefits of work related decisions. Participation is voluntary. Offers a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). FEE: Contractual Agreement Safe From the Start P.O. Box 1043 Nameoki Station - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 797-9901 FAX: (618) 451-1052 Angie Darden, Case Manager; Christen Brockner, Child Therapist; Tenley McHarg, Program Coordinator DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Parenting classes for parent with children of all ages, including parents-to-be. Counseling program for children 0-5 and siblings who have been exposed to any type of violence, includes supportive services for the non-abusive caregiver(s). All services are free and offered in both Wood River and Granite City. A program of Phoenix Crisis Center. HOURS: FEE: NONE Monday – Thursday Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 44 44 Saint Clare’s Villa – Supportive Living Facilities 915 E. 5th Street – Alton, IL 62002 (618) 463-9000 Salvation Army - Alton 525 Alby Street - P.O. Box 524 - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-7764 FAX: (618) 465-0331 Melissa Boyer, Office Manager DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: The Salvation Army of Alton operates a 30-bed homeless shelter that is open year-round. The shelter offers housing, meals and other services for men, women and children. The shelter is open 24hours/day, 7 days/week. The Salvation Army provides emergency financial assistance in dealing with rent, mortgage and utilities including water and electricity emergencies. The Emergency Assistance program is open Monday through Friday, 9 4 p.m. The food pantry is open Monday, Tuesday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The Salvation Army also provides seasonal assistance at Thanksgiving and Christmas including food and toys for children under 12 years. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. NONE Salvation Army – Collinsville – CAMA’s Helping Hands Ministries (representing Salvation Army) 201 E. Church - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 346-1861 FAX: (618) 344-1110 Mike Watkins, Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Lodging, rental, and utilities assistance once per year. Clients applying for assistance must have a picture ID, and Social Security card and proof of income for everyone in household, and utility bill showing their current address. Provides residents of Collinsville Unit #10 School District) HOURS: FEE: Tuesday & Friday 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. NONE Salvation Army - East St. Louis 616 N. 16th Street - East St. Louis, IL 62205 (618) 874-3136 (618) 874-3139 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Food and clothing pantry, rent, utility assistance and resource referral. Identification required 45 45 Salvation Army - East St. Louis (CONTINUED) HOURS: FEE: Food Pantry - Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Rental/Utility Assistance – Tuesday 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. NONE Salvation Army of Southwest Madison County 3007 E. 23rd Street - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 451-7957 Major Dale Hunt/Caseworker: Susan Huff DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provides short-term family casework and emergency relief; short-term transient relief, lodging; special seasonal relief on holidays; recreational activities including summer youth programs. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. (lunch) NONE Second Chance Shelter 240 North 6th Street - East St. Louis, IL 62201 (618) 482-5662 (24 hours a day) Sharon Jackson DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Short term shelter for homeless families for up to 90 days. Services include room and board extensive counseling and skill training. Life skills, rental, utility program/food pantry. Tutoring school age children. Structured computer classes for adults and children. Structured recreational program during school year for school aged children (provided through students of McKendree College). HOURS: FEE: Daily 24 hours/day NONE Senior Services Plus, Inc. 2603 N. Rodgers Avenue - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-3298 FAX: (618) 465-3302 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Recreational and education activities for Seniors in the Madison County and adjoining areas. Services include transportation, Meals on Wheels Program, in-home care assistance, foster grandparent program, health screenings, information and assistance and more. School House Grill (open to the public) 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday – 46 46 Senior Services Plus, Inc. (CONTINUED) Friday Wellness Center - Commercial grade fitness equipment, fitness classes (Senior Yoga, Tai Chi, Chair Exercises) Weight Watchers meetings and more for Seniors 55 or better: 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday – Friday, Saturday 8 a.m. – 3 p.m., Sundays 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Call for more information. Trip costs differ by location. Shriner’s Hospital for Children – St. Louis 2001 S. Lindbergh Blvd. – St. Louis, MO 63131 - (314) 432-3600 Patient referrals: 1-800-850-2960 Spanish speaking families: (314) 872-7882 Social Security Administration U.S. Courthouse 501 Belle St. Room 103 - Alton, IL 62002 (855) 285-6006 (800) 772-1213 TTY: (618) 463-6597 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Services include retirement and survivor, disability, Supplementary Security Income (SSI) for disabled adults and children and those over the age 65, Medicare, Social Security card services, public information services, teleservice and appointments. Assistance provided in any language. HOURS: FEE: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Wednesday – 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. NONE Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation (SIHF) 2041 Goose Lake Road - Sauget, IL 62206 (618) 332-0694 FAX: (618) 332-2427 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation is a community-based, Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Network comprised of nearly 40 health centers offering primary care, community outreach programs, and enabling services. Centers are located in eight counties in Southern Illinois, to include Madison County and St. Clair county. Health care services are available for the entire family to include Family Medicine, Pedicatrics, OB-GYN, Family planning, pre-natal, postnatal, dental, and behavioral health services. Medicare and Medicaid accepted. 47 47 Southern Illinois Specialized Healthcare Associates (SISHA) 53 E. Elm St. - Alton, IL 62002 Marla Maag (618) 465-0124 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provide evaluations and therapy for speech, physcial therapy, hearing, and occupational therapy. Services provided to Head Start children at Head Start centers. FEE: Accept medicaid and insurance Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) Office of Admissions Box 1600 - Edwardsville, IL 62026 - (618) 650-3705 SIUE Speech - Language - Hearing Center Founder's Hall, Room 1300 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 650-5623 Carolyn Stevens, SLH Center Secretary DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provides speech-language-hearing screenings, evaluations and therapy for children and adults in the following areas: speech, language, fluency, voice, head injury, stroke, aphasia and central auditory processing. HOURS: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. FEE: Fee for Service; accept Medicaid/IL Public Aid Recipient with $25.00 co-pay SIUE School of Nursing - Community Nursing Services 601 J.R. Thompson Blvd. - Bldg. D, Suite 2015 - East St. Louis, IL 62201 (618) 482-6959 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Physical examinations for school, sports, and employment and immunizations HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Accept public aid, Harmony and cash. Sliding fee scale. Southwestern Illinois College - Sam Wolf Granite City Campus 4950 Maryville Rd. - Granite City, IL 62040 - (618) 931-0600 ext. 7397 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Adult Basic Education GED, Pre-GED, Vocational, ESL, Citizenship 48 48 Southwestern Illinois College - Belleville Campus GED Prog. 2500 Carlyle Ave. - Belleville, IL 62221 (618) 222-5525 TOLL FREE: 866-942-SWIC ext. 5525 or DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: GED and Pre-GED classes prepare students for the high school equivalency examination. Classes are offered monthly and usually last for four or eight weeks. Call for class schedule. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. NONE Southwestern Illinois College - English as a Second Language and Citizenship Program 2500 Carlyle Ave. - Belleville, IL 62221 - (618) 222-5363 Toll Free: 1-866-842-SWIC Ext. 5363 Lea Maue, Director DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: The Adult Basic Education Department offers free English as a Second Language (ESL) classes to adults whose first language is not English and who want to improve their English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Day and evening classes are held in Belleville, Granite City, and Fairmont City. Registration is usually at the student's first class meeting. New students are always welcome! Citizenship classes prepare permanent legal residents to become citizens of the United States. Students learn about the U.S. Constitution, American history and American government. Citizenship classes are offered during the day or in the evening. Southwestern Illinois HIV Care Connect St. Clair County Health Department 19 Public Square, Suite 150 - Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 233-7703 FAX: (618) 233-7713 Tina Markovich, HIV Program manager ext. 4406 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Comprehensive health and support services for persons with HIV/AIDS. Services include case management, primary care, medications, housing and utility assistance, transportation, dental care, nutrition, and mental health. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. NONE 49 49 The Balanced Mind Foundation 566 W. Lake St., Suite 430, Chicago, IL 60661 (847) 492-8510 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Assists families affected by depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders. Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities, Inc. (TASC) 103 Plaza Court - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 656-7672 Area 9 Administrator - Tony Gonzales General Supervisor – Anna Anderson DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Services for juveniles, adults and offenders. Conducts substance abuse evaluation for the criminal justice system. United Way of Greater St. Louis 910 N. 11th St. - St. Louis, MO 63101 (800) 427-4626 FAX: (314) 539-4270 (voicemail available 24/7) 2-1-1 Information and Referral 1-800-427-4626 2-1-1 from landline Southwest Illinois Division: 263 South Sixth St. - Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 251-0072 FAX: (618) 251-4355 Tri-Cities Area: 1821 Edison Ave. - Granite city, IL 62042 (618) 877-6780 FAX: 452-2525 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Information and referrals on a wide range of issues HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. UCP Heartland Center for Autism 2730 N. Center St., PO Box 367 - Maryville, IL 62062 (618) 288-2218 FAX: (618) 288-2249 Amanda Marti, Coord. of Autism Resources, DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Center for Autism - autism screenings, resource library, consultation, training, social skills groups. Early 50 50 UCP Heartland Center for Autism (CONTINUED) Early Intervention - developmental therapy and assessment for children ages birth to three. Camp Free To Be (CFTB) - summer day camp for children with disabilities and their siblings, ages 5-12. HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. FEE: Social Skills Group $5/session. CFTB $125 per week per child – partial scholarships may be available for low-income families. VNA – TIP Health Care 217 East Center Dr. - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 467-2080 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Provide cost-effective and compassionate home healthcare to some of the nation’s most vulnerable individuals, particularly the elderly and individuals with disabilities. Wellspring Resources 2615 Edward Street - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 462-2331 CRISIS HOTLINE: (618 465-4388, 24 hours/day DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Outpatient counseling for adults, children and adolescents (individual, family, couple, group); Crisis services (24 hour); Psychiatric and medical services; Group homes for men and women with a serious mental illness; Permanent housing apartments and SROs for single adults; Community support for adults with a serious mental illness; Emergency services for children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbances which include family and community support (SASS); Community support for children, adolescents, and their families; Medication assisted recovery for opioid dependence treatment for adults; Alcohol and substance abuse treatment; DUI assessment, risk education, and counseling; Senior and caregiver services. HOURS: FEE: Monday Tuesday - Thursday Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Affordable copays for services 51 51 WIC – Women, Infants and Children 2016 Madison Ave. - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-3433 FAX: (618) 877-0772 101 E. Edwardsville Rd. - Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 462-8155 FAX: (618) 462-1952 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Nutrition and breastfeeding education, free supplemental food and case management provided to families with a pregnant woman, infants or young child. HOURS: FEE: Monday Tuesday - Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. NONE William M. BeDell Achievement & Resource Center 400 S. Main, P.O. Box 349 - Wood River, IL 62095 - (618) 251-2175 3521 Culp Lane - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 462-4404 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Programs for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Respite Care; Adult Developmental Training; Developmental Training for Ages 3 – 21; Community Integrated Living Arrangements; Family Support; Case Coordination. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. NONE Windham Terrace Apartments 2701 Windham Terrace Drive - Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 254-2455 FAX: (618) 254-1129 Susan Dearduff, Resident Manager HOURS: Evening appointments available upon request Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. FEE: $35 non-refundable application fee DEPOSIT: $200 - 2 bedroom $250 - 3 bedroom 52 52 YMCA/Young Men's Christian Association - Granite City 451 Niedringhaus - Granite City, IL 62040 - (618) 876-7200 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Multi-faceted membership organization serving women and girls; men and boys. HOURS: FEE: Varies Monday – Friday Saturday Sunday 5:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. YMCA/Young Men's Christian Association - Edwardsville 1200 Esic Drive - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 656-0436 7348 Goshen Rd. - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 655-1460 HOURS: FEE: Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5:30 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Varies YWCA/Young Women's Christian Association - Alton 304 East Third Street - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 465-7774 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Eliminating racism. Empowering women. Multifaceted membership organization serving women and girls; men and boys. Programs include fitness, aquatics, youth development, and child enrichment. HOURS: FEE: Monday – Friday Saturday 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Varies; call for more information. 53 53 Servicios En Español Puentes de Esperanza Programa Hoyleton Youth and Family Services 3463 N . 88th St. Route 157- East St. Louis, IL 62203 (618) 213-3170 FAX: (618) 213-3171 or 398-0606 Miriam Evans, Director Emigrante Programa de Head Start: Puentes recluta y entrevista familias de emigrantes para determinar si sus niños tienen derecho para educación suplemental y programas de servicio de apoyo, cual funciona en colaboración, y coordinación con los distritos de East St. Louis y Collinsville. Este programa esta ofrecido a niños de las edades de seis semanas hasta os seis anos de edad, la transportación del autobús será provisto para llegar al centro y incluye educación, medicina y chequeos dentales. Programa de prevención para embarazo de adolescentes: Este programa busca bajar el embarazo de adolescentes y el número de nacimientos con la comunidad Latina con la educación de sexualidad, actividades para los jóvenes, y el apoyo de los parientes. Actividades de grupos toman lugar en dos grupos de edad con ambos niños y niñas participan en el programa, dejándolos discutir comportamientos y explorar pensamientos comunes y mis concepciones populares en la sexualidad. Servicios Especiales Latinos: Ofrece acercamiento y asistencia a la comunidad Hispana/Latina, sirviendo como un asistente a los recursos que están disponibles. Nuestra intención es para asistir los miembros de la comunidad con problemas de cada día incluyendo barreras de lengua, navegando el sistema legal/gobierno, buscando cuitamiento de salud, y asegurando acceso a comida, trabajo y lugar donde dormir. Acercamiento a la comunidad: Nuestros trabajadores son bilingües que trabajan con cliente para ofrecer utilidades y asistencia para donde vivir, translaciones y asistencia para inmigrantes, comida para los que tienen hambre, referencias para asistencia legal, clases para trabajar, como usar las computadoras, asistencia de transportación, beneficios de DHS, recomendaciones medicas y individuas y terapia para la familia. Iniciativa de Salud para Mujeres (Women’s Health Initiative): Nuestro programa tiene asociaciones con Susan G. Komen for the Cure- St. Louis 54 54 Afiliado para aumentar el conocimiento de cáncer de pecho y asegurar que los servicios están ofrecidos a todas las latinas. Dentistas que hablan español Smile for Life Dentistry 4971 South State, Rte. 159 - Glen Carbon, IL 62034 (618) 288-6699 FAX: (618) 288-8977 (3 anos de edad para exámenes, 5 anos de edad para tratamiento.) Asociado Pediatras Dentistas No aceptan tarjetas médicas Dr. Mello, DDS Six-157 Center, Suite A- Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 659-6736 FAX:(618) 659-1500 Necesidades Especiales 3540 North Belt West, Suite E- Belleville IL 62223 (618) 233-8667 FAX:(618) 233-8715 4945 Stone Falls Center O’Fallon, IL 62269 (618) 622-0212 FAX:(618) 622-1996 Interpretes españoles Karan Mendoza 805 Caralpa Ave.-Greenville,IL 62246 (618-664-3858 (Mismo numero para el FAX) Sanny Jones 4279 State Rte. 160- Highland, IL 62249 (618) 304-2086 FAX: (618) 654-1833 Medico, Pediatra y Ginecologo Latinos Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation ALTON HEALTH CENTER 550 Landmarks Blvd., 2nd floor - Alton, IL 62002 Family Medicine & Family Planning (618) 463-5905 Medical Records FAX: (618) 465-3309 Pediatrics (618) 463-0649 Behavioral Health (618) 465-8829 55 55 FAX: (618) 463-5935 ALTON WOMEN'S HEALTH CENTER #2 Memorial Drive, Suite 122 - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-2550 FAX: (618) 465-4167 Medico, Pediatra y Ginecologo Latinos WEST BELLEVILLE HEALTH CENTER (OB-GYN) 7210 Wset Main St. – Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 398-8840 CENTRAL COLLINSVILLE HEALTH CENTER 80 Burlington - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 343-6015 FAX: (618) 343-6028 FAIRMONT CITY HEALTH CENTER 2568 n. 41ST St. – Fairmont City, IL 62201 (618) 482-4015 FAX: (618) 482-4806 GOOD SAMARITAN HEALTH CENTER 815 East 5th St., Suite 202, Alton, IL 62002 Family Medicine (618) 462-4939 56 56 Support Groups Alcoholics Anonymous 409 Broadway, Unit C1 – South Roxana, IL 62087 (618) 251-4000 St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 211 S. 3rd St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-2120 x. 1555 Support for those who want to stop drinking, Mondays and Wednesdays; 6:30 p.m., room 722 of hospital Alzheimer’s Support Group (618) 463-5333 HOURS: Meet last Thursday of month, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Belleville Area Ostomy Association St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 211 S. 3rd St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-2120 x. 1440 Reassurance and emotional support for those who have undergone ostomy surgery, their family and friends, 4th Tuesday of each month 7:00 p.m., staff conference room Cornerstone Ministries 1426 Washington Ave. - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-HELP (4357) Grief support groups, divorce recovery groups, drug/alcohol/gambling recovery groups. Family support services based on Christian values. Call for one-on-one and day/time for groups. Ask for Chaplain Marc. Depression and Bipolar Support Group Diabetes Support Group Alton Memorial Hospital - One Memorial Drive - Alton, IL 62002 Diabetes Self-Management Center (618) 463-7526 Lisa James Hours: 1 - 2 p.m. Third Thursday of every month Freedom from Smoking - Partnership with American Lung Association St. Anthony’s Health Center (618) 465-2264 Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Quit smoking or using nicotine with this free 8-week program. 57 57 Support Groups (CONTINUED) Grief Support Group St. Anthony’s Health Center – Hospice – Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (618) 463-5636 Group meets every 2nd Friday at 1:00 p.m. in the Heritage Hall of St. Clair’s – no appointment necessary - free GROW St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 211 S. 3rd St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 977-1133 Self-help group for persons with mental health problems, Thursdays 7:00 p.m., room 722 Heart Works Resource Line (618) 47-HEART (43278) Interactive lifestyle management programs for anyone at high risk for heart attack or stroke, or suffering from heart disease. HIV/AIDS Support Group: “It’s all About Us” St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 211 S. 3rd St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-2120 X. 1555 Support for persons with HIV/AIDS, Thursday 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., room 743 Look Good…Feel Better® - Partnership with American Cancer Society St. Anthony’s Health Center (618) 465-2264 Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Teaches women how to cope with the appearance-related side effects of their cancer treatment. Taught by professional cosmetologists, free to women undergoing cancer treatment. MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) Victims Services/Advocacy/Prevention Illinois State MADD Office 1430 Branding Lane, Suite #104- Downers Grove, IL 60515 (630) 541-6099 FAX: (630) 541-6369 2070 W. Monroe, Springfield, IL 62704 (217) 523-6233\il 58 58 Support Groups (CONTINUED) Mended Hearts St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 211 S. 3rd St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-2120 x.1620 Support for persons with heart disease or those who have undergone cardiac surgery, and their family/friends, every 3rd Monday of each month, 6:30 p.m. in the Millennium Room, alternates months and Memorial Hospital Mother to Mother Telephone/Group Support – free telephone or support group meetings for women experiencing emotional difficulties during pregnancy or postpartum. Groups meet twice a month in Creve Coeur or St. Peters Missouri. For more information or to register for group meetings: (314) 644-7001 or 1-877-644-7001 or NA – Narcotics Anonymous (618) 398-9409 St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 211 S. 3rd St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-2120 X. 1338 Support for women with a history for narcotics abuse, Tuesday 6:00 p.m., room 740 Parenting Group for Parents of Children with ADHD and Support Group for Children with ADHD (618) 463-5442 Dr. Shannon Walker Facilitated by Saint Anthony’s Psychological Services professional staff. While parents are attending the Parenting Group, trained professional staff from Saint Anthony’s Psychological Services work with children with ADHD. Parents NOW Bethalto First Christian Church – (618) 377-9259 (see page 39 for details) Pregnancy St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 211 S. 3rd St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-2120 X. 2300 Offer a range of child preparation, birthing and breastfeeding classes to help you get ready for your new arrival Saint Anthony’s Health Center One Saint Anthony’s Way - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-2571 Call for current schedule unless otherwise noted, and to register. 59 59 Support Groups (CONTINUED) Saint Anthony’s Stroke Club (618) 463-5259 - Rehabilitation Unit Dining Room For stroke survivors and their families. Call for current schedule unless otherwise noted, and to register. Saint Clare’s Professional Building 915 East 5th Street - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-2571 Call for current schedule unless otherwise noted, and to register. Southern Illinois Difibbers Support Group St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 211 S. 3rd St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 233-6044 x. 4531 Support group for defibrillator patients and their loved ones, arranged through Prairie Cardiologist Consultants Stroke Support Group St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 211 S. 3rd St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-2120 X. 1519 Support and education for those recovering from a stroke, and their families, meets the1st Wednesday every other month, 2 p.m. in the Millennium room Years of Change for Girls St. Anthony’s Health Center (618) 465-2264 Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Free program for youth ages 9 – 12 focuses on growth and development. Youth should be accompanied by an adult parent or caregiver. 60 60 FOOD PANTRIES ALTON Alton Salvation Army - 525 Alby Street (618) 465-7764 Monday, Tuesday & Friday 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Crisis Food Center - 21 East 6th Street (618) 462-8201 Please call between 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. to get name on list for that day pick up Pick up Monday - Friday 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Guardian Angel Food Pantry (Madison County Catholic Charities) - 3512 McArthur Blvd. Jan Manns (618) 462-0634 X.235 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Require photo id and piece of mail with current address River of Life Church Food Pantry – 3401 Fosterburg Road (618) 465-4000 2nd and 4th Monday 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. River Bend Adventist Community Service Center - 4870 Humbert Rd. (618) 462-7227 Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Riverbend Community Food Pantry - 929 Milnor Ave. (618) 462-9841 (at Open Door Fellowship Church) Friday 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. CASEYVILLE Caseyville Emergency Food Pantry – 119 W. Lincoln (618) 344-5792 Tuesday and Friday 10:00 am – 12:00 p.m. COLLINSVILLE CAMA’s Helping Hands Ministries Food Pantry - 201 E. Church Street (618) 346-1861 Clients applying for assistance must have a picture ID, and Social Security card and proof of income for everyone in household, and utility bill showing their current address. Collinsville residents only. Tuesday & Friday Tuesday 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 61 61 FOOD PANTRIES (CONTINUED) COTTAGE HILLS Community Hope Center - 1201 Hope Center Lane (618) 259-0959 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Require proof of address, income and social security cards on all household members EAST ST. LOUIS Salvation Army - 616 N. 16th Street (618) 874-3136 Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Identification required EDWARDSVILLE Glen-Ed Pantry - 125 5th Ave. (618) 656-7506 Judy Moody Monday and Wednesday 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. GRANITE CITY All Nations Food Pantry – 2100 Edison (618) 567-130 Saturday 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Jesus Place - 1900 State St. (618) 451-4707 call first pick up Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Community Care Center - 1818 Cleveland Street (618) 876-8770 Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Soup Kitchen open Tuesday – Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Salvation Army - 3007 E. 3rd Street (618) 451-7957 Monday - Thursday 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Water Assistance: By Appointment Only 62 62 FOOD PANTRIES (CONTINUED) HIGHLAND Highland Area Christian Service - 900 Chestnut St. (618) 654-9295 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, 1st and 3rd Saturday Office: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Require proof of residency – live in Highland area MARINE St. Elizabeth Catholic Church - 120 N. Windmill (618) 887-4535 - Call ahead for an appointment. MARYVILLE Maryville Outreach Center - 504 E. Division (618) 345-9693 Tuesday Food Pantry, Grandma’s Attic 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Grandma’s Attic 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Thursday Food Pantry, Grandma’s Attic 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Rental/water Assistance Program 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Saturday Food Pantry, Grandma’s Attic 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Must be Maryville resident and have proof of residency and income ROXANA Tri-County Church Open Food Pantry – 120 W. First Street (618) 465-1557 3rd Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Proof of address required SOUTH ROXANA Day Spring Four Square Church Food Pantry – 319 Sinclair (618) 251-5105 Tuesday 11:00 a.m. - 12:25 p.m. , Wednesday 5:30 p.m. – 6:20 p.m. and Sunday 12:20 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Proof of income required – medical card, WIC, link card, disability or unemployment verification STATE PARK State Park Area Food Pantry – 3301 Harvard (618) 344-4091 Monday 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 63 63 FOOD PANTRIES (CONTINUED) TROY Ministries Unlimited - 310 Collinsville Road, (618) 667-6241- Call for appointment Tuesday - 10:00 a.m. – 11:00a.m. - Call Monday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. to pick up on Tuesday Thursday - 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. - Call Wednesday 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. to pick up on Thursday Must show photo id and proof of residency – 2 forms of current mail with their name at that address such as a power and water bill. WOOD RIVER Operation Blessing - 18 E. Lorena (618) 251-5683 (must live in Wood River, Chouteau or Fort Russell Township and have current proof of address for all adults in household) 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday 64 64 LIBRARIES ALTON Hayner Public Library District 326 Belle St. Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-0677 132 Alton Square Mall Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-0677 Genealogy & Local History 401 State St. Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-0677 BETHALTO 321 S. Prairie St. (618) 377-8141 CASEYVILLE 419 S. 2nd St. (618) 345-5848 COLLINSVILLE 408 W. Main St. (618) 344-1112 EAST ALTON 250 Washington Ave. (618) 259-0787 EDWARDSVILLE 112 S. Kansas (618) 692-7556 FAIRMOUNT CITY 2870 N. 44th St. (618) 482-3966 GLEN CARBON 198 S. Main St. (618) 288-1212 GRANITE CITY 2001 Delmar Ave. (618) 452-6238 GRANITE CITY 2145 Johnson Rd. (618) 452-6244 HARTFORD 143 Hawthorne (618) 254-9394 HIGHLAND Latzer Memorial Library 1001 9th Street (618)654-5066 ROXANA 200 Central Ave. (618) 254-6713 MADISON 1700 Fifth St. (618) 876-8448 TROY Tri-Township Library 209 South Main St. (618) 667-2133 VENICE 325 Broadway (618) 877-1330 WOOD RIVER 326 E. Ferguson Ave. (618) 254-4832 65 65 Vital Statistics BIRTH CERTIFICATES / DEATH CERTIFICATES / MARRIAGE LICENSES Madison County Clerk 157 N. Main Street, Suite 109 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 692-6290 (Vital Records) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: To obtain copy of birth certificate. HOURS: FEE: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday Birth and marriage certificates -$12 for the first copy; $6 for each additional copy. Death certificates - $10 for the first copy, $4 for each additional copy. St. Clair County Clerk 10 Public Square - Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 277-6600 (Switchboard) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Death Certificates. HOURS: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - noon FEE: Birth Certificates, Marriage Licenses and Monday – Friday Saturday (unless close to holiday) $11.85 for the first copy of Birth Certificate/Marriage License, $2 for each additional copy; $15.85 for the first copy of Death Certificate; $6 for each additional copy. Must have I.D. City of St. Louis Office of Vital Records All Requests: 1200 Market St., Room 126 St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 613-3016 Birth Certificate DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Birth certificates. Needed information includes: whose birth certificate is requested, date and place of birth, relationship to that person, purpose for needing the birth certificate, mother’s maiden name and father’s name. Requests must be notarized, include self-addressed stamped envelope and payment. Marriage licenses are maintained by the Recorder of Deeds in the Department of Revenue at the St. Louis County Court House. HOURS: 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. FEE: Monday - Friday $15/copy (check or money order made out to “Vital Records”) 66 66 St. Louis County Office of Vital Records 6121 North Hanley Road Berkeley, MO 63134 (314) 615-0376 1 (866) 225-2072 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Birth and death certificates. Needed information includes: Full name, daytime phone number, date of birth or death, state of birth or death, your relationship to the individual named on the record, the purpose for the copies, (for birth records, also include father’s name and mother’s maiden name), self-addressed stamped envelope and payment. FEE: $15/1st copy of birth certificates $13/1st copy of death certificates - $10 each for additional copy (check or money order made payable to “Vital Records”) 67 67 Township Relief & General Assistance Offices ALTON TOWNSHIP OFFICE 100A East Broadway Alton, IL 62002-0091 (618) 462-0091 or 462-0092 ALHAMBRA TOWNSHIP 6421 Alhambra Road Alhambra, IL 62001 (618) 488-7639 LEEF TOWNSHIP 5040 Schwarz Road Highland, IL 62249 (618) 675-3837 CHOUTEAU TOWNSHIP 906 Thorngate Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 931-0360 MARINE TOWNSHIP 9617 Goodall Road Alhambra, IL 62001 (618) 887-4598 COLLINSVILLE TOWNSHIP 305 E. Main Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 344-1290 MORO TOWNSHIP 7458 N. State Rt. 159 Moro, IL 62067 (618) 377-0934 EDWARDSVILLE TOWNSHIP 300 W. Park Street Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-0292 NAMEOKI TOWNSHIP 4250 Hwy 162 Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 797-0568 FORT RUSSEL TOWNSHIP 113 Cross Creek Drive Bethalto, IL 62010 (618) 377-5660 OLIVE TOWNSHIP P.O. Box 447 Livingston, IL 62058 (618) 637-2630 FOSTER TOWNSHIP 2919 Main Street Alton, IL 62002 (618) 259-0726 OMPHGHENT TOWNSHIP 8946 Wiesman Rd. Worden, IL 62097 (618) 459-3421 68 68 Township Relief & General Assistance Offices (CONTINUED) GODFREY TOWNSHIP 6810 Godfrey Road Godfrey, IL 62035 (618) 466-3378 PIN OAK TOWNSHIP 3800 Raymond Road Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-4525 GRANITE CITY TOWNSHIP 2060A Delmar Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-8584 ST. JACOB TOWNSHIP 110 South Douglas St. Jacob, IL 62281 (618) 644-9266 HAMEL TOWNSHIP P. O. Box 173 Hamel, IL 62046 (618) 633-2349 SALINE TOWNSHIP 165 Woodcrest Dr. Highland, IL 62249 (618) 654-6692 HELVETIA TOWNSHIP 817 Main St. Highland, IL 62249 (618) 654-4032 WOOD RIVER TOWNSHIP 49 S. Ninth East Alton, IL 62024 (618) 259-2366 JARVIS TOWNSHIP 112 N. Main St. Troy, IL 62294 (618) 667-2560 VENICE TOWNSHIP 910 Madison Ave. Madison, IL 62060 (618) 452-1121 Emergency Services Alton Volunteer Emergency Corps (Twin Rivers Search and Rescue) Illinois Poison Center IL Relay Center (TDY) 69 69 (618) 462-2202 1-800-222-1222 1-800-526-0844 Fire and Police Departments EMERGENCY: DIAL 911 area codes are 618 unless otherwise indicated FIRE POLICE Alton 463-3565 Bethalto 377-6421 Caseyville 344-6703 Collinsville 346-5201 Cottage Hills 692-4433 East Alton 259-2984 Edwardsville 692-7541 Glen Carbon 288-1220 Godfrey 466-0131 Granite City 876-4545 or 4546 Hartford 254-0012 Highland 654-5901 Longlake (Mitchell area) 931-0161 Madison 876-4300 Madison County -Marine 887-4221 Maryville 344-8099 Meadowbrook 377-8474 Mitchell 931-0161 Pontoon Beach -Rosewood Heights 259-3311 Roxana 254-8293 Saint Jacob 644-5751 South Roxana 254-1088 Troy 667-6722 Venice 877-4232 Wood River 259-0984 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - Alton Illinois State Police 70 70 463-3505 377-5266 344-2151 344-2131 692-4433 259-6212 656-2131 288-7226 692-4433 451-9760 254-4393 654 -2131 692-4433 876-4300 692-4433 887-4326 344-8899 692-4433 -931-5100 692-4433 254-1945 644-5654 254-7469 667-6731 877-2114 251-3113 465-1024 346-3990 Toll-Free Numbers BUSINESS/EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Employment Security, Dept. of (new hires only) IL 1-800-327-4473 CHILDREN AND FAMILY ASSISTANCE Abortion Hotline 1-800-772-9100 Adoption Information Center of Illinois 1-800-624-5437 Adoption Information 1-800-572-2390 Between Friends (Battered Women and Their Children) 1-800-603-4357 Help Me Grow – IL Dept. of Human Services 1-800-545-2200 Child Abuse & Neglect 1-800-252-2873 Children & Adults with ADHD 1-800-233-4050 Child Crisis Hotline – Youth & Adolescent Crisis Mental Hlth.1-800-345-9049 Children’s Home + Aid 1-800-467-9200 Crime Victim Assistance 1-800-228-3368 Domestic Violence Help Line 1-877-863-6338 Elder Abuse Hotline (IL Dept. on Aging) 1-800-252-8966 Elder Support Network 1-800-634-7654 Illinois Health Care & Family Services – Child Support Cntr. 1-800-447-4278 Missing Person Hotline 1-800-843-5763 National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453 National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 National Runaway Switchboard - Hotline 1-800-876-2929 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 Pregnancy Hotline (24-hours) 1-800-848-5683 SIU – Center for Workforce Development 1-800-252-4822 CONSUMER SERVICES Citizens Action 1-800-642-3112 Consumer Product Safety Commission 1-800-638-2772 Fair Housing 1-800-669-9777 Insurance Hotline 1-800-444-3338 Crime Victims Compensation 1-800-228-3368 DISABLED INDIVIDUALS ASSISTANCE Military & Veterans - General information and referral 1-800-382-3000 Parking cards/License plates – IL Sec. of State 1-800-252-2904 IL Dept. of Human Service 1-800-843-6154 EDUCATION SERVICES GED Testing (SWIC) 1-800-222-5131 University Admissions Information (SIUE) 1-800-447-7483 LOW-INCOME ASSISTANCE Welfare fraud/Medical Abuse Reporting – IDHS Helpline 1-800-252-8903 MEDICAL SERVICES AIDS and STD Hotline 1-800-243-2437 Alzheimer’s Association 1-800-272-3900 Cancer Information 1-800-422-6237 National Alliance for the Mentally Ill 1-217-522-1403 Mental Health Association 1-800-969-6642 Illinois Poison Center 1-800-222-1222 71 71 Toll-Free Numbers (CONTINUED) SUBSTANCE ABUSE/ADDICTION Al-Anon American Council on Alcoholism Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Admin. Routing Service OTHER SERVICES AARP Care and Counseling Energy Assistance Hotline Governor, Office of the (Citizen Complaints) Income Tax State – IL Dept. of Revenue Federal - IRS Secretary of State General Info. – Public Information line 72 72 1-800-344-2666 1-800-527-5344 1-800-662-4357 1-888-687-2277 1-800-677-3609 1-877-411-9276 1-800-642-3112 1-800-732-8866 1-800-829-1040 1-800-252-8980 Physicians / Pediatricians (medical providers who may accept Medicaid card) ALTON / EAST ALTON / WOOD RIVER / BETHALTO Alton Medical Center, Ltd. Eugene Aragona, MD 108 Northport Drive - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 466-6177 FAX: (618) 466-6388 Wak S. Chia, MD 1702 Vaughn Road - Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 259-5100 (618) 259-3101 Pediatric Healthcare Unlimited Gita Malur, MD, FAAP / Kathie Wuellner, MD / Laura Hill, MD #2 Memorial Dr., Suite 120 - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 474-1711 / (618) 474-2793 / (618) 462-2643 Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation ALTON HEALTH CENTER 550 Landmarks Blvd., 2nd floor - Alton, IL 62002 Family Medicine & Family Planning (618) 463-5905 Medical Records FAX: (618) 465-3309 Pediatrics (618) 463-0649 Behavioral Health (618) 465-8829 FAX: (618) 463-5935 BETHALTO HEALTH CENTER #2 Terminal Drive, Suite 8 - East Alton, IL 62024 Internal Medicine (618) 258-0485 FAX: (618) 258-4815 Pediatrics (618) 259-1419 FAX: (618) 259-1502 OB/GYN & Dental (618) 258-8460 FAX: (618) 258-0489 Behavioral Health (618) 259-0365 CENTRAL ALTON HEALTH CENTER Nurse Practitioners on staff and serve people 18 and older 2615 Edwards St., Suite 171, Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-4342 GOOD SAMARITAN HEALTH CENTER (Spanish speaking) 815 East 5th St., Suite 202, Alton, IL 62002 Family Medicine (618) 462-4939 73 73 Physicians / Pediatricians (CONTINUED) (medical providers who may accept Medicaid card) EDWARDSVILLE / GLEN CARBON / MARYVILLE / COLLINSVILLE / HIGHLAND / TROY Dr. Ahmad, Dr. Rana, & Dr. Roller Pediatrics #5 Professional park Dr. - Maryville, IL 62040 (618) 288-8800 FAX: (618) 288-4733 3165 Myrtle - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 876-7500 FAX: (618) 876-0807 Flo Buckingtham - Office Administrator Policy and Procedure information (618) 876-2924 M.U. Ahmed, MD, FAAP 415 W. Main Street, Suite #5 - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 346-2241 FAX: (618) 346-4013 Reza Ashraf, MD (Pediatrics) 415 W. Main - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 345-1224 Bard & Didriksen Pediatrics 2160 S. State Route 157, Suite B - Glen Carbon, IL 62034 (618) 692-1212 FAX: (618) 692-4875 Not taking new patients on medical card at this time. C.L. Chen, MD (6 years and older) 415 W. Main Street, Suite 4 - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 345-1112 FAX: (618) 345-1113 Glennon Care for Kids @ Anderson Hospital 6800 State Road 162 - Maryville, IL 62062 (618) 288-5711 FAX: (618) 288-4088 Heartland Pediatrics G. Sander, MD / L. Lai, MD / K. Stahl, MD 101 United Drive, Suite 110 – Collinsville, IL 62234 – (618) 451-6685 FAX: (618) 451-7292 Highland Pediatrics Dr. Feldott-Johnson / K. Peery, PNP, BC 1250 Mercantile Drive - Highland, IL 62249 (618) 654-4449 FAX: (618) 654-3974 74 74 Physicians / Pediatricians (CONTINUED) (medical providers who may accept Medicaid card) HYSHS Medical Group Family and Internal Medicine Collinsville 1950 Vandalia St. Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 344-3046 Jennifer Hulsen, MD 2160 S. Illinois Rte. 157 - Glen Carbon, IL 62034 (618) 692-1212 Lopatin and Associates Family Medicine Eric Lopatin, MD / Deborah Bross, MD 301 Edwardsville Road - Troy, IL 62294 (618) 667-7057 FAX: (618) 667-8131 SSM Medical Group - Maryville Pediatrics Dr. Jennifer Krick / Dr. Ayesha Najib 6828 State Road 162 - Maryville, IL 62062 (618) 288-5084 FAX: (618) 288-5090 Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation CENTRAL COLLINSVILLE HEALTH CENTER 80 Burlington - Collinsville, IL 62234 (Spanish Speaking) (618) 343-6015 FAX: (618) 343-6028 Young Pediatrics 4804 S. State Route 159 - Glen Carbon, IL 62034 (618) 288-9305 FAX: (618) 288-9308 GRANITE CITY / MADISON / CENTREVILLE / EAST ST. LOUIS /BELLEVILLE, ETC. Reza Ashraf, MD (Pediatrics) 1420 20th Street - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-8200 FAX: (618) 877-8206 Heartland Pediatrics G. Sander, MD / L. Lai, MD / K. Stahl, MD 2044 Madison Avenue, Suite G7 - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 451-6685 HSHS Medical Group Family Medicine of O’Fallon 1512 N. Green Mount Rd., Suite 108 O’Fallon, IL 62269 (618) 624-5510 75 75 Physicians / Pediatricians (CONTINUED) (medical providers who may accept Medicaid card) Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation KOCH HEALTH CENTER 2100 Madison Avenue - Granite City, IL 62040 Internal Medicine: (618) 452-3301 (618) 452-3329 Family Medicine: (618) 877-8717 Pediatrics: (618) 219-3318 Behavioral Health: (618) 452-4969 MADISON HEALTH CENTER 304 Madison Ave. - Madison, IL 62060 (618) 452-1129 (618) 452-1147 CHRISTIAN ACTIVITY HEALTH CENTER 540 North 6th St. – East St. Louis, IL 62201 (618) 875-9815 FAX: (618) 875-9823 STATE STREET CENTER 2001 State Street - East St. Louis, IL 62206 (618) 271-0207 (618) 271-9617 WINDSOR HEALTH CENTER 100 N. 8th St. – East St. Louis, IL 62201 Family Medicine: (618) 271-7691 Internal Medicine: (618) 274-9105 FAIRMOUNT CITY HEALTH CENTER 2568 N. 41st St. – Fairmount City, IL 62201 (Spanish Speaking) (618) 482-4015 FAX: (618) 482-4806 CAHOKIA HEALTH CENTER 818 Upper Cahokia Rd. – Cahokia, IL 62206 (618) 337-2597 ADULT CARE CENTER 6010 Bond Avenue - Centreville, IL 62207 (618) 337-8153 (618) 337-8905 MOTHER AND CHILD CENTER 6000 Bond Ave. - Centreville, IL 62207 (618) 332-2740 (618) 332-8755 76 76 Physicians / Pediatricians (CONTINUED) (medical providers who may accept Medicaid card) PRIMETIME TOUCHETTE 5900 Bond Ave. – Centreville, IL 62207 (618) 332-5479 BELLEVILLE FAMILY HEALTH CENTER 180 S. 3rd St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 233-5480 or (618) 222-4701 BELLEVILLE PEDIATRIC AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH CENTER 2900 Frank Scott Pkwy. West, Suite 950 – Belleville, IL 62223 (619) 233-3205 CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CENTER 2810 Frank Scott Pkwy. West, Suite 828 – Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 236-6336 PRIMETIME BELLEVILLE 211 S. 3rd St., Suite 2304, Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 222-4763 WEST BELLEVILLE HEALTH CENTER 7210 West Main St. – Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 398-8840 SIUE School of Nursing, Community Nursing Services 601 James R. Thompson Blvd., Bldg. D, Ste. 2015 - East St. Louis, IL 62201 (618) 482-6959 77 77 OB/GYN (medical providers who may accept Medicaid card) ALTON / EAST ALTON / GLEN CARBON / GRANITE CITY / MARYVILLE Illini Medical Association Sara Cannon, MD / Renee Schroeder, CANP / Carie Evans, WHNP-BC #2 Saint Anthony's Way, Suite 105 - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 463-1111 Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation (accepts medical card) ALTON HEALTH CENTER (Spanish speaking) 550 Landmarks Blvd., Second Floor - Alton, IL 62002 Family Medicine & Family Planning (618) 463-5905 ALTON WOMEN'S HEALTH CENTER (Spanish speaking) #2 Memorial Drive, Suite 122 - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-2550 FAX: (618) 465-4167 BETHALTO HEALTH CENTER #2 Terminal Dr., Ste. 8 - East Alton, IL 62024 (618) 258-0485 or (618) 258-8460 KOCH HEALTH CENTER Mark Wasserman, MD & Verna Porter, MD 2100 Madison Avenue - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 452-3301 FAX: (618) 452-3329 Thomas Hulsen, MD / James Dalla Riva, MD 6810 State Rt. 162 - Maryville, IL 62062 - (618) 288-5699 (Accepts the medical card if pregnant) Maryville Women's Center - OB/GYN T. Gingrich, MD / Kim Sanford, MD / Lynn Billhartz, P.A. / Tammy Young, CNMW 2016 Vadalabene Drive - Maryville, IL 62062 (618) 288-2970 FAX: (618) 288-3572 (all female practitioners) Dennis Hurford, MD/Kevin Scharff, MD South State Street Rt. 157 - Glen Carbon, IL 62034 (618) 288-9251 (accepts the medical card, but not the Harmony card or Pink card) 78 78 OB/GYN (CONTINUED) (medical providers who may accept Medicaid card) BELLEVILLE / EAST ST. LOUIS / SWANSEA Darryl Engeljohn, MD 7210 West Main - Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 394-0712 FAX: (618) 394-1346 (accepts medical card, sliding fee scale) John Hucker, MD – Midwest Women’s Care 340 W. Lincoln St., Suite 560 - Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 355-7745 FAX: (618) 355-7759 (Accepts white or yellow medical card – not pink) Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation (accepts medical card) WEST BELLEVILLE HEALTH CENTER 7210 West Main St. – Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 398-8840 (Spanish Speaking) STATE STREET CENTER 2001 State St. – East St. Louis, IL 62205 (618) 271-9191 WINDSOR HEALTH CENTER 100 N. 8th St. – East St. Louis, IL 62201 (618) 271-7691 or (618) 274-9105 St. Elizabeth’s Hospital Mother Child Center St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 211 S. 3rd St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-2120 X. 1260 Elliott Wool, MD #6 Park Place - Swansea, IL 62226 (618) 233-7711 FAX: (618) 233-3879 79 79 OB/GYN (CONTINUED) (medical providers who may accept Medicaid card) HIGHLAND / BREESE / CENTREVILLE Southern OB/GYN Associates A. Doll-Pollard, MD / D. Combs, MD / Nancy Taylor, RN, MSN (Nurse Practitioner) / Penny Gozia, MD 1515 Main St. - Highland, IL 62249 - (618) 654-7421 9447 Holy Cross Lane - Breese, IL 62230 (618) 526-2209 FAX: (618) 526-7372 Touchette Regional Hospital Centreville, IL (618) 332-3060 Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation MOTHER AND CHILD CENTER 6000 Bond Ave. - Centreville, IL 62207 (618) 332-2740 FAX: (618) 332-8755 80 80 Dentists (Dental providers who may accept Medicaid card) ALTON / GODFREY / EAST ALTON / WOOD RIVER / BETHALTO Affordable Dentistry 3432 College Ave. - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-5815 FAX: (618) 465-5927 (children and youth ages 4 – 18 – accepts the medical card for children) Affordable Dentistry Today Nicholas Johnson, DDS 50 North Center Street - East Alton, IL 62024 (618) 259-5563 FAX: (618) 259-4074 Happy visits starting at age 3. Hours M-Th 8-5 (Accepts the medical card for children 4-18) All Smiles Dental Care 3003 Godfrey Road - Godfrey, IL 62035 (618) 466-5508 FAX: (618) 466-3515 (No longer accepts Medicaid for new patients) Acclaimed Orthodontics Dr. Kimberly Haug, DMD, MS, PC / Dr. Renee Doyle, DMD, MS / 2411 Morningstar Dr. – Alton, IL 62002 (618) 466-7966 (Free orthodontic treatment for qualifying medical card patients ages 12-16) Humbert Road Dentistry 4119 Humbert Road – Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-8100 (does not accept medical card but payment plan available) Paul B. Hanks Dental Clinic / Lewis & Clark Community College 5800 Godfrey Rd. Riverbend Arena, Room 246 - Godfrey, IL 62035 (618) 468-4463 (teeth cleaning only, no restorative services) Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation BETHALTO HEALTH CENTER Rebecca Coalson, DMD #2 Terminal Dr. Suite #8 - East Alton, IL 62024 (618) 258-8460 (client 2 years and older, advise if with Head Start or Early Head Start) 81 81 Dentists (CONTINUED) (Dental providers who may accept Medicaid card) Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine 2800 College Avenue Building 263 (Annex Street) - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 474-7000 FAX: (618) 474-7029 Because of the large number of people wishing to become patients at our clinic, please note that for non-emergency care, there is a 1-2 month waiting list for children and a 4-5 month waiting list for adults. COLLINSVILLE / EDWARDSVILLE / GLEN CARBON / GRANITE CITY Stephen Anderson, DDS 2133 Pontoon Road - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 931-2400 FAX: (618) 931-6188 (Medical card accepted) Associated Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Mello, DDS / Dr. Beyersdorfer, DDS / Dr. Markarian, DMD / Dr. Christine Wohlford, DMD, MS 116 Magnolia Drive(Special Needs) – Glen Carbon, IL 62034 (618) 288-5437 FAX: (618) 288-4118 Chen & Associates 4168 Nameoki Road - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 931-2025 FAX: (618) 931-8888 (3 years and older - accepts medical card if not seen in past 12 months) Granite City Dental Care 2130 Johnson Road - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-0780 (accepts Medicaid for children only) Dr. Gregory Jones 3704 Pontoon Road - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 931-3368 (exams for 2 and up) Kellerman Cosmetics & Family Dentistry 16 Junction Drive West - Glen Carbon, IL 62034 – (618) 288-3535 (ages 3 and older; medical card accepted) Kenneth Kollmann, DMD 90 Crestmoor - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 346-8000 FAX: (618) 346-8170 Collinsville and Troy residents only (medical card accepted for Head Start children only) 82 82 Dentists (CONTINUED) (Dental providers who may accept Medicaid card) David Maier, DMD 1170 Beltline Rd. - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 345-1400 FAX: (618) 344-1401 (Ages 3-20) Michael Schaulat, DDS 308 W. Clay - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 345-8080 (accepts the medical care for children only) Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation MCKINLEY DENTAL CLINIC 2166 Madison Ave. - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-4488 FAX: (618) 877-4487 (2 years and older) Sunset Hills Dental Care 2 Club Centre Ct. - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 692-9980 FAX: (618) 692-9905 (accepts the medical card for children 4-18) BELLEVILLE / CENTREVILLE / EAST ST. LOUIS / O’FALLON / TROY / WASHINGTON PARK Associated Pediatric Dentistry (medical card NOT accepted) Dr. Mello, DDS / Dr. Beyersdorfer, DDS / Dr. Markarian, DMD / Dr. Christine Wohlford, DMD, MS 3540 North Belt West, Suite E - Belleville, IL 62226 (618) 233-8667 FAX: (618) 233- 8715 4945 Stone Falls Center O'Fallon, IL 62269 (618) 622-0212 FAX: (618) 622-1996 116 Magnolia Dr. – Glen Carbon, IL 62034 (618) 288-5437 FAX: (618) 288-4118 Blue Springs Family Dentistry 7656 Plummer Business Dr. - Troy, IL 62294 - (618) 667-6650 (medical card accepted for children ages 5 and older) 83 83 Dentists (CONTINUED) (Dental providers who may accept Medicaid card) Christian Activity Health Center – Dr. Denise Jordan 540 North 6th Street - East St. Louis, IL 62201 (618) 875-9815 FAX: (618) 482-7881 Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 a.m . – 5 p.m. Health & Opportunity Center 1835 Kings Highway - Washington Park, IL 62204 (618) 482-7922 FAX: (618) 482-7881 (ages 4 and older) New patients welcome Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation MOTHER CHILD CENTER 6000 Bond Ave. - Centreville, IL 62207 (618) 332-2740 (618) 332-8755 SIU School of Dental Medicine 601 James R. Thompson Blvd., Bldg. D, 2nd Floor - East St. Louis, IL 62201 (618) 482-6980 (children ages 2-12 years old; medical card accepted) Vision Services Wen Chen, MD 200 W. Main - East Alton, IL 62024 (618) 259-0440 FAX: (618) 258-4362 (will accept Medical Card for glasses and exam) Crown Vision Center 406 E. Broadway - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-7611 or 1-800-EYECARE FAX: (618) 208-3203 120 Alton Square Mall - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-6330 or 1-800-EYECARE FAX: (618) 462-6337 Accepts medical card for exams and glasses. East St. Louis Eye Center University of Missouri - St. Louis College of Optometry 601 James R. Thompson Blvd., Building D, 2nd Floor - East St. Louis, IL 62201 (618) 482-8355 FAX: (618) 482-8360 (will accept Medical Card for glasses and exam) Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. closed on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 84 84 Vision Services (CONTINUED) Family Eye Clinic Dr. Julie Hendricks and Dr. Stefan Smith 724 St. Louis Rd. - Collinsville, IL 62234 (618) 345-0210 Will accept medical card for glasses and exam Granite City Vision, Inc. Valerie Barber, O.D. / David Ernst, O.D. 3717 B Nameoki Rd. – Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 876-2438 FAX: (618) 876-2440 Illinois Eye Surgeons Mark Yates, O.D. 2421 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 102 - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 931-6980 FAX: (618) 931-2470 (medical card accepted for exam only) Rose Optical 3300 Godfrey Road - Godfrey, IL 62035 - (618) 465-4673 Otolaryngologists (Ear, Nose, & Throat) James Fernandez, MD and Jeffrey Fierstein, MD 2120 Madison Avenue - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 451-1800 FAX: (618) 451-1526 Hearing, Speech and Therapy Services (Pediatric Audiologists / Speech / OT / PT) Alton Memorial Hospital 1 Memorial Drive - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 463-7429 Referral FAX: (618) 463-7808 (Offering pediatric PT, OT and speech therapy (physician's referral required - accepts Medicaid)) Anderson Hospital Audiology 6800 State Rt. 162 - Maryville, IL 62062 (618) 391-6714 (618) 288-9986 (Requires a physician referral and accepts medical card) Anderson Hospital Pediatric Therapy Center 6800 State Rt. 162 - Maryville, IL 62062 - (618) 288-5606 (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech/language therapy) 85 85 Hearing, Speech and Therapy Services (Pediatric Audiologists / Speech / OT / PT) (CONTINUED) Belleville Memorial Hospital Dept. of Audiology 4500 Memorial Drive - Belleville, IL 62226 (618) 257-5255 (618) 257-6960 Gateway Regional Medical Center 2100 Madison Avenue - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 798-3000 (618) 798-3505 (Offering pediatric speech therapy, PT and OT (physician's referral required - accepts Medicaid)) Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission for a list of interpreters 1-877-455-3323 Illinois Relay Center (TDD) 1-800-526-0844 Mid America Audiology Group – Greg Maag, MA-CCC, C. Joseph Copper, Ms-CCC & Dr. Brandi Pettis, AuD, CCC-A - 1417 Washington Avenue, Suite #2 - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 462-7900 FAX: (618) 462-0179 1-888-531-6036 All appointments made through above numbers - #9 Glen-Ed Professional Office Park, Glen Carbon, IL 62034 - Gateway Regional Medical Center, 2120 Madison Ave., Suite 200, Granite City, IL 62040 - Community Memorial Hospital, 400 Caldwell, Staunton, IL 62088 - Chester Memorial hospital, 1900 State St., Chester, IL 62233 - Greenville Regional Hospital, 200 Helathcare Dr., Greenville, IL 62246 - Redbird Family Practice, 1335 Jamie Ln, Suite 2, Waterloo, IL 62298 - Jerseyville Community Hospital, 200 Maple St., Jerseyville, IL 62052 Region III Special Education Office 1800 Storey Lane - Cottage Hills, IL 62018 (618) 462-1031 (618) 462-1035 (Referral required) St. Joseph's Hospital Audiology Clinic 1520 9th Street, Highland, IL 62249 (618) 651-2720 (618) 651-2722 (Referral required) 86 86 Hearing, Speech and Therapy Services (Pediatric Audiologists / Speech / OT / PT) (CONTINUED) Southern Illinois Specialized Healthcare Associates 53 East Elm - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-0124 (618) 465-0130 (Doctor's referral required) Southern Illinois University Speech-Language-Hearing Center SIU Edwardsville Campus - Founder's Hall, Rm. 1300 - Edwardsville, IL 62026 (618) 650-5623 (No referral required) Therapists A Thousand Words Jan Georgen, LCPC, ATR-BC / 111 Union Hill Rd. - Fairview, IL 62208 (618) 394-8952 Children, adolescents, and adults. Art therapy and general practice. Care and Counseling Rev. Dr. Aline Russell, D. Min., LCPC (IL), LMFT, NCC, AAPC Fellow 1710 Clawson St. Suite 4 - Alton, IL 62002 (314) 878-4340 FAX: (314) 878-4524 Judy Chaney, Ph.D. 217 Suppiger Lane - Highland, IL 62249 - (618) 654-5990 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Therapy Clinical Consultants and the Midwest Relationship Center 6 Emerald Terrace #4 - Swansea, IL 62226 (618) 233-0500 FAX: (618) 233-7935 Jan Kreuger, LCSW, BCD - Extension 2# - not accepting new clients Neil Horowitz, PhD, DAPA - Extension 3# Michael Hinz, PhD - Extension 4# JoANN Richter-Hill, CRC, NBCCH, LCPC – Extension 7# Jennifer Wildhaber, MA, ATR, LCPC, - Extension 8# John Darr, LCSW, CSADC (618) 234-5976 Neil Horowitz & Michael Hinz – 6 Emerald Terrace #2 (618) 234-4608 Elisa Jellen, M.Ed., LCPC – (618) 696-0092 Tony Victor, D.min, LCPC – (618) 516-3338 Please note that not all providers have full-time practices at this location and not all are available through the office phone system. Phone extensions are always followed by the pound (#) sign. 87 87 Therapists (CONTINUED) Sarah Colony, LCSW 1720 N. Belt West - Belleville, IL 62226 - (618) 233-7197 Children, adolescents, family, divorce Community Resource Center 904 Martin Luther King Drive - Centralia, IL 62801 - (618) 533-1391 315 Westgate - Salem, IL 62881 - (618) 548-2181 580 85th St. Carlyle, IL 62231 - (618) 594-4581 421 W. Main St. Vandalia, IL 62471 - (618) 283-4229 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Therapy Cornerstone Counseling, P.C. 2016 Vadalabene Drive, Suite A - Maryville, IL 62062 (618) 288-8787 Child, adolescent, family, individual and couples mental health counseling services. Also available: art therapy, group therapy, play therapy, and Christian counseling services. Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors (LCPC’s) – Tiffany Leigh Marsh, Tammy Bowles, Christina Kittstein, Alicia Drew, Ann Millikin, Molly Ondrey, Gretchen Koehne, and Ashley Smiley. Helping you build a firm foundation. Counseling Clinic LTD Ruth Cohen-Kubicek, LCSW 921 S. Arbor Vitae Ste 103 - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 659-9111 Chemical dependency, eating disorders, women's issues, family Harriet Grazemen, LCSW 10 Ginger Creek Village - Glen Carbon, IL 62034 (314) 799-1731 Individual treatment for depression, anxiety, children, adolescents and adults Illinois Associates in Psychiatry Tamara Coldren, LCSW - Eating disorders in adolescents, anxiety, depression, marriage, family Kristin Krebs, LCSW - Children learning & developmental disabilities, anger management Harry J. Deppe, Ph.D. - Depression, anxiety, adults, marriage and family, PTSD, panic attacks 1110 W. Main St. – Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-4123 88 88 Therapists (CONTINUED) Angela McDowell Counseling Services Angela McDowell, MS, LCPC, CADC, NCC 322 State Street, Suite 201 - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 558-0296 FAX: (618) 433-9991 Mental health, substance abuse, Christian counseling, children over age 5/adolescents/adults, individuals/couples/families M-Th 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. – Monday evening appointments also available Insurance and self rate payments accepted Linda Murray, LCPC, ATR-BC 307 Henry St. Suite 407 - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-9747 Provident, Inc. - Diane Langreder 141 Market Place - Fairview Heights, IL 62208 (618) 398-7250 Rachel Tompkins, Ph.D. 118 S. Main St. - Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-0696 DCFS clients, trauma (EMDR), family therapy, anxiety, depression, all ages Saint Anthony’s Psychological Services Counseling 815 E. Fifth St., Suite 101, Alton, IL 62002 (618) 474-6240 Mike Homan, LCSW, Kren Harmon, LCSW, Leslie Scott, LCSW, and Susanne Ringhausen, LCPC 89 89 Psychologists Harry J. Deppe, Ph.D. 1110 W. Main St. - Belleville, IL 62220 - (618) 234-4123 Alexander James, Ph.D. 118 S. Main St. - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 656-0696 Saint Anthony's Psychological Services Counseling 815 E. 5th, Suite 101 - Alton, IL 62002 - (618) 463-5442 Shannon Walker, Ph.D. Rachel Tompkins, Ph.D. 118 S. Main St. - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 656-0696 DCFS clients, trauma (EMDR), family therapy, anxiety, depression, all ages David Wells, Ph.D. 6B Glen-Ed Professional park - Glen Carbon, IL 62034 - (618) 692-9600 Children, adolescents Psychiatrists Scott Arbaugh, MD 1001 Boardwalk Springs Place, Suite 111 – O’Fallon, MO 63368 (636) 695-4554 Adults only Mark Freeman 103 South Point Professional Park - Edwardsville, Il 62025 (618) 565-2000 Adult only Karl Gundersen, MD 2120 Madison Ave. - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 876-0653 Children and adolescents only Asif Habib 2120 Madison Ave., Suite 404 - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 876-7515 FAX: (618) 876-7596 Jackie Hall-Davis 12 N. 64th St. - Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 397-7145 FAX: (618) 397-0093 Children and adolescents only Thwan Han, MD 2350 Benton - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-0709 Adults only 90 90 Psychiatrists (CONTINUED) Illinois Associates in Psychiatry Mark Freeman / Mark Napier 103A South Pointe Drive - Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 656-2000 Adults only N.R. Mudasani 2120 Madison Ave., Suite 406 - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 877-1008 Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation (Spanish speaking) ALTON HEALTH CENTER 550 Landmarks Blvd., First Floor - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-8829 BETHALTO HEALTH CENTER #2 Terminal Drive, Suite 8 – East Alton, IL 62024 (618) 259-0365 KOCH HEALTH CENTER 2100 Madison Avenue – Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 452-4969 ADULT CARE CENTER 6010 Bond Ave. – Centreville, IL 62207 (618) 337-8153 MOTHER CHILD CENTER 6000 Bond Ave. – Centreville, IL 62207 (618) 332-2740 WEST BELLEVILLE HEALTH CENTER 7210 West Main St. – Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 398-9850 WINDSOR HEALTH CENTER 100 N. 8th St. – East St. Louis, IL 62201 (618) 271-0130 Jose Thomas 10111 Lincoln Trail - Fairview Heights, Il 62208 (618) 397-6300 Joy Webster 815 East 5th Street - Alton, Il 62002 (618) 463-0952 Adults only 91 91 Psychiatric Resource Referral Barnes Psychiatric Referral 343 S. Kirkwood Road - Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 729-4004 Care and Counseling Inc. 12141 Ladue Road - St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 878-4340 Lutheran Family & Children's Services 317 West Main St. - Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-8904 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)- Southwestern Illinois 218 Lawrence Ave. - Springfield, IL 62704 - (217) 522-1403 2100 Madison Ave. - Granite City, IL 62040 - (618) 798-9788 Northwest Psychiatric Associates Ltd. 1001 Boardwalk Springs Place, Suite 111A – O’Fallon, MO 62268 (636) 695-4554 Provident Inc. 141 Market Place, Suite 206 - Fairview Heights, IL 62208 (618) 398-7250 St. Louis Mental Health 1430 Olive Street, Suite 500 - St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 206-3700 Veterans Hospital Behavioral Unit 915 N. Grand Blvd. - St. Louis, MO 63104 (800) 228-3459 Washington University Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 660 S. Euclid Ave. - St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 286-1700 92 92 Hospitals Alton Memorial Hospital 1 Memorial Drive - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 463-7311 24-hr Emergency Room Anderson Hospital 6800 State Route 162 - Maryville, IL 62062 (618) 288-5711 Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Center 1465 S. Grand - St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 268-2700 Christian Hospital Northeast 11133 Dunn Road - St. Louis, MO 63138 (314) 653-5000 Christian Hospital Northwest 1225 Graham Road – Florissant, MO 63031 (314) 953-6000 Gateway Regional Medical Center 2100 Madison Avenue - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 798-3000 Saint Anthony's Health Center Saint Anthony's Way - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-2571 Saint Clare's Hospital 915 E. 5th Street - Alton, IL 62002 (618) 463-5150 St. Elizabeth's Hospital 211 S. 3rd Street - Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-2120 St. Elizabeth’s Hospital UrgiCare St. Elizabeth’s Hospital O’Fallon Medical Building 1512 N. Green Mount Road O’Fallon, IL 62269 (618) 624-3750 Staffed by emergency-trained physicians and registered nurses, the Center is open daily from 8 am. to 8 p.m.; no appointment necessary. 93 93 Hospitals (CONTINUED) St. Joseph's Hospital 1515 Main Street - Highland, IL 62249 (618) 651-2600 St. Louis Children’s Hospital One Children’s Place – St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 454-6000 St. Mary's Hospital 6420 Clayton road - St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 768-8000 Shriner's Hospital for Children – St. Louis 2001 S. Lindbergh Blvd. - St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 432-3600 Touchette Regional Hospital 5900 Bond Avenue - Centreville, IL 62207 (618) 332-3060 94 94 Government Services FEDERAL White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. - Washington, DC 20500 (202) 456-1414 Speaker of the House H232, The US Capitol - Washington, DC 20515 - (202) 255-0600 Senator Mark Kirk 230 S. Dearborn St., Suite 3900 524 Hart Senate Bldg. Chicago, IL 60604 Washington, D.C.20510 (312) 886-3506 (202) 224-2854 FAX: (312) 886-2117 FAX: (202) 228-4611 Senator Richard J. Durbin 230 S. Dearborn, Suite 3892 711 Hart Senate Bldg. Chicago, IL 60604 Washington, DC 20510 (312) 353-4952 (202) 224-2152 FAX: (312) 353-0150 FAX: (202) 228-0400 Representative William Enyart 2060 Delmar Ave. Ste. B 1722 Longworth House 23 Public Square, Suite 404 Granite City, IL 62040 Washington, DC 20515 Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 451-7065 (202) 225-5661 (618) 233-8026 FAX: (618) 451-2126 FAX: (202) 225-0285 FAX: (618) 233-8765 Representative John Shimkus 15 Professional Park Dr. Maryville, IL 62062 (618) 288-7190 FAX: (618) 288-7219 IL Legislative Information Line 2452 Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5271 FAX: (202) 225-5880 (800) 252-6300 STATE Governor’s Office Governor Pat Quinn (D) 207 State Capitol Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0244 TTY: 888-261-3336 James R. Thompson Center 100 West Randolf, 16-100 Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 814-2121 95 95 Government Services (CONTINUED) Lieutenant Governor’s Office Sheila Simon (D) 214 State House Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-3089 FAX: (217) 558-3094 TTY: 1-800-563-7110 James R. Thompson Center 100 West Randolph, Suite 15-200 Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 814-5240 FAX: (312) 814-5228 Secretary of State’s Office Jesse White (D) 213 State Capitol Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-2201 (217) 785-0358 James R. Thompson Center 100 West Randolph, Suite 5-4 Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 814-2262 /1-800-252-8980 FAX: (312) 814-3393 Attorney General’s Office Lisa Madigan (D) 500 S. Second St. James R. Thompson Center Springfield, IL 62706 100 West Randolph, 12th floor (217) 782-1090 Chicago, IL 60601 TTY 1-877-844-5461 (312) 814-3000 1-800-386-5438 TTY 1-800-964-3013 Spanish 1-866-310-8398 Comptroller’s Office Judy Baar Topinka (R) 201 State Capitol James R. Thompson Center Springfield, IL 62706 100 West Randolph 15-500 (217) 782-6000 Chicago, IL 60601 FAX: (217) 782-7561 (312) 814-2451 FAX: (312) 814-2986 Treasurer’s Office Dan Rutherford (R) 219 Statehouse James R. Thompson Center Springfield, IL 62706 100 West Randolph 15-600 (217) 782-2211 Chicago, IL 60601 FAX: (217) 785-2777 (312) 814-1700 FAX: (312) 814-5930 56th Senate District Sen. William “Bill” R. Haine (D) 307 Henry St., Suite 210 525 Capitol Building Alton, IL 62002 Springfield, IL 62706 (618) 465-4764 (217) 782-5247 FAX: (618) 465-4816 FAX: (217) 782-5340 49th Senate District Senator William “Sam” McCann (R) 221 Dunlap Ct. 105 E. Statehouse Jacksonville, IL 62650 Springfield, IL 62701 (217) 245-0050 (217) 782-8206 FAX: (217) 245-0021 FAX: (217) 782-0116 96 96 Government Services (CONTINUED) 111th House District Rep. Dan Beiser (D) 528 Henry Street Alton, IL 62002 (618) 465-5900 FAX: (618) 465-5150 112th House District Rep. Dwight Kay (R) 101 Southport, suite B Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 307-9200 FAX: (618) 307-9202 233N Stratton Office Bldg. Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5996 230-N Stratton Office Bldg. Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8018 FAX: (217) 557-2763 FEDERAL HOTLINES (U.S.) Department of Agriculture – USDA (meat & poultry) Commission on Civil Rights – Dept. of Education Department of Commerce – Trade Information Center Department of Defense Department of Education – Information Resource Cntr. Department of Energy Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Federal Citizens Information Center - Publications orders Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Information Center Financial Student Aid Information Center Department of Justice – Office of Inspector General Department of Labor Department of Homeland Security Nuclear Regulatory Commission Transportation, US Dept. of Department of the Treasury – Office of Inspector General Department of Veterans Affairs General Accounting Office 97 97 1-800-535-4555 1-800-421-3481 1-800-872-8723 1-800-424-9098 1-800-872-5327 1-202-586-5000 1-800-669-4000 1-888-878-3256 1-800-462-9029 1-800-333-4636 1-800-433-3243 1-800-869-4499 1-800-321-6742 1-202-282-8000 1-800-233-3497 1-800-424-9071 1-800-359-3898 1-800-827-1000 1-800-424-5454 School Districts Alton Community Unit School District #11 1854 East Broadway - P.O. Box 9028 - Alton, IL 62002-9028 (618) 474-2600 FAX: (618) 463-2126 SUPERINTENDENT: Dr. Kenneth Spells Bethalto Community Unit School District #8 610 Texas Blvd. - Bethalto, IL 62010-1399 (618) 377-7200 FAX: (618) 377-2845 SUPERINTENDENT: Charles Stegall Collinsville Community Unit School District #10 201 West Clay Street - Collinsville, IL 62234-3219 (618) 346-6350 FAX: (618) 346-6357 SUPERINTENDENT: Dr. Robert Green East Alton School District #13 210 East St. Louis Avenue - East Alton, IL 62024-1599 (618) 433-2051 FAX: (618) 433-2054 SUPERINTENDENT: Virgil Moore East Alton-Wood River Community High School #14 777 North Wood River Avenue - Wood River, IL 62095-1297 (618) 254-3151 FAX: (618) 254-9113 SUPERINTENDENT: John Pearson Edwardsville Community Unit District #7 708 St. Louis Street, P.O. Box 250 - Edwardsville, 62025-1427 (618) 656-1182 FAX: (618) 692-7423 SUPERINTENDENT: Dr. Ed Hightower Granite City Unit School District #9 1947 Adams - Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 451-5800 FAX: (618) 451-6135 SUPERINTENDENT: Jim Greenwald 98 98 School Districts (CONTINUED) Highland Community Unit School District #5 400 Broadway - Highland, IL 62249-0149 (618) 654-2106 FAX: (618) 654-5424 SUPERINTENDENT: Michael S. Sutton Madison Community Unit School District #12 602 Farrish Street - Madison, IL 62060 (618) 877-1712 FAX: (618) 877-2690 SUPERINTENDENT: Evelyn Kelly Roxana Community Unit School District #1 401 N. Chaffer Avenue - Roxana, IL 62084-1199 (618) 254-7544 FAX: (618) 254-7547 SUPERINTENDENT: Debbie Kreutztrager Triad Community School District #2 203 E. Throp Street - Troy, IL 62294-0360 (618) 667-5400 FAX: (618) 667-8854 SUPERINTENDENT: Leigh Lewis Venice Community Unit School District #3 300 South Fourth Street - Venice, IL 62090 (618) 274-7953 FAX: (618) 451-7138 SUPERINTENDENT: Dr. Cullen Cullen Wood River-Hartford School District #15 501 E. Lorena Avenue - Wood River, IL 62095 (618) 254-0607 FAX: (618) 254-9048 SUPERINTENDENT: Patrick Anderson 99 99 Area Landlords area codes are 618 unless otherwise indicated First Name Last Name Location Gary Volz Alhambra Terra Properties Alhambra Alton Crossing Apartments Alton Alton Housing Authority Alton Alton Pointe Apartments Alton Andrew Barnes Alton Batchelor Real Estate Alton Bill Heafner Alton Brad Whitehead Alton Brandonview LLC Alton Burrae Rocha Alton Alton Carol Ehlers Cathy Nevels Alton Chris Musket Alton Christine Velloff Alton CJD Construction Alton Curry's Enterprise, Inc. Alton Dana Angle Alton Danny Evans Alton Darrin & Amanda Martin Alton Dennis Campbell Alton Dilly Management Alton DreamScape Properties, LLC Alton Easy Rentals, Inc. Alton Elsie Palmer Alton Alton Frank Pope Gambino Development & Invest. Alton Ham Enterprises, LLC Alton Hellrung Properties, LLC Alton Hillcrest Apartments (Seniors) Alton Humboldt Senior Apartments Alton James Porter Alton JCS Properties, LCC Alton Jerry Abert Alton Jim Baze Alton Joe Baze Alton Jon Shrimpton Alton JT Miller Properties, LCC Alton Keith Brown Alton Kreitner Properties & Leasing Alton Alton Levern Taylor Linda Stenitzer Alton Alton Lula Mae Brown Marco Riddlespriger Alton Marian Heights Apartments (Seniors) Alton Matthew Tungett Alton Michael Barton Alton Mike Scheffel Alton Phone Number 314-406-5355 654-7033 465-8708 465-4269 462-2660 433-9068 462-8693 466-1857 465-3212 465-8708 917-8265 971-7628 259-0807 530-7841 920-1731 972-0107 465-5260 581-4787 604-0759 1-417-942-8896 465-6544 888-2251 288-7400 258-0508 377-1332 466-0213 1-314-660-1825 593-6575 977-9026 465-0996 877-1000 465-2183 917-9132 259-0900 463-9856 463-9856 410-8488 334-1660 530-4906 463-0966 466-4831 465-4936 462-7085 465-0262 462-0363 410-5995 466-4085 656-1818 100 100 Section 8 no yes yes no yes yes yes yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes no yes no yes yes yes no yes Mike Nicholas P&B Ranae River Reach Robert & Lori Rod Lucas Sammy Skyline Towers Sue Terra Tim Twin Pines Walter Worden Cathy Frank Jeanne Lowrance M. Goode Residential Mktg Terra Vernon Allen C.C. Cecil Mgmt. Christina Christopher David Deb Dena Dennis Dewitt Ham Hoppes & Throm Idlewood Jeff JRG Ken Kimberly Melvin Metro East Noble-Vollmer Osborne Pauline Silvey Tony Elsie Storey Manor Burrae Cathy Dennis Elsie Frank Gambino Jeanne Karlas Fencel Real Estate Harris Townhomes Kuithe Properties Hill Apartments (Seniors) Williams Properties Walleck Estates Apartments Harris Apartments Nevels Pope Abert Properties Management Management Properties Abert Genard Morris Group Kittstein Geiler Staley Meyers-Gaultney Lerch Tarrant Weary Enterprises LLC Estates Lamoreaux Holdings Quinlin Gatton Aubuchon Management Realty Homes Patten Property Mgmt. Schult Palmer Apartments Rocha Nevels Campbell Palmer Pope Dev. & Invest. Abert Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton Bethalto Bethalto Bethalto Bethalto Bethalto Bethalto Bethalto Bethalto Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Collinsville Cottage Hills Cottage Hills East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton 101101 792-8991 467-7032 1-314-521-3761 973-0773 474-1900 467-2055 1-314-721-6004 462-3044 465-1444 971-9567 654-7033 581-6997 465-7513 1-314-960-4097 462-4512 259-0807 466-0213 558-0105 377-7070 377 -2700 451-0362 654-7033 377-9998 447-7088 344-5452 624-4610 304-7458 644-4633 974-9324 346-1967 288-3108 345-6441 541-9735 593-6575 345-8615 345-8589 971-5387 1-314-503-6564 344-8744 781-7692 288-3615 234-2553 277-6900 346-7878 1-314-713-2060 254-5761 623-5714 377-1332 462-5626 917-7412 259-0807 465-6544 377-1332 466-0213 1-314-660-1825 558-0105 yes no yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes no yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no yes no yes ? yes yes no yes yes yes no no no yes no no no yes no no yes yes no yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Jerry Jim Joe Jon Kreitner Lowrance Michael P&B Rose Tim Tom Township Village Vernon Walter Carl Cecil Mgmt. Charles Donnell Easy Living Greg H.P. Jen Michael Ollie Paul Ranae Rose Sandra SIM Wedgewood Cecil Mgmt. CJD Dena Eric JCS Kimberly Osborne Rose Ted Frank George Kreitner M. Goode Northwood Surrey Court Terra 21st Abrams Adnan Brookridge Cindy Dana David Dennis Dillon Abert Baze Baze Leininger Properties & Leasing Properties Barton Real Estate Flamuth Walleck Close Association Abert Harris Jason Group Haycraft Duncan Investments Grinter Homes Management Ladd Ladd Piper Peters Harris Flamuth Dodds Properties Forest Apts. Group Construction Lerch Rakers Properties II LLC Gatton Holmes Flamuth Schott Pope Davis Properties & Leasing Management Apartments Apartments Properties Homes Realty Mohsen Apartments Claunch Angle Brawley Prindable Smith East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton East Alton Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Glen Carbon Glen Carbon Glen Carbon Glen Carbon Glen Carbon Glen Carbon Glen Carbon Glen Carbon Glen Carbon Godfrey Godfrey Godfrey Godfrey Godfrey Godfrey Godfrey Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City 102 102 259-0900 yes 463-9856 no 463-9856 yes 259-8077 yes no 463-0966 377-7070 yes 466-4085 no 1-314-521-3761 yes 580-6956 yes 581-6997 yes 656-4332 no 259-6782 yes 377-9998 yes 1-314-960-4097 yes 656-5066 yes 624-4610 no 800-774-7218 X201yes 977-2195 yes no 656-5893 656-6875 no 656-8562 no 975-3352 yes 656-6972 yes 656-7412 yes 488-6691 yes 973-0773 yes 580-6956 yes 656-1287 no 307-4876 yes 656-7337 no 624-4610 no 972-0107 yes no 288-3108 604-7202 no 917-9132 yes 781-7692 no 346-7878 no 580-6956 yes 344-5845 yes 466-0213 yes 466-9454 yes 463-0966 yes 377-2700 no 466-4345 yes 467-1899 no 654-7033 yes yes 877-1000 877-1900 yes 1-314-535-0082 yes no 696-6116 444-4996 some yes 581-4787 931-5565 yes 798-7356 no 667-7280 yes Donna & Michael Shields Ginger Glass Granite City Housing Authority Hometown Mallard Lake J. Ted Chumley James & Melissa Gray JCS Properties II LLC Jeff Young Joyce Jones JRG Holdings Kathleen Pinkas Keona Willis Larry Bilbrey LIP Investments Lowell Hampton Master's Real Estate Melvin Aubuchon Mike Scheffel Mike Dixon New Parkside Apartments Norman Sanders P&B Real Estate Paul Wood Pontoon Plaza Dev. Co. Prairie State Properties Residential MKTGManagement Rhonda Baker Rivers Edge Apartments Rob Howard Sandra Willey Shawn Greeves Sheila Foster Silvey Property Mgmt. Stephen Knogl Terra Properties Town & Country Apartments Traci Garrett Vintage Gardens Virginia Helton Burrae Rocha Elsie Palmer Melvin Aubuchon Mike Karlas Art Lampert GSG Properties Matt Bugger Fuehne Roger Sunrise Properties Terra Properties Gary Washburn Abrams Realty Christina Trice Dana Angle David Brawley Dillon Smith Donald Broyles Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Granite City Hartford Hartford Hartford Hartford Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland Livingston Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison 103103 876-0525 1-314-706-0233 876-0975 797-6034 407-4613 931-1228 917-9132 931-4639 931-5018 1-314-503-6564 304-5907 250-5069 931-3531 531-3015 288-9252 235-4444 288-3615 656-1818 401-5977 797-6921 792-7618 1-314-521-3761 670-7234 452-8118 397-4427 451-0362 451-5078 558-0686 876-7189 877-0843 1-314-920-1650 225-9270 254-5761 931-1239 654-7033 797-0262 444-8306 877-1000 1-314-706-0233 917-8265 377-1332 288-3615 792-8991 407-4640 654-2358 420-4403 210-4096 654-3865 654-7033 635-2822 877-1900 452-3323 581-4787 931-5565 667-7280 345-5801 yes yes no no no ? yes yes no yes no yes yes yes yes yes no yes no yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes no no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no Ginger Greenwood Hyla James Jaytek JCS John LIP Madison Senior Masters Omar Rob Silvey Stephen Tamika Virginia Washington Homefront Madison County Residential Mktg Silvey Marine/Triton Cecil Mgmt. Christopher Deb Osbourne SIM Roger Dana Mallard Lake Scott & Shelly Westgate Cathy Dennis Jeanne Robert Burrae DreamScape Frank South Deb Terra Illinois Cecil Mgmt. Deb JCS Osbourne Steve Terra Craig Dandridge James Jaytek LIP Rodney Glass Apartments Clure Dailey Enterprises Properties II LLC Greco Investments Apartments Real Estate Ridley Howard Property Mgmt. Wilson Johnson Helton Avenue Apartments Properties Housing Authority Management Property Mgmt Apartments Group Geiler Myers-Gaultney Homes Properties Fuehne Angle Mobile Home Park Stump Apartments Nevels Campbell Abert Brown Rocha Properties LLC Pope Roxana Association Myers-Gualtney Properties Holdings Group Myers-Gaultney Properties LLC Homes Mastroianni Properties Cholet Enterprises Dailey Enterprises Investments Williams Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison County Madison County Madison County Madison County Marine Maryville Maryville Maryville Maryville Maryville New Douglas Pontoon Beach Pontoon Beach Pontoon Beach Pontoon Beach Rosewood Hts. Roxana Roxana Roxana South Roxana South Roxana South Roxana South Roxana St. Jacob St. Jacob St. Louis Metro Troy Troy Troy Troy Troy Troy Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice 104 104 1-314-706-0233 877-1000 346-4352 531-3015 1-314-438-0792 917-9132 931-2101 531-3015 877-1000 235-4444 558-9236 876-7189 254-5761 580-9431 558-3033 1-314-706-0233 877-1000 410-0265 345-5142 451-0362 254-5761 656-2316 624-4610 644-4633 346-1967 346-7878 307-4876 210-4096 581-4787 797-6034 972-0259 931-0107 259-0807 465-6544 558-0105 258-1926 917-8265 288-7400 466-0213 254-1344 346-1967 654-7033 1-314-471-1850 624-4610 346-1967 917-9132 346-7878 789-4522 654-7033 541-9201 877-2941 531-3015 1-314-438-0792 531-3015 452-6869 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no yes yes yes no ? yes no yes no yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Sharon Johnson Betty Schneck Burrae Rocha Chad Davis Christine Velloff Dennis Campbell Elsie Palmer Frank Pope Gambino Dev. & Invest. Ham Enterprises LLC James Green Management Jeanne Abert Jerry Abert Karl Nally Kreitner Properties & Leasing Lowrance Properties Michael Barton Mike Scheffel Mike Karlas Rocwood Village Apartments Rod Lucas Properties SIM Properties Tim Walleck Vernon Abert Windham Terrace Apartments Worden Apartments Venice Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Wood River Worden 692-9401 254-8579 917-8265 304-1645 920-1731 465-6544 377-1332 466-0213 1-314-660-1825 593-6575 259-4513 558-0105 259-0900 251-5474 463-0966 377-7070 466-4085 656-1818 792-8991 254-4269 1-314-721-6004 307-4876 581-6997 377-9998 254-2455 654-7033 yes ? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes no yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes This landlord list was provided by Madison County Community Development. 105105 ZIP Codes Alhambra Alton Bethalto Caseyville Collinsville Cottage Hills Dorsey East Alton Edwardsville Glen Carbon Godfrey Granite City Hamel Hartford Highland Livingston 62001 62002 62010 62232 62234 62018 62021 62024 62025 62034 62035 62040 62046 62048 62249 62058 Madison Marine Maryville Meadowbrook Mitchell Moro New Douglas Pontoon Beach Rosewood Heights Roxana St. Jacob South Roxana Troy Venice Wood River Worden 62060 62061 62062 62067 62040 62067 62074 62040 62024 62084 62281 62087 62294 62090 62095 62097 We publish this directory annually, incorporating changes and requests. If you have any edits, please contact us at (618) 463-5946 or with Community Resource Directory in the subject line. Thank you for helping us keep this directory useful. 106 106 EMERGENCY NUMBERS Fire Department:____________________________________ Police Department:__________________________________ Ambulance:________________________________________ Family Doctor:_____________________Phone #__________ Family Dentist:_____________________Phone #_________ Poison Control Center: 1-800-773-3221 Ill. Dept. of Children & Family Services: 1-800-25A-BUSE (1-800-252-2873) OTHER IMPORTANT NUMBERS My Child’s Teacher/Case Manager:___________________ Telephone #:________________________________________ My Child’s Center:___________________________________ My Child’s Assistant Teacher:_________________________ My Child’s Center Supervisor:_________________________ My Child’s Family Service Worker:_____________________ My Child’s Bus Driver:________________________________ My Child’s Bus Number:______________________________ 550 Landmarks Blvd. - P.O. Box 250, Alton, IL 62002 Phone: (618) 463-5946 Fax: (618) 463-5901 Teaching children... Strengthening families... Enhancing communities...
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