NA TI ON AL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & DEVELOPMENT STUDIES PUSA GATE, K.S.KRISHNAN MARG, NEW DELHI- 110 012 Dated : I 5-05-2015 No.: 12 works/PSO/OI/2015-!6 Tender Document For Name of \Vork: "Renovation of toilets at AD MIN Block and Director's office" at NIST ADS. (I) Last date of col lccting Tenders: 08-06-2015 (2) Last elate for submission of Bids 09-06-2015 (3) Date or opening of Tender Time: 3-00 P.M. 09-06-2015 Time 3-30 P.M. Date of Issue: Name of the firm: Cost or the Tender deposited vide Demand Draft/Cash receipt no. For Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five Hundred Only) (non-refundable) dated !Iii\~~ ~Adm1111stral!on Contra fer ) SUMMERY SHEET Name of \York: "Renovation of toilets at ADM IN Block and Director's office" at NIST ADS. 1. Total B/F page No.-1 2. Total B/F page No.-2 3. Total B/F page No.-3 4. Total B/F page No.-4 Grand Total Signature of Contractor Dated : 15-05-2015 No.: 12 works/PS0/01/2015-16 TENDER NOTICE 1tem rate sealed tenders are hereby invited from the contractors of appropriate class of Cf'WD, Railways, MES, Post & Telegraph Department and or those who have worked for CSIR or its Laboratories and successfully carried out preferably three similar works each of 60 percent of estimated value and above during last three years need apply with proof of fulfilling the above conditions along with proof of registration for TIN with Sales Tax Clearance Certificate/ Sale Tax No. for the following work: S.N. I I. Name of work "Renovation of toilets at ADMIN Block and Director's office" at NIST ADS. Estimated cost (Rs.) Rs. 2,84,696 /-(Rs Two lacs Eighty Four thousand Six hundred and Nini)' Six only) based on DSR2013. E.M.D. (Rs.) Rs. 6,500/--(Rs Six Thousand Five Hundred Time of completion 45 Days Only) Date of sale of tender: - 25-05-2015 to 08-06-2015 Time: 3-00 P.M. Last date of submission of tender: - 09-06-2015 - 09-06-2015 Time 3-30 P.M. Date of opening of tender: The tenders can be collected from the office of A.E.Umbrella hall, NISTADS during office hours (9.00A.M. to 4.00 l'.M.) by payment of Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only) in the form of Cash or Demand Draft in favour of Director, NIST ADS payable at New Delhi, which is non refundable. along with Earnest Money in the form of Demand Draft. Applicants seeking issue of tender documents without Earnest Money will not be entertained. The tender documents may be clown loaded from our website The tender fee of Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only) shall be enclosed separately along with E.M.D. at the time of submission of tender iC down loaded from the website. (BAL KRISHNA) Controller of Administration COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH NOTICE INVITING TENDERS I Tenders are hereby invited for the work of "Renovation of toilets at ADMIN Block and Director's office" at NIST ADS" from the contractors of appropriate class of CPWD, Railways, MES, Post & Telegraph Department and or those who have worked for CSIR or its Laboratories and from those who have carried out similar works for CSIR and Semi-Govt. successfully carried out preferably three similar works each of 60 percent of estimated value and above during last three years need apply with proof of fulfilling the above conditions . The tcnclercrs are required to produce proof of fulfilling these conditions alongwith latest Income Tax Clearance Cc11ificate/Salc Tax no. while making request for issue of Tender documents. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IO. Estimated Cost is Rs. Rs284696 /-(Rs Two lacs Eighty Four thousand Six hundred and Ninty Six only) excluding cost index. Time for carrying out the work will be Fiflccn d:iys and the date of commencement shall be reckoned from the tenth clay of issue of award letter. Complete Contract documents to be complied with by the tenderer whose tender may be accepted can be seen at the office of Controller of Administration NIST ADS. renders should be on the specified form (Non-transferable) which may be obtained from the Ol1ice of A.E, (civil) Umbrella hall, during office hours 9-00 A.M. to 4-00 P.M. on payment of Rs 500/-( Rs. Five hundred only) (non-refundable) from 25-5-15 to 8-6-2015. Tenders should be submitted in double scaled covers super scribed with the name of the work, date and time of opening written both on the inner and outer envelopes. They will be received up lo 3-00 1'.M. on 9-06-2015 and will be opened at 3-30 P.M. on the same day in the office of Controller of Administration, NIST ADS. Tenders should be dropped in the tender box before the closing date and time indicated. In case these are sent by post these should be senl by Regel. Post/speed post addressed to Controller of Administration, NISTADS, K.S. Krishnan Marg, Ne,,· Dclhi-12. Tendercrs are to ensure that they post the tender \veil in advance so as to reach before the closing tiinc and date indicated. The Earnest Money amounting to RS 6500/- (!ls Six Thousand Five Hundred Only) as demand draft or pay order of a schedule bank and clrnwn in favour of Director NIST ADS payable at Syndicate B:ink, N.P.L., New Dclhi-12 should accompany the tender. Tenders received \vithout earnest n1oncy \Viii be invalid. The Employer docs not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves to himself the right or accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rates quoted. Canvassing in connection with the tenders is prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractor \vho reso11 to canvassing are liable for rejection. The tenderer shall not be permitted to tender for works in the concerned unit ofCSIR in which a relative is posted in the grade between Controller of Administration and Junior Engineer, (both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who arc working with him in any capacity or subsequently cmployced by him and who are relatives as mentioned above. NOTE: A person shall be deemed to be a relative of another if. and only if, (a) they are members of a Hindu undivided family; or (b) they are husband and wife; or (c) the one is related to the other in the following manner: Father, Mother (including step mother). Son (including step son). Son's wife, Daughter (including step daughter), Father's father, son's son, Son's son's \vife, Son's daughter, Son's daughter's husband, Daughter's husband, Daughter's son, Daughter's son's \Vife, Daughter'sdaughtcr, Daughter's daughter's husband, Brother (including step brother), Brother's wife, Sister (including step sister), Sister's husband. · 11. Tender submitted shall remain valid for 90 days from the elate of opening for the purpose of acceptance and award of work, validity beyond 90 days from the date of opening shall be by 12. The tenderer shall quote rates both in figures and words. He shall also workout the amount for each item of work and write in both figures and words. On check if there are difference between the rates quoted by the tenderer in words and in figures or in the amount worked out by him, the following procedure shall be followed. \\'hen there is a difference bct\veen the rates in figures and in \Vords, the rates \vhich correspond to the amounts worked out by the tenderer shall be taken as correct. When the amount of an item is not worked out by the tenderer or it does not correspond with the rate written either in figures or in words, the rate quotsd by the tenderer in words shall be taken as correct. When the rate quoted by the tenderer in figures and in words tallies but the amount is not worked out correctly the rate quoted by the tcnderers shall be taken as correct and not the amount. 1nutual consent. (i) (ii) (iii) 13. The tenderer should see dn1,vings and in case of doubt obtain required particulars, \vhich 111ay in any way influence his tender from the Engineer as no claim whatsoever will be entertained for any alleged ignorance thereof. 14. Ile fore tendering, the tender shall inspect the site to fully acquaint himself about the condition in regard to accessibility of site, nature and extent of ground. \vorking condition of site and locality including stacking of111atcrials, installations of tools and plants CI'&P) etc., conditions affecting accon1111odations and n1ove1nent of lal]our etc. required for the satisfactory execution of the \vork contract. No claim what soever on such account shall be entertained by the Employer in any circu1nstanccs. Earnest money will be forfeited if the contractor fails to commence the work as per letter of a\vard. 15. 16. 17. (a) (b) (cl (d) in j - E.xccpt \vnt1ng rates and an1ount, the tenderer should not \Vrite any conditions or 1nake any changes, additions. alterations and n1odifications in the printed fonn of tenders. Tenderers \vho arc desirous to offer rcb'1tc the sn111c should be brought out separately in the covering letter and submitted along with the tender. Some of the provisions of General Conditions of Contract arc given below. Interpretation however shall be as given in the General Conditions of Contract. Df:FECTS LIABILITY PERIOD: One year from the date of completion as certified by the Employer. MINIMUM VALUE OF WORK FOR THE INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATI': : Rs 2.00,000/-(Rs Two Lac Only). Intermediate certificate for a lesser amount can be admitted for payn1cnt at the discretion of the Engineer. SECURITY DEPOSIT: A sum@ 10% of the gross amount of the bill shall be deducted from et1ch running bill of the contractor till the su1n along \vith the stun already deposited as earnest 111oncy, \viii an1ount to security deposit of 5o/o of the tendered value of the \vork. In addition, the contractor shall be required to deposit an amount equal to 5% of the tendered value of the contract as Performance Security within the period prescribed for commencement of work in the letter of a\vard issued to hin1. COMPENSATION: Contractor shall pay as compensation an amount equal to one per cent or such smaller amount as the Employer (whose decision in writing shall be final) may decide on the cost of the whole work as shown in the agreement, for every week that the work remains uncon11ncncccl or unfurnished or due quantity of \vork re111ains incomplete after the proper elates. Compensation to be paid shall not exceed ten per cent of the estimated cost of the work as shown the agreen1cnt.
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