NISHAN-E-SIKHI PREPARATORY INSTITUTE JOINING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE FIRST COURSE NDA & ENGINEERING GROUPS General At the outset please accept our heartiest congratulations on having been selected for admission to the Nishan-e-Sikhi Preparatory Institute for National Defence Academy (NDA)/ Engineering Group. We are happy to have you as a member of the Nishan-E-Sikhi fraternity. We hope that your stay with us will be beneficial, and that you will go on to join the NDA as a member of 138 NDA course in June 2017 or a leading professional Engineering Institute. A career in uniform is the finest profession that a young man can aspire to join. Your desire to join the armed forces as an officer is commendable and we shall do everything possible to ensure that you are able to fulfil this ambition. The next two years will be utilised by us in preparing you for the National Defence Academy/ Engineering entrance examinations. This will include academic training, physical training, sports, leadership, motivation, training in officer like qualities (OLQ) and the syllabus of the PSEB. The routine will be busy and you will be expected to work hard in a disciplined manner. Primarily what we expect from you is dedication and honest hard work. If that is forthcoming from you, your success is more or less assured. On our part we shall ensure that required training facilities are extended to you in an atmosphere conducive to learning. On joining the institute, you will be referred to as a Cadet. You will be assigned a Cadet number. You will be expected to use your cadet number in all future correspondence. You will be divided in the following Groups: (a) NDA Group This Group will have cadets who have been selected for preparation of NDA written Exam and SSB Interview. (b) Engineering Group This Group will have cadets who have been selected for preparation of IIT/ AIEEE entrance examination. Out of these cadets, who successfully pass the written examination of NDA will be given comprehensive training to prepare them for the SSB Interview. Admission being granted to you is provisional and will be regularized only after you have submitted your tenth class results. In case, you do not clear the tenth class examination in which you have recently appeared, you will not be allowed to continue training in the institute. Training We have a clear and focused aim. You will be trained for joining the National Defence Academy and becoming commissioned officers in the armed forces of our country or join a leading Engineering institute in the Country. In order to achieve this aim the following training will be imparted to you:(a) Academic training (b) Public speaking and improving power of verbal and written expression (c) Physical Training to include physical fitness, sports and stamina building (d) Drill (e) Leadership and motivation (f) Orientation to armed forces including visits to units / institutions (g) Preparation for the NDA entrance examination (h) Preparation for SSB and interview (i) Training in soft skills and officer like qualities Academic Training All cadets will be required to opt for the non medical stream with the following subjects:(a) English (Core) (b) Punjabi (c) Mathematics (d) Physics (e) Chemistry (f) Computer Science (g) Environmental Studies Uniform Cadets will wear NSPI uniform. Uniform will be issued to cadets on arrival. School Books Text books and uniform will be provided on payment. All other training material will be provided free of cost. School Bus Cadets will commute to the NSPI and hostel in authorized bus only. Bus will be provided by NSPI. Attendance 100 percent attendance will be ensured. If any cadet is to be absent from class for any reason whatsoever, prior permission of Director NSPI will be obtained. Punctuality Punctuality in attendance of classes will be ensured. Time table will be strictly followed. Outdoor Training Cadets will be required to take part in physical training so as to prepare them for the rigours of training at NDA. Standards to be achieved have been derived from the NDA standards. Sports It is important that as potential officers of the armed forces you must excel in sports. Training in sports will be organized as follows:(a) Troop Games Cadets will be coached in Hockey, Football, Basketball and Volleyball. Cadets are expected to excel in at least one of these games (b) Cross Country Running Cadets will be expected to take part in cross country runs to build up their stamina Drill Drill is an essential component of training. Drill training will be imparted by a trained Drill instructor. Indemnity Bond Cadets and their parents/ guardians will be required to sign an indemnity bond. Specimen of Indemnity Bond is attached (Appendix A). Fee Structure Training at the NSPI is subsidized by the Nishan-e-Sikhi Charitable Trust. The following is the fee structure: (a) Academic: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Admission Fee Infrastructure Tuition Fee Study material Examination Fee Total: (b) Hostel and Messing (c) Advance for clothing, text books and medical tests (d)Refundable security deposit Grand Total: Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 6,000/20,000/26,000/4,000/4,000/- Rs. Rs. Rs 60,000/40,000/10,000/- Rs 5000/- Rs. 1,15,000/- Above amount is payable in three installments as under:(a) First installment of Rs 55,000/- will be paid at the time of admission by 5th March 2015 and confirm your admission. Those who have already paid Rs 5,000/- security deposit will be required to pay Rs 50,000/- only to confirm your admission (b) Second installment of Rs 30,000/- to be paid on 01 Aug 2015 (c) Third installment of Rs 30,000/ to be paid on 01 Dec 2015 Pocket Money Parents are requested not to give more than Rs 2000 (Rs 500 per month) for pocket money for the trimester. Security Deposit Rs 5,000/- is required to be deposited as a refundable security deposit. This will be returned to cadets on successful completion of training. Medical Expenses All medical expenses will be borne by the students. Advance for clothing, text books and medical tests Rs 10,000/- will be deposited in the individual account of the cadet as an advance for clothing, text books and medical tests. The cost of the clothing, text books and medical tests conducted at NSPI would be deducted from this account. In the light of the above, cadets are required to deposit Rs. 55,000/- (Rs 50,000/for those who have already paid security deposit of Rs 5000/-) by 5th Mar 2015 as under: (a) Rs 40,000/- or Rs 35, 000/- by cheque/ Draft on Punjab & Sind Bank Khadur Sahib in favour of President BGSUS Sr Sec School, SB Acct No. 08641000004963, IFSC Code PSIB0000864 (b) 15,000/- by cheque/ draft on Punjab & Sind Bank Khadur Sahib in favour of Chairman Nishan-E-Sikhi Charitable Trust (Regd.), SB Acct No. 08641000002120 and IFSC Code PSIB0000864 (c) Fee can also be paid by cash at Khadur Sahib, Distt. Tarn Taran, Punjab 143117. Copy of the bank receipt to be sent by Email to Above amount will be utilized by the institute as under:(a) Rs 5,000/- will be kept in the institute accounts as refundable security deposit. This amount will be returned on successful completion of the two years training (b) Rs 10,000 will be kept in the cadet’s individual account maintained by the institution and used for issue of clothing, text books and conduct of medical tests for the cadets (c) Rs 40,000/- as first installment of school fees and Hostel Charges Requirement of Linen and Clothing Uniforms of cadets will be provided by the institute. Cadets will be required to bring with them the under mentioned items:(a) Plain white shirts (full sleeves) – (b) Black trousers (c) Black shoes, Oxford pattern (d) White sports shoes (e) White socks (f) Black socks (g) Black shorts (h) White T shirt (i) Handkerchiefs white (j) Turbans Kesri For Sikh Cadets (k) Fifty Black For Sikh Cadets (l) Patka Black For Sikh Cadets(m)School Bag – Black – (n) Slippers/ chappal(o) Bath towels (p) Towel hand(q) Track suit(r) Underwear / vests / private clothes (s) Bed Sheets(t) Pillow cover(u) Blankets(v) Jacket(w) Kurta-Pyjama White(x) Keski For Sikh Cadets- qty 2 qty 2 qty 1 pair qty 1 qty 3 pairs qty 3 pairs qty 2 qty 2 qty 6 qty 1 each qty 2 qty 2 qty 1. qty 1 Pair qty 2 qty 1 qty 1 as per requirement qty 2 qty 2 qty 2 qty 1 qty 2 Pairs qty 2 It is expected that uniforms of the approved pattern will be ready in a few weeks. Thereafter wearing of private clothes will be forbidden and cadets will be required to be dressed in uniform as appropriate to the occasion. In addition cadets are advised to bring the following items for their personal use: (a) Mug(b) Soap cases(c) Soap bathing(d) Soap washing(e) Hair brush(f) Hair Fixer for Sikhs only(g) Baj for Sikhs only(h) Hair Oil(i) Comb(j) Tooth Brush(k) Tooth Paste(l) Face cream(m) Moisturizer(n) Liquid blue(o) Shampoo(p) Shaving Kit for non Sikhs(q) Boot Polish/ liquid shoe polish(r) Boot Brush(s) Good night mosquito repellent(t) Water Bottle(u) Needles, thread, Buttons(v) Dictionary(w) Lock(x) Postage- qty 1 qty 2 qty 1Cake qty 1 Cake qty 1 qty 1 Bottle qty 1 qty 1 Bottle qty 1 qty 1 qty 1 Tube qty 1 qty 1 Bottle qty 1 Bottle qty 1 Bottle qty 1 Kit qty 1 qty 1 qty 1Set qty 1 qty 1 set qty 1 qty 1 as per requirement Only the items mentioned above will be permitted in the hostel. Cadets will not be permitted to use any item which is not mentioned above. Discipline Cadets will strictly abide by the discipline policy laid down by Director NSPI. Any breach of discipline will be liable for punishment. Detailed discipline policy will be explained to cadets on arrival. The following are strictly forbidden:(a) Possession of mobile phones. (Cadets will give a certificate as per specimen attached at Appendix C that they are not in possession of a mobile phone). Parents may contact their ward at the telephone held with the hostel warden as per the scheduled given by the NSPI (b) Consumption of liquor or drugs (c) Smoking (d) Driving a car/ scooter/ motor cycle (e) Leaving the institute without permission (f) Lady visitors are not permitted in cadets cabins (g) Music systems (h) Speaking in any language other than English (i) Being late for parade, absent from parade or improperly turned out (j) Keeping money in excess of authorized amount (k) Stealing, cheating or telling lies The NSPI is totally secular and apolitical. You will be expected to conduct yourself in consonance with these principles. Discussion of politics in the institute is strictly forbidden. Mission NDA! NDA! NDA! Waheguru Ji give me strength to grow physically, intellectually and spiritually to achieve my mission. Honour Code A suitable Honour Code for cadets has been evolved. Any violation of the Honour Code will be viewed seriously. The Honour Code is as under:“I will always strive to excellence, be honest, truthful in following the right path under all circumstances.“ Please memorise the Honour Code and understand it fully before you report to the institute. Accommodation All cadets will reside in the institute premises in assigned cabins only. There is no provision for ‘day scholars’. Parents will be permitted to meet their wards once a month at Khadur Sahib as per schedule issued by NSPI. Punctuality Punctuality in all parades / official functions is imperative. Please ensure that you are not late from any place of duty by even one minute. Withdrawal of Cadet from the Institute In case a cadet does not perform satisfactorily, he will be suitably warned and the parents will also be informed that he is liable to be withdrawn. A cadet may be withdrawn on any of the following grounds:(a) Withdrawal on Academic Grounds In case the cadet does not perform well in his studies he will be suitably warned and given an opportunity to improve his performance. If the cadet still does not improve he will be withdrawn from the institute on academic grounds. The cadet may however continue to study in the BGSUS Sr Sec School provided it is acceptable to the school authorities. (b) Withdrawal on Disciplinary Grounds If a cadet indulges in serious acts of indiscipline or is a habitual offender, he will be suitably warned and punished. If there is still no improvement he will be withdrawn on disciplinary grounds. In this eventuality, the cadet will also be withdrawn from the school. (c) Withdrawal on Medical Grounds If a cadet becomes medically unfit during training, he will be withdrawn on medical grounds. The cadet may continue to study in the BGSUS Sr Sec School at the discretion of school authorities. Payment by Cadets if Withdrawn If a cadet is withdrawn from the institute due to his taking inadequate interest in training or on account of poor discipline, he will be liable to pay the fees for the remaining part of two years training. Leaving/ Deserting NSPI Cadets leaving NSPI within the first one week will not be refunded the amount deposited at the time of joining the institute. However any cadet leaving after the first one week of training will be required to pay cost of training for one year. Leave Policy Cadets will be granted leave in accordance with leave policy. It must be clearly understood that leave is not a right but a privilege. Grant of leave will be subject to training commitments which will be paramount. During the school vacations cadets who are weak in academics / outdoor training or are undergoing punishment may be required to stay back for extra coaching at the discretion of Director NSPI. Any cadet who absents himself from the institute premises without due permission will be deemed to be absent without leave and will be liable to disciplinary action. Liberty Cadets desirous of visiting the market in Khadur Sahib/ Amritsar will have to apply for Liberty. Liberty is short leave for a few hours and does not include absence overnight. Official correspondence Contact details of parents may please be completed as per Appendix C. In case you wish that correspondence to your parents from the institute should be in Punjabi please indicate accordingly on the form. If no option is indicated, official correspondence to parents will be English. Religion All cadets are expected to follow the teachings and rules of their respective religion during their stay at NSPI. Sikh cadets are expected to maintain their Sikhi Saroop and not to cut hair from any part of their body. Any violation to this rule will be will be viewed as a serious offence and the cadet is liable to be withdrawn from the Institute. Sikh Cadets and parents will sign a certificate to this effect as per Appendix D. Admission Schedule and Procedure Admission to the institute will take place as under: (a) NDA Group 28th April 2015 (10 AM to 5 PM (b) Engineering Group 29th April 2015 (10 AM to 5 PM) Please bring the following with you at the time of admission:(a) Birth certificate (b) Domicile certificate for cadets of other states (c) Six copies of passport size photographs in colour (d) Indemnity bond duly completed (Appendix A) (e) Certificate regarding non possession of Mobile Phone. (Appendix B) (f) Details of communication address and preferred language of communication with parents (Appendix C (g) Certificate by Sikh cadets regarding maintenance of Sikh Saroop (Appendix D) Once you report to the institute and are allotted your cadet number, you will be deemed to be a cadet of the institute and will abide by the rules and regulations of the institute. Classes will commence on 1st May 2015. 30th April will be observed as Adm Day. Conclusion It is our sincere endeavour to prepare cadets for a successful career by either joining NDA or a professional Engineering College on completion of the course. All rules and regulations are directed towards a single aim of getting the best out of your ward and making a sound foundation for his career. Cooperation of the parents is humbly requested. “DEG TEGH FATEH” Appendix A INDEMNITY BOND To, Secretary Nishan-E-Sikhi Khadur Sahib Distt.Tarn Taran I, Cadet ………………………………………………………………. son of ………………………………………………… of (vill/city) ………………..………………………………………….. distt…………………………………………….. am a volunteer for undergoing training at Nishan-E-Sikhi Preparatory Institute(NSPI) Khadur Sahib Distt. Tarn Taran. I understand that the training will be at my own risk and the institute will not be liable for any injury or death while training or while taking part in organized games/ sports or travelling in transport of the institute while on duty. I understand and agree that no compensation will be paid by the NSPI or by any employees of the Institute in respect of any such death or injury and I further agree to bind myself, my heirs , my executors or administrators to indemnify you and other employees of NSPI against any claim which may be made by the third party against you or them arising out of any act or default on their or my part during my stay in the institute or any journey undertaken in connection with training or interviews or any other activity of NSPI. Dated the ……………………………………………………….. ……………………………………… two thousand and thirteen. day of Signature of Cadet Witness:Signature …………………………. Name ………………………… Guardian Address ………………………… …..……………………. …………………………… Signature of Parent/ Appendix B CERTIFICATE: NON POSSESSION OF MOBILE PHONE This is to certify that I, Cadet ……………………………………………………………….of 1st NSPI Course have been told that possession of a mobile phone is a serious offence at NSPI. I also understand that if I am found to be in possession of a mobile phone in the institute, I am liable to be withdrawn from the Institute. Signature of Cadet Signature of Parent/ Guardian Date: Date: Appendix C CONTACT DETAILS I, Cadet --------------------------------------------------------- son of ----------------------------------------------------- certify that contact details of my parents are as under:- Postal address:- Telephone number:Landline Mobile E Mail: - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Preferred language for communication: - Signature of Cadet Guardian Date: English / Punjabi Signature of Parent / Date: Appendix D MAINTENANCE OF SIKHI SAROOP BY SIKH CADETS I, Cadet --------------------------------------------------------- son of ----------------------------------------------------certify that I will maintain Sikhi Saroop during my stay at NSPI. I will not cut hair from any part of my body during this stay. I have been told that cutting of hair during my stay at NSPI is a serious offence. I also understand that if I am found cutting my hair from any part of the body in the institute, I am liable to be withdrawn from the Institute and pay fee for remaining part of the training. Signature of Cadet Guardian Date: Signature of Parent / Date:
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