HALF MARATHON TRAINING FINISH A RACE NIKE RUNNING WEEK MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN TOTAL MILEAGE WORKOUT RUN WORKOUT RUN WORKOUT DAY OFF WORKOUT 9 miles 1 TOTAL MILEAGE 11 miles 2 TOTAL MILEAGE 15 miles 3 45 mins Kick off with weight training! NTC Get Lean Beginner Hurricane. WORKOUT 1 mile Run 1 Mile. It's your first run of training. Ease into the regimen. RUN 45 mins Maintain fitness throughout! NTC Get Strong Beginner Pump Station. WORKOUT 45 mins 2 miles 15 mins Time to work it out. NTC Get Lean Beginner Crunch + Burn. Tackle a Tuesday with a 2 mile run. Nice and easy. Get your blood pumping with the Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce. RUN WORKOUT RUN 2 miles Greet the beginning of the week with an easy 2 miler. 45 mins It's all you! NTC Get Toned Beginner Energizer. 1.5 miles Back to running. Take on this 1.5 miler and Get back into it. RUN 2 miles The beginning of this program is all about building your base. Take on 2 Miles then stretch. WORKOUT 1 miles 45 mins Back to running. Take it easy today, just 1 mile. Get ready for a surge! NTC Get Lean Beginner Cardio Surge. 45 mins Rest 15 mins Shape up! NTC Get Toned Beginner Shape + Sculpt. Proper rest is essential to keep you fueled for the long haul. Bonus workout: 15 min. of Carmelita Jeter's High Intensity Power Workout. WORKOUT DAY OFF WORKOUT 45 mins Rest It's Getting tight in here! NTC Get Toned Beginner Tighten Up. Rest up. You'll need the energy to power through your training. RUN DAY OFF 3 miles Conquer 3 miles knowing you've got 2 days rest coming up. Rest And rest it out. Don't be shy about stretching or staying active though. 45 mins It's Sunday! Get after NTC Get Strong Beginner Magnum. DAY OFF Rest Another day of rest. You'll appreciate these real soon. CV TNEVE GNINNUR EKIN 31Y F TOTAL MILEAGE 19 miles 4 TOTAL MILEAGE 20 miles 5 RUN 2 miles Get ready to Get back at it. Kick you week of with 2 miles. RUN WORKOUT 30 mins Time to Get Toned! NTC Get Toned Beginner Body Flexor. WORKOUT 2.5 miles 30 mins 2.5 miles today. Start the week off strong. When we say full action we mean it! NTC Beginner Get Strong Full Action. RUN 2 miles Back to running. 2 miles.Remember...keep those eyes on the prize. RUN 3 miles Push through a mid-week slump with 3 miles. WORKOUT 30 mins Jump start your mid-week! NTC Get Lean Beginner Jump Start. WORKOUT 45 mins Pump it up! NTC Get Strong beginner Pump Station. RUN 3 miles You're 3 miles away from a well deserved rest day. WORKOUT 30 mins Stretch. Yoga helps with strength and flexibility, and those two things will be your friend on race day. DAY OFF Rest Rest up and get ready to get back at it tomorrow. LONG RUN 4 miles You're only 4 miles away from a much deserved rest day. RUN 3.5 miles Time to take it up another half mile. Run 3.5 and call it a day. DAY OFF Rest Enjoy your Rest. You definitely earned it! HALF MARATHON TRAINING FINISH A RACE NIKE RUNNING WEEK MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN TOTAL MILEAGE RUN WORKOUT TRACK WORKOUT WORKOUT LONG RUN DAY OFF 22 miles 6 2 miles It should start to feel easier already. 2 miles to run today! 30 mins Short Intervals It's not just going to be running... Go for a swim, ride a back, or hit up a yoga class. It's up to you! Time to experiment with speed: 1 mile warm up to easy jog. Then unleash 5x200m sprints on a half track. 30 mins Give me 2 today! NTC Get Focused Leaner Legs and NTC Sydney Leroux Workout. 15 mins Absolutely perfect way to start the weekend! NTC Gabby Douglas Perfect Alignment Workout. 5 miles It's gonna be a little longer than you're used to, but you're ready. 5 miles. Go Get it! Rest There's no shame in a little rest. Repair and Get ready for week 6. TOTAL MILEAGE RUN WORKOUT TRACK WORKOUT WORKOUT LONG RUN DAY OFF 23 miles 3 miles 45 mins Short Intervals 45 mins 15 mins 6.2 miles Rest Fit beyond your wildest dreams! NTC Get Toned Beginner Dream Team. It's tempo time! It'll be 3 miles total: warm up Mile 1, tempo pace Mile 2, and cool down Mile 3. We feel a surge coming on! NTC Get Lean Beginner Cardio Surge. Another round of perfect aligment! NTC Gabby Douglas Perfect Alignment Workout. Time to knock out your first 10k in your training. Tackle this at 1-2 minutes slower than race pace. Yesterday's 10k earned you this rest today. WORKOUT WORKOUT WORKOUT WORKOUT LONG RUN DAY OFF 7 TOTAL MILEAGE 30 miles 8 TOTAL MILEAGE Get back at it with 3 miles. RUN 4 miles Say hello to the week with a 4 miler. RUN 30 mins The perfect workout! NTC Get Strong Intermediate Perfect Score. WORKOUT Hills 30 mins Take to the hills! Hill sprints with recover walk downhill. Repeat it 5 times. Stretch. Yoga helps with strength and flexibility, and those two things will be your friend on race day. RUN WORKOUT 15 mins Get your weekend aligned! NTC Gabby Douglas Perfect Alignment Workout. TRACK 7 miles Take on more miles than you have all training. Unleash on this 7 miles. LONG RUN Rest Rest up and give your legs a break. DAY OFF CV TNEVE GNINNUR EKIN 31Y F 26 miles 3.5 miles 45 mins Take it easy with smooth 3.5 miler today. Put a sting in your step! NTC Get Toned Intermediate Stinger . MILEAGE RUN WORKOUT TRACK WORKOUT WORKOUT LONG RUN DAY OFF 34 miles 4 miles 30 mins Short Interval 45 mins 15 mins 9 miles Rest Sculpted and strong! NTC Focused Sculpted arms and Shaped Back. Get ready for more speed: 1 mile warm up to 5x200m sprints. Now move into 5x100m sprints. Gabby's back! NTC Gabby Douglas Perfect Alignment Workout. You know what you came here to do...crush 9 miles! Then stretch. 9 10 Get after 4 miles today. Short Intervals Get out and explore some hills on this 5 mile hill run. 1 mile warm up, 2 miles up hill and 2 miles down hill. 30 mins Stretch. Yoga helps with strength and flexibility, and those two things will be your friend on race day. Get Toned! NTC Beginner Get Toned DREAM TEAM. Short Intervals Get ready for you favorite...SPRINTS! 1 mile easy warm up, then 8x200m sprints. 8 miles Conquer some major miles and earn tomorrow's rest day. 8 miles. GO! Rest Rest up after yesterday's long run. Your body needs this rest day. It earned it. HALF MARATHON TRAINING FINISH A RACE NIKE RUNNING WEEK MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN TOTAL MILEAGE WORKOUT RUN RUN WORKOUT WORKOUT LONG RUN DAY OFF 33 miles 45 mins 3 miles Short Intervals 45 mins 15 mins 11 miles Rest Run 3 miles somewhere you never have before to keep it fresh. Your old friend the hills are back! Sprint uphill 6 times with walk-down recovery Tomorrow is a long run. Hit up Kara Goucher's Pro Running Stretches. Visualize your form while you're crushing all 11 miles today. Your legs have been working overtime. Give 'em a rest. WORKOUT RUN WORKOUT LONG RUN DAY OFF 11 TOTAL MILEAGE 28 miles 12 You've got the power! NTC Get Strong Intermediate Power Press RUN 5 miles This should be easy after last week! Go out and Get through 5 miles. 30 mins Switch it up today. Yoga, biking, maybe a swim? You choose. 5 miles Tempo running is on today's agenda, 5 miles total. 1 mile warm up, 3 miles tempo, then 1 mile cool down. Sculpted and strong! NTC Get Toned Beginner Shape and Sculpt WORKOUT 15 mins Take your butt to the next level! NTC Get Focused Better Butt. 15 mins Only a few more meetings with Gabby! NTC Gabby Douglas Perfect Alignment Workout. 12 miles Rest 12 miles. This will be your longest training run. Stay focused and ready to unleash what you've earned during training. Prove you made it, by sharing your Nike+ Run with Instagram and Twitter. Breathe a deep breathe and embrace the ache! Rest today because training's back at it tomorrow. If you are a bit sore, do 15 minutes of stretching. TOTAL MILEAGE RUN WORKOUT RUN RUN WORKOUT LONG RUN DAY OFF 35 miles 5 miles Training Short Intervals Short Intervals 15 mins 11 miles Rest Not as nasty as last week, but still mean. 11 miles. Crush it! Race day's Getting so close, you can almost smell the starting line. Rest today and dream about your run instead. LONG RUN DAY OFF 13 TOTAL MILEAGE 22 miles You know the drill all too well! Easy 5 miles at your usual pace. RUN Give yourself a challenge! NTC Get Toned Intermediate Circuit Challenge. WORKOUT The Faster the Better: 1 mile warm up to 5x400m sprints. WORKOUT Last time on the hills before race day. 1 mile warm up to 8 up hill sprints. Now jog down that hill! RUN Gabby wants to say hi! NTC Gabby Douglas Perfect Alignment Workout. DAY OFF 6 miles 15 mins 15 mins 6 miles Cruise at a comfortable pace during this 6 mile run. Next week is your last week of training, stay limber with Kara Goucher's Pro Running Stretches. Almost finished with perfection! NTC Gabby Douglas Perfect Alignment Workout. One final tempo run: 6 miles total. 1 mile warm up, 4 miles of tempo, then 1 mile cool down. TOTAL MILEAGE RUN RUN WORKOUT DAY OFF DAY OFF RUN RACE DAY 36 miles 5 miles 5 miles 15 mins Rest Rest 2 miles Marathon You've come so far. It's your final week, and it's all for real finally. Head out for a 5 miler and Get your body back into the zone. Do it again. 5 miles, and this time focus on how many more your body wants to run. 14 15 Say goodbye to your good friend Gabby! NTC Gabby Douglas Perfect Alignment Workout. It's only the middle of the week, take a rest day and mentally prepare for your race. Rest Rest can be key, but if you are up for it, take a yoga or spin class. Final rest day. Relax and eat healthy. It's all gonna matter in just a few days. 9 miles Your last long run before race day. Savor this 9 miles... Tomorrow is race day. Clear your mind on a 2 mile shake out run. Rest Rest up. You've gotta stay fresh for your final week of training. Your training is behind you. The race course is ahead of you.
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